Wtf is this
Smash dumb leak
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Wow looks interesting
>Wtf is this
A fat load of nothing important. Also why was mewtwo moved and there are two ganondorfs
Why’s mewtwo next to the miis
Yes because obviously the unannounced characters would be in Japanese while everything else is in English, dumbass
why, my peanus weenus of course! :) haha
"wtf is this" - my answer is, of course my peanus weenus. haha :)
peeeanus weeeenus. :) haha
>TONIGHT: Anonymous Yea Forums user posts blurry, overexposed image of tv screen, skeptics rendered speechless
>More at 11!
Why is there 2 Ganons and why is Mewtwo out of place
Why is mewtwo at the bottom and who’s next to gannodorf
So tell me user why couldn't you get even slightly closer
I think it’s meant to imply Ganon’s getting an echo but then why would they bother inverting the render if the other characters just have black squares
>moonrunes mixed with english
>flat-pack chest
>tcl tv
>hdmi port on switch is pointing away from tv's rear
Smash Fever gets worse and worse with each installment.
Looks like his alter-ego evil Ganondorf
I’m assuming the other characters are drastically different as opposed to an echo just being a flipped version of an existing character
This could be just an hacker messing stuff.
One of the many reasons this is clearly fake is that none of the japanese squares say "ロト"
Not this
Original post
Yeah but new art would need to be made anyway, why waste dev time on flipping a render for no reason at all
>giovanni an echo of ganondorf
These frogs need to fuck off
Ok guys, here's the original post, to resume quickly, this is a fake intentional ganondorf picture representing giovanni (seems to be the next dlc) and was a private joke between the dev and his brother. This guy work the less graphics things at home and just moved mewtwo to make "joke" to this brother considering giovanni as an echo fighter of ganondorf, read this link
The Pokémon mentioned would never be echos of Pokémon trainers’ Pokémon.
Better zoomed quality
Has he said, Giovanni would not be an echo fighter, but like isabelle isn't an echo fighter of villager, kind of the same type of character (see falcon/ganondorf)
The kanjis are untraduced beta cases for working, but the english and german traducing team haven't traduced them for now because for unknown reason... Seems really strange
Last one is Hunter, MH probably, cant see what are the other 2.
why the fuck would everyone but the incomplete ones have their english names
honestly mods fucking ban OP
Hunter? Great to know, codename maybe?
And maybe because incompletes are total betas, just for placeholder no? Idk.
Mid spot is 勇者
Oh, I see now. Couldn't see it cause it was so blurry.
By google translate its' hero, that's not something very reliable, but reminds me old leak with k.rool codename!
why do those discord frenchies keep doing these fake leaks? the grinch leak, and whatever came before it too
people aren't gonna keep falling for it, as long as there is any sort of french essence in the leak it's clearly fake
If you go to
The grinch leak was really well done! But only made to say "fuck you" to lax chris!
>Japanese text
Read the comments man
i DESPISE social media bullying, but DEAR GOD! how can we bully Sakurai until he resigns for ruining this already ruined shithole with this bullshit? this is completely his fault.
its obviously fake, yeah, but Placeholder graphics ARE a thing.
as a beta, those icons are just placeholders so testers know who is who.
ah yes, ojfijiojifjoi the blue ganondorf is my favorite nintendo character
Fake or not, I never belevied I would have giovanni in smash ahah
look, everyone knows its fake, but Placeholder graphics ARE a thing, if you really believe they wouldnt put placeholders for game elements in a games development, then the only thing i can say is 'Read a book you retard!'
No one reads moon rune you dumb weeb
What's with mewtwo just randomly being at the bottom there
Because as the OP said, for the joke he put giovanni as an echo of ganondorf, while it's in fake "kind echo of pkmn trainer" and just randomly change the place of mewtwo. Really easy to do according to him, but by clicking on "giovanni" it launch the battle with mewtwo and the when you pick up the mewtwo case, the game crashes
in fact*, not in fake my bad
Why is Mewtwo down there?
even from this distance I can tell you fucked up the katakana for Banjo