Rainbow 6 Siege heavy censorship

Why cant I call people Niggers Kikes and Faggots?
You cant even put kys in this game wtf

Attached: 1470269281349.jpg (1920x1080, 338K)

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gamers are oppressed af

your toxic
u don't deserve to play our game thanks for buying it though

Attached: FPBP.webm (800x800, 2.49M)

Does it matter? I call people noobs and they get even angrier than if I called them a nigger.

Attached: 1553282141647.jpg (500x500, 15K)

You don't understand user, he's being censored!!!

Its just unnecessary. I should be allowed to type what I want

>Playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
>Some literal 9 year old starts spouting /pol/ bullshit in chat
>Within seconds people were telling the brat to shut the fuck up
It feels bad knowing that Yea Forums is the cause of so many internet problems, but experiencing real (normie) reactions to that bullshit is beautiful.

almost makes me want to play CoD to try and experience this.

why do you have to? if it's so insignificant, then just dont do it. You fucking nigger faggot kike.

I just don't get why they don't let you turn off the chat filter

Yeah I know I am. Nice fucking argument retard

Imagine being unable to look past your own nose and not see the bigger picture to maintain a ridiculous narrative of victimization.

Poor you, you can't call people nigger anymore online, truly the white gamer is the most opressed race of them all.


>I can't go 15 seconds without calling someone a nigger faggot
>wtf y u ban me stop opressing white gamers

Terms of Service

Either I can can type everything or I can type nothing. Speech should not be policed

I hereby decree that "Ubisoft" is slang for "cunt faggot retard".

Examples in one or two sentences:
-Why'd you pick the girl character, are you a Ubisoft?
-This Ubisoft doesn't know how to check his corners.
-I can't believe they added another Ubisoft character in this game. Fucking SJWs.

Feel free to apply additional slurs to the meaning of "Ubisoft".

they took it out. you'd know that if you played the game in the last 3 months

Literal faggot

Make your own game then faggot

That's what happens when you support games with proprietary hosting, wouldn't happen if they let you host your own server.