Too sick for school, too sick for video games!

Too sick for school, too sick for video games!

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I don't get it

I thought she as fucking sucking a cock in the thumbnail.

no school no game

Someone's mom telling them that if they're too sick to go to school, they must also be too sick to play video games. Thankfully mine wasn't like that.

if you are actually sick you just want to sleep the whole fucking day

if you are lucid enough the sit straight in the pc, you are lucid enough to go to school unless it's stomach related which was my case

I've never heard of this before, but I'm not a zoomer back when I was a kid I could pick up smokes for my parents


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You're a dumb cunt, what does a PC have to do with being too sick to game? I can lay in bed and play video games if I'm sick

your cool
wanna hang out?

have sex

It's true. If you don't feel like all you can do is lie in bed then you aren't really sick.

I had a single mom who worked while I was at school. Every morning I'd get dropped off at my grandparents and walk a mile to school and If i was sick I'd be given several strong medications from my grandparents various bottle and matched off to school no matter how shitty I felt.

Pretty much this, never played the sick card past elementary anyway. Just skip and go straight to friends place or arcade

No, fuck you.

Even if you have a god damn cold, Stay the FUCK home you disrespectful cunt. Dont spread your fucking germs and get other people sick.

I literally got swine flue because you faggots decided to come to class knowing full fucking well you had it too.

FUCK I'm mad.

There are varying degrees of sickness. But I know it's faggots like you that got everyone else sick because your parents didn't understand the germ theory of disease.

Who here "had parents that let you play vidya only on the weekends"?

This, just don't go to school
Go pick up a slice, a pop then go to the arcade play some Crazy Taxi, House of the Dead, then go check out the retro game shop for some NES games

Both my parents worked so it didn't matter if I was allowed to play games or not. Did most people grow up in a single income household or something?

Take a break from video games and spend some time with mom!

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Are you successful in life now?

I wish. Maybe that way I would have grown out of video games and I wouldn't be stuck here.

Handhelds are the answer
You can have unpredictable explosive diarrhea and being in bed is less than ideal, but Mum still insisted I lie there wide awake all day. Got shit in the bed one time because she tucked me in too well and I wasn't quick enough to get out and run to the bathroom.

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Why the heck isnt he smiling? :(

whoa what's this

But already fucked your mom.

My dad had a phase where he wanted me to play way less vidya because I skipped school so much. Vidya was not the reason for it but he is a bit of a brainlet as far as fatherhood goes just like his father before him

Almost no restrictions here
But I used to get bored and stop eventually too

Did anyone else call sick or leave school just because you needed to take a dump?

>that mouth
I unironically would

I did but I still to this day don't understand why the fuck I was so scared of taking a dump in the school toilet

lol no, but i am 24 and cant pee around others.
i cant use urinal the moment i detect someone else around
bowl isnt much better, i usually have to wait like a soplid minute before i start

No I'm still taking classes for accounting, but I'm better off than my sisters. They stayed home if they so much as sneezed and had to repeat grades just because of kissed days.

If you die to the pig flu nothing of value will have been lost.

>tfw arcade where I would go to often instead of school is still alive and well
Maybe I should go spend a quarter or fifty, one of these days

No shit at school everyday.

As long as you get your paper of graduation everything is fine, school is fucking irrelevant and won't teach you shit.

>i cant use urinal the moment i detect someone else around
Fuck, me too.

Hey take it with my mom, she would send me to school with a 39°C fever
Glad those times are over

Were you that asshole that came to school with a cold and got literally everyone else in class sick?

>sick of being bullied for existing at school
>teachers don't care even after parents came to them
>constantly saying I'm sick so I don't have to go
>grow up to be dumb and useless

Not me. I lived, and still live, in a low income-high risk neighborhood. Crack was also a huge epidemic at the time. So my dad HEAVILY encouraged me to play video games.

He bought me an N64 before I even know what it was, a Dreamcast the very first time I discovered it and tried it out at KB Toys withut me even asking, and both a Gamecube and Xbox. I remember him spending hours and hours every single day of the year, reading up on tech industry news to try and keep up to date.

Hell, I'm 26 now, and he bought me the xbone near launch for my birthday, and PS4 that same month for christmas. This past december he got me a XboneX for my birthday and PS4Pro for christmas.

He ended up molding me into some sort of freak, though. Pic related. For some reason, hes proud of that even though 90% of it I paid for.

The weirdest part? He doesnt play video games at all.

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so i guess we're now at the point where zoomer just means "everyone younger than me"

its anxiety user
very uncomfortable
and the worst part is, the people will completely understand you are mentally fucked up, if you dont use urinals
those are these small things that makes you a failure user

Because you share them with hundreds of other underage fags. They piss directly on the toilet seat, I even once saw a log of shit right on the seat, it was fucking disgusting. Even if you manage to take a shit, underage fags go in and out, do tons of dumb shit on the toilets, sometimes will even climb up your stall. It's so bothersome.

At college I had no trouble shitting in the toilets because the people were relatively civilized.

i meant something like
*the people will notice

>fat non bc PS3

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>i cant use urinal the moment i detect someone else around
Damn, my friends know about this and they like to follow me when I'm going to the toilet and stare at me endlessly

that's all it ever was

Why would you be too sick for video games if you are too sick for school?
That would imply playing video games takes the same effort and burden on your body as going to school and doing schoolwork for the whole day, when that's clearly not the case.

I have the BC model in the livingroom with a Component CRT

Tfw mom used to call me from work to make sure I was not playing games on the computer during the dial up days so I would play for like 20-30 and disconect for 20-30 waiting for the call.

Jokes on you bitch I have swine flu and MRSA I'm staying home for half a semester bitch. Next time knock why dontcha

the fuck? either you are bunch of retards or you are extremelly paranoic
no one sane acts like this
they cant do this on purpose

>I even once saw a log of shit right on the seat
Holy shit that made me laugh. I once saw shitstains all over the wall in one of the school toilets. It was like in a horror movie

what does it mean if i got a boner from this?

Youth violence has gone down as video games have become more common. Turns out giving kids an interesting outlet makes them less likely to commit crime.

They do this on purpose. They even say stuff like I'M WATCHING when i'm in a toilet cabin sometimes.
>no one sane acts like this
I'm from Russia, shit's just different here man

This is mostly true. Stay mad op

I love my wonderful Mom so much
Make sure you tell yours while you can anons!

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>playing sick
how’d you manage that more than a few times? My parents always just said no after enough times. Then I figured out skipping class or getting an attitude with the teacher so they kick you out of class and sent to detention were options. Detention was sweet it was a quiet room where no one was allowed to talk so I would just draw in my notebook the whole time and make it look like I was working.

I remember in school some fat bastard (why is it always the fucking whales? I know it was a fatty because I saw him waddle out of the stall as I came in) left a shit as thick as my forearm is now and as long as a loaf of bread in the toilet. Why the fuck do fatties leave behind massive shits?

maybe they are fags man
tell local gopniks that your friends like to observe you peeing and they may be gay and the thing will get resolved quickly

Fucking cretins going to school/work while sick. It's just a small cold means it's just a small time off. Have a co-worker who regularly does this and I just leave after standup.

user we are gopniks ourselves


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Because they eat a lot and usually mix stuff together. Seriously some fat people are like walking garbage bins, they just mindlessly devour everything that seems tasty to them


I get 4 sick days a year, otherwise I don't get paid.
If I can get out of bed, I can go to work

Looks like a slutty underage boy and a prostitute. Is this staged?

V would make terrible parents. The whole point is to encourage you to not pretend to be sick to play games. Hence, go to school and come home to play games. Be sick one day a year and don't play games but at least you don't think you can pretend and play all day. My parents were literally based for this and I'm going to do the same to mine.

>sometimes will even climb up your stall
I was shitting once at school and some tall guy stared into my stall for a few seconds from above the door and then left.

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>be 27 now
>can't do my freelance work, feel too shitty to focus
>still can play games and they help me to stay awake not to waste my day in sweaty fever dreams
Mom was wrong all along. She just hates bidiya games.

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All these videos of kids crawling into strangers stalls like your pic make me red in the face veins bursting angry and I don't really know why

It's just that you are not interested in your work user. You are not enjoying doing your work

because the parent is extremely irresponsible

This is my problem
I enjoy nothing besides vidya

That fatty probably got ass fucked a lot to have such a wide anus. I worked a lot with the elderly and they had huge logs of shit because their assholes were worn out.

Nigger I'm from the early 90s and that was still a thing.

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Why is this so funny

why exactly do people do this shit?

The audio makes it better

This one is especially bad because he's clearly old enough to think, but looks like a dipshit

Maybe, but I think maybe it's more that these faggot kids think this is something they can just do. I dunno.

It honestly seems like he wanted the kid to get off so he could shit.

literally just a tard off his leash

not worth getting mad over. if anything get mad about his handler.

also why the fuck was the guy filming himself taking a shit?

El Nombre it is

>going to school with literal pigs
The absolute state of burger education

He thought that the door was stuck maybe. He is standing there like 'oh I didn't even realise, I'm sorry'

shes def choking on an invisible cock

Yeah but the reason you aren’t supposed to go to school isn’t because you aren’t up to it, it’s because schools are packed with hundreds and sometimes even thousands of people that come in close contact all the time, no one wants whatever disease you may have picked up.

>looks down
>looks up
>kid is way closer

This, leave it to incels to have no idea about human nature.

That guy looks mentally disabled and strangely there is something very familiar about that retarded kid, I guess everyone had someone like him in their school.

Of course he's mexican.

>23 years old
>parents still want to come to my work, meet my roommate, meet my friends, know everything about me

When do they fuck off?

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Fine whatever, get out of my room and let my go back to sleep, I'm fucking sick

you sound like a little cunt

When you move to a different city and change your phone number

>When do they fuck off?
When you give them grandchildren, then you can pawn your kids off on them twice a week to get some time to yourself.


Your parents are weird.

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My mom was awesome and let me play video games when I was sick because she said happiness helps fight flu

They love you dude, be thankful. Actually trying to play a game or sport with them occasionally might give them the contact with you they are looking for and alleviate the admitably weird work visitng stuff

Parents who failed to establish a real connection to their child are always annoying like that and don't realize this is one of the reasons you can't get along with them.

my mom was that person
fucking gay at the time, but it probably saved me from being a NEET
she stopped being strict once i was in highschool. my siblings didnt get the same treatment tho, i was the youngest of 6 so she just lost energy and didnt care.

>best friends are hyper pushy and try to baby him and order him around like he's still a kid despite us being 25 and him not having lived with them since highschool
It pisses me off so much. They think they need to involve themselves in every little thing.

when you politely tell them that while you appreciate it, it's embarrassing for you and it needs to stop

Many people don't like their parents as people and only love them because they are your parents. You don't really want to hang out with your parents in that case, at least it's like that for me.

Yea Forums is a garbage board full of shitty people. No wonder I don't enjoy discussing stuff here

I've been enjoying my work much more than playing bidiya for the last few months but it requires some focus which I generally have serious problem with and being sick totally annihilates my ability to retain attention.

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Gotta cut the umbilical cord user, I bet you wish you had a mommy gf

>wake up about a week ago with a massive headache
>too fucked up to even get out of bed
>finally manage to crawl out and get to the bathroom where the ibuprofen is
>headache makes me feel dizzy, end up hurling
>because I hadn't eaten anything yet, I end up choking up pure stomach acid
>finally get the medicine
>after a while, can at least function enough to play video games

Thank god I didn't have work or classes that day.

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laying in bed
>windpipe and lungs needlessly inflamed
>drycoughing my intestines out
>natural posture
>distracted from state of sickness
>almost silent for hours on end

sleeping only helps when my eyes are strained, like when mucus somehow gets in the canals running along my brows.
also a free one for all anons:
>a few drops of diluted lavender oil on a cloth wrung around the chest is extremely soothing and will make you recover much faster

> Halo Reach launches
> 8th grade, good ole 2010
> Stay home sick and play all day
> First time i've ever stayed home for a game
> Dad yells at me acting like i dropped out or some shit
> Mom backs me up saying that dads being a retard and that i have perfect grades (Which i did)
> Dad acts like a prick for the night
> Apologizes the next day for overreacting

I feel like my parental relationship was a godsend compared to a lot of kids with both parents. i never had to sneak out or any of that shit. As long as my grades were C's or above i basically had a free pass to go or do whatever i wanted in Middle and high school

23 is perfect age to become alcoholic/drug addict/get into serious depression and lose all your will to live.

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>Thank god I didn't have work or classes that day.
Why are americans so lazy in every regard but too pussy to call in sick when it matters?

What board would make the best parents?

one parent pulls in so much dough the other can stay at home at will until the kids are "mature" in their regard

t. immunocomprimised genelet that will literally get sick from standing too close to strangers on public transportation
do the human race a favor and end your genetic lineage

I always liked pretending to be sick the Monday the week of Thanksgiving break so I could get the whole week off, and I wouldn't miss anything because teachers would never assign anything serious that week.

Spent them marathoning horror movies.

>"H-Hey i'm sick"
>"You aren't working today"
>"Y-You too"

If your kids are in elementary school and still in learning phases i agree 100%. but if they're teenagers who love something and want to take a day for it i personally understand and would allow it given their grades were holding up. If my straight A kid wants to play the new popular game that day i'd allow it.

It's no different from the grown adults who call off work because they are hungover or wanted to watch the super-bowl. I personally just think of it as a mental health day, just don't make it a common habit and you'll be fine.

>staying in bed
>dehydrating due to sweating and spending hour asleep without drinking anything
>playing vidiya
>devouring huge mugs of revitalizing hot lemon black tea gaming fuel
Please remember to stay hydrated, friends.

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Fuck off cunt, people like you get everyone else sick. Shit sucked enough without actually being ill on top of it.

That's beautiful. Fuck bros I want to live in that room. The lack of an N64DD is a bit gross, but it will have to do.

I would take /fit/ /k/ /o/ or /out/, in backwards order.

She's right, you know.

>Adults are relatively civilized
Hell fucking no they aren't.

I work at a Hotel and maybe once every month both genders takes a shit on the floor or on the seat and there's shit smears on the sink area.

The whole bathroom has to be closed for up to 2 hours while Housekeeping hoses it down and make sure there isn't shit anywhere else.

>"H-Hey i'm sick"
>"You aren't working today"
>"Y-You too"

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>/biz/ parents
>Family is always poor

It's weird, I get along fine with my parents, but we have nothing in common. Meanwhile my best friend in high school was almost inseparable from his parents.
>everyone is hanging out
>gonna go see a movie
>fucker invites his parents to go with us
>cant act like stupid teens because his parents are there
Like, I don't mind if kids are friends with their parents, but at least recognize your friends aren't interested in that.

In high school i would always dip out early because my last period teacher would take attendance then just stay on his computer the whole time while we worked on stuff. wouldn't be uncommon for 5 out of 30 kids to be left at the end of the class. Pretty funny

Also i know that horror movie feel, being sick and finding horror movies on the "On demand" tv feature and binge watching B list horror movies and slashers

/ck/, /fit/, /trv/, or /out/

Wageslave jobs will force workers to come in sick or have them get a doctor's note (incredibly difficult with clinic's shit hours) even if it violates health conduct.

>Not playing gsg with your dad
Sorry you like fortnite too much

I was thinking ck but I'd you actually browse there its mostly fast food, ecelebs, American exits, and memes.

Yea Forums parents would be the kind to sit their kid in front of the tv all day

>not knowing what the swine flu is
Holy sweet jesus, are you 12?

>user your video games are giving the computer viruses!

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>mom goes to work
>play vidya
>start listening for her car around lunchtime
>jump in the bed when she pulls up

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Some school districts are experimenting with just letting Thanksgiving break be the whole week. And yeah, I fell in love with horror at the end of middle school. Summer of 2008 was when I watched Alien, The Thing, and started reading H.P. Lovecraft.

REEEE don't you bring that evil into this thread


She has the exact face for it

Fuck you mom, I'll put the fucking TV and console in my god damn room and play it while in bed.

You recommending it to me? Because I get closer every day.

>dad can't use the computer to jerk off anymore
>throats mom after work
>this shit

I can only image the feelio

My dad has never liked vidya. Most he ever showed interest was when I was playing TERA back in 2014.
I haven't been to /ck/ in the better part of a decade, so I don't know what it's like now.

I can guarantee those were intoxicated people, maybe coming from partying all night. No shit people are uncivilized when drunk or on drugs.

>get Crohn's disease at age 10
>it's fucking awful and I'm legit extremely and sometimes dangerously sick
>still very good at school stuff, good grades, because teachers and friends were sympathetic to my situation and brought over copies of their notes and gave me tutoring
>at age 13-14 it starts getting better, medication finally adjusted
>start hating school
>notice that everyone else has to pretend to be sick to stay home while I actually have the perfect excuse
>start pretending to have diarrhea until my parents leave for work and then just play video games all day
>still do okay in school
>start smoking weed
>almost never go to school, parents are desperate, this drags on for years
>somehow get a-levels without studying and get 55 "missed class without doctor's note" notations removed from the graduation diploma by whining about how hard everything is with an illness like mine
>go to uni
>spend four years smoking weed, playing video games and not taking exams by getting a sick note every time
>quit, start traineeship
>start different traineeship
>now almost 30, still no job, still no vocational degree which people usually have by 19, and still the same mentality I had as a 13 year old where I'm literally addicted to avoiding work by using my legit illness for illegitimate excuses

tl;dr be glad that your parents kicked your ass when you pretended to be sick because I literally conditioned myself to be a failure

Yea Forums is the most wholesome, at least for developing a decent taste.

>kid eats only fast food and pizza
>dies from diabetes in early 20s


Imagine v 10 years ago fellow Boomer.

>tfw other kids skipped class in high school to have sex with their girlfriends

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Makes sense, even my Uni does that shit where they have monday on but the rest of the week off. It's incredibly dumb. We also start classes on Thursdays and Fridays just to fly into the weekend and actually start monday. I remember falling in love with Aliens and the hills have eyes in 8th-9th grade 2010-2011. Horror as a kid/teenager was so much better. Now as an adult i've gotten too used to predicting the scares and ignoring eerie shit.

This and it sucks because you regret not learning but also wonder if you can really blame yourself because you were just a depressed kid

Some parents are weak-willed and will let their kids get away with dumb bullshit. Source: my own mom

Have you also not browsed TV for 10 years?

>walk into the bathroom back when I was still in high-school
>girl in the boys restroom looking in the mirror
>didn't say anything
W-What the fuck happened?


>parents show up at your siblings job
>never think to visit yours
>get visibly upset whenever they talk about why you can't hold a job down

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I'm at a point where I'm scraping the barrel to try and find good horror to watch. Movie I'm looking forward to most is Hammer of the Gods, by the guy who did Black Mountain Side. Which is itself a great movie inspired by The Thing, but still manages to do it's own thing.

>dad plays vidya (CoD and Siege on my old ps4 I gave him)
>calls me in one day to show me a message someone sent him after he killed the guy for teamkilling him the previous round
>something like "lmao Kys you fucking cuck"
>have to explain what a cuck and kys/lmao means to him

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Maybe you just didn't put in any effort.


All the normies talking about "Us" and the "la llarona", i know they're just going to be your average 2015+ horror flicks filled with jump scares and obvious plot holes and twists. One movie thats recent that i enjoyed alot is "It follows", movie was awesome until the last 20 or so minutes.

shut up you dumb bitch im gonna go to castle wars the second you leave

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Probably, I care a lot more about myself now than I did when I was being raised.

I've always been torn: there's no doubt that if I got into a sport, went outside more, and tried to make friends instead of playing vidya for my entire childhood I'd be better off. But is it my fault for being addicted to videogames as a child or should I blame my parents for letting me get away with it?

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Give birth.

Been a neet for half a decade once I got outta highschool. Recently started going college and now my mom actually talks to me again. Hell she just paid for a full trip to Disney for me and my wife for this December. Cool. It's nice not being a piece of shit for once

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God, shut the fuck up. Nobody cares.

>Have a single mom
>She's delusional, was a bad "good enough"parent and has terrible problems with men
>She barely tries to talk to me. Feels like we have no connection besides when we pass each other in the house

Good enough parent to me means I never starved or was beaten so I'm not going to call her a bad parent but she was on the lower end of "good enough"

So It could be worse user. You could be a miserable NEET who's trying to get out of his house with a parent who gave up on you who either wants nothing to do with you or is too scared and insecure to talk to you.

That's exp waste. Might as well go to school.

>tfw almost never get sick
>but when i do get sick, i get fucking sick bad, hammered with chills and throwing up
>it only happens once every few years
>it's been a few years since last time

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>blaming someone else for your mistakes
Doesn't fucking matter.

t. mom

Your parents 100%

>have 3 medical conditions
>one of which is genetically inherited autoimmune disease
>I'm sick all the fucking time

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Different guy here

Sometimes it does actually. Some kids don't get any direction at all from backboneless parents and are able to do whatever they want. So they go through life not understanding anything until they are set off into the world. Personally I think most people on average as a kid would choose to fuck off without direction.

I don't know what it's about throwing up that makes you just want to die. You can hardly feel worse than that.

If you can't even trust your own children over something like this, then taking away video games isn't going to solve the problem. Sorting the problem out directly instead of making unnecessary rules is the key to good parenting.

>Throw up about four times my whole life
>The experience is always more intense than I remember

>one sick day a year
Kind of an unrealistic.

Who cares?

Familys love to claim they dont have favorites but they do. Just be more successful and show them how worthless their favorite kid is.

Yes, trust your young children to do the right thing.

Throwing up is magical dude. There hasn't been a time where throwing up didn't leave me feeling like heaven.

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are you me?

That's not what he's saying user. He's say that if you have problems with a kid who is going to fake sick then you have a deeper problem than just that.

It's over Yea Forumsros, I just fucked up my legs. I'm glad I have video games to keep me company in these tough times.

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That comparison to immediately going from feeling like you're dying to normal surely feels like heaven. The problem starts when you're really sick and need to throw up in a high frequency instead of just once.

It's always like this
normal > increasing feeling of discomfort > increasing feeling of being really sick > throwing up > normal
Once I was in that state for like 3 days, it was pure hell.

So you instill not playing sick at a young age along with many other practical lessons and they don't even bother pretending to be sick, doing drugs, it getting pregnant by middle School and grow up to be able to cope with this shit world.

>threw up three times in the last two years
>ended up with horrible purple blotches on my face from blood vessels bursting all three times, which I never had before
>they're worse every time

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I ran when I had shin splints. Multiple times.

Unironically, yes. Children don't automatically skip school by default. If they're doing this, then there's something else going wrong in the family apart from video games that needs to be fixed.
>nah it's as simple as just wanting to play games
If they're skipping school for this thing on multiple occasions then they shouldn't have games to begin with.
Innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. If you raise your kids right the first time, you don't have to fix fuck ups that you made to start with.

>tfw never skipped school ever and won a free laptop in a drawing with two other people in my senior year

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>mom says this even when i'm clearly physically injured

I always respected people that had perfect attendance, anything beyond that was just worthless though.

>Don't spread your germs!
Get better immune systems, Jesus Christ. I see this crap in work, somebody gets a cold and suddenly the drama queen faggot has it the next day, meanwhile I don't even have a sniffle. The fuck do you people eat?

>went to college, moved out, etc
>staying at moms house for thanksgiving weekend
>felt a little sick, probably just a cold
>take a really hot shower because i was shivering
>black out in the shower
>wake up to mom pounding on door asking if i was ok
>said i was fine but i actually puked everywhere and shit myself, got a gash on my eyebrow from when i fell down
>cleaned that shit up (literally)
>told mom what happened
>i think im fine but she demands i go to the hospital
>turns out i had a 100+ degree fever and an infection that was septic
>was told i had to stay at the hospital for a few days to get antibacterial iv stuff
>mom says she'll drop off my suitcase so i dont have to wear the same clothes the entire time and drop off some leftovers after thankgiving
>ask her to drop my phone and laptop off too
>"No, you are too sick for your phone and laptop. You need to focus on healing"


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>being internet though
Are you for real?

You see I'm a product of not being instilled with any lessons so I'm the opposite of everything on that list except I am not a girl so I can't get pregnant.

Eat better food, stop being a sissy afraid of a cold, nigger.

Good luck.

> If you raise your kids right the first time, you don't have to fix fuck ups that you made to start with.

I don't even think the best parents can do this

In reality part of coping would be being able to socialize. It's walking the edge of a blade, on one side is degeneracy and on the other side is social disconnection.

>You need to focus on healing

Such a fucking meme

based dad

For 10 weeks. Yea Forums is wholesome because it's self-aware about quality of its threads. Compare this to Yea Forumsermins who unironically consider nintendotrash, Halo and jrpgs noteworthy classics.

>I just fucked up my legs.
My condolences user I...
>I ran when I had shin splints
That's pretty dumb but...
>Multiple times.
You fucked up.

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A good immune system doesn't prevent every infectious disease you dumb retard. Just wait till someone brings something stronger than a generic cold to the table.

That's a pretty good job photoshopping the dick out of the picture

>Lack friends
>Start getting into weirder and weirder porn
>Start thinking about hurting others and going the way of the fake sociopath
>Stopped giving a shit about any interests

I don't think you 100% got it but you're on to something

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>have generally good health
>on a fucking sick streak since january mostly because unlucky and dumb
>devastating food poisoning from convenience store salad that made my entire body hurt for a week
>then burned my finger accidentally touching the lamp and sprained my foot on the same day
>then pulpitis showed up because I decided to skip one last visit to dentist a few years ago
>then caught a cold, brobably the first and the most serious one I had in years

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Yeah, my mom's favorite is slowly going insane with each passing day and I'm pretty sure is gonna end up murdering them both by the time I get out of the house.

But I guess I'm the bad kid since I couldn't keep straight-As.

Criticizing kids for wanting to find an escape like video games when their parents are abusive/neglectful is cruel. My dad was a junkie, my step dad abused me physcially/emotionally and my mom abused me emotionally, video games were all I had user.Goddamnit if i wanted to stay home and finally just be alone in the quiet of no one being home, I was gonna fucking do it

That's fine ma i don't really want to get out of bed; my body hurts, i keep shivering from the cold and these comforter and quilted blankets are warm

I'm actually sick right now haha

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>12 years later, you niggers are still making this thread

it's like seeing an old friend

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>That feel when doing this slowly turns into a prison in itself instead of the warm safe feeling you used to have

Eventually I realized there is no escape

I got sick for two weeks and spent all of it playing through Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, suck it nerds with helicopter moms

>back when I was a kid I could pick up smokes for my parents
And The Flintstones was still advertising for Winston cigarettes, right?

fucking this, Im 24 and mom is still a nervous overprotective wreck whenever I travel

A-user? Are you uhh gay? I'm not mad if you are! Me and your father will always love you.

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My mother never told me this.
When I was sick she made me play math blaster, oregon trail, and tomb raider because she didn't know what the fuck it was.

The only thing that impeded me is that she wouldn't let me play Diablo. Back then she was hardcore Christian and thought it would make me a satan apostate or some fucking shit. Meanwhile I had Mortal Kombat 2 on Genesis.


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>a few drops of diluted lavender oil on a cloth wrung around the chest is extremely soothing and will make you recover much faster
doesn't that shit give you tits

No no! Mom I can't pause!

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Jesus, what the fuck is this?

My entire post was clearly criticizing parents, of which yours obviously sucked

37 year old want shy wife, it's latest chapter.

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>come home exhausted from school (or now work)
>have to cook for and clean after my parents constantly, as they've become lazy mental children who coast on easy bullshit desk jobs that grandmommy got them
>they love throwing parties for work friends so weekends are only more home cleaning
>have almost no time for my game design or game playing hobbies anymore
>"you need a hobby, you're so depressed and angry all the time and it's a real bummer to be around"
>explain to them that I'm fucking exhausted constantly and almost never have energy for my hobbies
>"well if you can't make time for them then they're not really hobbies now are they"

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Bigoted mommy makes her son straight again

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>this awesome person is so convenient
>how come they do things so nicely?

Japanese people have a way of making things really cute. Then they literally fuck it.

>have to cook for and clean after my parents constantly
Except you don't, just stop

yeah growing up in the 90s with strict parents was garbage. My mom once grounded me for a month for "stealing" from my cousin.
3 1/2 weeks in she called him and he told her he gave it to me. I didn't steal shit.

Except I do.

That was literally me until I reached 20yo, except that I would also get every cold possible in-between the hell you‘ve described.

I‘m yet to catch a cold for two years and I‘ve never again felt that horrible, horrible experience.

Explain yourself.
I worked in medical care-giving for over a year and had to use sub-dermal feeding tubes to the stomach of a patient. What does this story entail?

It's a specialized practice, what I did once. Thought better of it because it's basically a place where you put tubes into the body, and basically attempt to let our machines keep people alive.

It works, to an extent. One I'd not wish to visit again.

Us was alright,not spectacular, but acceptable. But yeah one plot hole that bothered me was if the Tethered Girl could escape, why couldn't the real girl? But, Peele is a fan of C.H.U.D., and he went off on people who said that Get Out and Us were "thrillers" (a buzzword pretentious people often use to not admit they liked a horror movie), and he said "No, my movies are horror movies." . I can respect someone like that, as a horror fan.

But overall, I'm not a fan of "social critique" horror films. I want to see a universe of alien and infinite terror. Worlds with unfamiliar skies and black stars, with dead suns hanging in the firmament.


Not him but why is it an issue to clean for your family? Have you not once cleaned your home?

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>I have no free time
>I have to cook and clean for my parents
>His parents throw parties
They can make themselves a sandwich

Sounds like you have a job. What do you get for it?

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>Can I watch TV then
>There's fucking nothing good to watch during school hours

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My parents are lazy assholes. There's no tragic story for them. They flipped a permanent tantrum switch when I turned 18 and determined that I need to pay them back for them raising me. Half their messes, to be fair, are caused by their incredibly spoiled pugs but they don't discipline or clean up for them.

user there's a certain point where you need to realize that telling your parents to fuck off is best and to think about yourself. Don't let your life be decided by your family members like people I know who's parents shit all over their free time and money because they're cunts. You have no obligation to a family that doesn't respect you.

Hold the fuck up,I recognize this

Sounds like they resent you for not jumping the nest. When in reality it's their own self-resentment. Put yourself aside and start collecting money to move out. Either you'll leave and they'll become responsible for themselves. Or else they'll see how valuable you are in your capacity and give you a greater degree of authority. I wouldn't recommend being a tyrant if that time comes, but speak up for yourself.

If you're as competent as you claim, you at least deserve an equal say in the goings-on.

Then you are a man of esteemed taste.

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wait a minute is this the original?

I had a curfew. Didn't do much to stop me though. Still kept me from being a neet though

The only thing that's keeping me around is a roof and amenities. But I plan on moving to my brother's place, at least on the short term, as soon as they fix their drywall issues (which in turn requires them to fix their plumbing issues first). Should only be a few weeks.

Gonna pop in and agree that if you're actually sick you're going to only want to stay in bed. I guess you pissed a lot of people off with the second part.

You guys have understand that I personally know assfaggots that constantly claim they're sick so they can get out of their obligations and are terrible people as a result. Probably had permissive parents.

It's the second or third, can't recall.

Dude, are your parents former hippies or something?

Fuck off faggot, I don't care if you say "I'm not sick enough to skip work", I don't want your fucking germs spreading around the workplace.


Same. My mom let my brother do whatever.

No, funny enough. They're bafflingly Reaganite conservatives.

>I recognize that incest porn!

>le incels
You can just come out and admit your from resetera, tranny.
And no, rubbing infected wounds together with another man isn't sex.

Dubsguy's favorite song is an uncannily accurate one at times.

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They're not that different from 60's hippies. They were four or five when the 80's came on strong. That's why Vaporwave got footing in musical culture. Or else they were teenagers which is the Gen X'ers.

Dupstep is just fucking disco, literally.

>this isn't fucking music!
Nope. Pay attention to the rythm, and think of literally ANY dubstep song. Same cadence.

>See porn of girls pissing everywhere in hotels
>Tfw I like pee porn, but it makes me never want to work in a hotel

Definitely lost all will to live. But I'm glad I didnt develop an alcohol or drug addiction. That shit eats away at all your money, I can just be content slowly killing myself with an internet addiction that only costs a phone bill once a month. Even if I wanna die I'm glad that I wont be eating away at anyone else's money thanks to my depression, just my own.

I'm not saying you have to be perfect and that if your child isn't flawless then you're a shitty parent.

Huh, sounds a lot like me, but I didn't get instestinal disorders until drinking myself stupid in college.

They were teenagers in the 80s so I guess they're Gen X. I don't know how my dad turned into such a dick since my grandmother (his mom) is a fucking awesome person.

You should probably try, you know; seeing other people. You'd be surprised by how many people don't drink alcohol that much these days (at least not in public). Or else how many people are actually not that bad.

I imagine that a lot of your depression stems from loneliness. Which has the most biologically relevant human cure around you...your own species.

The losers of Gen X are just as bad as millennials.

>I know you're a little lying shit who would lie about being sick so you can play vidya
is what it means

I behaved well so I rarely ever got that.

>Be me at 27
>Start a new full time job with good benefits
>Have my own place
>My PTO at my job starts my first day at work
>My boss also has no issues with me taking PTO during my probationary period
>Snowed really badly one day
>The city complex didn't bother to salt the roads so everybody's wrecking everywhere
>Wrecked my car slightly and traffic was so bad it would have taken me hours to get to work
>Tell my mom what happened

I literally got reeeeee'd at for using my own vacation time despite there being multiple reports of people getting in accidents. Parents never leave you alone as you get older; they just get more illogical.

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Losers are losers in every generation.
We laugh at the .com boom, but it just as easily could have been us. Doesn't seem proper to try and laugh at them when we have our own mistakes to make.

I don't think our generation will ever have anything quite as collectively humiliating and disgusting as the Beanie Baby craze.

Nah, I think Gen X as a group is one of the better generations, but man, their losers have always stood out to me. And millennials Dot Com Bubble was the Great Recession.

I do, I see different friend groups multiple times a week. Old friends have gotten old and married/work all the time. So I got younger friends. Now those younger friends are graduating college and their gonna move on and it's all gonna repeat. I'm not that depressed when I'm with others so I try and always have social time in my life, but on my own I just dont have the motivation to do anything good for myself or achieve any goals, so I just work and pay bills and I tell people "I'm saving up to go back to school so I can buy classes". But I've been saying that lie for 3-4 years now, I'm really just filling my time until I die.

>Parents who don't think teachers do anything wrong
Why does this keep happening?

As a teacher it's quite the opposite I find.
>kid doesn't do any work
>remind them I'm always at school before and after the bell, for tutoring
>email parents to let them know
>6 weeks are over
>kid fails because he never turns in his homework
>get screeching email from parents demanding to know why their kid is failing and what I'M going to do about it make sure their little angel passes

>child climbing under stall
horrible flashbacks to elementary school.
>fat kid named Tommy
>probably autistic or something but aggressively so
>squeezed perpetually into an ill-fitting red sweatshirt and sweatpants, greasy brown hair, squinty brown eyes and shrill voice
>the kind of guy who yanks his pants down to his knees bare-assed to piss at the urinal
>go to bathroom one day
>he crawls underneath my stool after banging on the door a few times
>panic and kick him in the face
>sounds like one of those wailing death screams in dark souls 3 from the hollow enemies
>never get in trouble, apparently he just never told anyone what happened
>later kicked me in the tailbone hard enough to make me collapse because i wouldn't show him how to roll up the school calender into a lightsaber for playground lightsaber fights

Well yeah that happens now because zoomers.

This picture needs a special shop of her holding something

Homework is useless and pointless, there is zero evidence it has any positive benefits

My mother had the same problem when she was a teacher in the mid-to-late 2000s. I think it was a problem that started with millennials (of which I am part of) and has only gotten worse since then.

lol i did that shit anyways. fuck her.

It's about reinforcement through practice, user. And most kids need practice. And making it actually count towards a grade motivates more students a lot more than just making it glorified extra credit.

>unironically being a reddit nigger

Don't judge me


>my mom used to do this
>I would play anyway once she left the room
>naturally she would randomly check on me an hour or so after
>just pressed pause or if I was in a safe spot just dropped the controller and jumped in bed when I heard her coming
>told her I just liked listening to the music
I used to think she believed me, but now I'm certain she just went along with it and only used to say "no games!" to try and get me to rest more.

Holding what? Like a microphone haha?

Thanks nig

not sure what it's about but I'll try it out

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>he didn't watch the older cartoons/full length movies on Cartoon Network

Man your parents suck, mine told me to stay home in that situation

Haha you could call it that haha

I remember back in high school the locker room had a single toilet stall that wasn't exactly hidden beyond one courtesy wall, but if you were walking out you could see the stall just fine.

Anyways, someone opened the stall once and found someone's left sneaker in the toilet, and someone very clearly shat on it, and everyone freaked out over finding the scene.

-grabs her by the throat-
back the fuck off?!?

My parents aren't even nearly as bad about it as they were back then, my mom was hitting me for shit when I was younger and now she talks to me all nice and understanding

Why are American schools so shit?

Hey man at least you're trying, some teachers don't even teach these days just sit their asses on Facebook and make everything look good on paper for admin. I know kids who don't eve know how to do fucking basic math

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>coworkers are grouped up talking about they're school sexcapades
>guys talking about getting caught getting blown under the school stairs
>conversation eventually gets to me
>"What about you, user?"

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My wife does this with our son. It’s not sexual in the least bit you virgins. There is nothing wrong with kissing your children out of affection. You kiss your animals right? No one thinks its gross to kiss your dog or cat.

I just let mine think I'm gay so they'd stop looking up any female I ever mention around them up on facebook.

haha yeah nothing weird about a mom showing her son a bit of affection haha

>And making it actually count towards a grade motivates more students a lot
No it fucking doesnt' you dumb boomer have you forgotten being a child?
In fact it does the opposite
>user do you wanna go into advance classes and get twice as much homework ?

>be kid me
>sleep in on weekends as a kid
>mom comes in and slides under sheets to try and get me out of bed
>doesn't work so we just snuggle for an hour

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>have you forgotten being a child?
What I remember is that if I was given a choice between doing homework and not doing it, I would not do it. But I would do it for an easy grade to at least minimize the damage a low test grade could give me.

You might be some super genius who can understand everything the first time a teacher explains it, but most other students aren't. And most students don't have the responsibility to take control of their learning on their own initiative. That's why we assign "minor grades" in the form of in-class assignment and homework. To reinforce what we just taught, and see if they can actually apply it.

wtf bro

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my mom would just open the door so our dog would start bouncing all over my room like a maniac until I got up

>And most students don't have the responsibility to take control of their learning on their own initiative. That's why we assign "minor grades" in the form of in-class assignment and homework. To reinforce what we just taught, and see if they can actually apply it.
Then maybe you should learn to teach better then

My mom isn't nearly that strict. Sometimes, she tells me to stay home and skip classes on certain days when the roads get particularly shitty.

>be kid me
>stepdad wants everyone to knock on doors before entering rooms, but this rule never ever applies to him
>if we aren't awake at undisclosed times on the weekends he barges in and just rips the sheets off the beds

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Yeah but his mum happens to be hot so people are going to make perverted comments.

>grandma tells me to wake up and go to school
>don't wanna go to school
>it's also Saturday and going to school of Saturdays is fucking retarded
>tell her "nah I'd rather sleep, don't wanna go"
>she gives up on trying to wake me up
>don't go to school that day
Have no fucking idea how that happened, that was probably the only time when I wasn't sick but skipped classes.

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I can lead the horse to water, but I can't force him to drink.

haha fuck this hits a little close to home in a weird way lmao
>Same situation with uni group
>everyone has a lil liquor in them, all sorts of crazy stories and secrets getting spilled
>i was always the "off" guy, everybody liked me but I wasn't part of any ingroup or clique.
>be /fit/ so they're all expecting big things
>Literally tell them "I don't do that kinda shit, it bores me."
>But user! arn't you interested in sex!?... Are you asexual?
>Lmao no
>The rest of semester every clique drums up their own headcannon on my inner personality, the prevailing theory I'm a mega christian autist whos celibate till catholic marriage

hahahah jokes on those retards I'm bhuddist hahahah suck shit isabel you whore

>I can lead the horse to water, but I can't force him to drink
That's literally what homework is trying to do by your own admission

>going to school on the weekends
What school did you go to?

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maybe he was in a club/group? I was in ROTC and band. shit fucking sucked. weekends, summers, and afterschool hours.

>faked sick so I could stay home and play WoW back in the golden days
>mum took the keyboard to work so I couldn't play
>she didn't know I had an old keyboard lying around that still worked

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Schools in Russia are 6 days a week. Or at least they were.
Saturday had less classes, like 3 instead of 6, but it still was retarded.

It isn't though. Grades through assignment give an immediate and tangible incentive to work, that in turn pay off in the long run by being practice.

>have a single mom

Fuck I want to go back Yea Forumsros!

You should quit your fucking job right now and become a private tutor if you actually care about teaching kids, school only serves to normalize people and make them easier to control and most parents don't actually give a fuck about what the kids are learning they just wanna get rid of them so they throw the kids to the glorified daycare called school.