what should she keep saying?
What should she keep saying?
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alright, someone explain the latest meme
Her face is so bad
Thats a spicey spaghetti and meatbolls
what's wrong with her face?
Dunkey has a symmetrical face, if he lost 100 lbs he'd probably look like an 8/10
I don't understand, I'm a humorless boring cunt and I can and did get a better looking gf. Do girls just not care about humor?
Fucking hell sky williams finally beat dunkey in smash
dunkey's wife had sex with a black man and Dunkey filmed it.
So this the guy who hates KH......
Lmao you got me
imma need some source on this
Looks are the only thing that matter.jpg
she looks like a squirrel
fuck i wanna make her moan like that nigger did
there's some cuckolding video where the guy filming sounds like dunkey
He was skinnier in his face reveal video and he kind of just looked like a scrawny nerd.
literally who
search the archive, there were dozens of threads about it last night.
I can't believe she watched the video. A video of a girl who looks like her getting railed by a black guy while a dude that sounds like her boyfriend encourages her. I wonder how this will end.
What makes you think a fat pasty white nerd with fucked up teeth and a shitty pube beard whose sole life purpose is video games and the video equivalent of shitposting deserves some 9/10 knockout?
He’s not good looking, he’s fucking someone about as high on the totem pole as himself, what exactly is the issue?
post video you fucks
legendary moment that some random user managed to get Yea Forums to watch a clip from a cuckold porn multiple times
Has potential to be Chad lite with a better haircut and no glasses unironically.
I can't believe Yea Forums watched cuckold porn so they could be upset about something
Is hate an addiction?
I miss skinny dunk.
this is the most accurate.
the chick kinda sounds like her too but she has birth marks all over her that dunkeys girl don't have so it really isn't her. But it is still a fun meme i guess.