How fucked are you Yea Forums?

how fucked are you Yea Forums?

Attached: vidya sex.jpg (494x261, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:!.ogg

I was playing Pokemon
What now

Pack it up freakshow

R6 Alibi
Could be worse

pokemon alpha sapphire
played may
kinda sucks cos im not a pedo

Is that Leah and her black bull?

>Mia Fey

God have I ever been this lucky?

My pocket camp girl, in full plate armor.

Freddy Krueger from DBD. It's not even the good Fredddy D:

>Male Erdrick
Could be worse i guess

Attached: main_visual.jpg (1280x546, 289K)

Considering this is how she is in bed, officially, I think I lucked out.

Attached: bayo_daki_ex02.jpg (480x639, 51K)

just got done jerking off to him too
god he'd make such a fucking good bottom

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Lux from LoL

A huge win for me. A huge loss for her.

Attached: 095671dd9cd4dddd5dc22ab4d7ebdbb6.jpg (730x1095, 91K)

>Talisman from Ace Combat 6
We'll breed a new generation of aces

Played Satisfactory. Them engineers are thicc. I can dig it

800+ cocks up your ass all day

>My DDDA character
I'll be fine

Attached: 20190410232038_1.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

i want to cum so many times

Attached: 20181128020038_1.jpg (1920x1080, 449K)

I'll get over this.

Attached: ezreal.jpg (970x824, 72K)

Well fug....

Attached: Darksiders_wrath_of_war_by_sigresource-d3ex8ob[1].png (987x810, 1.08M)

fuck yeah i get to fuck a squid

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Eh, can I pick Ashley instead?

artificer i guess ill be fine

not hin but I'll gladly take his place

Jam Kuradoberi... I will undertake this burden for you, Yea Forums

Attached: henry.jpg (700x628, 194K)

I've played Rimworld.
Do I have to fuck all my settlers or am I free to choose the cutest one?

>halo wars 2
How's this work boss, technically I'm playing as myself.



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>makoto naegi

I think it was Celeste?

Sounds okay if it is, I'm used to dealing with a girl with anxiety problems, its not that bad.

I'm fine with this

Attached: ed24949dc26b0c0c9a13515d785cbd33.png (1356x2486, 2.08M)

this party’s getting gay as shit
I hate it.
lol nigger


>Dark Samus

Isn't Dark Samus technically female?

>Splatoon squid kid (male)
Why not

>Sarah from TLOU
I was just seeing if HDR is really that different

Attached: 1514171731041.gif (360x360, 69K)

>K. Rool
As a vorefag I'd be completely okay with that

All yours my friend

I played as a (presumably male) cult leader who transended humanity via enlightenment and the path of the lantern
I have no idea, mite b cool having sex with some kind of 4th dimensional god-like figure

The fattest ugliest one

Attached: haha.gif (640x480, 348K)

>Lilith borderlands 1
wew I dodged a bullet here

Attached: borderlands.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 158K)

I just started doing the challenges in CK2 so as said in the Alexiad
>Now the man was such as, to put it briefly, had never before been seen in the land of the Romans, be he either of the barbarians or of the Greeks (for he was a marvel for the eyes to behold, and his reputation was terrifying). Let me describe the barbarian's appearance more particularly – he was so tall in stature that he overtopped the tallest by nearly one cubit, narrow in the waist and loins, with broad shoulders and a deep chest and powerful arms. And in the whole build of the body he was neither too slender nor overweighted with flesh, but perfectly proportioned and, one might say, built in conformity with the canon of Polycleitus... His skin all over his body was very white, and in his face the white was tempered with red. His hair was yellowish, but did not hang down to his waist like that of the other barbarians; for the man was not inordinately vain of his hair, but had it cut short to the ears. Whether his beard was reddish, or any other colour I cannot say, for the razor had passed over it very closely and left a surface smoother than chalk... His blue eyes indicated both a high spirit and dignity; and his nose and nostrils breathed in the air freely; his chest corresponded to his nostrils and by his nostrils...the breadth of his chest. For by his nostrils nature had given free passage for the high spirit which bubbled up from his heart. A certain charm hung about this man but was partly marred by a general air of the horrible... He was so made in mind and body that both courage and passion reared their crests within him and both inclined to war. His wit was manifold and crafty and able to find a way of escape in every emergency. In conversation he was well informed, and the answers he gave were quite irrefutable. This man who was of such a size and such a character was inferior to the Emperor alone in fortune and eloquence and in other gifts of nature.

I'm pretty fucked.

Attached: Bohemond I.jpg (576x773, 537K)

Not bad.

Aw shiet

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Threads like these are why I play as female characters

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>re4 leon

yes please

Attached: 156-140212162140.jpg (1482x1080, 177K)

>touch void
>die instantly if i haven't already aggro'd them

Attached: spaghetti.png (750x500, 752K)

keep sayin' it


Attached: Doomguy.jpg (940x529, 228K)

Gat DAMN it

Haven't played it, but don't you take the role of one of the generals?

Could be worse I guess

very gay

Attached: 1554945713.yoshimister_dummy_thicc_yoshi_copy.png (1400x2800, 1.98M)

oh dear

Attached: Tr3026.jpg (700x1052, 153K)

Lilith from BL1

rip and tear your anus

can i have the sauce of that pic?

>waifu char in ds3

>Point Man from F.E.A.R.
uh...will Alma be joining us at least?

engineer from tf2

Attached: nice.jpg (480x270, 10K)

>Majima in Yakuza: Dead Souls
This is fine.

Attached: 5e2.jpg (554x439, 38K)

not really

he's hot

Attached: 3497634.jpg (595x537, 158K)

How old are shrine maidens? Am I good?

Attached: 200px-Th135Reimu.png (200x226, 75K)

how would that work? he got an alien or robot dick? is zero even a he or a she or what?

Attached: zer0.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Fine with me

>dirt rally 2.0 driver
It could have been so much worse, I guess. Really questioning my "only gays play as girls" stance now though

Attached: 20190309181046_1.jpg (1920x1080, 351K)

>Fox McCloud in the last SP game
>Wolf O'Donnell if we're counting smash
I'll take both.

Attached: DwKMMtxVsAAWqY0.jpg (960x1200, 168K)

I mean..

Attached: rotmg pserver.png (44x50, 2K)

in hag mode

As long as he keeps his helmet on, he can fuck me all day

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Yeah thank god I didn't play Stalker today or it would've been extremely gay

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no genitals but he plows your with strap-on

i have to fuck my division agent. Why didnt I make a girl

>dummy thicc
I fucking hate this nigger meme so much

>Protag from Teaching Feeling
Only if it's a 3some with Sylv

you're so lucky

Attached: 3489735.jpg (795x1005, 81K)

is this game still a thing? it was fun


Attached: IMG_20190405_182134_882.jpg (540x750, 40K)

>A female blood elf in full spellbreaker armor

Attached: 754ab843da32d7f5b1ea659fcc42a07b.jpg (1920x1326, 194K)

realm is still up, yeah

some random ARMA soldier
fuck, I don't even get weird super power cartoon sex, this is just regular man-fucking.
At least when he talks it'll be funny

Attached: 1542766224230.gif (80x160, 7K)

>Reisen Udongein Inaba
Oh fuck yes

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>all might from one's justice

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Underleveled courier from FONV (male)

I am not gay though.

>Shadow the Hedgehog

Will it hurt....?

Could be worse, I guess. He's probably really soft.

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>my wow female panda
could be worse

Attached: 1480303392130.png (217x190, 55K)

Could be worse I suppose.

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Well, I'm not gay, but it could be worse than Anjin-sama I guess.

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>Erina from Rabi Ribi
I am thrilled by this prospect.

Attached: Erina.jpg (680x1024, 168K)


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>Aya Shameimaru
Wish it was Yuugi, but I'm certainly not complaining



Well he has Kaguya for a persona, can I bend the rules a bit?

Just finished a dota game as invoker and this is the first thing I see. I think I'll be fine as long as our dicks don't touch

>Wing Diver

hell yeah

Attached: Earth-Defense-Force-4.1-Wing-Diver-The-Shooter.jpg (660x330, 81K)


Attached: AND_THEY_SHALL_KNOW_NO_WOMEN.png (1920x1080, 35K)

could've been worse

Attached: Yuri.Lowell.600.2040485.jpg (400x600, 26K)

A minotaur berserker from dungeon crawl
i meaaaaaaaaan sure

quit fagposting

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Death by snuu snuu

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my big booty Dunmer. s'gonna be ok.

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i fucking won bros

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I guess im gay for V.

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Attached: overwatch___brigitte_relaxing_on_bed_by_denisxzxz_dcqx4li-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 88K)

How does it work with an SRPG? Like, you have an avatar, but it isn't a character that is playable. Is my avatar the one I'd be fucked with? Or the unit that first moves on my team?

Yuri might be a pretty boy, but you know he doesn't bottom

>Amazon from Dragon's Crown

Attached: BlxaKnDIQAAAfwy.jpg (599x434, 35K)


Attached: Nah(2).png (496x1000, 381K)

my worm is fucking raw

Attached: 1554007829421.jpg (1800x1200, 406K)

Oh well.

Attached: 1452006644962.png (500x500, 119K)

i suppose that's fine then. but he'll probably say haikus and stuff mid-coitus like
My schlong thrusts in you / You shriek in pleasure and joy / As I ravage on

Nisha from Borderlands Pre-Sequel.
I think I can deal with that.

>taking that throbbing red 15' bullcock
good luck

Flonne from Disgaea DS. She's apparently 1509 years old. Would she be considered a cake?

>tfw it was Kiryu and Link before that
That’s pretty unlucky. I could’ve been fucking a cute twink and instead I’m popping some 40 year old virgin’s cherry it forced if they do it or YOU

Am I getting fucked by Char or the Sazabi?

Attached: IMG_1835.png (1136x640, 547K)

You fuck your entire unit, of course.

Dark Souls 3
my anus will be sore for my build is a shitter shatterer in pvp

>German machine gunner
I hope he lets me shoot his mg-34 after

Come here Strelok, you beautiful Stalker I just realized there are no women in The Zone.

Guess I'm bottoming out a corpse

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Imagine the SUCC

you're missing out user

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Attached: latest.jpg (600x596, 62K)

Dreams come true. Please let me carry your child.

Truly, there is a god.

Attached: D3XDUeMX4AYzXib.png (912x1002, 30K)

Beware that they've added pets which are mobile healing stations but are completely p2w, and the later content is balanced around having a high leveled pet.

Could be worse off.

Attached: minny.jpg (1024x576, 104K)


Attached: Shantae hayai.gif (410x542, 136K)

You made me do this, Yea Forums.
>implying I wouldn't enjoy it

Attached: __recette_lemongrass_and_tear_ore_no_imouto_ga_konna_ni_kawaii_wake_ga_nai_and_etc_drawn_by_hangaku_ (1000x1453, 265K)

>dmc4 dante
fuck guess i'm making dante's equivalent of nero

Attached: pure virgin.png (444x444, 339K)

5, REACH 𝒶round MY á̵̢͉̜͚͓͍̩̪͙͙͑͜s̸̡̨̗̝̥̗̱̳̫̞͚̓̉̈́̈́̂̾͛͘̕̕͠s̷̢̛̼̼̪̗̺̣̳̬̆͊̉



Attached: 23905890235.jpg (600x467, 79K)

Enjoy your capitalism, ho.

>nelf female disc priest

Attached: 1549740582266.jpg (800x530, 103K)

>My Oblivion character
Thank god for mods.

Attached: Oblivion Redguard.jpg (1920x1080, 413K)

She’d charge you for it

i'm ok with that

Can I parry his dick?

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>Hunter from Enter the Gungeon
I can dig it.

Attached: Hunter_In-Game.png (48x69, 786)

What do?

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>my big titty and ass character in SAO Fatal Bullet
Pretty fucking sweet bruh.

Welp, guess I’m fucked.

Attached: 5BCFDB0B-17DA-4905-B524-CF69EFC33494.png (200x263, 94K)

Fuck yes

Attached: ad0da8356cd14c3024c3525b9d0cf217 .jpg (474x670, 29K)

She’s supposed to be a Redguard?

Risk of Rain huntress. Fuck yes.

I guess we're gay for V.

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Be nice user, she is transracial.

>female Au Ra
They're my ultimate waifub8 so I'm great.

i'm fine with this

Attached: 73996247_p0_master1200.jpg (988x1021, 469K)

Female Spartan, Halo Reach

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I am pretty fucking okay with this. No force required.

Attached: 2019-04-11_134366575.png (1920x1080, 2.74M)

I can live with that
she's a cute edgy dork

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>minecraft skin of Nepeta Leijon
Wait. That's illegal.

Attached: nepeta.png (202x217, 2K)

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I'm okay with this

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Im so glad i only play females

How do I do this

Attached: 1554093346459.png (540x180, 3K)

>Shogun 2
Guess that means I'll have to fuck my clan's Daimyo.

>Female Toreador from VtMB
I'd prefer brujah but this is fine

wtf?? are you gay???

nice trannigger

It's gonna hurt

Attached: file.png (420x420, 60K)

i'm going to enjoy my last minutes of life.

Attached: shyvana_by_nielspeterdejong-d6ro4u8.jpg (763x1047, 179K)

who do you voodoo bitch

>MUL-T in Risk of Rain 2

>Inkling girl

Attached: 1553449016174.png (680x647, 306K)

Im ok with the huntres

Attached: 1554618430970.png (1200x959, 403K)

Attached: completely innocent.gif (260x195, 965K)

I accept my death as I am immediately sliced into mincemeat by violent, mindless aliens.

Attached: 38A09359-8686-4372-87D8-EDEDB4F1B81B.jpg (914x903, 136K)

RoR2 Huntress


pls no

Attached: 1554972027249.png (210x180, 3K)

not gonna lie he's a handsome man but I'm not going to enjoy this

Attached: and so have I.jpg (2560x1440, 401K)

Phoenix Wright
Not bad for a dude

"Forced" to fuck the huntress in RoR2. I think I'm fine.

>Male undead rogue

Attached: crawling.png (1070x601, 507K)

I was just playing smash with Ike, I'm not gay but it could be worse.

>Lock Cole
Well, could be worse but neither of us would like it

What a fucking roll and a half.

Attached: 1539149268296.gif (300x168, 262K)

Windranger from Dota. Im okay with this.

t. Irish

will this turned out well

Attached: 2119002-169_pokemon_bw_ot_ds_062212.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

10/10 cute and spaghetti hair.

Juri Han. I'm very ok with this.

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I'll be fine

Attached: 1552074451071.png (892x1024, 892K)

I hope doc give her an artificial pussy

Attached: Lounging Bot.jpg (1024x1002, 108K)

nothing gay about wanting to fuck Ike user

I'm OK with this

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Attached: Major-degtyarev.jpg (219x300, 45K)

He's an eldritch tentacle monster now I guess.

Attached: D1EzPu1WkAANRXE.jpg (1200x675, 27K)

Fucking finally

Attached: sweet.png (523x391, 274K)


Attached: 1533034912964.png (381x354, 251K)

are you gay or something?

Maybe it'd save her. Maybe she'd kill me afterwards.

Attached: Shooter-chan.jpg (1200x1450, 296K)

Fuck off newfag. there is nothing wrong with fucking young fictional characters

What makes you think he wouldn't be fucking you?

Well, damn. I actually just played a female Dragonborn for the first time the other day because all my other characters were male. She is a cat, though. I guess I'll see what all these furfags are on about.

the evee evolution is particularly popular

>Titanfall 2 fem pilot
im ok with this

Attached: robb-shoberg-repaer-f-t1.jpg (1634x1370, 318K)

>Huntress from Risk of Rain
I will enjoy being fucked.

Attached: 1417530967460.gif (440x300, 1001K)

My female AGE from God Eater.

master chief
rip my anus

I'm a boy. What are your fetishes?

I'm okay with this

H-huh. What is that, Soul Calibur? Asking for a friend.

>agent 47
Im ded

>black oily tentacles
I'm fine, thanks

Attached: O652hT4gR.jpg (506x792, 115K)

>he doesn’t play femLoto for the sweet stats the ‘sexy’ personality provides

Not too bad I suppose

Attached: 1522519788540.jpg (777x862, 132K)

wat game and don't you fucking lie to me!

Total submission.

>was playing a tycoon/city building game
So, the whole communist party rapes me?

Attached: 3f2.jpg (341x354, 35K)

What is that, some kind of xenomorph queen? The head looks like it but nothing else does. What's it from?


Attached: 42F3A613-C565-4663-8E08-31461A05E984.png (774x1078, 415K)

those lips are literally made to suck cock
plus i'm a pure top anyways

Attached: 1525474011998.jpg (1285x859, 143K)

>hurr durr you liek teh peepee in ur but if u play as teh gril in ur gaym!!1
Jokes on you, overcompensating closet fags. I get to bang my female CaC.

>insurgency sandstorm
>buff military man busts in to fuck me
No fuck someone else

Pretty well off, being a weeb always saves you in this scenario

Attached: 24D8183E-AF48-4BD4-BA12-C665C5118544.jpg (1024x705, 87K)

I have no issue with this.

Attached: tumblr_pelgj29g6Y1tm0yw8o1_400.png (400x563, 181K)

>Diablo 2 Amazon


Well then

Claire REMAKE 2. I'm stoked. Dream come true since I was 12.

>Azur Lane
Do they all fuck me?

But if you specced right he(it?) could mimic anything even Alex Yu

Perfect, I'm the opposite.


Attached: 1554912840376.jpg (700x691, 144K)

Attached: Caim.png (265x379, 166K)

Looks like Starcraft 2.

I prefer my traps with females but I could have done a lot worse. At least he has ass to work with.

Attached: 1554241116360.png (2465x1324, 50K)

Id do anything for a bf that would tell me what to do at all times.

>Nebuchadnezzar II
not like I have a choice, the man has nukes rolling off the assembly lines.

Is that an actual in game set now? Jesus they actually modeled the body armor to not just be painted on?

No, you play as your own self insert- the Commander.

So basically you fuck your own clone. Or rather, your clone fucks you.

Uhhhh lesion from siege
I don't know man I don't swing that way and I doubt he does too

It’s a hydralisk...

>huntress from RoR2
Oh bby.


Attached: Borderlands 2 Screenshot 2019.04.11 - (1920x1080, 3.61M)

But I was just playing as my thicc latina Sim who invites the local pizzaboy/girl to her apartment and proceeds to molest and rape them with her strap and then drugs them so they don't remember what happened. W-will I be fucking her or?...

Attached: sims 4.png (1600x900, 1.82M)

>Liliana avatar on mtga

I'm sure I'll end up a spooky skeleton boi afterwards, but worth it.


Attached: 1553503701075.jpg (544x462, 61K)

You're not playing as Nyotengu, youre playing as Jack

Have fun

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 2.49.30 PM.png (920x640, 537K)

Attached: 1553759175530.jpg (1920x1080, 770K)

Thank you!

Attached: 1551507739069.gif (268x270, 1.48M)

This case had to had Phoenix the playable character, I couldn't just play as Athena and be fine

Attached: Turnabout_Time_Traveler.png (1742x1034, 3.83M)

looks like a hydralisk from starcraft

Doomguy. Guess it's over for me lads.

you mean my modded Skyrim whore? Sign me the fuck up

>Regina from dino crisis
Oh my god, please, yes

hell yeah nigga

Attached: 1555017545633.jpg (850x478, 107K)

You can have Maya cheer you guys on though

Unfortunately you're probably on the other side of the world, otherwise I'd make you worship my cock in a heartbeat.

Your delusional if you think Nero would do anything but fuck you in the ass and leave. He's way too dominate

I can work with this

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Where will I even put my penis?

Attached: how-thomas-was-right.png (600x371, 63K)

I am not okay with this.

Attached: Isaac_App.png (28x33, 430)

Vanille of FFXIII.
That wouldn't be too bad, desu.

I wish it was Settra

Attached: Warhammer_Arkhan_the_Black.png (281x725, 533K)

he's my sweet sweet bone grinder in dominions 5

I'm gonna have pizza sex with DMC1 Dante

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

western europe yeah
Its not as easy as Id think finding a good matching man, I have a lithe/slightly girly physique too

>this changes the nature of a man

Attached: B9WVhbiZxLLnZ4XY7ZEePi[1].jpg (1920x1080, 438K)

I know a guy who looks almost like him, he's Georgian.

Sauce on pic?

Could be worse

Would prefer mechromancer if given the option.
but maya with this hairstyle is still a qt

Attached: 400px-Bl2throatcuttermayaskin.jpg (400x340, 46K)

>Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy

Aw fuck.


Damn, wish I could fuck your ass from here. Would absolutely breed you.

>a teen psychopathic engineer

I think he wouldn't mind me being a top.

Too much anarchy is gonna affect sec to sec penetration unless the robot just fucks me instead

Attached: original.jpg (1920x1080, 1.71M)

i'm completely fine with this

Attached: fred-augis-game-informer-cover-poster-female-version04c.jpg (1000x1000, 328K)

>naruto weebshit haircut

Id lay down and take it obediently for as long as you wanted.

Use reverse search

you get to fuck gaige while deathtrap fucks you in the ass

> you become a fast "thing" at the end
I'm still wondering who are you mimicking after the handshake. Morgan or some rando?

>male chosen undead, hollow


>my OSRS character
Can he at least pay a visit to the makeover mage first?

This is totally acceptable user

Attached: FB_IMG_1554789937664.jpg (720x623, 26K)

my peepee hard

Every other head for Maya is either bald or faggy punk rock shit besides maybe 1 or 2 of them.

Attached: IMG_0240.jpg (621x621, 126K)

Guess I'll be his meat bicycle

I wish I wasn't indisposed right now so I could get your discord and escalate things a little more. But alas.

You'll have to be satisfied with pleasuring yourself at the thought of my cock pumping in and out of you. Hope you enjoy that thought, cutie.

I don't wanna fug Wolf. :^(

I'm not the one who will be fucked.

Attached: muhdick.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

>literal ninja catgirl


Attached: spats.jpg (425x782, 113K)

I will do it right now sir, Ive had an erection since your first reply.
I hope you get well soon.

same here dude. I created him in my own image, so I guess it's clone sex

>my Fem Hawke
I'm "forced" to fuck a pale, white haired warrior woman. Pretty great outcome, all things considered.

Attached: dragon-age-2.jpg (1199x628, 58K)

Hollow Knight

I don't think that's physically possible.

I never chose that something about the deception made me angry, so I killed him. Probably Morgan though, but it's cool in my head if it's just a hand mimic

>Doctor Mario
Thanks Doc

that's what most of the "vers" tops on apps say and they end up with their asses in the air anyway


Attached: Running_Through_Idol_Springs.0.jpg (1200x800, 110K)

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I can fuck a wall which is myself I guess.

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Attached: Recette.gif (220x400, 30K)

Does she turn into purple heart or am I going to jail?

Attached: 1555017335184.png (400x341, 116K)

Of course not, don't be silly.

Time to end the debates.

>Here's your protagonist, bro

My tribe of amazons in Rimworld

Attached: 1553965220291.jpg (1073x1041, 186K)

Inkling schoolgirl from ssbu

Or you could fuck a whole level

>worked out better than expected

I'd say she's fucked.

Attached: a02e14e5ca9055053579d36a26255a16.jpg (437x750, 59K)

I don't expect her to know a thing about sex

Attached: 1554901891174.png (1060x1500, 1.06M)

You're under arrest for bad touching that nep

Rey from Star Wars. I accept.

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Oh Baby

Attached: file.png (602x342, 223K)

Hildryn from Warframe. I've never been into muscle girls but I'll give it a shot.

well, if I am forced then I suppose it can't be helped. Umu, I allow it

Attached: Nerobride1.png (512x724, 480K)

>Engineer from Risk of Rain 2.
Oh boy.

Attached: 1552051095571.jpg (225x225, 6K)

I believe I can accept my fate.

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Attached: Untitled.png (331x132, 31K)

>my s4max character

Attached: PGiEYa6.png (296x591, 362K)

I am pleased

Attached: sekiro-aged-main-character-shadows-die-twice-large.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

Time to boot up Babysitting Cream again.

Attached: cream.png (256x197, 12K)

Attached: gw096.jpg (1920x1080, 633K)

>Lucas from Platinum
Damn, and this was just a short run to trade over a Turtwig. Should have picked Dawn if it was just for a moment.

Attached: Pt Lucas and Dawn.png (297x445, 130K)

Which of the the three playable characters are you ending up with?

Meat man! kinda nervous honestly

Attached: meat.jpg (857x1000, 446K)

I should've signed that petition

Attached: postal dude.jpg (637x358, 45K)

>changing literally the only good thing in this entire train wreck of a game, the defaul femhawke design

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I'm going to jail aren't I

Attached: 1554767974486.jpg (933x1654, 207K)

Thank you based Mario Kart.

Attached: Ludwig.png (960x960, 453K)

I'm on B branch.

But honestly I'm perfectly ok with any of them.

God damn that's an ugly bitch

my avatar

Attached: Capture2.png (99x101, 2K)

I am no longer queer

Attached: Malk Heavy Armor.jpg (555x895, 114K)


>Lilith from Borderlands.
I don't really have an attraction to do her but sure, I'll pump babies into her siren womb.

Attached: 1433956747384.jpg (350x392, 63K)

>RoR2 Merc
c-can I have huntress instead?

Attached: 1554849620182.jpg (597x569, 209K)

I'm pretty fucked alright

Attached: 1552775843708.jpg (1273x712, 88K)

5 decides what goes on my tombstone

Attached: jolly fellow.png (424x259, 76K)

Is that a 40k XCOM mod?
fucking based

my maya niggas

As long as I say no homo it'll be fine

Attached: DeSu-Hero.png (469x632, 151K)

You'd better get used to eating eggs.

Here lies user, he couldn't stop getting his anus fucked by cocks.

Attached: 1553100463894.gif (256x256, 129K)

Well, I'm not gay though, but at least he's kinda handsome.

Attached: sekiro-shadows-die-twice-reveal-03.jpg (1080x600, 170K)

Default male Fallout 4 player character (up into the 10th or so time playing game, too lazy to customize character when I will never see it under all the armor I immediately get).

Eh, not gay (well at least not any gayer than the baseline for coming to Yea Forums). But all things considered, could be worse. At least he is human and not something truly wretched. I'd hope to be the top but he is canonically an ex soldier, so guess my booty is burning tonight haha.

if I played female characters like a fag I guess I would be happier in this situation

I'm confused

>Max from Life is Tumblr

Not bad.

Don't be, he's a romantic and a gentlemen.

>All these people playing Borderlands 1 and 2.
I know Yea Forums was furry for Randy.

Attached: 1433954122911.png (400x300, 109K)

>Coach from Left 4 Dead 2
So I'm part of a SFM porn?

Of course, I may not survive, but the spirit is willing, even if the body is weak

Attached: newspaper seizure.gif (300x375, 146K)

I was just playing Atelier Sophie, so I'm fully expecting to have my soul ripped out and shoved into a puppet-loli before she has her way with me. So, I'm screwed but in a different way.

Its not going to end well for either party.

>Yuri Lowell
Honestly lucked out there and I'm not even gay

Attached: 1547258125659.jpg (550x700, 253K)

Hopefully he has a built in fleshlight or something, otherwise this is gonna hurt

Attached: pathfinder_r291.jpg (1072x602, 182K)

leshrac from dota 2
a tower rises

>My terraria character

If he doesn't use any of the items he has its probably regular gay sex desu

Attached: 1469847173383.jpg (94x126, 2K)

>all that text and no replies


Ayyyy Nice

Attached: Claire-Redfield-Video-Game-Resident-Evil-2-Leather-Jacket.jpg (510x644, 22K)

Do avatars count? if so my secondlife av

If not either an m8 greyhound or engineer from RoR 2

>PoE ranger
Could be worse I suppose
Though I think she i a lesbo

Attached: zQjbGqX.jpg (665x370, 62K)

Did you just assume this character's gender, fuckface?

we need more based georgian genes in medieval vidya

Nidus. Im getting space AIDs aren't I?

Attached: nidus_01.png (332x400, 232K)

You're getting a lot more than just space aids.

Agent 47.
At least he's clean and neat and he probably has zero sex drive so my bucci is safe.

Not bad.

Attached: image.jpeg.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

What if I played RTS? Do I get fucked by the entire fucking race I played?

>WC3 Orc

Attached: 1413581728695.jpg (149x194, 12K)

oh no, i'm going to get destroyed by BBC!~

Attached: birdie_street_fighter_v_by_raydash30_dc6zbad-pre.jpg (742x1077, 148K)

You'll get knocked out with a seringe and wake up naked in a dumpster along with 7 other guys, 3 of them dead.

>inkling girl
this is like a dream come true

Attached: 1548299089930.jpg (710x960, 267K)

Lucky me.

Attached: Evelysse03.png (1024x1024, 785K)

>Zarya in OW
Death by snusnu.

What do I do if I dont remember? I was playing XCOM 2 in an ironman run, and the pos crashed. Then when I rebooted the game, my save file was deleted, gone to shit because the game mustve crashed when it was saving. And after that I put xcom 2 away in anger. So I dont know which character I was last controlling. Though, theres a good chance it was one of the girls though, as my squad only had 1 dude at that point. Do I still get to have sex? Do I?

Attached: 1549755513926.jpg (326x326, 16K)

Oh no, I started the genocide route...

>Ryu Hayabusa
I guess I could live with this. Depends on how he looks under that mask though.

>Argonian male MC
Fuck yes

>my cute brown petite Au Ra from FFXIV


Attached: XD.jpg (905x1000, 101K)

Awww, thanks my friend.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (910x1162, 201K)

>tfw I played as an insurgent in Squad last

Attached: Halalaal.jpg (640x539, 44K)

Enjoy it, slut.

>A 3d platformer collect a thon

I'm going to prison.


Attached: ulala.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

you've never seen modern Ryu behind the mask? He is the most handsome ninja in NG/DOA.

Maya from Borderlands.

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Attached: Dissapointed.webm (1920x1080, 402K)

I cant remember if I was Billy or Rebecca when I closed

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>not just saying A Hat in Time

Toon Link. Not the best outcome but could be worse.

>Forza Horizon 4
Am I fucking my qt female avatar or am I banging a car?

Who's that cute girl holding the penguin?

>fuck your qt specialist
>about to cum
>chosen assassin teleports in your room

What will you do?

Attached: xcom-2-1.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)

>Haven and Hearth

Guy's a dirty homestead prospector wearing stinging nettle pants, I'm fucked.

>catgirl mii swordfighter.
I'll take it.


Attached: bd2.png (680x524, 80K)

>Ever Oasis
RIP little seed girl


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>aryan features
>dark skin

Attached: GHAD-DAMAT.gif (404x347, 1003K)

>not transforming into Fuku

Attached: SHAMEFURDISPRAY.jpg (640x480, 74K)

>Played Chess online with a friend


Attached: image0.gif (300x300, 656K)

Attached: fag.jpg (600x600, 51K)

>Planescape: Torment
It could be worse? The Nameless One's lived so many lives that he's probably at least good at s-
>Evil Nameless One because I've been achievement hunting
Nope. I'm not getting Practical Incarnation'd

Attached: Bye.gif (500x269, 498K)

you fuck the storyteller

hey it's Henry! Henry's come to fuck us!

Banish her with a superior repeater, then continue with my qt specialist. If that doesnt work, let the assassins kiidnap the qt specialist. And if that doesnt work, beg for mercy.

unlike Roland

>Planetary Annihilation
How does it work?

>Bloodborne character is some anorexic freak that was originally going to look like Peewee Herman until I got bored and went crazy with the sliders creating some flat-faced abomination with no chin and an anus for a mouth. Also it has alabaster skin with purple hair and mutton-chops.


Just shove a rook up your ass or something

haiku phone sex

You take turns fucking both

Attached: 1552067092458.jpg (540x540, 56K)

Fuck him.

You play as a trainer you fucking idiot.

Plz tell me card games count. I dont think Krieg from Borderlands 2 would be gentle

Attached: PW_Huatli_Preloader.jpg (1920x1120, 459K)

source for the pic?

kazemaru, obviously

Attached: 71942237_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x911, 497K)

I'll be fucking Frost. Or the over way.

Sounds like fun

Attached: Excited Woomy.gif (310x292, 28K)

Soul Calibur VI, yes.

>Splatoon 2
>literally switched from inkling girl to inkling boy a few hours ago
Oh. Actually, I don't really mind. I'd breed that squid boypussy.

Attached: 1475598970511.gif (600x366, 822K)

>El Presidente from Tropico
Could be worst honestly


Attached: IMG_0538.jpg (523x470, 29K)

I wanna pet him so bad bros

Attached: squishyfex.jpg (807x605, 47K)

Krieg from Borderlands 2. Could be worse I guess. I'm sure he has a gigantic dick and a strong libido.

Attached: krieg.jpg (1280x1778, 1.49M)

She's cute!

>thought it was Kasumi from DOAX
>remember I booted up FGO at work
>play the male MC

Attached: 1548211575855.png (231x218, 7K)!.ogg

>Last game was Labyrinth of Refrain
I'm either fucking a book or a brigade of animated wooden dolls. Not sure which is worse.

That's not a video game character, so it doesn't.

>Biker undertaker from wwe 2k19

Attached: 3362869-dekunder.jpg (480x270, 39K)

>etg paradox
bi heaven i guess

With lulua?

Very ok with this but that smell of curry...

Attached: ルルアのアトリエ ~アーランドの錬金術士4~_20190406202448.jpg (3840x2160, 1.26M)

>he still plays overwatch

Attached: owg gets pozzed.jpg (1320x768, 628K)

>Black Adam in IJ2


Attached: Black adam.jpg (500x377, 84K)

Just get the sculptor to attach a fleshlight to sekiro and go to town

>my female Orlan watcher

She's used to paying for professional work, so I'm probably way below her standards, but other than being embarrassed I guess I'll be fine.

Attached: female_orlan_nyahyourself_lg.png (210x330, 156K)

>Karl Fairburne from Sniper Elite 4.

I don't know how to feel about this.

Don't think of it as fucking the inferior Freddy. Think of it as fucking Jackie Earle Haley. You don't think you're too good for JEH, do you? Because you're not.

Does old BL2 have borderless windowed?

Sigmar fucking save me

Attached: BoP.jpg (800x1500, 157K)

your Maya's so young, user

>Fem Paladin tomboy from Grim Dawn
Not awful, as long as she gets a shower first.

You play female character for another reason, but it's okay. You'll probably come to terms with it at one point.

>Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3
>beating the rest of the game as kid IF, compa and Peashy at level 999 for keks
>Peashy was the leader
>She is 5 years old

I-im not a pedo

Attached: 1432847736231.png (1070x601, 463K)

Primis Nikolai from black ops 3. It ain't the worst to be honest

>two eyes
So close to perfect.

Yuna on Dissidia. I don't like girls. Oh well sorry Tidus.

>fuck kites boypuzzy

eh why not

>Kassandra from asscreed odyssey
I'm more into guys but she's about as perfect as a woman can get, so I'm definitely okay with it

Ash from Siege. Niiiice

>Strides like a runway model. Crabwalks at lightning speed without making a sound.
Fucking kek, this image is gold
Also you better ask him to choke you a little during it

Can't fuck something that doesn't have a hitbox. Not that she could even see your dick anymore without her acog.

It irked me as well. Still a good piece that I had to save though
I love using the Brace of Pistols so much


Shhh, Just take the c*nnypill...

Attached: Dance10.gif (540x300, 2.03M)

unless the character in question is unable to have sex, completely, logically.

not an issue

>myself, Trunks, and Piccolo gangbanging Anrdoid 21

Attached: e4732e93ba5916f4a41d39e04cac8b790bcefb6e.jpg (247x250, 26K)

Oh boy...

Attached: bae.jpg (970x545, 77K)

Gonna take SCP-939's knot

Attached: 3.png (365x191, 71K)

They are great fun to use. Still not sure if I like the reload change personally, but I get its to help combat standing on ammo boxes and just turreting down hordes/bosses.

>jill valentine
I’d rather get fucked by nemesis

>Fidel Castro

Attached: 1547504868393.jpg (600x600, 24K)

RIP my asshole

Attached: 02ebc5bee98fefa1098e08de3b408ef3.png (493x882, 363K)

Then you just fuck the unfuckable.

Attached: TTGL.jpg (1280x1590, 358K)

Sorry I had to destroy the image because one of the elements was fubar. I fixed it.

Attached: virgin-SA-vs-chad-2.png (2304x1024, 303K)

>The hamster from Overwatch

>Without Mech
awkward, weird, no one wins here

>With Mech
My poor anus

Oh I was wondering what was up with that covered up text. Tbh I thought it was a joke I didn't get.

Good shit senpai, gave me a few chuckles.


Attached: file.png (1000x1200, 1.65M)

Ideally, very.

Call the cops, I don't give a fuck. My new girlfriend is a flamethrower.

Attached: 61319175_p0.jpg (1879x2000, 1.07M)

But user she's an alien with a barbed vagina.

He'd probably just kill me and turn me into a zombie

Attached: latest[1].png (446x648, 553K)

Sienna (Unchained)
>at least female and human
>but old
>99.9% chance my dick will literally burn off and I'll die

Attached: 20190412021629_1.jpg (3840x2160, 2.24M)