Could this be EA redemption arc?

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Why is Respawn the only competent division of EA this gen

it´s gonna be sjw trash
so no

what engine is it on? source?

>star wars
>EA character design


fuck you

fuck off


never installed origin and never will

>>"wow the execs of the company financing this product after a history of shitty products who also declared SP games were dead think THIS product is a good one!"
>>"T-This time it'll be good right? Preordering!"

Do you people literally never learn? I know normies will eat it up but come on.

No. Optimistically, they will get several things right about this, but anything else they do afterwards will be shit. A stopped clock is right at least twice a day.

There's no such thing.


Probably. Isn’t that what titanfall runs on?

MT Framework

Stop spamming the board with these threads.

Fuck off shill

We're gonna hear more this Saturday

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So how will they monetize it and implement loot crates?

>Stop discussing videogames!

>still caring about Soi Wars games after Kotor 2
Why do people do this to themselves?

It might be the golden goose for now but you know that story ends with the goose being chopped up.

>supposedly ea execs saw it a while back and were pretty blown away
>ea executives liked it
it's going to be awful

Yes, but they've gone with unreal for this project.

If Stalin couldn't have one what makes you think EA deserves or could ever have one?

>EA redemption arc
A good start would be drowning everyone who works there

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Drowning is too humane, cover them in honey and place them next to an anthill.

You get the same replies from roughly the same number of anons no matter how many threads you make. And unless some ebin bait is thrown or someone derails the thread it dies with a couple of dozen replies that boil down to
for what fucking purpose?

It's almost as if you're literally getting paid for this.

Because they weren't fully owned by EA until recently

>sold their soul to EA

Titanfall 2 is pretty great
Apex Legends is good too

>Some EA executives say the newest EA product and were very excited
You don't fucking say.

>Visceral works on Star Wars game
>fire them
>hand Visceral's game to Respawn
if i was at respawn i'd worry EA is going to do the same to me next year

Chris Avellone worked on the game


Doesn't mean much, he's done a lot of minor collaborations in the last years.

>EA execs... blown away with it
Yeah, that means that they see tons of ways to grub money off kids and retards.

>6 hour campaign
Naw senpai

Faggot Schreier was also optimistic about Fallout 76 (read: he has friends who worked on it and wanted you to buy and help them).

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Here's the thing, Titanfall 2 was made BEFORE Respawn sold themselves to EA, they were just the publishers then. I love Titandall 2, I think that shit is one of the best fps shooters of all time, but I never trust EA.


EA should just do the right thing at this point and close down bioware

It will be single player and they'll still find a way to fill it with micro-transactions.

Probably cosmetic shit and later a full GOTY edition

Are those the same execs that were blown away by Anthem's scripted demo?


not in 5000 fucking years

there is absolutely 0% chance the game is good because it likely has a huge budget and has to have mass appeal which means it won't be able to do anything interesting, but it will probably have solid gameplay, be well polished, and have high production value

It's going to be shit just like everything else EA has released this gen.

Apparently Stig Asmussen (God of War 1. 2, 3) director is working on it, Chris Avellone too and other important people too.

>Apparently Stig Asmussen (God of War 1. 2, 3) director is working on it
Is that supposed to convince me?

as long as they're publicly traded, there will never be a redemption arc. they have one (1) goal, and that is keeping the shareholders happy. as long as retards keep buying fifa every year and spend their cuckbucks on ultimate team cards, ea's bottomline is a-ok

>chris avellone
I like his work but I expect this just means he will write a character or two, at least they are spending a little budget on the writing I guess

>EA still hasn't apologized to Will Wright

This. I can't upvote this enough. Go make 10 more devil may cuck threads right now!

Because EA doesn't tug them on the same leach as their other divisions. Not even required to use Frostbite. Jesus fuck every other developer must be furious

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>Single player game


Only will only git gud if they lose their sports games and yurop.

Why is it not on Frostbite?

this is like saying: "the wolves have not been eating anyone recently, are the wolves becoming our friends?"
they will always stay wolves, and if they are not trying to figuratively devour you, its because you have been on guard and they are thinking about how to make you let your guard down.
this is not EA getting consumer friendly or really any less despicable, this is them trying to obfuscate the common knowledge that they are loathsome animals.

Nice try, cuck.

>Single player

What is Mass Effect Andromeda

It's a Las of Us clone but with Jedi


A franchise not being single player for a long time doesn’t mean shit if the developer handling it has EA down their necks

They want to move away from Source, so unlikely. They released Apex instead of TF3 because they didn't want to sell a AAA $60 game on a 15~ year old engine

>every other developer must be furious
considering the only 2 left that have enough of an original identity are dice and bioware, who have both been in their shoes, I'd say they are less furious and more jaded about what the future holds for respawn once EA assimilates another blue-eyed and talented studio to take respawn's place as golden poster-child.

Leadership, probably. Most EA subs took a dive when their original/prominent members left, Respawn held onto theirs during the acquisition. It's really EA's biggest problem right now, they need competent directors.

AAA-company executives probably could be shown a zoetrope and would be amazed by the graphics and fluid animation quality.

>Could this be EA redemption arc?
Absolutely not. Respawn has a few more good games in them before EA starts meddling in their studio affairs and it self-destructs, like the rest of their victims.

Because they are the only ones who know how to hire proper viral marketing agencies that are aggressive as fuck and overly present in any gaming discussion virtual space.


EA already had a redemption arc, but they decided to return to evil.

I'm missing something, when did this redemption arc happened?

They haven't had to use frostbite for any of their games so far, Jedi will be a UE4 title.

>single player game
but you just know it will have loot boxes for some reason
hard pass

didn't they cancel this game

When they released games like Dead Space and Mirror's Edge. They had plans to make more interesting games like them if they were profitable. And you know how retarded big publisher's definition of "profitable" is. So, that plan was scrapped really fast.

No, they cancelled the bounty hunter game.

>no character creation
it's shit


Episode 3 did not had a character creation too and it is one of the best SW games.

If this guy's optimistic, you know it's gonna be a dumpster fire on wheels.

The cancelled game was a open world RPG developed by Visceral (now closed) and directed by Amy Hennig (Legacy of Kain/Uncharted). This one is just a action adventure single player game.

That game was mediocre at best.

>EA execs

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it wasn't a rpg

Reminder that Patrick Soiderlund was also "blown away" by the Anthem demo Bioware showed him.
And it ended up being one of the biggest disasters this gen.

Even if it turns out to be a good game, EA’s going to fuck with it in some form

Titanfall 2 was a good game and I'm glad they made that bland shit Apex just to revive the player base on it again

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>anthem demo
they showed him a movie

This, all Bioware developers had to do was pretty up the graphics and add a jetpack for the swedecuck to actually believe it was something revolutionary.

Fooling EA suits must be the easiest thing on the planet

Supposedly Soiderlund went from lukewarm to blown away simply by them adding flying back in.

Hes a complete moron.


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>giving your money to ea and epic
anybody who buys fallen order deserves to be slapped

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>confirmed not on Frostbite
I wonder if so many issues of ME:A and Anthem could have been avoided if given the chance to turn down being forced to use Frostbite. EA really fucked up so many projects by making everyone use an inhouse engine that one team has to go around and teach people to use.

>having any hope for Nu-Wars products

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Vince Zampella and Jason West made Activision a fucking fortune. EA desperately wanted them. So they had a lot of leverage when negotiating contracts with EA. They also have a lot of clout. If they make another CoD level hit it means an absurd amount of money for EA. You don't fuck with the guys who can give you CoD level money.
The studio isn't run by idiots and EA is afraid to fuck with it.

/ourguy/ the Quartering has inside sources who told him the game was mismanaged (like pretty much every EA game the past decade) and it has microtransactions
It's gonna be shit

user, even if this turned out to be a good game, it's going to take more than a few good games to win back any trust and prestige they've squandered.

Well there has to come a point where pattern recognition kicks in and the too execs see that when they interfere with a project, it fails and inverse. I mean you would think. I mean a company like EA is run by men with brains I presume. If Respawn continues to be hit maker without studio interference, without being forced to use Frostbite, will the company start changing its ways?

"Why not just turn the entire company into Respawn" is the "why not just make the entire plane out of the black box stuff" of today's game industry

>Titanfall 2
>Apex Legends

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Even if the core of the game is good, it will be short as fuck. and full of dlc bullshit to milk every $.
Never buy EA never trust EA.

It certainly couldn't have hurt. Even something like baking the lighting on a level could take a full twenty-four hours with Frostbite, supposedly. That's part of the reason Anthem turned out such a buggy mess - actually implementing changes took so goddamn long that they simply couldn't afford to waste the time after faffing about in pre-production for most of the project life, so they mostly hacked around problems instead of fixing them. Of course, that bit them in the ass once they actually had time to repair the game post-launch, since fixing one thing inevitably broke something else because the game was held together with the programming equivalent of paper clips and duct tape.

>it's real

Just end this fucking franchise forever

>tfw Basedth Lords EVEN flooded the Celebration cons
>tfw I will never ever go to a good Celebration con because I never got the chance to go pre-SocJus Wars

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They need to get lightsaber combat at the very least as good as pic related(fuck Academy desu it destroyed saber duels) and have a multiplayer duel mode.

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>Disney canon Star Wars
Fuck no

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Destroyed saber duels how?

By adding saber-staffs and dual-wielding

>Yet ANOTHER Star Wars set between III and IV
Fuck off, prequels are objectively the best era for star wars vidya. I'm so tired of this shit.

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wait so they're completely done with apex?

III is prequels m7

One of the things I liked more about TFU is how it mixed stuff from both trilogies.
This game will probably handle this poorly tho

Respawn has three teams. Fallen Order one has been working on the game since 2016. Titanfall team is handling Apex, but its obvious its even fewer members than when Titanfall 2 was in it's post-launch content phase so I have no idea what the rest are up to. Then the third team is doing some VR shit allegedly

>EA execs were blown away by it
like they were blown away by the vertical slice bioware put together that just boiled down to "you can fly like ironman"?

Dude you're drunk. Academy was fucking sick.

The only way EA can be redeemed is by destroying Disney and itself in one final blaze of glory leaving all the IPs they have ruined behind as free use

>One of the things I liked more about TFU is how it mixed stuff from both trilogies.
What? They almost completely ignored the prequels. I might be wrong, I don't remember much about TFU.


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No, bring back Amy's star wars game

I need a gif of godzilla blowing up the twin towers.

FACT: After a year and a half of controversy and backpedaling, Battlefront 2 is finally a decent game

Have they turned the lootboxes back on?

Confirmed as an Epic Store exclusive, them coming to Origin

nope, star cards are earned through leveling now. instead they're going with more traditional microtransactions for cosmetic skins that will be available in a week, which can also be earned in-game.

He said it's a decent game.

age has nothing to do with software quality retard
learn how development works
the version of source they're using is heavily modified

>Falling for Coke classic after New Coke

Good. But they'll try it again in a heartbeat the moment they think people aren't paying attention, watch them and see.

Can't wait for Jedi Legends

how about now, fag?

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>Good judge of quality


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EA execs were also "blown away" by like five seconds of flying in Anthem so that says a lot about what it takes to blow them.

because theres so much potential that has been squandered the last 10 years

So, it's one?

Titanfall 2 is a great game.

I don't get it, what's the problem here?

go fuck yourself, saber staffs are fine.

Shut up, Casey.

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Blatant shilling like this is why I can't take Yea Forums seriously anymore. Nothing about Titanfall or Apex was 'competent.'

>EA execs were blown away
you mean the same execs that got blown away by anthem?
fuck off

Nah, that could have been Amy Hennig´s game. Closing Visceral and letting her go ensured the path of failure without redemption for them.

It´s the same thing that happened to ND. I know that it might be shocking but when you let the talent go the product suffers.

According to Bioware devs, EA execs hated Anthem.

i dont follow

itty bitty baby who couldnt win a duel to save his ass resort to saber staff spinning hurrrr

The original shit, they loved the E3 demo.

>Could this be EA redemption arc?
Do you eat shit?

i liked the saber fights in this game, but fuck if i understood how to really use it

Frostbite like every ea studio uses.


>Product(TM) is great
>according to owners of Product(TM)
Who'd've thunk it?

>Ea Execs saw it a while back and were pretty blown away with it

Aka. They saw an amazing opportunity to try and scam people out of as much money as possible.

>Jason Schreier

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>trusting EA
I remember last time people stopped buying their shit and then forgave and forgot, don't be fooled.

This guy fucks

>first person mode
>turning on dismemberment cheat

Academy babies BTFO


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you brainless retards are really eating this shit up huh
the game is in such a bad shape that they requested the help of these clowns trying to salvage some sales through "hype"

>bugman Krillin

why does reddit hate EA so much
they don't even make the games

their wholly owned subsidiaries do. It's like saying Disney doesn't make Marvel or Star Wars.

hello zoomer

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EA doesn't make single player games anymore, they're forcing all their devs to make all their games (((live services))) in order to extract as much money from them as possible with as little effort/investment as possible. they've literally publicly admitted this, hell Hennig's game and DA4 literally got cancelled because they were single player games and not live services.
Schreier is full of shit

>Fun game series being butchered and Frankenstein'd into revenue-obsessed abominations

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Can't wait to see how EA jews it
>Press X to pay $2.99 to instantly win this lightsaber duel, goy!

movie making and video game making doesn't work the same way
the people making the game here are respawn
i'm 26
the only good game here was theme park world

One of the DAoC guys is making another one, isn't he?

nah definitely a zoomer

There is no line between EA and Respawn. They're the same company.

We all know how this story goes with EA.

they aren't
both have a different ceo

Respawn was only recently acquired.
Every studio makes 2-3 good games after EA buys them (assuming they don't close a year later)

Respawn made Apex and now this. Expect it or it's sequel to be the last good game Reapawn ever makes before it's slow hideous death

Look at Bioware, that is Reapawns future. Enjoy it while you can

Because they made modern warfare 1&2 and cod 1&2

And Respawn's CEO answers to EA.

Both games are better than gow4

EA hasn't had enough time to completely infect and destroy them from within yet.
Give it a few years, they'll be Bioware tier in no time.

>Every studio makes 2-3 good games after EA buys them
so Respawn is already behind the curve, one bad game out the door, and another one barreling down the pipe

do they

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Titanfall 2 was literally the best fps of the last decade

EA owns Respawn 100% after Titanfall 2.

Yes. EA owns Respawn. Respawn's CEO is an EA executive.

>Respawn's CEO is an EA executive
he's not

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I have zero faith in anything EA does. One of the worst, if not the worst, publisher of all time.

They just started. Every dev studio starts out great in EA, but it takes just a little while until you start seeing the corruption set in. Everyone loved Bioware at first, and then they got worse and worse and now they're basically dead. Visceral was the same until Dead Space 3 and then finally forced to shut down.

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do you not know how subsidiaries work

>being unironically excited about EA games in 2019

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I love how in recent times, every time anybody asks about EA involvement in a subsidiary they'll always reply with some variation of "No, no, this was actually OUR idea, we had to convince EA to add all those microtransactions and bullshit, they don't even care haha"

I was just as transparent in that Bioware interview.

EA execs were also blown away by early gameplay of Anthem

>Better than game that doesn't exist

I don't know about away, but I can guarantee there was a lot of blow involved.

Dont speak too soon, we know what American big business does to game studios currently and they've already turned to just doing whats popular with Apex.

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Best case scenario this is Respawn's swan song.

if this is the jedi game it's giong to be jedi academy with downsyndrome

i would believe them more than some embittered faggots on an imageboard

I'm going the next 2 days to celebration and it's my first year, fucking won the lottery to get reserved seats to the mandalorian panel too

Get the fuck outta here

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Dare I ask whats this from?

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>I'd believe the people trying to sell me something over the people who aren't being paid to talk positively about a bad company

I can guarantee at least 80% of EA's execs have never touched a game in their life, let alone understand the fundamentals of what makes a good game.

Do you also believe the car salesmen over the hundreds of people who talk about the dealership?

No, dude, no. Try again.
Oh, great. Another fucking game with lightsabers.
Would it hurt them that much to just make a decent shooter without jedi faggotry? Or a new X-wing vs. TIE fighter?

No. For everything it will do right it will do 2 things wrong, like have Middle Earth-style microtransactional paywalls.

Apparently. Look at how Starwars 1313 got sacked. That was just going to be an Uncharted clone which would have made them money and it still got sacked. Knowing how most star wars games go they would have just made your character in that be a secret jedi anyways.

>EA redemption arc
Nah. They'd have to do something big like make SEVERAL legitimately good single player games (without obvious money-soak attempts in each of them), disband DICE, or fire all the "diversity" assclowns that made the company suck more.

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That doesn't make it any more acceptable. Fuck off with your apologist rationalizations, cunt.

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Can we have one last titantfall ?

no, enjoy Apex Legends 2 and Jedi Fallen Order 2: Jedi Outcast

>Journalists heard "nothing but good things" from other journalists.
Oh okay, so the game is irredeemable garbage. Good to know.

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>China colonizes Taiwan
>Taiwan invents incredible technology
>China redeemed!

Because they're not actually EA

they were also the people who made call of duty mainstream. with cod 4 and mw2. they know how to make games, shame I predict ea will kill them off in a few years

Didn't they fire a director or writer or something like that because she didn't want to put in lootboxes?

>there is absolutely 0% chance the game is good because it likely has a huge budget and has to have mass appeal
Yep. It's just going to be Force Unleashed 2.0

I don't think user was insinuating that it made it any more acceptable.

I mean we've already had a bunch of SP games full of scummy loot boxes and other DLC practices so you can bet your ass that despite it being a SP game, it will literally be designed around such a system.

They will loose the star wars franchise. They have no other choice but to deliver what fans want. They rely on respawn to do so. Good choice. They know how to make a good game.

Activision tried the same thing with Bungie and look how that turned out.

>buy Academy because I heard how great it is
>turn on dismemberment
>doesn't work
>find cheat that turns it on
>doesn't work
>find out that they updated the game after it was bought by Disney to remove the ability to turn it on without mods


They had a borderline Fortnite killer and fucked it up? Do you actually expect them to succeed with this game given the track record they had? IS EA that fucking low standard they have to depend on reeeeeSpawn of all gaming companies to brag about lmao.

I can't wait for the transgender quadriplegic characters in star wars!

>Buy an IP that literally features dismemberment
>Remove dismemberment from games of said IP
For what purpose? Although it doesn't surprise me.

I don't understand, is this game really published by EA?
>single player
>story focused
>not forced to use frostbite

>generic cod clone was literally the best fps of the last decade
Who cares about this garbage dudebro trash genre anyway?

This is fucking hilarious, you can single handedly increase the value, status and quality of Said Product based on saying you had no affiliation with EA games lmao. The worst part is EA is ENTIRELY ok with this.

>twitter screencap
>jewson schreier
it's trash

It's a tactical move. Lure the goyim back in with a game that hasn't been completely EA'd, then hit them with the always online live service Dragon Age 4 looter shooter bombshell. Or, "Anthem with dragons".

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What the fuck? I'm surprised I just heard about this. First Apex and now a competent Star Wats game, they're the new golden goose of EA.

>Fortnite killer
Quit using this term, seriously. It was dumb when WoW was the game of the generation, it's dumb for Fortnite.

EA execs were blow away by Anthem's 2nd showing. Although that was Bioware just lying about the game's progress

>Quit using this term, seriously. It was dumb when WoW was the game of the generation, it's dumb for Fortnite.

This is a great point but does this imply that Fortnite won't die like WoW? Time seems to be repeating itself.

Even League of Legends killer was thrown around a lot also.

>about as trustworthy of a developer to deliver quality as there is in this industry
What complete fucking bullshit

>EA execs think it's good
This means they have a good system for sucking money from you and flashy graphics. Game will probably be shit


>does this imply that Fortnite won't die like WoW?
The complete opposite my dude
>Time seems to be repeating itself
Ding ding ding, you got it. Just like WoW and League, Fortnite will kill itself. Trying to make the Next Big Hit-Killer is always a fool's errand.

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>Could this be EA redemption arc?
LOL no.

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I can't be excited for anything from SW without choices since you're bound to play some goodie two shoes faggot.

Zoomers are so fucking dumb...

You just suck dick. You can slap anyone with a single blade if you arent a shitter. You just need to not be retarded, don't stand in front of dual/staff wielders like a fucking jackass.


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They need at least 5 games in a row that are great for me to consider them redeemed.

>EA isn't on his permanent shitlist

have fun getting screwed over for the twentieth time in a row

Yea but the early adopter stage and laggard stages lasted for years though. or even more then half a decade.

good goy

yeah, need a better resource there man

>Dev that has only done multiplayer games
>expected to do a goo single-player game
>And can keep EA's Jew hands off of it
>And actually be completed and bug free because they're not forced a release date and on budget

I'd say I've boybotted EA, but none of their games appeal to me any more. I take one look and find them all generic with only 'muh-progressive' being the only pull

I will roleplay sith and cleanse the galaxy of these degenerates.

Okay, and? Game still won't last forever. Kids will grow up, tastes will change. Can't survive on a single style of gameplay alone. Sure hardcores will stick with it but they aren't the whales.

Are they going Unreal on this forreal? I'd be okay with them re-using the Frostbite assets, it honestly looked pretty nice.

Yea that's my point unless you are immortal games have these generational ties to influence the industry for decades you vampire lmao.

>influence the industry for decades
So? Follow the reply chain and you'll see that this doesn't matter at all to the discussion at hand.

EAs only redemption at this point would be doing sudoku.

>Entirety of a companies executives broadcasts mass seppuku
Would pay good money to see that

You clearly haven't played Apex, it is literally only getting worse with each patch and there have only been two so far in the span of two months.