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Other urls found in this thread:


We're going.

Go fuck yourself, nostalgiafag.


post your classes, boys

gnome mage (or lock) here

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city






Based homeposters

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MY nostalgic memories and experiences cannot be replicated. I really wish they could though. This isn't home. Not for me.

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BfA killed my interest in WoW and I thought WoD was the lowest the game could ever sink.
I'll give classic a shot, but if it sucks I'm never resubbing.

Durotar, Home.

Least it was till i fucked everythang up.

2019 is year of the boomer, we're going home boys

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Lose weight fatass

cant wait for you all to go on it for a week and still be level 20 by the end of it and give up cause lardass1984 is ganking you in stonetalon

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Man i cant wait to do some great PvP.... Oh wait...

>implying i won't be the lardass1488

>childhood games & date of birth threads have revealed the majority of current Yea Forums posters were born 1998-2000
No wonder there are so many seething posters, you were all too young to experience the defining game of the 00s, and have no idea what the fuss is all about

Nigger the magic isn't going to be there since you're no longer in high school. I can't wait for the threads to start popping up when this finally starts sinking in.

>needing the honor rewards carrot to pvp

Zoomer pls go


>oh boy I sure can't wait to do some pvp
>it's a premade
>another premade
>a 3rd premade
>get stomped, can't even get in to the top 500 rankings because of shared accounts farming 24/7

Classic needs the TBC honor points system.

Myself and thousands of others have been playing on private servers for years squirt, it’s fucking great.
>you’re not in high school anymore
is the brainlet tier argument, trivially invalidated by the existence of thriving private servers

>the magic

what fucking magic? the game was made in a way that forced you to form communities and make friends/not be a fucking asshole. thats part of what made it so fun. people want WoW where it wasnt just que up, get ported to a dungeon, and mindlessly smashing through with no coordination or even talking to your party

Horde Shaman. Troll or Tauren. I've always been a Druid guy so Tauren is my jam... However, armour looks kinda gay on them. Trolls are lanky af and have dbz casting animations tho. I'm avoiding Orc because the axe specialisation would trigger me every time I wanted to use a mace. Orc female has the best aesthetic. I'm going to have to wait and see what the female troll casting animation is like before I decide.

Herbalism/alch for that witch doctor life too. Going home will be so comfy


Oh no no no

fuck off to /vg/ with your classic wow general



>oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo





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Night Elf Priest. Priest ability sucks for NE, but shadowmeld is going to be so much fun.

Climb the ladder.

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holy fuck that was based

Yes yes yes

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we're nearly there lads

Based and CHAOSpilled madman

not him, but the magic of the unknown, everyone being noobs, casual 5 man comfy guilds actually existing

Wrath and beyond changed the wow community for the worse, now you're surrounded by tranny drama, minmax autism and everything in between

But hey, at least there'll be no chinks


Doing content for gear is literally the point of WoW you dumb fuck.

>tfw can't wait to spec 5/5 wand damage to level and heal my tank daddies in dungeons

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Spread the madness based chaos bro

Wow, cool this thread again. What’s it gonna be this time
>what are we rolling boys?
>Stranglethorn... home...
>more homoerotic wojaks
>*posts images of totally fucked builds that don’t even function let but are actually totally super cool guys I swear!*
>fuck minmaxers!


im going to have fun and you cant stop me

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We're going home.
No amount of trannies or retailfags can stop us now.

dead withing 5 months when people realize they can't play 2004 era-wow because it's 2019 and the grind isn't worth it

yeah, I'm prob gonna have fun for a week and then burn out in the 30's most likely.

>private servers
>not everyone is a retail faggot
>some people enjoy different games
>a revert back to the old wow could be a catalyst for success since most mmos fail in their typical fashion

ect ect

This is stopping me more then anything.
I’m not teenage neet anymore that can sit in front of a computer for 10+ hours a day anymore. But that’s what it takes if you really want to get anywhere.

thats true, everyone already knows everything and minmax autism did ruin the fun

i think comfy guilds would come back though and the community will at least exist again

I mean, it's not like anything in Vanilla is time gated like in retail. You can go several days without playing and not miss out on dailies/world quest circuits. Instead of playing 10 hours a day maybe just play 1-2 hours when you can. You'll still make the same progress just over a longer period of time. Guess it just depends on what your goals are.

someone needs to make edit of these homeposters wojaks fucking and sucking eachother off

which faction is the least reddit in vanilla?

I'm coming home... I'm coming home....
Tell the world that I'm coming... Home...

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Orc Warrior

Warlock or Shaman bros, I just can't decide

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>I mean, it's not like anything in Vanilla is time gated
>level twice as slow as everyone else
>wtf hurry up bro we are 60 already and clearing bwl
>get to 60
>sorry bro we dont have any spots for this mc run

Haha wouldn't that just be funny.

Could we also get some of the wojaks to suck the feet of the other ones??

Horde is overrun with too many edgy people

join a guild whos doing the content youre on then

>No new player ever raided ever after the first group of players hit 60 back in vanilla
Shit, you're right I forgot about that. Yup I guess you're better off not playing at all. That's a shame, you seem like an intelligent and reasonable person. We'll certainly miss having you.

alliance = pure, noble, redpilled on the orc question
horde = multiculti fith shithole invasion and desecration of anything scared and pure

>joining a guild that’s still working on MC that late
Guaranteed to be 30+ shitters with a healthy dose of girlfriend loot drama mixed in there somewhere, good luck with that.

>have normie life, cant play 10 hours a day
>dont want to play with other normies in the same situation

well shit i guess youll have to play 10 hours a day then

>Alliance is for kids that want to be the good guy
>Horde is for the kids that want to be the badass races

You can't go right unless you stop being a petty bitch

I can't wait to grind 10-20 hours to get from 50 to 60

Or better yet, don’t play it at all

This. People don't seem to realize that most of the audience for Classic are turbo boomers with jobs and families. There are going to be a lot of guilds filled with people in similar situations who will just tackle the game at a slower more comfy pace. Zoomers and neets might hit 60 in 2 weeks but who cares? At least then they'll be forced to group together and likely cannibalize themselves with their cancerous behavior.

59-60 take that long

Agreed user, you absolutely shouldn't play. Maybe retail is more your speed :)

Only retards run out of quests in their 50's, if you do it right you can run dungeons from 55-60 and do all the quests for it. BRD and its quests give you a full level, you have to go back 3-4 times and theres 13+ quests

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I never played WoW or classic WoW but what was the main way to level? Solo leveling, party grinding, dungeons that gives EXP, quests?

I hope that when I die in the future, they can just upload my consciousness into a WoW server.

its still awful exp because those dungeon runs arent smooth or quick, each will take 3-5 hours and you will get 20% exp max out of it and thats only if you have several quests and you managed to do all of them

Not him but no it absolutely fucking is not and if you think like that then there is NO reason for you to fester Classic with your horrendous fucking shitty opinions when retail has more 'content'

Go enjoy your shitty cookie cutter loot grinding treadmill. We are playing Classic for the leveling experience not for trying to one up people on a MMO with an epeen stat difference because you have no life and cant get laid.

This isn't a private server where progression gets reset every 6 months and people refuse to play if they miss launch month. There's going to be people constantly flowing in and there will be different guilds on different content. That's how it always works except for on private servers.

>each will take 3-5 hours
The longest run I've ever had in Vanilla was full clearing BRD and that only 'just' took 3 hours. And that was with a pug. Every other dungeon was significantly faster and with a group of friends you can steamroll shit easy.

I for one look forward to PLAYING the game with friends and new friends I make PLAYING the game, enjoying the challenge of leveling up and doing dungeons. Sorry if PLAYING the game how it was INTENDED is boring to you. Maybe you should stick to retail where some giant fucking shiny achievement appears every 5 seconds because you need validation to make up for never getting hugged as a child.

>im going to hit 60 then quit
well ok i guess but that's not what most people do

not on a fresh server, unless you have an experiences premade ready to go

>Haha i will make up a fake situation and then call it dumb!
>That'll show him!
Or you could then make a new character, playing through again with the people you met and enjoying a different leveling experience on a different class. or you could then join a guild and start doing raids for the fun of the challenge because you're not some handicapped moron who cant justify enjoying his time without a fucking cookie at the end of it.

You absolute fucking moronic retailcunt.

>Classic Devs actually listening to the community to make the small, but highly important changes like spell queueing.
>BFA devs literally shitting out uncomplete content and refusing to listen to feedback

the way it should be

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>doing nothing but leveling alts forever
like i said, most people don't do that.

Solo questing primarily, but there are group quests that you should do as well. And grouping with a friend is fine for normal questing although not the most efficient. Solo grinding is good here and there if you can find a good spot for it, it can be good xp and helps you not run out of quests. Dungeons are worth doing if you have quests for them, and the gear also, but you won't get good xp chain running them.

I can't decide between playing a rogue for world PvP shenanigans, or druid so that I can be the force multiplier in more elaborate world PvP shenanigans.

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Question: What kind of pussy as bitch plays on PvE?
Its a huge part of the game getting ganked you just have to have tough skin and fight back or part up to take them down
hell 5 lvl 40s could kill a 60 or 2.


it will never be the same and you know it.

>like i said, most people don't do that.
This was LITERALLY the main focus of nearly everyone in vanilla you fucking revisionist moron. We're done here. You have no fucking clue what WoW was about wraithbaby.

veterans who have done thousands of hours of world pvp already and dont get anything new from it anymore

Just whichever you like playing more bro you have to have one you prefer there will always be a guild with a place for you so choose what makes you happiest. In world PvP people wont care if youre a rouge or a druid as long as youre a cool dude.

What the fucking fuck are you even talking about you fucking retard? What you says don't even make sense. People are going to hit 60 then leave..? Like ... raiding isn't a thing?? Dude Killyourself really....

I can't wait for this to come out so you all kill yourselves after you realize it will not make you travel back in time to when you had hair.

>game made by hardcore EQ raiders
>um ACKSHUALLY you're supposed to level alts forever, that's what's intended and also what every single person did
ok kid

If this was 15 years ago, I would have said Horde. But alliance have come into their own recently with the Deus Vult / Garithos roleplay.

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I think that vastly overestimate the pull a re-release of a 15 year old game has.
Sure it will draw a lot of people at the beginning but you can't deny that graphics, game play and leveling system are extremely out of date.

if you are playing solo then go with rogue but if you have friends or plan to level with guildies then go as a druid

Feels like it will release in August bros. Don't know if I will last until then, the urges of killing myself are growing day by day.
In any case, if I don't make it, enjoy Classic for me.

But it loses some of the magic in the world no?
Having to band up to kill players is just another level of social interaction, hell working with the opposite fraction is one of the best feelings in the world.

being out of date is a good thing when up to date is garbage

TROLL WARRIOR my nuts are huge

the absolute state of zoomers

is there really nothing you're looking forward to between here and August senpai?

I choose the Iron Maiden Human

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Who here /twink/?

Yes user clearly things only get worse, that's why

I fucking love verycoolguy when is he gonna make more videos.

magic or curse? the fact is that in the end most world pvp is one sided ganking where one side has zero chance to fight back so neither side get any enjoyment out from it, other than griefing
so world pvp becomes a slow mode that just makes everything take more time without adding anything to make it worth while (if you have already done a lot of it and therefor dont initiate it and are only in the receiving end)

I will play this on day one but then reality will kick in : its not 2004 anymore and I can't relive the past


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I was a dumb doubting zoomer but then I saw the light and now I know the absolute fact: Classic is the best game ever made, cant wait!

>tfw you will never be insane

feels bad man

based and classicpilled

w-why are there so many people there TELL THEM TO STOP PLAYING THEY'RE NOT REALLY HAVING FUN

Azeroth... Home... At least it was before Deathwing fucked everything up...

Some youtube shill was at the blizzard wow summit and is saying release date is the first week of september. RIP

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I just can't do it. I can't justify spending $150 a year for an over ten year old game. Guess I'm stuck playing with 张伟 and Ivan. Have fun without me Yea Forumsros

nobody wanted to level twice back then
i remember people trading accounts instead of rerolling

how do other warriors get people to pocket heal you in PvP? all the healer friends i make are only interested in PvE and the ones that like PvP will respec into DPS and will at most give me an off heal.

are you going to pvp, and if so are you willing to grind out 50g+ every week to do it?

Best hunter race for alliance
>night elf: base agi 25 & shadowmeld
>dwarf: lower base agi 16 & stoneform
I wish there was an endgame gun. Dwarf bros need it but I'm leaning night elf.

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just dont play any other game...ever

bam saved 150 a year


Made by one of our autists but you can do some great shenanigans as druid.

Whatever you want to actually play. It's close enough and minmaxing this hard is pure faggotry

I will farm bg's all day long, I really don't care about world pvp anymore. Was a nice thing at first, now it's just not worth it for me.

Hunters were the best thing in the 29 bracket but what was the best in the lvl 19 bracket? I remember a ton of rogues but getting the dagger and sword cost a ton. Or you did what I did and ran SFK a million fucking times because you were told it had a higher drop rate there for both of them.

Which one of you manchildren is responsible for this?

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>Understanding the mechanics of the game is bad.

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stoneform is amazing for pvp especially vs rogues, but shadowmeld shenanigans are fun too. just be aware that being a night elf is another automatic strike on your huntard stigma for a lot of people.

These are proof its Horde unless you want to do reddit tier crusade LARPing

No, choosing a race because of a 9 agility difference is fucking stupid.

>home is a dumpster

>le whacky no shoes monster race boogerbones
>least leddit

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Boys should I roll warlock or mage in classic when it comes out?

>Getting ddos
What shit servers for a shit game
so it's pottery


Have sex.

Rent free.

your mother is a cum dumpster and she made a little faggot like you so...

i did

life was better as a WoW playing virgin

ask your sister

Do you think updates to Classic would improve or destroy the game?
Things like:
>Hyjal becomes an accessible zone
>Expanded Khaz Modan mountains
Hell you could even have
>Alternate story updates that lead into Warcraft 4

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best post I've seen on Yea Forums in years

no one trust nu blizzard right now
maybe if launch is good people will want some kind of OSRS treatment but not until we see what blizzard will do to shit the bed

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This. Sure, brand new content in the same vein as vanilla has the potential to be amazing, but modern day Blizzard are a bunch of idiots. Hence the whole "no changes" thing. It's the only way to be sure they don't fuck it up.

Cant wait to see people realize that 1-60 is the only content this game has and even then it was pretty bad.

Maybe you should join a premade then you focking scrub

get laid turbo sperg

Why is it always a fucking wojak? Is Yea Forums full of creatively bankrupt redditors?

why don't you go back and ask

never played retail, why did everyone hate WoD?

>tfw the 8.2 announcement killed the last shred of hope I still had that retail might ever be good again
it's finally time for me to go home bros

Tauren shammy here, going back too my old stomping grounds in Un'goro too take a massive shit on alliance babbies who think they are hot shit, fuck you, fuck your sabre mount, eat this fat cow totem you butch.


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massive content drought + garrisons ruined professions forever and gave people mountains of free gold for leveling up characters and then running down timers

stop coming to threads you don't like
learn what a filter is you sped

Orc Warlock.

>numbers in WoW username

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It's at the point now where WoW classic threads should be in /vg/

unquestionably based

you can just fuck off
go back to the 8 smash threads or the 2-3 brap/blacked threads on the board

Dwarf paladin here

shadowmeld wasnt usable in combat back then

Based and alliance pilled

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what even are garrisons

I'm stuck between orc warlock and undead. I want to pvp and pve.
Sell me.
The only main thing putting me off Orc is how retarded it seems aesthetically. Orcs are green hunchback of Nostredams. But then again at least i'll be different from the 10 million undead locks.

EVERY faggot is going to be wanting to play Rogue or Warrior because they want to be le best class.

If you play rogue you're just going to end up as some anonymous chode with half the server sharing your class.

Warriors will be rare because few people have the willpower to grind as one all the way.

Druid is fucking dope and EASY to level, however you're not the master of any particular specialization, though you are good utility to have on hand in a time where utility was actually a consideration.

I already like classic and it isn't even out yet

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Guaranteed more than half these posters never even played classic

>not shadowmelding by the felwood horde flightpoint and mind controlling people off the cliff
>not shadowmelding at lumber mill and mind controlling people off the cliff
>not dueling people at the gates of ironforge and shadowmelding at the start of the duel and then mind controling them off the cliff so they have to run back up the mountain
the possibilities are ENDLESS!

they were meant to be WoW's version of player housing, but instead of being a fun customization minigame that didn't really affect the world at large, they ended up being boring pieces of shit that everyone hated except the people abusing them to make fortunes so large that Blizzard is still trying to leech them away 2 expansions later

You ready to be somewhat useless and forced to heal, brother?

The thing about horde is that they are ALWAYS seething.

24/7. They gank because they seethe. They kill quest npcs because they seethe. They wish they were the alliance every moment of their life.

But they cannot be, so they cling to being the counterculture and regret hour by hour that they didn't roll Basedlliance

Undead racials are pretty much useless as a warlock atleast. Your pvp trinket can already remove Fear so wtf is the point of having Will of the Forsaken?

Orc racial stun resist is just amazing. It makes your hardest matchup (rogues) much easier. Having a racial that improves your weak points is focking perfect m8.

I know orcs look kinda retarded compared to undead, but atleast they have like the biggest shoulders so you can flaunt those sweet Rank 13 or Tier X shoulders better!

>I am literally retarded

>moot gives us /vg/ to stop the spam of unoriginal threads
>Continues to create the same threads day in, day out on Yea Forums

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And what do you use that gear on you fucking subhuman?

Night elf survival hunter

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Anyone else gonna be rollin up a troll? Maybe it's the dumb tribal aspect and the fact they squat instead of sit, but I always end up going back to them


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Undead Warlock here, Ill see you on the other side.

Just go female orc way better

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This has to be a marketer at this point.


me same
too bad there are no human hunters
the caverns of time was my fav as you morphed into human hunter and fem human have amazing shooting animation

>play Alliance
>have to deal with attentionwhore fem human/nelf trannies and memelord gnome players

>play Horde
>at worst have to deal with the occasional asshole undead player or stoned troll player

The Horde will be a fucking paradise in classic without Blood Elves shitting it up. I don’t see how anyone can deny this.

For me, it's Troll Warrior. I'll probably make a Hunter alt too.
If all my friends play Alliance I'll probably just make my Warrior a Human or something.

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I hear ya, that's entering my calculations for sure. I was a pretty good rogue back in vanilla days, but I doubt I'll have the time to devout I had back then to be able to stick out. Figure by going druid I'll have an easier time getting in with a pack of geared up nolifers to fuck around with.

Clean up this mess boy

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cringe city brah

i gonna play female night elf huntard and there is nothing you can do

I want join and save the scarlet crusade

>tfw gonna play and level as a holy paladin
I wish I had a dps friend to level with, it would be so much faster ..

>leveling as a healing spec while playing solo
Paladins already take a year to kill anything, questing is going to be a nightmarish slog as holy.

>tfw going to level up as a holy paladin with a pal that shares my exact same time schedule
Shit's gonna be ballin

I don't know what I'm doing :

Just go ret. You'll be able to heal fine in dungeons even as ret

Don't worry user, I'll be healslutting it up as hard as possible as a femundead or femtroll priest


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Allykino for any zoomer who's never seen it

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>this guy will never release his sound pack

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How long would it take to comically change every single sound in this game? I have a pipe dream where I go and create something similar to his setup.

Nothing, you get gear so you can get better gear and once you've got the best gear you quit because you've won the game

i was set on mage but this makes me want to play rogue

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Rolling Tauren Resto Shaman. Who else here /Earthmother/?

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WoW is such an old game that there are cenotaphs and memorials for longtime players who have since died

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No matter how much they seethe, cry, and scream,
They can't stop us from seeing that classic login screen.

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Same, either that or feral druid.
I love Mulgore.

Live's never going to be good again.
Stay seething.

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Can't wait to see how long my queue is

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I like Druid as a concept but I feel like its underwhelming in just too many ways or requires too much effort to really work.

The biggest flaw in classic is that there are no orc and dwarf mages.

And that's a good thing

dwarf mages would be based and are canonically a thing in WC2



>dwarf mages would be based and are canonically a thing in WC2

Why do you lie

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>Dwarf mages
Agreed, should've been a thing from the very beginning.
>Orc mages
It just doesn't fit them aesthetically. Orcs aren't supposed to use highly sophisticated magic.

warrior with rogue, pally, and mage alt. i will also have a lock alt whose sole purpose will be to drop infernals on goldshire/brill/crossroads

you use it to lie in wait for people to pass by and mc them before they have any clue what's going on, it's not about breaking combat

Yeah, which is why I'm on the fence about it.
I love leveling as feral but it sucks balance spec is generally trash in all aspects of the game. At least as shaman I could play ele if I wanted to do caster pvp.

based as FUCK

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>orc mages

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so what are you going to do besides gank lowbies tough guy?

*steals your hype by launching first*

also if my last digit is a even number, wow classic does worse than shadowbringers.

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there are dwarf mages in warcraft 2

you've never done anything just for the hell of it? vanilla wow supports that more than any of the expansions

will alliancebabs ever not be asspained about will of the forsaken?

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Are you retarded?
The only dwarf unit in Warcraft 2 is a demolition squad.

Every last person will following wowhead guides

thanks for outing yourself as an actual retard

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fuck off tranny weeb

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Ah shit, I never use those.
But those aren't mages.



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get new material bro

I'm sure everyone knows it by now, dwarf mages were in the beta and were removed before launch for an unknown reason, I think it was something about making sure alliance and horde had an equal amount of options

Stupid question:
XP stop NPC - did one already exists in Classic ?
I'd like to XP freeze some tanks & healers for dungeons I'd like to replay within the intended level range.

According to
the NPC was only added in Patch 3.2 which would ruin that plan...

News on that from the dev front somewhere ?

Also related: Low level twink PVP.

I think the lowest brackets were 20-29

Undead warrior.

You couldn't freeze xp in Vanilla. Twinks don't really care though since I don't think that battlegrounds didn't give experience yet. Also dungeons give like no experience outside of their quests so you likely won't have to worry about that either.

XP off wasn't in Vanilla and was part of what made the twinking process so interesting. You had to really plan things out if you wanted a Corpsemaker lv29 Warrior or whatever.

The exp from kills you get in 5mans is actually not good. If you wanted to level only from doing dungeons and nothing else for example, you'd have to grind each of them so much you'd get bored pretty quick. There is no need to freeze EXP gain.
You also don't get EXP from battlegrounds.

According to wowwiki, that feature didn't come out till patch 3.2 in Wrath.

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chad ret pally reporting in to remind everyone that they cant beat us in a duel or anything else to be honest. suck dick and try your hardest to cope that this will always go to a pally.

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God I’m glad I’m playing horde.

Amen man. Pallyposters are the most autistic sperglords in the game.

the most autistic sperglords in the game are shamans and rogues you dumb faggot.

I almost wonder if there's some meme I missed out on. Ret paladin posters must be ironic, right?

Have fun with dat Reckoning lol

im gonna kill you tusk fags

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They already confirmed no reckbombing.

when why how

>retail players are making guilds on WoW classic forums and are already recruiting people
I give them like 1 month after release before they crumble

Sorry but I have to post this now.

>copied this shit but with a druid instead
>buff every fucking thing with thorns
>watch every rogue warrior and hunter kill themselves on a single mob while I laugh away in shadowmeld
>group of 5 vs the named mob and some adds gets fucking booty blasted by 2 stealth elves
I can't wait to do this on classic

Why do people think Orcs are Black? They're clearly based on Huns and Mongols (The Orcish Horde). And trolls are based on Mayans and civilised Jamaican black men.

The real niggers are gnolls

orcs dance like mc hammer

Never understood why kazzaks health got chunked in such even increments of ~25% there. Must be some fucky shit with so many attacks at once or whatever

These wow wojack wearing a hat threads are about as bad as Xbox threads. Your game was bad in 2004 and it's bad now. Get some taste and play a non MMO. I was there, at least play Ultima online for godsake if you're gonna catass

>ooga booga me angry
>me smash
Orcs are dumb and aggressive just like niggers are

amerimutts think everything is either niggers or white people so they're incapable of understanding that someone can be a savage tribal without being a nigger

people still play vanilla everquest progression servers and they pay for it. (and its fucking fun too especially when they hit ruins of kunark and i could make my iksar sk my fav class/race) what the fuck is your argument exactly? fuck off

>implying you need a billion stacks of reckoning when just a few stacks of reckoning will still shred hordeniggers

>Why do people think orcs are black?
No idea

Imagine being this much of a normalfag you roll alliance unironically. Here lemme talk about going to college and going to parties and getting a job I'm sure I'll fit right in with these re-eddit posting normalfags

Why are Alliance players so obsessed with the Horde?

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because the Alliance's only purpose in the story is to react to things the Horde does. Playing Alliance is meaningless without Hordechads to provide a world for them to inhabit

Griffon Riders are not mages, they don't use arcane magic. If anything, they'd be Shamans.

The chad horde trailblazers vs. the feminine alliance busybodies

Classic doesn't have Human Frost Death Knight(after /pol/) so I play Undead Frost Mage (before /pol/)

What will you be listening to as you grind on classic?

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Iron Maiden
Bowling For Soup

My first character, I fucked up. I was 12. Rolled a warrior. I didn't know anything. I didn't loot vendor trash. I wore cloth. I wore GRAY cloth. I had no money, and it got to a point where I was using the skinning dagger as my main weapon.



game music ofc

People still play that?

Yikes dad aren't you too old for video games?

remember when the orcs were enslaved after wc2, what does that remind you of

Orcs weren't enslaved, they were jailed for trying to genocide the planet.


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Congratulations you are stupid.
What happens when wow classic releases? Wow players go play world of warcraft that's what happens.
I truly hope wow classic is everything you guys wished for and may it provide you with hundreds of hours of fun. Enjoy yourselves i really hope it turns out awesome.

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Imagine being this stupid of a weeb faggot

It will never be like the first time.

Shadowmeld is worth it for STV alone, vietcong shit

>complains about weebshit on a anime imageboard

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>what does that remind you of
Camps for nips, germans and italians durring WW2? Post-WW2 Gulags?

>Sex stops being good after the first time

No one in history says stuff like this

Truly based

vikings were snow niggers.

REPENT PATHETIC HOMEFAGS. CHRIST is coming and he is bringing a SWORD. Find your true home in JESUS CHRIST. Will you HOMENIGGERS stand by his side or will you FLEE IN COWARDICE?

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B-b-but, muh ancestral wisdom

Music from that period, Chiodos, Fall of Troy, tdwp, prob some random black metal too.


Power metal is the only way

But fucking WHEN are we going home?!

There's nothing wrong with healing


Is there going to be an alternative pricing structure? 15$ seems steep for a game that won't get updates and servers don't cost that much.

i wouldnt count on it

Is blizzard just using classic as a front to investors that their modern game is relevant and profitable? It seems stupid there isn't a cheaper classic only plan


chances are classic will be more popular than retail for the first little while. its a dick move to have them the same price but if the demand is there and people are paying it wouldnt be a good business decision to drop the price for no reason

then again at 5-10 bucks a month it might draw in even more people

t. paladin

Some fucking good early 2000s ska punk.


I heavily got into this band recently and it makes me feel so nostalgic, I wish I had heard of them when I was younger.

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Realistically, and I'm not trying to be an autist here, Paladins are one of the best duelers in Classic.
>Plate wielders
>They can heal themselves
>They have 3 lives
>Whenever you attack them they can grow stronger until they can one-shot you
>CC doesn't work on them
>They have the best self-buffs in the game
>They have more than one stun in their arsenal
>They have a ranged execute.
There's a reason why Blizzard never "fixed" the Paladin in Vanilla. It would have easily and quickly spiraled out of control.

Based and underrated.

Human mage


emo punk

Can't decide between orc warlock or nelf druid. I don't mind healing but I hear that Druids are really subpar unless you just wanna fuck around and never be good at anything. However the Garithos memes and deus vault shit makes Alliance tempting.

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you dont deserve to play a druid but also fuck off from horde

Don't deserve, what's wrong with you friend? I would be a male druid too. You remind me of this Swedish dude Finalflash who played on Nost.

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Druid. We need every one we can get!

have fun being a healbitch

>Let's shit on people rolling healer as much as humanly possible.
>Classic releases
>Why are there so few healers? What the fuck?

90% of the people excited about this never played WoW before 2006. They will be bored within a month and begging Blizzard to add Burning Crusade. Just watch.

There was a very short period at the beginning of WOW where the community wasn't aids. It was people coming from Everquest and other MMOs that casuals didn't play. People that respected each other, and a much higher average age. That was the best part about early WoW. It lasted about 8 months. It's been shit ever since once the kiddie influx started.

>It was only good during x period
>I was there
>Now it's shit
Every time.

It's a proven phenomenon that if anything becomes popular, it immediately goes to shit. Companies start trying to nickle and dime the customers, people that don't actually care about the activity or community flood in and piss off everyone that has passion for it, moderation kicks into high gear to make sure all the new snowflakes flooding in aren't offended, the game itself is dumbed down so all the idiots don't get confused. It all turns to shit. And then the women show up so they can be big fish in a little pond and attention-whore for the white knights and betas. And oh boy, do they ever. Destroying guilds, groups, and everything else in their path.

Popularity is the worst thing that can happen to a past-time.

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Anyone who avoids playing a role because of memes was probably dogshit anyway

>90% of the people excited about this never played WoW before 2006.
Well I was 7, so of course I didn't
I'm going to rape your boomer memories and all you can do is whine about it on Yea Forums
Boomer games love zoomer cock

But I was there. Where were you? Were you even born?

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Maybe I was just retarded as a kid, but I certainly couldn't.

Idiot, I've been playing mmos since Burning Crusade and classic on Nost was literally the greatest mmo experience ever, and I played a fucking priest.

I was 14 at the time and it was pretty much how things are today, min/maxers aside.

Okay, you never played old school WoW. Even up through Cata you still couldn't heal a dungeon as ret. Your group would kick you out if you tried.

Wut? I'm telling the guy to go Druid.

Why would I need druids if Im playing that class myself?

So you were one of the invading kidies. No wonder you couldn't see what was going on. Everything looked normal since all you knew was other 14 year olds.

Stop idolising niggers by comparing them to based vikings and khans

>You can only befriend others who are your own age in games
Are you even listening to how retarded you're being?

>based vikings
Top kek

How fucking old are you?
Too old to be whining about kids invading your video games on Yea Forums to be sure
Have sex

>invading kidies
When did you start hating kids, user? Have kids triggered you ever since 2004?

>Basing your life around magazines
>Buying magazines

Americunts are truely failures of evolution


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Do magazines just not exist wherever you are?

I'm thinking of an Orc Warlock but my moral compass makes me feel bad to be playing something that led to the original horde's downfall. How do you Warlocks do it? Am I just too focused on lore?

one of the hardest class to master. in nost there were only handful of paladins who actually knew the art playing the class to it's fullest potential. people will notice this come classic.

My favorite part of playing paladin is all the porn I watch while killing a mob

>one of the hardest class to master.
Ain't that the truth.

I wanna blankpost. Teach me the secret. Pls, i'll pay with this meme

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Human warrior or human mage

I would've showed you for free but you posted a garbage 9gag tier meme

I really wanna see the first post of this, this shit is gold.

Then show me, I am really curious

I love these fucking braindead as fuck threads because it adds to my wojack/pepe faggotry filter. These threads really bring out all the redditors hiding in between upvotes on /r/gaming and /r/Yea Forums.

I don't want some faggot with an underaged retard's taste in memes to know my secrets

I am not him you dense shitter
Besides, he's probably a zommee with a short attention span that has already left the thread

Also fuck retail

Do you guys seriously spend over 40 hours (not minutes) a week playing video games? Can’t tell if you’re joking. If not then... wow. The only game I could play for 40 hours is nfl 18 and that’s because I enjoy kicking other people’s asses (I have a natural instinct for strategy games and high-level thinking). But I can’t because I’m an adult unlike y’all I presume. Damn high school was fun :/ minus the detentions for picking on the nerds, haha....haha...ha.ha.


I already know how to do it you jaded wanna-fit-in faggots, it's a soft hyphen

why are there so many people determined to hate on classic wow? makes 0 fucking sense. i thought it was just trolls on the internet but i had lunch with an friend the other day and we talked about this a ton and hes adamant that "oh once people fulfill their nostalgia boners they'll quit after like a month or two." He's a raider in current wow and always complains about the state of wow and only logs in to raid, yet whenever this topic comes up he'll defend retail to his dying breath and try to put classic in a box like it doesnt stand a chance and its garbage.
Like shit, you don't have to play the game. I don't think I've ever seen this amount of unwarranted hate towards a game for no reason.

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The /vg/ private server general is unironically infested with trannies who play the game for guild drama more so than for actual gameplay. No fucking thanks.

>"oh once people fulfill their nostalgia boners they'll quit after like a month or two."
Your friend is right. That is what happens just about every time something old gets remastered or brought back.
A lot of people will initially try it and then they'll drop off until there's only the ones who are there for nostalgia left. And then those will leave one by one until there's only an often very small cult-following left. This is how it has been every time.

Since around 1998 when my best friend's younger brother (by 1-2 years) kept being an annoying faggot and interfering with anything constructive we were trying to do.

No that sounds exactly right. There are many directions you could take it.
>ywn experience high quality RP-PvP because RP'ers are shit at PvP and PvP'ers are shit at RP (not that RP'ers are good at RP either)
It's not fair bros. I just want to LARP for real.

The core philosophy of "progressivism" is that "whatever changes happen, do because they're good changes and worthy of happening". Someone liking the old version of something is on a direct crash course with this. It whips out a political fury in people without them realizing it.

So you're taking out your hate for your best friend's younger brother on all children everywhere? That's kinda psychotic. You should see a therapist.

>He's a raider in current wow and always complains about the state of wow and only logs in to raid, yet whenever this topic comes up he'll defend retail to his dying breath and try to put classic in a box like it doesnt stand a chance and its garbage
At least it sounds like he's not enjoying retail. I can only imagine the fucked up brain of a person who would feel engaged with WoW's current state. If brain is even the right term, it might just be a ganglion.

I'm a wrathbabby and everytime I tell someone i'm hyped for classic they tell me "OH ALL YOU WANT IS THE NOSTALGIA IT WONT BE THE SAME". After I tell them I never played vanilla they run out of copy pasted arguments.

Do you think she and Balnazzar.... ?


>Legitimate lordaeron religious fanatic resistance movement
>"Dats too complex just make them demon puppets and just be da bad guys"

Why does Blizzard suck the soul out of everything they create?

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How you would make them playable, if outside of Tirisfal you meeting with them in 50-60 lvl zones?

Vaporwave that bitch

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I don't get it either, it's going to be OSRS 2.0 in terms of success. Can't wait for seething retailbabies to realize this.

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Nice zoomer mentality
Now go back to bfa shitter

>duels have no rule against some absolute nigger pillar humping class to make it mathematically impossible for your class (mage) to do enough damage to run them out of mana or kill them
Truly, dueling right outside of cities like Orgrimmar is degenerate.
Dueling itself is pretty stupid, and not a great test of skill. I guess people just do it because they are apes trying to kill time.
t. Person with an extremely good dueling record in live and literally undefeated as a Dwarf Warrior on Nost.

>t. Person with an extremely good dueling record in live and literally undefeated as a Dwarf Warrior on Nost.
Nice attempt to not sound mad as hell that you've lost every duel in your life, loser.

>on Nost.


>He didn't spend most of his retail time duel heroing outside of org post TBC

>that horrible realization when the west is likely to implode during classics run and we will be the goldfarmers selling internet money to the rich chinks

>some absolute nigger pillar humping class to make it mathematically impossible for your class (mage) to do enough damage to run them out of mana or kill them

Could you explain what you're talking about here?

Human Paladin

>Thinks nukes won't fly before that

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Go back to farming AP and collecting mounts.

If u cant spend 150/year for something u should stop playing videogames all together poorfag

When I realized dueling was truly stupid, it was during Cataclysm when I was forced to play as a Frost Mage.
I did not lose a single duel to any class except for Beast Mastery Hunters, and against them I had zero hope. With most classes I didn't really need to use cooldowns, but if someone was putting up a challenge I would just pop Cold Snap and cycle through everything again. Icy Veins, Frost Nova, another Deep Freeze, Ring of Frost, Cone of Cold, Ice Barrier, Summon Water Elemental, eventually another Ice Block.
Before then, Feral Druids used to be somewhat of a threat because they couldn't be Polymorphed and could shift out of any root or snare. But now I could just hit Deep Freeze+Icy Veins and kill them with Ice Lance spam inside of the stun. Most wouldn't even realize they needed to trinket a 5 second stun. The most challenging non-BM Hunter class was DKs because of AMS and AMZ plus a solid arsenal of anti-caster spells. But it was really just a matter of putting RoF up and waiting them out.

The punchline of this joke is that even though I could crush every other class, there was no way to win a duel against a BM Hunter. Pet can't be CC'ed and can't be kited. Hunter can't be CC'ed and can almost be kited except duels have restricted range. There isn't nearly enough shielding and immunity between a full cooldown reset of Ice Barrier and Ice Block. No longer having access to instant Invisibility there is no way to avoid getting slapped with a Hunter's Mark or Serpent Sting, or a pet bleed. So it's impossible to wait out the rage. It's also impossible to out-DPS them, even under ideal circumstances because so much of a Frost Mage's spells require them to be frozen. It's impossible to kill the pet and then kill the Hunter because you just get shredded while trying, and they could instantly resummon it (pretty sure, not 100% sure because it was virtually impossible to even kill only the pet in a duel.)

Absurd, and comical. Dueling is pathetic.

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>ddosing a game that is already dead
For what purpose

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TL;DR but I'm gonna assume you went on a rant proclaiming that I was wrong and you've never lost a single duel in your life.

>man how dare people to group up for pvp in an mmo???? Thats not how it works on retail STOP PLAYING LIKE THIS

There should be a wojak in the middle wearing the classic cap and the nostalgia glasses who's happy before he gets sad as fucking hell again. Drives the point in further.

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What are you talking about retard
They wont remove a fucking talent lmao

99% on here wouldnt know

So basically

>I won every duel with my bullshit but the second someone out-bullshitted my bullshit i decided it was a shitty mode


He's referencing to the fact that sit macroing to proc certain talents were changed/removed at some point. Which version we get in classic is still unknown.

>tfw name my characters after obscure NATO designations for various fighter jets, and never have to worry about my names being taken.
Coming home lads

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Particularly in Burning Crusade there were many specs like SL/SL Warlock, Shadow/Disc Priest, and pretty much any healer, that could do nothing but pillar hump while applying some trivial DoT. PoMPyro (Arcane/Fire) Mages had no possibility of putting enough damage and disables into them to win the duel. They would just break line of sight by walking around an object like a pillar.
Because Mages don't have any way of recovering health, and have almost no mana regen in combat (except Evocation which gets interrupted and has a very very long cooldown), the Mage would just get worn down.

What's funny is that on completely open ground these were usually somewhat balanced fights. But add in something as simple as a pillar to break LoS and it becomes a virtually solved one-sided fight. Great that arenas were absolutely full of things to break line of sight. Completely killed that spec for arenas. Well, I did have a lot of fun running a full retard burst team with the other BC misfits of Enh Shaman + Ret Paladin, but it wasn't a competitive comp and we only reached 2k.

>all versions of wow are the same
Why do so many people talk like this was the case? Dark Souls 1 and 2 are obviously different games but wow version 1.5 and 5.1 are OBVIOUSLY THE EXACT SAME. Who thinks like this?

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Ah okay yeah that sounds dumb

Sit macroing is a private server thing. Actual reckoning charges are built up from special attacks critting you — such as eviscerate, mortal strike etc.
This works as well for special abilities from mobs.

And then there's the Tauren Warriors that could hit people who were hugging pillars. Good times.

>Tfw looking up these designations

Okay you named at least one of your characters "Fagot" didnt you

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Yea i know what he meant
But that doesnt mean reckbombing doesnt exist anymore in classic

>tfw lvling in Southshore and suddenly 10 lvl 60s land at the flight path and mount up going northward

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It's not unknown because we already had the demo where it didn't work.

Time to go somewhere else for a while.

If you read on his page, you can 'qualify' to recieve the sound pack. Just gotta post some content that shows that you can play like him.

>No more raider.io declining me
>No more LFX
>People will remember me and say in trade “oh man Shakishilol is such a cool dude and good player” when I make a farm group for Strat
>They all remember me as the cool and skilled guy I am
>Specially for my sick gank wpvp videos
I can’t wait to be popular again.

>>People will remember me and say in trade “oh man Shakishilol is such a cool dude and good player” when I make a farm group for Strat
>>They all remember me as the cool and skilled guy I am
>>Specially for my sick gank wpvp videos
You're going to have a rude awakening.

Attached: Eddy.jpg (960x724, 40K)

Ill be blasting myself a message from my 12 year old self.

I've seen videos of nu-WoW PvP and it's a sight to behold. You're right, it's a completely different game. It looks dumber than it has at any point in its history.

My whole point is that dueling never was good, and dueling will never be good. It's a dumb format governed by stupid rules and even stupider player behavior.
>dueling RIGHT OUTSIDE of cities where some of the most inappropriate terrain exists because of things like pillars (Undercity, Orgrimmar)
>countdown which people can use to try and get closer/further before the match starts
>unlimited duration instead of scoring based on damage and healing
>health potions
Yet people walk around acting like dueling is PvP in its purest form.
Blizzard probably realized that 1v1 Arenas would be a total joke and highlight the worst of class balance issues, even with a properly constructed setting. Also it would suck too many people out of the other modes because the hardest part of Arena was maintaining teams.

>tfw rogue main and easily avoid most PvP if I want to
Who cares

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I still don't get how that lower end of the stick made it through the post.

>Yet people walk around acting like dueling is PvP in its purest form.
You're getting baited hard, most people know that duels are just for fun. That being said, you're a fool if you don't think there's some skill to it. Some people are insane at dueling, and the best way to gauge that is by seeing them duel other people of the same class. But you sound autistic as fuck complaining about dueling outside cities because "MUH TERRAIN ISN'T IDEAL", so I don't expect you to understand any of this.

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Your problem is dueling lamers. That doesn't take away from dueling itself. And that scoring you mentioned is garbage. The score doesn't doesn't matter if you're dead and they're not.

>premades will only be matched against other premades

watch as the honor farming sperglords start spazzing out about how they can't farm fresh 60 pugs in the rank 13 set in 3,2,1

please god NO. PLEASE GOD NO

How does this work when the OP is a wojack?

I hope blizzard makes a lot of changes like this. Premades pub stomping is lame as hell, there was no reason not to do it.

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Sounds good.
Pubstomping simply isn’t fun for either side.

I can't decide between hunter, shaman and paladin. Help me decide plez

help me decide.

Im going shaman resto/ele, orc or tauren.

+ Aesthetics, +% resist stun
+warStomp which i find awesome against rogues/warriors that are my main threat

Looks like CGI

>current WoW subscribers (2yr+) get priority in name reservations


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Should be a bit better, but they'll just q dodge until they get matched with randoms again.

You honestly deserve it after paying for 2 years of shit

>deserter increased to 10 hours for premades who /afk out

imagine not getting a good name in classic. names actually matter this time around

>Name reservations
How does that work?

no they don't lmao

Imagine not having a godtier name that has less than 10 or so people on retail with it.

Attached: Did someone say mangos.jpg (400x400, 22K)

This is a dumb meme.
You can't just say everyone calling you a retard is an NPC sheep just because you're somehow so retarded it makes you stand out which is always a good thing apparently.

Names you'll reserve on every realm to sell on launch day?


Who /randomname/ here?

Popular anime names, which I will sell to shitters on the /vg/ threads.

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I finally decided, bros. I'm gonna make a warlock.

Undead priest or Undead mage. Still can’t decide, I’m not sure how good shadow priest is in pvp (I already know their not viable in raids). Shadow priest was my main in tbc but I think if I want something self sustaining and viable I should go mage.

I named myself Crotchrocket with that 'o' character that has a line through it. Got reported and had to change my name, but I just switched the special 'o' to the other one and it never got reported again.

Attached: whey.jpg (720x960, 80K)

Undead Rogue & Undead Mage or Human Rogue & Human/Gnome Mage. Can't decide between Horde or Alliance yet.

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My character names are unique enough, while being lore friendly, that this is just funny to me. Imagine being so desperate to name yourself RogueQT and Naarutooo that people want name reservations.

I just use Norwegian and German surenames in my family, they are almost always available.

The man makes the name, you daft cunt.
DonutSteele being played by a faggot will get laughed out of the room, while BigglesworthXVI can be the terror of Black Lotus farmers

Dwarf warrior or hunter

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I’ll be sure to block any anime name players, but I expect them to roll alliance elves so I’ll make sure to corpse camp them for days straight.

generic white American names, vaguely Germanic ones if paladin or warrior
English and Biblical names
Turkic names
>night elf
Latin, Greek, or Japanese sounding names
stereotypical Victorian English names
Scandinavian names, Scottish if you wanna be a fag
don't play these dude weed lmao faggots
yiff in hell furfag

Sucks to not have any history or culture, mutt.

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Putting someone else down doesn't make vikings any less niggerish, user.

dumb mutt larper

>the retailseethes and retailcopes everythread

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fags just went around murdering peasants and pillaging monasteries because they settled on shit land that they couldn't farm.

>Like to minmax
>But also like to pick what is aesthetically pleasing from an RPG standpoint
>If I play Horde, I will "have" to play based Machiavellian undeadchads
>If I play Alliance, I will have to play a Gnome and a Dwarf
Tough choice, fuck Gnomes.

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>You can't just say everyone calling you a retard is an NPC sheep

Except when they are. Because they are. Sorry that it hurts to hear, sheep.

>Be literally a nation comprised of an amalgamation of cultures

Stay third-world

Undead Shadow Priest

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Based devouring plague poster

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>not going for troll sp with shadowguard

orc if you prefer the aesthetics

What the blue fuck are you on about? When WoW launched I was already in my 20's.

Something Alliance obviously. Horde is only for subhumans

Kill yourselves wowfags

ignore this tranny go shaman


Horde either Tauren ele Shaman or Troll shadow priest. Alli either Human Rogue, gnome lock or Dwarf huntard

>I already know their not viable in raids
Wrong. Stop listeneing to Yea Forums memes

>tank and spank bosses that can be cleared with half the raid afk or dead and the other clicking their spells
Do people actually think vanilla raids were hard?
The hard thing was organizing ~40 retards on a single server that had a similiar enough schedule to have one or more raid evenings


No, it's mostly people who never played vanilla and never raided on private servers beyond UBRS or BWL.
There's a handful of challenging encounters no doubt, but on the whole vanilla raids are pretty easy. Even in Naxx a large part of the difficulty just comes from gear requirements.

Stop giving people terrible advice. If you want to fuck yourself over by spending 200+ hours leveling meme trash that's up to you, but no need to try to convince others to fuck themselves over just as hard out of some kind of misery loves company logic.

based and quite frankly, dare i say it

>just repeats himself over and over again
Seething redditor

I do wonder whether they'll keep the possibility of out of combat rezzers.
Or if anyone will need that

Is it dumb to go enchanting right off the bat? Planning on rolling Warlock, so don't need to save money for a mount.

Nah it's good, you can immediately start selling enchants to the twink autists that are sure to populate the servs too.

Just remember that the warlock and paladin epic mounts won’t be available until DM drops

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What enchants do they usually go for anyways? And for how much?

Was unaware of that, but that's fine.

>not regenerating all ur life in 6 seconds
weak, old and busted

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god tier taste my friend. Im going hunter as main, shaman(tank) with friends and pala as something on the side i think.

is that zans troll new thing?

>Human Arms warrior
>Asian face, moustache and bald Shogun haircut
>Name him "Shinjiro" or something
>Only use 2H swords
>Only use Katanas

I'm ready

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>Got a 3 day ban for posting this once

I swear the mods on this board are fucking dogshit.

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It's shit.
Dead on arrival.

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Yea apparently, it really sounds retarded

calm down alexensual
sharding in starting area sounds reasonable

I just read all of the passives
Seems pretty pay to win if you ask me compared to other troll racials
wtf is blizzard doing.

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If any retailfags are around I'd love to hear them weight in but from what I know it does. Makes sense considering you need to grind months to get them, too.

>3 months

Attached: wowclassic.png (800x467, 671K)

>sharding in starting area sounds reasonable
honestly the best thing about pservers is playing on day 1 and grouping with a bunch of people to fight for tags and level to like 5 with exploration xp only
very disappointed about this not being a thing in classic
its the quintessential mmo experience

>Makes sense considering you need to grind months to get them, too.
I don't think it makes for fair gameplay that if you grind a few months you get better races then the based game release now your walking into pay to win terf and if retail is just becoming pay to win i mean LMAO whales are really the only thing left

>high school meme argument again
Why do you fucks keep using this as your go-to rebuttal. Are you implying life was better in high school, and not living on your own doing whatever the fuck you want when you want?

>honestly the best thing about pservers is playing on day 1 and grouping with a bunch of people to fight for tags and level to like 5 with exploration xp only
Won't the areas still be populated as fuck though? That's what I pictured.

the channel breaks on damage so it's not that great outside of paladins dicking around in PvP

Is MMO Champion the worst place to read about/discuss WoW?

Shut uo nigger

Cant, that place is just a discord shitposting thread of jerk offs

>Makes sense considering you need to grind months to get them, too.
You need one of the main factions of the addon at exhalted, that's nothing you need to grind for, it happens as a side effect.
It was retarded when it was first introduced on PTR when a tank could channel it while getting hit by a boss.
With the current limitations it's really not that strong outside of very specific circumstances.
The passive racial of Zandalari is honestly way stronger.

Chicomms are everywhere, do not doubt them

That place is an absolute cesspool. Fags there are split between the two extremes of massive blizzard cocksuckers and caustic contrarians hating everything for no reason. The subhumans there are generally retarded too.
Even official forums are a better place to discuss.

Shhh just dont come here

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>Make love not warcraft

I've known about MMO Champion for a long time but never actually visited until earlier today. What you stated is pretty spot on about what I read through.

Somebody please, post that thread!

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>This much projecting
>From someone who clearly doesn't like vanilla
>expects us to take his word on how endgame works

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Can you still find it in the archive?

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I'm glad you cook bake it op

If I go dwarf, probably some autistic stuff like this.
But most likely the game music.

>Ike had full tier 2
It’s the little things that made the episode great

>highly rated
Gas them.
Gas them all.

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>MFW there are some people who will unironically play huntard in Classic

>That arrow vendor spam.
>Those stupid quivers.
>Login every day to feed your pet or gg it hates you cuz happiness system.
>No running and shooting.

Oh boy, sure can't wait to fuck all your days up on my Rogue-y boii while you complain about stealth being OP cuz none of you can use a Flare properly to save your life.

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I just wanna do kroggar raids and see vanilla water again bros.

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wow classic will be shit. it will have a shit community, lvling will be shit, pvp and pve will be shit. move on with your fucking life.

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Bit of a glass house there.
Rogues on average are definitely second place in the WoW special olympics

Not playing for 10 years takes its toll.

so mad about a game you won't even be playing
you're the one who has to move on, bro

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I don't know if you're talking specifically about end game but leveling up you can heal/tank dungeons with any spec, hell, I've done dungeons with hunter and warlock pet tanks with 4 men. The dungeons are piss easy if you have players with common sense. They just differ from nu-wow in that if you pull more than 1 pack at a time you will struggle.

>>Login every day to feed your pet or gg it hates you cuz happiness system.