Who else is going to change their PSN username?
Who else is going to change their PSN username?
Don't change it user you'll regret it
>new online ID: 7.99
I will never not be angry about paid name changes, the absolute ultimate in pointless jewery
Why is this a big thing? I don't get it.
t. xboner
You've been playing as madboi01 since 30/6/2011.
>implying there are 30 months in a year
It'd have been useful years ago, I already bit the bullet and just made a new account.
Imagine actually being a sony nigger
>ignoring the "your first change is free" part
why you so racist?
Get cultured
Sure glad we can shitpost as many names on steam as possible to the point where I don't even remember 50% of the people on my 60 man friendlist. Worst part is they probably forgot me as well.
This is truly the only downside.
Just add a nickname to them
only because you're forgettable
made me chuckle, but I'm very happy with my name
I wouldn't change it.
All this because people can't let go of their trophies. Nobody looks at your trophies. Nobody cares. More than half of those achievements you probably didn't even wanna get. And there's a chance your shit won't even transfer to PS5.
>tfw the feature wasn't added for the longest time and I still have people from 6-7 years ago that I still can't remember
:( I guess changing your name 10 times in a week to trash idiots on the party van servers for CSS and TF2 was a bad idea.
What is that confetti ass theme?
I'm still using the free Hellblade theme. Schizo whispers are better than that bouncing babyfuck music.
Who are you talking to?
Oh yes thank you for giving me one free use of this QoL feature that costs you literally nothing
Trophies already transferred between PS3, Vita, and PS4. Achievements already transfer between Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Windows Store.
The ONLY (only) reason these things exist is to lock you into an (((ecosystem))). "I'd like to play the superior version on X system but... no ". They will carry over.
Reminder that the issues were gradually exaggerated. I changed mine and even Everybody's Golf works fine despite it being in the severe column
>Have Nerdsmasher420
>debate changing it
There's no where to go but down with this name.
>he hasn't became oddly attached to his stupid online handle he made years and years ago as a kid
What's wrong with smashing nerds and smoking weed?
can you change it online or through PS3/Vita?
I might. I only have a couple games I bought digitally and I stopped giving a shit about trophies awhile ago
I keep trying to change my name but apparently a very small portion of the name I use for literally everything is a 300 year old French slur and Sony is not happy about it
I've sat here for maybe twenty minutes trying variations, who the fuck in Sony's French office got called a 300 year old slur and censored every single tiny variation of it
I might just keep my old name from early 2007 fuck this shit I don't even play online on my PS4
I'm more concerned about my goddam purchases you mongol
absolutely nothing, that's why there's no where to go but down if I do change it.
Use the tag/nicknames. I know everyone on my steam list and where/how I met them.
There's a place that tells you how likely a game is to fuck itself when you change you name? Link it.
The best part about the steam system is your username doesn't have to be unique
what do mongolians have to do with this
hurry before they take it away
When I see that I've had this name for more than a decade I feel reluctant to change it
madboi01 would imply you were born in '01, and that you got you first vidya toy at 10. Judging by the date of registration of the name, and the fact it's an arbitrary date, I submit to you that that date is your birthday and therefore you are currently 17; You need to be 18 to browse this site. Please cease use of the fourth channel.