Western gaming

>Western gaming

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=who invented the movie

thread over, OP BTFO.

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I will never understand why people care about what a bunch of randoms on a board you hate have to say. Why even post this here?

To shut OP up from calling 343 sjws like Bungie's sorry asses.

>"representation doesn't matter"
>"wtf where my white men in my media!!"

Seeth tranny , Chief will remain white.

For what reason would they do this?

have the surgery

They're not .

If representation didn't matter to you, why are you screeching for the removal of whites and the inclusion of trannies and niggers?

>Chief will remain white

I'm pretty sure Chief is a Filipino named Juan "Johnny" Rico.

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You guys are aware you’re on the board notorious for fapping to futas?

Why would any respectable person in the industry go to resetera/neogaf?

>Bridge Confirmed open.

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White's are shit actors anyways, whenever we need a fucking hero to save the world or the universe, a strong, handsome black man is what people want to see and for good reason.

I question Frankie's motives myself.

nope, 100% white.

Does it matter which race plays half the characters? They will either be under heavy makeup or only be motion capture for CGI characters. The Spartans almost constantly have their armor on in all Halo media. Chief could be a 6 foot 250 pound black tranny and if they just had the same voice actor read the lines, literally no one would know.

literal tranny from resetera in this thread...

Go back

Make me incel.

>characters are wearing heavy armor

How can you tell if Chief is black, hispanic, or whitecuck? Is he gonna start talking jive or end every sentence with "orale, guey!"

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The only tranny is the one calling the other tranny, tranny, just making sure you understand, Halo isn't SJW garbage and never was. Can't help where Frankie posts.

You fucking mutant.

Halo 3 Starry Night Trailer and Halo 4.

>change Character Ethnicities
ITT: We run ebin Halo quotes into the ebonics filter
I'll start

>The only tranny is the one calling the other tranny
So that would be you. We already settled that though.

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Whatever you say, tranny, go back to fucking your mentally ill friends in the ass with your di.. Oh I forgot, you no longer have one.

>go back to your mentally ill friends
Why are you talking about you and your friends over at resetera?

At least futafags accept that their delusions aren’t real. Unlike you

>TV series
Fuck off. I can't imagine why people still watch the jewbox.

Why are you trying to convert 4channel into another neoGAF like reddit and resetera?

>Why are you trying to convert 4channel into another neoGAF like reddit and resetera?
Says the active resetera and reddit user.

The cuckold faggots and interracial fetishists have done that to a lot of modern tv shows and movies. I wouldn't doubt for a second that they'll shove a lot of minorities and their favorite colored skin into where it never was.

I never even use those garbage sites, I look to see if a Halo dev announces or clarifies something on reddit, resetera, or twitter, just in case, trannies like you decide to try to push your worthless agendas around anymore since you're so fixated on converting everybody.

>I never even use those garbage sites
>I look to see if a Halo dev announces or clarifies something on reddit, resetera, or twitter
That's called using the sites, you complete retard.
>"hurr durr trannies!"
Do you see how retarded you look? You should stop posting and go back to wherever the fuck you came from, you retarded newfag.

>Western media
Fucking kek.
Why do you fags torture yourselves by watching this trash.
Reminds me of when I tried to watch American Gods and everyone was a sassy #badass smooth-talking no-nonsense asshole with an abrasive personality who felt the need to say fuck all the time.
Either that or a literal sociopath.
Whenever I watch western shit it feels like I'm watching a fucking porno.


Did I miss a turn somewhere and end up on /pol/?

As long John stays white and that Johnson stays black, i'm fine.
just don't touch the cast of Reach please.

Halo is a video games

Who cares? Master Chief is constantly covered head to toe anyway, and the other actually good characters are weird-looking aliens. As long as they get a good voice actor for Master Chief, it's all irrelevant.

What I'm saying is everyone here has started sounding like /pol/.

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Shitposters are being shitposters and Halofag shitposter learned how to say "tranny" so he's spamming it in every thread now. Even normal Halo threads.

>That's called using the sites, you complete retard.
Am I posting there, though, no I'm not, if I post on either they'll permaban me for calling them out.

Go back

This, but touch the cast of Reach, a shit game deserves a shit cast.

Seriously what the fuck is their problem? What needs changing? Chief is white, but it hardly matters since he's a green armor for literally all the (good) games, Johnson is black, Miranda a woman, Cortana a blue cartoon woman, what needs fucking changing?

So, you guys gonna keep ignoring my post? , you did the same shit with the $500 million debunk.

>mfw a tv show has a minority in it

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What does a literal who forum post have to do with this?

you're right representation doesn't matter but in universe consistency and cynical design decisions for the sake of cancerous politics definitely do

That's the fucking Franchise Director of the Halo series.

chief is literally a gap tooth ginger with freckles as per bungie era lore

Go back to WHERE?

Why is it almost a requirement for TV adaptations to swap up races for every character these days?

Do they ever cast whites in non-white roles though? Just wondering.

Who gives a shit if he turns black, the shouldn't be a problem for anyone unless you're a racist fuck. Take this trash back to /pol/

Could be anyone, its a random internet forum post user. Find a real news source


Yeah, I'm going to believe someone who posts on retardera in damage control mode.

historically yes, but very rarely in the last couple decades while the inverse is becoming the norm now moreso than it ever was before

Fuck white americans man

Things like this are only done to fill a quota, like if I could be proven otherwise I'd be okay with it.
But I never am, and these things continue to happen and cause anger since the rationale is now "cater to everyone cuz mah capitalism"

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So casting whites in non-white roles is bad, but casting non-whites in white roles is good? Interesting.
>historically yes
Starship Troopers, heh.


Karma is a bitch

>So casting whites in non-white roles is bad, but casting non-whites in white roles is good?
yes that's the entire thing with modern progressives they project onto others what they do themselves

Since minority actors are routinely rejected for not being the right race while white actors aren’t, yes.

Whites invented movies and unsurprisingly they often casted their own even for non-white roles. But this giving away their own roles to non-whites is something only cucks would do.
>Since minority actors are routinely rejected for not being the right race
Such as when? Everything now has a non-white who is superior in some way to a white.

>In the Biblical epic film, actors Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, Sigourney Weaver and Aaron Paul play Biblical figures who are of non-European origin.[25][54][55] Director Ridley Scott said about his casting, "I can't mount a film of this budget, where I have to rely on tax rebates in Spain, and say that my lead actor is Mohammad so-and-so from such-and-such. I'm just not going to get it financed. So the question doesn't even come up."[11]

>fighting racism with more racism
aah the wonders of equity politics, it's funny how the left has literally done more to make racism socially acceptable and non taboo than the right has in the last three decades because they've gone insane

The left are based and redpilled. The right are anti-white cucks.

>Whites invented movies and unsurprisingly they often casted their own even for non-white roles.

Whites build nice things, non-whites move in, and then they want special treatment.

>big budget films choose to use star power to increase likelihood of a well selling product
>n-no! clearly they do it to keep the darkies out!

Then don’t complain about the casting choices in a show someone else made.

They built the show, not you.

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The part about pumping kids full of hormones, mutilating their genitals, letting them dance in gay bars to get showered in money, and touch naked men in pride parades stands out to me more.

>Whites invented movies

it's from resetgender, retard. higher ups at 343 post there. do you really need some blue haired tranny to write a clickbait article about it for it to be legitimate?

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Changing ethnicities in Witcher was fucking stupid because it was clearly a European/Slavic country in medieval times, where various races would have a hard time intermingling.

But honestly, who gives a fuck about ethnicities in Halo? Like, outside of making Cortana a vanilla white chick with a bob to go with the AI look, I don't think a single other character would lose or gain anything by being another race.

I don't fall for the selective individualism trap, nice try.
Who else would have?

you will never be a woman

That isn't how burden of proof works. You need to back up your claim.

But it helps erase whites which seems to be the goal.

ITT: People complain about cultural appropriation.

I’m a FtM. Thank you for supporting my transition.

You really got skin taken off your legs?

can I have your old lopped off tits?

Alt-White BTFO

if you really are then i hope you find a way to cope with your existence regardless of what retarded shitty opinions you might have

Oh My God Someone Just Linked This Thread To R/The_Donald And Our Trumpkino Discord
How Can We Help You Guys Fight This??

Asians, Latinos, Africans, etc

Your argument is based on the assumption that "Everyone is as boring as me"

Up until Halo 4 I assumed Master Chief was black

I don't give a fuck if the people in the work of fiction look like me. I care if they produce a good or at least interesting work of fiction
They are not making this a priority if they place a higher importance on their level of melanin than their artistic capabilities

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You know where, tranny.

That's Frank O'Connor, you dumbfucks.

It's just him, Brian Jarrard and Jeff Easterling post on reddit.

I'm sure they invented movies instead LMAO.


You will never be a man. Have fun living your life as a freak. I'm laughing at how pathetic your are.

>clearly says "TV SERIES"

It's up for debate since you never linked a source.

Can't wait to hear about your suicide.

Here you go: lmgtfy.com/?q=who invented the movie

The capital of Texas is Austin. Do you want a source for that, too?