How I play games with a lazy eye?

How I play games with a lazy eye?

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Just play sekiro on easy mode.

wear an eyepatch on the good eye

>other eye gets lazy too

>yoo you look like that dude from that creep music band

Look where your bad eye is an compensate with a head turn? Are we talking like perpetual strabismus or just when you look in a certain direction?

>one eye on the game
>one eye on the minimap
>no need for depth perception
just play dota senpai

>tfw lazy eye AND strabismus
That shit ruined my self esteem even though i had some cute gfs

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Reminder that the lasik eye flap doesn’t heal.

with your other eye lmao

Only works when you're a child still in development, which fucking sucks because nobody told me that when I was a child still in development.
Now I'm a 20 something with shit eyesight in one eye and I might as well be blind in my other eye.
Sometimes I debate wearing an eyepatch because my lazy eye is fucking useless anyway.

Thankfully it still looks in the same direction as my good eye and isn't off looking elsewhere like a googly eye, yet.

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I was born with cataracts and several other impairments and I hate what people think lazy eye is. Lazy eye just means your brain uses one eye significantly more than another because one is much weaker. For instance, my right eye is much weaker than my left, so most of my vision comes from my left eye. The only way to see equally out of both of them is to put my hand partially over my left eye.

My girlfriend has a lazy eye. Thinking about just getting it correct through surgery.

How long until bionic eyes so I can replace these shitty fleshy ones?

Whenever they can successfully repair an optic nerve. That's the only thing holding us back. It's coming along, though. I'd say in the next 70-80 years.

I have a lazy eye. I'm too lazy to care, so I guess it fits me.

ok kid

playing vr games somewhat fixes lazy eye problems

I don't know if I have a full on lazy eye or just a weak eye muscle. My left eye gets double vision a lot and I sort of have to strain to move it around. Tracking small moving objects in games is nearly fucking impossible for me.

It's a common name for 3 different conditions according to the Wikipedia: Final Word Edition. Strabismus can cause amblyopia, I imagine that's why they're closely related without being the same thing.

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>Now I'm a 20 something with shit eyesight in one eye and I might as well be blind in my other eye.

I'm in the same situation. My left eye is already pretty bad but my right eye is borderline fucking worthless.

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Sixth nerve palsy?

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Well, in my specific case, it's amblyopia, but most people associate lazy eye with strabismus, which I do no suffer from.

I'm in the exact same situation as you pall, it fucking sucks. Don't put an eye patch on though, it can make your condition worse. There is therapy you can do that can give you better control of your lazy eye. It won't make your eyesight better but other people won't be able to tell it's lazy.

I thought those two were the same thing. I have it too but also you're a total normalfag if you ever had a gf.

Is there any greater fear than losing eyesight so you can't play video games anymore?
I mean, at that point you might as well be dead.

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Just wear the fucking eyepatch. There's nothing worse than talking to a person with a lazy eye. My gaze oscillates between the good and lazy one and it's irritating.

How does this therapy work?

tetris will fix your lazy eye senpai

My cornea is fucked up already.

blind people can play video games

When do you get double vision? Looking left across the center or right across the center? Check in a mirror. Could have a 3rd or 6th nerve palsy.

Yeah. Losing both my eyesight and hearing.
Or just dying haha

It's literally just exercises with your eyes, but you have to be really consistent with it, like an hour every day.

make your own adventure should be a whole genre just for the blind

But you can never ever fully enjoy it.

Imagine having an ugly ass lazy eye
t. wears an artificial eye

>doesn't improve your eyesight, just makes it not googly
man fuck that I want an eye that isn't blind. i don't care about the other stuff
eyepatches are still cool, right? can't i just wear one of those

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Meant for

You can always start to get fit and take care of your health to live long enough for bionic eyes and go full cyborg.

Anyone else able to 'switch' between their good (dominant) eye and their bad eye? It's really hard to explain but feels like flicking something in your brain and suddenly you get most of your visual information from the other eye. I sometimes do it subconsciously when trying to look at something. As a side effect it makes my good eye turn inwards whereas usually my bad eye is the one looking the wrong way.

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>eyepatches are still cool, right
I knew an underage retard that cut his eye just so he could legit wear an eyepatch. That was like 10 years ago.

Losing your hearing is way more scary. You lose perception of the world arou d you.

I sort of can when I'm doing something like shaving or cutting my own hair.

I can't do that no matter how hard I try, unless the good eye's vision is obstructed.

I can still enjoy videogames tho.

Also even when I close my good eye I can see blackness kinda overlayed over the bad eye's image. Fucking brain.

Did he at least look cool?
If I had to choose between an artificial eye or an eyepatch, I'd hate having to choose the artificial eye.

You would live in a complete silent world.

No, he looked like a little faggot who watches too much anime. He didn't cut his eye out completely, just mangled it a bit with a medical needle. Also had a trouble with the police because medics have to report the cases of suspicious traumas like that.

That's gotta hurt.

>No, he looked like a little faggot who watches too much anime.
lol you're just jealous you didn't think of that

Yeah, but imagine if you have a tinnitus...

i became effectively a cyclops at 23 and never really noticed a difference, so if the double vision is bugging just keep the lazy eye closed

A brief read on the Wikipedia shows that you can work to train the slave eye by patching the master. It says 4-6 hours is the regular interval for patching. Seems like it's a problem with the dominance columns. Cursory reading of this ( ) might lead you in the right direction. From what I've read this far, plasticity still exists in adults but the process is different. This indicates patching can be an effective method even in adults.

You might consider seeing a specialist if you can afford it, to see if he can set you in the right path. Conversely you could pursue it yourself as treatment seems fairly well documented. You may even be able to experiment a little and use different methods to accelerate plastic change, something like patching both eyes, then the good eye. Perhaps information would play a part as well, excitatory and higher powered information might accelerate things. Something like playing catch on a sunny day while patched.

Can do.