It will never happen

It will never happen.

Attached: neverever.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It will and it's going to be the better version of the game, just like persona 3 portable

The only way a handheld version happens is for the next sony handheld.

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>the next sony handheld.

Attached: Pirate's_Curse_Shantae_Portrait.png (1024x1692, 542K)

Who gives a shit when it's free on pc?

I still don't care because I'm an adult who can afford more than one console.

Hopes for a PSP2

At least we are getting him in smash

N-Noooooooo but Mystic said it's coming to Switch!!!! MUH BEST BUY LEAK!!

My only fear is that people will play it handheld without headphones. Can't be listening to that 10/10 soundtrack through those shitty speakers.

Who gives a shit? Persona is the most overrated series in existence, only souls games come close.

Sony beat nintendo so bad they dropped out of consoles, but sony has more experience with console games on the go so they will be back.

Don't have to fear, the port won't happen.

>we don't want it anyway

>paying for an advertisement for PS4 games

What the fuck are you talking about?
The Switch is just Nintendo being Nintendo.

Sony on the other hand did drop out of the handheld market after repeatedly losing to Nintendo.

When I imagine the prospect of it being announced the first thing that comes to my head aren't thoughts about it coming to the Switch but just how insane the shitposting here would be.

No no sweaty, sony actually is advertising for a smash character

Future games won't be nigglet.

Man if P5S isn't on switch i might cry

Attached: raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg (360x360, 14K)

S-shut up.

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I'd rather have a Nocturne port

Nintendo dropped out of consoles after losing to sony with wiiu being the biggest blunder. PSP3 will come soon now that the narrative changed about portable home consoles.

I've never regretted wasting so much time on a game than with Persona 5. At the 50 hour mark I expected it to end but it just kept slogging on for another 50 hours.

It's all but confirmed it won't be. Better get those tissues ready.

This guy has the right idea

This shit right here.

How so ?

Attached: 1552928641329.jpg (632x632, 223K)

This, but exclusive for PS4

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the game its too complicated for that kids tablet, thats why

Wii kicked ass and taught them that the original Gunpei philosophy of repurposing older, cheaper hardware is a money spinner. Wii U was a misstep but hardly brought them to their knees.

I'm fine with this too

Kotaku guy who is always right with his leaks said it.

I’m fucking sick of you.
>Beast eye
>Beast eye
>Beast eye

Attached: 29B13232-FF75-4886-A250-62C413327568.jpg (565x960, 82K)

The Wii U fucked had nothing to do with Sony

>fail two consoles in a row
>one success
>fail AGAIN
>drop out


The WiiU was like 3 GameCubes taped together
The gamepad was 3 DSi systems taped together

The one Yea Forums always posts. Jason Sch?

>one success
literally the biggest success in gaming

>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive!"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive!"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal announced as an RPG
>"I-It's coming to Switch too!"
>P5R only lists PS4 on the main site
>"P5S will be Switch exclusive!"
Oh boy, can't wait to see what'll happen next

>A failure
Nigga books on game design literally have several chapter just on OOT
People are still sucking that game’s dick for going on 2 decades

The Avatar of videogames. Completely forgotten with time.

Doesn't change nintendo never recovered from being the other console for people.

>never recovered
>when the wii happaned
lol okay

I can't come up with a reason it wouldnt be on switch other than I dont trust anyone involved

>from being the other console for people.

>it doesn't count because I say so

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but the wii dominated the 360 and ps3?

And it only sold 15 million more. Wii was the other console and 160 millon people bought another.

Now look at PS4 at 100 million

Switch+Xbox+WiiU = 70 million


Video game good, but it exclusive to PS and will never be on Switch.

It literally already leaked, get over it.

>the next sony handheld
So, pic related?

Attached: xz2top.jpg (1000x664, 754K)


>retailer listing are never wrong

Would be based. Unlike Switch false advertising about playing online games anywhere*
*with wifi
, it actually can play anything anywhere.

>Wii was the other console
What's your criteria for "other console" then if the top selling one is still the "other console"?



Too bad there hasn't been a single good mobile game ever

I guess that means PS4 is getting SMT since it's listed on EB Games

Yes, what makes it the secondary despite being the top selling one?

A platform is a platform. You can play DS games on mobile.


If anyone wanted real games like GTA, they needed something else.

>muh fake leak
I'll wait for the official announcement.

i dont get this whole
>you want persona on switch? Give us SMTV on ps4 then. *nintenbaby destroyed*

I literraly don't mind if SMTV come to other platforms either

>listings are not concrete

That's not a valid reason

>>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive!"
No one said that, stop being a newfag.

>"P5S will be Switch exclusive!
to be fair, the current rumor is that P5S is coming to switch and Ps4

Now where have I seen this before? it's like deja vu all over again

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But it can.

Who said this?
>S doesn't stand for switch but switch might get it!

>no one ever said that

P5S will be a Stage play

just play it on pc with rpcs3

why do you retards stick to one platform only, and then you shitpost about other consoles because you are too dumb to play on one only.

EB Games isn’t even a thing, especially with GameStop on it’s way out.


TWEWY was ported to mobile so that's false.
However there aren't any good Mobile exclusives.

This was one of the rumours that started all of this.

I hope somebody is screencapping all these denials threads, I want an epic BTFO compilation image once P5 gets inevitably announced for switch.

Attached: I CAME HERE TO.jpg (259x194, 5K)

>fail two consoles in a row
>never lost money on their consoles

What if the persona 5 action game is the persona 5 rerelease, just with action combat

Faggots like OP saying this will never happen because it "Can't be put on a switch" etc...

Then what the fuck is Shin Megami Tensei V doing on the Switch lineup you cucks? Persona is a literal spinoff, being an older game, so it will have worse graphics than SMTV anyway and it's most likely being announced April 25th.

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I'd rather not. For starters if it doesn't happen then that only gives Eric more shitposting material.

So where's SMT5 PS4 since the SMT4 3DS costumes are in Persona 5 PS3/PS4 as DLC? Serious question like portbeggers have been asking seriously for Persona 5 on Wii U/3DS/Switch for ~10 years.

Attached: 398264-persona-5-shin-megami-tensei-iv-costume-bgm-special-set-playstation-3-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 93K)

more people argued P5 was gonna be one Xbone than there were people arguing it would be on Wii U
You're a revisionist bitchboy
T. idort

this but for when it's not announced for Switch

persona 5 is over 100 hours

who shits for 100 hours

>implying switch fags own something powerful enough to emulate the God ps3
Also R can't be emulated fag

as long as you have an internet connection remote play is mostly usable
it's not a very input demanding game

not even xbots were this delusional


Oh shit, some guy on twitter


Someone screencap this

LMAO no one ever talks about xbox, nigger.

Crysis 2 has worse graphics than 1

>not playing console exclusive multiplats on a Bonex
don't call me a nigger when you can't even afford a PS4 Pro, Jamal

Attached: niggers.jpg (720x733, 111K)

Been collecting some of these cringe threads. Best part is the only reason any one wants it on switch is to justify maining him when he turns out to be top tier in smash. Nu Yea Forums is so goddamn stupid

Attached: will age well.png (828x968, 590K)

I may have pointed out that SMTV might have better graphics, but I don't honestly care about graphics much. Each time I buy a new PC every few years the first game I end up playing is Half-Life or Quake 3 Arena kek

>And Its Everything

thanks user,
April 24th cant come soon enough

>missing dad

Attached: really makes you think.png (581x612, 7K)

Haha just like how FF7 was never on the Switch and is advertising a purely Sony poduct. When will they learn?

This will be included in the compliation.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 7.06.28 PM.png (1338x1580, 895K)

Hey, think of it as an instant red flag. Any article that pulls And It's Everything/And That's A Good Thing is guaranteed to be trash

It's a shop. I can tell by the pixels.

You mean never on WiiU, and it didn't.
>Haha we got a port of a game from 20 years ago
>a port PSP had
>and xbox 1

24th, baby

Sony also said they wouldn't reveal ps4 until next xbox was on market.

here is one from earlier today

Attached: 20191103.png (928x228, 53K)

How do you remember to breathe?

Sony bros have 6 years of p5 portbegging but they have too many games to sit around screen capping unfortunately.

>real games
Based retard

Nintendo only makes 1 piece of hardware now, brainlet.

Sony isn't going to repeatedly invest in something they constantly lose money on. They even said it themselves that they're not going to make another handheld.

Seethe, people want games Nintendo consoles can't provide

*data rates apply

Based retards.

It's called having a data plan, moron.

Playstation always makes money.

Unless Sony says otherwise, that's all we have to go by is their word. The official company statement VS some random user going "yeah well they will make the PSP3 because they once went back on this other thing".

Not really. They lost a lot of money on PS3. It put them in the red for years.

They haven't stopped making 3DSes dingus.

dude, sony was in such a miserable stage in 2013 that they had to sell the building the company was funded

right and you retards said that sony would soon go bankrupt.
lmao, kys.

yeah, Sony is better at real state than making movies... argh I mean games.

yikes, still seething. good for you.

A port of a game well known for not being on a Nintendo console yeah its not a big deal at all.

>a port of a 20 year old game
>also not known for xbox but is also on xbox
Smash means shit. The only metal gear solid games are ports as well and yet snake is in the game.

These posts belong in a cringe compilation.

It's funny how back in december tendies were so full of themselves making a million threads, but they've become relatively humbled by P5R. They were humiliated and are afraid to hope lmao.


Losers being bullied is good. Imagine if sonychads weren't around to shut down nincels, they'd continue to grow faggier and infect the board.