Can we have another Outward thread?

Can we have another Outward thread?

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On the fence about it. Had it described as Kenshi but with shit Dark Souls combat. It looks kinda like euro jank.

>find group of four hyenas by the den
>set a tripwire trap, back up, put a couple arrows into one or two of them
>they charge right into the trap, but one of the hyenas outpaced his buds and was the only one who actually triggered it
>finish him with an arrow, switch to pic related
>get a second one down to 1/4 HP when he charged me separately from the other two, let the poison DoT kill him while I refocus on the pair still full HP
>now fighting other two, get one to half hp with a DoT on him
>use moonswipe and a light/heavy combo to kill the other outright as the DoT finishes the one that was at half
>walk away with 3/4 HP
I love this weapon. Gonna miss the poison, but the cleaver halberd from the bandito boss is 2cool to not use.

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Its like battle chief brigade with dark souls item picking and combat from kingdom death:mosnter boardgame.

>Had it described as Kenshi but with shit Dark Souls combat. It looks kinda like euro jank.
That's essentially what is is, user.

God I just loathe the designs. Those two characters look like dog shit.

how to transcribe skills onto tablet for new char?

Murrican mainstream websites gave it 5/10.

it's just the euro jank part of what you said

When will they make playing an entire co op campaign viable? Player 2 gets gimped so hard

Too Eurojank for me. Refunded after 115 minutes of playtime. I appreciated the open ended setup but the combat is shit and world uninteresting.

Looks like it's
for you

get this garbage out of here

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If its Eurojank should i wait six months to a year for shit to be ironed out like with Pathfinder Kingmaker?

Only 9+/10 by IGN means it's good.

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Coop is a ton of fun.

The devs are retards that think their clunky and poorly thought out gameplay won't kill the game and that people will stay for the tedious mechanics...

>Review only matter when they're in my favor!

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Beat the game last night as Holy Mission.
Game can be fun but it gets fucking tedious with just how much traveling there is (even though that's the point of the game). Also, in the early game you pick up EVERYTHING to scrouge for silver but by midgame when you get all your skills and your build is done, there's no point to silver at all, and I found myself not wasting my time picking up anything except that which I thought I could use. Ended the game with 80 gold bars anyway.

If anyone cares, this was my build, and it's so bullshit strong that it breaks the game the instant you get access to runic magic:
Rune Magic: All 4 runes, Well of Mana, Arcane Syntax & Internalized Lexicon
Philosopher: Skip all basic skills straight to Leyline Connection, then get Fire Affinity
Spellblade: Fitness, Steady Arm, Spellblade Awakening, Infuse Fire and Elemental Discharge
Learn Juggernaut for 2 handed greathammers either from Burac at the beginning or Soeran in Levant
Learn Warm Boon from tailor bitch in Levant
Equipment, wear blue sand chestpiece and gold-lich boots/helmet, and the biggest fuck-off 2 handed hammer you can find like the Pillar from gold-spire.
Infuse fire on that son of a bitch, load up on runic protection and go fucking ham. Too much protection for anything to actually hurt you a lot and it does so much impact damage it'll stunlock anything. And even if you do get hurt you can runic heal.

>unironically listening to a site that admittedly takes paid reviews

>trusting other people's opinions instead of looking up gameplay and deciding for yourself whether or not something looks interesting
>listening to any sort of gaming journalists

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IGN already decided it's trash, you retard. I'm fairly sure pro game reviewers know games better than you.

>unironically falling for my retarded bait
the absolute state of outward posters

>I-i'm just pretending to be retarded

How would you describe the setting, is it interesting? I wouldn't mind trying it out but I don't really have a drive for exploration in games inherently. They have to be actually interesting and unique (Morrowind as opposed to Skyrim).

Sounds like my build except I use greatsword and pearlescent mail + master trader boots. And +25% damage discipline boon from monk.

Does it work yet?

I will bite this bait out of pure boredom.
Get cancer, corporate tool.

>pro game reviewers
And pro game players like steamers should be better at the game too, right?

This looks interesting but the 40€ price tag is a bit much. The cheapest I could find it was 33€ and that's still a bit high. Are the cracked versions any good or did early patches fix shit I want fixed enough to pay for it?

I drink boullion in the game and got sick IRL. Bad!

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Man this game is nothing like Kenshi. If
it had half the destures of kenshi then it would have been goty.

A retarded friend of mine thinks that using magic is "easy mode" and instead he struggles to get anything done with his gay little pure 'muh WoW warrior' setup of 0 magic with a shield.

So I made this build that uses zero magic and is still bullshit strong:
Rogue: Opportunist Stab, Feather Dodge, Serpent's Parry
Wild Hunter: Resilience, Piercing Shot
Learn Talus Strike from guy in Cierzo at the start of the game.
And that's fucking it. All other skills are optional.
Get Sunfall Axe from Stone Giant caves in the Desert, make a Manticore Dagger by killing the manticore near the wrecked ship in the desert, equip both.
See enemy, Piercing Shot from range, run in and Talus Strike then immediately Opportunist Stab. If he jumps you and you don't have time to use Piercing Shot, then you can Talus Strike then Serpent's Parry instead.
Gives the enemy extreme bleed, extreme poison, burning, pain and cripple and they just melt in a few seconds. It's absolutely retarded. 0 mana needed, its all stamina.

It's pretty fun and I got my moneys worth, don't care for the story but just exploring things on my own is great, already killed the two lichs in marsh so not sure where to go from here.

Might drop it for now and pick it back up when the modders finish the multiplayer sex and rape mods.

user, I....
Also go shit all over the desert, the best stuff is found there.

Sounds like your friend just needs to git gud. Did you fully embarrass him with your non magic build yet?

As was predictable, he had no valid response.
He unironically compares this game to dork souls and says that using magic in this game was like using pyromancy as a crutch in dork souls.


Souls games probably ruined a generation of gamers like this.

>pyromancy as a crutch
>when you can full havel

Does this try and sim a "living" world with NPCs & creatures interacting and doing things driven by their A.I, or is it basically static?

If its the later, its kinda pointless imo. I'd rather just play modded TES with survival mods.

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Alright just played through it (Blue chamber faction, Solo, Warrior)
It felt mediocre at best.
It has a lot of cool systems (Magic, Trapping, Backpacks, Seasons, Cooking, Alchemy)
a short and sweet OST (Hallowed Marsh theme is sex)
a nice bit of consequence to quests and
absolutely no fucking personality at all
It's so empty. You'll be following way too long roads from questpoint to questpoint meeting the same bandit pairs of two all the time, or three if you're in Enmerkar forest. There are no events, no particular sights to see (Hallowed Marsh lotus is about the nicest thing you get to look at) and nothing to do except watching your staminawheel plummet while you autorun from A to B over and over again.
And then you run into another bland as fuck dungeon, that again features the same weakass enemy types, that's over way too quickly (Jade Lich Dungeon takes not even five minutes)
There are barely any bosses, the faction quests are bland as fuck, the factions except The religious bunch are bland as fuck, and that final faction quest was so bad it made me laugh. Was the Butcher of Men supposed to be the last boss? I thought he had visual artifacts or something, but no, apparently being a slightly sped up Immaculate enemy in Pink, covered in shitty particles and half dead from fighting NPC's, is this games idea of a climax.
Survival was tacked on. What was the purpose of these mechanics? Nothing about having to sleep or drink regularily added to the experience. Temperature can be ignored if you cross the overworld efficiently. The only thing that was kinda fun was food preparation, because actually profiting off preparation is nice.
Combat. It's clunky, but I got used to that by the end. Once you realise how easy it is to circlestrafe everything it becomes a joke. Everything having poise was a mistake too, you can just trade. Weird desync stuff in combat, like taking damage without animations. Weird shit.

If you really wanna play, do it Co-op

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Hahahahaha, hahahahahaha.
No. Its more static than skyrim, when you talk to npc and they have to move screen fades and they dissapear. Its a joke. Only NPC that walk are like citizens you cant talk to, and they just go back and forth. NPC says "Lets go into dungeon kill bandits" then just stands at the start of the dungeon... like, not even close to the skyrim where they go with you and like betray each other or whatever they are doing.

I actually like the god who is "Don't believe in me, lol, question everything", but thats it.

Elatt is unironically and surprisingly based.

Elatt is bro.

Also something I couldn't say cause of the characterlimit, this game feels ANCIENT technology wise. I swear to god Gothic 2 had more interactive NPC's.
At one point I got captured by bandits who stripped me down and wanted me to mine away for them. The guards let me into the kitchen under pretense of helping the cook. I go a room further and there's my backpack and stuff, I put it on, leave the room AND THE BANDIT GUARDS DO NOT FUCKING CARE. I first have to TALK TO THEM TO INITIATE COMBAT.
Later there was a quest where I needed to escort the town retard around. However, I didn't actually escort him, the game can't do escorts, Ai's too shit for that. No, I had to save the retard, he said "nah I go alone now", and then the screen fades to black and he teleported off to the next interaction point. Even Morrowind, a 17 YEAR OLD GAME was able to do these types of quests. Not well, but it tried at least.

The more I think about this game the more I realise it's shit. It tempts you with interesting crafting mechanics, but the actual gameplay loop is so fucking bland it's not even worth talking about.
I played this because I was bored, not because I wanted to keep playing. Fuck it, at least I pirated. Saved good money.

Elatt is like the only memorable part of the story. Probably because the church is for once quite reasonable and because Elatt actually talks to people.

Yeah that same thing happened to me. I remember being nervous as I saw my backpack in the room and a guard staring directly at the doorway.

I even hatched a plan where I would rush in, pick it up, then RUSH out and around the corner and quickly set down a trap for the guard who surely must be after me now.

I ran in, picked it up, ran out, set the trap and waited.
After 30 seconds I peeked out and the guard was still there not giving a shit.

Know how later down the line there'll be the quest to clear that fortress? There's a bandit in there that is literally immortal. He'll watch you slay all his comrades, but you can't actually fight him. He just statically sits next to the door.

You know what, fuck it - here's the only reason to play this game. Listen to it on youtube, then forget this game exists:
This is literally the only excepional thing the game has. Play Divinity OS 2 for a Co-Op RPG or Gothic2 for a Eurojank RPG with a more fun world.

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Go play Elex.

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They aren't gamers they are writers.

So close but so far
I just want a low fantasy RPG with hunting/survival

Read the review, it's once again a shitter too dull for videogames. Talks about losing his shit even though you never lose your backpack. An utter retard.
The rating of 5/10 is about right but not for the reasons cited in the article but because it's bland and boring.