Why did you quit?

Why did you quit?

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Constant retarded buffs and nerfs and completely reworking characters. The only good rework they ever did was poppy

>Shit balance
>Shit hitboxes
>Shit RNG
>Non unique champ designes

It felt like wasting time. Doing the same thing over and over for like 5 years. I don't know why it took me so long to understand that.

I got banned for calling people out for being shit and never made a new account

This. I do that know why this isn't a more common answer. It just got boring

Dota 2 was better. I quit dota later on too.

I only played it because my friends did so when they moved on I stopped.

they nerfed Fiora's ult so I stopped playing the game altogether

i realized going through 30-40 minutes of absolute hell woth 0 reward isnt worth it


Every game felt like a huge gamble. Winning feels great, but losing feels fucking horrible, especially if it's because of feeders and ragequitters on your team. Adding to this it made some of my friends turn into complete jackasses so I just uninstalled it and never looked back.

It was basically wasting my time. I have played for years. Time to move on.

Friends I had started playing with took it too seriously and that rubbed off on me.
Then when I had another friend who wanted to do it casually and I started being a dick to her for doing things you would expect someone starting out to do I decided to do some self evaluation.
After that I came to the conclusion that all League did was make me an asshole and was the reason I couldn't get a girlfriend. This was two years ago, now I'm living well have a great girl with me and have finally finished getting my bachelors.

I got a job and a new girlfriend, so I'd rather spend my two to three hours of gaming time I got a week in a more. Fulfilling game that let's Me quit whenever in case something comes up

this game is literally a cancer to your life, addicting as hell had to stop. such a waste of time

>installing Chinese spyware ever

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the ranked system punishes you
if you go on a promo you play 2 games worth of nothing, the higher you get the better are your opponents and the worse are your teammates

The game was beginning to shift into overdrive with the "every character gets 50 command flashes and built in Lifesteal and movement speed" and Top lane was getting stagnant with AD Bruiser cancer.
The final straw were the continuous Singed nerfs. He's the only champion that's enjoyable to play constantly. Urgot and Yorick were in good spots but just weren't as fun to play to me.
Not to mention how garbage solo queue always will be and how the game cannot be won by a single player but can be lost by a single player.
I'm mad I sunk so many hours in the game but I'm happy I never gave them a single cent.

I recently heard Singed is getting buffed so I wish all the best for the madmen that stuck through with him this far, they deserve the buffs

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Stopped having fun for multiple reasons but the main one is personal autism that worked in my favor in the long run:

I tend to value tier lists waaaay more than my own personal fun, i like to know that what im playing is strong and that the best players agree, even when im playing normals and nobody cares, massive to notably significant chages every 2 weeks was just not for me.

Not to mention my hatred for the balance team and the amount of money i was wasting on RP on skins for champions that at any moment could be at the bottom of the tier list with no compensation, that dread eventually made be stop buying skins as well

it's boring, losing feels like wasted time and winning doesn't feel good cause it's usually just a complete stomp

I'm happy for u user

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I still play it,i love it

I originally quit from the assassin rework cause khazix was no longer fun and ekko wasn't good in the jungle. but near the end of last season I started playing casually cause my friend wanted a new bot lane duo, so now I play adc, the only issue is I don't like adcs that much so my most played bot laners are azir and rengar.

graphically reworking summoners rift/creeps to the disgusting shit that it is now and reworking master yi was the nail in the coffin.
they constantly tried to fix what wasn't broken and only focussed on making new skins/heroes to make as much money as possible, they never bothered to even balance the game.
complete dogshit game and i'm very surprised its still afloat.

90% of my games in Diamond 1 were decided by whichever team got the most autofills. Zero skill, literally just a coinflip.

The balance is absolute trash. Certain champions are obviously given preferential treatment, and the damage is insanely high, so every fight is just one person nuking the other.

The players base is just a bunch of insufferable niggers. Most of them are more interested in getting unironically butthurt than they are in playing the game. I don't really blame them though, since the game is repetitive and talking shit is probably the most fun part of any game.

haven't yet but gave up on climbing solo q
only play when i have 4 other friends on and it's been fun

They nerfed my main into uselessness. Probably be back in a couple patches.

I still play

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fortnite came out

Glad you quit. Disgusting fotm trashheap.
t. Main gang

because donkey videos was the only reason i played

keep sayin it

Changed too much, no longer the game I fell in love with

I miss old Shen, man

Fuck yeah, based Singed-bro. He better get some good buffs, it's so hard to face most meta top laners nowadays

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Who's your main, user?

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Riot removed Force of Nature

Have they fixed the Yi goo fling bug yet? Or are we still too busy nerfing every core item Singed uses?

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Sylas. Got the "pick/ban in pro play" treatment. I'd been one tricking him since he came out, first champ I could play five matches back to back and not get bored.

they reworked mordekaiser, the only fun champion for me

Fuck outta here, disgusting new champ fag.
Seeing that retard being useless made me so happy.

Game shifted more to flashy combat, and i suck at it.

Nope, they'll never fix that. Some people even say it's "intended," though I can't find the Rioter saying it. There's 0 counterplay if he pops ult, it's just a straight stat-check. Luckily if we get to teamfights, it's fun as shit

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I just got done playing a match

Thing was, it was good back then. it had soul. the old artstyle and the clunkyness, the insane snowballing, ect. All of this was removed because they wanted to appeal to younger weeb zoomers. The downfall was in full force by the time that they changed the map.

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Oh well. Keep on gassing, I've been done with the game.

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I didn't. I just don't play ranked or normal anymore.

Which idiot fed and threw the match?

But I never started

Yeah yeah, the game would be so much better if the only champions were ashe malphite and annie, eat a dick

The game was a grind at the time and I just wasn't into the little stamp collecting bullshit that added like a percent or a fraction of a percent to a stat.
By the time they got rid of it I was aware of a lot of Riots bullshit and how fucked the balancing was and also by the time I realized Mobas just aren't my thing.

The porn generated for it is still pretty good tho.

quit ranked
switch to like 1 to maybe 5 max games of ARAM a day.

Lmao keep face rolling on your keyboard harder you pathetic dash cuck

>i liked to play top lane and play udyr singed and nasus
>just wanted to dick around so would end up feeding junglers
>team would go apeshit at me

Hopefully he gets fixed soon, user. I'd love to try for Masters, but right now it's just not fun even if I do win, I feel like I have to try way harder than I should just to go even in lane/do well in teamfights. How would you feel about a rework? Honestly, if they made it like Warwick, I think he'd have a shitload of potential, especially if they add onto the troll aspect of him

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Stopped playing early season 3
Started playing it again a week ago.
Got to gold before the average teammate was so toxic that it dragged down my enjoyment of the game. Even winning was an abhorrent experience if even a single thing went wrong.
Uninstalled it for the second time.

people can still can carry hard even after riot said they balanced that
nothing is more shitty than having the enemy zed go 4/0 and coming to your lane to get a practically guarantee back or kill

>Nostalgia the post.

I realized I didn't like the game anymore. I only enjoyed it because I had friends to play with.
That and my characters getting gutted for months or years on end and the general mindset of the players both on or against my team. There's no fun to it anymore.
>Zoe overextends and is practically hugging the enemy tower
>Zed solos
>Zoe repeats and gets ganked or soloed after hugging their tower for the 6th time
>Zoe blames me for not sitting in his bush and diving full health Zed the entire game and babysitting him
>Zoe is a cunt the entire game and makes it a 4v6

Why would you want to do this after 4 years is beyond me. They also don't release game modes nearly fast enough to keep me playing casually, either. They want the main attraction to be the same stale ass map with a garbage patch and rotating broken characters in and out.

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I still fap to best girl from time to time.

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30+ min games
last hit
its just not fun

NSA is checking your every post
God I love The Patriot Act, even commies are envious

>last hit
Jesus user, were you bronze 5?

good taste user

I still play it for maybe like a week or two every few months.
I would gladly pay for something like legacy season 2 server

in autustic enough for league play
if want to play RTS i go play RTS

Reworked Rengar so he was not fun anymore, the q revert was not enough with those other changes

hots bab pls

I didn't, I plat it on a regular basis and it's as good as it's ever been

I still play it from time to time, but having people constantly shit on their teammates zaps the enjoyment right outta me. Its not just lol, its all modern online vidya. What happened with communities that had fun? I swear five years ago you could find friends in games. Now everybody just wants to win, i guess its the placebo effect of being good at something useless.

When i realized people play the game to get angry.

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The community is and always will be fucking trash. I got tired of watching people shit all over each other for the stupidest and most insignificant things.

I only played in the first place because my friend circle did.
The genre is terrible, and choked out the custom games list in its birthplace.

The esports meme killed it for average players.

Because Hots came out. And by the time Hots died I was all Moba'd out

Never touched it in the first place since Riot is a shit company and has been like that since its formation

>Playing a moba
I don't hate myself THAT much

I didn't. Hit challenger last season and I'm probably going to be an academy player next year.

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Balancing around pro scene, absolute retards for team mates, grinding IP was fucking dumb, just give us all the heroes from the start.

the game has always been shit. It's understandable if you liked it in ~2012, but nigger there are so many better games out there.

Far less concerned with an accountable US government agency than the entirely unaccountable government of China.

Proof pwease ^_^

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Wtf in this webm? Do these niggers realize that the guy could die?

I don't want to be forced to play with 4 retards

I just got tired of it eventually. It was around the time Cinderhulk first came out. I just hated the dice roll of misery or semi-fun. My friend stopped playing as much so I was solo.

I recently started playing with an old friend once or twice a week and I have a ton of fun with that. LoL is genuinely a fun game, but people get addicted and burn themselves out on it.

>black people understand consequences of anything
Ishiggydiggy user

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They don't care.

>relaxing around niggers

Bad move.

They probably didn't realize this video would catch them 5-10 upstate, but it did.

this has got to be the shittiest one of these memes

>only good mode was ARAM
>autistic players
>same shit over and over
>shit balancing
I played this for like 2-3 years, I have no idea why.

Was high elo (2300+) in S2 and S3
Then they reworked the ungle and I had less money than the fucking support
Never came back to this shit game

Context please

>implying old Urgot was better
>implying old Shen wasn't so boring
>implying new WW isn't fantastic

There's no reward to getting better at the game. You realize it's just the same shit in a higher elo.

Devs were balancing more around bronzies who cared more about winning than about getting good and every new champ kept power creeping the game.

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I played this for 40min back in 2009 and never touched it again

Quit? I started playing 2 months ago.

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What elo, what role?

I sold and recovered my account 3 seperate times

The only thing I miss is playing Vayne.

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Just general lack of interest and acceptance that I'd probably never move beyond high silver around s3. I've reinstalled, played a couple of ARAM games and left it for months before uninstalling again a handful of times over the years. Having no friends to play with anymore is probably the biggest reason I'll never seriously come back.

Because Riot deleted all my favorite characters and then made new ones with the same name

I don't understand how anyone defends this ""rework"" bullshit, if they're going to completely change the character they should just make a new one instead

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>never knowing the unholy delights of 34 AP level 1 shen maxing Q for endless poke.
kys faggot

are you saying you sold it and got it back?

I like the old Shen argument because of how retarded it is, he literally was just spam Q and W and that's it, he probably had like 2 or 3% difference between 0 games or 50 games played on him

Yes, 3 seperate times.

dafuq is elo? If you are asking about ranked I'm silver. I like playing support because I mained that role in hots

>secret service
>under patriot act
not that user, but you sure are a fucking retard!

You could get fucked under 'secret court' for taping some cow getting molested in a farm under the patriot act you absolute cuck.

Old Taric was my fucking jam - I felt the rework was more of a retard test.

How did you get it back? Lol i could sell my account for 100s. I'd feel bad scamming people like that though.

I tried Dota2 one time and never looked back. It's better in absolutely every single way.

I did that like 10 times
literally a money generator

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>45+ minute progress is lost in 3 second because of one retard
How the fuck can you find this even remotely acceptable?

Riot support.

Even with a changed e-mail and password - If you can prove you made the account and have payment information, they'll give it back to you.

I felt bad but I'm legit poor and needed groceries to eat. be safe, user.

It really is. Maybe I should do it again.

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>0 counterplay to a yi ult
Its called deadmans plate + swifties. You got no choice but to switch to an in and out tactic.

I loved this game so much. I started as a bronze shitter but after many years, I was scrimming in Master.

But then they started adding gay agenda shit. Then they started curbing the female sexuality. Then they hired a diversity officer. I finally removed the wool from over my eyes and realized that they were Jewed.

And I hate Jews more than I loved LoL.

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because Riot killed Braum, the only reason for me to play this shit game was to play him

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5 years for a punch? jesus. No wonder you retards have the highest prison pop ever.

You realize that incarcerating (mostly black youths) for that insane period will.. WOAH make them feel unwanted and act like it, right? We have plenty of nigros in our country and we don't have these problems AT ALL. Check yourselves.

The problem for me is that its hard to do it again because I'm banned from most websites

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What did they do? I didn't play for a while

old taric was also extremely boring but funny to look at

I quit because everyone I played with quit, they turned my favorite champion to shit, and frankly I wasn't that good, and they keep catering to tourneyfags so I had no reason to continue on.

The "grind" to unlock was never an issue for me though, thankfully.

I used playerauctions all 3 times I did it, I don't think I got reported once.

I'm very sure people who buy league accounts have too much money and don't even notice shit like this.

Listen user I hate Jews as much as the next normal person but you shouldn't let THAT ruin the game for you

>the game cannot be won by a single player but can be lost by a single player.
you just nailed it, everything else is a symptom of this. Obviously you can't win every game, but even when doing well or really well, to 1v9 is tough as shit and shouldn't be the normal to win soloqueue

Around 2014. I realized i was treating the game like a second job and wasnt even having fun anymore.

Went back to singleplayer games and suddenly vidya is a fun hobby again. Havent touched an esport since.

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i take this attitude as just trash players whining about their teammates. it's a team game, sometimes you get a shit team and sometimes you get a good one. if you don't play the game that often, losing isn't really a big deal. people mistake their addiction to the game with actual problems the game has

>Building swifties, ever
Not worth it at all, in 99% of situations
t. d3 Singed one trick

As an user who's not addicted to this genre, I tried DotA again recently and I was pissed.

It's not about winning or losing - It's about time being consumed. We know it's a team game.

>Devs were balancing more around bronzies
>they keep catering to tourneyfags

I love how the most judgemental people have no idea about what they are talking about

It is a complete shit show. Most games come down to either who i splaying the better champs, or who has the feeder on their team.
You get punished for leaving the game as well. If you have some troll in your game you are stuck in there for 20-50 min. If you leave you get in trouble.
Riot also hates men and looks down on women, typical SJW company

changes to tank support items, and tanks supports in general became unviable because of AP support getting better due to adc changes, this was about 3-4 years ago

You don't understand. My family are immigrants to America. Jews destroyed our homeland. I will NEVER EVER forgive the Jews.

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Everyone is "judgmental" by default. It's human nature to have opinions.

>the game cannot be won by a single player but can be lost by a single player.
Back in season 1 or 2 a single player could easily snowball and carry 4 retards. Those days are long gone though. Nu-League punishes you for doing well with that retarded shutdown mechanic.

New Urgot has a fun ult but overall old Urgot was better and was much more interesting since he could go any role and shitwreck that lane early game with his brutal poke.

I played a lot of league from 2013 to around early last year to the point that it was one of the only games I played. I stuck to support, adc and jungle since mid and top bored me and I had more interest in consistent team play. However after a while I realized that that very interest was not present in League, especially in solo que. Too many times did one lane just rocket out of control which only lead to a team of people flaming because they can't own up to their mistakes. After a while I took a break and realized that the only thing I really missed about the game were the characters I liked. I never looked forward to playing the game itself but just playing a round as Alistar or trying to all in gank with Rammus. After that I have barely gone back to the game as it's hard to keep up with the constant patch notes that never fix the actual problems with the game but just flip flop between tanks or assassins being busted.

The Gangplank event made me realise how committed to boring design the game was. They introduced a shit load of new items and new mechanics that deepened the game, and yet it was just a limited time event. Really glad I quit, I was much happier afterwards.

Also, they fucked up the lore so damn badly. They literally retconned the League of Legends out of League of Legends. People can make the argument that the old stuff was hard to work with, but fuck that, I loved the political intrigue stuff, and they gave up on that to replace it with nothing.

Also, they retconned Twisted Fate from a psychopath with a charming facade to a stylish misunderstood anti-villain .

That's the thing, they were somehow doing both at the same time. I recall MarineRevenge, a /vg/ regular well known for his usage of Garen in top ranks would be somewhat in contact with one of the people in the balance team, and said person said he'd take into account the opinions of both Bronze players and Challenger players.

An example was Darius near s3 during peak Jayce meta, it was considered a slow piece of shit who added nothing to a team in pro/high elo play and it got nerfed hard because bronzies couldn't space well enough to not get snowballed by him.

True but there really is no other choice most of the time if yi is fed and you actually have to build to survive.

I've been playing since s1.

This is the first season where I've pretty much said fuck it to playing. I've done the ranked grind in s4 where the highest I've gotten is 50ish lp D1. Realized I would never be good enough to climb above that and have since just gotten D5 every season for the border and quit ranked.

Ranked hasn't been fun since S3. They keep making fucking ridiculous amounts of changes as they are trying to spice the game up for competitive. As a jungler main, it just fucks every season for me. Oh let's add monsters that have affects like wolves that ward the whole jungle, oh let's remove it. Oh let's add plants, oh let's nerf gold income, oh lets completely change camp exp, oh let's fucking make the whole game revolve around scuttle.

It's all so damn tiresome. I'd love for the meta to remain constant and for them to just work on balance. It would be great if I could just hop into ranked at any point and do relatively well. Instead I load up the game to realize some champ I played all season is now complete shit tier and I have a completely new pool of 9 champions that are the viable junglers this season. It just became too tiresome to keep up with the game. I don't want to bother anymore.

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nigga nobody in this thread knows what a deadmans plate is

this is "why did you quit"

I got permabanned for saying the n-word

Why is riot obsessed with releasing champs with broken kits? Then they take the lazy rought and "fix" them by changing numbers

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I suppose, the best bet in my opinion is to build tabis and group with your team, and hope they know how to CC/actually picked champs with CC

Bored. Same fucking map for years and years.

Braum is literally the most successful support in terms of pro presence + solo queue viability

I got suspended for insulting someone when they insulted me first. Life feels much better after being suspended.

her kit isn't the worst thing
her personality is cringly le stronk feminist edgy gurl now

>games are a coinflip of who gets the most retards on their team
>new shutdown system punishes you for playing well
>new champions keep getting more retarded eg zoe/neeko/pyke
>balance team are a bunch of apes that should all be shot
shit got so fucking frustrating, the people in diamond play like they are in bronze, a good 50% are one tricks who feed their ass off if they get anything but their champ.

>He didn't play ARAM, TT or Nexus Blitz

lol missed out son

Dominion was lit. Come on, bro.

>they should get off with a slap on a wrist for causing brain damage
Pozzed brain Swede

because thats how they keep league feeling "fresh" reworks/new releases are almost always OP so people will play them. Most people in low elo still think what champ you play matters more than your skill with the champ so they will pick someone they have never played who is "broken" or is a "counter pick" so they make that champion different all the time so the doesn't feel as stale and played out as it is.

She's more like a bratty teenager who thinks she knows a lot more than she does, really. Her kit is gigacancer though. And Riot ate shit once again after finally capitulating to removing her retarded true invisibility, fucking CertainlyT.

They killed Skarner in any role not Jungle

cause the game is terrible and made worse by the worst playerbase on earth.

nothing on this planet is worse than a league player.

I quit around Season 4, before Bard and Braum were introduced as characters.
Biggest issue was that every game was 20 minutes to an hour sunk time for nothing. I didn't like the core gameplay enough to keep running that plateau. Any other game would reward some sense of progression, system mastery, plot development, etc. but with League it was just a treadmill where you either won or lost and didn't really get anywhere in a game designed to frustrate you into valuing its currency.
Otherwise, though?
>Constant reworks that changed character's entire lore for the worse
>Kit reworks to 'balance' champs but ended up making them less fun to play
>General design theory that the game had to be played how Riot wanted it, no fun allowed
>Equipment and abilities constantly changing, made it a fucking chore to keep up
>Five-player queue means you're never in control of the entire game, even if you're carrying as a jungle or ADC or APC
>Due to this, if you're having a bad game, you get treated like shit, too
>New characters priced higher on release because Riot intentionally released them broken even after playtesters told them they were broken
>Lore went from a constant stream of articles to literally nothing
>Competitive scene constantly blared into everyone's faces, makes even the worst shitty player think they're some pro, cultivates this elitist garbage community where most players are bronze but treat their team like shit for playing at bronze-level

I don't understand who these games are meant to appeal to. At first, I like the lore and I enjoyed leveling up and earning new characters, but that all was washed away by Riot's shitty handling of everything and how trash the core game could be. I've largely avoided every similar 'matchmake with majority randoms in a faux-competitive setting' games like Overwatch because they're the same level of fucking cancer.

>Nexus Blitz
Really the only reason to play this game anymore. It's the only time I have fun, yet it isn't a permanent game mode. Fucking retarded.

>new shutdown system punishes you for playing well
now fucking laning punishes you for doing well

Reworked or nerfed all my champs. Yeas Katarina was super strong but adding a dumb dagger mechanic to add to her set up time and burst speed instead of just reworking her completely is retarded and lazy.

>the year is 2019 and riot kids still are too retarded to play a hero as unique as invoker

lmao all the same fucking kits, stupid kids

The can't think of one redeeming aspect. The colors are nice I guess?

Invoker sucks dick tho

My boy talks nonstop about Invoker and Meepo yet he's fucking garbage.

Are you high? New Rengar is way better.

If you spend hundreds of dollars for skins and pour thousands of hours into a game it will get boring no matter what the devs do

The whiny teammates were gearing.

the point is league heros are 99.9% the same shit




and the game is fucking slow.

after 100 minutes the score is like 3-1.

it's a retard game made for retards or girls

get out while you can, trust me this game isnt worth the time you will sink into it

It is the equivalent to a spiritual blackhole of consumerism.

Loss of interest. Proliferation of e-sports mentality among copper rank kids copying le doblelift. Game just became boring. Old rig was crashing all the time.

nah you're right. just wanted to badmouth """complex""" heroes.

fuck both of these games, really.

The only to enjoy league is to feed until you are rock bottom mmr and play along by using shit like ap jhin.

They're an incredibly stupid group of people at Riot. They don't Balance their game around a baseline for damage, or defense, or health or anything. They balance they game around "how it feels". These people need to at least attend 1 (ONE) game design course because holy fucking shit is that the most retarded way to design a (what they claim to be) "competitive" game.
Secondly, they removed all potential for people to carry games, yet another retarded decision which for all intents and purposes has no rhyme or reason to have been made. Now the game ends by which team has the weakest player.
All in all, why would anyone still be playing? That's the question you should be asking.

I just have hard time playing as ADC in GOLD

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Never ever touched it bro.

>after 15 min we freeze the lane for you

>trusting the american govt

Lmao go get your vax little sheepy

I often quit for 3-6 months then come back for a week or two then quit for another 3-6 months

The game is shit
A big part of it is that I am low elo so my performamce is sketchy but even more frustrating is that I often play with people equal to or below my skill level and we just lose because there is not a single player on my team that wants to even coordinate proper fights

Riot refuses to even admit that it was intentional. They just call it a bug and do nothing about it.

>Top lane the forgotten lane
>Start enjoying Fiora
>Fiora gets nerfed to oblivion
>Never gets buffed is forgotten completely

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She's getting buffed massively next patch.


My friends act like faggots when we lose norms. NORMS. I just wanted to play fun shit like AP xin and jungle TF instead of trying hard.

Sure but it isn't true that she is forgotten completely.

that guy got actual brain damage or courtwhine brain damage? If you got brain damage from a simple punch I think there's more than something wrong with you.

whiny murricucks and their idiotic system

t. bronze shitter

Top lane and jungle have always been the only good roles in this game. Bot lane has gotten worse every patch for 7 years straight

>fiora the character who can literally feed 15 kills and still come back and win a game by afk farming because of SCALING TRUE DAMAGE
>gets nerfed and everyone cries about it

They retconned Trundle from being a betrayed hero to a le generic evil ice troll

Started playing a couple weeks before Illaoi relese. Quit soon after Irelia rework.
>mechanically it's still a fucking Warcraft 3 map with retarded point'n'click controls
>my friends stopped playing months ago (I should've stopped as well), shit's literally unplayable without full premade with voice communication
>matches take forever, 90% of LoL is literal waste of time
>Rito's retarded "we don't play our game but have extremely specific ideas about how characters should be played" design philosophy
>lolrandom balance changes and items updates
>retarded obsession with e-sports (I want anime tiddies to occupy 90% of the launcher window, not cringy overly photoshopped pictures of some korean cockroaches I'm never going to care about)
>Warmog removed from ARAM
>Battlerite went free2play
Battlerite's f2p release was the biggest red pill for me. It has anything that is good about league (except meme picks and builds which is borderline griefing anyway) without everything bad.
Leag has no future, it's broken on a fundamental level. 15 minutes of autistic farm leading to either one team stomping another due to retarded snowballing or 30 more minutes of stalling the match that might potentially lead to one final legit teamfight. That's pinnacle of garbage game design for a multiplayer title that advertises itself as MUH ESPORTS.

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>Warmog removed from ARAM
No it's not - atleast atm.

>no idea what they're talking about
they focused the entirety of their balance discussions around people who play nothing but ranked, AKA the tourneyfags. That doesn't necessarily mean high skill, just the most retarded bunch. That's what I meant by my post. judging by how assmad you are about it, you probably fit in that camp. retard.

League is shit anyways don't ever plan on playing it again. Its been a year and a half that i have not touched that crap.
I understood why everyone hates her and even I hated facing Fiora, but that was my favorite champ

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I miss him. FUCK MALFOY

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I miss Old Xerath.

No rework. Singed is the most unique kit in the game, and if I'm not mistaken, the first ever developed. They could introduce new mechanics, like the longer an enemy stays in his Q, itd shred MR or grant MS. Potential to fling teammates for combos or safety, etc.
But no rework, the last thing I want to see is the best designed champion to be reduced to another retarded face-rolling, no clip, 50 dashes champion.

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Yeah, that one hurt too. They just fucking retcon everything for no reason. I think the only good retcon was when they gave Renekton a reason for being evil, but even that came at the cost of removing the alternative worlds idea that the early champs rolled with.

>Ascended Form
Xerath feeds on arcane power, becoming increasingly resilient to physical harm; granting him 15% of his ability power as bonus armor.
>Active: After gathering energy for 0.5 seconds, Xerath fires an arcane beam that deals magic damage to all enemies in a line.
>Active: Xerath immobilizes himself at his location, granting his spells 400-range and gaining bonus magic penetration. This lasts up to 8 seconds but can be canceled early by reactivating the ability. When the effect ends, Xerath gains 35% increased movement speed for 2 seconds.
>Active: Xerath deals magic damage to an enemy and marks them with Unstable Magic for 3 seconds. Unstable Magic will trigger if a marked enemy is hit by one of Xerath's spells, stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
>Active: Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, which strikes after a 0.5 second delay dealing magic damage to enemies within a 200-radius. Arcane Barrage can be recasted up to two more times in the next 12 seconds.

All of the shitty changes in the past two years were bad enough. Riot going full sjw and even hiring a diversity officer were the final straw.

Rito removed it for a while before I stopped playing because of "muh balance" or some shit like that. That was small change and they even stated that it might be just a temporary measure to see how it affects ARAM's "balance" but it was telling a lot abut how rito hates fun.

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I used to rock that shit. His W made the entire kit come together in such a unique way. Now he's just Generic-Mid #55.

The only change (i've played it today) is that ARAM Warmog is based to missing health - the more you've lost, the bigger the regen.

it wasnt fun

Played from 2009 to 2013 or so. Burned out on it naturally. I've got all sorts of goodies on that account like UFO Corki and Victorious Jarvan, maybe I should sell the account.

The game just took itself way too seriously and is no longer fun.
>No sunfire cape stacking.
>No kill stacking items
>No innervating locket
>No AP Master Yi
>No AP Tristana
I could go on. Locket was so fun on Gragas and Udyr. Sunfire stacking on Mundo, Garen and Morde. Jumping around nonstop as AP Yi or Tristana. Stacking that Health regen Gold per 5 item on Poppy and never dying due to her passive. I used to meme Hard with my movement speed Garen build. That sword that gave 15% ms with 20 stacks plus boots of swiftness.
The game became too narrow in terms of how you play your champion and how you build them.
People used to play AD carry Annie because she had the farthest attack range in the game before Caitlin. I wish I could play classic LoL.

I stopped playing multiplayer games in general. My job involves talking to idiots in a call centre full of Stacies, I've had enough of talking to people by the time I get home and would rather spend it playing singleplayer stuff.

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we esports now, no fun allowed :^)

>new champion release/old champion rework
>check abilities
>passive: every 15 seconds next basic attack...
>stop reading
>forget about leeg until next champion/rework

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Yeah I have those 2. I have another account with Koopa Rammus. I asked Riot to transfer the skin and they said they won't. The funny thing is they used to do that. They did it for my friend and combined the skins from 2 accounts to his main. Riot is shit.


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Im still mad about Galio rework as his kit and looks were unique as hell.

the problem with "esports" balancing is that they remove the original fun versions of the game and you can't play them anymore with friends. it would be like barring anyone from playing football in any form except for NFL rules with full pads and full contact.

The game was seriously fun back when it released.
>tfw Dodge stacking Jax soloing turrets left and right
Riot wanted everything to be "balanced" and no fun allowed.

maybe keep asking every so often until you get a customer support who will do it for you? they have the ability to do it. you just need to find the guy who isn't a stick-ass about "rules"

I remember AP Galio mid being an off-meta monster. I assume that's no longer a thing?

Nah, AP Galio is still legit but he plays way differently. He's like a hybrid mage/tank now, gets play top mid and supp.

i miss AD twisted fate...

In most jurisdictions that would be aggravated assault, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years. So yeah, 5-10 in all likelihood.

>You realize that incarcerating (mostly black youths) for that insane period will.. WOAH make them feel unwanted and act like it, right?
The system is terrible at handling misdemeanors, but it's not bad when it comes to felonies. The punch almost certainly changed the life of the victim for the worse, and there's no way those kids could possibly compensate him adequately.

So the system is designed to put them in prison for 5-10, and in most cases they'll be out in 3 and on probation for the remainder.

The system is only broken when there are mandatory minimum sentences involved (drug offenses) and unclear misdemeanor sentencing guidelines.

Remember that summoner ability that made turrets invulnerable for 8 seconds. My friends and I would all take it as a team of 5. If we wipes we would prevent pushing for 40 seconds until we revived. It was cheesy and didnt always guarantee a win but It was fun.
I just want to reminisce over old LoL mechanics.

Don't have time to rank up when I'm in college and working. Decided to play more Warframe instead.

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I went from playing all the time to burning out and only playing occasionally. Then they added elo decay, and since I was only playing occasionally I could never progress because even if I had a win spree the next time I got on my elo was decayed back to what I started at before

>If you got brain damage from a simple punch I think there's more than something wrong with you.
Hey if you're saying you're willing to take a punch without any idea you need to defend yourself, I'm more than willing. I guarantee you'll never be the same. You may not even wake up if I hit your temple.

Don't be a dumbass on the internet. It's not worth the effort.

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They nerfed my favorite champ and they haven't released any news on his mini-rework

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Dont forget
>Gangplank ability to deny minions
>Shaco sunfire stacking.
>removed Force of Nature stacking

do you think movies are real life or something, you can literally die if your head gets hit in the wrong way, especially from behind, I pity your stupidity honestly

I never started in the first place. Looked fucking gay.

Fuck off to /wfg/ with your pictures of inbred children in latex suits please.

I never understood this meme, is making things look worse somehow better? I really don't get it.

>Evelyn sunfire stack where you just run up behind an enemy and watch as they panic while not realizing why their life is burning away

In the context of leeg
>All characters on the right play the same
>All characters on the left also play the same but at least they can be exploited in some funny creative ways

Toxic community

but warframe is way way worse with FOMO and RNG grindy bullshit

I fucking quit that game for good when they gave out like 10 vaulted relics for an alert you could only do once and then I didn't get the gold drop from 10 radshares

You overplayed your fucking hand jews, no more. I am free from the FOMO and alert apps waking me up for potatoes at 3 AM forever and as I fall further and further behind on the grind any latent desire to go back will diminish more and more.

So, someone punches a complete stranger unprovoked, which has the potential to kill the victim or give him a traumatic brain injury, and you're afraid of making the punch-thrower feel unwanted?


>That pic
Did that really happen?

>I never understood this meme
maybe you should lurkmoar over here instead of spending all your day shilling for riot on r/lol

got bored and it's been 7 years already

never even hit level 30 before I saw the grind that was ahead of me. I'd have to have 1 to 2 years of grinding to git gud just to be able to discuss the game in fan circles without getting screamed at.
It was a fun game, it felt incredibly novel to me, causing me to have a long love affair with DOTA 2 afterwards which was somehow more my cup of tea. Though I've since stopped giving a fuck about Dota2

>Company works for shit ton of months to put up a champion with a really cool gimmick that blows everybodies mind while also not being totally dependant on that gimmick. Also release cool lore and backstories.
>Company works for really top notch skins that haven't increased in price even if they cost more to do.


>company literally pumps champions every week no thought before doing so, they are beyond broken, trillion bugs, and most of the time look like shit
>company release recolors for 20 bucks

so souless holy fuck where did everything go wrong.

I started in pre-season 1. From the smallest reason to the bigges reaston I quit: I got too good/high placed (Diamond 3), which meant I was in the position where I needed to make it a second job if I wanted to get better. I couldn't fuck around in normals or I'd retarded op.gg investigators crying that I didn't carry them. Riot kept reworking characters, but completely obliterating the character's identity in the process (Trundle's was a crime). The cartoony atmosphere that drew me in over HoN in the first place was disappearing long before I quit (just before tentacle tumblr). They refused to make big balance changes because "muh e-sports", which lead to the game being extremely stale. Despite all that, if they hadn't completely cancelled Magma Chamber (the real magma chamber, not the shitty garbage ARAM 1v1 re-skin), I might have stuck around longer. Instead they removed a lot of the maps, including 3v3 which was the first mode I ever played in the game (though that got aborted into dominion lite long before then anyway). That basically signaled to me that they no longer had any of the ambition they started with.

Riot can go fuck themselves. I've never seen a group of people succeed so much in spite of themselves.

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Quit the first time in 2015 because they "redesigned" the UI and it looked like shit

Came back in 2018 and found that the new rune system was decent and started playing again for a few months. Then quit again a few months ago because every "rework" riot does is absolutely retarded and ruins a part of the game that I had come to love. When they ruined Nunu it was the last straw

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what do you mean, you can only do it 3 times, after the 3rd they warn you its the last time they do it


>All characters on the right play the same
Would someone really do that? Just go on the internet and lie?

People take League way too seriously. Like just play the game for fun, quit grinding 25 hours a day. I've been playing 5 years and I said fuck ranked two seasons in. Regular draft matches are fun desu because there's rarely any inters or edgylords


the wins are as inevitable as the losses.
literally 0 agency over the outcomes. jsut do the same patterns and if the enemy had better champs or more success in the early game he wins. game is also suoper accelerated since that incompetent company cant fix the balance. if they nerf yasuoh and riven they loose 40% of their player base

once 2 of the balance idiots came on the cutiepie stream and one of them literally brought a paint graph of how the busted champion lucian "feels like" in terms of power curve. no stats no nothing. just how he "feels" like. to this day he is one of the strongest botlaners while other have to scrap it out and hope for the best.

end of s3 was literally the perfect time to get off that train. i also quit around season 4/5 in tank meta. returned for a few weeks last year and this year and i literally regret nothing. never again.

>he never bullied anyone alive in lane with Urgot
>he never 1v5 with late game poppy
>he never did jungle with 0 pots as WW
>he never ripped enemy squishies in seconds with stun evelyn
>he never melted an entire team with old ryze
>he never played locket sona/udyr
>he never played old soraka mid
you wouldn't understand

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>to this day he is one of the strongest botlaners while other have to scrap it out and hope for the best.
he was top tier for several months but is very mediocre now after all the crit hypercarries got buffed again and he got several nerfs

It's automated now, or at least it was automated in 2017 the last time I did it

i didnt, kayn is the only reason i keep playing

also I just checked my tickets, I recovered my account 5 times and they never told me that it was the last time I could do it

thank fuck I didn't actually go trough with buying an account and leveled my own


It is designed so you have to waste a lot of time playing it and you get bored of the one sided ness of games

>oh this retard decided to lose your game?
>thats too bad, try again in another game!

I wish you could 1 v 9 like you used to before.
Also it punishes you for playing good with bounties, catch up exp, %hp dmg on onions tank champs etc.

League of Legends more like attending to toddlers would be a more fitting name

>locket sona and udyr
The best fun ever, you would never ever die if they didn't had enough burst damage.
Riot is literally unfun incarnate now.
Also don't forget the item burst magic I ironically still forget the name
>destroy an overfarmed Nasus with 8k hp with this nuke item that deal 20% of current health + shit loads of ap damage, W, Q and R in 0,5 seconds and literally destroy his ass so hard that he rage quit

>he never played locket sona
This was the shit.

>It is designed so you have to waste a lot of time playing it and you get bored of the one sided ness of games
At least you have the possibility to surrend at some point, unlike fucking Dota 2

>Dota 2
Dota's got so much comeback gold you can eat shit all game, catch their carry out twice and suddenly be tied again.

>riot devs suggest a Dorans Ring challenge as a joke
>its actually a viable and good strategy
>nerf or remove anything related to Dorans after it.
Thanks Riot.

have a hide nigger

>broken overloaded character that allows me to feel good about myself because i'm using an unfair characters keeps me playing

about sums up league of legends alright

every champ has to be as bullshit as possible to make players feel good about themselves

My account go permabanned that's why for being "negative"
It was just an automated ban based on number of reports.
I play unconventional builds and champs and when it doesn't work out I get reported a lot.

Here's the logs: pastebin.com/MU373kAt

Basically the meta was to get overpowered tank items and runes because you used to do the same amount of damage as damage dealers while also being tanky!
I didn't like doing that I just played my usual full dmg build and this one game I didn't work out.

The only time I had been banned before this was 4 months prior for saying "nigger" in a normal game

Fuck niggers, fuck trannies and fuck basedboys

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>he never played prior to 2010
yep, that was the good time

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I was always good in the game,played it a shit ton.Was D1/2 and hit Masters,then my main got shat on for 2 years and I quit.

This post makes clear that you have no Idea about Toplane or Jungle.Toplane is literally the biggest shit lane in the game outside a few patches every X years.I know they are strong now but there have been times where Toplane was a complete coinflip if get :
1.Ganked in the first 10 minutes,then you could forget your lane
2.Hope your botlane wins if not your chances sunk by 70% to win.

Also toplane has the biggest cancer champions.It is either
1.Tanks being super braindead that autofills can take you out of game when there is a tank meta or you have:
2.Ranged Cancer like Kennen,Jayce,Teemo,Gnar that counter 99% of meeles so hard it's sad.You legit can't outplay Kennen/Jayce on certain champions
3.Riven in general,the OG overloaded kit that is not beatable against good players.In 90% of matches it just depends if she is good enough to never fuck up the combo.
I played against many high elo Riven and to a top 50 Challenger Riven OTP and the Champion is just so BS.In many matchups in high elo you simply can't outplay riven,she dictates every meele matchup.
CDR was a big mistake for this game and especially for Champions like Riven and many midlaners.
If Riven has bad matchup or you play well,she still can decide to play passive and outscale 90% of matchups through CDR/Lifesteal/Tabis.Or she simply just outroams you in the early/mid and snowballs the map or you.

And Jungle while probably being the best soloQ Role with Mid,constantly gets destroyed with every new Season and the changes to it.
Junglers are either very good or walking gank cucks that all fall off.
The only role that always was consistent was Mid.

Also ADC's constantly breake the game and are the most problematic role of all lanes.It doesn't Help that ADC in general are crybabies.
And supports like Janna/Soraka are absolutely noskill.

boring, stale meta, new characters were all terrible, community is filled with twitch watching 15 year olds who can't hold a normal conversation

basically I just grew out of it

Originally a few years ago, then tried it again with some friends; We all kinda stopped at the same time again, and jungle/support is a lot harder to do without actually talking to people. I'll probably install it again in a while and go teemo/brand botlane again, its still fun.

>Buying all the gold items for GP
>Full build in 25 minutes

Fuck Riot for hating fun

Forced meta.
Playing a "strategy game" where you're only allowed to use one specific team comp with a specific lane layout isn't a fucking strategy game. LoL isn't an action game either, so what the hell is it?

I switched to Dota and never looked back

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every season they cater more and more to low level players, never again will a game be won by the best player, it will always be lost by the worst


look at the amount of soul

S1 3v3 gold player here. The release of the new 3v3 map was the beginning of the end for me.

I got banned for using mods that let me play with skins that I do not own

it was client side so I'm not sure whose fefees I hurt since people online saw me with the regular skin but I guess chinks gotta chink, I din't even bother to send a ticket and just consider it a liberation of my soul

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Not him but Kayn was one of the new releases in the last 3-2 years that didn't became insane meta cancer.
I can't comment now quit since a few months but he never was truly broken,atleast in high elos.He is extremly bad early in most 1v1s and that is very bad for a jungler in higher elos.

I started in fall of 2011 I think, during the first Harrowing
I want to go back, please take me back

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>literally basing your opinion off the words of some anonymous /vg/ shitposter
This is your average LoL critic

I went back to it a month ago, to brainlet to play Dota.
Playing only Normal draft solo, Sona only, mid or support, muting everyone. Or aram with friends.
I'm having a good time, for now...

Thinking of picking up poppy but I'm not sure I have what it takes.

I never started.
Imagine unironically playing ASSFAGGOTS

kek really? literally using a pajeet skin app right now never got banned
free skins

Balance is so fucked that games are basically won in champ select.
You still lose LP even if someone on your team abandons or intentionally feeds and the loss has absolutely nothing to do with your own performance.

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AD caster itemization was a mistake.

yeah, been using it for years, I don't really care though like I said, I can play better games now and I have an excuse I can use with my collegues

can someone just tell me how this shit is still going strong after nearly 10 years? really no one could bother to make a better moba or moba-style game? i fucking hate this game and wish it would just die so something better can steal all those viewers and players but i guess with the success of fortnite we can just wave goodbye to a quality game ever gaining mainstream appeal again

>they balance using data from the queue with accurate matchmaking
>this is bad

The guy provided screencaps and in general it was well known they were acquaintances due to an old discussion they had over the LoL boards over Garen's balance.
But yeah I'm sure you earned your 0.5 yuan with that post.

Sure buddy. lol

>can someone just tell me how this shit is still going strong after nearly 10 years?

>really no one could bother to make a better moba or moba-style game?
The issue is LoL is established, this isn't exactly an easy genre to pick up a new entry in so people tend to just stick to the one they know unless something major happens. There's Dota (which is the better game), there's LoL for the casuals, and then there were a whole bunch of shitty LoL clones that died because their target audience just stuck to LoL.

it's unironically a good and more or less balanced game

>forced meta

Custom skins were a thing back in S1 and I never got banned. My Gragas was Obelix.


if you think kayn is broken or overloaded you don't know what the words mean. he has an extremely straightforward kit outside the transformation gimmick.

>matches are usually 30+ minutes i feel like im wasting my day
>friends take it way too seriously
>a single bad person can ruin the entire game for you
>every game feels the same just farm for 8 minutes then start fighting, then start team fighting.
>i can't fuck kindred

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Have a cute frog then

I feel that warframe is less tilting cause I don't have to play with a team of 9 year old blaming everyone and then going afk cause jg didn't gank at 2min. There is also no more alert in warframe if you didn't know. I mostly do nightwave, sortie and farm relics, no stress in that.

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>he never did jungle with 0 pots as WW
this is still the norm with Warwick.

>playing a moba

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The thing that gets me other than the gameplay is the tonal whiplash from champion to champion. You got the super serious champions like the people of Noxus and the void creatures but then you have the silly as fuck characters running around as well. At least in old lore there was a reason why there was a diversity of characters but now there is no reason for them fighting. That's not getting into skins either. One or two silly skins on a serious character is fine, but when a majority of their skins is "silly" that's when shit is going too far.

I played for about 6 years and it just wasn't as fun as it used to be. Perhaps I got burnt out, but after achieving diamond 1 I wasn't good enough to really push for challenger therefore there wasn't much to achieve for me.

are you stupid

he has a low cd dash, a fucking 10 second ms increase that lets him go through walls (why?) thus acting as yet another way for him to go over walls which is strong as fuck if that wasn't obvious to your peanut brain, he's got an ult that lets him go untargetable for x amount of seconds. hit kit is the literal definition of overloaded lol and only flies under the radar because there's so much other cancer in the game that people complain about

of course the average iq of your average loltard is very low so you won't understand nor comprehend what i'm telling you so go back to playing your chinese grind simulator and don't forget to buy more skins with your paycheck, fucking nigger faggot

deathfire's grasp

nice argument faggot holy shit
reeks of silver

Remember when people actually played Taric? Fuck Riot.

>champion does stuff
>reeee broken overloaded pos

>friends force me into it
>get competitive
>start gitting gud
>they fall behind and get worse
>instensively watch streams and follow the scene
>climb the ladder rapidly
>play with my shitter friends
>call out all of their mistakes and yell at them on voice because they are brainless tards
>they stop playing
>I stop playing
It was about sending a message, I never played the game for fun.

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Riot ruined my champions, ruined my role, and removed what little strategic depth the game offered in favor of brainless burst-down TDM gameplay.

>move a tiny bit forward, stop immediately
>stand still to do a bit of line aoe
>go through walls, an actually unique ability that gives him unique gank paths
>enter an enemy only after damaging them, have to trade off waiting out your cds inside them and risk them going under turret or to their team
Lol you cannot be this much of a shitter. Kayn is one of the most straightforward and simple champs released this past could of years and everything in his kit is clear and telegraphed. I can tell you don't actually play and just go by what the drones on Yea Forums tell you so you don't actually have to draw your own conclusions and risk realizing you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.



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>be og Ryze
>mained him until his rework
>get full mana runes
>you now have 220 more mana level1
>you gained more AP than through Runes
>freeze lane near your tower
>give every AA and Q to the Enemy
>master farming and agressions
>had games with 100 farm at 10 mins
>get RoD+FrozenHeart
>start to Murder everyone and split
>full build just 1vs5 teamfights
>Q,W,Q,E,Q,R,Q full CDR you nearly can double QQ
>if enemy team is clumped you just melt all of them
Man I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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>Miss Jungle Soraka
>Miss AP Yi
>Miss Trundle being a dirty shit troll
>Miss Zilean being worth a fuck
>Miss charging under the tower with Blitzcrank, grabbing someone into a Skarner ult who pulls them into an Urgot ult under our tower

fuck league.

Where my robo-ballfus at? Always and forever Ori main here

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I realized I never had actual fun playing it besides based Blitz mode, that, sadly, hasn't even been properly launched because Riot are incompetent

also they keep letting CertainlyT design champions for some reason

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AP Yi was legit completly broken tho.And Zilean is one of the most unique and best Champions for Mid.I loved to play him when I ever I got Mid in Diamond.The double stun and skillshots made him more fun and skillful.The Community just doesn't like him despite the fact he is legit super strong and under the radar for years.

>Yell at your friends
>"I never played the game for fun"
Goddamn, you're a piece of shit.

It was really fun and a few short years reviled how the long matches wears on you.
Takes too much time to play, especially when you have to be losing for like 30-40 mins when everyone kinda checked out.

I've mained zil since I started playing. His kit is just way more fun to me than anyone else.

>AP Yi broken
Literally any CC would shut him down. He had good burst and could full heal but that was it. All you had to do was lock him.

these top lanes were so fucking fun

I got mass reported by a faggot in a players vs bot game
My account got permanently banned
At the time I had a shitty toshiba laptop that couldn’t even run the fucking game at 20 FPS and no mouse just the trackpad
This was back in 2010-2011
I have to thank whoever did that to me

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my nigga

My main Old Urgot got removed

because dota is better in every single way except waifus and aram. Wish it didn't take me so long to finally give it a try

This, but I was dumb enough to make a second account and got banned again quite fast. I also spent about ~500€ on that fucking game, which drives me nuts when I think about it since I'm a jew and hardly ever buy games.

>every champ has to be as bullshit as possible to make players feel good about themselves
>every champ
Only assassins. League would be lot less garbage if rito just removes all edgelords.

>Diamond 3 Game in s6
>the match is very even
>30 minutes and we teamfight
>our singed is a good otp and was balling hard
>give him speed up
>he baits them all with 15% hp
>runs back into our team
>do double bomb and singed
>5 man stun and instant teamfight win
I fucking love this Champion,won me so many games when filled mid.Also when ever I tilted hard I played him in normal.

There is legit not a better feeling than multi boms or hitting bombs above wall,felt like Jordan in the finals.
Champions is legit so underrated,the only downside is having not the greatest all in and unexperienced teammates.

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He was more cancer than AD Yi and if I remember in the old Alpha Strike he could just stay in Alpha Strike.
That meant he got 1 Kill and he would just multi dunk your whole team since he didn't came out of Alpha anymore when lucky.
And even when catched out he still could 1vs5 heal himself through ignite with enough AP.

I tried out the game with the "help" of friends.
They were silver to gold ELO and I was fresh blood from an FPS background, essentially someone who barely knew how to move effectively vs people who've probably been playing for years.
Its not easy to learn how a game works when most of the things you try end up with you face-first in the dirt.
Also they ended up telling me what to do instead of whats going on and what I could do about it, which also failed most of the time as well.

>muh dota

But movement in dota feels super sluggish and clunky. That game is also filled with lots of RNG bullshit. Hero designs are better tho.

>Custom skins
Now you activated my feels, the memories...

Got perma ban... Twice. The second time was boggus as fuck.

When they changed Quinn. Well, it wan't only that, but it was definitely when I had had enough. None of the champs I loved to play were in any fit state and only getting worse. The way they balanced around the 5 role meta stagnated it all to hell, no one in my games seemed to be happy, and one lost lane seemed to be impossible to recover.
I had gotten by awhile by playing in the carry lane where I could force feed my adc or just be the adc, but the game kept changing and left me behind and none of my champs were up to speed with where it went

This guy fucking gets it

auto attacks bad!
armor pen bad!
tanks and healsluts good!

>Yorick rework that removed the fun in playing him
>Toxic community
>Constant item balances around specific characters
>Enforcement of a meta by lane and role
>If you think this skin is cool wait until next month where you can buy this $20 skin too.

It's fucking trash.

I prefer playing against old point-click triple-dash Akali than the new one. At least the old one was more linear and predictable to play against.

My diamond friend that gets diamond ranking every year for the past 8 years started to play on a smurf account, it took him 300 games to get to diamond 5 from silver 3.

He was playing off meta characters and not his mains but by all means it shouldn't take you 300 games spent in gold - silver and platinum.

And if off meta picks make you a gold or silver player that implies the game is pay to win or incredible refined to cookie cutter item builds and strategy and pay to win to own flavor of the month characters.

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>no voice chat 2019


>and not his mains
you might be retarded

I'm glad it only took you 10 years to realize this game has a "subtle" p2w. Maybe the fact that new characters have always been broken but also the most expensive for the first few weeks could've given you a hint.

At least you don't have to own 10 different complete runepages to keep up with the meta.

why can I find like 80%-90% of cheapshots being niggers all the time

>see through jewish tricks and realize that all the "exclusive" shit gets reintroduced sooner or later
>realize that RNG wall hits the hardest when you're filling last small gaps in your inventory
>realize that the optimal way to maximize your profits is to let content stack and leave some things unfarmed before taking a break

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you have as much potential climbing ranked with old 450's and 1350's as much as the new "broken" and "overpriced" ones, grinding mmr just takes that long

the only thing you need to learn is how to push and what are objectives, runes have little impact and the preset ones are fine

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>grinding mmr just takes that long
Back when I used to play I got my smurf to diamond in less than 100 games. And I played offmeta shit that was actually good.

>ekko flashes into dragon's pit instead of just retreating to safety
was it autism?

This but unironically.

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Holy shit this, new Taric may be really good but it's just not fun anymore to play him and he was all I played.
Like his reworked passive though feels real nice.

played it for 2 years straight, I mean I had fun times but it was just time to leave

my friends stopped playing it too

I'd be more worried about cait after seeing that Q

Because they had absolutely retarded philosophies about balance, only ever applied knee jerk nerfs, released overpowered new champions every two weeks that you had to buy and then Dota 2 game out.

I agree on all but nunu. Let's be real, no one ever played nunu period.

I dont remember how long I was going (I think about a year) but sometimes I couldnt play that much in a week or I didnt want to turn my computer on for only that (I mostly played when friends werent online so nothing to really distract me or give me a reason to be on the computer) then after a real long time of not playing the game I tried getting back into the rhythm (I think this was when they remade the map) but just found it impossible. I guess the only reason I played was because it became a habit or something. Now I still have some othee friends obsessed or just really into it and try to play but it feels impossie. I dont see how people around the world could play for so many hours nonstop for days at a time still.

>he didn't ruin their fun with 0-9 scaling snowballs and 2.5 scaling ult

hey, I played nunu in around s2, his 55~% atk speed buff ( and ms boost ) with maxed cdr could be kept up on 2 other champions at the same time

I remember loving Singed & Blitzcrank, also never gave a cent even though champions have some great skins.

Vayne + old Bloodboil was fun tho

I came back to play URF recently but it's gone again
I don't even hate the game, but I fucking despise the community

I still can't believe what they did to Galio's design.

Game's not good.

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Ryze: I got these tattoos in rune prison.

No KDA comeback album. Fuck Riot for not doing anything with this treasure trove. We should have gotten a rival girl group with Miss Fortune and 3 other sluts. We could have gotten more music and dances and animated MVs with more western/korean collabs. But nah, just this one time thing and then they forget it exists and just move on. Stupid retards. Now I have no more reason to play their shitty game.

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shut the fuck up you retarded faggot. nunu used to be played alot. he was played LCS alot in classic times and a while before his rework there was even a nunu meta developing but riot nipped it in the bud.

I played Nunu just before the rework and I'm glad he's gone, he was so badly designed and boring as fuck

>play snowball or die hero
>don't snowball
>rest of team loses/ties
>they don't want to concede
>we waste 10-15 min for enemy to end
>all lanes won
>team refuses to teamup and push lanes/do bosses
>match wins the team that throws first

TL;DR randos are strategically unwise
>do some risky plays that backfire
>can't do shit for next 30min

bro that literally happened last worlds, it will for sure be a recurring theme like star guardian but they always take a year to ahve a new skin line so it stays fresh and they can milk it longer

Objectively wrong opinion. Stop wrong thinking, thinker.

Also based

Booty warrior tier mains

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Never did. Never will.
I never liked it and unironically a good friend of mine told me not to play it at all because it would suck your life out.
On top of that, I hate the cringe dubbed ads made for my country (Mexico).
I don't even know why people like this shit.

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>lolbabby delusion
It's not a buzzword, it's fact

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>That game is also filled with lots of RNG bullshit.
Every bit of RNG in Dota can be directly countered or disabled

>wasnt even good to begin with
>will have to hear shitheads spam it nonstop every year
god I hope not.

Well I did elo boost for about 2-3 years back in 2013 and 2015 so I ended up with like 30 abandoned accounts.

So Me and my group of friends smurfed for about 2-3 years on accounts playing in bronze or low MMR normals with 80%-90% win ratios.

The accounts were so incredibly tanked MMR we would go on 30 win streaks.

Funfact: there are more diamonds smurfing and elo boosting in bronze then there are diamond players playing in diamond.

Also silver 1 in League of legends is was harder then Platinum 5 back ten. Fill in the blanks why I say this.

that's because shits like laneswaps are cancer and literally no one enjoys them, both in a soloq or watching. if there is one good thing about league is the lane phase.
now go back to trilaning in your dead game, dotard

Fuck you old Warwick was better

they reworked my favorite champion into a gay little shit.
I was so excited for the rework, I thought they would make willump threatening like a gorilla and add a billion assholish lines to nunu, but nope gotta mek more cutesy shit.
it was the final nail in the coffin, rip my league account 2012-2018

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They said they're doing more K/DA stuff in the future. This year we'll see more but didn't say how

good, nunu players are faggots


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Got a perma ban today. I laughed, no regrets. Also the account deletion process is godawful, and they ask for more information than you ever input. Origin actually asked for my parents names when i wanted to delete my EA account. Fuck these chink spyware games

My fucking nigga

Why do you fags cling onto season 1 shit? Fucking move the fuck.

I quit when blue essence replaced IP.

Are you just coming back into League? Their main goal is to rework a lot of outdated champions.

I don't have any interest on coming back for Leauge, I just hated how Katarina gets the rework stamp over and over again. From shunpo placement with killing instinct to the replacement of killing instinct

2012 was season 2 you twat

>I like doing literally the same thing every single time over and over again
>one poorly implemented alternate lane method means any other possibility would be bad
Are all LoL players this stupid?

Piece of shit. Enjoy your perma ban never come back again you stupid underage faggot.

They didnt delete flash.

>>one poorly implemented alternate lane method means any other possibility would be bad
then enlight me on how they could be implemented to not be cancer. oh wait you cant.
laneswap: cancer
funnel: cancer
now go back to play your corpse propped up by a mod

I would play again if they release LoL 1.0 without all the changes, except without runes.

Friends stopped playing

By having the game not be designed like static duct taped shit so anything slightly different doesn't make the balance and design completely fall apart

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fortnite would be up to your speed

gotta add my favorite item (banner of command) back if you want me to come back and play actively
i was buying that shit first item for a very long time before niggers flocked to it because of the buffs

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>upcoming nasus rework

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Nah. There was legitimately a point in league's history where you would win games just by being more strategically capable than the average player. Riot was so upset by this idea that they literally redesigned how the game's UI works so that you no longer need to think about anything except hitting your skill buttons like a bird in a skinners box.

swain rework
he's objecitvely less fun and super generic now

I went to go play Dota 2.

>he didn't EMPIRE

>Why did you quit?
I keep getting bsod.
>inb4 what is bsod
Blue screen of death. I simply can't make the game run stable on my PC.

>he never played locket sona/udyr
At least sona and udyr still exist. Gragas is dead in a ditch somewhere, replaced with some generic 4 hard CC gank jungler that falls off after level 7.

>Implying I started
Fucking nerds

>posting a 10 pages 10 years old essay on game design
literally dont care. league is more fun to play than dota, largely thx to a more dynamic laning phase
this is only relevant to 5v5 or pro games and i prefer watching dota anyway

I realized that the progress I was making towards unlocking new characters without spending money was so negligible I could never have full access to all the characters I wanted which killed my enthusiasm

I quit for 6 months and just came back. Went from b2 to s2 in a week. I'm getting at least plat or I quit.

>I will never get to play original broken garen with 5 sunfires and boots of swiftness ever again

it hurts
you will never know the joy of being a bronze elo shitter and reading all of the fucking salt from monkey opponents

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>moving the goalposts
That's for admitting you were wrong!

the ((reworked)) blue essence system which ((increased)) gains with ((legitimate)) charts ((proving)) so

like fuck im gonna believe that shit, i played all day every day for a long time up to that point and after they implemented that retarded ass system
simply tracking my games over the course of a month showed that i was getting maybe a third of my normal IP gains from matches, if even a third, each day from playing

I didn't I just stick to playing solely one champ

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I remember keeping relative pace on a 6300 IP per two week schedule, skipping only midlane mages because fuck playing a mage that isn't my boy kennen. How the fuck are they pricing new champs that you can't afford four of them a year?

only played league because of singed, one tricked him and got to high plat. Singed was hit with nerfs from all sides.. Its not fair bros, i miss ignoring my team and building zz and boc

>Die once/Get first blood on other tream aftet 45 minutes of zero fighting.
>Team votes to give up

? what goalpost got moved? every single deviation from standard laning is cancer to play vs and im happy riot killed it

>Going 30 minutes of no team fighting.
>Team fighting is considered a huge no no durring any point of the game.
>Players actually advise against team fighting.
>Game is made to try and avoid team fighting.
>Everyone makes fun of hots because it's about team fighting.

Based and redpilled

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>he doesn't remember duo tanks
>he doesn't remember 212
>he doesn't remember 140 fuck the jungle push inhibs strat
>he doesn't remember pre-original-rework taric being a kill threat in the bottom lane starting at level 2 and getting nerfed to hell and back over and over again for it
>he doesn't remember 111 with duo jungle

>I disagree with you so it must be soi

That's a meaningless opinion and you failed to address how the game could have more options if it were designed properly like the other game

Only being allowed to play one strategy in a strategy game being bad design is not an opinion

Mobas are detrimental to mental health, change my mind

you're a soi guzzling faggot from reddit. there's no question about it.

>more dynamic laning
>the game where any deviation from 1-1-1 and a jungler is nerfed into oblivion
go to hell, and when you arrive give singed proxy-farming my condolences

I quit because i could not hear the word "Balance" anymore, now I play Path of Exile get overpowered as fuck and have fun.

it sux
my league friends tried to get me into it and it was fun, but every game plays out the same and trying anything new is not encouraged because of how grounded the meta is
why doesn't Riot just bite the bullet and make flash a permanent skill?

>call someone faggot
>mfw genuinly banned for 2 weeks afterwards

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Just realized I was not getting any better at the game. I always got bored playing more than a few matches, so getting gud was not possible.

>Why did you quit?
i don't need more reasons to kill myself, thanks
i can still enjoy the porn without playing the awful game

>LoL with its single forced meta even the devs admit they force
>More dynamic Lane phase
This is some advanced stupidity

They're so far down the same branch in the meta tree that they can't go back without breaking the entire game. I honestly think they're afraid of changing the meta at all

Only play with friends, otherwise the game is fill up with smurfs.

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Just came here to say dota 2 is the better game because it is harder and has more depth.


It just stopped being fun
Honestly, fuck mobas/assfaggots/whatever the fuck they're called now. Having to rely on random idiots is not fucking fun.
>inb4 just play with friends
I don't want to ruin my friendships, that shit murders friendships

>murders friendships
imagine having the audacity to call someone who wouldn't hesitate to stop being around you completely over a fucking loss in a video game a "friend". Jesus Christ normalfags are pathetic.

new champs are like 7800be for a while before going down to 6300. 4 new champions means only 4 old champs getting their price reduced if they can even crank out 4 champs in a year now. you can afford champions they just have to be w/e random champion shard they choose to give you.

>ask some tard if they have pings muted and chat muted
>get flamed a literal minute after i die by them because of their blacked out minimap and muted sound
>full retard mode the rest of the game
asking someone to go 4 teemos into river to turn a 2v1 into an easily winnable 2v2 is too much to ask i guess

I had played for a long time from seasons 1 to 4 and every time I tried rank there were two scenarios: If I did great the rest of my team did horrendous and we would lose. If I did utter shit the rest of my team did fantastic and we would win. I wasn't moving up or down in ranks and it just wasn't fun anymore.

In late 2016 I finally built a new PC and it was able to play a plethora of new games and I told myself I would never reinstall league on it.

sucks that riot also is terrible. I have way too many pictures saved on my old hard drive

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god i hate the riot kikes so god damn much

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riot is one of the worst balancing devs i have ever had the chance to come across
worse than africans making aircraft
at least the africans are actively trying to make something work instead of actively trying to make it worse like riot

all my favourite heroes nerfed or """reworked"""
metagolem, forced lanes and so few viable heroes in each patch started getting annoying
joj ded and was never going to be brought back
got sick of every new hero being an anime girl, a monster girl or a beefy guy, and being tanky DPS with gap closers and shields to boot

these reasons are why i was happy to let my account's name be released. i don't regret the money that i spent for the amount of fun i got out of it, but it was clear that fun was gone and never coming back. time to leave

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Heroes abilities feels pretty damn good and has interesting mechanics. They are simple and creative in comparison to champions abilities. Champion ability are complicated but it feels like Riot is extremely try hard and over compensating their champion's abilities. Often adding a lot of bullshit just to make it look complicated.

Got bored of it. I was never too into the specifics of the game and just played it casually with friends. I don't know if its different now since the last time I played was years ago but the main thing that bored me about the game was the fact there was only ever 2 or 3 maps, the three lane one and the two lane one, along with the control point map that was a big circle that I heard they deleted. I eventually got bored of it and stopped playing until later when I got into HotS and had much more fun with that