What do you like most about Touhou, user?
What do you like most about Touhou, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
All of the porn, and the Castlevania like fan games. I've only ever played the first two games in the actual series though.
Based secondary fag
user, you are playing with fire, making a new thread so fast is dangerous.
The last thread just archived user, you're really trying your luck.
I love Reisen!
Oh, what the hell? Let's see if we are Tenshi (super good luck) or Shion (super bad luck)
Everythng, but expecially the music and the characters
Have you read her comic?
The bullet patterns. Playing touhou feels like watching a nice fireworks display.
It was a fucking waste of time! ZUN is a coward.
Nice general, faggot
bestiality doujins
The games let me have a ball!
FS sucked desu. SSiB and WaHH are much better.
FS is the worst one
Quiet you, if it happens then so be it but don't be a traitor.
>Foreshadows like hell that Reimu will have to kill book girl.
>Doesn't go with it.
What a coward, ZUN cannot get though with his own ideas.
>Finally manage to beat the boss with no items after 100 attempts
>Get killed by a stray bullet while the boss is exploding
you have no one to blame but yourself
based on what?
Poor, poor OC baku girl. You were literally ONE day late.
Based on you being a secondary fag
For me, it's KeineMokou.
but i'm not that user my retarded friend.
Someone is pissed that SRW final bosses now only have one attack (map attack doesn't count).
It's not her fault her creator went apeshit about it.
For the record, we don't know the actual reaction of the dev to it.
I think I do too reisenbro
Her special attacks looks rad at least, though kinda unnecessarily long even for SRW standard.
What happened to the fan translation? I genuinely forgot but I remember it involved the dev.
Isc is better than photo games
Miko, Magician and old Hag bully baku girl.
I hate niggers.
All the secondary stuff.
Those are pretty standard for old SRW, OG games also gave the final bosses long attacks.
Based secondary nigger leech
Will ZUN give WaHH a "Yukari solved everything" finale?
The game locked the attempt to translate the game and someone from MoTK tried to directly ask the dev.
Not sure if the guy fucked up or Sabondo being a cunt (I think it's the former or perhaps both) but the conversation didn't go well and instead the dev patched the game to further prevent anyone to mess with the game files
Understandable, she is amazing!
IIRR, sabanto pretty much went full "REEEEEEEEEEE" as soon the conversation started.
The music. I've just been listening to a lot of glorious 2hu jazz arranges such as Active NEETs, Cafe de Touhou, tanigon, SWING HOLIC, and xi-on.
Check these albums from the cafe de touhou guys, they've nuked it from youtube, but it's my drug
Thanks but I already have it tons of other shit by DDBY
Doremy's Stage is harder to get through than her actual fight. You know, until faggot-ass Ultramarine Lunatic Dream
Spin, spin, spin
Hold on, do you have any of the Cafe de Touhou albums on you? If not, here's a link
I have 1 to 6, now to 8, some of them as flac
Miss me with that shit
see what you did?It's already halfway to being a faggy general
Oh shit do you know where I can find some of them as that?
Sorry, I didn't mean to bother anyone! It's just that it actually fit the OP question for once. Unfortunately it's now too old to delete but I will be more careful next time!
Mouse girl is cute.
go ERP somewhere else, you aren't even the same poster
how do i git gud at soku, can any masters teach me?
No thanks, I hate roleplaying!
The general
There was this old, bigass jp archive of every single touhou album sorted in a http folder list long as working on weekends
Alternatively, try the lossless torrent
Kaguya is best 2hu.
on what?
please send help, it's been a month and I'm no closer to getting through this
I know that there's a fuckhuge torrent but I don't to spend ages downloading it but I did some digging on my own and found these although it's missing 1, 3, and 8
I dont know which client you use, and it matters not much, but it should have a feature to let you select which files from the torrent do you want or not to download
get the big ones and only check DDBY for download, then
it's not a .zip for a reason
>stinky useless l*narian
>t. hobo with daddy issues
Alright thanks for that
>336 GB
Isn't it like, only 5% of the whole thing?
What are your favorite spellcards? I like Marisa's stars and Yuyuko's butterfly patterns.
>336 GB
That is like 80% of my laptop memory.
Is a bitch
>Is a slut*
When is Youmu getting a new game?
I think the flac version is ~1.6 tb
>a month
I downloaded it a few days ago in a day
How slow is your connection?
Even though we did our best, the time of death was 17:58
All the cute girls
What? I'm not talking about the download, man.
Speanjng of Tenshi, I finally breed a swablu worthy of becoming mega tenko, right now she is at the pokepelago getting "discipline" from a fat guy so her base attack goes to 252.
just play the game until you git gud
>*is a masochist
and that's a good thing!
I get to see this mouse!
Go to sadpanda and search "peso", thank me later.
Music and doujins.
The shrine maidens
Reading the rest of the Doujin it reminds me too much of Shadman's artstyle.
I don't anymore, I'm all azur lane now.
the porn lol
suck my dick niggers I don't give a fuck LMAO
I got my girlfriend into Touhou and according to her taste, this is her favorite waifu, so far. I have yet for her to get her to play the games but she most definitely getting ideas of who she wants to draw or cosplay for me when we both slim down and get fit. Definitely have some touhou hentai on her phone, that's for sure.
9.Nue Houjuu
10. Yoshika Miyako (she has a profile pic of her on kik)
>implying I don't know god peso
Come on, user! Every mouse lover should know him by now.
I can see the thought behind them but I'm too tunnel vision to enjoy them
A bit too much cowtittery for my cunnysseur taste, but otherwise it's quite good. Have fun with your cosplays user
The music is what got me to like the fandom. "U.N Owen was her". It all started with a video called Ronald McDonald Insanity.
Do you know the other mouse god, aki?
Why wouldn't I?
made for spankings
She also liked Hecta and Tenshi as well, but just looking at her phone, she's definitely into Touhou. She ironically wants to buy those fumos dolls when both of us get better wage slave dolls, and we joked about opening a touhou based cafe and have just coffee and pastry, she also enjoys touhou jazz as well. Recently, she's been getting into Mate pressing fetishes, she literally sent me a gif hentai animation of Koakuma Amazon pressing someone yesterday. Top tier taste, I must say.
die mouseposter
>for me when we both slim down and get fit
dont do that, just keep eating and die early fatty
>I got my girlfriend into Touhou
Get out of my comfy touhou thread
Reimu is so cool
Consensual Ryona is the thinking's man fetish. The patrician choice
Which 2hu fits to be a Mimikyu? Nue?
More like
>Kasen saves Reimu from arm Kasen even though Fantasy Heaven Reimu is literally fucking unbeatable
>Reimu never finds out Kasen is an oni even though she literally saw she was
>Manga ends on a gag about how stupid and lost Reimu would be without Kasen
Getting buried with Reisen!
Mouse had a nice doujin.
I only bring peace, my friend. Have a reimu and post Nue Houjuu for me as I have no quarrel with this thread.
We hate being fatties but thanks for the encouragement for us to lose weight , have a cutie alien as a thank you.
Nue are meant for loving and cuddles, not punching nor bullying.
What a fatty
>This artist gets to draw her in the pseudo-official mobage
I bet he's living the dream
This. I wonder if we would've got something darker had things been different with the artist.
Wasn't a she?
Have sex.
Get a real job.
Work hard.
Support your family.
Make sure your offspring have sex.
Make sure your offspring's offspring have sex.
Gloat about your grandchildren to others because it's all you have left before mental decay sets in due to your gradually worsening physical body.
After I marry Reisen!
I have no clue to be honest. Well, either way good on her then.
>giving up after that few posts
Weak, gay and cringe.
I'm jelly
The remixes. God, there's so fucking much, always something new to discover too. The themes never get old.
What is Yea Forums's favorite Touhou remix? mine is probably:
Also, how do I even get into the series? I've listened to the music for 3 years on now, but don't really know where to start.
Leave my touhou friends alone, you b-big bully...
*has sex*
Now what?
>you are replying him.
You idiots, you are suppose to call the "crimson slasher" on him and move on.
fap to kokoro
Normally I would ignore it, but I'm feeling a bit down and decided this person is also probably feeling down, so hopefully a (You) makes him feel better.
I can't now, maybe later though.
7, 8, 10 or 16 are considered to be on the easier side, or go all the way from 1 but it's pretty weird compared to the rest
Guys! Tenko has an announcement to make!
that's fucking nothing. we have more DMC generals HERE than that.
>DMC generals
>we going home threads
>smash threads
>Reuizi Utsuho
>Fuziwara no Mokou
You said you were on the pill you little shit
Tenko is a mean bitch!
So that's why she was kicked out of heaven
just for you friend
Is Tenko the kind of girl to tell you she's pregnant to freak you out or the kind of girl to actually get pregnant to rebel against daddy?
Both. The first one first, then the second.
Wholesome Iku
Post more wholesome content
She's the kind of girl to fake being pregnant so you get mad and hit her
WaHH Reimu is an idiot
I feel like an absolute knuckle-dragging retard for not realising her name was such a simple pun for all these years.
Lately she is getting more art.
seiga-yoshika bedroom roleplay
>her favorite waifu
you are using that word incorrectly
It's nice, she stands out in many ways & should get more attention.
She stands up because she is canonically an old hag that preys for shotas!
dress yourself up as yoshika and dress her up as seiga
I fucking love Tenshi
Tenshi is MY wife
don't post that fucking traitor artist ever again
that's a direct downgrade from touhou you idiot
Don't bother dude, he has already fallen into the gacha hell
that dumb bitch artist from your pic
>azur lane
you are going down to your death
>don't post that fucking traitor artist ever again
go back to /jp/
flat as a pancake
>mfw I finally get to see the ending after hours of frustration due to constant stupid deaths
totally worth it
Imagine unironically being a T*oist. Not only is Buddhism the superior religion, but Byakuren is the superior leader and UFO the superior game compared to Miko and TD
Buddhists unite!
>chado left touhou for idolshit
worst timeline
There is no religion war you dumb piece of shit. Miko and her crew don't dislike Byakuren and her temple because they're Buddhist, they just don't like that she supports youkai. God Westashits are so retarded.
>Miko and her crew don't dislike Byakuren and her temple because they're Buddhist
Futo specifically targets Buddhist temples and iconography to burn down.
That was in her past. Prince Shotoku advocated for Buddhism his entire lifetime.
at least it didn't take you a fucking decade to get that goddamn chicken joke
Touhou is fucking boring, all the girls looks the same with some hair/accessories/colors swapped. Bland and overly frilly. Even most of the doujinshi are bland.
I don't get why anyone other than pedo weebs like this garbage.
>being this retarded
You do know that Murasa was a serial murderer before she joined the temple, right?
>overly frilly
I will end you.
Wow rude. Touhou characters are varied and colorful.
>Murasa was a serial murderer before she joined the temple
my dad works at team Shanghai Alice and he said the next game is a third Aya photogame set after the events of 17 so it's a sneak peak at the bosses of 17.
>Shin Megami Tenshi
I don't know how I didn't thought about it until now
Post beer
all I have is fireball
the cutest
Anyone know the sauce for this?
So is hemo gone from Touhou forever? Did he already dump Shion? Is there no hope for a 2nd PDP expansion?
Jo'on is only good for being raped by faceless ugly men
>So is hemo gone from Touhou forever?
More like hemo is gone from everything
I like when they stay on their containment board, a lot.
Tripfags have no right to complain about anything
install japanese font...
I'd like it if you ceased posting.
hemo has gone on months-long hiatuses before but this has been his longest
i think he's gone for good this time
Go back to your drawthread and request your fucking OC
Well thread is just about Tenshi ERP so you're not wrong
>300 posts and only two are about the games
Classic vg, this is why I hate secondaries
She's a great dancer
>hijiri "youkai dindu nuffin need mo human meat fo dem sutras" byakuren
it went downhill as soon as the tenshiface was posted
I love Tenshi so much!
She is cute!
She is my wife!
Why is that 17 year old girl riding in a wheel chair? is she retarded or something?
a gap in her brain maybe
This is Tenshi thread since the beginning you doofus.
I was too busy playing PCB to post about games
MarisaA really sucks, had an hard time to 1cc with her on easy; with SakuyaA I managed to reach the final stage with max lives on my first try
>posting about games in /vg/
no one does this
I've played all the games but DDC and LoLK. Am I missing out on anything or no.
you should finish LoLK at least once, its quite the experience
I love this thread
Tenshi is the bestest girl
Is Tempest of Heaven and Earth worth spending 20 bucks on?
don't do this, it makes mustard gas
its really good but I dunno about 20$
maybe if you really like touhou/tenshi
not really, no fangame is worth money. worth a pirate though.
Tenshi has grown
My wife Tenshi is a cute and funny loli, not a DISGUSTING HAG
>He doesn't enjoy both.
Those are really big peaches
But this is a secondary thread and guess what you are
wait it's actually 13 dollars, which seems a lot better. Watching youtube videos of Mystical Chain a million years ago was actually my introduction to Touhou, somehow.
13? Yeah I'd definitely go for it at that price
Why is Tenshi eating corndog so cute?
thanks for the heads up
NO! Why are you doing this?
This is just degrading my wife
why the fuck am I seeing this everywhere now
it's like everyone collectively decided that yeah, this is a pretty good time to make a response to a decade fucking dead joke
it's bizarre
unironically the games
great fun shmups
desu LoLK is a giant meme
i'm taking this alien
Mods are asleep where are the butts?
The games are gay
>being so fat you need to call a tow truck when you aren't even driving
Tenshi is for flat or moderate breasts. Not cowtits
>Mods are asleep where are the butts?
well ok
Oh no!
agreed, small and perky is the way to go
My wife Tenshi likes being tied up and hit
ye, but theyre fun too
The corndogs
mods are awake rank your tits
No they aren't
Tenshi has a man butt.
>Lost most of my Tenshi folder
Feels bad man
got high res for 123? very nice choice of pictures
Come on fellow tenkofag. The games ARE good and fun especially SA
>big tits
As big as this Tenko.
I'm surprised they didn't just load him into the truck
Utsuho is DEFINITELY well endowed. You don't know shit mang
The gameplay and the music.
Tenshi is for _________
foot porn
The bright side is that you get to experience filling your folder again
Dating and handholding
lol shut up nerd
>Goes from vaccum to cowtits in 1 level
Shit chart. Give me C cups or give me death
Have you played the best 2hu fangame yet?
Hey now fellow Tenkoposter â„¢ calm down we are all buddies here
Post more tenko then
>tenshifags took over the thread
well gg
Spankings and anal
Fuck off and make quality content instead of reading off of Touhou Wiki articles you lazy smelly frog
Just start dumping other girls instead of being a faggot by complaining about it
i 1cc'd IN today guys. am i now a true touhoufag?
also marisa is the best
>vinny will never 2hu stream again
>finally find a 2hu thread on Yea Forums
>it's just south americans imagedumping Tenshi
I'm starting to think the jannies have a point
OP clearly just want to post Tenshi and he keep pushing it. Why are you surprised?
Do like me and report it
tired memes incoming
Alice is such a loser LMAO
>Says the Alicefag whose thread turned into literal Yea Forumstard rp
Fuck everything about Youmu's boss fight. What was ZUN thinking?
I haven't made any threads here and my choice of image doesn't mean I obsess over the character in it
like clockwork
Play LoLK if you think Youmu is hard
Your pic is bizarre.
Marisa's fight is retardedly hard. Reisen is piss easy compared to her, what did ZUN mean by this?
Some of the side games are pretty decent, but mainly just because I want to fuck this rabbit
nooooo everyone was supposed to be as pathetically autistic as me what have you done?!
That she a best
You're right, it should be an Alice imagedump instead!
chubby bunny
She was meant to imitate Patchouli and she did a good job
the hardest part were her non-spellcard attacks
they're surprisingly a lot easier if you have an homing shottype that lets you move away from below her
also her theme is great
fairy cunny
i like shmups
more a fan of zero ranger/crimzon clover guuy though, the real meat with 2hu these days is the fangames
dabbing on
I don't advocate CBT but his art hits so many good spots, shame he doesn't do more explicit stuffs.
>el postero telefono de mexicana
i had a harder time with reisen than marisa
What did she mean by this
Does she want a hug?
>exactly 1 (ONE) seeder on the lossy version of the giant 1 TB music collection torrent
I think it's mostly because you have to fight Marisa 2 times and she eats all your bombs
no she wants a kiss from mr penis, to her womb
>harder time with babby's stg5 boss
Time to git gud user
why am i so fucking bad anons? i can't even finish normal with continues.
I actually wanted to download it, but then realized that all albums are merged in single files
>even though barely any sidegames features her at all
What did user meant by this?
Because you're not really trying. I was like that for years until I sat on my ass and put my mind into it
What do you mean?
me too
but it's ok, when I started playing touhou I was unable to reach stage 6 on easy with max continues/bomb/lives and even slow mode, and now I have 1cc'ed all games on easy
Hopefully one day I'll be able to do the same on normal too
>playing games
>true touhoufag
lol stop seeking validation from incel primaries
Satori's loli pussy.
Oh. And GoS
Gitting gud is a lenghty but rewarding process
i'm not sure how i'm supposed to try any harder than i am. there's always so much stuff on screen that i just can't keep track of.
Two separate unrelated statements.
I don't even think she's in any of the side games. Thankfully a Reisen is fine too
You don't get separate songs, but things like a giant tracks with 20 songs in them, and .cue files that act like bookmarks
Mods are asleep you know what do
rape the remi?
>i just can't keep track of
that's when you are supposed to used bombs
Worship the Remi
Which game and stage are you struggling on?
Mods are asleep, post pc-98
PCB. just got to youmu. farthest i've been yet.
Ah, you might be referring to a different torrent. This one is found in the Touhou Lossless Music Collection comment section and is 235.46 GBs
Who's your favorite 98, user?
Try doing the stage you can beat without dying or bombs
My general rule is to do a no miss no bomb of the first 2-3 stages before attempting the rest of the game
Maximum 1 bomb in stage 3
Practice mode is perfect for that
Why do you guys stop posting Tenshi? This thread is made for us
Aka that one noone gives a shit about
finally, someone with taste
yeah I was talking about the fuckhuge one that takes over 1TB
Alice before she became weird and gay
Please don't leave me alone anons
i'll keep at it. as i am now i'm using up bombs left and right but i don't plan on giving up just yet.
>PC gaming
don't forget that Sakuya A is a lot easier than others characters
also playing with slowmode can teach you how to find paths between the bullets
Is it time
Use that barrier to your advantage. Play more confidently when it appears so you can learn how to dodge more efficiently.
Youmu's spellcards are a bitch at first, but a lot of it focuses on looking for a specific opening, sometimes at the last moment. Look for where the bullets won't be rather than where they will be so you're less inclined to ram into a stray shot.
And practice practice practice. PCB was my first normal 1CC and it took me 2 weeks of consistent practice to do it.
This is official art.
actually haven't tried Sakuya A yet. i beat EoSD with Marisa B and that's who i've had the best results with so far in PCB.
You can grab the 235 gig torrent if you want. Same as the 1TB torrent, except the tracks are actually split, just not autistically lossless.
Hirasaka can't keep getting away with this
>1cc'd SA, PCB, EoSD, IN on normal
whats next bros
I already had that, but wanted to go full autism and upgrade to the lossless
This man is fucking dying to release the power hidden deep within him but he is shackled down by ZUN. Pretty sure he has tons unreleased lewds
Is this the one with the homing knives? I felt she was meh
Fuck TD, it's lame
No it's not. It's fan art by Pedosaka, the worst guest artist. Go fuck yourself.
I like the music in TD though is the game really that bad?
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Canon Alice is a bitch who likes to think she's smarter than everyone else. Don't know where the weird/gay Alice came from. She straight up tells Marisa to call Reimu a bitch.
I tried playing it a bit, it too hard
Unironically eosd so you will finish the classic era
What does 13 have over 14 user
reread my post fren i already did finish eosd
Wait I am a retard
MoF is breety gud
>She straight up tells Marisa to call Reimu a bitch.
Who wouldn't?
What's the pros and cons of this game?
>It's really good
>the fighting games after it sucked
And Marisa does.
>>This artist gets to draw her in the pseudo-official mobage
What? There's a pseudo-official mobage?
Sorry bro I took a quick nap
The spin-off games are surprisingly good. Have never played any main game because I'm shit at vertical shooters.
Where the fuck is that card game ZUN?
Anybody got that one theme that won't leave your head?
>Fun story with a unique premise, most fun fighting game story with some great character moments.
>Most active community of the 2hu multiplayer games, period.
>Weather and decks are kind of trash, mechanics lead to more defensive gameplay and if you're fond of more traditional fighting games you might be more fond of IaMP.
>Community is arrogant as fuck, complete cunts. The Meleefags of the 2hu community.
I'm surprised mods haven't deleted this thread yet.
Maybe for once they aren't bunch of gays.
even your own board is full of ERPing teen secondaries
South Americans don't like Tenshi though, they like Seija, Reimu, Yuyuko and soku.
Was there a poll that I wasn't aware of?
one of the comfiest themes, and the best part of PCB
You forgot the most important ones, Sumireko and Futo
Here's a comfier one
>only South Americans like Soku
Really hate this meme
touhou but with tiddies
There's a Mexican who spams /pol/ with Tenshis
90% of matches are with argies though
I like this Demetori album way more than their other stuff or most metal in general. What do I listen to specifically for more of this kind of sound?
None of their other albums hit the particular note I like about this one.
yes, Touhou Orange Juice
I would probably recommend ones like xi-on or CROW'S CLAW maybe TAMUSIC's violin + rock albums if you're up for that
Xi-On and RichaadEB had some good metal tracks
Why does she look like she just saw the most disgusting person?
I think it's hard to find 2hu slow metal in general. Xi-on, Crow's Claw, S.S.H Aether, even most of Demetori etc. always go hard.
Some metal vocal like to go slow but not quite chill like you posted.
I'll give them a try, thanks. I'm really picky when it comes to finding metal I like but hopefully it'll work out.
It's less about slow metal and more about the particular sound. It's a bit hard to quantify, maybe they go hand in hand and that's why I can't find more of it. In this case the instruments sound very different from their other albums and that's the part in particular I'm looking for more of.
google it you nigger
Maybe the bass?
By the way, Personally I think this one kinda give the same vibe
But I'm not sure if it's right up your alley
You might have already listened to it, but try Il Mondo dove e finito il Tempo. Some of the songs are slower than usual Demetori stuff.
And this isn't strictly metal, but give some Sally albums a try. A lot of songs have a slow and mellow guitar you might like. Vocals can be hit or miss though.
>Il Mondo dove e finito il Tempo
You're right, that's the closest that they've done, thanks for reminding me. And those Sally songs sound pretty good, I'll definitely check them out.
>1ccd the literal easiest touhou game
>probably not even on normal
yes, dont seek validation for your hobbies on Yea Forums
>literal easiest touhou game
>when the literal PCB sakuya exists in a literal sense
PCB doesn't give you a ridiculous deathbomb window
Pick Reimu
Deathbomb is overrated
Congrats user!
i did it on normal
why is sakuya so good in pcb? i'm curious
Whta do you think about the polls?
>Twice as many bombs compared to Marisa, so you can bomb as soon as you think "this looks hard"
>ALL bullets are homing, so you can focus on dodging instead of staying below the boss
I think I might be able to get my first normal 1cc after playing with her
but it's easier to spam deathbombs since they're not as expensive
only retards think IN's system is anything but a gimmick
>Starting with SA
>hear it's one of the harder ones but it doesn't boot me back to the menu no matter how many game overs I get
>used this to power through to yuugi so far
Someday I'll be able to get through in one shot, but I'm abusing this shit as much as I can to learn these stages first.
Practice mode exist, man
Despite the prevalence of anime girls, a comparatively low number of faggots.
Possibly because people in 2hu have autism rather than loneliness, and autism is a superpower while loneliness is a disease.
I did the same, SA with Marisa/Alice taught me that it was possible to clear the games, even if it was just with continues back then
Fuck off Kancollenigger stormfag
I use it for other games, but for some reason being able to just try and try and try until I get to the next stage to repeat the process feels more my style as far as progressing goes.
also remember that is easier to beat Okuu with 1cc instead of using continues: ideally you can reach stage 6 with more than 2 lives
Does anyone have save files for the unlocked extras? I'm too lazy to figure out what they are.
Because she sees gays who talk about "gaymez" instead of appreciating Eirin's butt.
>can't get to Remi if you play on rz mode
>get Eirin instead of Kaguya if you use a continue
>lmao dude just use continues over and over again it doesn't matter
Name your favourite game
What's deal with MoF being easy on bombs? Doesn't it drain your Power any time you use it no matter what?
Yeah but it's easy to abuse the system when the screen is full of power pick ups.
Objectively good 2hu:
Objectively shit 2hu:
Are you being serious or fishing for (You)s to call you a secondary?
Probably a mix of both.
I am serious about being a secondary.
>all these /jp/-lite 2hus
Really tells what kind of faggot you are.
you don't need power to capture most cards
>missed an entire thread
why is stage 4 of IN so fucking good, bros
>/jp/-lite 2hus
I dare you to list down all the /jp/-lite 2hus
>missed an entire thread
Good. This thread was horseshit and made because OP probably couldn't spam Tenshi in previous thread.
Hey guys, I have the 1 terabyte music collection but I don't know where to start listening in there. Recommended artists and albums?
>Literally the best characters as boss
>Both have amazing music and spellcard
>Fun dialogues
>Chase into the forest
State what genre do you like first, but I'll recomment Kuroneko Lounge/Black Cat Lounge and Demetori anyway.
Stage 6 is better
>didn't know what touhou was
>downloaded a bunch of doujin games from doujinstyle
>downloaded some shmup
>there's a bunch of them
>start at the first because I always start at the first game of a series
>eventually a fighting game what?
>keep playing all of them
>didn't even know about the fandom until later
I don't know what I am.
same here, but Xi-on and Demetori had good tracks
Don't know if NEET is in there, but they're god-tier
I don't know either, but sounds like you're evolving into a primary, keep going
Hello people with shit taste that completely missed what FS (and touhou in general) is about
>went to sleep.
>Come back.
>Thread is still alive.
Holy shit.
I know that feeling quite too well...
I got into Touhou because of "Alice Unbelievable Assault" and Mugen and went right into the games from there (didn't bother to check anything else other than what it is), but only years later when I found about Bad Apple and Chen meme, both on Yea Forums, that Touhou fandom is massive.
This might sound high on pedestal, I say we're lucky to be more "genuine" than those who dwelled on meme and porn first.
It doesn't matter though, since I only seriously digging up the lore and tried 1cc'd the game on higher difficulty than Normal after I was exposed to the fandom, and I do regret missing out some older fanworks.
>occasionally play touhou but never really got gud
>playing them a bit more in the last few days, hoping to get better
>start up IN
>"Oh fuck yes, I'm getting really good at this, I'm dodging bullets left and right, I don't need to spam bombs anymore, I'm the motherfucking fist of the north star, I've finally gotten good at tou-"
>Maiden's Capriccio starts playing
>play EoSD
>off to a great start
>make it to Patchouli
>make it through patchouli, only lose one or two lives
>die to midboss Sakuya
Touhou 7, 10, GFW, Double Spoiler, 12 and 14
needle Reimu if we're talking shot types
Yakumo familty if we're talking fanon
I like the maid girl with the knives, and only because of that one geister fanart.
Otherwise, I've never procured any touhou product ever.
ZUN wouldn't kill his girl characters.
His mistake was the way he handled the buildup in the first place.
>Kuroneko Lounge/Black Cat Lounge
Absolutely based
Does focusing with ReimuA in PCB make you deal more damage?
>thread is still up
holy shit
Focusing tends to decrease projectile spread so yeah
I mean which one doesn't?
I mean homing talismans. They become big ass and I only shoot 3 rows of non-homing ones. Does that missing row go into homing?
ReimuA is weird in that game, when she's far away her unfocused shot is STRONGER (and weaker up close, where focused is better)
really depends, the unfocused shots with wide spread tend to be stronger when point blank, like ReimuB also in PCB. On top of that unfocused racks up cherry faster.
What's with the increase for john fanarts?
she jumped from 54 to 36 in the new popularity poll, so maybe Japan is getting over their shit taste and realising she's actually a pretty good character
Maybe is relatednto her boost in the popularity rank. But that pic is a group shot, not Jo'on only.
Everyone from touhou 16 is still pathetically low, however.
What kind of literal retard would think that ZUN of all people would kill off the main character of her own manga?
Someone has the rip of flan new cute fangame?
Threads almost over. Claim your touhou on your way out.
Ok, I guess.
I'm only on pcb but out of 2 games that I've played I like Patchouli the most.
All mine
I claim Keine and Mokou.
>500 answers
>140 posters
Is our autism that big?
New to the series I take it?
>roughly three and a half posts per poster
honestly that's not that bad
>bump limit
The happy elf thanks you for your time and bids you farewell on your way out!
Waaa! Your imposter again! I literally just pressed post when your post appeared. Bad fake elf, have a mary sue ruining your sleep.
This was , i was so upset i forgot to reply.
My mom
Someone has touhoumon hina sprite?
Very cute.
Cute, but I said sprite.
Is this fine?