Did MGS4 really deserve the first 10/10 since 2001 Yea Forums?

Did MGS4 really deserve the first 10/10 since 2001 Yea Forums?

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It's not as good as Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, so no


didn't gta 4 get a 10 as well that same year

For that final boss, yes.

>has bad points

Since Chrono Cross right?

Hell no, that game sucked

Yes. Great game. Best gameplay in the series, highly rewarding story for people who grew up with MGS1. Best bosses in the series, most kino locations and fun CQC. On the other hand, it barely has any codec conversations, probably because Fukushima (who wrote all the codec dialog in MGS 1 - 3) was out of the picture, and the Operator and M4 remain some of the best weapons in the game and are ALWAYS forced into your inventory.

Face it, MGS is overrated and Death Stranding is going to flop

Hell no. mgs4 is an anti-game

>perfect games exist

No it's a bad game and one of the worst sequels ever made.

Zelda games, Mainline Metal Gear Games, Naughty Dog games

all of these have in the past received bloated scores for reasons unrelated to the games actual quality

Yes, For GameSpot, These were their first 10/10s
> Chrono Cross (1999)
> Ocarina of Time (1998)
> SoulCalibur (1999)
> Pro Skater 3 (2001)
IGN's was similar as well, these were their first 10/10s
> Ocarina of Time (1998)
> SoulCalibur (1999)
> Pokemon Gen 2 (2000)
> Pokemon Gen 1 (1998)
> Chrono Trigger (1995)
> Link's Awakening (1999)
> Oracle of Ages (2001)
Neither reviewer had given out a 10/10 since 2001 until MGS4 came out

> Old Snake always uses the M4 Custom's charging handle behind the rear sight to chamber new rounds, even though pressing the bolt release (the vertical button on the left side of the weapon) would perform the same function more quickly. This could be explained by the fact that some shooting schools believe that using the charging handle instead of the bolt release is more reliable (while technically unproven)
>This was the prevalent view during Vietnam-era weapons training, which could have been passed to Old Snake through Naked Snake.

>first 10/10 since 2001

I mean it's good but it's no 9/11


>the ultimate soldier has stupid inefficient habits that daddy taught him

> Metroid Prime, SoTC, RE4, FF6, Majora's Mask & Perfect Dark don't get 10/10s
> Garbage like GTA IV & MGS4 do
Fucking bullshit

Big boss didn't train solid snake

Was the original soul calibur realy that good?

>David joined Big Boss's special forces unit FOXHOUND, during which time he received the codename "Solid Snake." While undergoing FOXHOUND's training regimen, he became an expert of high-altitude skydiving, linguistics, closed-circuit open-circuit combat diving, and free climbing. Big Boss personally trained him in the use of CQC and taught him the importance of having the will to survive on the battlefield

It's better than MGSV

No, the "game" was almost non-existent and the movie sucked ass

IIRC perfect dark is the only game that gamespot gave a 9.9 though.

>Pro Skater 3 (2001)
That definitely deserves a 10/10. Itching to replay it now.

Didn't they ditch their retarded decimal scores sometime in the mid 2000s and switch to whole numbers? They had plenty of 9.8s and shit that would've been 10s with the newer system. Not that it makes giving MGS4 a 10 any less stupid, it doesn't even deserve a 9.

Yes, i'm fucking 20 & played for the first time several years ago, it was amazing.

This is the state of nu/v/

Yes, they switched that sometime in the early 2010s i believe.

i cri'd at the end with big boss. ;_;

MGS4 remaster when?
I want to play MGO2 again........

Is this what started the Western obsession with cinematic games?

Yes, MGS4, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2 & Mass Effect are responsible for the obsession with movie games

No. Arguably the worst mainline entry in the series, second if we include Peace Walker.

This reads like a hostage with Stockholm syndrome.


>Arguably the worst mainline entry in the series
Not while MGSV exists, PC Cuck

MGSV is the best entry though

>mgs4 and first death stranding gameplay released 10 years apart on the same day

>highly rewarding story for people who grew up with MGS1

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Typical gaming media corruption. Only GameSpot got it right and they were crucified for it.

For the time, yes.

>the single-player experience ends

All I remember from that game is this:

>crawl on the ground to get past enemies
>boss fights
>ridiculous long cutscenes
>terrible story

Contrast that with MGS1-2-3 which had way more memorable moments and engaging sequences. 1 and 3 especially are just these engaging set pieces.