Japanese games are thriving, western games are flopping

Sekiro sold 2 millions in 10 days
Bloodborne sold 2.6 million on a single platform
Dark Souls 3 sold 3 million on all platforms
Devil May Cry V is the fastest and best selling game of the franchise
Monster Hunter World is Capcom best selling game ever
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sold 1.5 million
Octopath Traveler sold 1.4 million
Persona 5 sold 2.4 million
XIV is the most successful MMO ever
XV is the best and fastest selling FF game
KH3 is the fastest and best selling game in the franchise
Nier Automata sold 3.6 million
Dragon Quest XI sold millions as well
YS VIII sold very well
Pokemon games sells millions despite being shit

Meanwhile, Anthem, Fallout 76, Diablo mobile are big blunders, why?

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why do you care so much about this?

You posted a Mexican.

He's a dumb weeb and loves arguing with gullible people

He a weeb

who is this cum elemental?

You forgot to mention that Super Smash Bros Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch is the best selling fighting game of all time if you don't count the different versions of street fighter 2 together

Post her ass

>XIV is the most successful MMO ever
you can't just tell blatant lies

That's what you sound like


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>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game
It's this motherfucker again.
>fastest selling
Burned everything in a few weeks, it's already heavily discounted so who cares. No one's buying it anymore.
ahahah you wish. That's the reason it won't even be in the top 3 FF games, the game sucks.
>XIV is the most successful MMO ever
I bet this is bullshit too but whatever, MMO aren't even as popular as they used to anymore.

RDR2 sold 17M.
Cope weeb faggot.

>YS VIII sold very well
Any sauce?

lmao get a life

>XIV is the most successful MMO ever
Wrong, that's DFO

I want to bury my head in that ass

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>Tfw dick is too small for big butts
It hurts

Japan's realized that single-player games are back and multiplayer games are finished.

Every Western dev making a big single-player game has done incredibly well also. It's only a few retarded companies that can't figure out that only one MP game can be successful at a time.

Turns out that if you put limits on how people play your game and ban them for saying mean things, they'll play other games, who could have guessed?

>Every Western dev making a big single-player game has done incredibly well also.
Arkane's games last two games bombed. So did Wolfenstein 2 (although that game was awful and deserved to flop).

People just want polished single-player games, like they always did. Japan gives them that.

>fighting game of all time

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That's why Spider-Man and God of War are Sony best selling games

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>Japan's realized that single-player games are back and multiplayer games are finished.
Smash? Splatoon? Pokemon? Mario Kart?

>Anthem, Fallout 76, Diablo mobile
>sell millions
Xenoblade sold 1.5 mil what an amazing popular game! fallout 76 sold 1.4 million, what a blunder! bethesda bankruptcy soon XD

Nintendo isn't Japan

girl is may sakaali bros

pokemon is the only sell good, the rest is a flop

Fallout 76 was discounted to $30 at launch also Fallout is a bigger franchise

It doesn't hurt at all.

>>Japan's realized that single-player games are back and multiplayer games are finished.
>Smash? Splatoon? Pokemon? Mario Kart?

Splatoon has lots of singleplayer content, Smash too and Pokemon as well

>Japan prefers physical copies
Not a coincidence

>game has a physical copy only for japan
>it costs $80+ plus import
>have to buy western digital instead

>Devil May Cry V is the fastest and best selling game of the franchise
This is a lie.

Nobody cares about your chink shit. Like one guy said - Get a life, faggot

You can add up all those sales and still equal RDR2's sales.

Still not*

Spider-Man sold well even in Japan because it's fucking Spider-Man, any decent product with his name will sell well, GoW is a long running franchise with millions of fans, of course it would sell well too.

>all those shit games peak at about 3 million at the most
>western games like God of War, Spider man, Red Dead, GTA regularly go over 10 million plus
>L-Look at how the "west" is dying

weebs are the stupidest fucking retards.

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Reminder that the Japanese hate you for being a gaijin and an otaku and will never acknowledge you.

When the east stopped trying to copy the west in the last few years and went back too their roots they actually started to sell shit again. Big fucking surprise.
The shitty era of 2007-2014 or so of Jap devs looking at west trash and taking all the wrong notes from them is mostly over. IMO games are better today then they were 5 years ago.

oh isn't that nice. this thread was referring to actual video games but you're doing better at stringing sentences together anyway

>When the east stopped trying to copy the west
>games like RE2 remake and DMCV blatantly copied western style games in their presentation and gamplay

lmao, just shut the fuck up if you're going to start making shit up.

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Where do you get your statistics from?
Because fallout 76 was NOT a blunder monetarily. The game sold a shitton, but dissatisfied a lot of people because its release state was awful.
Anthem sold well too because it had huge marketing team behind it, a lot of normies bought the game, even though it was a major disappointment to everyone
Diablo Immortal will have millions upon millions of players because it's a mobile game and WE are not the demographic. Tons of normies and children will eat that shit up like hotcakes, it will easily get its comeuppance most likely in the first month

Sure, the japanese games are better gameplay wise, but video games are a fucking business, and each western game you mentioned raked in ridiculous amounts of money
You are full of shit and extremely biased for your weebshit

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I don't think you know what that word means

I love my wife May Sakaali

That's not even the same girl.

Western devs are too busy smelling their own farts

idk what to say I am not japanese but everyone has different opinions about Americans or "Westerners" it just depends on what influence has been put on them, it could be "They are smelly and fat" or "they love our culture to much" or something idk

smash isnt a fighting game tho

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Reading comprehension you turbo tard
>Jap devs looking at west trash and taking all the wrong notes
>taking all the wrong notes
Of course devs copy ideas from one another, but we had a long stretch of jap devs taking the bad ideas from shitty westen games and shoving them in to theirs.




you can't /thread your own posts

RDR2 is allready forgoten user
its dead


>bloodborne is the ps4s only game
>yet a tiny fraction of the install base has it.
Fucking euros.



Also octopath is shit and xiv can't hope to approach the success of early wow.

Sekiro didn't even make it a month before being forgotten user. Then Miyazaki has to come out and say he wants to make a Rockstar style game. Pathetic desu

So it's right where we left off pre 2007? Good. Sounds like business as usual. Shit has been good since at LEAST 2015. I put a lot of that down to Capcom releasing REmake HD as well.

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You conveniently ignored games like God of War (which moved 5 million copies on the first month) and Spider-Man (which sold 9 million units total).

D-Doesn't count

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all that maters is that Japanese games are good
and western trash are libtard media self-virtue signaling garbage

>splatoon has a lot of singleplayer content
Not if you don't buy the dlc like a good goy, vanilla game was empty as shit.

>Western games are focusing on diversity, safety and political correctness while japs are focusing on fun, soul and fan service.

Wonder why the japs are winning