>finish Sekiro
>fire up Bloodborne just to see how it feels after playing Sekiro
>first thing I notice is how Bloodborne looks way better even though I played Sekiro on PC at max settings
How the fuck is this possible? Bloodborne is like 5 years old.
And don't even get me starting about how much superior the combat, sound design, atmosphere, level design, etc in Bloodborne.
Finish Sekiro
Other urls found in this thread:
Stronger art direction makes up for technical disadvantages. I wish they would remove the CA filter though, it would look gorgeous
30fps 1080p fags SEETHING
thanks xbone
Bloodborne has to be the greatest 3D video game art direction of all times.
Despite all the limitations, it's still absolutely gorgeous.
Bloodborne doesn't use any colors other than black and red
>he never played the DLC
Sekiro looks worse than Dark Souls 3 on PC and runs worse as well.
It's still black, blue and red
More colors does not equal better art direction, this is a weird Yea Forums meme.
Only place on par is Fountainhead palace imo, the flute that you listen from the enemies add a lot to the atmosphere of the place.
I need the artbook. BB has some god tier concept art
Plenty of blues, purples, and yellows in there too. Even so, there's nothing wrong with a limited color palette
Also known as the absolute best colors.
Why are you snoynigger seething so luch about sekiro? Because it btfo your shitty game so much? That's fucking pathetic.
Just more attention to detail throughout, I guess in Sekiro there's a lot of fast traversal, so it's more sparse throughout. Also the setting is inherently more interesting
I know I'm in the minority but I really like the CA in Bloodborne and wish I could have it in other games. I feel it adds a layer of atmosphere to everything
Funnily enough, thay card has more colors in it than the entire Bloodborne
It also runs at 20 fps and is literally unplayable.
Call me stupid, but what does CA stands for ?
Sekiro's combat feels leagues better though.
There's not that gluey feeling attached to the dodging/strafing and running, and the jumping/faster gameplay Sekiro just "feels" better, more honed in.
It's not a matter of gameplay variety or weapons, it's just the sheer nature of Sekiro having better, more focused tech.
I'll agree that generally Bloodborne looks better, it's lighting and wetness effects are more impressive than Sekiro by a mile, and its skyboxes are beautiful. But the CA, frame pacing, framerate and resolution of the game all result in an experience far less smooth than Sekiro.
In addition, I always thought that Bloodborne's buildings in central yharnam look slightly basic in terms of lighting, especially in the less dark periods of the moon cycle , almost like they've chosen asset density over proper shading. The almost-oil slicked colouring didn't help, especially in central yharnam.
I never got that "off" feeling with Sekiro, where all the assets and textures flowed quite suitably, if not as wonderfully vibrant, dense and macabre as something like Bloodborne.
color aberration
This. BB's lighting and designs are excellent, even though the lighting and tech are simpler than Sekiro it still looks better. Sekiro has better AA and has new tech like godrays but the lighting takes a more realistic/bland approach so the game ends up looking more flat despite being technically superior.
the absolute level of COPE from bloodborners that couldn't beat sekiro without a guide and multiple threads on Yea Forums
I honestly think Dark Souls 3 has more interesting looking areas.
Japan Studio. Their games are often dense and littered with eye candy. Gravity Rush, Puppeteer, Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice.
Senpou looks 10x better than anything in BB.
>Stronger art direction makes up for technical disadvantages.
There's your answer OP.
What made Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne so fucking great.
lmao pc virgins are all autistic
>Thinks sunbeam censorship is winning.
Snoyggers still seething that their bloodborne machine is now obsolete I see.
>its skyboxes are beautiful
BB's skyboxes are fucking ugly as sin though. In OP's skybox you can literally see the line where the sky texture begins and ends in the middle of the fucking sky. The clouds also look like they could have came from a PS2 game.
Sekiro has objectively better graphics, Bloodborne doesn't have TAA, environmental shadow mapping or volumetric lighting, it also has no fucking colors
Dark Souls having the best builds and pvp makes it the best game by far
Another one.
I can do this all day
Sekiro at least has a varied color palette. BB looks the same from beginning to end.
>b-b-but the DLC
Not an argument when Sekiro hasn't had its own DLC yet.
I'm certain BB has godrays too. Most noticeable in the blood moon phase
I'm playing this right now, it looks gorgeous and has some creative ideas but feels kinda clunky to play, and there's far too many cutscenes. Just beat the rat boss in act 2. Does it get better?
Can't believe we've devolved into BB vs SkR flame wars.
Are you joking? You think THAT looks better than BB?
>we will never get more soul sacrifice
Feels bad. Super flawed game but the presentation was amazing.
Yeah. There's a co-op mode also that's hit or miss, but it's a lot of fun once the game starts introducing new mechanics later down the line.
I know this will seem like falseflagging but it's a serious question. I'm playing Sekiro on Xbone. For the most part I have no issues, but every once in awhile there's a split second where the game almost completely seems to freeze. Anybody else experience this?
I think i like sekiro's graphics a little bit more because the colors arent as washed out
maybe it has a few interesting environments but sekiro is undeniably better in this regard. better than bb though
Yea the writing, voice acting, soundtrack and art direction were incredible.
That is BB lmao, look at the shield & estus flask. Sekiro has no shield and uses gourd flask.
Nah, the game has severe frame pacing issues so these 'microfreezes' are frequent.
so is this an attempt at instigating autistic shit flinging? don't really give a shit but wooden pagodas and snowy mountains are nothing new, it's been done before a million times
I'm surprised people are wowed by it
This is some next-level shitposting.
christ that looks ugly
Archdragon peak? Yes you can actually see sunlight there.
Chromatic anisotropy
Thats a retarded screenshot but Archdragon peak as a whole is more visually impressive than anything in BB yeah
>everything is black and red even the characters
>more focused tech
>lol just parry! the game
>one button fwippdippy move instead of a full movelist
Its not great
BBfags are fucking desperate to find ways to shit on Sekiro lmao this is pathetic
You can't even jump in BB
the DLC areas looked like shit though except for the area between laurence and ludwig
>try to start an anti-Sekiro shitflinging thread
>it backfires
>a-all of this PÇuck cope itt
It doesn't though.
Sekiro is awesome, I love it and all but really hoping we get a BB2
OP just said his opinion wrong. He's really arguing that Bloodborne has better art direction, but Sekiro obviously has better and more optimized graphics.
>art direction
Bloodborne has an amazing art direction, but it's also kind of overdesigned at times. I don't think all the little graves and extreme ground clutter were needed. I can't really say Bloodborne looks better than Sekiro or vice versa because they're at the same level, Sekiro just has a colorful palette while Bloodborne is samey and extremely grim for 90% of the game, but still is extremely good. Sekiro also runs at 60FPS extremely easily while BB hovers between 24 and 30.
Sekiro has better combat than Bloodborne, but the systems are pretty different so I can see how people could prefer BB's. Bloodborne combat is the final evolution of Souls combat, Sekiro is something else entirely and it was designed for swordfights with weapons clashing, Bloodborne is more about fighting monsters using iframes.
>sound design
Bloodborne has way better sound design and OST, yeah
Bloodborne is too samey for me. I enjoyed the atmosphere the first few areas but when it was unchanging I ended up getting tired of it.
The DLC helped with a sunny area like the Hunter's Nightmare and the great Research Halls and Fishing Hamlet, each of which have their own versions of grim atmosphere, but I felt like the vanilla areas all looked like they were sections of the same big area and there was not enough variation. Nightmare Frontier, the exception, also sucks as an area.
Sekiro manages to have a great atmosphere with a colorful world which is a huge feat so I greatly enjoyed it. Brainlets believe atmosphere = grimdark though so I can see why people shit on Sekiro's atmosphere.
>level design
Sekiro has with no contest superior level design to Bloodborne. Bloodborne starts out great, with a masterpiece of an area that is Central Yharnam, but most of the other areas are mediocre. In fact I think Research Halls is the only other truly good area in Bloodborne. The rest are just carried by the atmosphere but the actual level design is poor
You don't know how to jump in Souls? KEK, and i'd rather have no jump than the shitty input delayed jumps in Sekiro.
Its art direction isn't better, its just different. All this is just faggots preferring gothic architecture spam over pagoda spam.
excelent points.
>Sekiro also runs at 60FPS
should note that if you get the fps unlocker mod you can run it at 144, so theres that.
I found the European aesthetics from BB and Souls more appealing, so I guess biases really do count. Doesn't matter how much cherry blossoms or castles with funny looking looking roofs there are in this game. I just didn't like the weeb setting. And how many games were set in feudal nippon? This isn't really the first.
I agree. I definitely prefer the gothic/lovecraft vibes. Sekiro is still amazing compared to what its competitors have done with the feudal japan themes.
japan studio
>fps unlocker mod
Does this affect gameplay/hit frames? About to check this out
It doesn't, though. Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 have better graphics than Sekiro.
Am I the only one that thinks the art style of BB is too busy? It might just be gothic art in general but Sekiro and even OG dark souls had a cleaner more colorful design that actually made me want to explore. I would tone down the amount of must in sekiro a bit as it adds too much grey at times.
The fuck are you going on about? Sekair has ZERO interesting visual locations aside from the cherry blossom forest. Otherwise it's all just snowy samey mountain places with pine trees.
Nope. Sekiro's animations are not tied to framerate, a first for fromsoft. You have to put the game into boarderless windowed in the mod interface for the FPS thing to work. And to do that you have to put the game out of fullscreen it's actual settings.
Because this is a western influenced site and you notice western influenced settings more than Japanese settings, user
If you were from Japan you'd feel Sekiro is much better
Oops wrong thread
Have sex.
Have you recently gotten shit on?
the biggest sin of sekiro is despite the grapple, level design is very boring.
only the castle uses it sorta well.
i gotchu senpai
I love how chromatic abberation looks, but I would be ok if they added a toggle.
BB doesn't have better art direction, the problem is Sekiro's setting is just boring compared to Victorian London meets Lovecraft, which is just simply awesome
bloodborne runs at 30fps, barely
sony/japan studio helped a lot with the polish, bloodborne also had a designated light artist
in this specific pic you can clearly see the tiling, illumination is meh, ground is ps2 tier.
BB is more detailed and has more stuff going on, too bad it’s stuck on shit hardware, at a decent res without ca would be a 10/10.
the BB playtest alpha build was even better, was downgraded since it was stuck at barely over 20fps though
The Last Guardian
Sekiro is far more intuitive for me at least. Once I "got it" it just skyrocketed in a way no other game except for Nioh did.
BB does have great art direction though
>finish Sekiro
>holy shit that was awesome
>fire up Bloodborne
>holy shit this is awesome
Is that the Rosario Bedchamber from Da3?
>almost no AA
>Chromatic abberation
It's the DLC in BB.
You only have to look at the sides of the image to be sure though.
No, that's the Grand Cathedral in TOH.
Playing Sekiro just made me want to play Bloodborne again. I get that they're different, Bloodborne just feels better in every way.
Here's your max settings, bro!
Same user as , this is what I mean, if Bloodborne areas looked more unique and didn't shy away from color a bit like they were originally designed to be the atmosphere would be way better. I'm not saying that the atmosphere is bad now, what I'm saying is that they kind of unified the look of every area to the point where they are too samey.
>literally doesnt know what art direction is
>its moody so its better
fuck off
are we really going to go about screenshotting the worst areas in the game like the old DaS rating threads?
I have never seen a graphicsfag say a game has good graphics. They always find something to nitpick.
Constant CA and fps drops below 20 are fucking crimes. But that's consoles for you. Good thing this great game is locked behind a shitty hardware. Praise snoy!
>worst area in the game
That image is fucking depressing as hell. Fuck consoles man.
weird off sections, user.
bloodborne incels cant even appreciate a beautiful and diverse color palette
>expecting PC plebs who jack off to 8k floor textures to know the difference between fidelity and direction
needs more red and black.
Sure looks like it
I still see people posting the top image in BB related topics all the time
It's kind of sad
Disgusting. Just turn off the screen for that BB feel
>Bloodborne without Chromatic Abberation
>Never Ever
>Bloodborne at 60 fps
>Never Ever
>Bloodborne without having pay for online services
>Never Ever
Exclusives are a fucking tumor on this industry.
>Bloodborne looks way better even though I played Sekiro on PC at max settings
thats the fucking point?
PCfags are a fucking tumor on the industry. Luckily, nobody gives a shit about you and soon you'll have to bend the knee to the Han, so have fun with that.
Sekiro is a much better game
what are you saying you poor nigger, mad that you can't afford a decent pc with your fast food wages?
>In-game settings
>The same as using mods to artificially extend your sight and fucking the lighting and saturation
Sasuga, shitposter.
Not true it also uses purple
did you even try to understand the context of my comment before you embarrassed yourself?
I agree with you on atmosphere and level design but you lost me on combat and sound design, were we playing the same game?? Sekiro graphically objectively also looks a lot better
>ur poor because you dont want to spent $3000 on a giant paperweight to boot up an indie multiplat for 3 minutes
You're saying the Sekiro screenshot at was a cherrypick. It was max settings and ingame. Then you posted showing earthen peak and the ruins area using lighting and draw distance mods to make everything look like shit.
They are NOT the same thing. One uses mods, one doesn't. Sekiro objectively doesn't look like a game made in this day and age. It looks KIND OF fucking ugly in any genuine context.
>peasants trying to defend their living situation
Not him but you're the one who came and complained about not being able to play Bloodborne.
>buttblasted pcfag trying to justify wasting his money
It's pretty much black, blue, red, and purple. Nothing wrong with that, though
literally isn't me.
did you forget that this is an anonymous board?
So you're saying isn't you? Despite the fact that, ASIDE FROM ME, this conversational chain has been linear with exactly 1 response each?
Am I the only one that thinks the "Paleblood Sky" looks awful?
Did you not see the screenshot? Only one >you and only one red outline.
Okay then so what is your point? To insert yourself into someone else's conversation and then call people poor for not having a PC in a bloodborne chain that STARTED with some guy complaining about bloodborne not being playable on pc? Do you have any idea how confusing that is?
Did someone casted toxic mist in the sky?
t. newfag zoomer
All of BB's skyboxes look pretty bad tbqh.
>bottom left
i cum
>Ugh, Bloodborne looks so drab. I like bright and colorful areas in my game, thank you. Where's the variety? Developers should take note from No Man's Sky or Journey - now THOSE are games that weren't afraid to have good art direction.
Sekiro is fun but people hailing the combat system as some revolutionary thing are over exaggerating. It’s great, but the lack of skill points/playstyles/gear really didn’t do it for me, and the bosses are so easily cheesable that the “git gud” meme is literally just that, a meme.
And yeah, jumping around is funnfor exploration but without gear/weapons to find you’re literally just jumping around for Gaachins Sugar and fistfuls of ash. It’s not compelling.
Also the lore is the weakest flat out compared to Bloodeborne or Dark Souls 3.
Knights in horrific landscapes and Lovecraft Victorian England are just way more compelling than Japan.
Even the dragon was kind of disappointing.
Sekiro is good but I’ll probably never go back to it, meanwhile I’m about to buy Dark Souls remastered because I miss it
You can drop the fucking pretentious memes for a god damned second and realize how stupid you are for impersonating someone in a conversation and then starting another completely unrelated conversation in the middle of a comment chain, you cunt.
Nah, it looked striking.
Journey unironically has incredible art direction.
I didn't impersonate shit. The fuck are you talking about you delusional cunt? Is today your first day on Yea Forums or something?
He never killed Rom.
He never even killed Amelia. It gets black and blue when you do that
>ribbed for your pleasure
Only when you look at the Moon. Because it's in front of the clouds. But it's also not a real moon so it makes sense.
Does it? I thought it only changed after Rom. It's been like three years since I played it though.
It goes to nighttime after Amelia (technically after touching the skull with the flashback cutscene), and paleblood after Rom
sekiro has some cancerous texture tiling though, it feels like the game was rushed in some areas
haven't played BB so don't know if it had such issues
why the fuck did you save my screenshot, now i can't post it
>driveby shitposting is impersonation
You need to go the fuck back to your indigenous clay if you can't comprehend that the person you started talking to may not be the person replying to you on an Anonymous website.
Is all the infighting between souls fans really neccesary?
What's the root cause of all this friction? This... animosity? What exactly is it that gave birth to this deep, burning schism that's split this fanbase into six fractured pieces?
Why can't we just exist as the amicable, respectful, functioning family we should all strive to be?
With Dark Souls, the all loving, guiding, humble father. Stoic, commanding of all men's respect and adoration.
And Demons Souls, the reluctant mother, who gave birth to our favourite games. Less respected than our father, and sometimes battered by him, but kind and nurturing nonetheless, even if she resents living in the shadows.
And Dark Souls 3, the prodigal son... the very image of his father, a brave, sprightly soul, cheerful and yet not too brash, but with an awful tendency of mimicking his family at awkward moments.
And Bloodborne... well, we do remember Bloodborne do we not? The rebellious, brilliant, witty sister, creative and edgy, always treading upon new boundaries... always locked away in her gilded room.
And Sekiro, the adopted Japanese child who insists on eating his food with a Katana instead of a knife.
And Dark Souls 2... oh who could forget our dear little Dark Souls 2, the mentally disabled hydro-cephalic child, who dwells in a tranquil reality of his own, in his quiet little corner, painting glorious scenes with his own faeces.
Why can't we just have peace?
The phrase "not him but" exists.
Gives us something to talk about.
fountainhead palace and maybe the flower field was the only kino location in sekiro desu
This is the most beautiful post I've seen in a long time.
Tell me more about redditspeak
You have to go back