If Skullgirls was to cross over and make an appearance in any fighting game, which game would you choose and why?
Skullgirls thread, I guess.
If Skullgirls was to cross over and make an appearance in any fighting game, which game would you choose and why?
Skullgirls thread, I guess.
UNIST would be top choice. Question is, who should get in?
smash bros
trannies seethe
Rep in Cross Tag would be nice, but isnt Skullgirls stuck in licensing hell?
It is? How so? I'm genuinely curious.
These threads should always have lobbies, and discussion of recent matches and tournaments
You can flip through years of stream archives here, from casuals to recent and old tourneys:
Skullgalz Showdown is tomorrow night as usual. You can signup or come watch:
Keep track of times here:
Oh gee, is it Thursday already?
Mobile game was given to some third company and with it LZG gave some rights by mistake and now LZG can't use those rights without asking the third company about the usage
t. heard about it once and did not remember most of it
I don't mean to call you a liar but that sounds really hard to believe and pretty ridiculous. Hardly impossible, stranger things have happened before, but that still sounds far fetched.
take it with a fist-sized grain of salt because i don't remember the exacts and am most likely messing up the rough outlines as well. but all i know is that the problems with rights and the devs for the mobile game are connected, somehow.
Thursday is Thicc Thursday, not Fat Thursday. There's Fat Friday for that. Oh wait, that's just disgusting obesity, there's no day that starts with a D or and O. O, but it looks like your faggot ass is on my D.
Too far. Thicc =/= fat
This is optimal thicc. Anything past this is too fat
tfw no one draws my whole team together
she's not overweight or obese you retard fatfags/spoiler]
Daily reminder that if you play: Fukua, Filia, or Squigly you are trash at Skullgirls.
Autumn Games owns the rights to Skullgirls. This has been the case since the game went into production, because Autumn paid for the development. Under the original agreement, the devteam was owed no royalties. Then the DefJam lawsuit happened which led to the Reverge layoffs, etc., and Autumn going mostly broke.
The devteam regrouped as LZ to work on patches, did the IGG to fund development, at some point a new agreement was made where they would be paid royalties once Autumn was making money again. LZ was finally given royalties in 2015, but currently Autumn has been holding out on them. On recent Salty stream Mike said the amount was around $450k (keep in mind this amount could even have been from just a 10-20% split). LZ doesn't want to work with Autumn until they get paid, but otherwise can't do anything with SG since Autumn owns the rights.
Mobile game is handled by Hidden Variable Studios, and LZ up until this point has been the studio helping them with any new animations and Alex Ahad consulting on story bits. The Mobile game announced being at the point to potentially add new characters, but with LZ out of the picture, we have no idea who would be working on them.
even including Samson's weight and her muscles developed from fighting she's still normal BMI
Dumb frogposter
142lbs at 5'4" for a girl is definitely thicker than normal.
i wanna run the grappler dream meme team but i dont have any art of them together so have art of the one i'm least proficient with
Get good at the game, degenerate lewd poster
She’s only four pounds away from being medically overweight. A week of Samson-driven milkshake binging could easily cause that.
lmao cope
Best character
Best girl
Best waifu
Lmao get good
Fortune is my main but Bella is my secondary.
You'll cowards won't even fuck Double
She'd probably fuck you instead.
is the online dead on PS4? I've been thinking about renewing my PS+ membership.
UNIST would be the most appropriate choice. It already has 3rd party characters so it wouldn't look too out of place. For who is getting in I want to say either Filia or Miss Fortune
you play em Solo? Fortune Bella is a pretty good duo
some pretty good players run that team
you don't know me
I wouldn't bet on finding ranked matches during the weird hours and that many lobbies but there's a weekly tournament and discord in the US
I play Fortune Solo sometimes but I mostly just paired them together because they are fun.
You should at least own Skullgirls on PC by now. They've been selling the whole package for literally $1 multiple times.
right now is as or more popular than bbcf and guilty gear, but you would need discord if you want to enjoy unist, ranked in anime fighting games is a desert and the community just don't play these modes.
and yet, i find matches in ranked, but you need discord to enjoy unist
Dungeon Fighter Online
I'm too poor to buy a PC.
Cock is love, cock is life
>These threads should always have lobbies
okay, i'll make one
The Wulf's Den
newbies welcome and appreciated because i am a newbie too
Absolutely based and redpilled
good looks EU!
does anyone know who pairs well with Big Band? I was really enjoying playing Big Band but I dont wanna solo as him and get combo'd to death
>love her design
>hate zoners
Cock got me to try zoners in other games
Based fucking Brad
Big Band works on most teams really well. If you play A-Train Assist it opens up a world of options for Beowulf and Squigly, Brass is good for a lot of characters, especially Peacock, and Beat Extend is just the go-to DP Assist.
Look up players like Dhoppler and Receita if you wanna play point Band though. They're really good and like to pair him up with a zoner.
i asked for newbies not to get my ass kicked by people who know how to combo at 200 ping
why are all fighting games like this
I'll come through
I'm not a newbie but I'm not amazing and haven't played SG in m
reset into reset into reset.
It's like they somehow took the worst aspect of both marvel and anime fighters into a single game.
The quality of life stuff in the game is rad, but the core game itself is pretty trash.
hey c'mon man, you said newbies welcome, not newbies only.
it's not like we're trying to hurt your feelings or nothin
none of them because any game worth it's shit is too good for trash like skullgirls. only thing acceptable is some other dying weeaboo fighter
>We're making a beautifully-animated original fighting game with a unique Ratio System approach to Tag Fighter gameplay and more QoL features/easter eggs than every other game in the genre combined, how should we design the core mechanics?
>Dude Marvel 2 lmao
MvC2 is a really fun game but it was also a rushed mess. You can love it all you want but why the fuck would you build a game to be like it on purpose?
I'd say the worst aspect of marvel is poor balancing, which is typically the result of the top tiers having good mixup options and movement while other characters don't. in SG everyone has good mixups, so yeah, you're gonna get mixed, but you can also play whoever you want, and know you've got a fighting chance if you know what you're doing.
it's also what helps make playing solo viable, or pulling off low-life OCV comebacks without needing a sparking/xfactor/stone gimmick.
Because it "is a really fun game" as you put it. I probably wouldn't still be playing SG if it didn't play the way it does.
They made it better though
>You can love it all you want but why the fuck would you build a game to be like it on purpose?
>MvC2 is a really fun game
I only agree with you in the sense that I actually dislike Marvel style. Not a fan of long combos or moves upon assists and the cluttered look of matches. I think my interest in Skullgirls is just the fact it was a new IP with a unique aesthetic that I had been following forever.
Beowulf is the best fighting game grappler ever made
Marvel 2 is fun because it's a huge crossover with completely fucked balance. I don't want a game that's actually trying with a new IP to emulate it. Maybe I'm a hypocrite though since I love CvS2 but A-Groove was busted and the SNK side outside of Geese was underpowered.
They did but they could've had a better game if they strayed further.
I love Hyper Tag fighters, and Marvel 2 was the first I played of that type. I'm just not a fan of how its meta was and how the game flowed. A game that has the same number of viable characters by virtue of having 20% the roster size and has anime-style resets doing that just doesn't feel right. I only stuck with the game at all because Band and Beowulf were so damn fun and unique, respectively (Band is just Q with all the Big Body tools of my mains in other games).
I can't disagree.
She's pleasantly soft with a disproportionately larger lower body.
ggs lobby
someday the days of my first 100 losses will be over, sadly today is not that day
now i'm gonna go fire up that training mode and practice them combos
I hate Skull Girls and regret ever backing it but I love this cheeky midget.
>Marvel 2 is fun because it's a huge crossover with completely fucked balance.
That's what I used to think as far as balance goes, since seeing like Justin Wong run those lowtier teams at tiimes felt hype and you could respect the uphill battle. But Skullgirls made me realize you can have the nuttiness of Marvel without making half the roster worthless.
I used to still boot up Marvel 2 a lot for the nostalgia, but since losing my Dreamcast the only game that's really scratched that itch for me is Skullgirls. Marvel 3 is a good looking game, but kinda like with 3rd Strike (which is still my #1, just because), to enjoy it I have to play it knowing full well I'm not following the meta. With Skullgirls I don't feel like that, I just go hard as my opponent lets me and I feel like it's as much about my opponent as the matchup. I know it's not everyone's kinda game, but that's why I'm glad there are a lot of options out there for people to play.
BASED band
GGs, I believe in you user
master that hype use and chair spacing