A friend of mine only pirates games for PC and buys used for cheap but he spends A LOT and I mean a A LOT on prostitutes. How do I explain to him that what he's doing is morally wrong? He just won't listen. I tried everything and he keeps pirating and having sex with pros.
A friend of mine only pirates games for PC and buys used for cheap but he spends A LOT and I mean a A LOT on...
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>morally wrong
>paying for sex
that's almost as sad as paying for games
lol stop being a faggot
Just let him spend his money how he wants. And if you think that if he stops buying sex, he's suddenly going to stop pirating games, you way wrong.
I don't see the appeal of sex with prostitutes, but wasting money on games isn't any better.
Moralfags get out
Still cheaper than a wife, and without all the cons.
well he says he can't afford games because he's addicted to pros. he even dumped his gf to fuck hookers, says they're cheaper but i don't trust him.
Obviously you just gotta fuck your friend
>How do I explain to him that what he's doing is morally wrong?
>he spends A LOT and I mean a A LOT on prostitutes.
Just suggesting why not introduce him to Fable: TLC/2? Since you can pay,kill,fuck and sacrifice hookers whenever you feel like it. Just saying.
How is it morally wrong? He's exchanging money for service. Even the the idea that it's wrong for a man to pay for sex is weird since you still have to invest time and likely money either way. Try to get him hooked on sex toys.
Enjoy your HIV.
you have come to terms with the fact your jealous of him paying thots for sex while you sit at home playing video games.
Buy him games and let him fuck your ass for free of you're so concerned
Straight men honestly make me feel sad
You'll never experience the true companionship of a being in love with another man
Only men really understand men
Just become the prostitute and please him like no other (wo)man can
You don't always need to make a commitment to get them in bed
Buy game
>lifetime of fun
Buy sex
>lifetime of itching
Is it a good idea to lose virginity to a sex worker? Be honest Yea Forums
It's gay as fuck but it's pretty true
200 euro for a prostitute? That seems like a lot of money.
True, but gay men can be every bit as vain and disgusting as any women. Sometimes even moreso.
>Imagine having a superiority complex while sucking cock
Show him this page and he won't pay for a whore never again. If he really spends a lot in whores buying a sexdoll wouldn't be too much of a problem.
>says they're cheaper but i don't trust him
as someone who fucks prostitutes and has a wife, this is true
>he says he can't afford games because he's addicted to pros
shit reason, since you can fuck a hot pro for
sex dolls are higher maintenance than an actual live girl and most cars
Tell that to Tomokofag lmao
all fun and games until years later you realize HIV was building up in your system and now you've got full blown aids and in a hospital bed dealing with shit a two year old can have the strength to fight off. Plus now you have to take medications for the rest of your life just so you can exist.
You pay way more in metropolitan areas and popular brothels, but that's a cuck's game. You can get a hot young hooker for way less, if you know where to go.
A fleshlight I can understand, but those dead lifeless eyes are a boner kill for me. Like fuck8ng a corpse.
I don't suck cock, I make bigger, stronger men suck mine
trips of truth, the gay community has just as much drama
I'm sorry you're stuck with the objectively shittier, meaner, pettier gender to date. I really, truly am
Have sex
At least he's fucking a woman instead of dumping all his money on some twitch thot.
Yep, but at least there's some gay men who aren't like that. Whereas women are just an all-around shitshow
>not wearing a jimmy hat when fucking strange
Look at this virgin at laugh
Aside from STDs, there's way more reasons I'd never fuck a prostitute, even if STDs didn't exist.
The point of "losing your virginity" is getting there by your own means, besides, you are never satisfied after your first fuck, you are better as a virgin.
Speaking from experience?
>Can't contain it any longer.
based and incelpilled
His money his rules.
Just as much is a bit of a stretch
>implying men are capable of love either
take the blackpill, my flamboyant brother