Expectations? Reminder that former GOW (pre-nuGOW) devs are working at respawn. Director of GOW3 is working at Respawn.
Jedi: Fallen Order leaked poster T-shirt graphic accidentally leaked before Saturday reveal event
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving a shit about EA
>giving a shit about nuWars
>force unleashed but with more cinematic experience and EA
Why would anyone want this?
Because Respawn is actually good and Titanfall 2 was one of the best multiplayer FPS games this generation.
If they can translate that talent into a third-person action-adventure game then I don't see why you wouldn't at least have a little bit of an interest.
Wont ever come out, will be canceled after being remade into 10 different games during production.
>Titanfall 2 was one of the best multiplayer FPS games this generation
I love this meme.
Titanfall was better than 2, get fucked kid. 2 was casualshit.
All studios under EA were good at one point.
Uses Frostbite, no way EA will let them have two releases in a row using Epic's engine.
I don't trust EA for shit and won't preorder but I cautiously optimistic that respawn will deliver something fun.
I hope they try and recapture the jedi knight academy fun.
But it better blow my balls of before i buy it. Fuck EA
looks like fucking garbage
that better not be the reddit island from the disney movies
To my knowledge they have not produced a game with forstbite.
I hope they use unreal just for a fuck you to EA
So it's gonna be like TFU ?
Leak yesterday said it was Frostbyte, takes place after episode 3 and is a padawan.
I thought Titanfall was in Source?
Star Wars is fucking lame
>takes place between 3 and 4
>star wars
>more jedi shit
>Looking at the hair looks like a female protagonist.
It will be Force Unleashed but less fun and have “cinematic walking segments”. Probably shit
It's EA, it's origin, who gives a shit
Expecting shit melee combat
>Because Respawn is actually good
>Still has EAids all over it, fuck that noise.
I think 1 and 2 were a heavily modified version of source.
>cuck wars
yeah i think i'll survive just fine without giving a shit about a product of (((their))) puppets
Yes and Apex too.
I'm surprised they manage to make the map this large, they struggled with csgo map, what magic they used it.
Oh yes, because that's been working SO well for Star Wars as of the past few years.
Zoomer spotted
Enjoy fortnite
Star Wars is fucking dead and completely ruined, the new movies are some of the worst garbage I ever watched
>accidentally leaked
It would be odd if Respawn stopped their gameplay-focussed development approach just because they're making a Star Wars game. Their entire thing was thinking of little pieces of gameplay fun first and then building the game around it later. That's how stuff like time travel made it into TiFa2.
They're already out of their element by making something other than a shooter
It's amazing what a fall from grace it's been. SW is the easiest fucking thing in the world to merchandise, how does Disney keep fucking it up when their Marvel shit is (sadly) doing fine?
I liked the first Force Unleashed
Girl or effeminate boy Yea Forums?
Rumored that you play padawan who survived order 66.
It’s incredible how completely out of touch they are. The Solo movie is one of the most expensive movies ever made because they had to shoot the entire movie twice or some insane reason and was a huge flop
would be missed opportunity not to let you customize your padawan including gender
Masculine wohman , Disney has been trying so hard to make Star Wars not a total virgin thing
But we are talking about TFU but more cinematic
tripple a western games nowadays are only made for feminists and sjws and overal people who hate white men in mind.
I am not their target audience anymore so why get excited for it?
Titanfall and Apex run on customized Source (Valve), not Unreal (Epic).
>accidentally leaked
Reminder if you go
>Playing as girl
You are an NPC
You underestimate EA ability to castrate everything.
Have sex mayhaps?!
ironically enough when I lost my virginity was around the same time when anita and sjws got big
maybe this was gods way of punching me for having sex before marriage
Looks like fan art
I bet the MC is a gay black woman and the villian a white dude. Anyone hoping this will be anything other than mediocre at best is deluding themselves.
More importantly, why do you care?
That's a woman, even has similar dumb haircut as Rey in the force awakens
>destroy eu
>make 'new' series and lore
>its the same shit as the original story
Im not surprised that the trite that writers put out these days can't come up with something as half decent as the EU writers did.
Open world type deal Basically assassins creed star wars addition Hopefully some planet hopping
Stig Asmussen is working there?
Now i care less.
>basing who you play as on memes from a russian basket weaving forum
And you call others NPCs.
God of War devs are working at respawn though. Stig Asmussen or something (God of War 3 Director) is at Respawn.
Suree thing marketeer-kun.
It is truly monumental how bad they fucked Star Wars up. Like they really managed to make movies that were worse, WORSE, than the fucking prequels, and the prequels were at least still fun in a stupid kind of way.
He gonna fight the water with his fuckin' lightsaber? Wtf is this stupid fucking picture.
and Cory Balrog put out GoW2 and we still got 2018. Stig is probably there because he worked on a canceled space epic for Sony after Ascension, and Respawn wanted him for Star Wars
>What is Doom
>What is God of War 2018
>Reminder that former GOW (pre-nuGOW) devs are working at respawn
How is this positive? Reading this just made me less excited for the game. God of War has always been a low-tier action series with much more style than substance.
I didn't leak it though, this image has been circulating for hours at the point where I posted it here.
I didn't even say I leaked it. It was on some Amazon site with a T-shirt thing.
>What is God of War 2018
a game that got it´s soul sucked out. half naked super buff dudes are ok but woman showing of some skin or having bigger then average breasts? not on my watch incel
It really makes you question the quality of the game before you've even seen the game when the art they choose for their game is completely nonsensical and stupid.
>Why is there no lightsaber in this image art-kun?
>well, b-because it's a landscape shot and there are no enemies
>I want a lightsaber you little faggot loving cocksucker
I'm expecting Star wars: Uncharted.
So it's gonna be shit
Yeah at least the prequels were fun and had soul.
There is no redeeming factors about the new boring abominations.
God of War 2018 was decent.
Why do YOU care?
7 wasn't that bad. It was just a worse ANH in every way. But still not as bad as Episode 2.
Rogue One has probably the worst main character ever. The only redeeming quality of that movie is the fight at the end.
8 is legitimately the worst Star Wars movie by a wide margin. Episode 2 is just a terrible movie. It doesn't go out of its way to actively fuck up the good things from other movies. 8 does that every chance it gets. It screws with the space battles. It screws with Luke's character. It screws with how the force works. It screws with any kind of a long term plan or story Disney might have had with the trilogy by killing off the main villain without developing him at all. Its trash. It has no redeeming qualities. It has no interesting new characters. Its everything no one wanted in a Star Wars movie.
Solo is surprisingly a good movie, but the taint of everything around it and the terrible marketing on Disney's part meant it wasn't successful and something like that won't happen again.
this, ubisoft has been using this trick on Yea Forums for years
>Yeah at least the prequels were fun and had soul
I can't believe that anybody could say this with a straight face. The prequel movies are pretty much the definition of "soulless" garbage.
Either you haven't watched them in a really long time, mistakenly thinking that they're as good as TCW or just plain retarded.
That's exactly the thing. Prequels were full of soul and kept the same "soul" in all three movies. They were full of fun and cool looking shit and Revenge of the Sith was actually legitimately pretty good in some parts at least.
The new ones are completely soulless. They are devoid of life, like a desolate whore cunt, they have no value. I thought after I watched the Force Awakens that "okay, they can bring it back, this could be like set-up", I was a big Star Wars fan, and then I saw the last jedi and I swear with all my heart I wanted my bias to win and let me love it when I stepped out of the theater, but all I felt was confusion and emptiness. What did I just experience? I had no words but "it was pretty good" or "i liked it a bit". I didn't want to admit it to myself, but they actually manage to make one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life.
I still haven't watched Solo.
made by different people?
apex was sjw shit, strong black women and gays everywhere and the only white men was evil.
had tumblr "toxic male" joke as well
this is going to be sjw shit as well
If it really just is a visual concept art thing, then it might not have anything to do with the design and rest of the game. We'll see.
>Star Wars
So do you recommend Solo? I didn't even bother watching the trailers for it or reading anything about it.
Took a long time to get decent, they locked basic combos behind tier 3/4 of the axe upgrades. It takes a significant portion of that game just to get something like R1, pause, R1, pause, R1 or R2, pause etc
I don't see this game being an RPG, so I think what you get is what you will have for the whole game besides unlocking Force Powers. They need to go the Jedi Outcast route but go further. 50% of the game no lightsaber, only blasters and force powers. Focusing positioning, using powers in smart ways with more environmental interactions like dropping shit on people behind cover.
At that 50% mark, you just change up the game entirely from combat to pacing as you get a lightsaber and all the people from before are now fodder but you face lightsaber users commonly. Saw someone talk about how good Sekiro's combat would be for lightsabers, and I partially agree. Everyone not a saber user is fodder, and saber users could have a good face to face combat dynamic like Sekiro and OHK deathblows.
I can't believe that anybody could say this with a straight face. The prequel movies are pretty much the definition of mediocre and bad movies but with a certain charm and tone in every single on of them making up a characteristic "soul" for all three
Either you haven't watched them in a really long time, mistakenly thinking that they're as bad as nuWars or just plain retarded.
Solo is actually the one I enjoyed most of the boring nu-wars even though that’s not saying much
>"Apex was shit"
>proceeds to mention the characters and doesn't go into detail about the gameplay at all
How are they even going to do lightsaber battles in this game? I doubt they'll have dismemberment, and if they do then it'll be removed from humanoid enemies or there wont be any humanoid enemies at all.
I honestly don't think Sekiro's combat would be good for a Star Wars game. I think elements of it would work well, like posture, but straight up Sekiro combat? Not at all.
There's literally nothing good about the gameplay either.
Yes, I recommend it. I dont know where they got the guy that plays young Han Solo, but he is pretty good at it. He matches Harrison Ford's facial expressions down to some really subtle details throughout most of the movie.
Overall its a safe, enjoyable movie. It doesn't fuck with the universe. It doesn't change Han's character. It just tells a good story about him when he was younger. Its the only Disney Star Wars movie I actually enjoyed. I'd put it above the prequels, but below the original trilogy in terms of how good it is.
read the post again.
i was specifically talking about the sjw shit
The only prequel movie that's soulless is Attack of the Clones
I didn't think it was possible for Star Wars to be boring
>lol gameplay was bad
>doesn't go into detail as to why this is at all and doesn't explain why the mechanics and systems that make up the game make up for bad gameplay
what is this?
pls no fps, pls be 3rd person action adventure
>Call of Duty sprint and shoot
>MOBA abilities
>Battle Royale
3 strikes and it's shit. Nice try, EA shill.
Will we finally have a white man as the main character?
Third person cinematic adventure action game. Think a lesser Uncharted but with boring botched new Star Wars
>never defended EA or the gameplay at all
>just pointed out that fag doesn't actually explain why it's bad
>makes another post and still doesn't explain why it's just lists mechanics
Okay so we're retarded then.
if they nail the atmosphere and art through their production and give a desolate feeling story, that would be amazing.
probably going to be fast food video gaming though...
>but you face lightsaber users commonly.
Ii wiish SW games would stop making lightsabers look like they're as easy to get as a fucking blasters
it takes a lot of work to make a lightsaber
if its not a spiritual successor to the Jedi Knight series then it's not worth anyones time, not a single star wars game since academy has got the saber gameplay right.
Maybe, but he will be gay then.
>GOW3 director
Does this mean we'll get actual good saber combat and boss battles in a Star Wars game?
As long as it's not too cinematic I'll be interested
>we'll get good saber combat
we already peaked with the jedi knight series, absolutely nothing will be better.
Why wouldn't it? Outcast and Academy had dismemberment and they were still rated T.
academy was fun at the time, they need something new though
should be a timing mechanic to effectively block a blaster with a saber, shouldn't be able to hold block, their should be finishing executions, light maiming, definite thrusting/piercing finishers, force upgrades that will ultimately turn into finishers that are believable...like hitting a low tier enemy with a force blast that blatantly crushes his rib cage/body or slams them into walls where the power of which is emphasized etc etc
Reminder that Luke Skywalker pointlessly died sending a video email and the strongest force user is some random girl just because :)
the last movie game was fun. like legitimately fun. was on the original xbox and ps2. definitely want something bigger and better now.
jedi knight style combat with unleashed physics engine would be nice. the only thing unleashed did was make using the force extremely satisfying.
Different times and Disney don’t like that shit at all
God I forgot how dope the time travel segments were. Too bad about the first guy getting stuck in the wall, git gud lmao.
I've been thinking about this for a bit, and I want to see a starwars game which takes from Sekiro's combat.
Hitting at health could be shown as grazes and late deflects that don't stop someone fighting.
Posture, like in Sekiro would be key, you need to wear down your opponent's posture to land killing blows such as cutting off limbs.
I think it could work becuase then there is no need to nerf lightsabers into big glowsticks so you don't just oneshot everything.
He's using it as a signal for the Tie fighters to come put him out of his misery.
Solo was fucking great. Too bad Disney had already ruined the IP by then and nobody gave a shit.
I don't think EA's Battlefront 1 and 2 have dismemberment and the saber combat in that is fucking trash
It's going to be uninspired schlock and you all know it.
>6-8 hours long
>extremely simplified combat
>RPG-lite mechanics (skill trees that can be completely filled in a single run, leaving no variation in builds or strategy, along with equipment to pad stats)
>Bland, nu-star wars story with good acting and mocap/facial capture but forgettable characters
>exclusive to Origin
t-thanks EA
Based Disney, buying off competition and then killing it off.
Not even worth pirating.
Don't forget user
>On rails "space" turret sections
not him, but nice reading comprehension
he even said, that the second game was bad
I would love for at least some game to pick up that physics engine they had, like a decade later and still noone even tried to do the same thing apart from Rockstar and their body physics.
The problem with Rey isn't that she is a woman.
Once upon a time I dreamt about a SW action RPG set in the KotOR era with system like the Nemesis one from that LotR game. Enemies would come back even more scarred, fucked up looking and pimped out in prosthetics or life support systems.
>Solo was fucking great.
Yeah it surprised me, too bad we’ll never get a part 2 with Maul
>female protag
>dude but what if the combat was like dark souls?
Every game, and every thread with you fucks.
drink bleach
gid gud
make the combat like the jedi knight series with improvements.
Son I got bad news for ya, SW was shit from the very start
two planned DLC
$150 season pass
MTX and multiplayer
6hr campaign, 4hrs of cut-scenes
Just give me a Star Wars game, but with gameplay like this.
what is MTX?
>accidentally leaked
I swear you fuckers fall for this marketing way too easy.
Just turn off your brain bro
>no activity whatsoever on this game
>suddenly at least one or two threads a day with positive/"hopes?"
I see the EA shills are back.
Can you fucks at least give out Origin keys again?
It would be fine if you could actually fucking see anything
>game about using a wide range of medieval weaponry
>the only way to deal damage is to turtle or shield/shoulder bash
no thanks
titanfall 2 (and apex) are using source 2, unline the old CSGO that use source 1.
Boring rock paper scissor combat? Yikes no thanks what a shitty idea
>director and lead gamepaly designer of GOW3
>narrative lead was head writer on Mafia 3
If we're lucky maybe they'll let us choose which gender we can play as like in Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Wasn't it confirmed you played as a guy? your master is a girl tho.
while the protag of rogue one is kinda shit, the supporting cast and the antagonist were pretty good.
>narrative lead was head writer on Mafia 3
source? I heard Chris Avellone did a huge chunk of the story for this
nothing is confirmed, all we have are """""leaks""""""" and rumors
i cant get excited for star wars anymore
you fell for marketing, congratulations
>First person shooters
>Third person action game
How the fuck would that talent translate at all
Game is fucked
Next star wars game should be made by Arkane studio as an immersive sim.
imagine a gameplay similar to dishonored with the force powers, and the chaos system would be you going in the dark side or the light side.
It'll be a probably dumped down Jedi Academy with lot's of cinematic stuff. Meh.
>>giving a shit about EA
>>giving a shit about nuWars
>>Giving a shit about Respawn
Who wrote Titanfall 2?
the next Star Wars game should be made by Team Ninja as a Nioh clone
Here are the leaks for those interested
Apparently the small droid matches up with one of the leaks
Basic story is already leaked in the wild (no idea where to find), better and more impressive than BF2 one.
Backpack companion droid.
Gameplay will be compared to Dark Souls, being good at parry like in Sekiro will help, you will feel like a Jedi.
You go from planet to planet, not completely linear but not open world either, you get to an area and explore trying to continue the narrative. (My note: he hinted in a way of upgrading your itens and finding new ones on each planet)
Wallrunning/parkour was hinted at.
It will aesthetically resemble Rogue One and Solo while also having some of the Prequels flair (My note: EPIII is the best SW movie :) ).
Made in UE4, singleplayer only.
Its no action game a la Devil May Cry or God of War (My note: i think he meant old GoWs).
Much longer than 5 hours.
This will be an expansion of SW lore, tho going back to known planets was teased.
Pre made male protag.
Big opening, Inquisitors were teased.
It resembles Jedi Knight and Force Unleashed with a bit of a Uncharted (My note: no Force spam tho and from what i understand the comparison to FU goes only to being a 3rd person action game).
Cool enemies confirmed
This is a weird one: he posted a gif of a dude saying "Hi gorgeous, im Jerome" (i think its from Gotham?) then he later posted another gif of the same character with the text "you wanna be a hero?", i really dont know dafuq that means (My note: probably hinting as to who is playing the protag)
The game may or may not have MTX, tho he said it wouldnt hinder your enjoyment if it had.
>Worked on Bioshock
I guarantee you this game will be packed to the brim with microtransactions and pay to skip/pay to win. what is the point in playing a fucking video game when you can pay even more to not play it?
damn, that's not good
The narrative in Mafia 3 was really damn good though, literally the best thing about the game.
Wonder if they could show some new siths beside Vader, the Emperor and maybe Maul.
and no, the fucking Inquisitors aren't Sith.
It's already been said that it's fully single-player.
theres like two good games there and not for their writing
Is this based off that LARPer on Yea Forums who said he's working on this game?
Holy fucking jesus, abandon ship!
Mafia 3 big problem is that you weren't in the fucking mafia. protagonist was boring as fuck, thankfully the old cast is still there.
>no activity whatsoever on this game
Well, except for the fact that we've known for about a week or so that there's going to be a reveal event on saturday for the new Star Wars game by Respawn so naturally people will start talking about it more.
But otherwise, yeah, totally no activity at all and it simply must be shills.
you'll get Inquisitors and you will LIKE IT
Maybe you'll get Vader if you're good!
>star wars in 2019
Avellone did something for the game, but it's not really quantifiable how much of the story that is until we play it and see the disparity between shit and good.
He was literally part of the black mob though?
STFU about female protag FFS. It's confirmed a male protag modeled after Cameron Monaghan from Gotham. It's still shit tho shoulda been character creation.
said by who?
>Gameplay will be compared to Dark Souls, being good at parry like in Sekiro will help, you will feel like a Jedi.
>It resembles Jedi Knight and Force Unleashed with a bit of a Uncharted
I hope this rumors are wrong.
There goes any excitement I had
>Mafia 3
>Bioshock Infinite
>Far Cry 3
Oh no
>Black Flag
There's some hope right? Black Flag had a pretty great story, but all those other games make me think that was he was probably only contributing with shit ideas on Black Flag which got shut down.
>trailer starts with female protagonist in cloak with her trusty droid companion
>Droid: Uh oh looks like we're in trouble! Tie fighters dead ahead!
>Jedi: Yea.... bad for them
>She force mind tricks one of the pilots to shoot down the other fighters and then crash into the ground itself. Out of the crashed fighter comes Darth Vader
>Darth Vader: So we meet again Padawan Zoey... This reunion has been long overdo ever since you bested me and managed to escape Order 66
>Zoey: How's this for an order?! Order 66 comin right up!
>she force kicks right through Vader's metal cup
>Storm troopers: Ooooooooooooooo
>Vader: Ooooooo my midichlorian count!
>Droid: That's gonna leave a mark!
>still buying StarWars products
>still buying EA games
EA derangement syndrome.
If i can have a cool ending where i get killed by Vader, then i'm fine.
I love games where the protag dies at the end for some reasons.
he was a mission designer, according to the credits. So, you know, complete garbage.
male protag dum dum
Far cry 3 and wow (it probably was the old wow) is still alright. black flags legit was good.
Infinite was too much of a shitshow even if there was some alright things, and Mafia 3 just was shit.
A transexual alien that identifies as a hutt.
>Far cry 3
Not really
Black Flag had pretty good missions but fell a part in the last act of the game where it was tailing mission after tailing mission after tailing mission.
I just want a fucking Twi'lek, beside one character in Rebel (who at least fucked the only good guy from this serie), they were fucking absent of all the Disney shit.
Very cute, "user", nice deflection!
Don't pretend, it's unbecoming.
Give me more Origin codes - I haven't had any from EA marketers since the BF3 era.
he was a fucking QA Analyst for WoW
Well, it was alright. even if i prefers far cry 2 and 4 in term of story.
>Some far-Right incel still buttmad about muh sjw boogeyman in his Star Wars movies
>it was tailing mission after tailing mission after tailing mission.
it felt like that was literally every mission in the game
just play a real star wars game nerd
jedi knights fucking suck, the lightsaber combat is always super sloppy and aimless flailing
learn to PB casul
Yeah I never liked the lightsaber combat, but the characters and guns are all pretty cool.
did the artist that make that actually know how massive a fucking star destroyer is?
At that distance, the star destroyer should be even bigger
looks like a Venator, they're smaller
Delusional. Yea Forums has poisoned your mind. Stop using it and get better.
Uhm what if it’s a mini destroyer sweetie?
Is that an Acclamator class?
only a shill would deny there are shills on Yea Forums
the only mini here is your dick, you sissyboy
It only really became apparent (for me) in the last act when they threw a very large amount at you with very little space in between the tailing missions.
The rest of the game still had some tailing missions, but not anywhere near as bad as the final act.
I don’t have one
Fuck EA, I'll pirate it if it looks good, but since its EA I doubt it.
>inb4 always online trash with the only online functionality being microtransactions.
>GoW devs
Thank u, next. lmk when its japanese devs working on this.
>being excited for a Soi Wars game
>by EA
>in 2019
Would be fine if you can be Sith.
We need more female villains
BattleFront 2 was awesome. I don't see why people bitched about it.
Just parry and kill lol. They will be regular enemies later on and you will fight multiple of them at once, enjoy.
>BattleFront 2 was awesome.
they walk among us
Soulless boring garbage, even after they removed the mtx cancer
Probably. It's set after Ep 3.
>BattleFront 2 was awesome
it launched in a really REALLY bad state which pissed off tons of people. they changed alot in the game since then but for some its way too late.
it'd more likely be a Venator after Episode 3, and it looks more like a Venator anyway
The campaign is still shit and the multiplayer gameplay loop for some reason is really boring