Pokemon will be beyond redemption if this happens to be true/real

Pokemon will be beyond redemption if this happens to be true/real

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Masuda and Ohmori are actual brainlets.

Gamefreak has always lacked talent, but rarely do they lack talent AND ambition AND common fucking sense.

but user, everything that you read on the internet is true!

We know it's true through datamining the game, brainlet

>will be
It is true, and it already happened

>tfw Iwata can't fix GF's shitty coding again anymore
Maybe he could have made SM not run at single digit fps with more than 2 Pokemon on screen.

it doesn't matter, people are still gonna eat that shit up

so you've looked over the files to confirm this? or are we just taking it on faith from what we're reading here?

any retard can do this
Literally the same as extracting a zip

and why is this a problem

i dont get it. i guess im a brainlet...

Attached: 1503444844028.jpg (869x873, 407K)

Gamefreak was always shit at coding.
Why do you think Gen 1 was such a glitchfest.


while it makes the game slightly run faster due to faster access of files its wastes shitloads of storage

Gamefreak has always been fucking incompetent, why the fuck would it matter now?

iwata is roring in his grave

>making a recipe
Another food analogy. What the fuck is all the food comparisons? You don't eat a video game.

Keeping the Pokemon data encrypted in memory prevents messing with the game while it's running. Probably to prevent cheating.
Keeping various copies of the same data sounds like it would be uaeful to improve data locality and thus cache performance.


It makes the game run slower because it has to sort through it's own bloat of a trillion duplicate assets

that is what i mean,storage isnt exactly a problem anymore

>while it makes the game slightly run faster
This makes it run slower

FInally my dynasty warriors 9 playthrough is paying off.

Attached: Xin_Xianying_(DW9).png (2048x2048, 2.52M)

people often think with their stomachs

because everyone eats food faggot, you don't need to use an analogy if every involved understands the source content. If people don't understand the source content you need to find something every does understand.

I just wanna remind everyone this was the same company that decide that dark types needed to stay special attacking in gen 3 but kept making more physical attacking dark types and kept bite's defense lowering effect.
Meaning when they recreated the Pokemon engine from scratch for the GBA, they willingly kept that oversight instead of using the new start for the series as a chance to fix it

>I can only think when there is food involved
Fuck off, fatty

people still play pokemon after the HGSS pinnacle of the series? the fuck??

They could have used one single model for Lily, instead of copy/pasting her model for every map there is to use. Lily is just an example, since they tend to do the same with other models and textures they have.

Simply speaking, they are wasting tons of space and given that's it's an incredible stupid thing to do show that GF lacks skill when it comes to making a game. They could go it in USUM, because the game isn't that big, but the more ambitious the game the more this will come to bite them in the ass later on.

>kept bite's defense lowering effect
Bite flinches and Crunch lowered sp. def until Gen 4.

Developers are getting lazy and prefer to bloat filesizes than actually try to downsize or optimize anything.

>and I'm no coder
stopped reading

Morimoto: I wanted to cram as much possible in HGSS, I felt bad for asking "can we put this in too?"
Masuda: We didn't have feature because it was too hard for normies :C

>they are wasting tons of space and given that's it's an incredible stupid thing to do show that GF lacks skill when it comes to making a game.
That’s actually a lot more common than you might think. Game sizes nowadays are ridiculously large for no good reason.

I came back to Pokemon for X, my previous game was SS, it reminded me why I stopped playing Pokemon.

Yeah, but the 3DS wasn't build for huge games. And I'm not sure if the Switch is (doesn't it only support SD cards and has a rather small storage?). Obviously, looking at Sword and Shield, this won't be much of a problem since the game seems to be rather cheaply made graphically speaking, but assuming they would make a proper game I'm not sure if they wouldn't run into size problems.

what makes it run slower is that they apparently aren't good at optimising the shit they do have, especially with all these pokemon models that probably shouldnt be on the ds at the resolution they are

Not compressing is common, using several copies of the same model is not.

Unova is the worst region

>Simply speaking, they are wasting tons of space

Considering it fits on the cartridge they really aren't.

My last game was Emerald playing the shit out of the BF so I gave ORAS a try. Imagine my eternal fucking rage and butthurt I still suffer from now.

>OP has zero knowledge of code and sees 100 so he thinks it's bad

Attached: kek satania2.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

You keep posting this, but the game never had issues because of this, there a no long loading times, going in and out of battle is fast, and if you think that this is what caused the frame drops in SM you are a fucking brainlet.

The only thing that this proves is that their code is messy.

please don’t shitpost with my wife

Duplicate assets are amateur-level mistakes.

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About as much knowledge as an itoddler!

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The problems in Sun and Moon aren't even the frame drops for me, it's that animations and everything takes so fucking long.
compare it to Gen 5, I don't care whether you like it or not, the point is battles there were much faster, due to animation and due to the menus not taking as much with the cameras shifts taking their time

BW2 was the pinnacle.

Platinum was the pinnacle with HGSS and B2W2 being pretty great too. Pokemon has been a shitshow ever since debuting on the 3DS.

Shit Freak never developed 3D before that and the game was huge fucking ass. Then people were like "th-they are just getting used to the hardware" but then SM happened and that fuckawful performance that hurt to watch during double battles and other stuff.

Now Sword and Shield are Shit Freak's first time developing in HD

It's going to be a shitshow again. Won't even be surprised if the game runs at 30fps at 900p with frame drops or something.

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>Shit Freak never developed 3D before that
>Now Sword and Shield are Shit Freak's first time developing in HD

game freak are literally amateur hacks with the budget of five AAA games

>Now Sword and Shield are Shit Freak's first time developing in HD
It's understandable to forget the existence of the turd known as LGPE.

And the post in OP has anything to with this because?

This adds realism

The stadium/Colosseum games weren't developed by GF

LGPE is an upscaled 3DS game running on SM engine, hardly counts as HD development from scratch.

Nothing, but it has to do with the post I quoted

no shit
look at the fuck magic Iwata managed to pull off with gen 2

Game Freak did different games than Pokèmon: HarmoKnight was their first 3D, and they also did a few HD ones like Tembo


Imagine a world were Game Shit finally gets shut down and first party Nintendo studios get to develop the mainline Pokemon games.

but it's true
pokemon stadium was by HAL


>LGPE is an upscaled 3DS game running on SM engine, hardly counts as HD development from scratch.

But SS is the same thing.

is that why SM has such long loading screens and why the FPS go to shit during battles if there's more than 2 pokémon?

I honestly don't see them having a budget. More like they're just comfortable with their small teams. I think what hurts them is the lack of ambition of making a great game and the focus on trying to getting kids attention to maximize sales. You could see this on every masuda and ohmori interview, moreso for masuda. Like you could say they have an unlimited budget but they never need to use it. They just hire what they need, and that they don't need much.

>4-Yea Forums certificate
The third one about Lillie for example is real in ALL games and it doesn't matter, the console can run it just fine

>the code encrypts and decrypts itself 100 times
Did he hacked the mainframe database?

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>cartridges don't have much space
What is this, 1999?

It's why every 3DS Pokemon has a shit framerate

>LGPE is an upscaled 3DS game running on SM engine
You're lying to yourself if you honestly don't think Sword and Shield looks like an upscaled SM. LGPE looks more like upscaled ORAS too.

>I'm not coder
Where have I heard that one before

Attached: epic game store spyware determined by guy who has no idea what he's talking about.png (1228x130, 19K)

In the end they really were game FREAKS

>real in all games
Name 10 games with multiple models of the same character that are loaded each time you enter an area in which that character appears you disingenuous faggot

>long loading screens

>the FPS go to shit during battles
Not even close.

>Gen V
I literally dropped Gen V because everything was so incredibly sluggish and slow it was driving me nuts, regular ass wild encounters took fucking forever

The latter is due to the high polygon count of the 3D models.

Elite four removed in sword and shield. Stonehenge blow up elite four.

PREASE understand

Attached: masuda.jpg (610x343, 145K)

No, it's because the Pokemon models have too many polygons. Everything about the OP is stupid, no one here knows how it works

are you retarded?
how can a DS game be hd by default?

>focus on trying to getting kids attention
I don't understand this at all. The whole "make the game easier/more streamlined/railroaded/handhold-y" sentiment. I played Blue when it came out as an 8 year old and played through the game fine. I'm pretty sure I could read well enough, but I do remember some words in particular that I didn't know the meaning of, like the Lass in Route 4 who says "that look is so intriguing". Anyway, kids who played RBY back in the day had no problem figuring things out. There's no need to dumb things down.

Every other Pokemon game

Stop intentionally acting retarded

No you will get an elite 4 fight, but all of them will you before and after every fight just on the off chance that you forget to heal before entering.

It's not even just the dumbing down of things. It's their entire design philosophy. Take a look at rotomdex vs PSS.

Better way to put it is that they're not working under a sub-indie level budget, but that a sub-indie level budget is all they need to accomplish their goal.

He means that because the game fits on a cartridge it doesn't matter to the user how the space on the cartridge is used. Which is true. Nobody playing was aware of this as an issue because it didn't impact play in any way.

Everyone shits on Diamond and Pearl for being slow and tedious, but they had more useful tools.

Attached: clippydex.jpg (666x686, 62K)

Well damn no wonder Iwata was able to optimize G/S to fit an entire extra region in it

Too bad he isn't around to clean up their messes anymore

Dumb executives are the ones that ask for dumbing down games, since having something a 70iq brainlet can play means you can sell it to nearly 95% of the population.

I don't know about the code but Sun/Moon sucked anyway. Only good thing about it was the porn.

Because diamond is slow and sm isn't

Companies not compressing is one thing, what GF does is a level beyond that, not creating more assets than you need is programing 101, being mindful of memory limit and how software performance can be affected by bloated assets is literally one of the first things you learn about software making, GF is making mistakes that even newbie programmers wouldn't

>why the FPS go to shit during battles if there's more than 2 pokémon?

No, it's because this.

Attached: why pokemon lag like a bitch.png (524x467, 68K)

That's because of compression, games back then were small because literally everything had to be compressed or you had to save room, nowadays they don't give a shit because it doesn't matters that much

This is the stupidest shit ever because it's an unnecessary thing that will completely fuck up performance.
No wonder the games look so shit yet also run like garbage, game freak is worse at developing games than a first semester college student

Is there a more cherrypicked company company than GF? Besides EA

>Cherry picked.

They are known to be incompetent since Gen2, hell they nearly lost first pokemon game because they had backup on a single PC for the fucks sake.

Then why no one dethroned them yet, they had like 20 years

Attached: 1f914.png (512x512, 44K)

>wastes shitloads of storage
when it comes to cartridges, there is going to be an obscene amount of leftover space
if you have a game that's at 3gb, then you're dealing with a 4gb cartridge because that's a power of two while 3gb isn't

what pokemon is that

Because pokemon fans will literally eat shit as long as it says pokemon
Look at lets go

You know that pokemon isn't just games right.

Also this kind of stupid ass shit rarely affects the player directly like Bethesda games or gen 1 glitches.

I mean, if we go by shit like this image, the only reason to be mad is just because the image is telling you to be mad.

Did you not remember how poorly programmed RGBY was? Do you not rember Gen 4's slow game engine? Do you not know how infamous the 3DS Pokemon games were for having terrible framerate and being unoptimized?

I wonder how much of this has to do with backwards compatability with the trade system on older games


Did you completely forget that when XY came out, there was a two-week period where saving in the game's biggest city bricked your game?

either this is the most aesthetic modern military gear, or an airsoft player

Passersby here
What a compelling argument

It got patched but still somewhat buggy at that area.

But even then, how many times the game actually broke and you had to deal with a buggy ass area or shit failing to spawn on main game? There is some weird ass attack interactions but that rarely happens and today get patched quite fast.

Reminder Pokemon Red and Green were literally untranslatable because of how poorly thought out the code was.

This happen in many other games too

12624 triangles and 0 SOUL

Why did they go this far? The Pokemon don't even look that good on a 3DS screen due to the low resolution anyway.

What would happen if Gamefreak, Obsidian, and Bethesda teamed up?

the likely reason they're doing this is because it allows for faster loading times due to sequential reading frames, and since they have the space, no reason not to do it.

a shitty game

So that they can reuse those models untill the sun dies.

Because shit texture work, you can shave like half of those triangles and the model could look fine with proper textures and normal maps.

Because future proofing, all they have to do now aside for new pokemons is slap a new texture and maybe a some new animations for moves.

This is explained every single time
Literally, lurk more

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It's literally so they wouldn't have to make new models for new games. The pokemon models in XY, SM, Let's Go, and probably S/S are all the same barring a few scant alterations.

not everyone opens every pokemon thread user

what the fuck? I know you're shitposting, but he's right

t. actual programmer

How to fix pokemon:

>fire lead designers
>leave low level designer but keep on watch
>purge the entire fucking code team.
>hire new people.
>put standards in place and make everybody do their work

Let's go Reuse from GO tho.

3ds games are all same between all games.

>The game is always encrypting and decrypting
Oh no, how could this happen...I don't get it but I guess this is bad and I should be mad about it

With how cheap storage has become, and with increasing pressure to do more, optimization is seen as a waste of time+money to many devs.

I can get where they're coming from. I work in an architectural firm. I mostly work in AutoCAD. I'm pressured to pump out work fast, but also work that is acceptable in quality. Something a lot of us do is borrow things from previous projects and keep using them over and over again despite what flaws some blocks, details, templates or xrefs may have, it enables us to do things fast.

What does this lead to? Huge dwg file sizes that can occasionally slow down AutoCAD. I can optimize files but it's not worth it when everything gets plotted to pdf and can be optimized in bulk from a pdf reader, which are a fraction of the size.

>Let's go Reuse from GO tho.
GO also uses the 3DS models.

Except you just need to open one

>japanese companies

wow I guess I never thought of it that way

I could code better than GameFreak

Yeah but both projects were quite small and led by James Turner AKA the only person at gamefreak with actual 3D experience (he worked on the gamecube games when he was at Genius Senority iirc). It's no coincidence his name is slapped on anything that involves 3d cutscenes in the pokemon games

>With how cheap storage has become, and with increasing pressure to do more, optimization is seen as a waste of time+money to many devs.

It IS a waste of time. You optimize performance, NOT space. Space is irrelvant for the digital downloaders due to preloading, and irrelevant for the physical fags due to an abundance of space on blue ray.

>close game freak
>have a nintendo studio develop pokemon instead

fixed it

>Nip companies.
>Actually get arsed to fire some staff or wank their chain when shit is just working fine.

They have to do a massive fuckup to that kind of thing happen. The fact that Iwata had to step down and compress the whole GS code to fit in a cart and nearly everyone for that time still works there show how much the high ups care.

People can bitch and moan about pokemon games but they still sell like hotcakes.

When did you realize that Pokemon will never reach its fullest potential due to GameFreak's overwhelming incompetence?


The moment they started making excuses for cutting out features by saying things like "we like to give each game their own identity".


Who gives a shit.

Is the game good or not? That's all I care about.

Since GS.

When it took nearly 20 years to have animated Pokémon instead of a two frame animation followed by stillness.

>some new animations for moves
You mean like when a 2D foot appears over the opponent when you use Mega Kick or Blastoise having Hydro Pump come out of its face?

>Is the game good or not? That's all I care about

It depends entirely of how much patience you have for long-ass-unskippable cutscenes (think Mario&Luigi Dream Team) and if you don't mind having nothing new to go or do after beating the game

They still need to do a "animation" for that you know.

I just wasn't clear if you meant an animation for the Pokemon or if you meant an animation for the attack effect.

Game Freak is incompetent, more at 11
Bravo Nolan

So what does this matter to the consumer? Does it affect them at all that the game is apparently poorly coded?

The Elite Four in USUM is the hardest one in a while

>game has one ghost type in RBY
>half poison as well
>ghost is a physical attacking type and poison is too
>Gengar has sky high Special stat

>gen 2, lets make a new special attacking type, Dark

That gen 3 Dark type BS with Crawdaunt, Absol, Cacturne, Sharpedo was the most obscene, especially since all of them are too frail to use the Dark disruptive / support movepool. Literally WHY make them Dark at all. Then you've got a whopping two generations, IV and V to use Physical Dark types before the game completely jumps the shark with Fairy type, Mega evolutions and Z-moves.

I gave them a pass for XY because it was their first 3D game.


Only 1% of players know that because of exp share making them trivial.

nothing particularly surprising there, modern computing power allow for unoptimized computation and data storage because it simplifies the flow of the rest of the code.

Well yeah, especially as devs are looking at streaming models, the size of the game won't matter at all if people have an internet connection.

It is a waste of time, but I do like to occasionally cut down my own personal digital footprint from time to time.

XP share on SM got rebalanced due XP curve changes again.

Isn't stupid as XY but nowhere grindy as Gen5. actually people bitched a lot about gen 5 changes on XP curve.

>I bleieve randos that claim to be this. I dont' like technology those those guys with complicated names are surely right.

I hate fairy typing with a burning passion.
I am not mad that it completely cucks dragons and is strong against a lot of good shit like fighting and dark types.
I am fucking mad that it is strong against bug too.
Why doesn't enough shit counter bug types already?

Attached: please understand metroid fusion.png (762x557, 544K)

Reminder that Pokemon is in the current state of constant Kanto Pandering because Masuda's will got crushed by the very Americans and Europeans he was trying to pander to with Gen 5. They shit talked it because of "muh ice cream, muh trash bag" and "wheres muh charizard, I don't wanna use these mons!" In an ironic twist, Japan was very accepting of Gen 5 but he doesn't care what his own people think.

This is the reason why Kalos, Alola, and most likely Galar have very little identity of their own.

>I have never programmed anything. I must be angry though, because god I am the programmed asset there.

It's just imbecile talks talking about the generation of a poke from its seed value. they know using those words makes reddits and resetera eat in their palm. feels more "important" and "scientific" that way.

Having a different model for cutscenes is one thing. having a duplicate model for every single goddamn cutscene on game is overkill and stupid.

And even worse that cutscene models aren't remotely different from world ones, also every single cutscene is a duplicate geometry from playable area to boot which makes shit worse.

>the generation of a poke from its seed value.
What about its feed value?

Only Molayne was any sort of challenge because steel is a busted typing

fyi, that was damage control. Epic is indeed scraping your files and sending them back to never be accessed again. There is no reason to EVER do this except selling and spying.

If the E4 isn't at least 5 levels above your team when you get there, it's still broken.

15 years ago.

I wish Nintendo would take control and purge Gamefreak of incompetent people. Look at how much a game like LoZ has progressed from the first game to BotW. Not the best comparison, but by now one would expect a fully-realized 3D open world Pokemon game to be fairly feasible, but seeing as Gamefreak is stuck on DS-tier graphics/animation, and a top down isometric view instead of free roam 3D, it'll take them another 20 years, if ever.

Because no one else can come up with memorable monster designs, or they shit the bed the moment they get even a sniff of success

E4 is always somewhat shitty because little timmy always had a overgrinded starter or other pokemon. It's pretty easy to bulldoze and you can use items.

Only Champion that is a challenge is DP Cynthia due lack of proper mon and move distribution on DP. Gen 5 hard mode is okay tho.

And that alone is enough to make it harder since Platinum. The E4 has been a joke for some years.

Around 2013 because of combination of and people defending anything they do to their graves.

Sounds par for the course for nintendo in general. Instead of spawning something in any game everything is loaded and just stored in the floor/invisible

This is the inevitable result of a series that knows it will sell regardless of quality. Honestly, why should they care/try?

Yeah, I guess that makes you right after all.

I wish we could get a facility similar to the Pokemon Stadium games. I appreciated the challenge those games gave you, even though they would literally cheat with illegal movesets at times.


Nintendo always avoid do this kind of stupid ass shit and actually optimize the games.

To be fair, the Vanilluxe and Garbodor weren't very good competitively either. If they were good at battling such as pic related, no one would care how ugly they are.

Attached: landorus-therian.jpg (819x1000, 148K)


There are ugly and shitty Pokemon in every game. Gen V had more than enough cool-looking Pokemon to make up for it, just like any other game. What's that? You don't like ice cream mons? WHO THE FUCK CARES? I have a fucking CENTIPEDE TANK.

It's the fastest gen so how did you cope with every other pokemon game?

>GEN 5.
>When the game actually runs at 60 fps this time.

Still chokes on some stuff, but it's blazing fast when you disable the animations.

Attached: 1548429793447.png (409x445, 231K)

this isn't a fucking cd, user

No one except me liked Scolipede before it got speed boost.

Well would anyone understand the car repair analogy?
>Open hood,Take dipstick out,close hood,check oil level,open hood,replace dipstick,close hood, get oil, open hood, remove dipstick, close hood, open oil, open hood...
You see how tedious it is. Almost everyone brainlet knows how a cookbook works

But this dude right here is literally the most used and most useful Pokemon in the VGC right now and /vp/ has daily hate threads dedicated to it and probably has the most vocal haters of the Alola starters.

Attached: pkmn_incineroar.png (1449x2389, 1.96M)

Look up how paper mario works.

>all those fucking great Ghost types like Pringles Man jellyfish, Golurk, Chandelure
>Scolipede, Galvantula, and Volcarona make bugs useful for once
>gave us Freedom Bird
>motherfucking Conkeldurr

Gen V was great, fuck the haters.

Nigger I don't even play competitively. I just fucking love that shit. Gen 5 has some of my favorite designs in the entire goddamn franchise.

ISIS is the developer of Paper Mario games, not Nintendo.

I liked it, I just never planned on using it untill it got speedboost, beacuse Volcorona was my designated bugbro for the gem

That's mostly because of two years of shitposting and being a playable character in Smash.

don't get your hopes up

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>Implying Pokemon hasn't already been beyond redemption for two generations now

I'll admit I'm not a hardcore fan but when I saw trailers for SM that put the final nail in the coffin for me ever coming back to this series. I might give BW2 a go some day though since I've heard they're pretty good.

So are you going to actually give us proof that it exists or some link to a data mining program that is not proof whatsoever.

>Forgetting about based krok and spooky coffin.

Attached: 1200px-553Krookodile.png (1200x1200, 851K)

They clearly have some favoritism with the types, Bug, Ice and Grass always get shit on. What rustles my jimmies even more is that Fairy is just straight up IMMUNE to Dragon. It's baffling how fucking retarded things became with Dragon type post gen IV

>durr lets make Outrage do 120 damage with only 1 type that resists it
>Garchomp isn't fucked up enough, we need Salamence to also have Outrage
>dragon dancing and life orbing intensifies
>every competitive team has Heatran, Scizor, Bronzong, etc on it just to survive the retarded Outrage spam

Then instead of nerfing Outrage, or making Ice type resist Dragon or something halfway intelligent like that, they just make a type immune to Dragons while everyone else can get fucked. The power creep in this game is 110% fucked. Who looked at Salamence in gen III and decided, "1.5x attack boost with moves like STAB Aerial Ace and Earthquake isn't enough. He needs 1.95x boost with 180 BP." Fuck, what a tragedy, I loved competitive Pokemon once upon a time.

Attached: runningregice.gif (750x563, 960K)

I didn't forget I just didn't want to be listing half the roster

Literally just to nerf U-turn. That's the only reason fairy resists bug.

Yikes, if you need proof here you go:

>bad coding revealed in data mining
wow, I don't think I could give less of a shit than I do now

Type chart need a fucking complete rebalance for better or worse.

Then why not just change U-turn's base power

Fuck, GF is retarded

Attached: 1463085346105.png (540x476, 373K)

>Ice type is one of the worst defensive typings in the game
>Make all the mons slow and tanky
>Weavile/sneasel are the only ice types who are fast and hit hard.
>There are no hard hitting physical ice type moves it can use.
what is wrong with them?

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>dat bottom text
That kind of redundancy is only necessary you're reading exclusively from a CD/DVD disc (to minimize load times), that or to better organize memory usage (for systems lacking memory, which the Switch has plenty of).

What else were you going to store on that game cartridge?

you have only yourself to blame. lel

>fairy immune to dragon
>causes Outrage to stop immediately
>not even confusion for dragon
>dragon destroys fairy through its typical poor defense and speed

Because they were also stupid enough to let more non-bug types learn it than bug types.

It doesn't matter to physical fags like me, but digital fags would prefer the game be more optimized.

when did I ever say anything about digital you moron? The point is that you don't need to do this kind of shit on a fucking card

Why does it trigger retards like you so much?
It's a common comparison from a topic anyone can relate to, and it's not even about food, it's about reading (something you need more of).

imagine for not saying food apology

Another autist Reee'ing about food analogies on Yea Forums. Everyone eats food retard. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE PURPOSE OF AN ANALOGY?

The cheap cash grab franchise is poorly optimized, what a shock.

Hg/Ss is not remotely as good on a second run. Once you get past the shit that's only fun once, you've left with gen 2's flaws on gen 4's engine.

Can you describe it in terms of food?

>hey what about fix Kanto level curve?
>nah just throw same shit again people will buy anyway.

Attached: 1553131203280.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

yes. an analogy is similar to that time you crawled out of the KFC abortion bucket and disappointed everyone

Imagine being this incompetent and lazy, and still controling one of the biggest IPs on Earth just because someone on your team drew a really cute yellow rat.

>only fat people use food analogies
>people who use food analogies only think about food
This is some low-level brain power at work. Are you projecting?

>there are extra files, UNPLAYABLE!!
who the hell cares, they're lazy as shit and there are better things to complain about with Pokemon

Fuck the way you bring more Pokemon into the Safari Zone too.

Ok show the fucking proof then, retard. Should be easy to get a debug mode and step through each line of the loops. Or just show the lines of code and multiple people that actually know what they're talking about will verify it.

I guarantee I'm thinner than you, food analogies are simple ways to prove arguments wrong, so people here sperg out about it to avoid losing arguments.

1 game I can think of is paper mario 64. but that one too is a clusterfuck of hacky coding like pretty much all 5th gen games were

>makes one of the elite four for D/P a fire type specialist
>only two fire types in the regional dex
>no one at gamefreak thought "maybe we should throw in a few extra fire types?"
no they were too busy bringing Unown back

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Actually that make E4 harder since they aren't stuck with a single type.

And more interesting actually. But still shitty.

see I didn't know about GS's history until after Iwata died.

DP's dex suffered because they decided it had to be 150+mythicals. Not even the new evolutions are all in there. Christ you couldn't get Tangela in DP, until Platinum came you had to import one from gen 3 to see the new evolution.

you don't need to be a programmer to see that an application is scraping shit it shouldn't, you subhuman, yellow piece of shit

This is old news newfag

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U-Turn could literally have 1 base power and it would still be as widely used as it is right now.

That wasn't a huge problem though with the addition of online trading.

Except that you need "see" that pokemon to trade online on gen 4 games.

Shit only got solved in 3ds era.

>watching footage of competitive pokemon play
>faggots have the audacity to flaunt SHINY hacked pokemon with perfect nature and IV's.

It's one thing to play things low-key, to hack a regular pokemon with perfect stats and say "I bred it myself," because that's actually believable, but when it's all that AND it's shiny. Fuck you, you should be disqualified from the tournament.

I hope that this "encrypting the code" stuff means that catching rare pokemon and breeding perfect stats actually means something, because people hacking their saves completely invalidates all of it.

Oh, right. I forgot that's how it used to work.

>Gamefreak is incompetent
As if this is even news

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>Alolan Marowak learns Shadow Bone at level 27
>Cubone evolves at level 28
>move tutor is located in the ass end of the game

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Shiny pokemons don't worth a damn anymore. unless you are a autist and must breed or catch every single one by hand.

Also dupe and injecting is a thing since forever on VGC anyway. Long as isn't something downright obvious like wondertomb they don't care.

what I hate most about Rotom is that literally 50% of the screen space is used on his stupid border that does nothing, instead of using the entire screen for the map.

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>player has a team full of shinies
>even the shinies that look like ass compared to their regular colours

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Is Game Freak just Japanese Bethesda?

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Sun and Moon have something called Hyper training which increases the mons IVs.
You can only do it if your mon is lvl 100 though and the hyper trainings only make up the difference in IVs.
if you try to breed a hypertrained mon, the resulting babies will still have the IVs of the parent before it got hypertraied.
So the only thing you really need to do is get a shiny with the right nature and maybe some egg moves.

I find it weird how alot of my friends (and stories I read on the internet) who casually play pokemon often skipped alot of the DS games which is a damn shame because it was definite high point of the series quality wise.
It was definitely a quiet point of the franchise. Pokemon was kinda under the radar for alot of people who weren't serious into the series. Plus it didn't help "MUH ICE CREAM MUH TRASH BAG" were used to justify why the new games "suck"
Suddenly when X/Y dropped almost everyone I knew who casually played the series jumped on it day one, even some who specify bought a 3ds for it despite ignoring most of the DS games.
I mean there was definite hype for X/Y, being the first main series game to be in 3D, I honestly think the gen one pandering had nothing to do with the game's success, it just came out at the right time when people were getting back into pokemon and unfortunately game freak completely misunderstood what made X/Y so popular. I mean look at how much overstock there is for Let's Go that wont be marked down.
Hopefully game freak got their gen one dick riding out of their systems after Let's Go and focus on creating an actually identity for Gen 8

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Hidden power type is a thing.

Not nearly as bad. They're incompetent, but the incompetence is at least hidden.

It's pretty funny how they introduced "moves upon evolution" and then do this. Its like they hate the very people who sustain them.

>using hidden power still

maybe, but not every competitive mon uses hidden power.

That reminds me of when a VGC player was caught using a shiny Aegislash in an illegal ball at nationals and he got away with it by saying he got the parent he bred it from in a trade.

They do matter slightly if you're stalling in a timed match because of the extra second or two for the shiny animation.

>starving nigger gets jealous whenever food is mentioned
colour me kekked

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I really fucking wish game freak would have made bottle caps more common (like buyable but not until the postgame) and removed the level 100 requirement.
Would make competitive battling way more accessible for the better

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Let's Go sold over 10 million copies so I doubt the Kanto pandering will end anytime soon, espeically when the next movie coming out is simply the first movie, but in 3D.

gps was free after first badge, tangrowth isnt in the dex so you dont need it, also the garden place could give you the seen image, just like manapgy

I believe it. US/UM ran like shit.

>">Food analogy" post

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I do agee with that fire part, when putting together his team they had to have at least noticed they were really lacking in fire types. Could have still kept the team just add more fire types dex wise. I mean did we really need Magikarp and Zubat for the 7th time in a row?

They also need to let us opt out of maxing a stat with gold caps/let us drain a stat.

>They do matter slightly if you're stalling in a timed match because of the extra second or two for the shiny animation.
i remember accidentally stalling my first tgc match vs one of the first uk champions because it was my first competitvie game and i just wanted to chat , and i won the first game so it qwas a draw

They should also add other types of bottlecaps which can reduce an IV to 0 or reduce it by 1.

>I mean did we really need Magikarp and Zubat for the 7th time in a row?
>getting rid of gyrados
>bad team doesnt have zubat

Depending on the hardware, its faster that way. Its allways a balance between loadtimes and overall mb

I would not be surprised if they get rid of bottlecaps in Sword and Shield and replace it with nothing. I also wouldn't be surprised if they keep Festival Plaza.

>self admitted non-coders criticizing how a game is coded
This might be even worse than Twitter screencap threads, thanks for the cancer OP

>the next movie coming out is simply the first movie, but in 3D
Can't believe we're going from Our Story to that, it also looks like absolute shit from the trailers, what a let down. It's probably gonna have some shoe-horned Mega Mewtwo or something, as well.

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If they kept the plaza, they'd improve on it in some way but it's likely they won't since each gen has changed it.

Reminder that GF struggled to adapt to Switch development (whereas third parties and indies have remarked about how easy it is). And that LGPE required over a hundred developers (yet Monolith got by with 40 people on Xenoblade 2 after most of their devs at the time got farmed out for BotW).

I feel like you need to put in atleast some work and effort into getting a perfect mon to not make breeding completely obsolete,
I mean they already made it easier to EV train with super training and horde battles.
Pokemon is already super casualized, no need to casualize the one aspect that is not just handed to you on a silvet platter.
I am just happy that they made it possible to use your bromons you used during the story competitively.

XB2 had to be outsourced tho. And the game was pretty fucking rushed on release.

Yea after they got their shit together after the shitshow that was Diamond and Pearl I was willingly to give game freak the benefit of the doubt on X/Y.
Honestly what pisses me off the most about ORAS is now how we're finally on hardware that can be patched, they decide to keep adding new forms and pokemon without updating the previous game to make them at least compatible with each other battle and trading wise. I dont mean between Gens 6 and 7, i mean stuff like adding new mega forms in ORAS and not updating X/Y to at least be compatible with them when in gens 3-5 they made sure new forms would at least be able to be used in battles with the previous game (like using Kyrum Black against someone playing on normal Black, it would just look like a regular Kyurem but with Kyurem Black's stats and moves etc)

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There's a reason they needed Iwata to make Gold/Silver fit on a cart.

And it's the same reason that, after he optimizied it, there was enough extra space to fit all of fucking Kanto too.

Imagine if Game Freak did competent balance patches and added content after release.

Game Freak is so ready to abandon a game after launch with no sense of foresight it disgusts me

they did add content after release.
You just need to buy the game again to get it :)

Game Freak's been terrible devs since the very beginning. When Gold and Silver were in development, Satoru Iwata had to be called because they couldn't fit all the content in the cartridge. Satoru reduced so much of the size that it allowed for them to put Kanto in there too. So, you see, one of the most iconic moments of gaming provided by Pokémon (the battle against Red) was NOT Game Freak's responsability.

>Sun and Moon were literally $40 demos to Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
>still sells Sun and Moon for $40 after USUM's release

>Release a new pokemon game.
>Immediately start working on a new one so staff is nearly entirely blackholed into it.

Thats why, it wouldn't e a problem if they were half competent, but isn't the case.

imagine being at computers

At least they patch the game breaking bugs although they released XY in a state in which outgoing/incoming online data was totally unencrypted and could be read through your computer in the middle of a match. Literally being able to see what move your opponent is choosing before you choose for the first month or two.

>and Battle Tree is still garbage
Fucking $40 dlc

>Battle Frontier project coming soon huurrr
Like I wasn't even a big fan of Emerald's Battle Frontier but that was such a dick move

That was a big fuckup but lasted like what? a week or two?

I'm pretty sure that most people used to dupe shiny mons anyway since you could read any data sent online.

Reminder that the game breaking glitch when saving in Lumiose city wasn't patched until like two weeks after launch. Tho I am curious what caused that glitch to even happen in that location anyways

I look forward to the Sinnoh remakes having that sign again and reusing the SS tower clone instead of just remaking the fucking tower.

>400 MB

Oh the humanity!

The fact they thought it was okay to release it like that was bad enough. They probably wouldn't have fixed it if people hadn't noticed.

To be fair on Monolith Soft and XBC2, their team got fucking scalped halfway through development by Nintendo for BoTW's development, basically forcing them to outsource. People are really hard on that game for it's terrible menu system when Monolith Soft had all 7 of it's UI designers moved to BoTW.
Makes me optimistic for Monolith Soft's future at Nintendo though because Nintendo themselves seem very fucking grateful about it.

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>Q:We noticed ORAS had a lower difficulty level compared to previous Pokemon games. What bought you to this decision? Any chance that future games will have the possibility to adjust difficulty level as seen in Black and White 2?

>A:What? How come you've already played the games? hearty laughter [the games were supposed to come out in Italy the day after the interview] We created a "balanced" game that was suited for our time and age, where everyone is very busy and young people have various means of entertainment. Using smartphones and other devices they can access a great number of games, so the time they dedicate to a single game is less than in the past. The player can choose to keep on playing after the main story and continue to the post-game, where the difficulty rises and there are much more difficult Trainers and challenges to overcome.

>Q:Why wasn't the Battle Frontier in the remakes?

>A:This question is connected with my previous answer. We didn't put the BF in ORAS for this very reason. Interviewer's note: In short he means that they didn't include the BF because only a very small part of the players would have fully appreciated and made use of this feature; nowadays players get bored and frustrated more easily and they aren't interested in things that are so demanding/challenging.

I know that pokemon games are cyclical so every new gen have a new batch of people playing the game for first time.

But that's some really bullshit excuse to gut content.

Gen 5 was my favorite gen and I've been playing since Silver. I wish people were more accepting to it. Maybe then we wouldn't be on this path.

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151 Lillies
Just imagine

Breeding won't be completely obsolete as long as egg moves and baby pokemon continue to exist

If you wanted to mitigate IV bullshit but keep breeding as an activity you could add longer breeding chains for specific moves, give baby pokemon access to moves their other stages can't get, detach hidden power from IVs and make it a randomly assigned type upon generating the pokemon, or just bring back the little cup as a regular format

Shit legs

Monolithsoft do some witchcraft on their games that shit always have something impressive tech wise. Fucking xenoblade on wii have open ass areas and a big ass titan rendering the whole time and runs somewhat fine, albeit the game used ton of shortcuts and had popins out of the ass.

But also they work on ton of other projects on meantime, they even worked on Mario kart makes sense Nintendo have really ton of trust on them.

Can't game freak hire another studio to make their game?

They could but don't want too. They like pretending to be a small studio.

Pokemon is almost 100% handled by Pokemon company and they give the cards there, Sure Nintendo owns them but they are somewhat independent.

Also GF have a share on pokemon IP, so getting ride of them is harder than you would expect. Getting someone involved with a main Pokemon game would require both Pokemon company and GF actually getting arsed to hire someone else.

Isn't like Nintendo casually ask Monolith soft to do Zelda fo them.

When it comes down to it the only difference is time. I've sat my ass down and bred a shiny Feebas making 500 or so eggs to be sent away on WT after consecutive generations of making little fishies get fucked by daddy ditto. I've also hacked my mons so I could take my starter to battles instead of having him feed and sneed with a ditto for 4 rotations before the eventual better specimen pops up and subsequently gets stuck in the daycare molested by pink Woody Allen till a better subject comes along. People can have their honor code about breeding, but the whole process is only a matter of time. Also they didn't give a shit about beast ball porygon.

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What is it about Pokemon which brings out the autism in people?

>I literally dropped Gen V because everything was so incredibly sluggish and slow it was driving me nuts
DDPt and HGSS were drastically slower

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>perfect IV shiny Chandelure I breed in X/Y back before Pokemon Bank was release has been my bro mon for all of my competitive teams. I always put him in, even if his role was covered by something else
It's also the only shiny I use because I think having more than one shiny on a team is tacky as fuck

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A horrible mix of nostalgia, treasured memories moral faggotry, and occasional, but highly likely fur faggotry.

This is stil $15 btw guys

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They could but they wouldn't. Pokemon and GameFreak go hand in hand. To some people, if a Pokemon game is not made by GameFreak, then it's not a true Pokemon game even if it was a botw-style game.

Gamefreak didn't have any part in designing the Detective Pikachu game or movie and it's the breath of fresh air that the Pokemon franchise has needed for ages

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well what the fuck ss means soul silver you dip shit.

>A detective spin-off no one asked for gets a live action movie that no one asked for
I can't be the only one who finds this suspicious.

You might as well be asking why no one has dethroned star wars, that's a stupid ass question.
And in fact pokemon has made mush more money since the start of the franchise than star wars which had a twenty year head start on pokemon.

Why hasn't anyone dethroned pokemon?
Because pokemon literally makes more money than fucking star wars.

I never asked for it, but I've embraced it with open arms.

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Fuck that movie Pokemon aren't supposed to look like fucking cancer

is pikachu supposed to have yellow skin?

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No it's fur. But the fur is supposed to be really thin. All the pokemon in the Detective Pikachu movie look retarded

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