I'm going into hospital tomorrow - pacemaker. Hopefully I won't make it. it was a pleasure anyway Yea Forumsros o7

I'm going into hospital tomorrow - pacemaker. Hopefully I won't make it. it was a pleasure anyway Yea Forumsros o7

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best of luck, friend

god speed you

Survival rate is above 90% for the first 7 years after pacemaker is implanted.

See you when you get back from the hospital, alive.

good luck, hopefully the world you wake to is less shit than this one

>Hopefully I won't make it
>being so much of a pussy that you want to die but never took the initiative
You're going to live
In fact, I hope you live a long time and continue to be absolutely miserable

don't die on us you nigger, you posted a cute bird and not a wojak or pepe so you deserve to live

More company for the rest of us, right?

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You will be fine. They sacrificed years of their life getting the right kind of education just to spend a single day of yours to help you. In and out. You got this.

take me with you please

I want to die too

Hope you make it and find something in this world that makes you happy, user

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Have sex

warm me a seat on the other side

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damn nigga, how old are you

You’ll make it, friend. God hates you too much to call you back home.

I had a pacemaker by the age of 14 user and I'm still here.

See you tomorrow, faggot.
You better make a thread showing us your new pacemaker or I'll get mad.

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Have the surgery

>needing a pacemaker
Kill all weak hearts and fatties


That's great but you didn't specify when you were 14

I presume you are a boomer white and straight. Good luck, user!

Post a thread if you make it through, senpai.

enjoy your trip to balamb garden man

thanks, Abe

If you die ask God if he got that thing I sent him