Any news on the new Harry Potter game?

Any news on the new Harry Potter game?

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Nope. It's either cancelled or we won't hear of it until the next E3 that focuses on next-generation consoles. Hufflepuff is the best for a comfy, private life

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I fully expect JK Rowling to interject herself in development and ruin it.

They say that syndicates of wizards have led a boycott of Imperial goods in the land of the Altmer

Harry Potter RPG like that dumb app game would be cool but never

i'm holding out for E3 but i'm half-expecting it to be cancelled
honestly i wouldn't be surprised if rowling herself got it canned because the trailer was leaked

Fellow hufflebro

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tfw no quidditch sequal

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>And here, here! Put the scene with Ron coming out as a transwitch here! And make sure all his children are black, ginger, transchildren as well... and there, in the great hall, put a giant marble statue of Dumbledore, naked, cock in one hand and his old wrinkled bollocks in the other, weighing them contemplatively like two old coin pouches. And make all the children dance around it like an ancient fertility shrine! And make sure Dumbledore is very, very pregnant, like he was when he bore his and Severus's child, and this games primary antagonist, just before the events of the Philosophers stone...

my muh fuckin huffles!

I'm a big potterfag and went to Universal Studios and bought a Hufflepuff cloak. I only saw like 4 other people with them. everyone else was wearing gryffinshit and shytherin

based and puffpilled

>tfw no big tiddy ravenclaw gf

Ravenclaw has the highest amount of asians, so if you want a japanese wizard GF...

It's so fucking awful and it's even gotten worse since launch why

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yes OP my trusty sources tells me its gonna be garbage

>gotten worse
>Year 5 is full of Merumoments and she's in almost every TLSQ

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My current gf is a ravenclaw but she has smol tiddy :(

i want the game to come out asap so the general in /vg/ can stop obsessing over a shit mobile game

Anyone here remember playing the third game for the ps2? I remember spending hours just riding buckbeak around the place, it was so good.

found was the music track

the later games with the movie aesthetic felt duller and less lively then their previous cartoony predecessors.
I mean it makes sense not to keep the kiddie looks seeing how the tone and age group shifted as well but the games kinda fell victim to being early releases on the new generation of consoles and being multiplats in general.
if IF a new game gets made I hope they keep it pretty whimsical and steer clear of the over the top shit from those magical beast movies.
Best to just dream

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Yeah if you're fine with going through weeks of Rakepick bullshit and the plot running around in circles between every Merula appearance.

Chapters 25-30 are where the most important Merumoments are, and we're getting there.

Comfy is shit. Ravenclaw is the only way to grow powerful enough to clone yourself some daughter-wives and live in a tower.

>Any news on the new Harry Potter game?
No !

J.K. Rowling just confirmed that every NPC will be black and gay

>sneaking in the kitchen to steal food when the house elves are looking

>of course! Harrietta esqueda Potter exclaimed!
>the chamber of secrets is located in the gender neutral bathroom on the second floor!
-HP2 201X edition

There's simply way too many assets, features and mechanics there to simply be cancelled. R-Right?

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Completely finished game have been canceled for little to no reason. We'll just have to wait for E3.