Post a game you love, a game you hate, and a game you don't care about at all. Don't say which is which

Post a game you love, a game you hate, and a game you don't care about at all. Don't say which is which.
>Rainbow Six Siege
>Mass Effect 2
>Red Dead Redemption 2

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>the talos principle
>alien isolation
>comix zone

>Dark souls 2
>Sekiro shadows die twice

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diablo 2
darkest dungeon

you love mass effect 2, hate r6s, don't care about rdr2

>Comix Zone
This is some high tier play. I want to guess Comix Zone is your Loved because it's probably a childhood game of yours, but that's so obvious, which makes me think it's a bluff. I'm going to guess you love love Alien, hate Talos and don't care about Comix.

Paper Mario: TTYD
Super Mario Odyssey

You got one right

>Hotline Miami
>Dark Souls
>Mirror's Edge

Love TTYD, hate Odyssey, don't care about OOT?

>a bluff
indeed. I tried it recently but just didn't really think any of it.
switch em and you're there.
the truth is that one of the reasons I hate Alien isolation is I'm not that good at it, but what really broke it for me was spending so much time looking at the alien drag itself around. it's supposed to be the apex^2 predator and it looks like a diapered grandma looking for hobnobz

Swap the last two

>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
>Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy
>Life is Strange

Love Crash, hate Sekiro, dc Life is Strange

Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption 2

>Kingdom Hearts
>Shadow the Hedgehog

Close, I hate Life is Strange and don't care about Sekiro.
I liked it up until the last episode, which was all kinds of dogshit.

Love RDR
Don't care about Sekiro
Hate RDR2

Love RDR1, hate RDR2, don't care about Sekiro?

Beyond: Two Souls
Heavy Rain
Detroit: Become Human


>Nier: Automata
>Smash Bros.

Based. RDR1 was much better than 2.

>Hitman Blood Money
>Hitman Absolution
>Hitman 2 (2018)

>Crypt of the Necrodancer
>Nuclear Throne
>Baba is You

Love Nier
Hate Half Life
Don't care about Smash


Love Nier
Hate Smash
Don't care about Half-Life

grim dawn
path of exile
Diablo 3

ocarina of time
portal 2

Man, I feel like I was close but said hate half life because that would be the more shocking one.

Love Ocarina
Hate Portal 2
Don't care about Infamous

Enter The Gungeon
Infamous: Second Son
Stardew Valley

I'll put em in alphabetical order:
>God of War (2018)
>Nier Automata
>Persona 5

Forza Horizon 4

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Halo 2

Love Forza
Hate Fortnite
Don't care about Skyrim

>Borderlands 2

>Donkey Kong Country
>Donkey Kong 64

>Don't care

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You got it right!

Love NieR, hate God of War, don't care about Persona?
Love Forza, hate Skyrim, don't care about Fortnite?

Love Persona 5
Hate God of War
Don't care about Nier Automata

>Mass Effect
>Mass Effect 2
>Mass Effect 3

Assassins Creed

>Tekken 7
>Resident Evil 4
>Uncharted 4

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Love Halo 2
Don't care about Morrowind
Hate Twilight Princess

>Path of Exile
>Grim Dawn
>Diablo 2

Come @ me. Nobody can guess.



Love Undertale
Hate Ass Creed
Don't care about Skyrim

Love Ass Creed, hate Undertale, dc Skyrim?

Love Nier
Don't care about Persona 5
Hate God of War


Love Diablo 2
Hate Grim Dawn
Don't care about Path of Exile

Love Diablo
Hate PoE
Don't care GD

Prototype 2
Xenoblade 2

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Ace Combat 7
Battlefield 5

Love Owlboy
Hate Undertale
Don't care about Celeste

>Don't say which is which.
then whats the point of this thread? its literally just listing games

>posing as me
Fuck off.
>Love Nier
>Hate Persona 5
>Don't care about GoW

Love Fortnite, Hate Forza, don't care about Skyrim?

Half life 2
Breath of the wild
Oddworld: Abes Exoddus

Persona 4
Chrono Cross
Dark Souls 3

Love Oddworld
Hate Breath of The Wild
Don't care about Half Life 2

Love Oddworld
Don't care about BotW
Hate Half Life 2

You probably like DS2, fuck you

i love Skyrim and absolutely hate Fortnite

Love Twilight Princess, don't care about Halo 2, hate Morrowind

Love Resident Evil 4, hate Uncharted 4, don't care about Tekken 7?

Perfect Dark
Pokken Tournament
Alex Kidd in Miracle World

Dark Souls
Mega Man X
Metroid Fusion


Right on the money

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Fighting games came to mind as my "don't care about" too

>Mass Effect 3



I actually like fighting games just not 3D ones

Love Perfect Dark, hate Alex Kidd, don't care about Pokken Tournament?



I enjoy them with friends but never cared enough to get into any given one

You're a true patrician with taste. You love Siege, hate ME2, and don't care about RDR2.

bang on. gg.

>Trails In The Sky

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What do you mean?

It's a meme, you dip.

League of Legends
Dota 2
Heroes of Newerth

I've enjoyed them ever since I played Smash 64. After 64 I tried out Street Fighter and the rest is history. If you ever take the time to learn one it can be a hard and challenging process but one that is well worth the time.


Imagine actually believing RDR1 is superior to RDR2. Imagine actually being such a contrarian nostalgia-goggles-wearing infantile shithead you actually think that. Despite 2 improving on 1 in literally every way, including story and atmosphere. Yes, 2 even has more "SOUL" than 1, it's not automatically worse because it's newer. Arthur is better than John. The writing is better, the graphics, the content, the mission variety, the world, everything. Rockstar worked for 8 years to give you the best sequel they could, a game obviously made with love, and they fucking delivered according to anyone with common sense and no nostalgia faggotry. It was bad enough back when GTA V came out and you edgy retards suddenly started saying GTA IV was "way better" but this is just crossing the line. Grow up and appreciate the masterpiece you've been given.


This is a fun thread. Good work OP.


Zelda Ss
Zelda Botw
Zelda Alttp

Step up your bait game, newfag.

Dont care about Nuclear
Love Necro because music fag
Hate Baba because retarded

Love BotW
Don't care about Alttp
Hate Ss

inb4 loves fortnite


Devil May Cry 5, Apex Legends, Half Life

Resident Evil
The Witcher

Cool experiment, OP. I wish someone tries to guess mine, but i won't guess no one post.

>Batman: Arkham Knight
>Chrono Trigger

If zoomer, dont care about BotW and hate SS,
Else flip the two
Love lttp

Nevermind, i'll guess these two:

you love apex, you hate DMC5 and you are indifferent to half life

you love the weebshit, you hate the westshit and you are indiferent to Resi

God Hand
Thousand Year Door
Pokemon Sun and Moon


going to assume you are a fag with no taste and
>hate Godhand
>love TTYD
>middling in S&M

cause God Hand is boring trash with shit controls and a dumb story

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Super Stickman Golf 3
Angry Birds
Boom Beach

Attached: god hand combo.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

Call of duty 4
Breath of the wild.

>NieR: Automata

>and a dumb story

Oh, because a turn based Mario game must be the epithome of good writting and action packed gameplay.


All three of mine are wrong, I love Half Life, am indifferent to DMC as a whole and loathe everything Apex stands for

Love 8
Hate 7
DC 9
My nigga

Love 9
DC 8
Hate 7

>World of Warcraft
>God of War (2018)
>Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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>you love the weebshit, you hate the westshit and you are indiferent to Resi

Love Resident Evil
Hate Weebshit
Indifferent to Witcher

Shit, my guess was based in the fact that i don't know what the fuck Apex Legend is, so you would love that "obscure" (is it?) game.

Fuck, i'm bad at everything i do. I should end my life right now.

Too easy, good work user.


This is literally everyone with mass effect, otherwise they are wrong

>Rain World
>Metal Gear Solid V
>Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

By default, everything that isn't made in East Asia (as in, chinkland, gookland, etc.) is western.

>Grand theft Auto V

Love VtMB
Don't Care about Rain World

Love Minecraft
Don't care about GTA V
Hate Warframe

battleship. Sploosh Sploosh Sploosh

Persona 5

Based WW player

You got one right. The obvious one.

Taste level: shit

>Final Fantasy XV
>Final Fantasy II
>Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

comic books
Gothic II

Bioshock 2
Final Fantasy XII
Monster Hunter Tri

>Metro series
>Alien Rage

i know minecraft is a good game, but i just don't care. terraria is just more up my alley.
GTAV is just awful, got stockholmed hard playing with my brother. near the end of the games lifecycle i was just afk-ing in partychat browsing my phone everytime i played.
warframe is kino

Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario 64
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Galaxy

Mario Party
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 3

Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Party
Hollow Knight

You love the BBC, you hate the comics because they remind you when you were bullied at school for reading them and you googled a random game to fill your post.





>ESL nigger thinks he can criticise writing

Super Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie

English is a gay language, if native speaker niggers can bend it at their will, so i can.

Pic related, you

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>Dragon’s Dogma
>New Vegas

FF 7
FF 8
FF 10

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Gothic II vanilla is the best video game ever made

Love 10
DC 8
Hate 7

dark souls 3
resident evil 4

one of those is correct

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Love 10
DC 7
Hate 8

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Dragonball Z Taiketsu
Dark Souls II

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finally I see one non-retarded person on this board

>Hyper light drifter
>Xenoblade chronicles X

You're both wrong

>being this mad

>payday 2
>dark souls

Saints Row IV
Saints Row 2
Saints Row The Third

Love EYE
Hate New Vegas

i don't mean to say that NotR is bad, but the vanilla game is a much more well-rounded (not sure that's the right word) experience in my view, you get the right amount of everything
NotR shits all over balance and pacing and its tone is a little more whimsical than it should be