Best RPGs ever according to Reddit

Well are they right Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I feel relieved whenever I look at one of these and see that none of my favorites are listed. Is that wrong?

Unironically better taste than Yea Forums, this shithole would pick some buggy Slavic PC shit

no because I don't like those games

>no Star Ocean 3 or Tales of Eternia
they're wrong

> FF7 Number 1 again
No, why are people so obsessed with this game?

>Suikoden II
>Final Fantasy Tactics
Good stuff for the most part, but the trails in the sky games are absolute slogs.

FFX is literally the Titanic of video games, how can anyone unironically think it's a masterpiece?

>five fucking Final Fantasy games

Because Titanic is one of the greatest movies ever made

Fake. If this were reddit, there would be Pokemon, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Witcher 3,and stuff like that.

Remove FF10
Remove Persona 5

Put in Trails 3rd
Put in Paper Mario or Paper Mario TTYD, either one works.

All of those games were on the list, just outside the top 10.

I haven't played Trails, Suikoden II, or Xenoblade. FF9 was lame. A good list otherwise.

This has to be from some kind of traditional jrpg subreddit because I'm pretty sure the Souls meme would have demolished this list otherwise

Mass Effect 2 is better than any JRPG. It has everything those games have and more.

nothing but trash, Suikoden 2 and Tactics, pretty much what I expected

>top ten
nigga there's twelve games baka

>TiTS 1
>Persona at all
>FIVE FF games

>No DQ

I want to vomit

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Dark Souls was ranked 17th
Bloodborne was ranked 41st
Dark souls III was ranked in the 70s

yes, and no.
by no mean are any of those bad games, but 1/3 of these games dont belong anywhere near greatest of all time

>FF7 and tatics
Invalidated the whole thing.

WRPGs have always been fucking garbage, Yea Forums is the only place on the internet that claims they are good

Trails FC is the best Trails game.

My top 3 is in there, so its not too far off.

this list is made by unironic weeb incels
so no

What about the Exile / Avernum series, user?

I've never played any of these. They sound like a bunch of counterculture weebshits.

>suikoden II
are you guys ready for people start forcing shit about how it’s actually a garbage game and how it’s redditcore or some dumb shit

How can you even rate this game when they're all the same?
All of them are turnbased. The plot is about a boy that kills god/absurdly overpowered villain with the help of his friends. All of them have the same anime artstyle, most of them on a medieval/cyberpunk setting except Persona 5.

the Japanese will never be able to match classic western RPGs like Might and Magic or Xcom

Because its the greatest RPG of all time, duh.

Actually better than Yea Forums, retards here would put garbage like pokemon red and tales shit on the top 10

Persona is shit.
Ffx is shit.

>has played two JRPGs and assumes that's the entire genre

Not with that absolutely fucked pacing and story importance. And don't give me that world building meme excuse, shit could've been presented better without all the bloat

Right back at you.

For weebs its like console morrowind and sometimes first encounter with rpgs at all.

Show me your favorite obscure RPGs, anons.

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None of of those games are relevant & the average JRPG is infinitely more critically acclaimed then them
Literally no different then Yea Forums's list you seething faggots
> 1. Final Fantasy VI (JRPG)
> 2. Chrono Trigger (JRPG)
> 3. Pokemon HG/SS (JRPG)
> 4. Deus Ex (WRPG)
> 5. MOTHER 3 (JRPG)
> 6. EarthBound (JRPG)
> 7. Dark Souls (JRPG)
> 8. Final Fantasy VII (JRPG)
> 9. Persona 2 IS (JRPG)
> 10. Mass Effect (WRPG)
> 11. Bloodborne (JRPG)
> 12. Final Fantasy IX (JRPG)
> 13. Final Fantasy X (JRPG)
> 14. Persona 5 (JRPG)
> 15. Persona 3 FES (JRPG)

I see only 4 good games - FFVII, Tactics, Xenoblade and Chrono Trigger.

Name one wrpg that is as revered and fondly remembered as any of the games on that picture.

This i will never understand the obsession with outdated piece of shit PC RPGs when the average age of Yea Forums is statistically proven to be 20 years old. Meaning most haven't even played them

I found FFX comfy. Not a masterpiece though.

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Yes. You have the mentality of a retarded hipster. You think only you're allowed to like the games you like. Disgusting.

>Fucked pacing
>Story importance

Bullshit. People sperg out over FC because it's not "WE MUST STOP THE EVIL ORGANIZATION AND KILL GOD". It's just a simply story about a boy and a girl going around helping people while falling in love, and they stop a coup while they're at it. The story also builds up to the final chapter wonderfully.

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Is Alpha Protocol obscure? That would be my answer. Or 1st Nier.

Final Fantasy is dogshit you stupid nigger.

relevancy among normalfags is not an argument for quality

Seething, cope more Zoomer

All of them are babby's first RPGs, maybe aside from FFT and Trails.

>All those turnbased JRPGs
Seriously don't you fags get tired of playing the same game over and over? Only Deus Ex, Mass Effect and the souls games are any different.

Found the Trails fan.

Seconded. I loved FC's down-to-earth story. It was much better than chasing the moustache-twirling super-villains that always said they held back during fights and everything was going according to plan.

It's not a particularly good game but I love the funky sci-fantasy aesthetic. And the OST. And that one of the strongest characters in the game is a stripper. It's well-known enough that it got an english translation at any rate.

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Tactics Ogre
7th Dragon III
Bravely Second

>nu-Yea Forums which is literally r*ddit
really makes ya think huh

ff9 might be more overrated than ff7.

How can one get tired of playing games with actual gameplay?

>TitS FC

SC, fine, but FC? Why?

The best part of that game was when the little kid got killed.

>7th Dragon III
these games could have been good if they didnt have pokemon tier baby mode difficulty

Here's how good WRPG list would look like:
> 1. TES III Morrowind
> 2. Fallout New Vegas
> 3. Deus Ex
> 4. Planescape Torment
> 5. Fallout 2
> 6. Fallout 1
> 7. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
> 8. Arkanum
> 9. Baldur's Gate 2
> 10. Diablo II
> 11. TES II Daggerfall
> 12. Wizardry 8
> 13. Might and Magic 7
> 14. Might and Magic 6
> 15. Gothic II Night of Raven

Imagine thinking that Trails in The Sky is worth anything, when the Trails series is nothing but cash grab after cash grab of generic shounen games that seem original because by the time anyone cared to localize them the tropes that permeate them will belong to the last decade.
Filled with padding, each single story has to be split in multiple entries because whoever who's in charge of adapting shounen jump latest hot take into a mediocre rpg with mechanics stolen straight out of Persona and Fire Emblem believes that you can't do a good plot without having to traverse each modern fantasy town over and over again with a goody two shoes master of all trades protagonist, his harem of dumb bimbos who apport nothing and his background male companions.
A sad corpse of a series with even a more tragic fanbase, who cling to it either because they think niche is cool or because they spent years learning japanese just to play a literal fan fiction of a retard who played Suikoden and Xenogears and thought that a long lasting series in the same universe would be good, with political themes as understood by a 11 year old and mechas. Literally everything that Kekseki ever did has been done by literally any other jrpg series, but better and ten years before. It's no wonder why this shitshow ranks lower than the most cancerous weeb games in japan, the series has become a shittier parody of itself.

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>> 2. Fallout New Vegas
That's really fucking sad, then.

FFT isn't an RPG, like... at all
Those aren't even the best JRPGs

Because most of the internet people who vote in those genres had their first big kid RPG be FFVII

This but Cold Steel instead of Sky. At least Sky had a dumb bimbo I could fap to and the based messenger of love and peace

I loved that the characters constantly cycled out of your party too. You never felt like the 'center' of the world. You were being used for other people's gains, and that was fine, that's what people do and what makes bonds between them.

I love SC, but got a moment of shock when your party is nearly killed by Bleublanc and then Kloe, the crown princess decides she's going to follow you around for the rest of the adventure. Just what the fuck? SAme for Tita too.

>All of them are turnbased
>Xenoblade is turn based

JRPG retards need to end their lives.

>Morrowind and NV at the top
>Diablo on there at all
>M&M7 over 6

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It's literally baby's first JRPG.

Because they grew up with it.

The most memorable part, at least.

Great music for an NES game too.

replace MM7 with myst, fallout 1 with call of pripyat, and swap morrowind& deus ex posistions

If it's not turn-based, it's action adventure, not an rpg.

Star Ocean 3 was shit though

>no Ultima 7
Just in case you needed another redflag.

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Well, my top 9 is, in no particular order:
>Final Fantasy 7
>Lunar SSSC
>Breath of Fire 3
>Legend of Dragoon
>Tales of Symphonia
>Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
>Diablo 1
>Vagrant Story
>Grandia 2
Tell me how bad this list it. Am curious.

>No Valkyrie Profile
Plebs! The lot of them!

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>all the games are at least 400 years old
I pity you, westcucks.

that''s reductive. xenoblade is an action rpg

Where's a single Dragon Quest game? Where's Mana Khemia? Where's Phantom Brave? Where's Front Mission 3? Where's Lightning Returns? Where's Xenoblade Chronicles? Where's Etrian Odyssey?

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lmao No. That game is actual dogshit.

>Reddit list of the best anything
>Largely filled with the most boring and safest choices

It's almost as if they can't think for themselves.

>Where's Xenoblade Chronicles?
It's there. Look again.
>Where's a single Dragon Quest game?
III, V and VIII are the best imo
What's your opinion on Covenant of the Plume? I know it's hated, but I loved it.

>III, V and VIII are the best imo

you're absolutely right

>lightning returns
I thought the meme were we pretend that the13 sequels are better than the original died out

it's a reddit list, alright.

Not as obscure as some, but Exile is fantastic.

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>Tales of the Abyss

Surprisingly good list otherwise, although you could probably combine Trails FC and SC into the same slot since it's basically 2 parts of one game.

That chart takes me back to highschool when there was that "hardcore gamer" kid who played all major JRPGs meant to branch to western audiences/be more accessible were gods gift to mankind like religious zealots drinking the koolaid. Reminder that kid never stopped posting and grew up still circlejerking to this day.

>Where's Lightning Returns?
in the trash where it belongs. not even reddit can stand your waifu, toriyama.

Not very. Those are pretty good.

OK, confession time. You are probably not interested, but I am bored so...
VII was my first DQ game but I never liked it or bother finishing it. Years later, I bought VIII (first DQ game in Europe btw) and I loved it. After that, I decided to give the series a chance and I played all previous games. To be precise, from I to VI, I skipper VII.
DQ I is the only DQ game I played once; every other game I played multiple times and, in some cases, more than one version (played V on SNES, PS and finally on DS).
Words can't describe how much I love III and V. I would probably love them even more if I were able to play them back then, when they were released originally.

>wow, I just so happen to be the child of one of the most well-renowned swordsmen and strategists in the world who's now mysteriously gone missing for some reason
>also I'm travelling with a guy who's suspiciously good with a pair of assassin's blades and who has a killer look in his eyes for some reason
>and also there's this weird professor investigating these strange sci-fi towers for some reason
>also there's this drunk guy who calls himself a simple bard but is really fucking good with magic and firearms for some reason
>and just who the fuck stole that candelabrum and why does he leave out calling cards like a phantom thief for some reason
FC was good, but it's not really down-to-earth. To be fair, it's all a setup for SC, which is really not down-to-earth in any aspect.

>Tales of the Abyss

Fuck "Tales of" games

Dude, final fantasy lmao

Tales games are all really the same thing, an anime in game form, but Abyss goes beyond that and gives a real unique MC/cast relationship and a pretty good story. It's also one of the few games that does backtracking well.

Do you think this website is your blog, faggot? Kill yourself.

Why do people say that Xenogears is "one of the best"?
The story and characters are good, everything else is horrible (like Deadly Premonition).

Nah, I gotta finish my backlog first.

replace both trails games with star ocean 1/2 and breath of fire 3/4
ff7 is overrated imo though

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Add kotor to the list

I only played the first VP, and I haven't finished it yet, I'm stuck on the Tower of Lazar. Its those damn exploding orbs that get me.

Kill yourself.

Persona 5 sucks, otherwise it's good. Better than Yea Forums's with fucking SMRPG and pokemon

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Because even if it's a half finished game the things it does right are fucking amazing.

>having an opinion on games you never played
yep, this is Yea Forums alright

Worst taste ITT, and that's saying something

The gameplay is mediocre/average, not terrible. It also has the best story. An example of a great story with terrible gameplay would be planescape torment

I've played Of The Abyss and it has the same problem that I feel all Tales Of games have and then some. In the case of Of The Abyss I am personally insulted by that ten hour span of gameplay 30 hours in the game where you're just an ambassador flying from location to location having five minute conversations and the game should be over at that point but then those generals you killed come back and are like "LMAO, YOU DIDN'T REALLY KILL US"

The games always devolve into just spamming the same combos over and over. I want a "Tales of" game that plays like the first ten hours of Tales of Phantasia, where positioning, guarding, and timing attacks actually fucking mattered.
The games outstay their welcome past the 30 hour mark, you'll start off with a clear and concise story and then it stops making sense.

Fuck Tales of games.

FF3 doesn't deserve to be on any top list, Persona games in general have a big cult following but don't really compare to the rest of the genre, and Grandia is literally spirit of adventure - the game. Grandia itself is up there fighting for the top 3 spots due to it's story and combat system.


I'll respect your view on grandia's combat, but it doesnt even come close to the greats story wise. Not even gonna bother with tales of abyss, game is slightly above average at best.

>the things it does right

You know that's FF6, right? I don't know why you're calling it FF3.

The story holds it's own too, things like crossing the wall, an actual natural love story, and how it handles the cast coming and going were all great. Grandia 1 easily earns a spot on any top 10 jrpg listing, even though 2 refines the combat it doesn't quite measure up to 1 in all the other areas.

It was the first one they played.


The fact that they're using the American box art might be throwing them off. We didn't get actual 2 and 3 for years - instead, we got 4 and 6 packaged as 2 and 3.

Did some j00t00ber make a video of that? It's all over the place recently.

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i remember this game, i played exile 2 a lot when i was little. fucking good game.

>no ffv
>no bof 4
>no vagrant story
>no parasite eve
>no jade cocoon
lmao fuck reddit.

they came awfully close....

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MM7 did literally everything MM6 did but better.



>Tactics and X


Wasn't there some fan translations for Suikoden somewhere? I'm building an emulation rig on Saturday, would like to get the files ready before then.

>It's also one of the few games that does backtracking well.
What? Fucking what? I doubt I can name a game where backtracking is worse that in Abyss.

>Lunar 1 instead of Lunar 2
No way.

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zoom zoom

Shonenblade Chronicles doesn't deserve to be spoken in the same breathe as Xenogears

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Nothing egregious, but pretty much only safe choices.

more like Kinogears

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I mean... Those are basically the introductory "Baby's first JRPG" games. I feel like these are the ones everyone should have already played through a couple times.

>CTRL+F Skies of Arcadia
>0 results found
Well, okay. Add Skies of Arcadia.

I will get a lot of hate for this, but if Xenogears and Xenosaga are so good, and Xenoblade is shit, why is Xenoblade still a thing and other 2 are buried?
Reminder, disc 2 of Xenogears was rushed, and originally Xenosaga was supposed to have 6 games but it was also rushed and we'll never see that HD remaster.
I mean, I like Xenosaga, but half of that game is not actually a game, but long cutscenes.

They all play differently.

except music, dungeon design and endgame

Jesus Christ, because it was more than The Witcher 3 of 90'.

They pushed envelope on everything seen until then by so far that people were dumbstruck.
And you can only blame Nintendo for it, if Sony didnt R&D PSX and CDs, FF7 would be Nintendo exclusive 2d RPG on cartridge and never would become world wide phenomenon, Square wouldnt become huge ass global corporation and all people that love Atluses would stay happy.

>Only two SNES games
Did any of them even play SNES RPGs, or is this just some meme list a bunch of kids made up? No Live A Live, no Treasure of Rudras. Just the same ahit everyone else says, FF6 and Chrono Nigger.

Do you only ever read one book?

Both those games are RTS games lmao

Stop using Yuriev's old blog post shit.

>No Live A Live, no Treasure of Rudras. Just the same ahit everyone else says, FF6 and Chrono Nigger.
You played those with fan translations on an emulator while they likely played FF6 and CT on actual hardware. That's why.

See Pic Related, Top Left was the #1. WRPGs have never been as relevant as JRPGs & Never will

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>hating on based jimcam

>Best RPGs ever according to r/anime
Fixed. Reddit is westacucked to hell and back and I'll believe otherwise when I see otherwise.

>might and magic
get outta here Vlad

Somehow I doubt that.


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>Both those games are RTS
god damn it Yea Forums

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>Persona 5
shit list

But that's not Ao, now that shit is easily Top 10 JRPG material

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Based reddit

As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.

What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..

I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.

Suikoden in general is terrible, with a garbage localization job. It's not exactly baby's first RPG, but it's one of the few everyone in their early to mid 20s played first, thus they rate it really high.

What’s the rest of the list?

The best RPGs of all time are Dragon Quest V, Final Fantasy V, and Nier Automata
Fallout 2 if we wanna include western stuff

Live A Live was cool, but I could never get all too far in Treasure of Rudras.
I liked Tales of Phantasia despite it being kind of a shitfest when it came to combat. A lot of people wank Terranigma, but I liked Soul Blazer more. Breath of Fire 2 is a good time as well, but that comes up pretty often. Chrono Trigger's a great game, though, user; that's why it usually makes these lists. I'm not going to pretend like some shit like Robotech is better, even if it's more up my alley.

>0 wrpgs
Based reddit

Why are KOTOR, Witcher, Mass Effect & Skyrim the only WRPGs that appear on more then 1 list?

I really liked FFV, but it unfortunately never makes the cut on these lists. I feel like job-based Final Fantasy games are more fun.

What, no 5 zeldas this time around dumbass? Wouldn't have been surprised one bit at this point.

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I feel like Ao no Kiseki is both the peak of the series in a lot of ways and also the point where everything started going wrong. It's like the polar opposite of Sky 3rd, where initially took it as a lazy fan disc and learned to appreciate more in hindsight, given how much lore it set up for future games in the series.

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>No Vagrant Story
>No Tactics Ogre
>No Final Fantasy VIII
>No Digimon World
>No Koudelka
>No Shadow Hearts 2
>No Legend of Dragoon
>No Jade Cocoon

Apart from FF Tactics, Suikoden II and Xenogears. The rest are pretty fucking try hard. What was their criteria, sales numbers? It's like they correlated the jRPG list of different websites. Fucking retards.

While VI told a much more engaging narrative that actually cared to involve all these characters and factions, I do like the simplicity of V's story more. The class system is fantastic, I agree, and I wish that X-2's dress sphere system wasn't attached to X-2, given how much I enjoyed those mechanics, too.

>SaGa Frontier never gets mentioned in any of these threads
>SaGa games are hardly ever mentioned at all
Really wish that the west got more titles like that and Front Mission.

>"Xeno"blade 1 over X or 2
>actually putting a Blade game on the list at all
>No SoA or Lunar
Stupid Americans.

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Buy The World Ends With You: Final Remix for Nintendo Switch

What makes diverse societies better than homogeneous societies?

Yes but to be fair you can only really hate something for being inherently reddit, like Undertale, instead of just being liked by reddit.

All those cartoon games are literally the same one game, the same script but with different names.

Yeah, I will say that storywise, V was relatively simple. Though, I do enjoy Exdeath as a villain. Very deliciously evil. I'm just not a fan of the static classes we have now. That's why I love Bravely Default so much, it encourages experimentation.

Trying way too hard, man.

>best RPGs list
>no Maka Maka

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should be lower on that list or not on it at all. it's one of my favorite games, but come on now.
i really want to believe it's not true ;-;

As mentioned, AO is great, but it also introduced the kind of shit that would ultimately kill Trails as a series and suffers from it. Lloyd isn't bad but is also nowhere near Estelle or Kevin's level, and every girl in the game wanting his cock felt like too much pandering. That's only the tip of the iceberg.

Top ten for me would be:
1. Planescape: Torment
2. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
3. Dark Souls
4. Nier: Automata
5. Fallout New Vegas
6. Deus Ex
7. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
8. Chrono Trigger
9. Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
10. Mother 3

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Because it is the best game ever made.

they're dumb zoomers
that's a cringe for me dawg.

>P5 instead of P3

>no Dragon Quest V

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Exdeath is great. Final Fantasy games keep making these prettyboy villains when wizards in full plate are perfectly fine.

What's the square PS1 game where there's a bunch of different characters, i think they each had a separate story. One was a red robot?
What do people think of that one?

>Two Takahashi games
>only one Piss-Owner game
Based. A Yea Forums list would be like this
>Persona 5 gets replaced by Xenoblade X or Xenosaga
>The Final Fantasy titles get replaced by DQV, VIII, and XI

SaGa Frontier has a character who is a robot (T260G) and a character named Red who transforms into a super hero named Alkaizer.
It's my favorite RPG of all time. People tend to have either not heard of it or are very polarized by it.

Attached: SaGa_Frontier.jpg (600x600, 189K)

presuming you're not just posting for the (You's) do you really think that's a good use of your time? And what about the large percentage of people who have zero problem with and welcome an inclusive, ethnically diverse and socially progressive world who also just happen to really appreciate east asian mixed media entertainment? aren't you just being a bit of a cunt?

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THATS IT. I remember not understanding the battle system at all

But I don't see any RPGs in that image, user.

As someone who actually plays both.
Japan has less generic settings, but wpgs have more often settings that are consistent with the gameplay
Japanese stories are more linear, don't really allow any roleplaying, choice does happen but is quite rare. Overall wpgs are better written
>turn-based combat
Based on the pictures it's comparing turn-based jrpgs to non-action western crpgs. Both forms of combat aren't the best, but the west is rather better. More variety in tactics, you can employ stealth, manipulate the environment, set up traps etc.
>Real-time combat
Here Japan definitely wins. No doubt. Dragon's Dogma, Souls games and Nier: Automata shit all over western rpgs. Though the west did create the best fps rpg combat system ever with Dark Messiah.
>Other Gameplay
Definitely more variation in japanese games, but in the west it's usually better integrated and fits into the world.

Overall I'd say western games are rpgs, but it's also irrational to limit yourselves to one. There are also just fewer wrpgs in general, and once you've played the 15-20 best you quickly step into mediocrity. With japanese games you won't ever achieve the same hights but you'll get to play dozens of great games nonetheless.

Normalfag trash, unsurprisingly enough.

Xenogears is overrated as fuck, its gameplay is such ass it'd unironically have been better off being a VN

Yeah, the game doesn't do much to explain shit to you. I don't know if I would be as much of a fan if I had to do it blind again, but part of the joy of the SaGa games is discovering literally everything.
Anyway, it's fairly simple
>You get your health back after every fight
>You expend BP for Weapon-based moves and JP for Magical abilities
>When your health hits zero, you lose 1 LP. If you lose all your LP, you are dead. Any healing will put you back into being conscious and able to act.
>Humans can 'spark' permanent new moves based on the move you are using--they also get stat gains based on what moves they used in a fight.
>Mystics can absorb enemies into their equipment to gain stat increases and new moves based on the enemy stored in the gear; they also get health, charm, and JP increases after fights
>Mechs absorb other mechs to learn new moves and their stats are solely based on their gear
>Monsters absorb other monsters and become new monsters based on what abilities you've gathered through absorbing
>Moves can chain together into combo attacks, some moves have a higher chance of chaining together

That's about it. I'd suggest sticking to a group of just humans and maybe a single robot or mystic on your first playthrough. Monsters are more hassle than they are worth.

Honestly, it's a shame that the vast majority of Dark Messiah's fight can be won quicker and easier via

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>Chrono Trigger
>Suiko 2

>FF Tictacs

Okay I guess:

>Weeb trash:

>”best roleplaying games”
>none of them have any roleplaying

I really love the combat system because you get healed after every fight so random encounters can be designed to be deadlier instead of just trash mobs. Speaking of, as you fight more battles, all random battles scale through 'tiers' and become harder to a point. You can still grind past bosses and the game isn't too difficult, although a lot of final bosses do require a good team set up and resource management.
The other exciting thing about the combat system is that you're constantly sparking new moves or learning moves that combo together, which gives RPG turnbased shit something unexpected and exciting. It's fucking awesome when you're fighting a thunderbird and your fighter learns to dodge lightning in the middle of a fight, or when you just need that extra push of damage you won't get this round but your whole team strings together a 5-person combo.

>No Nocturne
>No one in the entire thread mentioned Nocturne

Actual trash tier taste Yea Forums

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as somebody who has +100 hours of DMOMM under their belt, most enemies can be killed way quicker with a left-to-right power attack aimed at the head, you can decapitate most enemies with max strength, especially since most enemies will only stagger on the first and sometimes the second kick instead of falling, also, kicking uses a shit ton of stamina

No Nethack
No Tales of Maj’Eyal
No Ancient Domains of Mystery
No Caves of Qud
No Catalcysm: Dark Days Ahead
In fact, there isn't a single roguelike on the list.
This is exactly the same casul tier shit I expect from Plebbit.

The sense of progression in SaGa Frontier is fantastic. Within 8 hours, you go from having about 50 health and maybe one special move to being at nearly 500 health with a litany of special attacks that can dish out hundreds of damage. It bothers me that most RPGs focus on this 'level over the course of a sixty hour plot' bullshit where your growth from hour to hour isn't all that significant aside from the occasional milestone. SaGa Frontier really condenses the RPG experience in a lot of ways, both good and bad.

Perhaps I just wasn't building myself right. I remember I tried to balance myself out in terms of skills when I played, so I probably lagged behind in pure combat ability.

There's a lot of imprecise info in this post.
>>When your health hits zero, you lose 1 LP
Not necessarily, LP damage occurs when you receive direct HP damage, some attacks might put you into KO status but not deplete your LP.
Some attacks can damage LP directly, moreover any direct damage you receive while KO'd damages your LP further.
Also, since Frontier has no permadeath, LP depletion gets fully healed once you get back to town after a completed quest or by sleeping at an inn, LP depletion on your main character results in game over though.
>>Humans can 'spark' permanent new moves based on the move you are using
Yes, but some moves are also locked to certain equipment.
>>Monsters absorb other monsters and become new monsters based on what abilities you've gathered through absorbing
True, but another factor is how you arrange them in your menu, which reflects a monster's anatomical table.
>some moves have a higher chance of chaining together
No, this isn't how combo works at all.
Comboing attacks depends on two main factors.
The first is a move's property, this is more or less similar to fighting games as in you can't just chain whatever, a launcher can't be followed up by another launcher for instance, but you can combo it to a descending attack, a charge or a link, links also combo with anything, including other links.
The second factor is turn order let's say that you have five party members and an enemy, you set up a five member combo and your turn order looks like this:
You won't get your five member combo since the enemy will break your chain, if this were SaGa Frontier 2 or Unlimited you'd trigger a cross combo, but Frontier doesn't have such mechanics, so you get two combos, 1-2-3/enemy turn/4-5.
The other factor that can influence a combo is a minor hidden RNG seed for chains, but this is fairly minor and largely unimportant.

>Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized,
Western gaming was already like this for fuck sake, plenty of minorities and women worked on the industry before. As for female characters not being grossly sexualized it depends but again for the most part they weren't near to the autism levels of japan.

Western gaming is still far more popular and relevant than weebshit but weebs are very vocal, I mean even when they shilled Persona 5 hard that piece of shit didn't sold more than 2M.

yea, class building in dark messiah is pretty rigid, trying to spread yourself any thinner than straying from your build by 3-4 skillpoints can fuck you, they dole them out far and few between and you'll only really be fully realized if you stay on course by pretty much the last 20-35 minutes of the game, which thematically makes sense, but from a gameplay perspective it's stupid as shit to get the final skills and possibly the best weapons right before the game is over

Didn't feel like getting too specific into all the ways you lose LP. It doesn't matter all too much unless you're using low LP characters or moves that expend LP. It's a bigger deal in the other SaGa games, for sure.
Was just trying to give a general shakedown.
Monsters are fairly complex from what I recall; you also had to keep absorbing different species to get permanent health boosts.
Whenever I say that some moves have a higher chance of chaining, that's what I mean. You find ones that work well together, especially between characters who are likely to take their turn around the same time.

>xenoblade and trails are weeb trash
>P5 isn't

They're both miles better than the trashpile that was 13, and while neither is traditionally a good JRPG, they both have a little bit of something special in them.

Replace FF6, FF9, Persona 5 and The two ToCS with FF8, Vagrant Story, Breath of Fire 3, Mother 3 and the first Kingdom Hearts game.
Then it's a decent list.

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I know, and it's good that you're helping other people out, but SaGa tends to be rather complex mechanically and most people nowadays tend to get really hot and bothered by games that do not hold their hand, so it's best to be as precise as possible when you talk about main mechanics as to not cause problems to others.

It might seem minor to people used to the games who know how to take it easy and have fune but it avoids a lot of shitposting when dealing with newcomers, especially in a place like this, TLR threads were almost always a mess due to this and it's the only SaGa game most people in here bothered playing.

If you actually made it past matador you'd understand why Nocturne never makes the list.

Stop making these shitty ass threads you autist

>Going this hard in the paint with the nuances of the battle system
The wild shit is that there's a 1404K data/mechanics guide on Gamefaqs. Yeah, the mechanics are fairly nuanced beyond typical JRPG fare, but I don't think the original poster was looking for a dissertation on how to play the game.

Yeah, one of the things I like about SaGa games is figuring them out. If anything, I wanted to keep it fairly simple for someone who didn't understand it so that they could do more of that figuring out on their own, since I feel that's a big appeal to the games beyond their general high replayability.

I wouldnt agree with reddit even if they said the ecact same thing i did.

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