No wonder everyone is hyped for classic
No wonder everyone is hyped for classic
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Jammal is a pretty racist name for a troll
I'm dreading instances if Blizz doesn't add dungeon maps. Sure, it's not classic, but honestly who gives a fuck? Maps should've been in from the start.
yeah people sure loved that instance
oh wait, it was fucking shit
dont they have addons for that?
I also wish to give money to activision for vanilla wow.
They did back then, and they certainly will in the future if needed. The problem with those is that it's just a static map; it shows nothing about where you, or anyone else is on that map. Better than nothing, but still not ideal.
That might be fixable in the future, but I don't know.
it was great
the odds of finishing it with a pug were somewhere around the same as brd so nah
Groups enforcing the mandatory "stay on the path, no deviations from the guide" dungeon runs ruined MMOs. No exploration, no interesting challenges, just stick to the script. There are rooms and whole sections of dungeons you can never explore because of this
it's not even bad, full clear for dat xp or skip the basement for speed, all the "bad" dungeons in vanilla relates to the loot not the dungeon
>absolutely fucking massive, you need a mount just to go from one boss to the next
>multiple optional bosses
>4 wings that you can do in any order, secret shortcuts all over the place
>multiple entrances, different orders you can decide to do certain bosses in, secret boss you need to complete a questline for to summon
>meanwhile in retail
>8.2 is a literally nothingburger that ruins the game even more than the rest of BFA did
I can finally let go bros. I'm free.
It's time to go home
i think its neat that its just a static map adventurers have to navigate through. Could add replayability and "wonder" for those who haven't had the classic/vanilla experience.
>but buying this game goes against my video game morals!
ok fag
Imagine dumbing down your game and cater to stupid 2digits IQ whales for years on end. It must be such a shit job, it's just sad.
What did they fuck up this time
Was it even possible to fuck up some more
How can something be nothing and simultaneously fuck the game even more somehow? Care to elaborate user?
Sunken Temple was literally my favourite dungeon, and I'm a Wrathbabby. Top troll kino. Fantastic atmosphere and music.
This. The issue with modern mmo's is deep seeded in the post-internet boom community. No amount of old school methodology will fix this, the ease of access to information and on demand media has made people lazy and jaded
We'll never have a pre-2004 era MMO experience again because people are fundamentally different now
Once you know sunken temple, it's effectively a straight line anyway. Just loops stacked on top of each other. I'll always fondly remember the first trip and being completely fucking lost for hours, but that's because I love misery. I also enjoy watching people trying to figure out what the fuck they're even supposed to be doing in modern group finder BRD.
This is the thread. Get comfy.
>adding "mount equipment" that ruins the small amount of utility non-alchemy or engineering professions still have left
>locking even more shit behind doing islands
>the new Heart of Azeroth shit is just generic role abilities with no customization at all, not even different between classes or specs
>doubling down on Sylvanas as Garrosh 2
classic will NOT be vanilla
at least not the vanilla you remember
day 1 there will be all kinds of optimizing addons, anyone trying anything other than the most optimized build will be barred even from simple things like MC
the exploration part is gone because everyone knows the smallest secrets already
And the most important part: The people you used to play with, who made it fun, are long gone
Sunken Temple is a lot of fun but it's too bad the lower floors are basically worthless when it comes to loot and full of annoying trash so every pug just runs it the same way;
>Clear all the named trolls to break the barrier
>Kill the boss troll to wake the big dragon
>Kill ALL the dragon trash
>Kill big dragon
>Aw fuck yeah a useless sword that summons whelps
Maps are cancerous to MMOs. WoW would be better if there were no maps anywhere in the game, so you have to navigate by paths, signs, and landmarks.
>I'll always fondly remember the first trip and being completely fucking lost for hours, but that's because I love misery.
Haha yeah I too remember getting lost and separated from the group, but only the first time I did this dungeon lol, who could even be stupid enough to do that twice
>absolutely fucking massive, you need a mount just to go from one boss to the next
AQ40 was litterally just 1 giant hallway with the occasional small room jutting off from it that housed an optional boss. Design wise the layout is pretty awful.
cope harder retailfag
Please don't defend the run back to C'thun.
classic is going to have some weird franken-api with a bunch of vanilla shit pasted back into the client, whereas the vanilla addon ecosystem is massive, so classic will probably have way less addons
how the fuck is twin emps to c'thun a long run?
but they will be required
retailfags are the people that will make up 95% of the playerbase mate
>New race introduced (Mechagnomes)
>Their king is evil and you help his daughter overthrow him so she can take over and join the Alliance
>LFM molten core GS + achi addon required
How many times has this happened now?
Nobody fucking cares man.
Everybody already played on vanilla private servers and knows what to expect. Nobody expects everything to be a 1:1 recreation down to the community being exactly as it was over a decade ago.
>could have introduced all kinds of interesting transhumanism themes with the gnomes turning to mechanization
>would have worked fantastically given both their near-extinct status and the fact that mechanical creatures can actually survive the poisonous atmosphere of their homecity
and instead we get the most generic shit possible
>he doesn't want every race to have a strong female leader
Have sex
>sub numbers dropped so hard that they stopped releasing them
>"the only people who want to play wow are already playing retail!"
Pretty much every new allied race. Some cucks will try to argue that Lightforged/Void Elves are led by men but the voiceover for the introductory cutscenes make it pretty clear that it's Alleria and discount Yrel.
isn't that what happened to the zuldazar king
Rastakhan wasn't evil he was just a dipshit. He was actually pretty based once Talanji talked some sense into him
Gnomes came from mechagnomes, so they're already transmechanism and going back would be devolution.
ahahah nice patch retailbabs
>Play 2000 hours to get to endgame
>Endgame is baby tier puzzles and spamming 2 buttoms
What the fuck was wrong with the old models???
Can't wait for the model edits on these so WoW can satisfy my cow titty cyborg fetish too
Jesus Crist, thex really did it.
Endless cash machine, they don't have to make another game ever.
So, cycle is 15 years(am I right, OG WOWtards?)
Even if you are most retarded retard and started back when WOW was vanilla and you was 15 y/o, you now have ~30 years(so, you are grown up man).
All they have to do is release 4K texture pack in 7 year mark and this shit can go forever.
A fter WOW classic they will release WOW Litch King classic?
How many early adopters are here, whoever has balls to admit they are here and were playing WOOW back in 204?
would have been interesting to see them explore it fully
most races are some kind of mutation anyways, would be neat to see one try to at least partially undo it
and can you honestly say the actual gnomes going cyborg wouldn't have made for a more interesting storyline than "save us from our evil leader"
>implying there was ever an mmo with a difficult endgame
Wait since they have mechagnomes as a pet item...does this mean some sort of enslavement kinda deal?
Pretty shit, I mean now I can fantasize about unscrewing all of a femmechgnome's limbs and carrying her torsos around as a literal onahole but I'd rather they'd gone with the full-metal mechagnomes we saw introduced in Wrath.
kill yourself homo
just because a pugs werent organized enough to complete ST doesnt make it bad
There are already human and orc pets
Who the FUCK is gonna play these?? Literally WHO asked for this
For a section I thought the troll had a vagina. Those are some shitty slongers
>doubling down on Sylvanas as Garrosh 2
In fact, you shouldn't even be able to navigate, the map should be randomly generated at any given time so you have to constantly re-explore
What the fuck, those aren't mechagnomes.
i kinda feel like bfa broke my nostalgia and no longer care not want it
What did Baine do to deserve all this?
anyone else think that Gnomish and Goblin warriors should be forced to equip some kind of power-armor or exoskeleton?
he's a backstabbing cuck
And the screen should just go black every 10 minutes, and throttles your CPU to overheat to trigger a shut down every hour.
For me killing the dragon was the reward. It wasn't so much about doing runs for loot as it was because I liked the idea of killing bosses even if there wasn't any real challenge to them.
Oh fuck
Fucking traitor, that's what.
i'd love some procedural dungeons but the shiteaters settled for speedrunning weekly affixes in m+ instead
Imagine even ironically protecting slyv
>not bending the knee to the undead menace is "backstabbing"
Fuck off.
He killed some undead waifufags who were trying to take away another undead guys free will
I hope Sylvanas' end is Bolvar coming down from his throne, focusing his full Lich King attention on her and breaking her precious free will once and for all
would be fitting end and prevent any resurrection shenanigans
It's this weird thing where 90% of all the racial leaders are altruistic dogooders so when one of them actually wants to wage some war(craft), all the other leaders turn on them and we get badly written drama.
all racial leaders are terribly written
the best leaders are the ones that get the least attention
Jesus modern Warcraft lore LITERALLY reads like a bad fanfic. What the fuck.
oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo
>The Tauren being against using blight as a chemical weapon and raising the undead is "bad writing"
Sylvanas apologists make me sick.
>Thinking for even ONE SECOND that the most prominent female leader in nuWoW will get her comeuppance
>Especially all the hamfisted lore about needing undead to combat void corruption
Literally the only time they'd risk killing off Sylvanas is if they're ready to have Jaina become the leader of the Alliance.
here's the only way warcraft lore can be salvaged in any way
Modern WoW ends with the entire timeline sacrificing themselves to end the ultra-super multiversal big bad
Warcraft then continues onwards from after Classic WoW into a proper warcraft IV
There's no medium between boy scout and evil dictator who wants to start wars for no reason. It's always "this is the good guy and the other guy is literally hitler", why can't there be actual conflict where the people who start it aren't completely unreasonable psychopaths?
when you wipe to cthun you often have to run back from the start of the instance, its brutal
badly written is a severe understatement
it's downright fucking embarassing and I don't know how anyone could begin to stomach it, let alone enjoy it
Blizzard should never tried to have pushed an overarching narrative.
God tier:
Top tier:
Strat Dead
SM Cath
Good tier:
Strat Live
DM East
SM Arm
Middle tier:
DM North
SM Lib
Low tier:
DM West
Shit tier:
SM Graveyard.
Beyond the Realm of Shit and Piss tier:
Fuck zoomers
Bolvar ending of ICC was retarded. A literally who paladin becoming a new lich king because "there must always be one" even though alliance and horde had already fucking holocausted the undead in northrend for ages.
>dungeons are complex, long, and play like mini-raids
>TBC and onwards
>dungeons are linear hallways
>Low tier
>Liking DM west
you're a faggot. in time you learn the layout of the dungeons
why do zoomers need constant handholding
This honestly. The more spotlight a character in WoW gets, the less likable they become. People used to love Saurfang when all he did was pound Alliance/Get Mind Controlled and pound Horde. Now he's just an embarrassment.
>Low tier:
t. couldn't make the jump
>wrongly persecuted just like garrosh
it's pottery
>Undead use blight against Scarlet Crusade
>Tauren: ...
>Undead use blight against Scourge
>Tauren: ...
>Undead use blight against Werewolves
>Tauren: ...
>Undead use blight against Humans in EK
>Tauren: ...
>Undead plan to use blight against Jaina as reprisal for the Alliance attack on the Zandalar Empire at a time when all out war has broken out between the Horde and Alliance
>Tauren: H-h-hold on a second now
Little fucking late to be getting cold hooves don't you think?
Christ, Undead shouldn't have even been in the Horde to begin with, Vanilla fucked up so much lore-wise and Sylvanas has been fucking garbage post-TFT but we're stuck with the storyline as it is now and Horde characters only NOW questioning their alliance with the Forsaken after seven expansions is just dumb writing.
I fucking love all of these except stockades and RFC
At least they still required coordination and provided a decent challenge for pugs. Unlike how dungeons have been since mid-wrath, with a momentary improvement in early cata.
>larping as someone who's done aq40
There's an NPC that offers teleports the twin emps room after you kill them.
in the original plans at least there would have been several continent-wide events that explained it with ICC being a zone-wide super AQ opening event, and after the opening was completed there would have been a second continent wide event where endless undead hordes popped up from the underground all over Northrend until the Lich King was defeated
There were a few linear ones in vanilla as well
same with thrall when he only yelled and gave buffs
RFK/RFD so shit they aren't even on the list.
Mara was pretty tedious my man. It was tolerable if someone had the staff.
Even that would feel stupid cause it would make everything the player did fucking pointless and destroy all progress.
It's just unsalvagable. It's like a 5000 page fanfic that cannot be deleted and has been written by 200 different authors. It's an abomination that you can't kill, you can only watch it suffer as they try to attach even more parts to it.
Jesus that made me legit a little sad. I used to really love Warcraft lore and the world building, what the fuck lads...
>DM East above DM West
Source? There's so much cut content in wotlk that I can believe it.
I actually forgot about those. Haven't touched them since tbc.
The players kill the void-lords once and for all across all timelines saving infinite beings in the process
that's a good capstone
>8.2 is a literally nothingburger
I stuck around to see if 8.2 could turn things around but I gquit and uninstalled after the announcement. The live game is beyond redemption.
To be fair all dungeons are linear hallways after you've completed the quests and gotten over your first few bumbling runs.
Around the time BWL was out most runs were pretty to-the-point, even BRD you'd just unlock the bridge, rush through to the bar, rush through the dumb infinite trash 'puzzle' and kill the emperor, no grand exploration there.
Uldaman is just so fucking bad. Even the color pallet offends the eyes.
If they had a competent writer on their side I think they could have done something with that "precarious alliance" side of the Horde instead of mirroring the Alliance and go as far as having Sylvanas shout
It really got fucking retarded the moment they tried pushing an overarching narrative around WotLK and Cata instead of just developing lore of new areas and keeping their shit dialog and twists in the background.
haven't heard about the second event thing but the Icecrown one is rather obvious with it's multiple gates structure
and it could be plausible since the underground cut zone is public knowledge
I barely understand what that even means anymore. God it's like a 13 year old wrote this on deviant art.
Got any more comfy photos and music combinations?
alliance should also have had the "precarious alliance" side with the Night Elves only being a nominal part because the Alliance gives them supplies for killing Orcs
Night Elves were the original fucked up race in terms of lore
>wows lore actually devolved into Star Trek battleships and cosmic horror shit
the fuck were they thinking with that stupid powercreeping, its just corny
Uldaman is actual dogshit and that they put the ultimate enchanting trainer in it is sadistic.
RFD belongs in mid tier and RFK in low.
>Work up character as being a badass multiple times since Vanilla
>Finally appears
>He's a moron and is killed off almost immediately
>once you have fully explored a dungeon and know the lay-out and challenges inside-out, you can find optimal routes through the complex layout
no shit, tbc and onwards took that away from players
You know how Sargeras was originally the super-big-bad?
Turns out he was actually fighting the EVEN BIGGER big bads
people get paid to come up with this
Hey at least a 13 year old boy wouldn’t have covered sylvanas midriff
>Top tier
I forgot what old Deadmines looked like. I can GO BACK.
facing down cosmic horror has been an element of the story since AQ.
the sci-fi shit is getting way out of hand though.
Void lords are basically the Shadow equivalent of the Light's windchimes
t. old god
>forgets to dismiss pet
they weren't true "cosmic" horrors, they were old, powerful, entities, but nothing like the "about to destroy the universe" crap
I don't even know what to say anymore.
Wasn't >muh void also the big story element in Starcraft?
>facing down cosmic horror has been an element of the story since AQ.
My bad I maybe misused the term, I meant that the way the story is going the HEROES are going to go on Draenei ships once again to fuck with void lords in space or something, as you said it sounds like sci-fi and it feels wrong with the Warcraft universe deSu.
>last hallway
>someone doesn't hug the wall
>guys why am I lagging?
never take a hunter to a 5man
Is it bad that I'm hyped for 8.2 more than classic?
They're working up towards a Warcraft/Starcraft crossover
Some of those pulls towards the end with the dwarves are just fucking bullshit if you don't have a mage.
So what's the explanation for old god fuckers using void magic? I thought void niggers are the ones who want to destroy the universe or whatever, why do they use the same magic as old god niggers?
Except for me, I was topping dps on a private server because I learned to play. Reminder that hunters are capable of good dps too.
wtf stop with the hunterphobia not all of us are incompetent thieving pieces of shit
There’s nothing wrong with being mentally handicapped. It’s not your fault.
In the end all blizzard games will merge in a single universe and HotS will end up being the canon
there's only one 5 pull with like 3 dark iron dwarves that will rape a group without cc
>doubling down on Sylvanas as Garrosh 2
How could they even get out of that at this point? The moment they had Teldrassel be attacked first instead of Lordaeron, the entire Horde was doomed.
>please play our game!!1
Old Gods are Void Lord lackeys
oh and the undead? an experiment in creating something that can fight back against Void Lords
because absolutely everything needs to be about the new OC
Old Gods got canonically demoted to mooks for the void lords.
I would only bring one if i knew they were capable players a guildie/friend, it's just not worth the risk
I wouldn't even be surprised. Fuck this gay earth.
>dreadlord Jaina and thicc mommy Alexstrazsa become real
Unironically better than retail
we'll get the ultimate cancer where Sylvanas and Kerrigan team up
the perfect storm of waifus of bad writing
Best in slot and also a killer looking scythe from warlock quest is earned from that dungeon.
I wanna play a Troll Shaman in classic. Is Dragonscale leatherworking worth it?
>wanting to be in sunken temple for 2 hours
Man the more I see nostalgiafags talk the more I'm reminded of that Then and now WoW image. Kid playing WoW in his room, all thin and shit and then you fast forward like 10 years and he's all fat and his mom is telling him to get a job. Seriously though, get a job.
Right, should I go Dragonscale or Tribal as a hunter?
How would zombies be a good weapon to use against amorphous sentient blobs of shadow? That makes no sense.
You will be a retailfag when you sub for classic you brainless reject.
A job doesn't prevent you from playing 4-5 hours a day.
They should switch the HotS and WoW devs for an expansion cycle, imagine.
What if I like Sunken Temple and have a job bro
To each their own y'know
because they're the only things immune to their brand of mind control and corruption
or you know, because it retroactively justifies everything Sylvanas ever did and makes her opponents into puppets of the Void Lords
Can't wait to see Goldshire Inn on launch day.
Dragonscale can make this;
Just end my life senpai
That's really stupid.
Was this revealed in one of the lore books?
>Jaina: Final boss of 8.1
>Azshara: Final boss of 8.2
the minmaxers you're playing with will guide you through it with peak efficiency so they can grind their gear
WoW classic is going to be SOULLESS
Just pointing this out:
TBCs dungeons were merely separate wings of a themed 'dungeon'.
Just like you had Scarlet Monastery in vanilla with its' different wings (Graveyard Armory Cathedral Library) you have different wings depending on which dungeon you were doing.
Hellfire dungeons had:Ramparts Blood Furnace and Shattered Halls,
Netherstorm had the Botanica,Alcatraz and the 3rd one.
and so forth.
Still they all were pretty much just hallways.
Draw a map you pussy faggot. Be a cartographer, it's fun.
Or use your spatial intelligence to remember the way around.
Not that you would know.
So what's the Horde allied race gonna be?
my favorite dungeon fun as a druid
Actually since pvp gear comes out before BWL I wonder if taking a crafting profession has any point.
>Sure, it's not classic, but honestly who gives a fuck?
Stay in retail, mistsfetus.
look at all these strong and powerfal wahmen who don't need no men
bravo blizz
True, even today I just spent hours lurking after getting home from work. Should play more instead.
*breathes in*
>All those bullshit overpowered spells Jaina was throwing around during her fight
>Did shit all during Legion
And Alliance love this cunt?
We hated it before Cataclysm, then we hated what happened to it in Cataclysm, and now we'll love it as the best instance now that it's back to its classic design.
>pvp gear comes out before BWL
Wait fucking really, is that a thing? Might just go alchemist or enchanting if that's the case.
>Goblins and Worgen STILL don't have updated fucking models in 8.2
Seriously what the fuck
But the Scourge was created by the Legion through Ner'zhul. What the fuck am I reading? How fucking much did they retcon?
>after getting home from work
Cute larp fatty.
Given retail refers to the current expansion, you’re wrong dumbass
To be fair, Azshara always was an immensely powerful entity that could have been perfectly used as an Xpac boss
honestly this expansion is actually underplaying her heavily, she was supposed to be the most powerful mortal Mage ever, master of all forms of magic
They fucked up with the model updates anyway. Everyone's a bouncy annoying disney character now.
Blizz doesn't give a fuck about them.
I wish I could play my goblin shaman in classic so she wouldn't have to be trapped in such a shitty version of the game.
It seemed like she was actually foreshadowed more in fucking Legion at times
Think what you will, fellow wagecuck.
all the pvp gear is being released before BWL and all of it is the 1.11 versions.
Yeah whatever you delusional retailfag.
the Legion's main purpose was fighting the Void Lords
it's also easier to list the things they didn't retcon
Remember when we thought what TBC did to Kael'thas was bullshit? How young we were
Didn't almost everyone else get updated models in WoD? That makes this extra retarded
Wow and blizzard has always been been the Disney of design, fuck off pretending it wasn't.
Mechagnomes are reskinned gnomes and Vulp are reskinned Goblins so it does make sense.
Best race+class to lure in ERP healsluts and typefuck them in whispers? I want to cuck the rest of the party.
yeh, including her in this xpac is more a case of "we've been forgetting about this character, lets shoehorn her in"
real shame we never got an xpac based around her setting 10,000 years worth of planning in motion with her Naga armada rising up from all shores
No it was clearly different kind of cartoony before.
That's pretty cool actually. A lot of people are probably balking at the idea of 40 man raiding so being able to gear from pvp plus the occasional Ony/ZG pug is fine by me.
Not to mention Vanilla pvp is infinitely more satisfying since there are so many hard counters and people don't have a retarded amount of sustain.
Shit, I remember after WC3 they had that pen and paper Warcraft game, and that is just fucking hilarious to go back and read. Like it mentions that "nobody has seen or heard of gnomes in hundreds of years, and people that claim they have seen them are crazy" when (according to WoW lore at least) they just holed up in their city for a while.
>Remember when we thought what TBC did to Kael'thas was bullshit?
I'm honestly glad Kael died when he did.
He's a cool character and its nice that he's safe from being dredged up and paraded around as shameless nostalgia bait like they did to Illidan.
>anything that isn't realistic is cartoony disney style
Honestly, I legitimately expected him to come back. I thought they were gonna bring him back in Legion/BfA as an undead
in the same spirit
I'm actually glad Arthas died without a bullshit redemption arc
Didn't Illidan die in Black Temple and get brought back as an asspull in later expansions? What's stopping them from doing the same to Kael who also died in TBC?
>Did shit all during Legion
Because she would have completely invalidated the Broken Shore sequence and most of the following raids. Varian would not have died had Jaina been there to teleport them out so they had to write her out completely.
Running BRD was great if you were with a competent group but if you weren't that shit was retarded and tedious.
The middle one is Azshara? Wasn't she supposed to be breathtakingly beautiful?
>he thinks raiding 2 days a week is harder than the ranking grind
he comes back just to spout a few puns and jokes about how this time he doesn't have crystal stuck in his chest
then gets killed again quipping 'I'll be Back'
Because surely Blizzard isn't so desperate and depraved that they would unironically pull the MERELY A SETBACK thing twice. Right?
To be fair that was like 12,000 years ago before she turned into a snake woman
BRD is basically just 2 lines anyway
Yeah but she's not a naga on that pic.
are you shitting with me? mechagnomes and foxes are coming to wow?
Nigger, BRD was garbage, also you're playing WoW. That's like bragging about being top 20% of the special Olympics, you're still a casual faggot and a dungeons length wont change that, especially when most of the bosses are just tank and spank.
>likes BRD
>hates Mara
also Deadmines isn't that good
she's supposed to look like a half-octopus abomination now
and I believe she was supposed to be the most beautiful ever, by means of her applying some hardcore tier illusion spells to make her look like whoever was looking's ideal woman
Why do you people care so much about what gender a fictional character who rules a fictional group of people is?
>that shit was hilarious
mechanognomes were cool before, and a commonly requested option
concept isn't bad, just the execution
furfoxes are horrid however
In the last patch they introduced a scenario with Kael where you re-live the scourge invasion to learn your history as a Belf to unlock your heritage armour. I don't see why they'd introduce that if they're not going to add him back at some point, it's abit of a odd reminder that he exists.
To be fair again, every time we've seen her in the modern day she's appeared in her night elf form. Which is clearly an illusion and stuff.
>illusion magic
Well that kind of make sense at least
Huh? And what high IQ MMO could (YOU) be playing, mr. I like to shit on someone else's game?
How important is healing focus for raids and dungeons?
Here you go, buddy.
>tfw rogue with jumper cables
literally me in classic
I'm gonna max out fishing and cooking even if there really isn't much of a point to doing so
>defeating someone in pvp through nothing but gadgets and bombs
engineering was fun
>turbo darkgods from outer space
I just want to save a village from some bandits
>hear about how classic was 100x better than BFA
>decide to play a private server
>think I'm gonna be bored with the slow pace and lack of QoL changes brought on throughout the years.
>It's fucking amazing
>go back to playing BFA
>it fucking sucks ass in comparison
Don't be a dumbass, If you wanted to just farm emp you could use your SUBOPTIMAL ROUTE or you could be an actual 300 IQ Min maxer like myself and lava run.
Or you could go on a completely different trajectory because Emp and loot wasn't the only thing to do in BRD.
It's fine. We can go home together now bro.
Yeah I don't know why they decided to make the draenei so important and so irrelevant at the same time.
And they wasted a lot of potential in this, it could have worked if everything felt as alien as it should be.
SM Cath
>By 'updated' do you mean;
>Slap six-pack abs on the women
>Remove all but 1-2 faces
>Make the toes/fingernails look a little better
>and going back would be devolution.
curing the curse of flesh is evolution, not devolution
BRD wasn't garbage. Most dungeons had less than 10 quests and BRD had over 40 quests associated with it along with loads of unlockable shortcuts. BRD is better than most fucking raids
Because WoW will die before they get the chance.
Monkeys Paw sure is some shit.
>i'll be there in 30 minutes, need 1 more for teleport
Good list.
>Lmao Verdant Spheres are soulstones
>Kael still has one left!
>Lmao the San'Layn brought Kael'Thas back to (un)life
>The version you fought in Magister's Terrace was some kind of clone
Easy really.
>that video of one of the biggest WoW youtubers playing the classic demo
>they dont know how to accept quests
Is this real?
It's surprising how slow / lazy people are at traveling in classic when any class can basically reach any point in the world in 15 minutes or less, unless they get ganked.
link it
Fuck this gay earth.
What's going to be worst?
>Having zoomer dps that want to AoE/Cleave every pull and bitch when the tank dies in 5 seconds
>Having zoomer healers that try to dps and run OOM on every pull (and no they didn't bring water)
>Having zoomer tanks that don't know how to LoS pull and just charge into every group
That's a man
>Having zoomer tanks that don't know how to LoS pull and just charge into every group
This one. Bad tanks are the fucking worst and you can never cure their retardation.
>Designing female characters for the male gaze
>blizzard nerfing difficulty so zoomers can play vanilla like nu-wow
bad tanks obviously
Jesus fucking this. The fucking powerlevel creep drives me insane. This is already beyond anime tier.
I forgot, women look like dudes in current year for some reason.
Why did we go from "women want the same rights as men" to women want to be men?"
I'll be a good tank for you guys.
Probably won't have the time to raid though.
they will learn or quit after first instance where they try to do shit like that
but honestly, most wont even get high enough level to do an instance
>Top tier:
Landing clutch gernades is really the epitome of vanilla 1v1.
Though my favorite by far were those rare paladin engineers who would pop bubble and then death ray you.
Feminists are secretly jealous of men being better at literally everything.
Genuinely new people trying to learn the game getting called zoomers. There's going to be plenty of retards, but also people trying to learn who are going to get bitched at and it's going to be sad.
Uhm, actually, sweetie, it's also for the female gaze... it's canon that even Tyrande was mezmerized by her feminine beauty... Check your privilege before you open your mouth sweetie uwu
It's called wotlk and people loved it
I fully support and endorse any posts denouncing uldaman as the worst dungeon in the game.
as long as those retards play DPS and don't try to AoE everything it'll be fine
>Barred from MC
Bitch MC is practically LFR tier in difficulty. In fact it was made into a LFR raid. Flex Fridays is going to be so much fun.
What's a flex friday?
That's fine, closed servers mean you have to worry about your reputation somewhat so there won't be major rage.
Plus I imagine it'll take awhile before the novelty wears off and a lot of people will be surprisingly willing to teach/tutor retards simply because it's the classic experience. It's not going to be like retail where everything is a daily/weekly grind and other players only get in the way of your desperate rush to tick off every checkbox before it all resets again on Tuesday.
>and don't try to AoE everything
Oh user..... How else are they gonna top the DPS meters??
>Uldaman is the worst
>when Gnomeregan and Stockades exist
Didn't they already show examples of what the finished Goblin/Worgen updated models will look like?
Old /vg/ pug clusterfucks. Loads of fun, Loads of shitposting and wipes
It tells a lot about how shitty the WoW's writing is that I honestly can't tell if this is an actual story for an allied race or just a joke.
>Horde Onyxia Attunment chain
I don't want to do LBRS five times!
The design was cool but too bad the troll filler bosses were garbage that didnt drop anything 2/3 of the time
Stockades is fucking short.
Gnomergan is casual filter and punishes people for trying to carry through the tunnel of rape.
>be warr tank
>have priest healer
>priest bubbles me constantly
>no rage generation
>no way to use skills
>"wtf, hold aggro"
I'm going to be the one ganking them. Better watch out.
Stockades is just boring, it doesn't actively offend me for existing
Elves are deformed trolls, I have no idea why people think they should be beautiful.
What's the best pserver to play on til classic drops?
>Dungeon is literally in an alliance home territory
>Horde have easier access to it than Alliance
And yet there will still be horde zoomers saying that Horde have a worse leveling experience
>Absorbed damage doesn't generate rage
Oh God I forgot about this.
Good thing I'm going Shammie healer.
>Rogue gets back to back windfury procs and pulls
>'wtf hold aggro'
If I remember correctly bubble is also very mana inefficient and should be used only to save someone.
Who /PvE/ here?
That's how Azshara has been described in books (the relatively old ones about the War of the Ancients if I'm not mistaken). So beautiful that everyone did whatever she asked of them. Even Tyrande felt like that.
Do you think they'll have enough classic servers for launch day?
8.2 is new content, don't worry, it will be bad and you will be more hyped for classic in few days.
To all you doomsayers out there- get fucked. I got shit talked by some friends and my cousin for wanting to try out a vanilla p server 6 months ago. It was literally amazing and pure fun. Actual community, real gameplay, unironic soul.
I will for the rest of my life never forget laughing hysterically or yelling in hype with my one other bro who tried it with me and got to 60 alongside me.
Best part? Regularly seeing the people who refused to play with us playing 5 dollar shit games by themselves on steam. Alone.
this so much
I'm going to be having so much fun
I don't see the point, the removal of flying mounts and phasing take away the two biggest issues with wpvp.
>Play shaman healer
>Have a macro to replant totems when they expire and cast chain heal to the tank if all the totems are up.
>Just play the peggle addon while spamming your macro.
>People tell you how good of a healer you are.
Truly the patrician choice for a spec.
>memeing this hard
Nope, always has been that way. Nelves are just trolls that took a dip in the Well of Eternity and sucked Elune's dick
well played bro, we'll show the retailcucks, xivtrannies and oldschool mmo haters
You do.
bubble and/or renew were both tools you used when some retard trod in the fire but you couldn't spare much attention for him.
Or if you could, but didn't want to in the hope that eventually the daft cunt would get the hint.
(S)he is the most unattractive person I have ever laid eyes on.
Started popping up in my YT feed after I watched a few Mythic BfD strat vids (yes I'm a retailcuck).
>No more Blood Elves
It's amazing how BOTH Factions are celebrating this, despite the fact the Horde will be losing a big chunk of their playerbase.
Though I guess the pvp tryhards will still roll Orc/UD anyway.
While I'm happy people are looking forward to something I think 40 man raiding was the worst multiplayer gaming experience I've ever had and lowering raid sizes is something I really like WoW doing.
Shame I can't be a Monk though, truly is my favorite class.
Dumb question but can you play with the updated models in Classic?
Caster classes will suck dick for spells that prevent knockback. If nothing else, bubbling yourself allows you to cast more efficiently during aoe phases
I think they said you could
>the Horde will be losing a big chunk of their playerbase.
Good riddance.
Belves attract the absolute worst kind of people. The Horde community is miles better off without them.
>People forgetting that femtroll exists
Classic will flop hard.
>that pretentious as fuck femtroll in your group
femtrolls are the fucking worst along with femtauren
Yes, they forget it in mental self defence
bad but nowhere near as bad as belfs
You will go oom before the boss hits 80% if you do shit like bubble caster who are too stupid to not get hit by stuff so their casts don't get knockback.
Nah senpai, they weren't explicitly trolls, they were just weirdo mongoloids that found the well of eternity.
Meanwhile the trolls were already established and existing, if they were the same then they wouldn't have made a distinction in classic.
Night elves being evolved trolls is >NULORE
Are they also whooping and hooting like deranged howler monkeys over big humans also not being around? It's hilarious how much Kul Tirans trigger the bejesus out of people.
Not even a power creep everything is weaker
I wanted to play Alliance but after playing on a private server and dealing with all the "people" playing femelf/femhuman I don't want to anymore
I feel like this in life, too. Like GPS has really hindered my ability to learn my surroundings and navigate well, or explain to someone else where something is using landmarks. You really just gotta do it old school to get a feel for it.
Why do classic fags need to keep everything in classic as incovenient as possible?
God fuck that place in vanilla. I fell asleep on 3 separate occasions clearing the trolls holding the barrier. Yeha it had nice gear but it was the god damn worst for me.
On the flip side im one of those people that loved vanilla BRD. I used to lead people through it all the time cause i knew the quickest way to clear the place out, which bosses dropped what loot or involved in which quest. Also full Strat runs back in Vanilla were fun too.
>New race: Eredar
>Female (Male)
>Those stretched armor Jpegs
I mean Male Kultiran are alright, you can literally roll a muscle wizard and punch people into your ring of frost.
inconvenience is fun
I thought retconning Eredar into good boys who dindu nuffin' and got corrupted by Sargeras was bad.
fuck man Ogres were supposed to be joining the Horde what happened
TFT Sylvanas>Cata Sylvanas>(Power Gap)>Wrath Sylvanas>>>Everything else>>Legion Sylvanas>(Power Gap)> Turtle daily quests>BfA Sylvanas
I dont think they were ever "good boys" But i always felt they pretty much took Sargeras story directly from Horus in warhammer.
Oh man that'd be great. After playing with the updated models I just can't go back. The updated troll model looks so fucking great.
>Look guys! I paid 10 tokens worth of gold for this transmog am I cool yet?
Everyone who uses a slutmog should just hero.
There were dungeon maps in vanilla.
Dear Going Home posters,
Can I come too? My family was dirt poor when WoW launched so I have never tried. You guys make it sound as fun as an MMO Morrowind and I want to know if I would be welcome.
What do you mean
One of the big bads we had to fight at some point was the world-ending avatar of a fucking planet, in space. Compare that to the dragon-slaying in Classic or Old God killing in MoP. How is that not powercreep?
Originally, it was the Eredar and Nathrezim who indirectly corrupted Sargeras. They didn't mind rape him or any NuWoW shit, they just utterly demoralised him by their mere existence; they were THAT fucking evil that Sargeras mentally shut down at the idea they could even be allowed to exist, and prompted him to delete fucking everything and start again.
In TBC, the Draenei retcon was that they were visited by Sargeras after he'd already fallen, and Archimonde/Kil'Jaedan accepted his offer of power.
I hate how Sylvanas went from cold and calculating leader with a personality and story to basically a cartoon villain.
don't you ever feel unwelcome in Classic
it's up to you to see if this home is fit to be your home aswell
Yeah.. it's almost like most people don't like/want to play as fatties. The only good thing Kultiran has going for it is their druid forms.
You're welcome to come and enjoy yourself however you see fit. Be aware that many players will know the ins and outs of the game already, but for the most part if you inform your party you are new, most will be glad to show you the ropes
If you don't have ADD, you're always welcome.
la luz extinguido....
It's almost like those people get really angry over the most retarded things.
Why? Because you shit yourself into a rage over it for whatever psychological reason?
>implying large map is better
every mmo that i start off late always have "optimized routes" therefore skipping more than half the content
>Maps are cancerous to MMOs.
In a game that has add-ons to streamline where the devs failed?
LMAO! Kill yourself.
Fan-made shit is cancerous too.
I'm amazed that you can understandably split her different personas into different boxes. How did it get so bad guys, how hard is it to hire a single competent writer for all that shit.
Stop being fat.
>getting to experience vanilla WoW for the first time in your life
Wow user, I'm envious.
I'm not sure if everyone will be welcoming, but I hope so. I think they will.
You'll probably met quite some people who will be all "wtf how do u not kno that lol" but I think the majority of people will have a wonderful time showing new players the ropes because that's what made vanilla so nice. Teamwork and discovering things were a thing instead of just looking up guides and knowing the content months before it came out before of datamining.
I'm pretty certain you'll have a good time if you expect Morrowing-like vibes.
Sure, just remember that every cool story about vanilla is backed by buckets of blood and sweat from the gruel leveling experience and unforgiving game mechanics. It's a hard journey, but it's worth it.
>TFW Explorer type Player
>TFW the best exploration in the game chains you to 4 other faggots
Except it's been around since vanilla.
dios mio..... el ogro de las Stormwind....
Why are homeposts so comfy?
I'm not, and I also don't fly into rages about fictional characters not being anime hourglass titty monsters, unlike you.
>maybe we should add more branches and optional objectives
>nah just fucking delete all that shit
thanks tbc
Stop being fat.
Nostalgia, duh. Also, if you mean the images specifically, hugs are nice.
>Clothing is still textured onto mesh.
LOL! Jesus fuck, even Second Life doesn't do that anymore.
>a primitive tribe of nocturnal humanoids cautiously made their way to the edges of the mesmerizing, enchanted lake
>The feral, nomadic humanoids, drawn by the Well's strange energies, built crude homes upon its tranquil shores. Over time, the Well's cosmic power affected the strange tribe, making them strong, wise and virtually immortal
>ancient texts speak of a small faction of trolls that broke off from the Amani Empire and founded their own colony in the heart of the dark continent
>There, these brave pioneers discovered the cosmic Well of Eternity which transformed them into beings of immense power
>Some legends suggest that these adventurous trolls were the first night elves, though this theory has never been proven
So these primitive, nomadic, humanoids built crude homes at the Well, and transformed them into strong, wise immortal being.
Meanwhile, trolls (specifically named this time) went to the center of the single continent (Well) and discovered it, and were transformed into beings of immense power (probably made them stronger, wiser, immortal maybe)
Hmm, big think
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Everyone is laughing at her for being a hamplanet but really it's her face that's truly fucking awful.
rent free
>N O S H O E S
>N I G G E R
This man knows.
Oh, and fuck chinks, and fuck fatties.
Why are people suddenly acting like ST was the best instance ever? I played in vanilla and people avoided that shithole like cancer and if they did do it they skipped as much of it as possible.
Same goes for the BRD, people paste the BRD map and say shit like "this is what true instance looks like" etc. But in reality it was major pain in the ass to find a group of people who wanted to do anything else than few specific bosses in there.
they're setting up the background for the real wow sequel: Warcraft Universe 40k
with special guest: Starcraft shit because why the fuck not
I won't lie I used to dislike ST and some other dungeons but after years of shit MMO and soulless garbage I'll be more than happy to spend hours getting lost in there again.
Gets me every time
maybe for horde but alliance is constantly running brd
Because Mara is worse and Dire Maul is the spawn of satan.
You're so precious
Because we can be as contrarian as we want to in order to praise Vanilla WoW returning to us.
And you're fat.
Stop it.
and how many of those groups killed bosses like Bael'Gar or Lord Incendius, or did the ring of law?
>Because Mara is worse
anti-Mara fags need to be gassed
Can you find the final boss without using a map?
Even the petition got 800k votes out of 100 million registered accounts. No ones gives the slightest shit. You're an EXTREMELY vocal minority, bubby.
??? Mara isn't a maze
>Mara is worse
any dumbshit hunter in your guild can solo it for you
Too late the entire party jumped off the waterfall to fight the crocolisk sideboss
Mara is long as fuck if you do a full run, but it's not really a maze. Only boss that can be a bit difficult to find is that goblin.
Who here /doingeverydungeon/?
Maybe you should not be in a group with ADHD idiots who jump off even though they can see the final boss.
>if I act like a redditor maybe I'll win this internet slapfight
>/p Okey guys, don't jump. We can do the croc and the goblin after the boss.
That was so hard.
I'd always suggest a checkpoint system for ressurection and teleporting as people shouldn't have to waste precious real time with purely running around in an instance to somewhere they've already been this run. Ideally with one checkpoint at the entrance and one in front of each boss that each player activates once per run by getting close enough and then it's usable to resurrect there / teleport to other checkpoints that are already unlocked.
Specifically for dungeons that have downright cancerous ghostwalking paths to the entrance and then in the dungeon itself, like Maraudon.
You bet I am user. I absolutely want to revisit most of them.
gnomer is comfy and has good items that can last to 60
It's because Blizzard is a translucent parasite; their games and writing always reflect what's popular at the time.
>8.2 sounds pretty great
>Yea Forums hates it
Honestly not suprised
>Pops out of Shadowmeld with an aimed shot just finishing it's cast
>frontflips over your corpse
It's also very apparent that Blizzard only hires blizzard fanboys. They literally won't hire anyone unless they are complete blizzdrones. That means that only the people who write mega autistic WoW fanfiction get a writing job there and it really shows.
Why would you run all the way back to the beginning of the instance just to fight the goblin?
I'll be playing shaman again (if I try it at all) and I'm fully prepared to fill-in tank just like I did way back when I first joined. Though the totem system had been reworked to hell and back I don't expect current Blizzard to be able to hack it back to how it worked originally.
Not to mention the very fact they write books for video games shows they're already shit writers who can't come up with their own setting.
It truly is so tiresome, even Hearthstone writes better WoW lore when compared to the main team.
Autistic fanfiction has been part of WoW since Vanilla 1.0
>night elves siding with alliance for no reason
>horde allowing undead
Fuck off. Sunken Temple was great. I'll never forget the time I tanked it as a level 60 mage, except for the final boss. Couldn't do it.
It'd be better to buff something like engi jumper cables to have a lower lvl requirement and lower fail rate. This would also make it much more desirable to bring rogues and hunters to a group whereas by putting teleports everywhere you make them even less desirable than they already are.
Night Elves hate Orcs so it was the obvious choice.
That doesn't go hand in hand with where places should be. Imagine the misery of Goldshire gone missing due to random map generation.
This. Sadly each addon and Classic had it's weak points in design which they never bothered to completely fix. They should've. That would've given the game a better direction in the long run instead of everything-is-all-different-here each addon.
I mean did you just forget how WC3 ended?
Did you just forget Orcs killed Cenarius?
>Orcs LITERALLY just killed their patron demigod
>Still make humans be the first line of defense against the Scourge/Legion at Hyjal
as much as i want that even as a Death knight main you know how they will handle it: Sylvanas will resist easily, and do the opposite to bolvar and then we will have the lich queen SLAAAAAYY YASSSSSS. Kill me, just end me,
You made it racist