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What sold it?
Okay, now give me some interactivity and moving objects, maybe some explosions n shiet too, while we're at it. And above 30 fps, if possible
Literally in the fucking video you stupid retard.
Cute rocks
Nice, I bet the textures look like ass at a real resolution
And? Looks like a pretty shit game
Doesnt look that much better than terrain on frostbite 2, if at all
Fuck Epic and fuck Unreal Engine
>awful everything except the static basic and easy to do photogrammetry which is a concept used in the past decade
Eat fucking shit you dumb fuck.
That's not how it works, and here's a 4k stream.
user, its a 48 second webm on a Taiwanese cotton spinning circus
Sacrifices had to be made
Yeah, it shows.
Unreal engine 4 is fucking garbage for photorealism. See in OP's video? Only cloudy or foggy environments work okay because they hide so much detail. This is no better than Death Stranding running on a bare PS4. Try harder OP.
where's the gameplay?
oh right
>Western developers
>we totally arent trying to knock off the Death Stranding aesthetic
Is this just fantasy?
>Unreleased tech demos
When are you ever going to be in a location like that?
Except you can’t always see the real thing, nigger. In fact there’s a very few things you can see in the 3hours you have off wageslaving in the middle of the midwest.
Is this suppose to be a argument against realistic graphics?
>tech demo shows off stuff that no game will look like for another decade or more
Why does this always happen?
That's not hard to do when you're only showing us fucking rocks.
Lets see you make rocks that look better
it runs at 60+ fps on a single 1080
This is incredible, you nay sayers are fucking know nothing retards
t. 3d fag
Combat in death stranding confirmed
I'd rather not, user. I am not interested in rock formations.
monolith killed it.
It looks like shit when he switches to real time. This is bullshot marketing fluff.
the whole thing was in real time
Just like movies with good CGI, I'm not impressed by realistic graphics in games anymore.
I just want creative and good gameplay.
Battlefront looks better
It doesn't.
It is a pain for the eyes to look at that much sharpening.
I mean, it looks like shit compared to proper renders period. Every game engine does. They're chock full of shitty compromises and hacks, but that's the expense of realtime rendering rasterized or hybrid. I think we can all agree that UE is a graphical powerhouse. I can't think of anything other than the heavily modified Lumberyard they use for Scam Citizen that parallels it.
That's obviously fucking real you dumbass. Get your eyes checked.
Tell that to the Dutch Golden age and their paintings.
wow ... rocks ... amazing!
wake me up when you have footage of dense forests with hundreds of animals moving and doing complex takes at the same time
Go outside. Have sex.
>No characters in sight
It's shit.
Thing with Driveclub is that it feels so much better to look at in videos where you don't get to experience 30fps unresponsiveness than to play it. I wish I knew about it before I bought it and all dlc.
This game with photorealistic graphics where you can fly around in space and conquer planets is boring because it looks too photorealistic?
>sub 30 fps
This argument doesn't work just for graphics, though. I'm never going to set foot on a desert world with a laser rifle in my hands and shoot stormtroopers while giant mechnical tanks stomp around the battlefield. None of that is realistic. When I take damage, I also don't feel it nor do I die when my character dies. I will never interact with aliens. Renoir is also talking theoretically. He didn't necessarily believe what he was saying, he was just shooting the shit.
Driveclub is a tragedy. Studio Liverpool was closed for this trash shitshow. And now Commie-$ony is going to pull the plugs on the servers.
At some point in time, i stopped caring about graphics, so let me ask the people here, if games reach the point where graphics are exactly like real life, as if you were playing a movie, would that affect your enjoyment in a significant way? If posible, explain why
graphics whores are extremely low iq. hence why they are graphics whores in the first place
If it could be in combination with VR or in the Future tap in to your brain to fake the senses it could be godlike. Lose yourself in a form of the matrix.
Think of the porn
It isn't sub 30fps
Great, video games finally caught up with campy early 70's sci-fi movies' CGI.
you don't have to wait that long. just start taking hallucinogenic drugs now.
Looks good. What is the game about?
Still getting cucked by Unity lmao.
shooting nerf balls on a lonely planet
>in the Future
And what about now?
>using brown everything to hide shitty graphics
Fuck off.
it looks like shit when it changes to the FPS gamelike
>ground literally moves near the end
>bodies vanish in front of the player
>billions spent on 4K, Ray tracing, graphics, etc
>can’t make a fucking normal ass person look realistic
Surely you can understand why animating a believable human is literally the most difficult thing for a computer to do next to perfect fluid simulation
We spend most of our lives looking at other people than anything else, it's really hard to pinpoint all the subtle features that make a human stand alive, I mean hell, they still can't make normal eyes even in prerendered CGI movies.
True. Minecraft is the second best selling game of all time and it's not because of realism.
>a short limited tech demo looks nice
Why make actually good games with a lot of replay value when you can just put all your budget into getting the highest resolution rock/cement textures and marketing?
No, no I don't understand why.
because you don't know anything about CG
Because they're extremely complex in a huge number of different ways and your brain is unbelievably good at instantly recognizing when even one element is the least bit wrong
What is the point of this boring ass realism? Why not just make a fucking movie with real people
and locations at that point
oh it's nothing
I really don't get how everyone always agrees with this retard.
The greatest and best ideas/inventions/art is inspired by nature and observing reality.
Animating believably is actually easier to do in this day and age thanks to motion capturing. It's the graphics and modeling of a realistic human that is still far from ever being believable
Yeah animating is the wrong word, I should have said simulating or something
Why not? Photo real to this point has basically never been done so let's see where it goes. You stupid cry baby bitch, I can almost taste your salty tears from here.
"b-buht why is it real and b-boring??"
I'll never understand the "who cares if you can draw hyper real? Why not just take a picture??????"
Because you fucking faggot, drawing things from imagination and making them look real can't be done with a picture, or a movie. A movie would be CGI and you can't play the movie. Hyper real in games is exciting because game designers will now create things that haven't been made before, in a video game, that is playable.
Looks incredibly boring.
There's a difference between using nature as influence and straight up trying to replicate it 1:1
People said that about VR and it ended up being Wii waggling but with the screen strapped to your face.
RDR2 is getting there, I think Death Stranding will be the first video game where it actually fucks with people's concept of reality. Horses in the Back is just the first straw of new weird culture
Yes, it shows
Have you ever noticed how every time someone tries to show off hyper realistic graphics it's always establishing shots of rocks and cliffs?
What mod is this
Anyone else not give a shit about this meme trash? All I really care about are frames and how fun it is.
People still play Nintendo's handheld bullshit FFS. The shit in this webm isn't going to be a thing for maybe like 10 or 15 years.
Well, making a real life Matrix would be cool.
human being are the most complex objects in the known universe
you can't go and see/do that in real life doofus. you can go do what a walking simulator in the woods does though.
RIP Driveclub