Would you buy it now?

Would you buy it now?

Attached: redesign.png (1060x594, 697K)

Is this supposed to be redesign of gen 1 mons? If so its trash. I wouldn't mind if they were the gen 8 starters or whatever gen we are at now but they don't seem unique enough to justify getting ride of the bulbachad and squirtlegang.
I like the monkey though and i think his evolution would be cool, would probably pick him.

No. I hate the sentiment that Pokemon should stick to being animals with anime eyes or DQ/FF rejects. Designs have been getting better with times with much more thought and love put into them but that goes spurned because people refuse to accept change.

Ah yes back when pokemon was good before they all looked like space aliens
really had soul back then

Good job on whoever did this on not changing Sobble's limbs for some retarded Squirtle-like ones.

Are you fucking retarded its the new gen drawn with the gen 1 artstyle

Now it just looks like a bootleg.

Every pokemon is always a shitty echo of just one theme. In the original 151 pokemon were made with various influences.

I don't keep up to date with new gens ya autismo

Oh yes gen 1 totally had the anime eyes. Gen 8 totally doesnt look like autists with brain damage

Attached: 1551309552510m.jpg (1024x870, 109K)

No, Pokemon is gay.

>hurr all pokemon after the first 151 are just copies and echoes of the original 151

Yes, that monkey looks adorable


Attached: 116Horsea.png (431x431, 135K)

That Krabby and Vulpix don't look like Pokemon at all.
PEople need to realise that if you change generations you also change design philosophies. Gen 1 Solgaleo is a retarded concept because the design process altogether was different, and his design doesn't lend itself well to Gen 1's simple story and philosphy
On another note, whoever did this was retarded, not because of what I mentioned above, but because Scorbunny and Meowth have the same exact body structure, so pretending it didn't exist back then because you don't like it is nostalgia blinding at its finest

Also Grookey's face marking becoming a mask looks god awful

My biggest issue is with Sobble and Scorbunny's limbs, so yes. They look much better now.

That Fletchling doesn't make sense, the current one is literally a less obese version of a real one with a badly drawn beak.

I prefer that Sobble

The monkey looks better but the tadpole looks meh and the rabbit's eyes are piercing my soul

>but because Scorbunny and Meowth have the same exact body structure, so pretending it didn't exist back then because you don't like it is nostalgia blinding at its finest
Old good
New bad

No because the games will still be shit regardless of whether or not Scorbunny and Sobble look like shit

This picture upsets me, because all of the pokemon in Gen 1's style look fantastic.

Those Gen 8(?) redesigns look pretty sweet, not gonna lie.

The rabbit is the only one that looks even close, and even then the eyes suck, should be gen 1 styled eyes

The blue one is still a bit overdesigned. You want to remove the cheek circles.
Rest of the designs look good.

Forgot to say: also remove the eyes, mouths and ears, this way they're not overdesigned anymore.


Imagine being this fucking tasteless.

The first two generations of pokemon are much better designed than the new generations. There are exceptions of course. I love Volcarona for example, but good lord dude get some fucking sense smacked into you.

Grookey looks fucking amazing in this style. The other two are pretty ugly.

Imagine being this fucking tasteless.

The Gen 8 starters are fucking horrendously designed though aside from Grookey


Attached: 1451876852781.jpg (471x487, 77K)

>no u
Shit isnt an argument dude. Again, get some taste.

There's no point trying to argue with him. This is one of those lines in the sand where humanity falls on either side and the difference is irreconcilable. Like fascism and communism.

>completely opinion based statement
>ends with "get some sense smacked into you"
jesus christ, how about you explain your point rather than berating the person you address, it makes you look like less of a child

Attached: Eltingville Depression.jpg (677x848, 157K)

>Shit isnt an argument dude.
Neither is a generic "are much better designed", especially since 90% of gen 2 has the same "flaws" as any other gen after it.

Attached: 1455285162277.jpg (3492x2288, 1.43M)

>fascism and communism
communism is fascism

Hell fucking no, if you're implying i would buy the game just for the starters then no. I think they all look shitty but i have hope that there will be a few new mons am gonna like a lot so it's whatever

Attached: 1525850597999.jpg (1439x1102, 514K)

You're wrong about Gen 2. Shit speaks for itself and are basically retarded. I feel sorry for you.

Gen 3 was the clear shift in design philosophy, stop being a brainlet that is blinded by the truth.

Oh look it's the same ponyfag posting non-original art.

Get it through your thick retarded brain that FRLG Venusaur is just a recolor of Venusaur's original art and that gen 1's babby Nidoking is way more of a pussy than its FRLG counterpart.

Attached: green.jpg (375x500, 45K)

Don't think the people who make these pictures know animals.


This is Yea Forums's Yea Forums board. Do you know where you are, newfriend?

I dont have to explain shit. It speaks for itself. After Gen 3 pokemon designs for the most part went to absolute shit with some exceptions. This isnt opinion. Its fucking fact and it's something that tends to happen when the original creator takes a seat from a longstanding media franchise. It is no coincidence that after Satoshi dropped out from development and stopped having much of a say that Musuda, sugimori and others began going nearly full retard.

So yeah. Get some taste. Gen 1 and Gen 2 > Everything else.

dance, my children

Attached: 1553971645332.png (1996x2015, 3.49M)

Real taste is acknowledging that Pokemon designs have always been shit.

>t-they were always shit!
Sorry that your favorite generation has a lot of bad mons and you werent a part of late 90s early 2000s pokemania dude. It was glorious.

>Shit speaks for itself and are basically retarded.
Indeed, gen 2 being shit speaks for itself and is retarded.

You should stop being blinded by the truth as well, "brainlet".

Attached: wings.png (656x371, 64K)

Not him, but explain why you think this then?
What changed in the design process.
I swear if you start drawing lines or circles around outlines
Also before you say anything, I'm questioning if you think the design philosophy changed, I'm asking you think it's worse

The only thing that's dancing is your brain in your empty skull.

Attached: lapras-gen1-jp.jpg (360x382, 36K)

Designed started peaking with Gen III as generation actually had throughlines and unifying concepts instead of just being mishmashes of RPG tropes and bootleg Kaiju. It's also the point where they realized "yeah, we have to design these things with spriting/modeling in mind to avoid the messes R/G and Stadium put out." As such they started looking better across ALL mediums rather than just in the anime.

>just got a Ralts in pokemon go
>super excited
>it's fucking male

into the trash

As a die-hard /vp/-dwelling pokefag who hates genwunners with a passion

Yes these are like 8000x better, nu-gen designs are utter shit

>doesn't know shit about the argument of the thread
>comments anyway
>gets called out
>y-you are autistic

Attached: 79A4F0B2-6D69-4F07-9D47-9FAA5722912E.png (1440x1437, 474K)

Oh no, I've never been apart of babby's first RPG, I can't live with myself anymore.

Attached: 1552996085021.gif (480x360, 1.93M)

>Not rocking the Onion Knight
Dumb waifufag.

Scorbunny is near 1-to-1 with Meowth.

HOw about you explain WHAT about it changed assface , since you are an art aficionado who looks down on us plebians, moron.
Also saying R U NU isn't a substitute for bad habits, which are usually noticed over a course of years. Just because it's common doesn't mean it has to be accepted or liked

dance, DANCE

Attached: 1553971851627.jpg (3492x2288, 1.59M)

>babby designs
ooh noo noo noo

Attached: look at the top of his head.jpg (360x339, 44K)

Attached: 1514958013646.png (819x2644, 776K)

Now post Noctowl. You wont though

Crazy lines everywhere. Shapes like elektrike that are fucking dumb and unappealing. Everything became much more fantastical than it was before and began reeking of the sense that they were not refining their ideas well enough. Magenton for example may be lazy, but multiple magnemites coming together looks cool, is simple yet powerful idea and makes sense. Meanwhile most gen 3 pokemon just seem like they were trying to hard. For every badass pokemon like Metagross you unfortunately have a Baltoy or mancetric in gen 3

Attached: 1526052582379.png (500x276, 91K)

The fact that you are grouping gen 2 shitmons with gen 1 as if they are somehow similar shows a complete lack of critical thinking, your opinion is purely emotional.

Ur new. Lurk moar fagface.

Gen 1 and Gen 2> Everything. Lmaoing @ your life

Welp, there it is. He's just too stupid to understand or look up motifs.

Wow, they actually look like animals again instead of cartoony, wannabe mascots.

Many of them were Gen 1 rejects so it's quite funny how you dont realize just how dumb your post is. Get some taste, and knowledge.


Attached: 1551900525299.png (500x600, 233K)

>Lapras used to have fangs
Why'd they get rid of them? Looks fucking rad
Anyway I adore Sugimori's watercolor art, looks so good

this image is stupid

Baltoy is a shitty pokemon with an even shittier design. Doesnt matter what inspired it when it fucking sucks to look at, sucks to use, and is extremely lame. Shit makes Tangela look cool.

Remove 90% of the spikes, make the body into a chew toy, use three shades of color and then the over designed piece of shit will be accurate.

If this is a Gen 1 redesign, then WHERE ARE THE TORIYAMA EYES?

Attached: 85JC1.jpg (1279x539, 84K)

They should've kept the watercolor art.

Like I said, 0 critical thinking.
Many of them were completely redesigned from how they looked in gen 1 or simply rejected (as shown in the Gold beta) so try again, faggotron.

So you're agreeing with my sentiment about you. Okay then.

Attached: 1360675555965.jpg (500x350, 64K)

>Now post Noctowl. You wont though
Why wouldn't i? Still looks much shittier, and look at that fucking curve christ.

Plus have the worst bird design there is, huge eyes, no body, simplified wings, beak and limbs.

They were rejects for a reason. Plus god only knows how many times they were redesigned.

Attached: dreamworld art because non-anime noctowl with open wings is hard to find + shit design.png (766x858, 229K)

Eyes are still cartoony and not anime. In fact right doesn't even have good proportions. What the fuck is that thing supposed to be? GTFO with this picture. Not gen 1 at all.

What?Firstly Baltoy isn't meant to look "cool' for one, do you even know shit about it's origins? Not every Pokemon has to be cute or cool
Secondly, "crazy shapes" have been present since Gen 1, and were even more present in the orginal as witnessed by that fag whose posting the comparisons. hell, Electabuzz is both less subtle and more garish than Manectric when it comes to lines and shapes

Yeah they refined them, something they by and large stopped doing after Gen 2.

You are the ones not thinking critically and are just mad at the truth that designs used to be better.

Thats better but the starters are the least of my worries with SaS

Electabuzz is a cool electric ogre. Manectric is a boring Egypt themed fagmon.

I rest my case.

they don't look gen 1 at all
they also look like shit

You're missing the point. Motifs dont make a design good.

Baltoy fucking blows

>cool electric ogre
it is?

>they were redesigned
Many final designs for gen 3 and afterward mons should have been redesigned. Good lord are they terrible.

At least they tried with gen 2 and went back to the drawing board to refine them. Maybe had later mons got that treatment we wouldve ended up with more high quality mons instead of every gen being sparse.

Luckily I can always find at least 6 I like but fuck is it true that designs tanked

Sure why not. Honestly always went for other electric types. Electivire looks weird too but at least he doesnt look as bad as magmortor.

> boring Egypt themed fagmon.

HOLY SHIT it's fucking retarded
It's literally my mom's Raiju you tard, It's based on very similar lore to Electabuzz actually.
I knew I was being fucking baited, I'm done here

>literally my mom's Raiju

Oh, so now your argument is that all the simplified cutemons from gen 2 are actually better than the gen 1 designs simply because they have been worked on for longer so they must be better by default? Interesting, so what about all the other rejected and reworked pokemon that exists in every generation? Is Sharpedo 3 times better than any gen 1 pokemon because it got redesigned like 3 times?
Your logic seems pretty wonky but I'm sure it has nothing to with the fact that you are being completely emotionally biased.

You mad hoennbaby?
If it makes you feel any better I really like mudkips

Sharpedo is actually one of the better gen 3 mons. Thanks for supporting my point user I appreciate it.

That's not what he said retard. Check your reading comprehension dipshit

>At least they tried with gen 2 and went back to the drawing board to refine them
And it didn't work at all. The only mons that don't look atrocious, toy-like or look gen 1-like are the mons from Donphan to Celebi.

Attached: pika.png (598x408, 38K)

Somebody post that image that mocks OLD GOOD NEW BAD pokemon posters that ends with geodude saying that it is both a good and bad design.

based tasteless zoomer

Older gen designs were better overall, but calling ALL new pokemon designs bad is not good and most of the arguments I see are hypocritical as fuck when it comes to this discussion.

>this post
Yea nah. Gen 2 was based.

That Pidgey and Krabby actually look cute.

Good thing no one in the thread is doing at. I only see resistance to the opinion that old was more consistent. And guess what? I agree.

Proof that gen 1 design philosophy was the best and remains the best.

>Older gen designs were better overall

I know this isn't super related to the thread, but my major gripe with gen 1 was that they had this awesome rock pokemon called Onix, who was a 5 story tall rock snake and they gave him ~40 fucking attack. what the fuck gamefreak.

>it's cool because I say so, my words are facts, fuckaducka

Yes, overall. The ratio of good designs to bad designs is higher than with newer gens. This isn't to say the newer gens are terrible, most of them still have a positive ratio, just lower than old gen.

Then what did he mean by they're all soulless copies?

gen 1 looks much better imo

>calling manectric egyptian
>the most obvious bait
>he still takes it
Oh Yea Forums.

>non-original art
Nigga did you not collect cards as a kid those are clearly all base set card designs. Are you just a zoomer? Am I old?

Oh silly me, how could forget about THE ratio. The completely objective, mathematically accurate ratio that perfectly defines which gens have a better pokemon without fail.

They most definitely aren't from the base TGC set. But you are correct that it's all official art.

Ok, it's more of a subjective thing I admit, I just like to work out designs I like vs ones I don't.

You're wrong on that front.

Attached: VenusaurBaseSet15.jpg (300x418, 25K)

Turns out you were partially right, it was used on packaging, but they are not as dark as those in the picture.

Attached: Base_Set_Venusaur_pack.jpg (512x922, 173K)

Shit guys I'm sorry I'm retarded.

Look zoomer. You need to accept that old had more soul.

Forgot pic

Attached: 15550252633679141942871503793268.jpg (4032x3024, 3.06M)

Why do children here love to act as if they are old.

Fuck they ugly! Especially Sobble. I'll stick to their current Gen VIII designs, thank you. At least there they each look like something I'd actually want on my team.

Attached: 1200px-Sobble.png (1200x1200, 479K)

I think Scorbunny is the only one that actually looks better. The other two were perfectly fine Gen 8.

>talking about soul as he uses nu-memes

Ain't a kid. Just stating facts.

>well then ur childish get off Yea Forums etc etc
Any response you could possibly have plays into my hands because you're assuming shit about an user like a new friend. Lurk dude

Post your starters from each gen (and who are probably choosing for gen viii) and let others judge you
>Charmander, Cyndaquil, mudkip, turtwig, oshawott, froakie, rowlett and Grookey

What are you gonna do about it, user?

Well, first I'm gonna boomzoom
Then I'm gonna boomzoomdoomyoomgoomtoomroom

Fair enough

I dunno why people complain about Pokemon becoming more and more of a merchandising franchise when they'll write off games based purely on designs over gameplay

Attached: 1553138941061.gif (500x370, 499K)

I don't like pokemon at all but that redesign is pure soul.

Attached: 1529364333146.gif (600x338, 1.3M)

The watercolor versions just ooze soul

Attached: D9880895-263B-41DC-852C-540E97082835.gif (200x200, 12K)

No, I just don't want to think all the retards spouting cancerous shitty Yea Forums memes are actually adults.

What's the point of these images? What two versions are being compared here?

It's a clown world bro. Best accept it. We are on toilets at work shitposting on Yea Forums trying to feel like dumb kids again because most of us dont have many friends anymore.



Simply benis

I like that scorbunny now that it doesn't have noodle legs.