What went so terribly wrong?

What went so terribly wrong?

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Souls game except it's soulless
Bosses are god tier tho

OP had shit taste, that's what went wrong

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The fans of the series are autistic

UGS having too many positives and not enough negatives and destroying the PvP meta.

It looked like bloodborne that was literally my biggest problem with the game also the pvp is trash

Any new and edgy thing that gets popular is gonna attract rabid retards.
>My Little Pony
>Rick and Morty
>Dark Souls

Nothing, it's the best souls game bar Bloodborne but contrarians, nostalgiatards, and bandwagon jumpers try to pretend like it's not

Nothing went "terribly wrong", some things could have been done better. No need to exaggerate.

It wanted to be more like bloodborne instead of dark soul 1

PVP is imbalanced as fuck but aside from that it's a solid sequel

Dark souls 2 is god tier and anyone who says otherwise is a faggot

Nothing, it's just more like Bloodborne than the previous souls games.

Nothing went terribly wrong, it's just very bland and safe.

Nothing, it was great. The only people who didn't like it are sperglords who don't like the linear progression and pvp autists.

>Area Design:
>World Design and layout:
>Overall Boss quality:
>Final Bosses:
>Gimmick Bosses:
>Equipment/Gameplay Variety:
>Graphics, Asset Density, Lighting and Wetness:
>Difficulty Curve
>Game Difficulty

Dark Souls 3 is unequivocally in the top 3 out of the six, no matter what game is your favourite.

dark souls 2 and 3 clearly reflect how little they cared to make sequels, they feel like IP milking and less the dev actually wanting to make more

with that said sekiro is even more fucking shallow so maybe from soft made the first dark souls good on fucking accident

Best Souls game. Nothing went wrong. Except the swamp level and those prison wardens that shrink your health bar. Take Bloodborne and give it Souls online then you have a perfect game.

dark souls 2 is shit teir and anyone who says otherwise is a faggot

literally this
besides, PVP got fixed anyway

nothing, the game didint flop and many people finished it and continued to play online for years. You, like all OP's are a fag who is using hyperbole as bait to catch replies

It was dark souls greatest hits edition. Lacked originality but it celebrated the souls borne series so what could be terribly wrong about that.

Imagine typing all that shit LMAO what a fucking dork.