Feolfags on suicide watch
Final Fantasy XIV
imagine following the lore in an MMO lmao
imagine playing video games lmao
>no female hrothgar
Wake me up when the genderlocking is over
See you in a couple of years then bud.
The baralions equivalent
Who the Lost here?
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
Not gonna race change but the Lost definitely sound cooler lore-wise. Helions are just beta orbiters.
>literal orbiters vs mgtow
Youre back
I got one saved up to swap, gonna be nice being big lion tank
>there was only one render shown! Feol will be in
Lost Hrothgar BLM sounds like it'd be cool to be, but I wouldn't be able to handle not wearing a big wizard hat for a while until they add in helmets for them.
What's interesting is that they're leaving the door open for the females to look totally different. If they made their female lions look more traditionally beautiful, it would piss off female Ronso fans, but it would certainly sell more fantasias.
>Bunnyqueers and Lionfaggots thread
So how long do you think this one will last before you get pruned again?
>less females being born
we all know what that means
I don't see how anyone was genuinely expecting Feol to be playable considering how Hilda was handled.
I'm pretty they said some things like hats would work. Just not full helms and mask/glasses.
I didn't go anywhere!
I'll at least give you points for being consistent
>scale-less horn-less malera
Helion is a cool name but that explanation is definitely not
Feolfags are so dumb, they are unaware the race is extinct in lore.
>it's xaela/raen again
its not genderlocking though because they don't exist
>actually looks like a beastman and not another human with cat ears
Sometimes you do good, Yoshi.
My Hrothchad brothers!
Will you die for your queen, or will you throw off the yokes of lioness oppression for supple bunnygirls!?!
Does Feolthanos even exist in XIV?
Is that even a question man
That's not anywhere in either paragraph, friend.
>Excuses lack of men based on lore (that they made up)
>Makes up new backstory instead of using existing distinctions.
I wish they'd stop being faggots and be honest with us.
>In lore the Hrothgar are actually more likely to travel, at least The Lost are.
>They'll make up less than 5% of the playerbase
>Viera are forest hermit cunts who rarely leave
>They're going to be fucking everywhere
Really seriously ironic, great job Yoshida.
I kind of want to transfer to Mateus I made a character there and have been messing around lately and it feel like what an mmo should there's actually people hanging out in towns, talking and stuff so it isn't just completely silent and dead but I don't want to get bulled by Yea Forums
not yet
>Hrothgar travel and are from Ilsabard
>the Helions specifically are from southern Ilsabard, meaning they should be extremely close to Ala Mhigo and Thavnair, both major cities involved with trade, and thus Ul'dah
>we have heard literally nothing about them in the lore, not even so much as a hint about lion-men or anything
>Hyurs get alt body types
>Lalas get alternate ears
>Elezen get access to an entire different range of skin types that go into the realm of the fantastic and odd. Same for Miqote.
>Roegadyn get full humanoid skin range but each tribe gets a range of alternate tones.
>Au Ra get alternate colors for horns.
>Viera get to pick between really white and a slight tan :^)
Lazy fucks.
It's almost like they made them up at the last possible second.
Why the fuck didn't they just make a race with an excuse built in for a lack of knowledge and no gender option, like Yukes? They'd be the perfect analogue to Viera.
do what you want homie, you definitely don't want to play xiv with anyone from Yea Forums
They do exist in lore you absolute fucking sperg
>Makes two fucking cat races.
No, bad job.
If you need bara furries then add the werewolf clans from FFV/VI.
To be fair, the Ananta were on Ala Mhigan soil and we never heard of them until Stormblood.
yoshi said there is a wolf head option though
>>Lalas get alternate ears
you mean eyes, right? Or have I never noticed they have ear differences too?
Wolf face is supposedly an option.
>"We can't add male Viera, it breaks the lore. :^("
>Changes the lore of the Ronso entirely in order to justify genderlocks.
I expect Hrothgar to replace roegadyn as the BIG BURLY race of choice, and Viera to split the Miqo'te player-base in half as the CUTE GIRL race of choice, fantasia will flow like the wine at your mother's book club, I swear it on God
they aren't ronso though
>>Elezen get access to an entire different range of skin types that go into the realm of the fantastic and odd. Same for Miqote.
>>Roegadyn get full humanoid skin range but each tribe gets a range of alternate tones.
>>Au Ra get alternate colors for horns.
>>Viera get to pick between really white and a slight tan
So they're the exact same 3/5 of the races hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
rabbit girls?
sign me the fuck up
Plainsfolk have bigass, long ears. Dunesfolk do not.
I can't wait to make a cute viera dance and fap to it
No, you illiterate fuck, it means that every other race gets options outside of normal human skin tones for alts while Viera just cuts the basic human range and throws them out as "variants".
>OF already complaining about the Hrothgar lore
Didn't know there was already a FFXIV thread.
Can someone answer my question?
What's the most canon class and race for this game? I need to fulfill my OCD
They're literally Ronso, just like how Elezen are canonically Elves and Lalafell are Dwarves.
Wow I didn't know that we had access to the Viera already!
they're literally hrothgar, if they were ronso they would be called ronso just like viera
do you realize just how fucking retarded the shit you just wrote is?
Hyur Warrior
There isn't one.
But if you want to look special and cool, pick a Roegadyn, there's rarely any of those fucks around in the MSQ.
Wow, I can't believe that all the preview footage AND the official lore was simply deceiving us all along!
>not fapping to a hrothgar dancer
Except Elezen have tons of overlap, lalafell have exactly the same skin color pallets, and we have yet to see the actual color pallets for viera to know if they get any weird colors as well.
>dancer is a ranged DPS
Damn, and here I wanted to fantasia into bunny, looks like my hand has been forced and I'll have to unsub instead.
The player character stand-in in the FMV movies is a male Midlander Hyur. He begins ARR as a Warrior, switches to Dragoon in Heavensward, Monk for Ala Mhigo segments of Stormblood and Samurai for Doman segments, and then he's turning Dark Knight for the new expansion. Dark Knight's job quests are also so good and involved with both the main story and the only ones that develop the player character at all. They're so good that they may as well be the canon job.
They're called Ronso in The First. They're interchangeable names. They mean the same thing.
Trailers use a male midlander to represent the player character, but he switches jobs frequently just as the player is apt to do.
Maybe the next Eureka will be Lemures.
barbs too
Imagine being a dumbass who plays WAR
>Except Elezen have tons of overlap
They sure do. My point was that they get the full range of human skintones and then some extra tones on the side.
>lalafell have exactly the same skin color pallets
Which is why I pointed out they get actual model differences.
>preview footage
Wow there's preview footage of the character creator! I'm amazed it hasn't been spread around more!
>not complaining
Imagine choking on pic related.
Man pretty much every fanart btfos the actual models. I'd gladly go Hroth if they looked like that or even the official concept art
*does more dps than you*
>barbs too
I just hope armor isn't total shit for them.
Yukes would actually require effort to model, as you'd need to make multiple unique helmet heads.
You're going to pretend you never held this position when your ass is blown open on launch.
I choose supple catboys.
>thirsty beta virgin bunny race
>literal furfags
how do you even fuck up this badly?
Elezen or Miqote Bard
Highlander Monk, Paladin
Elezen Paladin
Lalafel Black Mage/ Summoner
Au'ra Dark Knight
Midlander everything
Start in Ul'dah for maximum relevance to the plot
pick from
>showy gladiator turned light weaving knight
>madman thaumaturge maximizing power gains
>shonen protagonist pugilist
plus, later on
>wandering samoorai
>military officer in the form of scholar
I hope there are other faces besides wolf and cat.
>your races aren't getting visible headpieces because it'd be hard
>also as usual the clans have basically no visual differences outside of skin saturation
>Please understand work is hard
I don't know what I expected but something less lazy I suppose fucker just tell me to unsub already. I will never not be nuclear over fucking Au-ra of all things having the most differences between clans.
If I cannonically wanted to pick one class what would it be. I'm not talking about the trailer, I'm talking about what would make sense in the context of the story. For example WoL can't be a mage because he partakes in 1v1 physical battles. He also can't be an Au'ra, things like that.
Viera are the master race.
>You're going to pretend you never held this position when your ass is blown open on launch.
Wow now you're a psychic as well!
probably will be stretched textures just like on roes
>as you'd need to make multiple unique helmet heads.
Square didn't even bother allowing Hrothgar and Viera to wear helmets, though?
>>literal furfags
They want what's left of the WoW audience
Paladin, and then switch to Dark Knight when you get to Heavensward.
Literally warrior user, they are the isekai self insert mc jobs.
It's canon that the Warrior of Light switches Jobs constantly. It's even in the newest trailer, with the in-game job switch vfx and sfx.
Also this is a game where it's canon that most of the people playing every match just aren't the WOL, but similarly gifted adventurers, trying to be canon is the worst way to play the game.
They have smaller waists so it can't possibly look as bad as it does on roes.
Wouldn't going Dark Knight make sense for Shadowniggers as well?
who cares the game has no content
Cya when FFXIV: A Source Reborn comes out.
there isn't one, the "canon" job changes each expansion.
Then own up, bitch. Put on a tripcode and admit you were wrong when the game launches. I did the same when I was wrong about Hrothgar. Are you going to keep being a passive aggressive faggot or are you going to put your money where your mouth is?
>Queen is a massive Hrothgar
>Crazy thicc
>Fast pregnancy cycle
>Gives birth to her sons by the dozen
>All of the Hrothgar call her "mum"
>she loves all of her boys
do they though?
i feel like they are as large as roes
Yeah, but WoL starts going nuclear right after shit hits the fan in ARR and only gets worse from there, and the DRK quests tie into that.
Sorry, man. I can't see anything through that thick layer of vaseline and post-fx.
Yukes have helmets regardless. Your character creation would have to allow you to choose from one of several unique helmets and customize it. That's the rub. It's more effort than a few textures and ear options on a normalish face.
the biggest thing is since many of the significant parties involved in the msq are closer tied with uldah and the immortal flames
user's I don't fucking care about the trailers and that "switching jobs" is canon. I want to know the best fit that would match MSQ.
>Are you going to keep being a passive aggressive faggot or are you going to put your money where your mouth is?
I wonder if we'll ever get to visit the Hrothgar and Viera lands. Maybe during the expansion after ShB when we HOPEFULLY finally go to Ilsabard.
Warrior, this game needs more tank players.
meant for
Next expansion.
>next expansion does nothing other than adding in all helmet models for the two new races after constant bitching about it through 5.0
>"I-I won't be a little faggot and pretend this never happened if I'm wrong!"
>Okay double down then.
>"I-Internet tough guy!"
Fuck off, faggot.
Listen child, the only KNOT you need is the one in New Gridania, be one with nature but do not LIE with nature, that is for the filthy beast tribes and their ilk
Multiple you fucking faggot. The entire point of the MSQ is that you're the warrior of light who is able to switch jobs on the fly.
>implying these kinds of faggots aren't sjws
director of the game says there isn't a canon, but he also said that if there was a canon it would be moonkeeper miqo'te girl
Start as Warrior, become a Dragoon for Heavensward. Samurai for Stormblood. Gunblade for Shadowniggers.
>literally arguing with himself in an XIV thread
There isn't one. No matter what job you choose there's going to be scenes that don't make sense because they have to account for all jobs. There is no best match.
You're asking for the "right" choice in a game where the best option is to assume the story is talking about a different player.
unironically Gladiator and later Paladin since Ul'dah is the most relevant to the plot and the other cities are garbage
They are, but they aren't as square in the waist as roes. It's hard to tell because of the wide ass kilts theyre wearing.
>I want to know the best fit that would match MSQ.
The one that you enjoy the most
>Calling people faggots
This acronym has lost all meaning.
>be female Hrothgar
>stay home and have to fuck multiple men and get pregnant
>must be nice being a queen
what am i looking at here?
Thanks anons for actually answering my question.
Shota bunny boys in 6.0!
>be female hrothgar
>all the males would rather fuck each other
It literally shows the main character stand-in changing jobs in the intro cinematic.
They mention how versatile you are many times.
There are special dialogues for mastering different classes and characters acknowledge that your LITERAL SUPERPOWER is being exceptional at adapting to new situations/learning new things.
It is literally canon that the Warrior of Light is the big dick motherfucker who masters every single job he/she comes across.
is this voidark
Then don't play the fucking game then.
Hyur belong to Viera.
ok i'll come back and play ffxiv now
>Have friends who have fantasia multiple times while I stay a midlander
>Ask me when am I going to fantasia
Jokes on them
I already am the best race.
I just started leveling up dark knight, Fray is our other half right ? They keep saying “we” and “our” a lot.
Don't play this game. Go kill yourself.
Except lalafell ears are identical so you're wrong. Outside of their eyes the only differences lalafell have are their face accessory option or other misc things. Just like Viera will have.
>fucking around with light in abilities
>sword and shield archetype is unique among scions early on
>you play protector very often
>tank, meaning the bosses focus on you like a game protagonist
>uldah, so closer to bigwigs like sultana, aldynn, and thancred
>the aesthetic of the class results in smooth transition to ishgard and dark knight/dragon knight
Queens honor friend
Not my fault you guys don't having reading comprehension xD
You ever play FF4?
It's that.
How do you think the four tanks will pair up in ShB?
I'm okay with this one too or Alphinaud style male bunnies!
We already have enough manly masculine races, let us have one please...
Thank you. What race would make the most sense as well? Midlander?
I don't think a lalafell would do very well 1v1 against zenos.
Imagine being this certain while also being this wrong.
heres our new race
>Playing warrior
>me big axe me swing good
Dun Scaith while the environment layout type is set to the intro. When it plays the 'animation' after killing Doom Gaze it blinds the screen with white to play the ol' switcheroo, removing the capsulated environment and flipping the on-switch to show the parts of the town that connect directly with the ship.
You're an actual fucking dipshit. Canon is a midlander guy who maxes out every single class, including crafters. It all gives unique dialogue.
>their umber skin allowing them to readily blend in
>with skin as fair as the snowcapped mountains
With sun I look darker than left and without sun I'm whiter than right. There's isn't any difference between those two, that's fucking bullshit.
I'm not any of the anons you were talking prior. You're just a turbo autist. :')
For the "canon" WoL experience, you have to
>Be an Eorzean race
>Start in Ul'Dah for the plot relevance and extra dialogues at the end of ARR
>Complete the Dragoon 1-50 questline before starting Heavensward because it's the real start of the HW story, and play HW as a Dragoon for many extra dialogue bits
>Become a DRK for Shadowbringers
That's it really. There's a few story benefits for being a SMN in ARR and HW as well but I wouldn't call it necessary.
To get a "true" main story it's much more important to not skip side content, especially Coil since not doing it breaks Alisaie's character completely and makes you miss out on some extra scenes.
WAR and GUN will be the main pair. Nobody will need PLD or DRK
>let us have one please
they give us some fucking body choice options instead of just cranking out the laziest version. We could have had all types of bunnies.
Yes, actually.
No, but they recognize your ability to be proficient in multiple jobs you fucking autist. Seriously either play multiple because that's THE CANON or shut the fuck and play "warrior" because your name is the "warrior" of light.
What the fuck am I looking at here
If going pld
Hyur, Roe, or Lala since those are what the sultansworn tend to be
>Asks question.
>Gets answer he doesn't like.
>Ignores it.
The state of (You).
you really think they'd do that? give us options in a game of limited jobs and limited races?
they answered it incorrectly though.
He has autism, he doesn't care, he just wants to be told what to do.
Actual spoilers: Fray is a Jungian shadow that embodies the part of your character who's tired of all the bullshit involved in the hero life and just wants to live and go on a nice adventure for their own sake again.
Have you guys seen this video
>Male Viera fags still seething
>Ignores it.
Okay retard
Why are they incorrect? Anything you want to add?
It's canon.
Get over it.
user let's be realistic.
>the Hrothgar are a burly people of lionlike appearance—or the males are, at least.
>or the males are, at least.
>the males
>nips hate hrothgar so much there is no fanart of them
>Last race is shitty barafur.
I feel like everyone should be upset desu
>People are still seething over genderlock
I thought all this bullshit would stop after a week
in case anyone hasn't seen this
it doesnt matter since both are for sluts
Take that shit back!
Not them, but because none of those are the "best fit." There are several MSQ scenes that will have your character not engage in physical violence when they probably should because they have to consider you might be playing Healer.
Everybody who understood knew it wouldn't be feol exactly for two reasons. The first was that they descended partly from Feolthanos and the bird people. The second was they were all wiped out in the only game that had them.
Those aren't Ronso, retard.
What are some examples?
>the race is gender locked because the opposite gender is functionally a different race
>gets added as such later on
I wonder how that would go over
I'm just want elegant bunny boye
>Straight Hrothgar art
it really isn't genderlock though
2021 can't come soon enough
Don't forget to be samurai in Stormblood to have a samurai duel with Zenos
You got more user?
How long till the furfags fuck off and XIV threads go back to regular shitposting?
>Asahi goads your character to do something.
>Character ANGRILY WALKS FORWARD then does nothing because they don't know what class you're playing.
>Situations like fleeing characters being a few feet up a ledge where a Dragoon could easily jump.
>Every single motherfucking scene where the badguy is a distance away where you could easily shoot them as an Archer or Machinist, but you don't because DARN THEY'RE TOO FAR AWAY.
No. I just saved the lionessfag's images so I could laugh at him later.
>You can't just slap boobs on a hrothgar and call it female
Didn't stop them with Lalafell, Elezen and Miqote.
what do you mean user?
they're NEVER going away
What the hell did you expect? Hrothgar were literally only made because autists wanted Viera and they needed a male counterpart. How can something exist in the lore before it was even created?
they're never leaving now that Hrothgars will be available. Its worse not that they're primarily male race with less females
Imagine being btfo'd this badly. Their 4 options are literally identical.
Yugiri says hi.
>How can something exist in the lore before it was even created?
Au Ra and Viera both came up in the story before they officially appeared, so they could have and should have slipped in SOME kind of hint about Hrothgar. In a minion description or when talking to Thavnairian traders, SOMETHING.
Granted but they have the same model/proportions and awful running animations as male elezen
>'Female' lion has long flowing hair
confirmed for transexual
female lions are bald
Call it whatever you want I just want the screaming about the races to stop
The fur fags jerking it off and the tranny's screaming about the one gender. The only people who care are faggots who Fantasia whore anyways and are going to jump to the new hot shit.
But female lalafell and elezen don't have boobs?
There really isn't a good excuse as to why they can't show your character doing some basic combat in cutscenes.
Just delegate a few default animations for each job, and have your character stand at an appropriate distance for each.
If the problem is that "melee characters can't hit far away" then just have them close the distance. Most melee jobs can already do that, even if it's just running up and taking a swing.
Canonically Plainsfolk are supposed to have bigger ears and the best hearing of all the races, because they evolved living underground and needed to hear both predators and prey. They just don't actually have them in character creation. Like Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te are also supposed to be more lithe and with shorter tails than Seekers.
>tfw no tomboy lioness gf
They do, they're just barely perceptible.
How can you do that when you literally come up with the idea at the last minute because the director shit his pants?
don't forget the opposite, where characters die or get hospitalized when you could have healed them.
>finally a game with big titty lion mommies
>it's fucking shit
>ff14 can steal the designs and swoop in the glory
>nope LOL
That requires every scene to have different animation instructions based on your current job.
>How can you do that when you literally come up with the idea at the last minute because the director shit his pants?
It's really easy to slip something into a minion description. We got Au Ra lore before Heavensward in the Odin minion. And the Viera had a whole lore dump in Ivalice. Text isn't that hard to rush, especially when the localization team literally works the next set of desks over from, and shares members with, the writing team.
Furfags get the rope
They're actually pretty good about that in that every dying character usually gets a gigantic chunk of themselves blown the fuck out.
So is Vanilla WoW objectively a better game than FFXIV?
The concept of Au Ra existed since the devs were planning to implement it in the future. Compare that to the Hrothgar, who were added at the very, very last minute. Even Viera had more time to get something to explain their lore.
Just a reminder that even if you're unsubbed, you can still play the game.
being a furfag must truly be a suffering existence
I wanna fuck Alphinaud
>WoWfugees jump into XIV just in time for a bara beast race
Was it careful planning?
>male lions are gay as fuck
>female lions can become trans
what the fuck is up with lions
user that stuff was already set in stone well in advance. The Hrothgar may very well have only started the planning phase when the leak came out.
>We got Au Ra lore before Heavensward in the Odin minion.
i forgot about that. people were wonder what an Au Ra was when that released.
How do you genderlock a race with no models created yet?
>lion mommies
Japan is lolichads' turf, mommiefags get out
I hope you die furfag
Nah, gfurs always win: case in point Hrothgar. So literal furry faggots are fine.
It's the sfurs and lfurs who always lose.
>loli anything
You also get the rope
>have cat race
>add furrier cat race
Who the fuck greenlit Hrothgar?
It was probably the single most retarded option, as well. Did we really need even more cats?
Funny, people say the same thing about my manhood
Playing through main quests as a ninja is always weird to me, as you are CONSTANTLY ambushed, but all the ninja dialogue talks about how stealthy and perceptive you are, how YOU sneak up on people not the other way around. But no, fuck you for popping hide as you walk into the purple ambush circle, they SAW YOU
So? It's not like animating cutscenes as particularly hard in this game.
Waiting till this weekend to log back in so I have more time to drive around in the Regalia mount.
did eureka just absolutely fuck development for this game?
Yet we have no playable loli because they know middle aged balding men would sexulize them
Tons of solo encounters are an absolute bitch as an on-level NIN.
As long as we get options for different animal faces, I'm ok with it.
Khajiiti sympathizers from Vvardenfell, filthy fetcher scum
>talking about models and specifically physical differences in the models between sub clans.
>response to being shown proof they're identical ears is "B-but lore!"
Get the fuck out of here.
But this isn't classic WoW
Just think of it like giving them a handicap
>have humans with cat ear headbands and buttplugs
>cat race
No, a huge chunk of Square starting development on FFXVI did.
>nothing but bunnyfags and lionfags shit flinging at each other for 2 whole years
I'm not even the guy you were arguing with. I was just commenting on the lore saying what they're supposed to have which is why that render shows it despite it not actually being true in the game itself.
For me it's
Paladin - Midlander / Elezen (M/F)
Warrior - Roegadyn (M)
Dark Knight - Au Ra (M)
Dragoon - Elezen (M)
Monk - Highlander (F)
Ninja - Midlander (M)
Blue Mage - Hyur (M)
Red Mage - Elezen (F)
Summoner - Miqote (M/F)
Samurai - Midlander
Machinist - Miqote (M)
Scholar - Lalafell (M/F)
Astrologian - Au Ra (F) & Midlander (F)
White Mage - Lalafell (F) & Midlander (F)
Bard - Miqote (F) / Elezen (F)
Dancer - Viera
Where's the egg at?
>Did we really need even more cats?
yes because there was never a cat race till now and humans with cat ears and tails don't count as a cat
gaius already did and put his ass in a coma
Then why does Japan make the best MILFs?
I agree. Everyone is too busy laughing about "muh trannies" every time you try and bring it up, though.
The Gunblader job was canonically invented by the Hrothgars too apparently.
>Monk - Highlander (F)
tfw no tomboy boxer gf
Yeah I know, I realized that after the reveal of Hrothars. I wanted a bunnyboy but the huge amount of fags complaining made me feel better.
Now I'm tempted to make a lion like pick related
>let's make the sneaky and squishy support DPS class fight everything face to face with HONOUR, like a SAMURAI. The Shinobi way is for cowards, thieves, and weak elezen whores
>last race is the only creative race in the game
I don't see why anyone should be upset aside from trannies
>Au Ra anything
>no Black Mage
Will be cool to see them as NPCs. Too bad nobody will play one.
>briefly thought about switching to lionboy
>no headgear support means no summoner dong though
>also their animations look kind a janky in general
No one class.
1.0 he started as an Archer
2.0 he was a Warrior
3.0 Dragoon
4.0 he trained as both a Samurai and Monk
5.0 he looks to be a Dark Knight. Basically. Level each of those in that order.
Hit 50 with Bard and Warrior before finishing 2.55
Hit 60 with Dragoon before finishing 3.0
70 with Samurai and Monk before finishing 4.0.
And start leveling your Dark Knight so you can hit 80 in 5.0.
>Roegadyn with cat head
I'd rather have Nu Mou playable and Ronso as a Beast Tribe.
japan has the highest rate of single mother poverty in the developed world. so they have to look good to keep their job
>Roegadyns with furry heads.
Could have been
-Nu Mou
>Qu Clan
-Robots (no, not humans that go beep boop, actual metal robots)
-Something actually new for once that isn't halfassed like Au Ra ended up being.
Hrothgars can have a horn. Just take it as a replacement for the summoner horn.
>not into furshit
>stumble across Foxy Rena
>instantly understand
Why does japan do EVERY fetish better?
Basically, if you don’t have level 80 BRD, WAR, DRG, MNK, SAM, and DRK by the end of this expansion you’re fucking up.
Machinist should be Midlander Hyur because it's a job centered around the Ishgardian lower class.
Their horn is no summoner dong replacement. It's tiny and limp looking
Size doesn't matter. When you have a horn sprouting directly out of your forehead, you're more of a Summoner than any of those other headband-wearing sissies.
>Construct 7 Beast Tribe
Now I want this.
Your summoner strength is directly proportional to how decorative your summoner dong is, though.
None of those races would actually work in this game unless you'd want the dev team to limit your gear options to like 4 sets.
You have to look at it from FFXIV standards. It's the most effort they've ever put into a race. Do I have to remind you that Au Ra still have horns locked to their faces?
I hope you can make it without a horn. And someone makes a Hrothgar named Hornless Hornless.
I keep seeing mentions of hrothgar having a wolf head option. Is there a citation or source for this or just misinformation?
Isn't that basically a Lalafell?
They've already shown they are willing to disable visual appearance of gear
so why not any of those things?
It's something Yoshi said at fanfest. No pictures to clarify what it means.
they're more like onions than potatoes
I would have really liked Bangaas. Would have fit more along side the Viera addition.
>tfw they disable fucking HEADGEAR for the new races instead of disabling footgear and giving them unique feet (digitigrade 3 toed feet for viera and paws for hrothgar)
fuck yoshi
>No shortstack race
half the headpieces are circlets that no one wears anyway so i guess they aren't being any more lazy than they already are
I love how this game has absolutely no zoomers in-game compared to WoW.
and thats a good thing
Death it is then.
So uh is XI worth playing nowadays?
I'm thinking of trying it out after the XV event is over
Is it just me or did she look more attractive with the mask on?
Also, this reveal was dumb as shit.
>they all knew she was Lyse all along
>the only one who didn't know was the PC who never met Yda
So why the charade!?
FFXIV is an experiment in just how little effort they can put into an MMO before people catch on.
I'm going to get into this game in not too long and its so disappointing that the only conversations i ever see are these bullshit ones.
How to kill a character
I liked ditzy, happy-go-lucky "Yda".
Yes, as long as you treat it like a single player game.
Hmmm this actually does make me wonder if SE will put FFXIV in "maintenance" mode just like how Blizzard did it with HotS. Is FFXIV meeting expectations? Or Maybe SE is always evolving and doesn't want to stick with 1 game for a long time.
Who /HrothgarDNC/ here?
More's left to the imagination with the mask on
XIV exceeded expectations, but their mobile shit still makes money an order of magnitude higher
>and they needed a male counterpart
Imagine having a male counterpart for a race that has males
Well, they added the Trusts so that it pretty much is a single player game now.
i want to get into the game but i don't know wich job to start with, i was thinking of something simple, but still able to do some good damage and not slow as fuck. any ideas?
It's the easiest it's ever been to play, and is worth it to at least see the story.
But it is absolutely not worth it to get to endgame, unless you really like the game.
What the heck was up with that teaser? Who's the big angel thing? Why's minfilia a loli?
The Viera don't have males.
Will Dancer have a similar feature to Bard’s perform?
Pugilist. It goes the fastest and gets a full combo early.
holy shit I completely forgot about their mobile games. Probably in the 100's of mills. I wonder how they're going to evolve XIV in the future relative to the new mobile generation. If you think about it, in a couple of years a large majority of FF fans are probably gonna be coming from mobile.
pugilist, which becomes monk later. they get a full combo by level 6 which is 21 levels earlier than every job, plus their base gcd is lower than any other job once you get all the traits
You can't start as Red Mage, you silly bitch.
Game's gonna be slow in general at the start because you won't have many oGCDs.
Pugilist is more involved early on than other melee DPS
The males exist you fucking moron
I was hyped when they showed up during the Ivalice raid but I should have knew better than to think they'd be the new race. Instead we get a bunch of dumb cats.
Damn you're ugly
no they don't
BLM is slow as fuck until 40ish
ok might try monk later, thanks
any other earlygame advice?
NOTE: would be going Blue Mage if not for singleplayer only, oh well
I'd also say BLM's general rotation doesn't get very interesting until around 60
t. retard
Just know at 70, everything you know about monk changes drastically
Please understand, making a race with a different physicality would require the team to actually put in effort into gear design, instead of just scaling it.
And Yoshi's FFXIV is an experiment in how little effort they can get away with.
NOBODY actually wants to play as bangaas, you just say you do.
watch this. mind you we don't have any information on the two new classes, and that this guy is typically comedy content
those are female
post a male Viera to prove they exist
No one's going to play Hrothgar either
Bangaa dragoon would be based to play
Don't feel rushed to get to the newest content. Enjoy the game at your own pace.
Maybe it's autism but I like talking to all the NPCs I can find, or hovering near ones you can't interact with. They usually all have something to say.
He means no male models
The angel thing is a sin eater. Why Minfillia is a loli we don't know until we play the expansion.
This. Not even the furries would touch that shit. I can imagine 3 people at max playing Bangaas
same thing as the other games like FFV in wich monks become useless in endgame because their damage output starts to get inferior in compairson to literally everyone else?
Post YFW the Hrothgar queen is in game as part of the story and she's literally exactly what the lionmommyfags want thus proving YoshiP could have done it, but he didn't.
rotation change
Not going to happen, because all the new areas are on the First.
Yea, as well as going slow and using abilites you never touch
>yfw queen is just some spiritual entity or something silly like the sun
Well you would still max out monk for the high str passive when you go freelancer/mime, so it's not completely useless.
About what?
I thought it was some kind of time travel thing
Is there a place that shows all the weapon glams?
i can't seem to find one.
Fucking this. FF14 has a ton of little details and it's really impressive what you can find. If you try to rush through the game then it's going to feel like work as you mash through dialog and skip cutscenes; you're not going to enjoy the game. However, if you take your time and chill then you might find yourself enjoying the game. If you still don't care for the world at that point then the game's just not for you and it is what it is, however you have a better chance to enjoy it that way than if you try to rush the game.
this pose always annoys me cause theres no way the bow has enough weight at the top to support both of her arms
Time travel isn't in this expansion. We're going to different "worlds".
ask again without that cringy unprotected tripcode
oh so back with passive habilities, oh well, planning on going with a mage after my first class so some extra strenght would be useful.
No. For some reason the resources available for stuff like that in XIV are extremely limited. Like I can find a page for any item in WoW easily, but no one has catalogued xiv stuff
How's the ERP scene in this game? Asking for a friend
The screenshot helper tool let's you equip any Glam in the game (client side only).
>Shill the possibility of a male race
>Instead of making them separate because of bullshit gender wars, they make more girls
Who would have the best chance to have a secret relationship with WoL?
so when does this patch hit
just play second life
>log in for the first time since the first Omega tier launched
>completely forgot how to play
>pick up WHM since I was still leveling it when I quit
>no idea what I'm doing
>do Alliance Roulette
>other healers die
>I bumble my way into stopping a wipe
>manage to raise another healer
That could have gone worse
mother "mommy" miounne
There does seem to be some kind of weird passage of time between dimensions though.
>Crystal Tower appeared on the First with a future G'raha Tia in it, implying time travel
>in the short time since we've known Arbert, the First already somehow has legends of the Warriors of Darkness coming to save them from the Flood of Light that he caused just before meeting us
>Sin Eaters were known to the Amdapori 1600-2000 years ago, but the Flood of Light only started a few months ago from our point of view
It seems that crossing dimensions might also involve a sort of 'diagonal' crossing through time as well.
4.57 April 23rd
5.0 June 28th
Burmecian is just a scaled down Elezen with Qiqrin parts stapled on.
Qu is just a Roegadyn with a unique head.
Yukes are just Elezen with furry arms and helmets for heads.
Robots could literally be humanoid as fuck but just have weird shapes and textures that make them more abstract.
They had plenty of options that are still lazy as fuck, but they took the extra lazy, uncreative option.
Why have a secret relationship when you can just marry Aymeric?
>lore says they exist
>official site says they exist
my bad user, i haven't posted in a long ass time and i have no idea why my name was in there.
thanks user i will try that later
which one contains bunny girls
>he doesn't know about Thrakos
Furries love Bangaa.
This is your date for the night, say something nice!
Did people seriously expect an exiled bastard race to be in this game.
What party finder can I make that pisses off the trannies?
Sad she doesn't have any actual legit good porn. (Except that yda one but I hate how it's monster porn and she doesn't look like lyse)
This is extra stupid and reeks of them not realizing how hard actually applying effort to headgear would be.
thanks for proving that male Viera don't exist, retard
back to my slumber then
>Except that yda one but I hate how it's monster porn and she doesn't look like lyse
That's because that scene is from an Echo vision in 1.0, meaning it's the actual real Yda and not Lyse.
>people expecting feol
>when the info on the clans has been in-game for months and specifically named both clans and also described their primary difference as skin tone
The amount of delusion people have been under about all of this shit is fucking insane. There's a shocking amount of people who have looked at what's presented to them and then spin it as all fake and become convinced that what they wish will happen is what will actually happen.
i dont think i could say anything at all from trying to hold back my raging erection
Angel is Innocence/Griffith, I think. Probably the final boss of 5.0.
You can create bunny girls in May with the character creator/benchmark. You won't be able to play them until June though.
Shut the fuck up you baitposting sperg
If you ever get stuck on a boss, samurai with zeninage is also really powerful and can melt bosses at the cost of funding. The game is meant to be played so you're changing classes whenever the environment calls for it, (like having a dedicated geo to walk over lava, or bard/aevis killer for fighting dragons). Maxing out jobs is only really helpful at very late/post game since the AP you get from fights don't really give a lot until then.
>implying any of those options would be any better
just stop
They're only race that would make me switch from being a based Highlander, and I'd actually be able to get rid of one of the free fantasias collecting dust.
Do you like futas, cats, lizards, and bunnies?
Fuck Mhiggers.
Fuck Garlemald.
Long live Ishgard.
yeah but I want to play as bunny girl
not just create and stare
Everybody knows how bad Alisaie's got it
Still hate it's monster porn. i just wish there was actual good lyse porn. Any drawfags in here please?
Lasterk has one but he's kinda sameface
Krile is the cutest. She doesn't deserve to be locked in Eureka Hell
A shame she's an idiot.
>Yoshi appealing to the furfags
God, he's one of them isn't he.
>Humanoid robot is a worse option than lion heads on roes
Oh shit nigger what are you doing?
Shes free from Eureka now though. Shes back in the MSQ.
Angel is called Innocence. We fought a statue replica of her in a dungeon back in Heavensward. The one in Shadowbringers is the real deal. I highly doubt she will be the final boss but most likely a primal fight or another dungeon boss.
>it's hot
>but it's also Lyse
I feel conflicted.
>Helions actually described as orbiters
Lost bros best bros?
not paying for now until i am 100% sure i will want to dedicate my time to the game. gonna use the trial so it's not like i will max out anything anyways
Innocence looks completely different from the Kuribu. Kuribu are probably just generic Sin Eater mooks.
Now youre just embarrassing yourself
Here's hoping she joins us for >shad
>t. barafur enthusiast.
If I have to date a Lalafell, I want Nanamo instead!
the Minfillia loli isn't Minfillia. Its that super Kuribu they mentioned named Innocence who's somehow tricked Thancred into getting close to the Warrior of Darkness
don't do this to me
>everything cool locked behind savage, eureka and pvp
>absolutely nothing left for someone who doesn't do these things
OH you're talking about XIV.
Thought you meant V since you mentioned monks being useless in V.
That isn't the same angel, idiot
Innocence looks completely different and has a wild mane of curly blonde hair. The updated site names him as the highest ranked sin eater.
Miqo'te are amongst the fewest of the races lore wise, yet the exact opposite is true in game. It's always been this way.
What about Momodi
What a fuzzy guy.
you mad
Just mod in the glam/mounts.
>Worse than furfaggotry
How about suck my nuts?
>i have to play the game to get stuff
yikiest opinion itt
God Hares are ugly
>yfw her sex drive exceeds yours
Please can someone fund more commission's on porn for the scions? I don't care about your OCs
>Cool things locked behind Eureka
Such as?
Meanwhile on Mateus...
wait what do you mean, just model swapping?
Y'know. I used to absolutely hate Lalafels. But after drawing a few, they kind of rubbed off on me.
They're cute, but I'll still never play one or date one if the opportunity came up.
i mean jumping from XIV to V would be pretty random considering this is a XIV thread
>can always do Eureka and Savage
>best Feast set will forever be gone
It's not fair bros...
Support me on Patreon and I'll put all of the money towards commissioning scion art and not take the money and run I swear
>tfw the WoL is so good at White Magic he can fuck the STDs out of someone.
>all the end game stuff is locked behind the end game
What a fucking surprise
>How do I get any of it without playing the end game
You don't
>muh furry boogeyman
kys fag
I pay to play, why should I continue paying for content I will never have a chance to do? That only 0.5% of the playerbase clears?
Its bullshit.
I don't mind hard stuff being in game, there just shouldn't be anything locked behind it. Maybe titles but that's it.
You should. President Electro-Lion Edison was fantastic.
Just wait until the next expansion and do it unsynced then.
You're not denying it.
Hey I saw you today at the royal menagerie
If you're serious, what's your Patreon?
Eureka will be impossible to do come 5.0
That, or he's seen the weeb dollars for fantasias, and wants to tap a new demographic.
I just finished FF3, only the NES translation by NASIR though, so I don't know if the newer versions have more detail.
Not surprising, there's a lot of parallels between XIV's 2.0 24 man raids and the game, but more and more are they delving into the part about light or dark getting too strong and causing their own form of void world. It also goes in to a bit of detail about how strong light defeats weaker light (so in a sense, lightborne forces being able to kick the shit out of us because we can't overmaster them through strength alone), same for darkness, which is why the Dark Warriors of FF3 had to sacrifice themselves to weaken the Cloud of Darkness, who was using a flood of light to become invulnerable to the light warriors. This is again paralleled in FF4, where Cecil must climb Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin and invoke the crystal against Zemus, strengthened by darkness, to defeat him, while Golbez, also a dark knight/mage of some sort, couldn't do so.
I don't know how closely XIV is going to follow this line of thought, but considering how CT's line was almost one-for-one with the addition of the Allagan angle to fit it to XIV's lore, it's very likely us taking up the darkness is nothing more than picking up a new sword and our sides aren't going to change -- we're still going to be fighting Ascians and working for Hydaelyn, only now using a new weapon as well.
It's possible we might have some temporary truce with the Ascians though in order to prevent the light from fully devouring the world.
>translation by NASIR
He didn't translate it, he's the programmer.
Didn't they say Innocence was male?
An extinct exiled bastard race, at that.
>FF3 Nes version
You did the right thing, Nobuo perfected his music despite being restrained and the DS version has some annoying musical choices done especially on the overworld
>it's very likely us taking up the darkness is nothing more than picking up a new sword and our sides aren't going to change
I think that given at this point.
>Someone who understands that Famicom Eternal Wind is the best arrangement.
Holy shit, I never thought I'd find another.
The later renditions are trash in comparison. It's one of the best pieces ever composed for the Famicom.
pld - male roe
war - male hyur
drk - male au ra
whm - female lalafell
sch - female elezen
ast - female au ra
drg - male elezen
mnk - female hyur
nin - male hyur
sam - male elezen
brd - female miqote
mch - male miqote
blm - male elezen
smn - male hyur
rdm - female miqote
blu - female hyur
gunbreaker - male hyur
dancer - female viera
the actual canon answers.
>crotch rot
I know he probably means The Clap or something, but that wording makes me think his dick is rotting away.
>it's very likely us taking up the darkness is nothing more than picking up a new sword and our sides aren't going to change
That's the whole point of the game, that Dark & Light are not Evil & Good inherently. More that it's the intentions of the person that decides who they are. Xande being Noah's pupil meant that he started out as being a good student, but was ungrateful for the gift given of mortality. He was a Student of Light that turned evil due to fear of death.
>it's very likely us taking up the darkness is nothing more than picking up a new sword and our sides aren't going to change
Yeah, everyone figured that out when they showed we're going to a different world instead of our own. Compounded by the fact that literally nothing happened in 4.56 that would lead us down some suffering road of darkness. They hyped us up with shit implying we were going to be forced to make some tough decision just to totally fucking drop the ball. I lost a lot of my hype for 5.0 because of it.
>it's very likely us taking up the darkness is nothing more than picking up a new sword and our sides aren't going to change
I feel like this should have been obvious to people.
I don't know why people were getting hype/upset about turning evil when we aren't
pvpchads ALWAYS win
Proto-Ozma was a fun fight, though.
Do you think there'll be any changes with the new races? What canon roles do you think they'll have?
>pld - male roe
>war - male hyur
>whm - female lalafell
>brd - female miqote
>blm - male elezen
I see what you did there.
It's ogre, user. MMOs don't get porn of main characters, they get commissions for donuts or generic race fetishism
Fuck you, you posted it before me. Love this track.
I'm still trying to get better at drawing. I
haven't even touched digital yet.
If they had showcased DNC instead of GUN in the Europe Fanfest, then it would be likely been Hrothgar for GUN
It's amazing how faithful the XIV versions of the music are to NES chiptunes. Like, CT's NES version and CT's XIV version are both amazing.
I don't think you have to beg. It gets stuff pretty regularly. You can always commission someone also.
Post! Please post your Patreon whatever pixiv please user!
I might start drawing porn of Lyse, she's hot as fuck, but it might be armpit fetish shit so you probably won't like it
Please! Anything helps. It's fine user! I want stuff of the main cast though. And more hyurs desu.
based fellow pitanon
i wish there was more elezen stuff, also im tired of seeing the same 6 cats and lizards get shit every other week
>And more hyurs desu.
Ah there's the problem. Better off trying commissions.
Hrothgar in more modern-looking styles would be neat, but it seems they're favoring the savage look in official stuff.
user please stop. this isn't healthy
>literally all it takes is one throwaway line by a garlean soldier saying "oh the beasts/lions/savages are playing up again in [whatever area of ilsabard]"
Convert all the models for animators and watch the filth roll in
You act like having all crafts leveled is worth something. You can knock that out in a week with a bot.
>5.0 MSQ will have a token male Viera like XI did with a male Mithra
Paid or free bots?
Don't be bad to Empyrea.
People would be screaming.
Also I can't wait for the male bunnysuit situation to repeat itself
I doubt they actually have models for male viera or female hrotghar.
t. Nyr Elewen
S-E has been copying XI note for note for each expansion for XIV. So why not?
What the fuck am I looking at
>Hrothgars and Vieras have existed for almost 2 decades
>People are now bitching about them
What was the problem here? People not playing video games as usual?
I fucking wish they'd copy the real interesting shit
ERP in tells.
Did Primal/Leviathan just crash?
oh hey it's a red light district
It seems like it's all of NA right now.
Paid of course. All free bots are garbage or keyloggers.
good to know I am not the only one crashing/getting DCd.
the new wave of trannies and other lgbltbbq people interpret anything that isn't equal or doesn't directly pander to them as a personal attack
reminder nobody would've complained baout hrothgar if they looked like that
my wife yda died right there....
>People not playing video games as usual?
Of course. Like that dumb "Viera and Feol" image that was spammed for a long time that had blatantly incorrect information by someone who saw a cute bunnygirl and didn't play Revenant Wings to know she's the primary antagonist and kills her entire race before you arrive and kill her.