It's called hack n' slash, you dumbfucks.
It's called hack n' slash, you dumbfucks
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Diablo is a Hack'n'Slash you dumb fuck. Learn your RPG history.
>not calling them spectacle fighters
Isn't the estabilished term for these games "slasher"?
It's character action game and if you do not agree you are wrong
DMCV reminds me more of a musou game.
t. yahtzee
It's "stylish action".
Isn't it a Beat 'em ups-RTS game?
I just call them “Crazy Action.”
I often hear this but it sounds so fucking retarded to call Diablo a hack n' slash.
Character action, you mongrel.
You need to have piss poor press one button to win gameplay to deserve being called a musou.
sounds all of V's levels
I imagine that someone that plays it on DH difficulty the first time through might actually think it's exactly that.
>Called it an action game all these years
>Now its an issue.
I don't see the issue. Was the problem sharing this title with crap like Dynasty Warriors games? Because honestly I don't care Smash is a fighter competitively who cares you can dislike something under the same label.
Sure, DMC5 on normal is an easy game but someone who may find the game similar to Musou after just a single minute of playing may have brain damage. The quality of everything is galaxies apart.
Because you have brain problems.
I mean the box art for D2 calls it an action adventure rpg
You won't be beating Cerberus/Urizen final/Vergil without orbs thinking that though and if you're using orbs you probably don't care about being good at any game since orbs on DH is some next level disappointment.
Dynasty warriors is a musou
Well yeah the graphics are way better than your ordinary musou game.
However I do think most people beat tutorial Urizen and unlocked SoS that is way less braindead than DH.
>Not calling them spectacles romance
more like fag and slash...
That Diablo is called a hack n' slash literally only comes up in "how is the genre of DMC called" threads. You can't have a genre with just one game and every game that plays similary to Diablo is called a Diablo clone and not a hack n' slash. Stop dreaming, Diablo didn't manage to establish the genre name hack n' slash, no one ever uses it so give it a rest.
I mean you are obviously underage and haven't been even alive when these games were in their prime so what the fuck would you know?
It's an RPG term, your genre has no place using it.
"hack n' slash" is a shit genre name and shouldn't be used to describe any game.
All those things are irrelevant. 99% of the time I hear someone use "hack n' slash" they mean a DMC type of game. I even heard many normalfags use the term. If someone refers to a Diablo type of game they call it Diablo clone, never once in my entire life have I heard anyone use "hack n' slash" on a Diablo clone.
That fucking article even mentions how it's used with action games.
It's used because fucking mouthbreathers like you and game journalists are unironically braindead. See roguelikes. Just because it contains some parts of it does not make it one.
You have never heard it referred to Diablo clones because you are underage.
this, even causing contention about the specific labels within genres is arbitrary and frankly, retarded.
Your favorite genre description is dead like Diablo itself boomer, just accept it and move on.
Character action you dummy
It's actual rip n' tear
What would you call it, then?
It's called
>make me feel stupid because in the heat of battle I can never remember to combo properly and fuck up the timings in the pauses
>99% of the time I hear someone use "hack n' slash" they mean a DMC type of game.
unsubstantiable claim, and thus a worthless statement.
>That fucking article even mentions how it's used with action games.
and people have begun to call images with text in them "memes", but that does not make it correct.
>play DMC using rebellion
>it’s a hack and slash
>switch to gauntlet weapons
>becomes a beat em up
Literally no one calls Diablo a hack n' slash while a good portion of people who play DMC and DMC-esque games call them that.
>and people have begun to call images with text in them "memes", but that does not make it correct
Most retarded statement I have ever heard. Memes become memes because people want and use them that way. The same as genre titles. Tons of genre names that are used today were established by journalists to begin with.
If we go by your rules we must go trough official meme registration, that's how autists like it.
>what is confirmation bias
Stop talking to retards.
I am a fan of Devil May Cryalikes
Slightly off topic but I absolutely despise the term Soulslike.
When's the last time you ever heard anyone refer to Diablo as a hack n' slash without any association with DMC?
>one broad genre that can mean anything
>a narrow genre that will instantly make people understand what the gameplay is like
hmmm I wonder what term people should use?
I don't get you faggots. Is there a single reason to be against the creation of a new genre name?
Since I don't play DMC and don't speak to troglodytes, anyone who says h'n's to me means Diablo.
>to me
Cool. But most people don't mean Diablo when thy say it.
you're not really role playing though
>to me
So just like what you keep repeating you mongoloid. Cool.
You’re all retards it’s just an “action game” I don’t know why all these people feel like they need to make up a new name for a well established genre.
So now you understand how "people I talk to mean DMC when they say hack 'n' slash" is not an argument.
The label has its roots in D&D, it's simply retarded to use it for anything that has nothing to do with RPGs.
There are 12 people on the whole planet, you included, who call Diablo in this day and age. What it used to be called doesn't matter in the slightest, because the term has become antiquated for games like Diablo since A) Diablo is dead, and B) there are now games that are much more suitable for the term, like DMC.
Diablo and HnH's application to it are obsolete. Deal with it.
So you are one of those simpletons that would call Binding of Isaac a roguelike.
I guess it's a waste of time replying to you.
According to your rules gender studies programs are correct when they say you can’t be racist to white people because they changed thier definition of racism. People like you are the reason retards bastardize language. Words become meaningless when everyone has their own set of definitions based one thier small sub groups. Language is meant to communicate ideas, if you can communicate those ideas with your friends, great, but don’t get pissy when you look like a retard because you wanted to use “your” definitions rather than the words established and recorded usage.
>There are 12 people on the whole planet, you included, who call DMC hack n' slash in this day and age
It doesn't even make sense since you can have games in a similar style without hacking or slashing (God Hand, Vanquish) or where it's not the focus (Bayonetta)
Nice try, retard but we are talking about words with loose definitions to begin with. Comparing a genre description like hack n' slash with a dictionary term like racism is just pure stupidity at this point.
Nice stramwan, retard. But no. First of all, DMC is a genre innovator, it's not any game's clone, so it can't be "like" anything else. Second, I'm just telling you how it is: hack n' slash makes more sense and is more applicable to games like DMC and its peers rather than Diablo. Third, I've never played Binding of Isaac.
>These games are made by Platinum so therefore they are in the same genre as DMC
That makes no sense whatsoever. The only game that's remotely similar to DMC from the ones you mentioned is Bayonetta.
>it's a label that literally comes from tabletop RPGs
>more applicable to DMC than fucking Diablo
Do you have brain problems?
>God Hand is not similar to DMC
>The only game that's remotely similar to DMC from the ones you mentioned is Bayonetta.
Then my point stands.
Those tabletop players totally imagined playing some RPG game when talking about hacking and slashing monsters and not some dope action sequence. Don't pretend like you understand shit about tabletop RPGs.
>Most people beat tutorial urizen
surely you don't actually believe this?
>DMC is a genre innovator
Then why are you using an already established genre name to define it instead of something new? If you are saying DMC innovated the hack n’ slash genre that still makes no sense because it has no rpg elements, loot pools, and enemy mobs are significantly smaller than they should be.
So when people say irregardless or “I could care less” they are correct because all the retards around them use them that way?
Why was Diablo using a tabletop RPG term instead of using something new?
They sure as shit didn't imagine spinning around like they are in some fucking anime you bitchboy.
It actually fits.
Answer me question first faggot.
No it doesn't.
Because the tabletop term was a derogatory way of referring to players/campaigns that focused entirely on combat without any regard for actual role playing. When Diablo came out, people applied the term "hack & slash" to it to distinguish it from more traditional RPGs (things like Ultima or Baldur's Gate that more closely emulated real DnD) because it cut many of the role-playing elements in favor of a pure focus on combat.
That's just grammatically incorrect nigger slang just like using double negatives. What has this to do with anything?
The answer was given long ago. It's wasn't an established genre name since clearly no one fucking uses it.
It literally does.
And when the term was completely dead they used hack and slash for other games, completely devoid of any relation to tabletop games, since those are dead now too. Hack and slash is a fucking generic phrase, you can use it in normal speech, there is absolutely nothing special about it and no one will think you referred to tabletop RPGs.
It's not something specialized like Metroidvania or Roguelike. With Roguelike I can totally understand why people get angry when people misuse it because it's something that was clearly established, a new word created for a specific type of game. But hack and slash existed before tabletop games as a generic phrase and it continues to exist after it. And since it was always a general phrase it doesn't matter how and what people use it on. This argument is so fucking retarded.
Just because you mom shit you out 12 years ago and you don’t know what genres are called doesn’t make you correct. You and your zoomer friends have been using the term incorrectly just like the people that say “could care less”, which isn’t a grammatically incorrect, it’s just wrong in the context of what they are trying to convey. Just like you. When you say hack n’ slash you are incorrect in is usage and convey ideas that you didn’t mean becuase YOUR definition is not THE definition. You fail at communication because you are too young to understand the term. The same way someone who calls saved by the bell and anime is retarded even if all his retard friends say it’s an anime and if he never heard someone use the term anime in reference to a Japanese animated work.
It literally doesn't.
I showed your posts to my dad and he thinks you're wrong too.
These games should be called Brawlers. It's like "beat em up" (the kind of game that inspired DMC), but doesn't specifically imply that you use unarmed combat.
Please get a trip so I can filter your retarded faggot ass. Table top isn’t dead, in fact it’s going through a resurgencebecuase of shit like Harmon Quest and Criticld Role, granted some see this as a bad thing. The other issue is while hack n’ slash maybe a general phrase it already has a usage in video games so you co-opting it is confusing for discussion and retarded. It would be like if I decided that when you pull of a super that barely connects with the opponent’s hit box in a fighting game it was called a “poke”.
The official definition of hack and slay neither includes tabletop RPGs nor Diablo. It's just a brief description for combat focused games or even films. The earliest use has nothing to do with anything you named either.
Just stop trying when you don't even know how definitions work.
The definition also doesn’t have DMC or Devil May Cry in it but that hasn’t stopped you.
Your dad is a faggot and I sucked his dick while you were typing.
Is it so hard to accept that people use hack and slash both for diablo clones and action games? You guys are fucking retarded. It's called hack and slash, it could mean literally everything. Maybe next time use something actually distinctive to call your genre instead of the most generic term available if you want distinctiveness.
Every game is an RPG because you play the role of someone. Sasuga retard.
Moving the goal post, I see. You started saying Diablo is not a hack n slash and now you say they both are, which is a faggot. If anything can be a hack n slash then Mario is a hack n slash, street fighter is a hack n slash, and your mom’s cunt is a hack n slash. Why bother with terms when they can mean whatever you want. He’s not a rapist, he’s a gentleman.
it's like God of war but anime so brawler
They are very much single-player fighting games. Why not just call them that.
If no one uses your word and it wasn't even invented by you then anyone can use it. Get fucked, mate.
So that cancerous internet argument finally reached the point of obtaining the last word.
I call them point n' clicks.
I did that,didn't want to play in the retarded normal mode