Lets have another comfy Switch thread.
>What are you playan?
I'm playing Ys VIII, Ace Attorney, and The Messenger
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Thinking about getting Stick of Truth, Cuphead, and FFXII TZA.
Lets have another comfy Switch thread.
>What are you playan?
I'm playing Ys VIII, Ace Attorney, and The Messenger
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Thinking about getting Stick of Truth, Cuphead, and FFXII TZA.
Other urls found in this thread:
>What are you playan?
Mostly Mario Kart 8D, I think I'm finally getting the hang of 200cc, got first place in all of them and it's getting pretty satisfying sometimes pulling off sick drifts.
I've also played a bit of boss rush in Danmaku Unlimited 3, don't think I'll be able to clear it since you don't get any continues but it's fun and I've already figured out one pattern that was hell for me before.
Other than that just bits of stuff like Katamari and Magical Drop III to chill a little.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
I don't think I'm going to get anything big soon, waiting till Summer cause there's a lot of stuff then, but I'll probably get FFXII at some point. I might try Metal Slug finally, or something else, if anyone has any reccomendations.
Metal Slug is good fun. If you go for all the ones on the eshop currently X is a much better version of 2, so you're best options would to buy 1, X, and 3 if you only want the really good ones on the store.
>What are you playan?
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Cuphead, Dragon's Dogma, and Mortal Kombat
>What are you playan?
Finishing Chocobo Mystery Dungeon. Love it!
>>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
I need to see what's on sale today, but I doubt I'll be buying anything soon. I have some games on my backlog (on both Switch and PC), and will be money-less because I'm buying new TV on Saturday.
I hear Mortal Kombat will actually hit 60fps on Switch, if so I might actually try it out.
I've actually wanted to check that game out, thought about importing the Japanese physical release like I did for AA.
>What are you playan?
SDBH World Mission, fun and surprisingly complex mechanics-wise for an arcade game port.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Dragon's Dogma is on preorder, thinking about getting FFX/X-2 or DOAX3S.
I heard that too, but they've also only shown 3 seconds of footage so I'm a bit worried about how it looks
Any advice on which one to start with? I know the last stage of 3 is long as fuck, but I also know people love that one. Do they all put you right back where you were when you use a continue?
Yeah, I'm interested to see what they had to do to get that. I mean, its not unheard of with fighting games, iirc the 3DS version of SFIV was pretty good too.
Nice, I was just about to make one.
Just finished Crash 2 and now the last one for me is the first one, the difficulty is completely random, sometimes there are hard as fuck stages and the next one will be very easy.
Just start with 1. And yeah you start right where you die pretty much.
>What are you playan?
Playing 2D games to test pic related.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Cuphead, VA-11 Hall-A, maybe Katana Zero and Dragon's Dogma
Eh, I stopped caring about physical long ago. Was a die hard hater of digital (I even bough X360 Arcade lol), but now am sitting at 28 digital (25 if you don't count f2p games) and only 4 physical Switch games.
Yeah same here, sometimes I don't play games because I can't be bothered to switch the cartridge and just play one of the digital ones I have. I know it sounds lazy as fuck but everything is really smooth and fast in the Switch, switching cartridges slow down the whole process.
Pretty comfy weekend to be a eurofag Switch owner. Labo VR friday, eShop sales, Hellblade just dropping, feelsgoodman
Exactly! I know it sounds lazy to some people, but it's just better when you don't have to switch cartridges, DVDs or whatever your console is using. Especially if you need your ''20 mins fix'' of some shmup or puzzle before starting something that will keep you occupied for the next 2-3 hours.
Baba Is You
Bayonetta 2 post-game, gonna try to fight Rodin
Gonna try to get back into MHGU. GL's heat gauge is asinine but i still like it
>Looking to buy
Dark Souls
Ace Attorney
Ultimate Alliance 3
Mario Maker 2
Astral Chain
Red Lantern
>What are you playan?
Ys VIII, wasn't sure about buying XC2 because of the hours/combat/cringy anime and I'm enjoying Ys so far.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Been thinking of getting Starlink but it seems a bit repetitive.
Final Fantasy XII if I manage to finish Ys
what's a comfy game to play I'm open to weeb shit but not atelier because I'm not playing as a little girl. I tried DQbuilders because I thought it would be comfy and fun like vanilla minecraft but I was mistaken
Generally, I've been buying games with a multiplayer focus digitally for that reason.
>people are honestly thinking about buying MK11 on the switch
Niggas, the online is hellish. If you have a PC/PS4 just buy it there
Playing direct predictions.
Later I'll play some smash dlc roster wish
there's a lot of games i would like to play on switch but i just can't get past the idea of paying 4x the price for them than i would on a steam sale
Bros what should i play until fire emblem? Any really good rpgs or something?
So i'm getting massive drifts right now. Anyone replaced their joystick? I'm considering just buying one off amazon and replacing it myself
Senua's version is really impressing.
Alright, think I should try beat it in some credit limit, or just play it and get better over time?
Disgaea 5. Wargroove. Octopath. There are quité a lot of rpgs for Switch.
Has anyone here tried The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa? Looks good but I don't know.
Who should I pick?
is there going to be a sale soon? easter perhaps?
Help, gf was never much of a gamer, but finally decided to try Stardew Valley and I literally didn't touch the system for two weeks, playing my 3DS backlog instead. She's nuts, went so far she herself asked me to put the parenting app on the console, to limit her to just 2 hours a day. Last thing she was so into was Isaac, she has about 700+ hours on Steam in it.
bitch far right
Fellow Ys bro. I'm playing right now, and my only real complaint is that the grass kinda looks bad on a TV, otherwise it preforms basically as good as I'd want it to. Gonna try it in portable mode later tonight.
I'd learn the game a bit before you try a 1cc or anything like that. They can be pretty tough.
hm i forgot about Disgaea. Do you think any of the warriors games are worth it?
Hyrule Warriors is the best value on one of those games, but I have a soft spot for One Piece Pirate Warriors 3.
How hard is it to run CFW on 7.01 on an old Switch model?
I think I'm done with multiplayer on it and think I'd prefer it to be an indie machine
and how's that thing? any good?
How bullshit is the crash trilogy? I've beaten tough games before, but I'm generally bad at video games.
Are they super repetitive? The one reason i've held off on gtting any of them is because i'm worried i'm gonna get worn out fast
Nah, I wasn't thinking anything like a 1cc, but I mean like I've always limited my continues in shmups I just wouldn't know what's a sensible limit for something like Metal Slug would be so that I need to get better at the game without getting super good at it to beat it. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much though.
Smash, Splatoon 2, and XC2
There's not anything I want that's out now or imminent. I hope Three Houses is good but I thought Fates was terrible.
This desu. $30 for RE4 is stupid. $20 for RE4 is stupid. It should've been $15 bundled with REmake.
And I'm not paying $60 for Doom when every other version is in the $10-$15 range
If you like FE, Fire Emblem Warriors is pretty good
Ace Attorney, just beat the first game. I've been calling myself an AA fan and yet I've only beaten Spirit of justice until now. Also kicking ass in Smash quickplay as Ridley.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Probably nothing. Darksiders, if I had to.
Very good from what I've tried. The dpad works great. It's made of hard plastic unlike the rest of the cover, and it locks on over the buttons with indentations in the silicone under the dpad. It seems to have something under the center of it allowing you to rock it back and forth like an actual dpad. The cover itself is easy to put on and remove, and it doesn't seem to wiggle around at all. I have noticed that it very slightly restricts analog stick movement (the edge of the thumbstick head touches the cover). I have three sets of joycons, and on one joycon it wouldn't register fully pushing the stick down or right with the cover on. I haven't tried adjusting it in calibration though.
Fuck off to /vg/ to suck dicks instead of asking in Comfy threads.
>RE0 + REmake was $40 physical on PS4 and Xbox three years ago
>is $60 on Switch next month
>REmake is a download code
Fuck Capcom.
They are, but they're also the kinds of games you and just play here or there.
Well the AES versions have like a 5 continue limit, if I recall correctly so you could do something like that.
Bought this when it was on sale last week. Pretty chill and the motion controls are a nice plus
As someone who grew up with the original - the first one is really bad. Like, unenjoyable level of bad, where they had no idea how to design levels well, level lenght, where harder and easier levels should go etc. Nothing about Crash 1 was good, and neither is it in the remake, maybe besides trying the added extra hard level that people like to meme about - it's fun to fight it and finish.
Crash 2 and 3 are a joy. Crash 2 is still bullshit tough to 105%, but besides that it's rather normal, sometimes dipping a bit into "a little hard". Crash 3 has additional minigames to get done, a lot of variety and great designs, and is a easier, somewhat easy-normal. Play 2 and 3, try out 1 and maybe drop it when you feel burned out, too many people wanna finish all of the games one after another and never give 2 and 3 the chance.
I'm fucking dying for 2D Metroids on the Switch.
I'll give that a try and see how that goes then I guess.
answer me right now retards
>Resident Evil 4
>digital only
>$20 on everything else
Thats not very /comfy/ of you
Well that's not very nice. You try Xenoblade?
>What are you playan?
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Maybe Phoenix Wright, the only interesting game since Smash and it's a port. The game drought is fucking horrible
already beat it with 300+ hours on it
sowwy :3c
smash, FFVII, and mania+. really taking my time with mania mode, just going through one zone a day. FFVII is my first time playing a final fantasy game and I just got to the reactor boss. It's fun so far, I'm getting used to the combat system.
>buying in the next few weeks
Cuphead and Katana Zero
I find Ys to be pretty comfy, but I also found Builders pretty comfy too.
Playing Furi, Liar Princess & The Blind Prince
Will buy Some big game for summer, prob Fire Emblem
BOTW, Odyssey, Smash, and Stardew Valley.
>Looking to buy
Cuphead, Mk11, and Monster Hunter Gen Ult.
Has anyone tried Hellblade? How well does it run?
I bought Furi on sale, how is the port?
The Crash games were very comfy for me. Also try The Way Remastered, it's a sci-fi platformer with puzzles similar to Another World.
Going to finish Dark Souls. Also playing Fortnite Smash and Splatoon.
I'd like to pick up Chocobo, Civ VI, and maybe Skyrim. Waiting for Pokemon news, DQ XI maybe, and if FE is fun to play then that too. Maybe Dragon's Dogma and Ys.
Oh, also got MHGU too.
Just played through it. Seems to run very well. Only times I noticed any hiccups were during the walking sim parts.
Bad pick, honestly. I know VII is considered the best one, but I have to say I find IX a lot better, the system is much more polished, the characters fun, both have girls with amazing asses, and the battle system is a nively evolved version, where you can spend a ton of hours just picking and learning Abilities from all the gear you find.
Is labo VR out yet? I want to hear impressions, especially for garage mode
Just as it should - only dips during the walking parts, boss fights are butter smooth as far as I can tell
Try GameXplain, meme or not, they released a review apparently
i wish IX was an hd remaster instead of just a port. I hate playing in 4:3
Smash and chocobo’s myatery dungeon
>looking to buy
Already have cuphead predownloaded, kinda curious about ff9, as someone who only played 1, 2, 7, and 13, how is it?
If you're into RPGs you should check out The World Ends With You: Final Remix. It's fun.
I'm playing the Metroid games for the first time in chronological order.
Just finished AM2R, I don't know what you guys think of it, but I thought it was really fucking good, my 3DS broke so I'm delaying the playthrough of Samus Returns. I got stuck plenty of times without knowing where to go, I think that happened like once in Zero Mission, which I finished way faster than this one. Well, overall amazing game, now I'm gonna start with Super Metroid.
Help her beat it. After like 3 years in game there really isn't much to do.
Updated my collection, minus my physical copy of Reverie coming in.
>What are you playan?
Monster hunter called me back
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Nothing unless a sale catches my eye.
I want to get it, but why is it still so expensive?
>port of a mobile game
>still $40
Probably will get Dragons Dogma and FFXII
it sucks that everything coming out is just a port though
One of my favorite games on the DS, I really want to get it but I can't justify that price, it was cheaper when it came out the first time for fuck's sake.
user, she's autistic, she has 700+ hours in Isaac. So far she only pets the chickens and spends the rest of her time cutting trees, all the trees, or going to the caves, with some swimming here and there. She doesn't give a fuck about friends, lovers, events, not sure she even cares about the farming itself. I'm scared of that woman.
You can use joy con controls to control the partners, not just touchscreen.
It's worth it.
I bought fitness boxing and the girls are really fucking hot, that's distracting, but at the same time it motivates you to keep going, you can have a decent cardio doing the daily routine and unlock clothes and shit.
It has new content and minigames you play during new noise fights so I'd say it's worth it.
Picked this up last Wednesday, I'm currently on Week 2, Day 2. The soundtrack is kickass
That's pretty much how I play Harvest Moon. At least that game ends eventually.
It is sort of odd that it didn't go on sale with SE other games.
She has an addiction and wants you to help her fight it you dumb fuck.
You might have to move away from games yourself for her sake, but limiting her gaming time is a good idea
How is crash bandicoot? Thinking about picking it up on switch instead of PC or ps4.
Its a fine version of the game, hell I think the differences in graphics makes it look more like the original games just enhanced.
I picked it up on Switch instead of those platforms, owning both. It looks good, it has the same framerate and really never noticed any dips. The games are really fucking good and control great, lots of fun there. Some people don't like the fur in Crash so they actually prefer the Switch version. I would say go for it. And then pick up CTR so we play together.
How's Godly Corp?
>What are you playan?
Pic, then Atelier Lulua after I finish this.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Sword Art Online Hollow Realization
>Lost in Harmony
Mortal Kombat was 60fps on Vita too, though it looked like complete shit
What are the online modes for ctr going to be like? Any progression?
I'm on Week 1 Day 3 fighting the bat boss and yeah the music is great
>What are you playan?
Yoshi's Crafted World. Wasn't gonna get it myself, but my dad watched me play the SNES game a while back and gave me the new one as a gift. Now I know I'll feel bad if I don't finish it.
Don't buy it btw. It's not great so far and the soundtrack's terrible. The only game I've ever played that I can say I've actively noticed that the music's bad. Fuck recorders.
>Looking to buy?
I hope Wargroove or something goes on a small sale sometime in the next few months. I also tried the demo for DQ: Builders and liked what I saw so far.
>What are you playan?
Mega Man X Collection. Besides the first game, this is my first time playing the series. I'm on X3 and I don't like it. i hear good things about 4, so looking forward to that.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Dragons Dogma if the port is good. With Capcom being so port crazy this year, I hope we get DMC HD Collection, DMC4SE, or UMVC3. Any one of those would be an instant buy for me.
I got both, Switch version's resolution in handheld mode is worse than I expected but I got used to it quickly. The load times on Switch feel a bit faster than base PS4 somehow. It's more red colored on Switch, looks more like the original games.
To me, it plays pretty much the same, but I've heard there's some input lag on Switch. I think it's good, definitely worth it if you didn't get it elsewhere.
You're only playing 10 minutes of Mania a day?
buy it on PC. it feels infinitely better at 60fps.
I like Advance Wars and Nintendo seems to have no interest in making a new one. Whaddya gonna do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>What are you playan?
Punch out this game is so good.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
I might buy Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Week 2 Day 7 for me, stuck on Pork City.
The soundtracks for Yoshi games can really go either way it seems.
Woolly World's soundtrack was pretty cool, though a bit bland I guess
Make sure you're wearing the right clothes, you need to wear certain brands on each floor iirc
It was 99 cents, I apologize for nothing.
How’s does Doom run these days after those updates? It’s signigicamtly cheaper on the Eshop with the EU blockbuster sale and I fancy double dipping to play Doom in bed
The pork city floors or boss?
>What are you playan?
Labyrinth of Refrain Coven of Dusk. It's a little too easy, but that's normal for jrpgs I suppose. Fantastic art. Enjoying the story/characters as well. Dronya is such a bitch it is funny.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Probably nothing. There is a sale on today, if MK8D was on sale I would get it, but I already have Odyssey, BotW,etc so pointless for me. Wish DLC would go on sale, like the Mario + Rabbids DLC, it never goes on sale.
You mean Wake Up
Did you get the original illustrations? How's it? I might get it when it releases in Europe.
Is online for Diablo 3 active?
Is any non-Nintendo game online active?
>Labyrinth of Refrain Coven of Dusk. It's a little too easy,
Where are you at?
Only use your fully charged pin when Sho isn't flying and teleports onto the ground. Dodge his taboo form or you'll die.
>all those games
man I miss being NEET. I don't have time to play all the games I want to now. Life sucks.
DOOM. Replaying some stages to get collectables
Thinking of getting Raymond Legends for £11 on the eShop
World with bugs, fairies,etc. Caught the Caterpillar Train to autumn area and got killed by Giant Peco that has like 20k health lol
>Save Me Mr. Tako
It was $5 and I still sort of regret it.
It's just the demo, the original artwork is an option in the Demo, but I still think you need to reorder the game to get the code to get Urushihara's art. It's coming out in Japan soon, not sure about the American release.
Grave Mistake?
Day 7 fighting higisagawa
Should I get Travis Strikes Again?
Another old ass port discussion to justify my purchase of a useless console. Yay I guess.
And they say Nintendo doesn't market here.
Yes, support what's his name
Be warned that by the end there will be a sudden spike in difficulty. Prepare covens and shit.
>$50 for a DS port
The fuck.
Looks fun
Both Legends and Origins are great so if you can get one of those for cheap I'd recommend them wholeheartedly.
How does Doom run now compared to how it originally ran on the Switch? Is there much of an improvement graphics wise after the updates?
It's $40 now and has new content. It's worth it my dude
Probably the best game I've played on my Switch
What's your favourite song from The World Ends With You? For me it is Transformation
It's called comfy thread because we don't shitpost about console wars here.
I keep hesitating on just biting the bullet and getting a Switch already. The on and off rumors about the new revisions coming later this year are ridiculous. Should I just wait until after E3 and decide then?
I never played i pre-patch but I'm not noticing any severe frame drops at all. It plays very smoothly even at 30fps
Grafix obviously aren't as good as other versions but it's by no means "bad" and the gyro aim makes up for it
Fun as fuck
>What are you playan?
The World Ends With You: Final Remix and Hollow Knight
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
Final Fantasy X and Blaster Master
>All of these ports
Holy fucking shit, Switch has no games.
The World Ends With You
Should i buy Splatoon 2 or Sekiro?
I know this is a switch thread so you'll obviously have a bias towards splatoon, but i want a genuine opinion on wich of the 2 is a smarter long term investment.
(yes if i got splatoon 2 i would also get the octo expansion)
>S-stop t-talking about N-n-nintendo!
Did you play the online Splatoon demo a few weeks ago?
I bought Bayonetta 1 and 2 recently because I've never played them before and only heard great things about them. to say the least I find them dull and repetitive. what am I missing?
Yes, and i liked it.
But i'm also a die hard fan of anything formsoft (and played tenchu back in the day) so i'd like to play sekiro too.
My interest between the two is equal, that's why i can't decide.
Perhaps you don't like hack and slash games.
How is Turok? Does it play better than the N64 version? Is Turok 2 out already?
You have to place in a decent difficulty so the game forces you to learn combos and parries, otherwise you can just button mash your way in and it will be boring. Try different weapons and combos.
Based on wanting both equally, I'd say Splatoon first just because it has timed online events. I think next weekend is the spring Splatfest.
Sounds like your decision is sekiro then. Personally I'd say Splatoon, but I'm just sick of fromsoft games.
what's the point of this console when the only good game is has can already be emulated on pc?
>What are you playan?
I'm playing Hob right now, not really enjoying it as much as I thought I would. I don’t hate it by any means, and I don’t really know what I was expecting, but I’m just not in love with it.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
I have nothing coming up, I’m holding out for animal crossing and the FFCC remaster. I’ll probably pick something up once I wrap Hob up, but I’m currently directionless. I’m open to suggestions.
>What are you playan?
Enter the Gungeon. Just bought it on sale.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
I want to get Cuphead but I already have it on PC. It's been a dry year and a half for the Switch. At least there's more third party support, I guess.
whoops I meant encore mode. I beat mania mode already with sonic + tails, tails, knux and sonic again. I'll do mighty and ray once I beat encore and then probably a &knuckles run.
anyone get anything in the EU sales?
Thinking of grabbing Shovel Knight, is it worth it?
Fuck yes. I do believe the switch is getting a physical version later if that is of concern to you.
Yes very. You can get a physical copy when the last dlc comes out though if you prefer that.
Yeah. You're not just buying one great game, you're buying three with another on the way.
What are some fun local co-op games? Preferably one where either the game isn't too hard or a more experienced gamer can carry the less experienced one. I'm thinking Tales of Vesperia but playing it on Easy
Yoshi, Snipperclips, Mario Odyssey kinda, I played that with my gf and had a lot of fun, Cave Story +, Kirby Star Allies.
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Just be sure that whoever plays as the character with guns is using joy cons. They lumped in the gyro aiming with pointless optional motion controls like swinging a joy con to use the knife, so you're not allowed to use it with a pro controller.
Wild guns reloaded, very fun game.
I saw that for super cheap at a gamestop a few times, might pick it up.
>Do a thing while wearing the same suit as your partner.
Shit's impossible. Maybe if I played 100+ hours and savescummed until the moody cunts accept gifts every time, but not 15 hours in on like day 3 of a vacation.
Has anyone played the Switch port? Didn't even know it existed until I saw it on the store.
D3 has an astoundingly retarded system where players are segregated into something like two dozen different difficulty modes and two or three options for each room to focus on. And you can't browse a list of rooms. I would be very skeptical of the Switch version being populated enough for a full game at any given time.
i love ny si
It would be nice to see what their official nipples look like if they were ever made.
I like the switch but I really dislike the joycons. They're alright if you're not trying to play 2d games portably, but playing 2d games in bed is like my biggest use case for the damn thing
Are there ny decent third party options? With an actual dpad with better positioning?
So I'm pretty hooked on Ys VIII, about how long will this game last me?
60 hours on normal if you want to complete everything.
bros....,there isn’t anything to play until MM2, should I bite the bullet on Xenocringe 2 or donkey kong TF
You can play Mega Man 2 right now, though.
Started up Mulaka. Pretty nice so far. Also trucking on through Baba is You.
Dragon's Dogma, For the King, and whatever goes on sale on my wishlist.
I'm on my fourth playthrough of xenoblade 2 because nothing has held my interest on the switch post 2017. I hope to god astral chain delivers the level of quality found in bayonetta 2 or Nier:A and animal crossing doesn't get delayed to 2020
fuck OFF
>What are you playan?
I'm finally getting to playing more Octopath Traveler and I think it's pretty neat. I say I'm at that halfway mark. I also play a fuck ton of Splatoon 2. I love that game.
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks? Nothing too exciting, might pick up Mortal Kombat but I'm really waiting for Pokemon Shield to drop.
Come on, you can download it to your switch right now.
You even get 5 extra MM games.
>Similar quality to Nier automata
I hope not. I want a good combat system with a silly story.
I didn't like Nier Automata too much myself, but it's very polished
I've never played a FF game before in my life and I generally don't play many JRPGS, is FFVII worth it on Switch?
I need a game to take over my life like BotW did, I can't remember the last time I had so much fun in an open-world game.
Any recommendations? I was looking forward to My Time at Portia but it looks so damn blurry...
Playan: Nothing because I have to set up a battlestation and work for the next 3 days
Buyan: Hollow Knight physical, GRIS physical, and probably 3 more games assuming I don't get absolutely raped by court costs at the end of the month.
Mostly just waiting for Animal Crossing at this point. Time has slowed to a crawl.
Fighting games are the graphically intensive
All those slow down are just the weight of the punches
I normally hate digital games but Splatoon 2 and MHGU are 2 of my
“I play enough to rebuy Digit-ally” tier games
If portability does not matter: PC. It's the only version that's 4K 60fps.
Otherwise, stick with Switch for the portability memes.
Diablo 3, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Tetris99.
Team Sonic Racing.
Super Mario Maker 2
Yes, it's like Contra but much better.
Downloading is a convenience, but if you sell your Switch you can't transfer them to someone else's account; also I had to get a sd card because Diablo 3 is 13.7gb!
The carts are too small, easy to lose.
Eurotrash gtfo!
JRPGs are for weeaboos,you should of known that.
The newer models are scaled down, less memory, joycons don't detach, etc; buy one now.
>but I'm really waiting for Pokemon Shield to drop.
I've got my eyes on that Rabi-Ribi port coming soon.
What's your favourite part about Souls games? If it's customization and character building, you won't find it in Sekiro.
>Yes, it's like Contra but much easier send shorter
I bought MS1 and it did not feel worth it at all. Beat it in 30 minutes no problem.
Should I finish XC2? I got to the part where you have to chase the second artificial blade and stopped because it got too heavy handed with the retarded anime tropes.
Waiting for Ace Attourney to get here, had to order it from Amazon Japan because I like Physical releases, is it good?
>What are you playan?
Celeste and Disgaea 5, got them on sale and they're great!
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
BoTW DLC is it for now, gonna wait for A Hat in Time and Animal Crossing news before I buy something soon
Any love here for Travis Strikes Again? It's pretty good.
Also thinking of buying Hellblade and Cuphead when it gets a physical release.
>Team Sonic Racing
Can't wait for the full OST.
>What are you playan?
Skyrim, Travis strikes back, Darksiders and Baba is You
>What are you looking to buy in the next few weeks?
there's this game steampunk rougelite that looks interesting, FFX physical because I can't be arsed to play X-2, Steamworld quest and Our world is ended looks interesting
Ace Attorney trilogy is really fucking good as long as you're into that genre. Though full disclosure, there was a case in the second game that was so goddamn boring it put me off from finishing for like half a year.
Why the hell is FFX $50?
well you're done with the worst after chapter 4 so you may as well since you slogged through the shit in chapter 2 and a good deal of chapter 4
because you're buying both X and X-2
yes I hate it too
Finishing up Octopath Traveler. Then I need to finish ToV. I will get around to it sometime.
I am still kinda bummed out I didn't like Travis Strikes Again.
Even then I'd expect each game to be at about $20 each.
This Collective Minds D-Grip
what part of "Fuck you, says SE" you don't understand?
Because it's perfect for the Switch!