New Sonic thread get in here

New Sonic thread get in here

>best game
>best character?
>best vocal song?
>best era?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Open your heart

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dr robotniks mean bean machine
dr robotnik
sonic 3 act 2 boss music (robotnik theme)
robotnik era

I am all of me
before 06

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>Shadow the Hedgehog
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>I am all me
>Gamecube/PS2 era

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His World


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Cream of course
City Escape
Whenever you were a kid which is early 3D for me

>buy SA2 on steam
>controller doesn't work
What the fuck is going on there. Is this fixed yet? Am I supposed to play Sonic on a keyboard?

Why not?

Not fast enough for me

Youre all so based. 1999-2009 was the peak

Reminder that Sonic characters would have uncircumcised dicks

>Sonic 1
>Sonic, pre-voice
>Sonic Boom? They're all pretty bad honestly

Team Chaotix

>every fucking Sonic review ever
>"We all know that Sonic's been in a rocky path in recent years...(insert Sonic '06 reference here)

> best game
sonic all stars racing
> best character?
hard pick between Espio or Silver
> best vocal song?
Rouge's theme from SA2
> best era?

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Context? The re-draw isn't that different.

The best game is the only you played when you were 12. The best character is the one you liked the most from the game you played when you were 12. The best vocal sonic is the catchiest one from the game you played when you were 12. The best era was when you were 12.

Even as a maniafag that got pretty tiring. It's like all these reviewers are just programmed to say it every time a good sonic game actually comes out. It's been 13 years since 06, guys, let it go.

I don't know the bests, but my favorites are:
>I Am...All of Me

I've been playing Forces lately. What gives, guys? You said it was shit but it's better than Generations so far.

>Cosmic Eternity
>DC/PS2/XBOX/GCN era. Classic is a close second.

>TSR has Denuvo
And here I thought that Sega finally pulled their head out of their ass. Guess I'll wait two years until they remove it before even thinking of buying it.

>New Amy thread get in here

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Adventure 1 DC
What I'm Made Of
1993 (Sonic 2 still fresh, Sonic CD just out, Sonic 3 the next year) but the era around SA2/Advance was pretty good, as shit still seemed promising for sequels

False on all counts. Guess I'm just a wierdo.

People who say that are real examples of npcs. They all have copypasted thoughts and it translates to their writing capability

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Only one of those is correct for me.

Welcome to the Sonic hatedom in general.

Best fangame?

>>best game
Mania Plus, before was 3 & Knuckles
>>best character?
>>best vocal song?
Cosmic Eternity
>>best era?

>my favorite games are 2D
>but I don't know that Sonic music is 10/10
Zoomer, you tried real hard to pretend you're one of us, but it's not good enough

Sonic Adventure 2
Dream of an absolution
Early 00s

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In fairness, that is the general consensus of the franchise outside of the fandom itself. That until recently (thanks to Mania) the games have been largely trash for a long, long time.

Human Amy in a red bikini is the best thing to exist

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Not really. Colors and Generations were great.

So are we actually gonna talk about the games this time or just why my favorite is better than your favorite again?

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>>DC/PS2/XBOX/GCN era.
That was a question for BEST era, not worst.

the games didn't start to become until Shadow (the game) if your a 1994fag

I'm 37 and I think Sonic vocal music sound cringey and no better than the shit you hear on Kidz Bop CDs for toddlers. Sorry.

next sonic game when? not team racing, you fags.

General opinion on the franchise improved after Colors and Generations, but from Lost World till Mania it was just a downward spiral

Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. But people writing reviews for Sonic Mania aren't aware of that either way. They just know the bad stuff that everybody talks about.

>Sonic 3 & Knuckles/Sonic Adventure 2
>Live and Learn
>Late Classic/Adventure

Out of the finished ones? Time Twisted hands down. Before and After the Sequel have a much superior OST but that's all they got over it. Shitpost answer would be Mania Plus.

based, vocals are trash. Stage music is awesome though

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Mike Pollock is overrated

Iizuka said(yeah yeah, I know) the next mainline Sonic game is already in development

I think most older folk would count Sonic's vocal tracks as cheesy/corny. For me it's charming.
But I legitimately dig some of the non-vocal stuff. Unleashed and Lost World were full of fun songs.

>Live and Learn

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>Reposting stuff from the previous thread from a few minutes ago.
You need to up you game man.

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I can't stand them.

This is considered the "worst song of all time" by many:

Though I also find it pretty awful, I think it's legitimately better than every vocal Sonic track ever created. I don't have any nostalgia for that stuff at all.

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How good or bad will Team Sonic Racing be?

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Sonic 3 & Knuckles
& Knuckles

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Pretty good.

Sonic CD
Sally Acorn
The Fastest Thing Alive
early 90's

Deem Bristow is superior in every way but I can't imagine anyone else as Eggman at this point.
I wonder how Carrey's gonna do.

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I’ve been playing SA2B lately and man oh man I wish there were more types of Chao, like Character Chao

3 Complete > 3 and Knuckles >= Mania > Knuckles > 2 = CD(Taxman) > 3 > 1 => CD(original)

It will be good because it's by Digital Sumo.

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Stop posting shitty human Amy and start posting human Rouge

t. SatAMfag
Sonic CD and SatAM are good though

maybe im weird but she never really looked like a hedgehog to me

Hard to tell but I don't think it'll be any worse than just mediocre. Will probably score somewhere in the 70s, maybe low 80s.

very mediocre and underwhelming

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Is that mfing sonic shuffle?

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it'll be kino.

We need Danny DeVito as Doctor Eggman.
Mike Pollock's time as Eggman is over after this.

>supposed to be 12
Do Sonic characters just hit puberty earlier or something?

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Shadow the Hedgehog
Probably Sonic. Was once Tails but things changed.
>Vocal Song?
With Me

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3 AIR is pretty goddamn good too, give it a shot.
With a little kinks ironed out it could very well surpass Complete.

I'm a "everything before 1995 fag", actually. I'm old.

Oh. What's your favorite thing about Sonic CD? Personally, I love the time travel mechanic most.

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Hedgehogs only live about 5 years, so I guess so.

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>trying to get people to stop reeing about 06

It's no use!

Understandable really. My taste in music isn't nearly so refined, so I'm not bothered by the buttrock for 14-year-olds that Crush puts out. Though I won't lie: I like Sonic R's entire soundtrack.

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What's her prescription bros?

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>263k upvotes vs 13K downvotes
>considered the "worst song of all time" by many
Are you aware that you're full of shit and also a nigger?

Source on that? Truly unfortunate if so

But user that is the age of puberty, google it. She's just hitting that puberty hard

Best game
Sonic Adventure 2
Best Character
Best Vocal Song
Supporting Me
Best Era

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>best game
3&K or Mania.
>best character?
>best vocal song?
>best era?
Classic by many, many miles.

Alright, who should I blame for the final issue of this comic never seeing the light of day?

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>shit you hear on Kidz Bop CDs for toddlers
Okay then big guy, give me something as good as this from that toddler radio you're listening to
Sounds like a great shonen OP song to me, if toddler FM is full of this shit, sign me up

I remember it was number 1 on some big list a good while back, that's probably what user's referring to
If you want really shit music just check out Yea Forums for like 5 minutes

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I like that it has a lot of platforming. Carefully timed jumps, that kind of thing. The time travel stuff is great, too, however.

I'm sure it'll be fine

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I like that it has a lot of platforming. Carefully timed jumps, that kind of thing. Back when Sonic was still very much an oldschool game and less a speed focused one. The time travel stuff is great, too, however.

Say Mania you fuckhead. Counting 3&K as one game is cheating, like saying Sonic Mega Collection is the best one.

Sonic Adventure 2
Silver the Hedgehog
Endless possibilities

>Are you aware that you're full of shit and also a nigger?

Nigger this, nigger.

Reminds me of Sonic Reborn Amy.

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>sonic cucked tails
Fuckin, what?

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Most Sonic games I've tried (haven't tried many for long) have been bad. Generations is the only overall good Sonic game I've ever played (and it's still quite flawed)

Blaze is best

Maybe Infinite's theme. But I like the classics too.

I don't really like Sonic, but the serious and epic era is the one that feels right in my mind, even though I've barely tried any from it (the era from Adventure to Unleashed). That's how Sonic should be.

So what happened to /sthg/? I'm just asking at this point

Also, maybe you Adventurefags might get something after all.

Oh god, I had to listen to this awful shit every day back when I worked in the electronics section at WalMart in 2004. We had a demo for this shitty game set up for a few weeks so retarded kids could come in and play it. Hearing it is like having a toothpick shoved into my ear. Kidz Bop would be preferable.

>bash sonic games and fandom my entire life
>one day start playing the main games in release order
>turns out i love shitty furry anime stories like this
>now can't stand many of the people who claim 2D and Classic Sonic are best Sonic without doubt
I've become one with the autism. Also, subscribe to my blog

>two articles from magazines are more important than upboat downboat ratio
Get with the times, grandpa

Archie. They would still have the license had they not gone full retard and sold trades of the old continuity after soft-rebooting the comic.

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>now can't stand many of the people who claim 2D and Classic Sonic are best Sonic without doubt
This to be honest. I think those homos don't like Sonic at all and those 2D games are the ones they hate the least. Which is understandable if you hate Sonic I guess.

Put that goalpost back where you found it. Baby gets nothing.

Even as a kid I thought this shit was cringy and I fucking loved buttrock back then

>Counting 3&K as one game is cheating
Not really. It was one project split into two parts, and almost everyone that plays it does so as a single game. It's like not counting DLC when evaluating a more recent game: why wouldn't you?

I literally became an Amy-poster after making fun of people for liking what is essentially video game Minnie Mouse.

I know that feel.

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I'll do whatever I want with my goalpost and I'll keep pretending I'm right until you give up. What are you gonna do about that faggot?

The only good Amy VA was Boom's desu

I sincerely love the classic games and sincerely dislike almost everything else. I don't see how that means I "don't like Sonic at all." That's some Star Wars prequel/sequelfag-tier thinking.

>as well as NiGHTS
All I needed to hear

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The fucking Steam page.

You are mentally retarded. The best one is heroes, adventure, riders, 06

Why can't I be you? I just don't like SA1/2. It's not that I hate it, it's just that I value gameplay over anything else, so shonenshit just can't take over that for me.
Why can't I just like Sonic's Peak?

>sincerely love the classic games
Why though. Most people like Sonic because of the characters and the general comfyness. First games lack this, they're just mediocre platformers.

>like saying Sonic Mega Collection is the best one.
It's not like that in the slightest, brainlet.

Escape from the City

So you mean the one she's had since 2010?

Douillard makes my peepee hard
Heh that rhymes

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Dr. Robotnik
Supporting Me

I was born in 1981 and my love for Sonic only extends to about the age of 14. I liked just about everything made of Sonic up until that point, but I just grew out of it. It's just as well since Sonic disappeared after 1994 anyway and didn't come back in any meaningful sense until 1999 with the Dreamcast, by which point I was already fully grown and too old to like it anymore anyway. I wouldn't necessarily call my opinion of modern Sonic as "dislike" as much as it is just "disinterest".

>First games lack this, they're just mediocre platformers.
I disagree wholeheartedly. They're some of the better platformers around, as well as being legitimately unique. They're just bizarrely complex/deep in ways that other platformers aren't.

>Most people like Sonic because of the characters and the general comfyness.
Nice projection, autistic furfag.
>First games lack this, they're just mediocre platformers.
No wonder you like the shitty 3D games, you tasteless cretin.

Then can you explain why The first 3 Sonic games got 5+ million sales back then? I honestly want to know why I even like Sonic now since everything about 2000s era just makes me mad.
I feel like I should be an achiefag but I've never seen anything archie all my life, but feel as outcasted as they are from the game side of Sonic.

That's another word for "nostalgia". It can't be nostalgic if you didn't play it when you were a child.

reminder that classicfags/maniafags are neckbeard virgins who refuse to move on with their life

Ken Penders.

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Damn, what a shame. But I was getting the Switch version, so even though it is unfortunate I thankfully won't have to deal with it

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>That's another word for "nostalgia".
I played 2D Sonic even earlier than 3D Sonic. And yet it's the 3D Sonic that I find comfy. You can't pretend Chao Garden isn't comfy you retard

Shut up nigger faggot

All Sonicfags over the age of 12 are neckbeard virgins who refuse to move on with their life. Sonic Adventure 1 is over 20 years old and the average fan is now entering their 30s.

Epic projection, Adventurecuck.

>You can't pretend Chao Garden isn't comfy you retard

I wouldn't know since that shit came out when I was fully grown, so it doesn't mean a thing to me.

>Switch version
Enjoy your 30fps I guess.

>why The first 3 Sonic games got 5+ million sales back then
Because they were highly marketed exclusive titles that utilized their console's most marketed feature.

There's literally no substitute platformers that can offer gameplay like the genesis games. They're fucking phenomenal and built this whole franchise you claim people only like for the characters. Like seriously?

I want Sega to team up with either Tecmo, BandaNamcoi, or Capcom to help us bring a Sega Smash Pack Fighting game that features not only Sega characters such as Sonic, Vyse, Kiryu, Majima, Akira and more but also characters from Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur and whatever fighting representatives.

Obviously no Marvel Characters though. That Capeshit can be missed.

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>I played 2D Sonic even earlier than 3D Sonic

That's another way of saying "I got a Genesis when I was very young, but when I was 12 and at my most impressionable age, I played COMFY 3D SONIC".

>Shut up nigger faggot
Not an argument, Adventurecuck. Try again.

>3 Complete
Old and busted

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So it's like Melee for the Gamecube? So doesn't this mean the only way to tell if a game is good/liked is if it isn't bundled? Can't people just not get the bundled game if they didn't want it?
So Project X Zone but a fighting game.

Sumo Digital said they'd love to do a Sega All Stars Smash clone. Maybe one day.

Faggot negro, I don't need an argument to reply to your ad hominem. Just need to call you a negro faggot

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How can you play anything on that shit. It feels like it has the build quality of a hasbro toy for 4 year olds. Play it on ps4/xbox like everyone with a brain is. Fucking tendies man

>30 fps
Source on that?
Either way I can live with it. I'll be glad to take it on the go

God she's precious.

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Imagine you're a kid who got Genesis instead of a SNES. SNES faggots are bragging about their Mario shit. What are you gonna do, you have to pretend that Sonic is as good as Mario to shove that in their stupid faces. That's how Sonic started, with kids pretending it's not shit even though it is.

>your ad hominem
Oh the irony, keep seething, double nigger. 3D Sonic is trash and everyone knows and agrees with it, thanks to Mania us classichads are taking back our series from you shit eating brainlets.

No you aren't

Yup, it's a Sonic thread on Yea Forums after school hours.

Sonic Advance
Mecha Sonic
Live & Learn

Mania didn't even sell more than 2 million units,

All me by the way

Oh yes I am, time's running out, faggot. Enjoy your shitty modern Sonic while you still can before Sega buries him forever after non stop failures.

Hear me out: Fighters Megamix with additional characters from Sonic the Fighters and All Stars Transformed.

But I had both Mario and Sonic and honestly enjoyed both.
Yoshi's Island however was better than both from a presentation standpoint, gameplay on par with Sonics. I honestly just don't understand it. Maybe I'm just too old to click with the new generation's tastes.

It isn't that bad for me, and I don't really care for trophies in a racer so I see no reason to get it on my PS4

You think?

Where is your newest Mania content? SEGA announced nothing this year.

And Forces sold even less than Mania, tick tock, moderncuck, TIK TOCK.

The Modern games are unanimously terrible while the Classic are all excellent titles. The best Sonic game in 25 years was Mania for a reason.

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>Y cancels super even on the ground for some reason
>have to exit to main menu halfway through to get appropriate music
>introduces new physics quirks
>collision still fucks up sometimes despite claiming it was fixed
Still needs some work

>muh critics
For when you truly know you've lost the argument

>Waifubros have to save the thread from non-stop ad hominem-tier rants from Maniafags

Yes but none of that Tactical RPG stuff. I want playable characters not limited to just characters selected doing attacks. Full Sprites with unique animations catered to each and every one of them. Though I wouldn't mind if .Hack Characters also appear in it too.

I want the final Character Roster to be a Solid 60 Character limit with 40 extra Secret Characters to unlock from Singleplayer mode Gameplay. It would be a colossal achievement but I feel it would be welcoming to both professional and newcomers to the FGC.

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>classic fans arguing with modern fans

You do realize you're arguing with someone literally 10 or more years younger than you, right? It's like getting mad at a toddler for watching Barney.

Where's your newest modern content? TSR is old news, m8, really should've thought your garbage point through.

We're here till the bitter end.

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>Imagine you're a kid who got Genesis instead of a SNES. SNES faggots are bragging about their Mario shit.
I lived then: This didn't happen as much as it seemed. If anything I bragged about having Sonic 2, though this was by the time Sonic 3 came out so I got shut down.
I later got other games, including S&K and Sonic 3D Blast. Surprise of surprises, I was fine with both and did not really pine after SNES games. I was only introduced to the through emulation later.

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>that score
>modern games reviewers that give anything a 9
>citing metacritic

Which one do you think is younger though? Zoomers "grew up" with Mania just so you know

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Imagine if you were a kid who didn't have both. I'd hate to have been that kid.

That's still TSR.

Иди cпaть

Would you eat the chocolates even if her DNA was in them and it would turn you into a clone of her?

>Dreamcast covers with Gamecube scores

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This except quite literally unironically.

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It's Yoshi's Island>S3K>Mario World
So no your taste is just fine user Yoshi's Island is the fucking GOAT

Jesus, I turn my back for 5 minutes and I come back to erafagging going on AGAIN? Did we get raided by /sthg/ aga- I see Hesseposts, so I'm gonna say probably yes.
Why did this thread go from quite civil to this in the blink of an eye?
It's not even the fault of legitimate Mania fans, they're just fucking falseflaggers who occasionally cross post from /sthg/. I've seen it enough times.

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>Full Sprites with unique animations catered to each and every one of them.
>Wants 100 fighters in game, 40 of which under outdated "unlocking" methods instead of modern day excuse for DLC
Excuse me, but WAT? I'm not advocating the DLC part but you know, but for real, are you seriously asking for this? How big are you talking for these original sprites?

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I doubt very many "zoomers" (Generation Z?) played the nostalgia based 2D Sonic game with game overs and limited lives and stuff and just continued playing their Fortnite and Minecraft.

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Aren't Sonic Retro filled with pompous elitists though with restrictive joining system that weeds what users can join and not join?

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Not that user but there's a new Mario and Sonic coming out this year

You ask this question every thread, and every time I answer yes.

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Here bro. Keep an eye out for stuff.

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This just sounds like you were a salty faggot over Sonichads flexing on you because your parents didn't buy you a Genesis. Had to delude yourself that Sonic was shit to ease the pain of not having access to his games.

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> It's like getting mad at a toddler for watching Barney.
Tbf my brother did that to me 15 years ago. In fact he actively said "why was SOnic doing this baby shit" when I was messing around with the Chao Garden in SA2. Made me realize then Sonic was changing, but at the same time, I still enjoyed SA2, but nowhere as much as the classics.

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I only ask it in threads with that gif. It started off as a half-joke half-kink and now I just do it because I'm genuinely interested to hear people's answers.

>thinking moderncucks can swallow such a bitter redpill
That's just mean, man.

Considering their works, this isn't a bad thing.

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I'm so torn on all of these
>best game
Classic is Sonic CD and S3 Complete
Modern is SA2, Generations, Sonic Battle and Sonic Riders
>best character
Metal Sonic, but in reality it's Eggman
>best vocal song?
Live and Learn, I am all of me, Sonic Warrior, Look alike
>Best era?
Depends on what you want, but probably classic.

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Genuinely forgot about that, shows how important that game is.

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Why do I want to fuck disproportionate cartoon animals so much?

Pre-1998 Sonic (plus Mania) is not even the same franchise as post 1998 Sonic. They're completley different in the way they look, play, and the demographic they target. The only things they have in common are the names of the characters and the way they look, and even barely even at that.

Might as well not bother clicking threads with modern characters in them if you're a classicfag. And vice versa.

The road to /d/eviancy is paved with jokes. I know because I was there myself not too long ago, though my trip wasn't Sonic themed.

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Yeah those games have run their course for most people

Original Sprites from a myriad of Animators from each company pooled together to work for every character from their respectable company. If not then I would suggest from the sprite artists from Project X to help work on every characters to be updated with every moveset needed to work smoothly with the controls the game would give.

The DLC Character pass BS should not be ideal but with the initial character roster should leave it at a decent $50 Price range. The Game will be outfitted with missions ranging from Defeat a character under a specific ailment such as poison or slow or haste. To Time limit battle. Difficulty would increase the more deeper you get into the game. The Story mode would bring all characters in that not only caters to each characters respectable story but also feature major enemies (which after beaten become playable). I would love for Selvaria Bles to be playable aside Alicia Melchiott.

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>stating something so blatantly obvious
I don't know if I missed the point of this post, but I don't think there's a single person who claims that classic and modern are the same or similar.

I'm a classicfag and I don't mind the dreamcast era and above. I'm just neutral about it for the most part. What I 'don't' like is when shitposters start stirring the pot and just making me look the bad guy in the end too.

Thoughts on Sonic Adventure 3?

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The story drove me to finish it.

>liked Green Hill Zone's inclusion

Was Sonic Forces the first actually bad mainline Sonic game that the original Sonic appeared in? I mean bad as in actually bad, not bad in a "this game was too hard and I suck at games unless they hold my hand so I gave up therefore it's bad" sense.

epic for the win post

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>I don't think there's a single person who claims that classic and modern are the same or similar.

Well, if that's the case, you fuckers sure like to bitch and fight over which one is better than the other a whole lot!

>a Sega X Capcom X Square Enix fighting game will never happen

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>best game
Mania or 3&K
>best character?
>best vocal song?
Sonic Boom (end credits ver.)
>best era?
The fleeting months of hopefulness I had after the releases of Generations and Mania, before Sonic Team returned me to reality. I grew up during peak Adventure Era though so I guess I remember that time most fondly

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Do you accept her hug, Yea Forums?

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sure thing

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They are pretty similar, most of what exists in SA1 existed in some form before hand.

I already told you. The best one is the one that you played the most when you happened to be 12.

Hell yeah

SA2, it's one of the best worst games I've ever played and the rose tinted glasses are so strong. Played it half drunk at one of my friends houses recently and it was amazingly bad.
Escape from the city
I have played the classic games, but I love adventure too much.

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Square Enix (esp the creators of the said franchises within the company) Are too jewish to have their games collaborate with any other company. The whole thing with Cloud in Smash bros is due to Final Fantasy being in a Nintendo product in the beginning. The creators are not letting their creations be tarnished by others without royalties.

Is that why that community hasn't turned to shit? Pretty based, if I do say so myself.

But I marathoned the franchise yesterday user

Honestly I had fun with it. Part of why I like the classics is they're pretty easy to break so this game was a goldmine for me. I spent a lot of time just fucking around in Soleanna clipping into buildings and shit.
Silver sucked ass though, his story should've went to Blaze instead.


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Stop projecting already, dumbass.

Whining about Sonic not being good anymore as an adult is a lot like whining that Nickelodeon isn't good anymore as an adult. Well no shit, what are you going to do next, complain that your old Dinosaur pajamas no longer fit?

Don't say that. They're going to bring in Mania.

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The Saturn version is a genuinely fun game. Much less sluggish. The music is also lovely.


Agreed. That's why making a US Sonic (Mania) and Weeb/Jap Sonic (Adventurefags) game line would unironically fix the fanbase. Even with era shitposting,

It's only not true if you stopped growing emotionally once you hit the age of 12.

Sonic isnt just for kids though like nickolodeon, mario/nintendo, dinosaur pjs tho. Sonics for all ages. Just because something is a cartoon doesnt mean its only for kids. Like mickey mouse

>human version of a cat version of a human

The place is far from *hasn't turned to shit* There have been stories to where some creators of nice tasteful non-sfw art gets slammed and banned at times by a very very ban hammer happy admins. One of them also mods other communities as well ranging from the Mighty Number 9 Community, Mega Man Community, Bloodstained Community and even Freedom Planet Community Though they use different aliases to hide their identity so you cannot link them to the others.

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Why shouldn't I whine about Nickelodeon being shit now? I know kids will slurp up whatever shit you put in front of them but that doesn't mean they don't deserve better.

>best game
Can't say
>best character?
Shadow the Hedgehog
>best vocal song?
It has come to this
>best era?
Any streak of good sonic games

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Square are a bunch of Jews but it's not like they haven't collaborated with other studios before (Team Ninja for Dissdia and Platinum for NieR Automata)

Best game is Unleashed.
Best character is Eggman.
My favorite game is Unleashed.
Favorite characters are sonic and shadow.

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Sonic is very much targeted exclusively at kids. It's whole thing marketing conceit is basically, "hey kid, stop playing with that stupid care bear because now we're selling a care bear that wears sneakers, has a cool mohawk, and has an attitude! This care bear will beat up all your other old care bears!" And hen by the time you're in junior high and hit puberty you realize that a care bear wearing shades is even lamer than the care bears you played with when you were 5 and become interested in pussy instead.

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>care bear with shades is lamer than normal care bears
Look at this faggot and laugh

then why is pic related a thing?

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Do all those retarded SA3 Facebook groups know they're literally asking to get Sonic 4'd?

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Thats what the kids in junior high were saying to you when they saw you drawing Sonic by yourself during Lunch period.

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>revealing your powerlevel

>hurr durr I signed the picture along the curvature of her shoe aren't I clever?
Getting real tired of this shit. There's a big blank bottom right corner right there begging for a signature ffs.

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That will never stop the likes of people like TrueSonicSpirit. They're just lost causes.

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Did it hit close to home? I bet it did.You know I'm right. Sonic characters are basically Care Bears with spikes and wearing cool clothes. It's gay shit.

I am going to be completely straight and honest.

Square-Enix and the characters they make are on the levels of Marvel with how shitty they make their stories. Even modern SE is going to great lengths to make it all political/Social Justice Warrior bullshit that people just eat up and ask for seconds.

I'd rather have Grasshopper Studios bring in Travis Touchdown, Garcia Hotspur, Garcian Smith (with his other personalities) and Mondo Zappa to be in the collab then any of Squares Creations (except for Hitman. He's cool.)

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It can be argued that sonics designs are why the series has been able to survive a rollercoaster history and bad rep. They are very iconic and memorable and accepted by all. Thats the one thing sega cant fuck up unless they unironically were about to kill them off for the sonic boom designs.

Anyway, the zoomers of today are total pussies. Theyve been browbeaten and born into a shitty matriarchal society. They just play fortnite and maybe fap on their phones later.

Calm down, Rouge. Just because the artist didn't draw you doesn't mean you should get worked up over something so pathetic.

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(Money to promote Disney. Nothin more nothin less. There is hardly any unique Square characters in 3. Its basically a interactive Ad for Disney Movies that just retells every fucking Disney movie that released. No unique mini story ever and the main story of the series are just all over the place and split apart making shit up as they go along forcing you to buy their side games as well.

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Sonic survives because there will always be 11 year olds who are in between that period where they want to feel cool so they reject their old Care Bears but are too young to get into slightly older kid things like Comic Books or Star Wars.

It's fucking everywhere and it's driving me insane

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wanna join the mess?

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11 year olds like fortnite, little kids these days don't even know who sonic is.

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I'm sure kids know who Sonic, Mario or Pac-Man are, even if they've never played one of their games.

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That doesn't bode well for the future of Sonic then, does it? It can't survive forever on the backs of weird, emotionally-stunted fetish freaks.

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I doubt Sonic's going anywhere

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>unga bunga me classicfag me right about everything because i say so

>highest rated game in 25 years

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New to the series?

Heroes, ironically and unironically
What I'm made of
Classic and Adventure, boost had potential but they ruined it

Been on board for 12 years

The 3K stages are so much better than vanilla 3 though that counting them as one props up 3 stages too much

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If it survives, it'll be by transforming into a new thing and leaving its old fans behind while embracing a new generation of kids. A nostalgic callback game is nice for those aging fans who want a kick of nostalgia, but its hardly a sign that the IP is making progress towards the future. Mega Man 9 was the best game in that whole franchise and the only people it pleased were 30 something classic gamers who barely buy new games anymore.

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if Mania's review scores mattered, does that mean the reviews that give it less than a 8 matter too?

Review scores are only useful for gauging general consensus

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Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Metal Sonic
Cosmic Eternity

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And it deserves that rating.

Doing god's work amyposter

Even a caveman could recognize that Sonic is aimed at children. It's not like Mickey Mouse. It's closer to something like Spawn. Cool when you're 12. Lame when you're 16 or older.


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There is literally no reason Shadow shouldn't be a playable character in every game once you beat the final boss.


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I was in my sophomore year of high school when MM9 came out and I absolutely loved it. It’s what got me into the franchise. I also grew up on genesis though so I thought it was awesome to get a classic game in 2009

modernfags ladies and gentlemen

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Jimmy Neuron's mom?

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Does anyone else hate bluespheres? It’s not as frustrating as sonic 2 half pipe but it’s so boring. I honestly liked sonic 1 and CDs bonus stages a lot.

Sonic 1 is a mediocre platformer though. The series didn't get good until 2.


Frustrating > Boring.

Every time.

They're my favorite bonus game.

Other Amy poster went away? I know there were at least three in the thread.

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I'm here, I was just doing something else.

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They're not all bad, but I do personally die a little bit inside when people have the balls to claim stuff like this for example.

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Shadow sacrificed himself at the end of SA2

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>Sonic 1 is a mediocre platformer

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It is. Who the heck enjoys Marble or Labrynith Zone?

I thought that initially but I dunno, the more I play Mania the less I like it. The pacing just feels wrong to me, I always feel exhausted by the time I get to Lava Reef. I never had this problem with the genesis games and I've played them much, much more.
I have some other nitpicks too but don't really feel like getting too analytical right now.

>modern SE is going to great lengths to make it all political/Social Justice Warrior bullshit
like what? DQ and FF aren't remotely SJW hell they still utilize sexualize characters, they don't necessarily care about that demographic
>any of Squares Creations
Old square characters are based tho

Shit falls apart after Green Hill Zone.

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Who the heck enjoys the story of a platformer rather than the gameplay?

I hate people who have different opinions

This is about gameplay though.

You'd be surprised.

should i buy Sonic Team Racing or Crash Team Racing

So sega acknowledged 06s existence. Its on PS NOW for japan. Do you think the 360 version has a shot at becoming bc on xb1 now?

I'm just chilling, watching erafags rip each other to shreds
Don't know why Sonic attracts so many dramawhores

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Anyone who enjoys good Sonic tunes and isn't shit at the game.
Even if you dont like Marble or Labyrinth, the rest are good levels.

Depends. Do you like Crash or Sonic more? But that one. Playing with your favorite characters is a big point, although I'm still not sold on the whole team racing thing.

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Crash Team Racing

Depends on what platform and which series you like more.
Otherwise, both. Get whichever one you want more and then get the other after a price drop or after you've gotten your fill of the other.
Thankfully you don't have to race on a team.

Well, what's your favorite era?

>Develop an innocent crush on Amy as a kid.
>Still get that feeling as an adult and feel ashamed.

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>Thankfully you don't have to race on a team.
Wait what? Are there normal races? I haven't really kept up with it at all.

I would wait and see but I'm biased as fuck and love Sonic and Sumo Digital so.

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ShayMay wasn't lying when he described the Sonic fanbase as fractures. There are so many flavors of Sonic around that people can't help but have favorites. Add in the variable quality and childhood nostalgia, and you can have arguments on the same subject for years, it feeds itself at this point.

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the woman is a japanese bikini model btw

Spring Yard and Star Light are great, I don't know why people say this

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Don't be ashamed user. We all have characters like that.

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Love: Genesis games
Like: Adventure games
Hit and Miss: everything else

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Some people prefer the taste of shit. I don't die a little bit inside, I just laugh loudly at them. If we rid the world of all stupid people, there would be no more guffaws.

I really grew to like Marble Zone, as flawed as it is.

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They've said it multiple times, but there's a pic of it. I would post it but I'm at work and a dirty phone poster, so. Someone posted it in this thread

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I do. Platforming is fun.

And before anybody says Sonic sucks as a platformer because the physics don't work well for it, go choke on a dick, because you're wrong.

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It looks decent, but there’s zero hype around it and the main gimmick feels unnecessary. I think it’ll score well, but underperform.

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>what happened to /sthg/
Yaoifags and dramawhores ruined everything.

Sonic's physics are great for platforming. I tried playing Mario World not long ago and couldn't get into it. Mario can drop like a rock in the air and accelerates too quickly in the air. He's slippery as fuck on the ground too.

Sonic controls really nice in the air but you can't blame people for preferring platforming that incorporates his defining characteristic.

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just preordered it for ps4 , hope its 60 fps

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Cursed image

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For me, Sonic is all about two things: Momentum and Pinball physics Going fast is secondary. And honestly, pretty mindless and boring after a while.

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>If it survives, it'll be by transforming into a new thing and leaving its old fans behind while embracing a new generation of kids.
This, everyone, is why franchises have "spin offs". By making a series of Bing Bing Wahoo in 3D, Bing Bing Wahoo in 2D, RPG Wahoo and sport and karting minigames, you garrattee your niche doen't overall gets exusted, and futureproofs your series' lifespan for many years to come

With the upmost certainty, a bad 3D Sonic game, a decent racing game and a crossover for Sonic doing olypmics, is all you got to work with with Sonic? Including gacha mobile shit that the Japs lap up, so what? In a world with great 3D (modern), great classic (2D) and maybe more spinoffs like fighting/rpg, then this "nostalgia callback" wouldn't be a bad thing at all. Or did you think what killed the Advance trilogy was notGreen Hill Zone at sunset pandering to a crowd that likely never played Sonic 1 really the case? Of course not, so don't think old = bad mkay? People SHOULD get when they ask for, so long as it doesn't replace anything else people like.

Pic related

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I can live with it if it ends up not selling great but scoring pretty decently. The first All Stars Racing is one of the best selling games of all time and the sequel didn't come close to that despite being held in higher regard than the first.
Same here. Hoping they release a demo soon for it.

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>It's not like Mickey Mouse.
Funny because kids in the 90s recognized Sonic over Mickey Mouse for a brief amount of time

Probably nostalgia but I remember Shadow being way better than Sonic Heroes

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i would get it on PC but I will probably play it with my nephew or friend which is easier to just bring a ps4

I feel that in Sonic, speed is more a "result", or even a means to an end, than a "reward".
Kind of like in Dustforce: When you play well enough, you go fast and clear stages in less and less time.

Speed on its own can be fun, but going fast with no purpose just doesn't work.

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Old = good, actually. Speaking strictly as an old crank who mostly can't stand anything made after 1995, of course.

And old also usually = irrelevant. I might be an old crank, but I'm also an irrelevant old crank. I understand why Sonic games aren't catered towards *me* anymore. They shouldn't be. People like me are a vast minority.

Forgive me, for I have sinned.

Before the thread dies, I'm about to play Advance 1 for science reasons.

Can anyone tell me where does the Advance line of games take place on? Not "Sonic's World/Earth", I mean what Island/landmass does it take place on? I never he anyone mention the locales of those games when talking about how much they like those games.

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>>best game
adventure 1 or cd
>>best character?
>>best vocal song?
you can do anything
>>best era?
genesis to dreamcast
robo blast 2 or green hill paradise act 2
where have you been faggot? thats what the franchise has been for the last 10 years

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Have you never played Sonic Heroes? Or any sonic game post-SA2

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What are the top 5 3D/Modern sonics Yea Forums?

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Metal Sonic is still the coolest video game robot. Mecha sonic is alright but he would be much lamer without those newgrounds animations.

5. SA2
4. Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
3. Unleashed
2. SA1
1. Sonic Riders

1.Sonic Unleashed
2.Shadow the Hedgehog
3.Sonic Adventure 1
4.Sonic Colors
5.Sonic and Sega All Stars racing

adventure 1
adventure 2

Would you like some cake, user?

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Speed isn't secondary but it's not the main point either.
I've always viewed the speed as a tool the player utilizes to facilitate platforming and exploration. I believe ShayMay described this as "fluidity."
There's a really good example of this in Hydrocity where you need to time a jump in a loop just right to get enough speed to jump off a wall and reach a higher route, I should really make a webm of it.

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I know the feeling. Definitely hope to play it with friends online and offline.

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Adventure 1
Adventure 2

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No it's better in just about everything but presentation
t. Played them both recently

Was Sonic Unleashed actually good? I thought that was one people hated

Sonic Unleashed
I don't really like any of these anymore either.

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Unleashed zoomers that played the game as kids grew up.

Not nostalgia My man, I replayed them both this way and Heroes is fucking ass.

No, Forces wasn't bad.

Only because people were still pissed from Sonic 06

Only western nu males hate it. The same type that line up to buy kirby and yoshi shovelware with baby difficulty. Glasses, fat, prone to eating soi. The actual hardcore fans recognize unleashed and its strengths. The things it does wrong, it then does right 100x over

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The Wii/PS2 version was better than the XBOX 360 version.

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The day stages were great, the night stages were awful, and the HD versions had required grinding. It was largely seen as a step in the right direction, and then Colors was called the "first good Sonic game in over a decade".

Sonic Blast was awful.

Funny how you say that because I had a friend who loved Unleashed and also loved the Kirby series

it was flawed.. the werehog stages are boring and medal collecting is mind destroying, but the sonic stages are GOAT and the game itself looks stunning when upscaled.

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>The same type that line up to buy kirby and yoshi shovelware

I know those types. Mostly Twitter crybaby types. I think most of them also like Sonic games, tho. Cuz Sonic games are also dumbfuck easy, generally speaking.

Holy fucking buzzword, man.

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Probably the best level design we've gotten from a boost game, definitely the best graphics, but don't listen to anyone trying to downplay how much the Werehog and collecting medals bog things down

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Thats strange, i cant possibly see much overlap between the two. I personally cant think of a worse series ive played than kirby

Is amy's best hairstyle mixing the old and new ones together?
I think so.

>"Nicole. What is "Humanafinity" and why is it in my search history?"

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Sonic Heroes' stages do look better, but the character models are slightly better in Shadow, except in the Last Way when they are all frozen

>Implying she didn't exclusively trade specs with Shard

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Shadow the Hedgehog is bad enough to be charming, Sonic Heroes just annoys me

Attached: sadow.png (1371x1009, 879K)

>best game?
Sonic Adventure
>best character?
>best vocal song?
What I'm made of
>best era?

Attached: tails_and_the_tornado.jpg (1309x915, 162K)


I expect Metal Sonic to come back with a bizarre and reluctant crush on Amy.

Attached: MetalSonicRedemptionArc004.png (1280x960, 472K)

I myself like Unleashed (not my favorite but I don't hate it) but also like Kirby. It's different depending on who it is I feel

Not a Kirby fan myself, but I can't really stand slow paced or overly easy games. But I have known people who are good at games to be into them. I just don't have the tolerance for the more leisurely pace.

I'm also not fond of Unleashed. Stages go on to long, too much automation going on, and not a fan of button mashing style gameplay with little variation. It becomes mindless and boring very quickly.

Sonic adventure 3
The joker
It doesn't matter
Stone age

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Is it bad that I enjoyed the werehog stages almost as much as the day stages? There are actually plenty of shortcuts and alternate routes, the combos are fun to pull off, and the only level to really drag on for me was Rooftop Run. I was actually sort of disappointed with how quickly Chun-nan and Adabat ended, they felt way too short.

>Classic universe Metal Sonic has trouble being violent when Amy is around.
Would be cute.

Attached: AmyIceCream.jpg (455x563, 164K)

Attached: AmyIceCream2.jpg (604x878, 159K)


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It would go along well with how Amy is portrayed in the shorts. She gets it good every time she shows up.

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Chun nan and adabat night actually had parts of them removed late in development. The DLC continues right after where they cut them off. Empire city act 1 also has background that is physically modeled and rendered but inaccessible. These were than later reused as areas in the DLC again

Attached: AmyHammer3.jpg (599x834, 92K)

I mean if that's your thing more power to you, I couldn't get into it and I don't think many people really wanted a beat em up in their Sonic game. Especially when it's a majority of the game.

Attached: sonamy.webm (1280x720, 1.04M)

She's dead user
You're gonna have to let go at some point

Why do Sonic threads always go so large?


I find cute and soft things more fun to post with. Amy posting is pleasant and relaxing to me, and the people drawn to cute stuff aren't openly crude, which is a Godsend on Yea Forums.

Attached: summer_amy_by_hanybe_d51dp2w.jpg (730x900, 506K)

This'll probably be my last one. I suppose you could say I've been saving it for a special moment.

Attached: AmyUmbrella.jpg (599x360, 47K)

Knight of the Wind
1991 - 2001

It's a nearly 30 year old franchise with a lot of fans and a bunch of shit to argue about?

The daytime levels are solid. The werehog stuff sucks but I wouldn't say they suck worse than the fluff in Adventure 1 and Adventure 2.

>not being a sallyfag

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>Probably the best level design we've gotten from a boost game
I don't see how. I find Generations a lot more fun and dynamic.

Sally more like deady because shes never coming back

Can't be helped. I'll have to use that....

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Oh I'm very crude but Amy melts my heart something fierce

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> best game
Sonic Mania or Sonic 3 & Knuckles
> best character
> best vocal song
Live & Learn
> best era
all of them have their shitty games, but I'll choose Adventure/Dreamcast era anyways


Attached: SonAmyDoctor.png (874x658, 405K)

What would their pubes smell like?

Depends on what you want I guess.
I think boost works better with linear setpieces given the controls. With more open level design I'd just prefer a different control scheme altogether.

>amyfags will defend this

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With my life, yes

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Thanks for letting dump on you guys!

Attached: amy_generations_by_zoiby_danlt2i.png (1764x1654, 1.29M)

>amygags unironically believe this
amy fags blown the fuck out lmfaoo

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Yo who's the artist for this?

No prob I got a bunch of new shit

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I believe the only one missing from the dump is the middle one. Please post it.

they are nostalgic.

>bunfags will defend this

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>batfags will defend this

Attached: 78CBB1BE-C66F-4E94-A6EB-0177E3190925.jpg (568x876, 136K)

real amyfags hate sonic

wet dog with a hint of salmon