It's okay to like cute girls

It's okay to like cute girls

It's okay to play games just because they feature cute girls

So when somebody asks why you like "sexist" "male-centric" games like Nier Automata or Compile Heart titles, don't start shyly stuttering about plot or gameplay or music or whatever.
Be proud, stand up, put your head up high and say "I like this game because the girls are cute and sexy, and looking at cute and sexy girls makes me feel good!"
There is absolutely no shame in being a man who likes cute girls!

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The fact that you have to justify yourself says a lot.

Or say it in a non-tism way:
"I like fan service games and this one appeals to me."

This is the opposite, you shouldn't have to justify it!
You shouldn't apologise!
Never be shamed!

When the feminist asks you to explain yourself as to why you play these games just say: I like cute girls like you

Then firmly grab their waist

works every time


What if I'm a gay barafag and I genuinely just like seeing cute girls doing cute things

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shut up rapist

just don't go after the real ones, user

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She’d probably get offended and call you a molester or something then blog about it later.
Then, alone in her bedroom, she’d replay the moment over and over in her mind while blushing over the fact that a guy called her cute

>It's okay to play games just because they feature cute girls
wrong, you should be playing games for their GAMEPLAY, which all these weeaboo cute girl shits do NOT have.

Like Borderlands 3

You're a male and play a game because it has cute/hot women, like DOA, which fulfills your fetishes and hetero unrealistic physical expectations?
BAD male, BAD!

You're a female and play a game because it has cute/hot men, like Dream Daddy, which fulfills your fetishes and homo unrealistic romantic expectations?
You're not hurting anyone, a game is just a game and it's ok to fantasize a bit, that's what games are for, and there's nothing wrong about it.
And you're homophobic if you disagree!

What game is this?

Your post falls apart once we realize girls don't play videogames

I just like cute girls because they're cute, not because they're sexy. I think that's weird. But I respect your right to be weird.

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>you should be playing games for their GAMEPLAY
>which all these weeaboo cute girl shits do NOT have
You do know that for Sony systems the most innovative and non-casualized third person shooter this WHOLE FUCKING GEN is a pantsu shooter, right?
>inb4 but Uncharted is hard on its hardest mode
Bullet Girls is hard ON ITS NORMAL MODE. It's not made with casuals in mind so the game can actually be respectful to the players instead of treating them like brainless retards.

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your reply falls apart once you realize girls do play videogames, they just don't play the same games males do, and they do play Dream Daddy.

GunGun Pixies made in collaboration with the same devs who make Bullet Girls and Compile Heart.

hard for you maybe, you braindead weeaboo

I like cute girls
But cute girls do not justify shitty games

Nice try tranny. Back to your discord.

____ ___

>It's okay to play games just because they feature cute girls
Now this is something I truly don't understand. I love cute girls as much as the next guy here but if you think I'm paying $60 just to look at girls with some mediocre to non existant gameplay,you must be really thinking with your penis

Bullet Girls 2 was rape-kino

How about you prove it?
Just remember
>No auto health regen
>small as fuck time limits
>no auto cover
>no sliding on melee attacks
>no enemy tracking on melee attacks
>focus of the game is different from normal 3rd person shooters so you need to account for its unique requirements if you don't want to get baby ranks
Good luck, Tell me when you beat Yurina.

>oppai lolis
You have five seconds to get the fuck out

Oh god, don't even get me started on that
>Shimakaze rescue mission where the first and second years go to save their senpai
>notice the helicopter but it's not attacking you so you ignore it, the shimakaze is dropping cannon shots on you
>clear out all enemies and can now head to the shimakaze to take out the turrets
>Chopper starts chasing you
>have to decide if you'll die by helicopter or ship cannons
>tfw I almost managed to clear out the first section of cannons
>unlucky roll put me in the line of fire of the last cannon as it fires
I LOVE IT also that final mission my fucking god.

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There's only one loli in that whole picture. The others are normal high school girls

I've watched some gameplay of that game, it seems alright but it feels like it's missing something polish wise. I don't think shooters are Japanese dev's strongest genre.
I'd fucking love if you could get a cute anime girl-having shooter with the level of polish of a triple A game, western or Japanese.

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Somewhat adorable I suppose.

I meant the crying faces the girls make but I'm glad you had fun with it

It's unpolished since its a niche game made on fuck all budget. I would too and hopefully we'll see a Dolls/Girls Frontline game if the two upcoming gacha ip console games are well received.
Grubble looks to be pretty neat and stylish. AL's gameplay looks pretty fun

Oh yeah, of course. How could I forget Jinmon?

That might be neat, though I'd like something with more realistic guns in it, the Bullet Girls game has that going for it at least. What's Grubble, that doesn't seem to bring anything up.

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Granblue Fantasy's shorthand name.
I'd hope if a Girls Frontline game is made Shade are either the devs for it or they collaborate with someone else.

But what if I like cute boys?

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Only Phantasia is translated, right? Is that one good, and will it run without slowdown if I overclock my vita?

based as fuck

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>oh no somebody likes things that I do not

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Yeah, though you can easily play through the first two with minimal nip knowledge quite easily.
Phantasia has the best controls out of the series and smoothest animation transitions but because they changed it from school setting to fantasy world the stripping mechanic for enemies isn't in as such a huge focus(only boss fights have it) so it doesn't feel as good. It's still fun but I personally think 1 and 2 are better.
>Will it run without slowdown on an overclocked vita
Maybe? I played my copy on PS4.

>I'd hope if a Girls Frontline game is made
user, I...

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Console game, you know what I meant since the post was about Granblue Fantasy Re;Link and Azur Lane Cross Wave.

No you don't understand user, since CNY there has been a huge chain of dev drama within MICA team and so basically the working title "Girls Frontline 2" was revealed by a certain disgruntled now FORMER employee of MICA to be in development hell and may very well likely never happen now.

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Oh... I didn't know that. Well... fuck everything

It sucks but it was sure one hell of a ride to watch happen in realtime.
If you wanna know more in detail about the situation look in the /gfg/ Brainlet Theatre under FAQ, MICA Artist drama for a compilation of everything that went down.