Cyberpunk 2077 Developers Looking To Hire A “Release Manager”

End of the year 100% I feel it

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Other urls found in this thread:

>still hyped after everything we've seen
The first trailer was perfect. Everything has been downhill since then.


Why do you think that means its coming? They surely had a release manager before and he just left, plans to leave. This means nothing.

I feel sorry for you.

yes yes sun bad neon lights good


Im just not expecting a roleplaying game or the melee to be good anymore. Looks like it'll be a fun shooter.

>They surely had a release manager before and he just left, plans to leave. This means nothing.
This, if anything the relation to 2077 would be that the current person may be leaving after 2077 is shipped.

>being excited for things.

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>just now hiring a release manager, whatever the fuck that is
>release by end of the year
Summer 2020, calling it now.

If you like videogames isn't it normal to be excited for the best game ever made?

please sir release it this year, i cant take it anymore

>best game ever made
>isn't even out yet
>nobody knows if its actually any good


Means nothing because it will get utterly raped by The Last of Us II anyway, nothing can stop it from winning like 200 GOTY's

First Post Bad Post, amirite?

Its a CDPR game you mongols, they never made a game below 7/10
And with all the experience they got from Witcher 3 there is no way this won't be a 10/10.
The gameplay trailer was fucking sick and thats 10% of the whole game mechanics

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W1 was 6/10
W2 was 7/10
W3 was 5/10

Reminder that THIS is what Blade Runnerfags want CP2077 to be.

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What the fuck is a release manager?

use your brain instead of shitposting retard
not gonna waste my time with you

honestly havent been so excited for a game since gta 4 came out

This but unironically.


Well, they made both Witcher 1 and 2.
Which were bad to mediocre.
Then they made 3, which was good. Maybe even great.
Then they made Gwent which was surprisingly good, even though I expected it to be bad.
And now they’re making a first person shooter in an entirely different universe.
Could it be good? Yeah.
Could it be bad? Yeah.
Should you be hyped before you see any unedited gameplay? No.

>trailer with zero gameplay was perfect
nu-Yea Forums everyone

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Not even him but he's right, Witcher 3 is literally just Red Dead Redemption 2 except as an RPG. The actual game shares all of the exact same flaws as RDR2 did, it's a boring piece of shit unless you have endless amounts of free time

Someone please make it stop.

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CDPR has literally only made 1 (one) good game and it was just a fluke.
Cyberpunk will be just as shit as the rest


>Witcher 3 is literally just Red Dead Redemption 2 except as an RPG.
yep, when shitposting reaches this level then I know that its enough Yea Forums for today.

Someone who will manage the release of the game.
There are activities during the release phase of a project which are entirely disconnected from rest of the livecycle. Someone needs to manage those. He's called a release manager.

oh yeah its gonna be another thread of
>muh sun
>cdpr was never good
>the witcher 1 was the only good witcher game
>muh sjws
>muh bullshots

what's bad about having a neverending night city with lots of neons, lots of cyber implants and drugs?

what the fuck is a release manager

There are four Deus Ex games you can play instead.

If you seriously think this game is coming out this year then you are most likely legally retarded.

Open world games need variety.
How many different versions of dark neonlit city with rain can you have?

I think the person who manages the release.

After the last 10 years of videogames, I'd say hope is the new hype.

That being said, I'm fucking HOPE about this game.


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The Witcher
Meta: 86
User: 8.5

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Meta: 88
User: 8.5

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Meta: 93
User: 9.4

Your personal opinion doesn't mean shit to anyone, suck shit.

>tell Yea Forums that the game will launch October 18th 2019
> show proof that the publisher accidentally leaked
> get called a dumbass and get yelled at by you guys that the game isn't coming out till 2024

I told you?

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Based and redpilled

>eat shit, millions of flies can't be wrong

i want it to come out in 2020, tho making the weebs butthurt in 2019 would be glorious, but i want it to beat TLOU2 which i think will come out in 2020, thats the bigger rival

>all of the other lemmings jumped off the cliff, that means they're right and you're wrong!

>your opinion doesn't mean shit
>look at THESE opinions

Not even Anonfag, but what are you doing Anonfag?

better than some random faggot on Yea Forums with a hate boner for CDPR because they made it daytime in a videogame


+ its not even proper cyber Punk 80s vaperetrowave but shitty 2010s era neon shit
It's cashing in on style trends a decade after they where popular.
Like those retarded devs still making zombie/looter shooters

Release managers handle branch merges, sprints and road map. You are retarded.


Remember when a guy leaked government secrets on /pol/ and it got called 'fake and gay'? Or the guy who said he was going to shoot up a mosque on 4+Yea Forums and they said "you won't do anything faggot."

You've experienced what I like to call, distrust circumspect of the evidence.

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I want to see that Hawaiian guy raped and tortured to death for thinking going out in public with his hair is acceptable.

Release management is the process of managing, planning, scheduling and controlling a software build through different stages and environments; including testing and deploying software releases.

probably plenty if you're creative

before bloodlines 2 release

check this 4

Its going to release July 7, 2020. The European format for that is 20.7.7 and it just so happens to be on a fucking tuesday, when games are released


ok this is epic

calling on bullshit on this

it will be release by the holidays this year

the game is already complete


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You win this one

that's literally cyberpunk, retard

Its too fucking perfect of a release date. Literally stars aligned for that shit

Bethesda tried to do this with Fallout 3; releasing it on the day the bombs dropped in the lore, but they said fuck it.

Cyberpunk looks close to completion; it'll release whenever.

From what I remember it HAS to come out this year because of some Polish government funding they got.

Games and media are moving to a Friday release format. Why? I don't know. Did the fiscal week beginning change to Friday?

I’m not holding my breath. I won’t get hyped until I hear it from them. I’d expect more of an early 2020 release.

Let's examine this and discuss the differences of the two games, rdr2 is a better open world rpg

I want pic related inside of me

>Release Manager
Isn't that just called games journalism now a days?


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yeah, and listening to Yea Forums is always great

>release format.
Movies have released on friday for a really long time. Games just started doing it recently, hell if I know why

I really wonder why Mike Pondsmith last year said that the game is "years away". The game has to release before 2021 and it looks like it will happen well before that, possibly even 2019.


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Id take the advice of a million flies over one autistic Yea Forumsirgin.
You contrarian faggots are wrong about everything.

It's taken him 10 years to release his mech RPG, he probably thinks it's usual for things to take years to complete.

Sweeney looks like an old wage-cuck manager of mine.

I guess it was the weather.

Daily reminder that Release Manager is a standard term for a role that manages releases of software patches, upgrades, implementations, etc, in accordance with an org’s change windows. It does not immediately imply they are releasing anything. It could be as small as the release of a patch to a server they have.

To be fair to him he probably said this before cdpr got the money from Poland which I'm sure sped up the process exponentially

>food analogy

Based and the four zoomer posters before me got BTFO

It had the essence of the game figured out. And no it's not just the rain, night and neon lights. It seems like CDPR diluted out all the essence as they made the game. It's like they went from the first Thief into Thi4f in the development span of the game.

>Witcher 1 & 2 are some of my favorite games
>Wither 3 comes out
>Drop it halfway through because I felt like I was swamped with sidequests, the mainquest wasn't progressing fast enough, and thought Skellige was pretty gay
>Pick it up again for the first time in years a few weeks ago
>Turns out I was literally just a few quests a way from getting things in gear
>Skellige sidequests and POIs are actually pretty good
>So Impressed with the game that I end up buying HoS and B&W
>Both of those are great, arguably better than the main game
>mfw I'm even more hyped for 2077 now
This is the only game I'm really waiting for.

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who dis


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>muh eternal night ecological disasterpunk

>Muh sun
>Muh neon
>Not wanting 2077 to do well so that more devs are interested in cyperpunk, leading to the type of game you want
If that's really your only gripe with the game, you're a fucking idiot. Good job.

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>This is the only game I'm really waiting for.
me too, CP77 will be the first game ever that i pre order

I wasn't all that exited about this and that hasn't changed, but all other upcoming games seems ti have committed seppoku so for now this is all thats left.

Yes, I was looking forwards a 3D game in primarily night and/or night time city focused aesthetic since I'v gotten bored of the GTA style design of
>all effort goes to daytime
>lol night time? Just slap on a blue tint and reduce saturation. Night life and putting some effort in non-daylight time? Seedy back alley activities? Shady meeting in parks/parking lots? Some night time clubbing or putting some effort on the night time advertisements/billboards?
In general getting to watch pretty sights in the gently light of the moon? LolZ no! Why do that everyone is sleeping :^)

Yes I'm still ass-mad salty about it, but perhaps I was at wrong for expecting these things from a cyperpunk game... Someone will probable make a 24/7 night mod first week but it won't replace having the game being designed from grounds up for it. Whatever. Moving on.

The "gameplay" they showed us looked somehow off, it had that Anthem trailer feel to it, it just didn't seem right especially when they tried to pass it off as real gameplay with no loading screens and dynamic npc schedules and dynamic crowds and events AND implying it would run more than 5 fps on consoles.

Other thing that bugs me is how they seem to have handled "humanity". It now seems to be just a hard cap that you just can't exceed.

But what really got me worried was the deletion of classes in favor the new "dynamic class system" which usually means "fuck it we don't feel like trying, be everything at the same time I guess".

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Oof that's some contrarianism right there. Witcher 1 is an easy 8/10, 2 a 9/10 and 3 another 8/10 with DLCs being 9/10.

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Its gonna be shit

ciri should be in 2077

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thats your problem

>Well, they made both Witcher 1 and 2.
>Which were bad to mediocre
>Then they made 3, which was good. Maybe even great.
Zoomer ADHD please get the fuck out of this thread.

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Some anons said CDPR got more money after he said that, which helps if true. Otherwise, maybe it was just a sort of lame bluff? Trying to surprise the fans by saying it's years away when it's actually coming in less than 8 months?

>Cyberpunk looks close to completion

Does it, though? We've seen exactly one hour of gameplay. And that hour did look pretty finished but that's, like, less than a percent of the actual game

>That cheeky reference about her going to a world where people had "metal in their heads" and flew flying metal horses or some shit.
Easter egg at least, funny side quest involving her at best.

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The money obviously helped a lot but it wasn't just him, CDPR (though indirectly) hinted that it could be years away.

>And that hour did look pretty finished
This and it's very normal for game companies to make a vertical slice they can showcase. We've no clue how finished the rest of the game is.

I personally think it's spring 2020

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>epic exclusive

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Didn't they say that the main story is playable from the start to the finish in like august last year?

He is actually right but unlike him i love both those games

Also witcher has way more content in terms on quests but rdr 2 has a way higher production value

cyberpunk has nothing to do with the amount of sunlight

>Cyberpunk is a single setting set down by a single movie and not a collection of themes and world-building elements
I guess sci-fi is JUST Frankenstein (novel). Anything that doesnt share that aesthetic isn't sci-fi

>Potentially years away
>Next gen consoles coming in a year
I wonder if they're deciding to just cut Xbone/Ps4 support and tweak it up.

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It being playable doesn't mean its anywhere near finished.

illiterati shouldn't be allowed to post

Yeah, for example Todd Howard said the same about Starfield and it isn't being shown at this years E3.

It was polish government money
>Implying based Pole govt didn't put a "no negotiations with the yellows" clause in as part of the deal

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None of the Deus Ex games are open world, and the newer ones are piss yellow instead of neon.

>Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather

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He's the same kind of retard thought was crying about Max Payne 3 not being a Noir story because it wasn't set in a wet/snowy and dark metro city.

Have sex

>It was polish government money
I was EU gibs

Did he?

>Witcher 3 is literally just Red Dead Redemption 2 except as an RPG

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Too bright, burns my retinas

>2 months later the devs say the game is can be completed from start to finish

He's lying.

Since when the fuck was yyyy-mm-dd European format, that's SQL format (ISO-8601 to be precise).

Official EU documents show dd-mm-yyyy. Either way I'm calling bullshit, it'll be out in October.

Except for something like Cyberpunk, most genres and sub-genres are typically more about the themes of the story or the structure of the story than the specific visual style or surface-level aesthetic of the world

>implying it won't be 20.02.2020

So you just want it to be night all the time? I'm not too happy with how the day cycle looks right now, but at the same time it's a very minimal issue for me. While I would prefer the game looking like the teaser/bladerunner, I'm not some retard who thinks that type of aesthetic alone defines cyberpunk. At the same time, I also realize that it may not be technically feasible for an open world game in a bladerunner like city, because I feel that would be truly massive and is years out. With today's tech, you would need to make the game a mission/hub world type game like Deus Ex to create the illusion that you're in this massive world. This game reminds me of Snowcrash a lot, so I'm still extremely excited for it. I'm going to be playing on PC, so I'm not too worried that I'll be able to change the day cycle to look more somber like Ghost in the Shell.

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you're right but a game being playable start to finish doesn't mean it's in pre-alpha

>it's a boring piece of shit unless you have endless amounts of free time
>Dude wtf why isn't this RPG over in 14 hours?

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That would be rather kino

But they confirmed it's not coming out this year, and likely not next year

HoS is so fucking good that I don't even care it barely adds any new areas. The story and quests in that DLC are just great

Am I the only one who's happy that the game isn't just going full muh night, muh neon, muh rain, muh Blade Runner but instead choosing a brighter, more colourful, "Californian" Cyberpunk?

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>GOG exclusive

I agree.

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Then why pump so much money into this year's E3? If it's not coming out this year or next year why would they be going to show a bunch of stuff at this year's E3?

Do you children even think before you post?

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That would be actually a pretty good date to release it on just for the memes.

> I also realize that it may not be technically feasible for an open world game in a bladerunner like city, because I feel that would be truly massive and is years out.
It's more an issue with the amount of content you'd have to create than technical limitations. Well at least on PC.

im ok with it, its unique and original and that alone will set it apart from all other games

Cyberpunk is such an overrated setting.

I actually kind of agree but then again we never seen it done right in video games so I'm hoping this is the one

what other well known cyberpunk games

>Blaze Runner
A broken english joke and a DUDE WEED LMAO joke in one.

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They've already demonstrated they didn't get it right. It's more like a bland scifi GTA.

we literally live in cyberpunk setting without all the cool sci-fi shit

>Ad Hominem

This. Instead of cybernetics we got smartphones.

shut the fuck up idiot

>Easter egg
She went to the future in the novels too.

william ford gibson never intended for cyberpunk to be some far-future alt-reality. he always meant for it to be present/very near future with clever transpositions to make the world sound as alien as it would to someone from the 1700s.

because we do live in a fucking alien world compared to the vast majority of human history.

Because CDPR management are assholes and makes their slaves build an E3 presentation for them

damn...I guess we...are the....aliens...