Who poorneet here? how do you afford gaming?

who poorneet here? how do you afford gaming?

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I pirate them or live without them until one of my roommates gets it or a friend wants to get it for me.

this unfortunately and i hate myself for it for the most part

ive been playing ffxi on a friends account and enjoying it but i feel terrible

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I live in Finland so I get free money every month. I get to spend 500€ after paying my rent.

My wife gets them for me until I can get a job...

I haven't even started applying anywhere I just drive to different parking lots every day and sit there browsing the internet on my phone

why do leftist nordicucks give you cash?

Its refreshing to hear disgusting neets telling the truth about their finances instead of lying about how comfy it is. Enjoy being poor you fucking losers, enjoy your free to play battlegrounds games that play the same on the 10,000th round as the first. I think I'll buy some games on steam just because I can.

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It is extremely comfy because my father give me cash but I can't spend more than 700 dollars in video games per year

That seems sustainable, he'll never die or anything.

so that you don't complain about muslims raping your sister

I haven't played nothing for 3 years straight

I'll move to Sweden in 10 years. The snow retards give money to foreign as long as they claim they are persecuted

>I haven't played nothing
what did he mean by this

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>Sweden in 10 years

LMAO, you better be a devout muslim if you want to not get beheaded on arrival, infidel

Get a job

He has played something for 3 years straight.

i forgot about muslims. But I'm going to find a good liberal country to give me neetbux

The welfare state of Sweden will have collapsed by then, but you can live with me and I'll give you an allowance if you dress as a woman and wear a wig while cleaning for me.

You are a sad sack

Get a job

why don't you marry a girl in vietnam or phillipines?

Because women are fucking disgusting and annoying. I dont want to fuck you or anything I just want a cute maid girl(male).

I have a better idea: i'll find you a cute submissive white girl that cook and clean if you give me neetbux

White women are absolute trash. I also dont want to financially support two neets, either I'm getting my maid or I'll continue spending all my money on myself.

I have autism and bad bone structure so I get 1,100$ from the government a month.

because my food and housing is payed for by family it's even better.

I can spend it on junk food, videogames, escorts, drugs, you name it.

I still go to school on occasion so I'm not really a neet but It feels comfy nonetheless.

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Ok I'll be your maid but you need to provide me a cute swedish girl

Forget that user, I'll be your maid if you provide the maid outfit.

You sound like someone who is watching pamperchu

Nigget this isnt a negotiation it's an offer with rigid requirements. I could literally buy some shitskin's daughter and it would probably cost less than you. The area I live in has been culturally enriched enough that arranged marriages are common.
You are going to become obese if you have not already and your life will become hell.
It wont just be just a maid costume, it would probably be a few different ones from different animes.

I'm okay with that then.

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I live in Croatia. Of course I'm poor.
I save.

if you can't pirate a game because of DRM or online features it isn't worth playing

>I could literally buy some shitskin's daughter and it would probably cost less than you. The area I live in has been culturally enriched enough that arranged marriages are common.
So that's why you sound angry
Don't be angry. Move to Russia and be happy

Okay but again no gay shit, the last time I tried this with someone from my college he tried to suck my dick and that isnt kosher, I have a girlfriend.

That's fine by me as long as you're okay with me having a boyfriend on the side. You wouldn't have to see or hear any of it.

this thread got fucking gay

I mean it's been great for the price of living, but yeah I'm not a fan of the gang violence and robberies we have now.
Oh yeah that's fine, just dont be an obnoxious fag about it. If you fuck up the costumes with your degeneracy it's your responsibility to have them dry cleaned because I actually use those when we go to cons.

All I wanted to know was how you neet faggots can afford games on top of having decent rigs.

Why do homofags have to ruin everything

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I wouldn't do anything in the costumes without consent, I'm a good boy.

Theres nothing gay about hiring someone to clean your house in uniform niggers

>All I wanted to know was how you neet faggots can afford games on top of having decent rigs.
Some people live with their parents and receive 1000 bucks per month or more from their government

I buy games when I have an opportunity
Nowadays with how gaming has become I blow my money on booze and airplane models

How do I get in on this? I don't wanna get a job and I'm flunking out of uni so no more student benefits

>booze and models
>not booze and range time

Unless you're outside of america theres no excuse for having such shit taste.

unfortunately my rig is starting to date. the gpu inside was just given to me by a good friend for nothing. ill likely be getting my roomates old gpu when he swaps, but that'll likely be a borrow while im staying here, so not entirely mine either.

sorry your thread got shit on by roleplaying faggots

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igg-games store

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My 4 year old PS4 is not outdated :)
It's your fault for wasting cash with Nvidia trash

What is piracy?
Enjoy slaving away while your taxes fund neets wagieboi, maybe if you work really hard you can get your boss a new ferrari

>neets complaining about their outdated garbage becoming even more outdated and garbage
>better than trap shitposting

Neets are subhuman and deserve all of the suffering they get.

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Why are wagies so bitter?
Oh right

seething waggie
I have a GTX 1080 and every games are free

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>Why do homofags have to ruin everything
Because as poorfag neets they have nothing to do

>implying I'm not paid extremely well for doing almost nothing

Regional IT manager nigger, I manage 20 fellow IT nerds and we spend 80% of the day shitposting, playing vidya on workstations, and using the ticket system to bully office drones.

But hey, enjoy your $500 a month, you could almost pay half of my car payment with that!

youd think theyd just use all the free time playing video games with what they do have

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Poor neet, have family that pays for all my shit, I happen to have 500k in properties I need to sell cause my dad died. Idea was if he didn't die his salary was 240k a year (after making dirt working as doctor in 3rd world shithole and coming to the us as military doc), and from there I could afford to study. Technically have more money than all my family. Just hanging out til the houses sell then i'll move out, study, start a business, they give me shit for not working but I don't want or need a wagie cage and I don't really have to give a fuck. How long it take to sell a house and an apartment anyways?

>dumbass neet has the grammar skills of a rhesus monkey
Like pottery
When you have no human contact beyond a screen and your only hobby is perpetually stuck at entry level because you can't afford to invest in it even taking a dick becomes a solid option for companionship.

>dumbass neet has the grammar skills of a rhesus monkey
I'm French and can speak more languages than you retarded mutt

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Pirate whenever I can, regardless of the state of my finances.

>n-not even mad, lemme just mass reply to all these neets to show how not mad I am

Yeah but not well.

sprechen sie diesen schwanz franzosen

I'm currently engaged in than 80% of my time at work where I get paid to shitpost and play vidya. SEETHING neets wish they got paid to do what they already do for free.

Not even my thread just curious.

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They're too busy "ironically" shitposting on Yea Forums for "just a few more minutes" before forgetting vidya entirely and going to bed tired to wake up past noon and resume uploading their Yuru Yuri reaction images

>even taking a dick becomes a solid option for companionship
this is what irritates me though. you guys talk gay, but you never actually do anything. instead of buying another pair of rainbow socks to show off in another picture without your face why don't you go get dicked

>How long it take to sell a house and an apartment anyways?
Depends where you live
why do you want to sale your house? Just rent it
If you sell it you can buy property in Japan

Because most of them are ugly and could not pull off the look they want to. Im just a shitposter and I would look better in women's clothing than 80% of "traps" on this site. The discord is worse.

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Most gay people here are french. French are degenerates
They flood this board with gay subversion

>why don't you go get dicked
Self-proclaimed traps are absolutely fucked in the head. There's a reason you have so many of them begging for Steam boyfriends and then have multiple people mention how they don't even talk before deleting everyone.

Said house and apartment are in 3rd world shithole. They are worth 2m total, 25% is mine, 25% is my brothers, 50% is my uncles. Technically my brother backed down from most of it (my grandmas house since his mother doesn't want to deal with it) and my uncle I'm not sure if he wants any of it so I could get up to the full 2m minus half the apartment. I assume sales are slow in said shithole though

I would like to have a gun but I have no job and my parents are anti gun, not everyone is lucky enough to live in your midwestern paradise where cost of living is cheap

Nice larp this the video game board, not biz

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and how do you plan to live for the next 30 years ? you need to invest in the (((Stock market))) or enter in the drug trade business
You could move to California and sell genetic modified weed to hipsters

loyer gratuit

I plan to make video game company and work as vidya designer until then. Plan b is studying biomedical engineering with focus on the brain and attempting to make fully virtual worlds and brain activated prosthetics

Ok neet.

You are aware my job isn't even hard to get right? I got my degree from fucking ivy tech and just got tons of certifications. Literally only worked here for 6 years before getting a manager position because this work is piss easy and involves turning computers off and on using Google.
That's fucking retarded user.

Why is it fucking retarded?

absolutely seething

The videogame industry part is pure retardation and you will lose money, the other shit is going to take more money than you possibly have.
Shut up before I glass you nigger

i live with my parents and pirate most games

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The other shit is wagie work that I wouldn't mind doing. As for vidya company I'm pretty much a world top game designer, I'd say I'm easily n1, and have no doubt that what I'm making will make me shittons

boomers wageslave to buy you food and geimu

>what I'm making

Oh boy show us what you already have done, this is going to be great.

She deserves it at this point.

Never bully NEETs, they die super young already and I have to try and keep them alive in ICU.

In a big house? What do you do when you have girls over?

It's your moral duty to let them die user.

How do NEET's usually kill themselves, which method makes your job hardest?

>having girls over


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Stupid wageslave cucks

Top tier shit I totally can't show to the public until it's official. Conceptual design is pretty much done, I'm in the process of trying to get physical and technical resources.

>make 4-5x my rent amount in a good area
>get 1/4 of the year off
>get 2-3 hours per day at work of fuck around time
>job itself is easy and I enjoy it
>i can get my masters and retire+get promoted to making 90k-100k a year

feels good man


i dont understand this meme im sorry

I get disability money for OCD. I don't like games, though, I just can't bring myself to do anything but play vidya/sleep/fap/watch stupid videos. Coulda spent these years learning useful and fun skills and developing hobbies but that didn't happen. I'd be shit at them even with practice, anyway.

Do you do any illegal activity to afford your games, Yea Forums? I don't mean pirating them, but shit like scamming people to make money or something like that.

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Probably get a job so you can buy and play whatever you feel like. Being poor will end your gaming career if you allow it to. That is if you are a moralfag about pirating games like I am. You will reach a point where you just lose all interest in games and then you will become senile and rapidly age into a boomer who cares about politics, does chores for grandma and watches old DVDs with mom. The process is irreversible.

>ideas guy
>has no actual assets done

bahahaha oh wow you are going to be eaten alive by the world dude.

Does returning "fixed" laptops and computers with time bomb malware count?

>it's all falling apart in your lifetime
what can we do bros..

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i dont talk to girls

I ask my mother.

occasionally i partly starve so i can buy a game or two, i own a monster rig because i had more cash when i was younger at one point and i have been slowly upgrading my computer part by part, i never had to buy it all at once
and i buy them because i reach a point of depression where my judgement is pretty impaired, like getting suicidal hearing voices type of impaired
stop this larping

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It stopped a while ago you dumbass.

You can't buy games on Steam, paying for a download license is not buying a game. All you are doing is giving a donation to a company.

Dad would never be so mean

I'm a NEET who lives at home, works out and volunteers and I still have plenty of NEETbux to save up for games or trips since I don't buy pointless shit or alcohol.

Although I'm still an autist who can't connect with other people its a good life.

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så du är fortfarande vaken? möt mig på möllan så knullar jag dig i röven svennejävel, senpai

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I'm not interested in getting HIV sorry.

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I just see it as a long term process that I'll get done eventually and have no hurry towards finishing. I have plenty things I can show but not until the whole prototype is complete for crowdfunding and acquiring investors. Studying animation soon so I can do the art assets myself without having to jew out my money. Take it as you will, but what I'm designing is substantually better than anything on the market by an extremely large margin

hoppas du blir stenad till döds Mohammed, inshallah

>Neet thread
>non-neets come in and shit it up
I don't shame/look down on people that aren't neets but why enter a neet thread just to make fun of everyone

>he thinks the faggots shitting up the thread arent neets

user you should sit down for this....

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