
Attached: BotW.png (416x319, 71K)

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both don't deserve the score.

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To be honest if a Zelda game deserves that score then Bloodborne does as well. BoTW is not better than Bloodborne

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Both are far more deserving of those scores than OoT. What a shit, overrated game.

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R* always wins baby

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Stop trying to brag.
That's for snoyfags, we're better than that.

OoT is not shit but it's one of the most overrated games of all time like Resident Evil 4

>shill of the wild aka empty world, content and story
>better than Ocarina
This has to be a troll


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who is crying? I am saying this and rdr2 are both overrated.

add last of us to the list.

cause retards like you believe game journos that need cheats to beat sekiro.

You sound like me back when I was ranting about Super Mario Bros being overrated.
(Thankfully not preserved on the web.)
Once a game creates a before/after split among games, there is no way it's overrated.

Miyazaki and Ueda will never do this shit

video games are for children. "critically" rating them is pathetic.

The will never do it because they lack the funding and team capable to pull it off

Literally a false flag.

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do game ratings make you feel better about being a failure in life, OP?

Fuck this idea that "it did it first" means "it holds up today." The game is boring garbage.

Pretty sure From is capable of doing that. Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Sekiro are all AAA titles that have sold a lot.

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t. underage kid

But Nintendo doesn't make movie games

WiiU and Switch are the same gen though?

that isn't even Fromsoft's twitter, it's some idiots in Europe.


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MGS5 is a good game.

>Vouluntarily miss out on it
>in a coma
See ya later guys just gonna go into a vegetative state for a few years.

>mario maker and smash are ports

Learn to read.
97 is an appropriate rating for it given the time it was released and reviewed in.
If it was reviewed as a newly released game, I'm sure it would be somewhere in the low 70s.
At the time it was a 11/10 GOTYAY, and that was no overrating.

>who is crying? I’m just crying about the review score for botw cause it’s not faaaaair

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do you think last of us, aka shitty RE clone, is also worthy of 10/10 spam?

you're just a retard who eats the shit kotaku feeds you.

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no one is "mad" it's just the perfect example of an overrated game.

>OOT 98

>this game 97

OOT is better in so many ways yet...almost the same score. Explain.

>>OOT 98
Try 99. I get that this game is somehow ''''revolutionary'''' and all that but there is no way it's a 99

botw isn't a bad game but it has so many flaws I can't fathom how it has the score it does.

same with last of us.

oh? what's that? you mean game journos overrate shit? say it ain't so.

Another shitty bbfag

Nice. R* isn't even close to Nintendo and never has been. They made OoT and R* were banging rocks together. Nintendo made BotW and R* are still banging rocks together but with long drawn out animations

Breath Of The Wild is now officially considered the greatest game of all time. Time to kill yourself lol

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It's just that every game from a major dev gets praised by them. They don't have the guts to give something below an 8 or a 9 if it's from Rockstar or Nintendo. Especially Nintendo. Imagine working as a game journo and saying that you don't like something about a Mario/Zelda game

by 1 random journalist

at a time when journos are using cheat engine to beat sekiro. lol, okay.

All of those stupid lists are completely subjective

>game sells incredibly well in opening 3 days
>is completely forgotten and will be even more obsolete down the years when the market is oversaturated with 3rd person realistic graphixx games

>meanwhile botw is hailed as one of the greatest games of all time

>by 1 random journalist


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>officially considered
Poor Shitcucks taking vidya journalist opinions as facts lmao

look at the retards giving these scores out, user.

>100 retards say it's good, therefore it is!

you are the problem with this industry. you eat shit because other people say it's good.

So are you telling me that this is the best game of all time? Seriously? It's not. This is bullshit and you know it

le nothing is good

it is

"Best Game Of All Time"? I seriously doubt it.

"Best Game Of The Generation"? Absolutely.

you're either 12 years old or actually retarded and have never played other games in your life.

It's not even up there

We live in a society where fake gamers make poor bait posts like this. Gamers rise UP!

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I've played games since SNES and I agree with him. BotW was flawless

This thread really makes me pick a Switch and play BoTW but I'm a poorfag and not even a fan of Zelda. I've only played Zelda on NES and OoT and didn't like it

Anytime someone makes a Best-Of-All-Time list, you can pretty much guarantee a Nintendo game will be at #1.

then you have a mental condition

it's that simple, you just can't think like a normal person. and you're a shitty troll.

>st-stop liking BotW!

sonyfags really are that butthurt huh

They do this to appeal to normalfags who don't care about vidya because most of them only play Nintendo games

>how dare you not think physics shrine simulator and breakable weapon game is the best videogame of all time!

witcher 3 + DLC absolutely shits on this game, how can you make this argument with a straight face

Reminder that /Reddit/ has better taste then Yea Forums (Pic Related)
> 1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
> 2. Portal
> 3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
> 4. Portal 2
> 5. Chrono Trigger
> 6. The Last of Us Remastered
> 7. Dark Souls
> 8. Final Fantasy Tactics
> 9. Bloodborne
> 10. Red Dead Redemption
> 11. Final Fantasy VII
> 12. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
> 13. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
> 14. Bioshock
> 15. Dishonored
> 16. Final Fantasy VI (III)
> 17. Bioshock Infinite
> 18. Persona 5
> 19. Fallout: New Vegas
> 20. Batman: Arkham Asylum
> 21. Metal Gear Solid
> 22. Mass Effect 2
> 23. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
> 24. Star Wars: Knights Of the Old Republic
> 25. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
> 26. Rome: Total War
> 27. Max Payne
> 28. Final Fantasy X
> 29. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
> 30. StarCraft (1998)
> 31. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
> 32. Grandia
> 33. Super Mario 64
> 34. The Longest Journey (1999)
> 35. Resident Evil 2
> 36. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
> 37. Super Metroid
> 38. Super Mario World
> 39. Chrono Cross
> 40. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
> 41. Silent Hill 3
> 42. Limbo

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Why is Ocarina #1 in every top ever? Is this some ancient meme I've missed?

The fuck?

If you're a serious gaming enthusiast then you would absolutely play Nintendo. They make the best games in the world. Good luck trying to refute that.

And btw, I own a PS4 and XboxOneX

Because it was genuinely that amazing when it first came out or for kids growing up

>metacritic matters
>and then it doesn't
>and then it does

>2. portal

>3. botw

>4. portal 2

incredibly a worse list than even the retards on this site.

You are baiting
We can argue to sunset about any other point or aspect the game, but you gotta be quite silly if you say that a dipping framerate and performance issues are flawless.
Also underused characters. Defend that

I dislike BotW myself because I don't like open world Skinner's Boxes that much.

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>ITT: We don't form our own opinions and use scores to judge games

>Why is Ocarina #1 in every top ever?

Its considered a milestone in gaming history. You can literally split the gaming landscape into BEFORE OoT and AFTER OoT.

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>witcher 3 + DLC absolutely shits on this game
Not with its shitty broken budget-Souls combat, god-awful and empty world and painful inventory + crafting system. Although I can see why you'd like it better if you don't actually enjoy gameplay.

I stopped enjoying their games after the GBA era. It's either they truly went to shit after that or I just grew up

I get the feeling that people pretend botw is the best game ever just to annoy other people

kinda like people that say "I like my little pony".

>You can literally split the gaming landscape into BEFORE OoT and AFTER OoT.
It's before Dark Souls and after Dark Souls though

>sega made 3d games in 1992-1993 that looked and played better than Supra Mayro 3D and The Legend of Zelda 64
>of course BING BING WAHOO and YAH YAH HAY YAH is the best shit in the world again

botw is not a 10/10 game

last of us is not a 10/10 game

if you disagree you are a fanboy. only witcher 3 with DLC comes close to a flawless game this gen.

Its before pokemon and after pokemon though

Seething Sega cuck

>Dark Souls and after Dark Souls though

Dark Souls wouldn't exist without OoT. See

>sega made 3d games in 1992-1993 that looked and played better than Supra Mayro 3D and The Legend of Zelda 64

What is 'GAME DESIGN'?

It literally takes a single picture for PS4 fags to get triggered. Jesus fuck.

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Zelda is a fucking snoozefest and Dark Souls isn't. But yeah I'm pretty sure that Dark Souls really was inspired by early 3D Zelda games

yeah this is a new thing on Yea Forums.

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>people think that this game is worse than botw


Thats cute.

>muh ratings

you do realize the people assigning these ratings are literally cheating and using cheat engine to beat sekiro, right?

literal onions machines who cant play games.

>this kills the snoyfag

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yet rdr2 has the same exact rating

of course Yea Forums is filled with 10 year olds who think HIGHER RATING = BETTER GAME, not realizing absolute shit like the new yoshi game has a higher rating than say, god hand.

>only on playstation

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>The last of us
That shit even being in the list just invalidates everything

>snoyfags have to shill a multiplat to even compete

It's worth it just to see how low they'll go to get a shot at Nintendo. Pathetic.

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God Hand is garbage, though.


see, this is what I mean when I say Yea Forums is full of autistic 10 year olds with no taste.

>absolute shit like the new yoshi game



Why do snoys always piggyback off of rockstar or capcom multiplats? Do they not realise I also have a PS4 and own all of those games?

Yeah, people who like God Hand would have to be autistic 10 year olds.

The Metacritic rating system is clearly flawed. It's like asking a bunch of medieval retards what the greatest thing in life is. They'd probably answer Jesus, but that doesn't mean Jesus is the shit.

the entire point is you judge a game by the score some shill reviewer gives it, not how it is as a game.

because you're a fucking retard. since you like copying what people suggest, here is another idea: go play in traffic.