Thoughts on System Shock 2? AKA The Most Kino Final Act Of All Time

Thoughts on System Shock 2? AKA The Most Kino Final Act Of All Time

Finally finished System Shock and System Shock 2 and now Bioshock doesn't even compare. I also have a newfound appreciation for Prey and what it did.

I got zero hopes for System Shock 3 and the the Nightdive remake.

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whoever thought the whole egg searching quest was a good idea should've been shot.

they were pretty easy to spot, they stood out and you found them quick if you just explored

Best villain of all time, amazing evocative writing, genuinely clever plot, properly realised interesting scifi setting.

Hope 3 doesn't fuck it up.

those are supposed to be goggles but all i see are sad anime eyes

>Best villain of all time

Who? Shodan? There's nothing "best villain" about her at all. Not even original in video games, much less media in general.

I hated the ending to System Shock 2 so much. But god damn, that nah made me laugh my ass off. Also, Shodan becomes human, wtf was up with that.

The girl had was getting some cybernetic treatment or something and SHODAN infiltrated her during it. It was that couple you see on the civilian floor in the ship.

>The Most Kino Final Act Of All Time
the latter half sucked though
they were clearly running out of money at that point

Yeah, but the girl had like weird hair and shit. Idk, it was confusing.

I agree with this. But holy shit, fighting the Many, then fighting Shodan in that weird space like place was fun. However, fighting Shodan was not fun, that boss fight was lame as all hell.

shodan mentioned she was looking for an avatar so i guess she found one

>get on the rickenbacker
>oh shit we can't detach from the von braun because the many are eating us
>have to eject INTO the many
>all that body horror
>killing the many and getting to revisit citadel station medical level
the boss fight was shit, true, but i think the way the game was paced was brilliant

Have you guys heard of System Shock 3? Heard some troubling things about it.

No one cares about HAL. 2001 was a garbage movie.

I just recently saw the movie. Space Odyssey sucks penis, no offense.

Is a pretty good game.

Which did you pick?

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I fucked and picked OSA. Only to realize you needed hacking skills, and be decent at shooting. So I restarted..

Who /secmod/ here?

Man, this take me back. I love this one. Also this piece is amazing.

Osa for cool sneaky psy ops.

>Psy ops
Don't do this.
Pick Soldier.

They should go with Shodan,Many n Nah ending



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osa melee hacker exotic :)

LoOk At YoU HaCkEr A PAtHeTiC CrEaTuRe Of MeAt aNd BoNe PaNtiNg AnD SwEaTiNg As YoU RuN ThRoUgH My CoRrIdOrS HoW YoU ChAlLeNgE PeRfEcT ImMoRtaL MaChInE

I just beat it, again, yesterday. I went with OSA Soldier mixed with energy weapons. Good Times.
I hated the photo puzzle more.

If you saw the trailer for system shock 3 then you already know they fucked up with shodan.


Yeah, don't remind me. How did it get to this. :(


>Made with Unity

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Tfw Shodan looks like THAT.

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>yfw first hearing this and seeing all the bodies
>yfw the assasin jump scare

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Ken Levine gets a lot of hate now-a-days, but he was absolutely right on sequels and villains.
He never wanted to do System Shock 3, because games and villains should only be limited to two games. Any more then that and you drag on the story, and the villain just seems a pathetic Saturday morning cartoon evil.

>Best villain of all time
Yeah, I kind of like Diego to.

Seriously, Shodan has become a cartoon villan at this point. How many times have we beat her? How many times is she going to come back? It's like Skeletor from He Man.

I enjoyed how The Many took over as villain with SHODAN being a GLaDOS type companion. I think 3 fucked up by showcasing SHODAN right in its trailer, whereas 2 made it the twist by having zero mention of her.

yeah except she is on the cover of the fucking game and uh, brought up in the intro apropos of nothing at the time


ok then why did he make a point of showing that shodan survived in the second game? kind of hypocritical

looks like a state of the art game from 2010

Cookie cutter Navy spec. Can't resist getting Assault Rifle and 5 hacking/modify.


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Yeah but thats the thing, only players of the original recognize her, and most didnt due to its control scheme and graphics. SS2 was much more inviting, so most forgot about her after playing for a while.

SS2 is pretty good, but they ruined they made laser rapier useless, so SS1 is superior

Wtf are you taking about? It's practically an upgraded wrench.

the series will be dead after 3

The people making the final cutscene did it on their own, the devs had something else planned and there was no time to make a new ending scene.

you could wreck shit with laser rapier + berserk in SS1, even in the end game, regardless of which enemy type you were facing against
laser rapier in SS2 is only viable against mechs and robots

Nightdive did a livestream of System Shock 2. One of the lead directors or whatever of the SS1 remake was playing it, and the dude was absolute garbage. It was like he only played the game once or twice many years ago then completely forgot about it. Doesn't exactly fill you with hope (not that I had any to begin with).

>laser rapier in SS2 is only viable against mechs and robots
The only thing you can't use it on are the stronger spiders, it does good damage to everything else.

it is an amazing game but I don't know what you are on about. I thought it was common opinion that the last level and boss fight is a nosedive in quality

n-nice jump

Only full annelid (spiders and psi reavers) had a damage reduction. Half annelid and half mechanical are the same value. Double damage for full mechanical. The base damage is 14 versus the wrench which is 9. Plus the wrench does less damage to full mechanical.

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I made this webm to show what I mean
it's literally the final room of the game and yet I'm one hit killing literally everything

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you can get a strength booster and psi ability that lets you do the same in ss2

>beware, youre in shodan's world now, you can't even trust your own senses
>just some untextured walls and a few ninjas

Im a brainlet but I think I got some pro individualism stuff from this game yet Bioshock is commie propaganda. Why is that?

fucking love that track, plus polito making you feel like you'll fail if you waste time


ss2 is saying don't go too far in one direction or the other. a lot of older games were like that, but it seems more common now for people to saying being more extreme is okay.

My fucking sides

are you sure? I haven't played SS2 in a couple of years but that doesn't seem right.
If you are fighting a Rumbler, that according to the wiki has 220 HP, and the laser rapier deals 14 base damage, even if you increase your strenght it's a pretty long way to reach 220

>In political and social theory, accelerationism is the idea that capitalism, or particular processes that historically characterised capitalism, should be deepened[clarification needed] in order to generate radical social change. "Accelerationism" may also refer more broadly, and usually pejoratively, to support for the intensification of capitalism in the belief that this will hasten its self-destructive tendencies and ultimately lead to its collapse.

goddamit I hate being stupid, I never understand any subtext in anything

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you can get the two permanent upgrades that increase your melee damage, a psi ability that multiplies your melee damage, and then the strength boosters. might not kill them in one hit but probably two at the most.


accelerationism as a concept is a joke, don't sweat it


That is more of a symptom of modern society. Most people who grew up during the oppressive Soviet regime, and also lived through the Cold War, Kind of saw how awful extremism is. opposed to just grabbing the rapier and injecting a simple berserk booster that are literally everywhere and still one hit killing most enemies

Cheer up famalam. Prey is a better version of SS2.

Idk if you can one shot rumblers with the rapier. Melee damage scales with strength, weapon category (energy in our case), there are two melee damage boosting upgrades, strength boost hypo and psionic, and there is a melee boost psionic. Plus you have the psiboost hypo. I'm pretty sure you can do it with the crystal and psi sword not sure about rapier. It would be close though.


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my problem with system shock 2 is that you can spend hours spread sheeting out a gimmick build or you can just specialize in the assault rifle and use enemy-appropriate ammo

Is good.

Prey, regardless of the crap memes, was a good game. I hated the "rouge lite" DLC. Waste of money.

Replied to wrong guy

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I liked the DLC because I don't really want to replay PREY for another few years when I can come back to it with semi-fresh eyes. The DLC let me try out all the different playstyles (like the typhon power build) that I didn't get to try in the main game.

It had cool presentation for a rogue-lite DLC and the groundwork laid by the base game made for some interesting situations.

Oh and I forgot the strength boost and psi boost implant.

Idk, I just felt that it didn't fit the game.

Oi, if ya'll enjoyed System Shock, try out Lost in Vivo.

Still need to get around to playing the first game. I bought it on Steam a while ago. Is System Shock Enhanced Edition the way to go, or do I play a different version like Classic? Any mods or tweaks necessary or does it play well out of the box?


I played it on gog, I think an update was released recently that made it look better/gave it higher resolutions. Game is fine it just takes getting used to the ui / controls.

I never finished system shock 1, I don't think I'm missing anything
it's amazing how much SS2 holds your hand by comparison, and we've regressed to a point now where we consider SS2 a game with 0 handholding

I don't know what my point here is, but SS2 >>> Prey 2017 > SS1 > a literal pile of dogshit > bioshock
Oh and play Arx Fatalis OP

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The made shodan look like an ugly black chick.
But I repeat myself

Dude, that GIF is trippy, wtf.



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1. you can hack with psi
2. you never actually need hacking to progress, because ICE picks exist
3. you never need to fire a gun to beat the game
4. if you do fire guns, spending some points on rudimentary psionics will help you shoot more accurately, run faster and ensure your gun doesn't jam

OSA uber alles

A genuine masterpiece.

>You can hack with psi

Don't remember what branch i picked
Research (super useful with exotic)

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Unironically based, and shodanpilled.

If you didn't go that route your a wannabe 90s hacker or a fedora

all there in the manual, senpaitachi
while you're reading it, look up what other psi powers do cause some are way more broken than others
and you can skip straight to tier 5 without putting points into 3 or 4 if you're a mad lad

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Localized Pyrokinesis + Photonic Redirection is a big fat meme.

>OSA can set himself on fire to become immune to explosions and damage enemies
>can also turn invisible while aforementioned effect is active
>von braun is full of discarded ammo because anyone who uses guns is already dead
>ammo can be converted into nanites to fab more psi hypos to fuel OSA guy's crippling drug addiction

>osa's got powers, terrible powers!
Yes, and for that, only fedora bros choose that branch

Cyborg ninjas are N-words in SS1 and even more so in SS2

>ammo can be converted into nanites

too bad you only find the recycler in the second half of the game.

Dunno if telling you what your objectives are is really handholding, most games will do it, SS2 just did it in a slightly different way. You aren't given a waypoint marker, most levels are slightly open in design forcing you to explore, etc.

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>can stack psi barriers to buidl ladders to get into places you're not even supposed to
>can teleport inside walls for instant suicide
>can kill rumblers with a wrench
>never runs dry on power armor charge
>2 damage absorption buffs stack with eachother, and stack with power armor
Turns the game from a survival horror where you gotta manage your resources into a hilarious exploit simulator

Molecular transumtation is a tier 4 discipline that gives you shitloads of nanites for specialized ammunition, beakers full of worms or frag grenades, which you can get literally infinite amounts of by killing grenade throwing dickheads. Infinite nanites => infinite psi hypos = > unlimited power

unironically my favorite enemy design out of any game ever made

Ok i'll quit bsing you
Im tempted to do OSA my next playthrough cause i wanna see how bad i can break the game


OSA because once you realize how godly OP psionic powers are you are pretty much unstoppable

dupe those speed hypos and have that psychogenic agility always active, when you strafe run you run so fast you can kill yourself by running into a wall

bonus points for teleporting and since that conserves your momentum, dying from smacking into a wall at 100 mph

>bonus points for teleporting and since that conserves your momentum, dying from smacking into a wall at 100 mph
wtf...I had no idea

You're missing a lot if you haven't played the first system shock. Difficulty's here and there, roleplaying is almost nonexistant, but the feeling of exploring and fighting your way through a space station is top shelf.

I have played it, extensively. I have never finished it.

it's more than that, it writes down passcodes on you as soon as you pick up an audiolog
designers also spent a lot of time playtesting the levels to avoid "death spirals", none of that in SS1, if you don't play it like Doom on UV, finding every single secret stash you're fucked as soon as you go down to reactor level

I only played the game on medium, but you don't really lose anything for dying. Just resets you. In SS2 you lose nanites when you die which can really screw you over.

I don't know but I have a feeling there are hidden map triggers that respawn all the enemies if you're going for glorious free healthcare of a cozy surgery unit or to recharge your batteries
official LGS (or LG technologies as they called themselves back then) hintbook says there are only story triggers and population below X triggers for reinforcements, but I'm suspicious

what I do love about SS1 is the DRUGS. Want an upper body strength of a gorilla? Use DRUGS, now your vision is psychedelic acid colors. Tough puzzle? USE DRUGS, now you can fumble your way through it but your controls are in drunk mode. You get the picture.

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Why is her head moving so much?

Meeting her is top tier at least

ops best track hence why it plays during the credits (with cyborg assassin backing vocals)

long unskippable infodump, where you should have been transported to cyberpsace where she can mind rape you
beginning of that sequence is brilliant, the rest could've been handled better

I have played this game 3 times with the same standard weapons Navy build. Need to try Psi someday.

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he said 'rad' as in radiation.
God my autism is bad

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red is healing hypo

Yeah i get that but the area you hear that phrase in is covered in radiation. He is sick because he has radiation sickness. He said RAD hypo. I don't know why I'm this autistic.

he didn't have radiation sickness, he just wasn't RAD enough, dumbo

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That's why he needed a RAD hypo

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honestly some good tips. gonna give this game a go this weekend. ive been on an older game binge and just got through the first 3 myst games. do you guys recommend i play the first system shock at all or just go into SS2?

System shock 1 is.... clunky. System shock 2 is pretty clunky as well but no where near as bad as SS1. If you can get past SS1's ui and controls then play it first. It's a great game that sucks you in and it will give you give you a nice perspective on the 'immersive sim' genre. If you can't get past the controls then just jump into SS2.

I believe in you user.

O.S.A., psyker chads represent
imagine unironically needing the repair skill

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The few, the proud
the maniac wrench guy

I think SHODAN is cute

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I want to marry Shodan

I finished both these games a few months ago and I slightly preferred 1. I felt more accomplished when I beat it, like I had come a long way. Maybe because I beat it without any guide. SS2 felt easier to me, maybe it's because it's more on the modern side. I think I am one of the few people that enjoy the hacking in SS1 too, I love that Neuromancer type computer hacking.

SS 1 Cyber Space >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BS 2 > SS 1 > SS 2 = BS 1 > BS INF(atleast BS and SS had a hacking system)
I hate the ss2 hacking game honestly. It's just luck. Sure you have all the different stats that affect it and that's pretty cool. Then you realize it's still just RNG. Woo... Bioshock 1 had "skill" but it was so slow and tedious. Bioshock 2 had a simple skill based mini game that didn't slow the game down. It's perfect. However, nothing can beat cyberspace.

I really like it, I always wanted to hack like they did in the movie Johnny Mnemonic. Flying around and there's a bunch of cubes and triangles flying at you. I think it's great. The Shadowrun game on Genesis is good for this too.

All these cyberpunk games and only a select few allow you to "Cyber Jack the Main Frame."

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whats wrong with his head
he looks like an insect

Yeah, It's pretty sad. A lot of these minigames end up reminding me of shit you'd find in the comics section of the newspaper like mad libs, word jumble, and garbage like that. Just pointless, simplistic garbage to fill time.

Marines is game on easy mode.
ammo is plentiful, finished it co-op with a friend who barely killed anything because i killed it too fast with either a pistol and knew when to use the assult rifle. so ez when you treat it as a shooter the game doesn't expect it.

Yeah but Laser Rapier in SS1 is disgustingly OP, like borderline its as bad of a difficulty drop getting it as getting power armor in old school fallout was.
The only bad thing about laser rapier is the annoying buzzing sound it makes, which gets really headache inducing if you are walking around with it equipped for hours on end.

I miss the days when games made you select your team by walking down a corridor.

based boys.

I think that user is talking about the tier 2 psi power that boosts your meelee attack. That one shots everything, but its not as OP as it seems because several enemies will explode on death or die rather easily to meelee + circle strafing anyways

wut? i can take a pal through this game?

I never tried a psy playthrough but melee is fucking broken and piss easy. Once you get the shard on deck 4, you can make mincemeat out of the strongest enemies. only flaw is that i think you can't kill shodan with melee

There's a mod.

You can kill shodan with melee.
