What is a true "gamer" game? Like, what is a game that absolutely every gamer should have played at least once?

What is a true "gamer" game? Like, what is a game that absolutely every gamer should have played at least once?

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Pong. Don't @ me, zoomers. :)

Super Mario Bros. 3
Ocarina of Time

Space invader
Super Mario Bros
Metal slug
Street fighter 2

Legend of Mario: Metroid of Prime

Cave Story.

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Graffiti Kingdom


Probably the only correct answer. Everyone else's seems to be "games I like" rather than games that fundamentally formed or defined a genre

Hot Slots

True gamer games are games that were made for men.

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you dont have to play it but if you can't understand why games are fun you should play pong until you get it

Anyone here has feelings of rising up? Ever since I've seen The Joker trailer, my urge to rise up has been well...rising as of late. I don't know what to do anymore.

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if I was able to play Terraria as a kid i would've become an absolute turbo sperg. The game is everything good about video games.

literally the only problem with it is that gathering can be tedious if you're not in the mood for it, but it provides challenges and a sense of adventure/mystery (what new item will I get while exploring?) that is absolutely pure. I'm seriously jealous that kids these days get to play this kind of shit while all I had was Sonic 2 as a kid.

original Deus Ex, no doubt about it. Im sure 90% of Yea Forums didnt finish the first level.

Easily Pong, because regardless of how much you can say things are 'deep' and a game is 'innovative' it matters to recognize that you literally need 2 bars and a dot to have fun

Add on any mario game and a zelda game or two and DOOM

Jesus Christ get off fucking Yea Forums you irrelevant piece of shit. Take your meds before bed or else Dorrine yells at you again. God, I fucking hate old people.

All of the day, bro

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Does your dick even work anymore? I bet everyone at the retirement home loves to hear your shitty Nam stories.

seems like you two need an assbeating at pong again

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Sonny and Sonny 2

I hope that post is exactly as ironic as I want it to be

Hahaha... You got triggered by Pong you fucking faggot.

Sonic 3 complete is the best game of all time
Dmc5 is second best

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Old fucks.

Rise up and start pirating every game. If you own a game, sell it and pirate it. That's how we beat the system.

The funniest thing about having a mental illness is everyone expects you to pretend you don't.

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What kind of gamer are you, Yea Forums?
You do play videogames, right?

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Yikes oof

Super Mario 64
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Final Fantasy 7
Halo 1

>this thread

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Metal Slug? For what reason. There are way better arcade side scrollers. Contra if you wanna be Old School, but if you just want the best instantiations, TNMT Turtles in Time is god tier.

MGS1 2 and 3

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This needs to be updated with Joaquin Joker.

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Did he do anything wrong?

is it just me

If you can point me to where I can find a higher definition of this, I could make it