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>you will never have her

When the fuck did she ever look like that?

this deff shopped

you see op, the real world isn't like your waifushit virginbait weebtard animus. people have sex with each other all the time. now just take a moment to try to comprehend that through the permanently damaged retardo filter that you view life through.

Man, is there any game that has traditionally beautiful women like this in it?

But would you marry a whore?

If she was cute, yes.

Dude I almost had you

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ha ha cuck!
enjoy your divorce

Abigail was incredibly cute in this game.

I would, I know a whore and would still marry her. My biggest regret was I didn't run away with her sooner.

If a girl rubs your arm and back when talking to you does it means she likes you? She also invited me to join her for lunch. Please help I'm incel

I mean that's some physical affection right there that you don't typically do, at least here in the US. Unless she's like that with everyone.

jesus christ

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>rubs your arm and back when talking to you

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She wants your dick you fucking idiot.

How can I be sure?

Story time.

She may as well have put her hand on your crotch you ninconpoop.

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Unironically asking to be cucked.

But she might just like me as a friend

Girls don't ask people out to lunch for the fuck of it. She likes you and would most likely be down to fuck.

You can't, just give up.

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I care very little, I know what she does.
Not much to say, met a whore through Yea Forums, fell in love together, we still spend every day together, but now she has a kid and I wish I ran away with her years ago.

That sounds like inappropriate touching. You should report her for sexual harassment.

> fell in love together
> still sees you every day
> kid with another man

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jesus fucking christ

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We're still friends, I dont care to have a kid.

Well we work for the same company but in different departments so its not like shes some random girl

> he thinks making friends with a woman is falling in love

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i hope she asked your permission before touching you. consent is important

most women are whores in the current year, senpai

Damn. That’s too bad. I assume you didn’t meet her on Yea Forums, right?

contact a lawyer fast
she's knows your a fucking incel and setting you up for a sexual harassment lawsuit
log every single ineraction with her including time, date, and location

user, she still cheats on her husband with me and says she will till she dies. We've done inconceivable fucked up things together and probably will continue to do so.
Nah, /soc/. I went there when I left my girlfriend of 6 years and just talked to anyone then I just met her through it all.

Did dutch and the others actually fuck her or was he just trying to piss John off?

Speak for the ones that associate with you.

No she's just being nice, you should probably leave her alone and never speak to her again

listen to this guy dude

> his big comeback is the admission that he's fucking a prostitute to stroke his tattered ego

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Well I touched her arms and back too when she was doing it to me and she seemed happy about it

Of course she was happy, you just molested her in public and now she has you by the fuckin' sack.

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Sounds like she likes you user. Just accept the lunch invite and see how things go. Try and be receptive if she makes advances. Don't take everything she does as an invitation to fuck but don't resist for fear of doing the wrong thing either.

Don't assume she likes you. Don't assume she doesn't. Just be open to either option and try and have a good time.

pretty lady

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right in the kokoro.

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Have none of you realized the tension between Arthur and Abigail? They were in love but couldn't even do it secret because of John

even arthur ? o_o

Just be yourself, champ. Look her in the eyes and give her a firm handshake and you're good to go.

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underrated post

So? That's happened to me at least a dozen times and I've never had sex and I'm never going to. Bitch.

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Don't listen to those anons. Unless your work has a policy against dating (normally it's only in same departments and mostly just requires making the company aware of it, unless one of you is the other's supervisor) you're fine.

Try not to let your bashfulness get in the way, user. Relax and go with the flow. She's telling you what she wants from you pretty clearly. Just responding to that isn't being pushy or presumptuous. Like, if you really don't wanna sing in public, don't, but if you wanted to but we're just afraid, nut up and do it. You won't regret it.

t. Someone who waited until his late-20s to start being outgoing and taking risks. I wish I'd started a lot sooner.

t. feminazi shark trying to groom some new bait for a fellow vulture to peck away at

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This chick clearly likes the vibe he's putting out, so yeah, just be yourself is good advice here. He doesn't need to change who he is, just let down his guard and accept that he may be wrong or get rejected.

Mary Linton > Abigail

Prove me wrong.

>But would you marry a whore?
Purification is my favorite fetish.

>tfw no qt mary-beth gf that writes trashy romance novels about me

Why not both?

They're both cunts but at least Mary isn't a former prostitute.

>ywn never help Mary-Beth by living a trashy romance novel with her And fucking her all over New handover St Dennis and other crazy places

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exactly, so why marry? women only offer sex. if you claim companionship... i offer only pity.

This nigga knows. Never trust a ho.

Yes because i’m desperate

I don't remember seeing Abigail with this haircut but damn she looks really good. But i still prefer my perfect wife Bonnie MacFarlane.

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The only thing wrong with Mary Linton is that she wants to settle down with an outlaw. Unfortunately, like life always is, it's more complicated than that.

Too bad she got fucked by Bill and his gang.

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Damn, so she got B L A C K E D?

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I am guessing you didn't meet her after the credits rolled where she came back as a rich lady because of her broadway play?
It is about interracial sex with a black bandit man

And that’s a good thing!

You never had me, you never had your horse!

never, I respect myself too much for that

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Where is that pic from?

RDR online. She's like 15 in that.

Thank you user. Did the online turn up good? I heard that a lot got away from it due to some choices from Rockstar, like the economic system and all that...

have sex

>Did the online turn up good?
I never tried it, but I hear it's pretty dead. I wish rockstar just went back to GTA4/RDR1 style multiplayer. Just drop people in the map and let them fuck around. GTAO was boring as fuck.

girl at my work won't stop rubbing my shoulders. what should i do lads? should i report her to HR?


Based John.

Abigail was actually the best girl.

Similar situation. This girl I know took my pants off the other day. I was really upset, and was going to say something, but suddenly she grabbed my weewee and started giving me this weird massage. Then she started licking it before she put the entire thing in her mouth. I thought she was trying to eat it, so I freaked out, but then I had to pee really bad and went in her mouth. It was weird, it came on out of nowhere and I couldn't stop it. She seemed pretty happy about it which was weird. Then she took HER pants off, and she said "Now it's my turn" and I thought she was going to pee in MY mouth. But she had this really weird hole where her weewee was supposed to be, and she put my weewee in it. She started bouncing up and down on my weewee, and then I peed again inside the hole. She seemed REALLY happy about it and said "I'm probably pregnant now". What the h*ck? How would she pregnant? She's not even married.

John was beautiful as fuck in RDR2. Why did Jack come out ugly?
I think Rockstar confirmed John was the real father, but I might be wrong.

women do not touch men they aren't attracted too and yes that includes your mom.

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Damn abigail was hot as fuck in 2, wonder why she looked like such a goblin in 1

I would stay single until death over marrying someone unfaithful to me.

now that the dust has settled, will this game actually be worth a pirate once it's released on PC?

if you liked the first one you'll love this one and playing this one will make you love the first one even more

Good luck user!

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noice. now im actually wondering if its worth a buy for the online. i probably would have liked gtao if any single thing didnt require 5 minutes of loading before even arriving at a queue. and anyway, i cant imagine the online with this is all that similar in the first place, other than people just trying to kill eachother constantly

>Edgar Ross got John to kill Bill, Javier, and Dutch before having John killed
>Jack kill Ross for causing his father's death
>Regardless of whoever his real father is, Ross is the reason they're dead and Jack avenges them
Truly Kino

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Where are the nudes?

>that texture

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The online is fuckin trash for RDR 2 just get it for the single player. GTAIV, RDR, and MP3 multiplayer were fuckin awesome but they ruined their multiplayer with GTAV.

>It's pretty dead
No. It's fucking shit however.

He may have Javier's facial hair but that boy is most definitely John's. Arthur just says that shit as bants and only the worst type of motherfucker would hit the antagonize option on Jack. Just wish Micah wouldn't have killed Cain but that does explain why he loved Rufus so much in RDR.

Might as well be dead for all intents and purposes.

>tfw you aren't given the option to beat the shit out of Micah for killing Cain
Kicking his ass at the end was good, but goddamn I wanted to put him in a ditch for the entire story.

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>He may have Javier's facial hair
Jack is 19 at the end of RDR1. He looks like just got that shitty mexican-looking peach fuzz every young guy gets and grew it out. He's not Javier's son, he just can't grow decent facial hair yet.

I genuinely thought he'd have a turnaround but then he just got fucking worse and worse. Like why would he intentionally put himself in harms way during the robbery by telling the pinkertons about it? Was he retarded and suicidal?

>not having fullbeard when you're 18
Man your genetics must suck

No, it just means she feels comfortable around you, which isn't bad either.
Just go to lunch, enjoy the meal, enjoy the company, enjoy the weather.
Sounds like a comfy way to spend some of the day.

more like delusion

>she feels comfortable around you
>rubs on user
is transmitting sexual intentions now being ""comfortable"? that's straight up harassment and she knows perfectly well she can get away with it

follow her around from a distance and see if she does it with every guy

I want a woman like Abigail

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Because John was ugly as fuck in RDR1,they just gave him a makeover in RDR2,while teenage Jack stayed pretty much the same

Just check the back pages of a newspaper

>follow her around from a distance

The oldest jack got in RDR2 was 12. Not really a teenager.

okcupid is the best place to find traps

a whore? Most guys wouldn't marry a stripper.

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oh wait, no, this is the poor bastard who married a stripper.

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>I don't want to ruin our relationship so our relationship is based on a lie now. :^)

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never marry a horologist

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Strippers typically whore themselves anyways.

>the rationalizations at the end
"doug" is high test. he pressured the slut to do those things and she worshipped him for it. meanwhile the reddit cuck would never threaten to leave her so why bother sucking his dick? he got the deal he negotiated for. nobody to blame but himself.

>marrying a woman who pretends to have a "low libido" and won't even suck your dick

this really isn't about how being with sluts is a mistake, it's about how marriage is a mistake. what did the reddit cuck gain from getting married? a woman who takes advantage of him and won't even put out. and now that he knows the truth he can't get rid of her either because divorce rape.


He's obviously John's kid, that boy is way too pale to be half Mexican.

This kind of shit is why every man needs to get redpilled. It hurts seeing how clueless this dude is, the wife has him in the palm of her hand and he has no idea about the real dynamics of life. Used to be your dad would redpill you on women, now you have to either be born a blind Chad, stumble upon the knowledge by chance, or get badly hurt and realize it then. But for some dudes it comes three kids into a marriage. Wasted life.

Imaging an RDR 2 where your choices mattered. Where being high honor or low honor didn't just differentiate in dying alone on a mountain or getting shot in the head. Imagine a game that isn't stuck so far up its own ass it doesn't forget to let the player have fun. Imagine actually want to replay this game and not have to collect all those fucking pelts again. Imagine an epilogue that isn't boring as shit.

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Mary is much hotter than Abigail. Based.

A nonlinear story for this game would have been retarded dude

>Used to be your dad would redpill you on women
honestly, this is very optimistic. most dads are bluepilled due to survivor bias. they're the ones who at least got with a woman who was decent enough to get married and have kids. women who get married and have kids are already leagues above the average woman. add to that if they marry "up" (meaning your dad was her Chad) and marriage doesn't turn the man into too bad a wimp things generally turn out alright, at least until the kids are a little older.

I very much doubt that dads used to redpill anyone. a decent fraction of dads are the main winners in the bluepill game (aside from women obviously). there's probably still more bluepill winner dads out there than redpill winner Chads who get laid without offering commitment past age 35.

>But for some dudes it comes three kids into a marriage. Wasted life.

only if the kids aren't yours.

Worse is when you pops is a complete asshole without a responsible bone in his body. Anything he could have taught me was buried under decades of bad choices and broken relations, family and romantic. Now he's getting older more sentimental he's far nicer, but some shit never heals. I've forgiven him but we'll never be close, and I don't want to learn any of the lessons he has to teach. I've learned from his example though.

I might have been more interested if there had been more tiddies, more choices, and dying at the end didn't seem to be on its way to being a pattern with the series. Then again, I've never really been into westerns, so it's really the open world and gunplay that interested me.

jesus fuck off back to whatever normalfag site you came from underage newfag

They shouldn't make more choices, they should make no choices. R* is bad at it. In GTA V your final choice is A. Kill your friend B. Kill your other friend C. Team up with your friends to kill your enemies. What a fucking hard choice. And the John or the money choice in RDR2 was just as retarded.