Does anyone ACTUALLY like this lame character?
Does anyone ACTUALLY like this lame character?
No, female corrin sucks. Male is better.
Corrin's an awful character but he/she is hardly the worst FE rep in Smash.
Agreed. His feet are MUCH cuter.
No, she refused to kill the Japs even though I picked the evil side.
Corrin is just as much of a Mary Stu as Ike is. Only nostolgiafags believe otherwise.
Haruna does.
>In Smash
No, but at least he/she's isn't another Marth. Male Corrin has a faggot hairstyle too.
>In Fates
Never played it and don't care enough to do so.
Yeah. She cute, and dragon lunge's pin is a fun, new mechanic. Dragon fang is also a nice move with its charge + bite.
I like her in that she is one of the the only fire emblem characters in smash to play somewhat uniquely.
But in her game I don't give a shit about her, fire emblem has been shit for years now anyway.
She's a goddess don't you FUCKING besmirch her name
absolutely built for Takumi cock
>for years now
more like decades
Yeah, but Why the fuck does a shape shifting dragon have another fucking counter.
I've actually warmed up to the many marth clones. I like that there are similar characters with little differences
Ike was full retard but at least the game makes fun of him for it unlike Corrin who is also full retard but pretends to be smart
FemCorn is the only way
I like the Corrins. They are fun and different.
>but at least the game makes fun of him
Really hope FEtards don't believe this.
>I like her in that she is one of the the only fire emblem characters in smash to play somewhat uniquely.
Robin isnt unique to you?
Corrin is fun. Still for some reason catch shitters out that think my attack is finished after I finish firing my projectile.
It's really sad how you make a FE/smash/Corrin thread literally everyday. Fates was a mistake.
Not sure why people are fine with the Koopalings but not the Marthlike characters. It's pretty much the same concept except with a bit of a middle ground between quality and quantity.
Fuck off FEhater
I hated PoR though
How does that not make you a shit eater FEfag?
Not him but Robin is the best representation for FE in smash.
Kill yourself you delusional FEfag
At what? At bad games and your constant need to have a victim complex anout smash? No
Wish we had Tarja instead
i like the dair and the chainsaw while charging a smash attack
everything else kinda sucks
Why is she completely covered in armor except the feet? how does that even make sense?
Her bikini area isn't covered outside of smash
ive never played FE, but shes cute
It would be nice to have reps from the other classes in the game.
Literally exists solely to fill the footfag quota
Better to have no FE character at all.
Wii Fit Trainer though
Aren't you lucky.
you mean everything the picture shows in black is uncovered outside of Smash? that at least makes more aesthetic sense than being barefoot with complete armor
What makes Corrin play more differently than the average character in the game?
>muh dragon form!
By that logic Dr. Mario is unique because he uses a pill and no one else does. Outside of side b what move has a unique function?
> Bad games
Yet, the series is still alive
Because everyone made jokes at IS's expense on how Awakening had peg legs on everyone so when they could render feet they were so proud they made the MC and one of the most prominent characters always barefoot as though to say "WE DID IT WE MADE FEET"
Also someone there might be a foot fetishist, there's an interview somewhere saying one character got into FE Warriors because she had cute feet.
Lets her give footjobs on the battlefield.
So you're saying every ongoing piece of media is good?
No it doesn't make fun of him. Neither are good characters though.
>Justify Corrin being in the game!!!
I mean, the character already exists, this seems pretty dumb
How does that stop them from being bad? FEfags are mentally ill and buy the same shitty game over and over again
>Outside of the move that has a unique function, what move has a unique function?
Corrin's Smash attacks have hitboxes as they charge, for one. Only other one that has that does is Ness but that's only on 2/3. Likewise bAir moves Corrin, only other aerial that moves the character without dropping them down is Gunner fAir.
Corrinfags won't be able to come up with a argument. It's better no FE character but Marth and Robin (despite being shit) be in the game
>you mean everything the picture shows in black is uncovered outside of Smash?
I think so, yeah
She is actually pretty fun to play, and the smash incarnation is actually kinda overshadows the "real" one due having the gimmicks better realized and the voice actor be much more engaged/energetic.
For Fates Corrin being boring/bad is just a symptom of the core issue of just being plain badly written overall, A Mamkute/Manakete Lord could be interesting, A CHOOSE YOUR SIDE plot could be interesting, but Fates botches both, that said FemCorrin is more stomachable because you can embrace her as NAIVE AND DUMB PRINCESS stereotype more easily.
In Smash Corrin is just a cute energetic gal/guy with a chainsaw that turns into a dragon without being bogged down by BAD WRITING.
Basically, I like Smash/Parody Corrin.
>Stunning water bazooka that doubles as a powerful close range biting attack.
>Long lance-esque appendages that can pin opponents to the ground
>ability to stick from lance arm to a flying kick
>many attacks feature attacking with both morphed arm and chainsaw-sword, essentially acting as though using two melee weapons.
>every limb is a weapon
Oh, but I suppose since they have a single move that's similar to others nothing else counts huh?
Literally every post praising Corrin uses "not a marth clone!" as if that's some amazing quality that only Corrin could've given us.
Hell, FE characters are the only ones that get praised for not being clones (and even when they're clones they still get praised) yet look at discussions about every other smash character. When Inkling was revealed did we go "WHOOOO LOOK HOW DIFFERENT SHE IS THAN MII GUNNER 10/10" Or when Ridley came out "Not a Charizard clone! Good job Sakurai!"
Cope, FE is never going away.
>Corrin's Smash attacks have hitboxes as they charge, for one
Literally only one of them, and that's stolen from Ness.
Likewise bAir moves Corrin, only other aerial that moves the character without dropping them down is Gunner fAir.
And Rob.
Man for a "unique" character it's interesting how the best examples you can come up with is "has a move like another character in the game"
All you been saying is cope and seethe What exactly is the point? All you doing is making my job easier to insult you. Hell you FEfags do it yourself.
>Dr. Mario
Throws a pill at the opponent, unlike every other move in the game
Huh Guess Dr. Mario is unique!
>Some people say Corrin is good because "not a clone"
>Well I hate Corrin for no reason at all!
>Completely misrepresenting the argument
>Not even counting the literal list of points user has
user stop being such a faggot and drinking semen
Her neutral B is cool, I like her mid transformation style of fighting, all her smashes morph her hands or feet.
Corri is the most hated Smash character
And for a good reason
I was speaking purely of functional differences that other characters don't have rather than aesthetic differences just to avoid you saying this stupid non-argument.
You are retarded, that's why. You hate FE, yet you spend your time going on this thread and shit on the series.
If you don't like it, just ignore it. Why do this to yourself?
i'd say incineroar is more hated now. at least corrin is cute.
There's no reason any character from the worst IP should be in the game
You literally said "outside what makes the character unique, what makes the character unique?"
Corrin without Pin is like Bowser without his big boy armor. Name how Bowser is unique without naming the armor.
Corrin's probably getting cut next game anyway, as far as the FE reps go they represent the least.
If I was retarded I would pretend FE is good. Obviously that's not the case.
Dillon's Rolling Western is worse, literally no good games and only liked by furfags.
Let's hope
Man you’re real retarded. It’s not worth arguing with a fucking tranny like you.
>Yeah so what if I'm shitposting
Dude don't make it so obvious
Cool reply. Sure showed him.
Great argument. Don't you have to spam feet now you fucking pathetic faggot?
>I have no argument so I'll just call you a tranny =(
It's hilarious how quickly you give up when the other person has ONE good point
Now that's shit taste. There's no good FE game and the series is only liked by ironic weebs and normalfags. It's the laughing stock of the trpg community.
>Great argument
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, user. Also
>Ad homenim
Are you THAT angry holy shit lol
Well, yeah obviously
Yes the argument was that you don't have any vocabulary beyond "cope and seethe" to defend your bad series. Can't you read. Insulting a FEfag doesn't mean you are mad. It's a pass time for normal people.
As a Duck Hunt (DUO) main i am NOT looking forward to the fact a good chunk of the roster will probably get the slice for the next game, especially since logistically it would probably be unpopular uniques (Loads of work to implement) that gets the slice instead of popular clones/echoes (Little work to implement).
Man i really hope the whole NES Squad (IC,ROB,DH) gets to stay since they have some of the most interesting gimmicks.
No but I like her design and look
I want to tie her up and play with her feet.
t. Mentally ill
>Literally the only moves Corrin has in common with the rest of the cast is DownB, Uair and Fair
>character is drastically slower and weaker compared to the rest of the cast, sans Robin
Just drop the FE hate boner and think for yourself.
t. cancerous faggot
Holy shit, anal devastation
Not a footfag, but I like her feet
That's cute. He's thinks buzzwords make him sound smart. You should go to bed, you seem cranky.
One should never stop hating a bad series before you catch the FEfag disease.
Imagine not being unable to understand what buzzword means. I actually feel bad for you.
Yeah, her up B is definitely one of the most distinct things in the game. And so are her neutral sword swings, you won't find anything else like them at all in the game. The hit at different angles, woah!
>a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context.
Sounds like a buzzword to me. Also don't taint Dragon Quest with your shitposting.
A well calculated move straight out of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"
You are a fucking retard
to show off the game could render feet
Cringe was in existence long before you were born. Soiboy would be a buzzword. Nevermind a FEfag aka the mentally disabled shouldn't be talking about a actual good series.
Using "fag" as a suffix does not a buzzword make.
"Cringe" has been used since forever to describe stuff that is so embarrassing to watch it causes the viewer physical pain.
Lurk some more.
get a load of this cringefag
Corrin is the main character of the worst Fire Emblem plot to date, two games with terrible gameplay, a cancerous fanbase, and the ugliest fucking "dragon" form I've ever seen.
That said, it's decently fun to play as in smash. Not a character I'd main or anything, but it's ok.
Just because it has existed in the past doesn't mean it's not a buzzword. The point is you can't just say this overused word and think it makes you sound smart. It just makes you look immature since you're resorting to it instead of an actual argument or an acceptance of defeat. Also yes, I don't want the mentally disabled associating with a good game, that's why I don't want you associating with it.
tell me I'm not the only one who plays male corrin
I like him. It's liquid snake with a sword.
I like playing Corrin in smash. But Fates was the only game that I've played where I actually felt personally insulted by how stupid the plot was.
Corrin is cute, CUTE!
same desu
Yeah it actually does you fucking retard. We aren't even going to stop saying cringe. It's not some passing meme, its a acknowledged word in the english dictionary. Imagine being this retarded and a complete cringyfaggot. Not only are FEfags actually this mentally disabled they try to associate with good series to make up the fact they really love a bad one. The absolute state of FEfags right now.
FE characters are only good for porn. The games themselves are mediocre as hell and are only really alive because of waifufag/husbandofag pandering.
>a cancerous fanbase
FE as a whole as a cancerous fanbase.
let me guess. you still think echoes/clones waste slots
Based and truthpilled
Why do antiFEfags have to go and start shit? If you don't like something, why don't you just ignore it? What do you gain from screaming about it?
My brothers.
Why do FEfags always play the victim card when their shitty series is attacked and criticized?
Based and bogpilled
He's so cute...
FE fags dont like Fates either though
This whole thread is the reason why the Smash community hates FE fags.
You guys are degenerates.
FEfags dont even like their own series.
Anyone with a brain hates FE and its fanbase
Ike is far more of a Mary Sue, Corrin is portrayed as hopelessly idealistic to the point his/her siblings have to bail them out from being retarded, Ike is just “da greatest fighter evar who talks shit to nobles and gets away with it because he fight so gud”
besides dark pit I thought she was the worse inclusion in smash. Now that time has passed I can say she's better then Robin atleast.
Literally the only thing going on for em is the feet.
Yes she is super cute.
Corrin is also realistically stupid because they were locked in a tower for most of their life.
And pure!
I like her pink alt because it sort of looks like Tsubasa's carnage form outfit. Also she's fun and cute.
Fates is horrendous and Corrin is the worst FE lord though.
Imagine bumping on page 10 for that pointless reply.
The games, especially Radiant Dawn treat Ike like a godly presence. A "humble mercenary" who exclusively shows up to bail out every single kingdom with his invincible fighting style.
I love her big tittied onee-chan more and wish she was in smash instead.
He's fun, cute and I can represent my wifey with him.
Imagine being a bitch over someone bumping a video games related thread on the video games board.
Yes you shit eating pierifaggot
>video games
Feet threads aren't video games you stupid faggot
Retards make the best girls
You added two letters to FE, retard.
>footfaggot actuallt thinks this is a FE
Not only is it not, it's both smash cancer and feet shit. Imagine being this delusional.
Yes you are delusional pierifag. How much shit have you shoved down your mouth. Answer the question
Stay mad bitch answer the question. I have all day.
Stop hating on Fire Emblem fans all the time retard, don't you have anything productive to do?
Who should FemCorn marry?
He does this whenever I post her, it's kinda pathetic.
May be you should stop making thread about your terrible character
Maybe because she's a piece of fucking dogshit and you have the audacity to shit on characters while pretending the worst character in this shit series is good. And you try and call me pathetic. Fucking irony
Why are you so weirdly obsessed with shitting on the only enjoyable character in the worst FE game
Corrin is my main main at this point. I like her movement options and smacking my friends with that dair is great.
You actually can't be this much of a shit eating fucking delusional faggot.
I'm not the one who's telling people to kill themselves over liking a character I don't. Like, as much as I hate Lyn and Miccy sue their fans shouldn't fucking die for liking them.
Yes I love her feet VERY much.
Yeah actually you should die because you are a obnoxious dipshit with shit taste and love to spread your cancer around. Total cringe.
Stop pretending you like her for any reason other than the hair.
He needs to stop existing at all with his shit character
I NEED to finish Conquest so I can coast through Birthrite and then Revelations
Nice job missing the entire point.
That's not the case at all. I love all aspects of her.
I like her cute smelly feets!
I don't think her character was quite as bad as people say. The problem was just the game's writing.
Take Lilith's death for example. It's meant to be this huge emotional scene for Corrin and, honestly, it makes sense how it would be. One of the people she's known for the longest time and the first person she truly managed to save, died along the way as she was trying to achieve peace for all. That should be emotional for her.
Problem is we as players don't give a shit about Lilith. We meet her then she gets booted into the castle to be some pet we have to feed everytime we go there. She has no dialogue apart from getting food. I found it annoying I had to keep feeding her all the goddamn time so when it came to her death scene I didn't give two fucks.
There's also the issue of her siblings being way too forgiving and nice to her, so she's not allowed to be challenged all too much.
Certainly, the potential was there and she has nice character moments. I like the paralogue with her kid where she goes absolute batshit with rage over the prospect some random bandits might kill them. It was nice and reminded me that this person does have dragon blood in them. We needed more of that but maybe Revelation has it, I dunno.
What point? You didn't have one at all. The only point that matters is you deserve death so no one has to look at your disgusting posts anymore avatarfagging cuck
You're pathetic because you're making sure you go and insult me because I like something you don't instead of just talking about something you like. You're pathetic because I wasn't even trying to fuck this thread like this, and I guess it's partially my fault for even doing something about it but fuck, if you didn't post this wouldn't be a fucking issue. You piss me off and I don't even understand why you do this, which pisses me off even more. I wanna say I hate you but you're not even worth that.
Don't worry, this guy is probably dumb enough to accidentally reveal he's underage at some point and he'll get himself banned.
I can assure you that nothing helps Corn in Rev. They're the same as the other two paths.
I love the fact you hate me. I want you to seethe and burn in hell. Always making sure of your obnoxious presence known and shoving your shit fucking character everywhere and can't take a hint through your thick skull like the avatarfag you are. You are a fucking annoying faggot with shit taste and completely delusional about your shit character to the point you need to slice your throat. If there's one simple fact is that you have goddamn bad taste, almost as bad as a the people who think Echoes is good. Blatantly ignoring that you yell about how everyone that doesn't like the most garbage, shitty and insufferable character of all time are the ones who have shit taste when called out, unironically shitpost about it, and "wahhhh stop hurting my fee-fees!!!!!!"
I call you delusional, really that's objectively what you are but it wouldn't matter would it? It's too hard not to cringe when you post. You sit next to a trash can and shovel garbage into your greasy cakehole while calling everyone that doesn't like the taste of actual literal refuse has shit taste.
Keep on shoveling that shit down your throat, you retarded tasteless double nigger and blow your brains out
Imagine being this delusional
>Certainly, the potential was there and she has nice character moments. I like the paralogue with her kid where she goes absolute batshit with rage over the prospect some random bandits might kill them. It was nice and reminded me that this person does have dragon blood in them. We needed more of that but maybe Revelation has it, I dunno.
I can't imagine MommyCorn, maybe some day
Just hatefuck already.
>Insults people for liking bad character
>Posts Raph
Stop playing bad games
>it's a "reaction image aligns with your ideals" post
I’ve had Smash Ultimate for four months and I still have no idea how to play Corrin
I wish it were that simple.
>I don't think her character is bad, I just think the writing is shit which makes her character bad
bad writing=bad character
A character is what the writing makes them. It makes no sense to try and divorce the two.
Homosexuality is a sin.
Nah, if a character offers either gender, I usually find my favourite from both. That said Male Kamui’s blue alt is my favourite out of all of them because it reminds me of Azura. It also matches up with his water aesthetics nicely... also in general his voice cracks are cute.
If I were an avatarfag I'd be posting a pic of her with every post. Not to mention I'd probably be banned for it.
If you're gonna insult me at least do it right.
Fates in general was Wasted Potential: the game. At least I had a lot of fun in Conquest and somewhat in Birthright, but I'd rather ignore anything related to the writing
Just because you were caught multiple times doesn't mean you are one. Besides you can't even get banned for avatarfagging anymore
desuga why is avatarfagging even a bannable offense?
2004/2005 was a early time. Especially with Gaia and obnoxious people everywhwre.
What? GR 13 is still a thing, I literally just checked. You obviously have no idea what it is if you think I'm fucking doing it. Here's a tip, go to fucking /vg/ if you wanna see actual avatarfags.
Fucking moron.
Dumb anime slut
I love her
>mods following the GR's
Hahahahahaha. Besides you belong in /vg/, it's discordtranny heaven. Perfect for you cuck.
She is my favorite new smash character and I hated fates.
The Corrin´s aren´t really Mary Sues, but the game treats them as if they were.
Ike is a full blown Mary Sue though.
Short hop nair. Same as almost every other character.
He is probably talking about Roy and Chrom.
Agreed, but because I'm one of the few people that go by the gender canon the boxart and dlc try to enforce.
Also Male Corrin can look badass with the right equipment
I do, she is fun as fuck to play as. To bad there is no way she is coming back in the next Smash.
I preferred when you were just calling me a shit eater, buzzwords are just lazy.
You are a shit eating faggot. Doesn't mean you aren't also a discord tranny
>most interesting FE rep besides Robin (who is also low tier)
>low-mid tier trash compared to other FE shits
oh well.
She's essentially the same as Eirika. If you think she's fine you have to accept Corrin.
I can assure you that I'm 100% man and I don't intend to change that.
Not like that even really has any relation to this. Christ, I'd rather get no replies at all to my Peri posts than you just shitting on me every single time. Why can't you go back to a week or so ago when you didn't do anything about me posting her?
Both are dogshit characters from mostly mediocre games
No one knows, in the game itself nobody even comments on her lack of footwear.
When Fates was first revelealed, some of the devs said that she was wearing a special armor that expands when she transfors into a dragon, so probably her lack of shoes had something to do with it.
However, when the game came out, there is no mention about Corrin´s armor being special in anyway, so it either got scrapped or they just forgot about it.
Doubt it. You only got off the hook since I was playing video games.
According to the designer, when they heard she was a dragon, they wanted her barefoot for a more animalistic design. I could accept that, since it might be easier for her limbsto transform if her feet are exposed but then her hands are covered too anyway so what's the point?
Because threads have a set limit to how many images can be posted, avatarfagging floods the thread and makes it die earlier than it should..
Do Smashfags hate Pokemon or Fire Emblem more nowadays?
It's literally not because of that. 250 is the limit due to bandwidth.
I remember hearing the old "to make you ask questions" response. I don't have a source on hand, though.
Smashfags don't hate anything. You just have a victim complex