Any fun build recommendations for a beginner? I haven't played a CRPG in years.
Any fun build recommendations for a beginner? I haven't played a CRPG in years
If it's your first play through, just do what you like.
I mean, at least try to vary the spells
How viable is a solo playthrough? Typically in RPGs I prefer using just one character.
How many times are you going to .ake thus thread? Just fucking play it.
Lone wolf really helps out solo/duo playthroughs
You won't have an easy time alone though
I was going to get this myself the other day but decided last minute to get the original, did i fuck up?
I'd say yea
If you want to solo, I highly recommend Lone Wolf and picking up the shapeshifter skills soon. Don't limit yourself to any specific class, you'll need to get skills from all over. For example Adrenaline from Rogue, the jump Skill from Ranger, the Knockdown and rush from the warrior, get the Skin Graft source skill and tentacle lash.
You could probably refund it if you dont like it, but still give it a go, gives a bit of context for shit in 2
Get terrain transmute, some terrain skills like fireball, fossil strike and rain, get ignition, importance to restoration, apotheosis and clear mind, the most valuable buffs in the game
I agree with this guy, all of those are good as well
First one is still great. Don't know what that other user is talking about.
Focus your party either on magical or physical damage. You break down either with your abilities and trying to hybrid just doesn't work out in the long run.
modded classes from the workshop are unironically 100x more fun than vanilla ones
Necromancer summoner with glass cannon is the best combination.
You fully buff the incarnet on the first turn then you start doing massive amounts of physical damage the next turn.
The first one is abysmal m, you fucked up.
Lone Wolf 2 man is easier in the earlygame dependent on your build, but becomes much harder later on since you don't have nearly as much civic/talent diversity as a 4 man party.
Plus the fact that you have to take the Lonewolf talent as a prerequisite means that you'll end up running around with 11 less talents than a 4 man by lategame.
*Forgot to add:
Solo just exasperates the issues you'll have in 2 man. Less Civics/Talents. Much, much more focusing by enemies.
It's basically hard mode without actually being on hard.
fuck off
>Any fun build recommendations for a beginner?
Sword n Board Elemental Knights are really fun in this game for being an unkillable mixed attacker.
All the elemental magics pair really well with Warfare. Just uh, don't expect to kill things nearly as well as a specialist.
fucking retarded
Download the necromancer reworked mod off the workshop and play a necromancer. Full physical teams are the best. Always have a few ranged abilities to use just incase enemies are too far. Fortify and magic shell on every character is not a bad option.
Uninstall wizard is pretty good
Completed the game with an all magic party on tactical difficulty
was fun
once you get the high tier stuff, you just overpower everything in sight
want to do an all physical run but i'm too much of a magic fanboy, find it hard to play anything not a mage
I had the most fun with a 2 caster/2 physical party on hard mode. I split them up as one ranged archer, one melee warfare 2-hander, one ranged hydro caster, one melee aero caster. Having both physical and magic characters at close and long range made it much easier to pull off combos, ranger also helped since they can use all their special arrows to interact with fields, and aero/hydro has a ton of synergy. Definitely the smoothest mixed damage party composition I was able to come up with.
>glass cannon
Actually just throws the game.
I've tried it, and the enemies immediately teleport onto your cannon and stunlock them with hard crowd control.
Only way it's ever viable is if you've got knockdown immunity, charm/terrify/mad immunity, and freeze/stun/petrify immunity all on the same character. Otherwise, they're dead weight.
Physical is EZ mode anyway with how ridiculous rangers and 2hand warriors are.
>Glass cannon
>Enemies spam source vampirism and suck you dry before you can even do anything
Big mistake,go lone wolf+what a rush
I wouldn't recommend it for a lone wolf playthrough, but in my 4 player coop game, I play a full support summoner. 6 AP + Flesh Sacrifice + Adrenaline means I have 8 AP to work with to summon and fully buff an incarnate with a source element on top of it to start a battle.
Sometimes I will get CC'ed, but we have armor of frost, fortify, and first aid on other characters to cure the CC if it happens. I can think of maybe three fights in the game so far where I've actually lost a turn due to CC. Usually it just costs a teammate 1 AP to cure the debuff.
Another way to look at it. You usually get 4 AP a turn. With Glass Cannon you get 6, so even if you get CC'ed and cure it every turn, you're still spending 1 AP to cure the debuff and get 2 AP back. It's still a net 1 AP for the party. And I'd argue I get a CC effect on me maybe once every 4 or 5 turns.
>can regenerate phys and magic armor
>group aggro
>freezing blood
>use polymorph to apply atrophy or knockdown
>use elf and scoundrel for more AP
Adrenaline not scoundrel
My bad
Glass cannon cant be used with lone wolf. One will lock you out of the other.
But even that's not the point. Getting CC'd sucks, and you need a team member to cure your debuffs. The problem is that youre costing everybody else 1 AP and if you get hit by source vampirism, youre REALLY fucked. Get charmed right before your turn and watch as you wreck your own team like a dumbass
Nice build. Why tentacle lash though? You also will have battle stomp and battering ram, so bull horns is useless. Will you mix up your magic and phys damage?
>I wouldn't recommend it for a lone wolf playthrough
Glass Cannon is incompatible anyways. Only way to make it work is in a 4 man party where your cannon out outspeeds every other character including bosses, which can have nearly hardcoded fast initiative, and get cleansed by teammates every turn provided they have the proper buffs.
Just use What A Rush at that point honestly. It's much less investment for much more safety and clutch potential.
If you're on this board enough that you recognize threads, then maybe you need a break.
>Literally had to reduce the difficulty to easy for the final fight
Jesus why am I so shit at these games. Sekiro is ez in comparsion
Melee firemancer w/ a geomancer in your party is pretty dope. Play with staff (fire) and flame tongue. Put in other fire spells as you like
I actually use it on a caster with no wits at all. She almost always acts last in any given turn, and it works fantastic for our party. I get a CC effect on me probably once every 3 or 4 fights, and when it happens I go last, so one of the other party members will cure it before my turn comes up.
We're at the Nameless Isle now in our playthrough, and I do not regret having it. A lot of it revolves around positioning myself where CC users can't reach me or popping chameleon if I'm worried about it. Another thing is that glass cannon tends to make the AI do stupid shit. They'll run across huge patches of necrofire and subject themselves to multiple attacks of opportunity just because they can get in range to use a knockdown on me by doing so. Then I get first aided and all that effort was negated.
Why does Yea Forums have such a high concentration of incorrect?
>make sure to suck the soul out of all the major evil characters
>"no ahh don't do this now i can't be brought back"
>surely this will change things
>kraken brings them all back
second phase is so frustrating that if i accidentally don't skip it i just reload
>divinity os
Dumb wojaknigger
>Geomancer / warfare w. Shield
> Scoundrel / polymorphic for chicken tenders
> Necromancer / hydrosophist for heal and damage combos
>Aerothurge / whatever you want for controlling
It's a fun easy way for beginners, but be careful as it mixes damage types
lone wolf was nerfed so run 4
The game is mostly easy if you abuse teleporting single targets out of mom leash range
The final boss can be pretty hard if you choose to defy Lucien
>Get elemental affinity, always stand in blood/water
>Grab a shield and toss it all the time
>Buff yourself/teammates up
>Destroy physical armour and put decaying on enemies and mess them up
>Can take care of magic armour and freeze too
Being a cleric is fun, get two points in huntsman for first aid and tactical retreat too