Was a sexy latina now shes a flat chested asian. Why?
>sexy latina
>flat chested asian
Both disgusting
Cause you're a faggot.
Also she's not flat-chested, jesus christ stop watching anime.
>t. tranny
Is that all you can say?
Tranny, flat-chested, gay, muslim, jihad, burkha, goblino, shilling your gay futa fanfic, is that all you do?
>sexy latina
Kitana has always been been depicted as being some kind of Asian.
Even her fans are Chinese inspired.
Kitana had always been asian
Wrong. She has asian-inspired fashion but her features have always been portrayed as ambiguous non-asian with dark hair. The models they used were never asian and even the movies casted her as Latina.
at least she's not a housewife with liposuction
She's always been middle eastern, retards.
that's jade
kitana has always been eastern
Wasn't she a Arap or something? Not the biggest MK fan but pretty sure she was waring a Burqa or something in the last game I played. Pretty hot if you're into harem and shit.
>The models they used were never asian and even the movies casted her as Latina.
Before MKX, both Scorpion and Sub Zero has looked white, but now they are full fledged Asians.
Also both were white in the movies, so that point of moot.
Do you forget where you are?
>woman walks around in a fucking ninja costume using almost comically racist chinese fan-blades and comes from a dimension ruled by a fucker wearing a samurai costume and works for someone who looks like Fu Manchu
>WhY dOEs sHe LoOk aSiAN!????!??
hilarious. upboated!
>old arabs didn't have fans
Imagine being this much of an uneducated amerifat fuck
>completely missing the point so as to express your raging autism
Who are you quoting?
>Kitana has always been been depicted as being some kind of Asian.
I'm just doing this to be an asshole
its like they switched the mk movie models for jade and kitana
Well it was more racist back then and Hispanic was considered basically asian
>All of a sudden we act like MK has some sort of character consistency
>latinxs can't participate in asian culture
You're right. There should be a cholo ninja.
I want a ninja dressed to the nines in incan shit and also baggy khakis.
I didn't know Tokido played NRS games
You posted this joke before and it still sucks
I don't even like MK11 but her name is Kitana and uses fan blades, of course she's asian. For fuck sake wasn't Sub Zero played by an american at one point?
Literally the same lmao
triggered tranny
The scorp/sub white faces happened in maskless alts during the 3d era but that was cuz the modelers didnt kno how to model a head. By the time mk9 came around, everyone looked like what they were and all the asian ppl look asian yet they still chose to make kitana not look asian without her mask on.
They are a mix of fantasy/asian fashion but they are Edenian. Their facial features have always looked either latina/arab.
>what NRS should just say about any of this
ya this is the style we went with for MK11 and also the more detailed their clothing the more we can do with customization and gear and all that RNG junk, we always try to reinvent the wheel with every new game
>how NRS's adorable PR puppets, the media, our lovely journos and our kawaii game site shills spin everything
>>They are a mix of fantasy/asian fashion but they are Edenian. Their facial features have always looked either latina/arab.
Do you have the most boring generic mind or what? MK is creative and full of weird shit. This isnt no boring chinese woman from china stereotype like Chun Li. This is an Edenian from another realm. How is this asian?
>everyone looked like what they were and all the asian ppl look asian yet they still chose to make kitana not look asian without her mask on.
The women in MK9 also didnt look like women.
You're aware all the MK9 models are literally just dressup barbie doll variants on literally just two different models right?
Theres a single male model and a single female model and they put different clothes and hair on them.
Well at least we have Jade now. Shes very cute.
She has never looked Asian.
Bitch stfu they made an effort since the concept art stages to portray Kitana like that. This has been consistent for a long time dude. Its what makes her design unique.
god I wanna race mix with her
What makes her design unique is incompetent modellers being unable to accurately make asian facial features?
You mean species mix.
This. Mk11 looks amazing but the PR is so fucking stupid
I want to play with her tits with my fingers
>says that's not flat
>calls someone else fag
I have the only correct answer. Netherrealm is American made and has embraced diversity from the beginning. With each new game, they like to redesign the characters instead of staying consistent. Certain characters that were obvious archetypes such as Liu (Asian), Sonya/Cage(white), Jax (Black) will forever remain untouched when it comes to race-bending but all the other characters can change according to Netherrealms moods. Especially stuff like the Edenians. Look at the jade from mk11 and some old games she was obvious black but look at mk9 jade, she was like a brazilian/mexican beauty.
Just accept the fun because ive seen these debates since forever on mk forums. They never get official answers.
I dont know when the last time you were outside was but most women dont have E and G cup anime tits.
If the character didn’t look worse than mk x, people wouldn’t really mind it.
for a man may be
Kitana was never Latina.
Because Kitana as a latina was retarded when she should be asian
>Yea Forums redesigns mk11
The model used for the classic MK games was Katalin Zamiar. She was Cuban. Talisa Soto portrayed her in the movie. She was Puerto Rican
I remember before MKX there were constant threads on Yea Forums about rosters, mains and other shit
Now all I see is occasional shitposting.
I guess Boon really fucked that one up huh
Nah, this place is just utter shit.
>katanas are chinese now
It's no different that it was before and it shows how little people care about MK
Kitana, D'Vorah, and Frost are being shown off tomorrow. Which one are you looking forward to the most?
Frost. I hope they did something cool with her, she hasn't been playable in a long while.
I want at least one of them to be interesting.
Female fighters have been absolute shit so far.
Yeah. That achievement leak is interesting, too. Might lead to some story kino between her and Sub-Zero.
> movies
> canon
What about Jacqui's moveset? That shit looks legit fun.
>How is this asian?
How is THIS asian? Ryu looks like George Clooney in some of the games. You know what they were going for with the character, though. The specifics of how they look is a consequence of real life shit related to the game being made. The stuff you're meant to ignore.
I always figured she was Asian since she's pretty much Liu Kang's girl.
>Kotal gets to bang that
I'm talking more about whole character appeal, not a moveset. I'm a casual
just give her the dyke cut and eyeshadow back
Well yeah. She has the cool Aegis Reflector gimmick, but Jacqui still hasn't sold me personality wise, and her default design is still not great. Watch her concept art have better designs, AGAIN.
because ed boon sucks cocks.
>massive gore is fine
>cleavage/tits not fine
western cuck logic.
Yeah, but Kitana comes from Edenia, which has always been this weird melting pot of ethnicities. It doesn't bother me, though.
REMINDER, that the Tarkatan kamp stage has a female Tarkatan in it with a fat ass.
Someone enjoys using their adverbs...
what would you call getting banged by an Aztec?
Aztec warrior'd
Boon is a notorious troll and liar in a sea of drivel on all their social media and news websites, but how they lately spun it around with a "yaaa for the first time ever MK is gonna be REALISTIC, we're gonna be more REALISTIC from now on"
That shit always pushes my button in.
The game's about fucking alternate realities and universes governed by gods, with some silly tournament system to keep everything balanced who the fuck cares at this point.
Also you use games to make your fantasies real and present the player a world different from our shitty own. Immersion, fucking google it.
Realism my ass.
Reminder they have purposefully shrunk the female's assets and covered them up in the past despite the modelers following the concept art faithfully. Theres no excuses.
Ok redditor
No she has not, shes edenian, and has never looked asian ever.
>using a reddit meme
You retards make it too obvious now.
When has this not been the case for MK?
Cute looking dude for sure
I hate whole "change your character's look". While it kinda worked for Injustass, since it's a capeshit, in MK all fighters had their distinctive style.
I'd rather have 2 costumes designed by MK team than 100 pieces that will create clown fiesta online.
And yeah, default costumes are shit probably because they want to sell alternative pieces or give people more reasons to play the game.
For instance, non-default scarlet ones have a cleavage, if you can call it like that
>tfw no more tits
I hate the west so much.
>no tits
no tits AND muscles, comrade
America is a disease
>la creatura...
>Ryu looks like George Clooney
He only looks like George Clooney when Shinkiro draws him. Because everybody looks like George Clooney when Shinkiro draws them.
Can u shut the fuck up about the name? We literally have a ninja named noob saibot. Stop trying to make sense of shit
Movies plus the cuban model for the original games?
Kitana should be based on Latinas like Jynx Maze. Agree?
No the roster leaked early and since Yea Forums is comprised of rosterfags who dont play fighting games, they'll complain about something else instead like muh mk9 skanks
This is worse than the PS4 Spider-Man redesigns. I'm just done with Netherrealm.
You can only change three pieces of the costume with only a few templates to choose from. Default Scorpion is still gonna have the metal shin and forearm pieces, but you can change the mask, katana, and kunai to your liking. The characters won't be Tekken levels of WTF.
Wasn't there some old concept art that called her Kitsume or something?
And who give a shit about some fictional race.
If you're boycotting a game because the devs have a retarded character design philosophy (which isn't terribly offensive in and of itself), then how big of a fan are you, really?
She never looked like an Asian though.
Video games are the sum of their parts, some faggot comes in and shits on any one thing and it sours the whole experience.
If a fighting game doesn't have shit I can jerk off to, I don't buy it. But I don't really care about any of this bullshit.
Character designs are essential for fighting games.
>Was a sexy latina now shes a flat chested asian. Why?
Not really. Was always supposed to look more asian.
>flat chested
Every woman in MK11 is flat except maybe Jade (though it's hard to tell) and Green Aloy.
I miss when imgur wasn't inherently associated with reddit
>muh k-c-ku-cultural ap-apro-apropriation!
You're supposed to jerk off to the men rather than the women this time.
>>Every woman in MK11 is flat except maybe Jade (though it's hard to tell) and Green Aloy.
No they fucking arent holy shit.
They have average tit sizes, thats not flat, thats average. Jacqui is probably the closest to being flat, but the rest have tits.
>how big of a fan are you, really?
That’s a retarded concept to begin with. You should buy games for their qualities, not because of some social paychology idiocy.
Not quoted user, but literally every woman in my family (including cousins and extended) has bigger tits than the entire MK11 cast.
Are they fat?
>Bandwagoning due to fandom is a virtue
high iq post
No. They just have normal tits. This isn’t normal tits.
I think they're more attractive without the inflated fake tits. Granted, they would have been attractive the first time around if they had big natural looking tits that attach correctly to the rest of their anatomy.
I'm coming by later, hope that's cool
These are normal tits.
Anectodal evidence doesnt mean anything.
Hmm. Is there a girly little twink or Bridget analogue?
Where the fuck do you live?
Where do you live, retard?
>Anectodal evidence doesnt mean anything.
It does when the matter is subjective to begin with. Just because they’re normal tits to you, it doesn’t mean that’s a global thing.
>fucking retard at it again
Kitana is a 56% mutt.
Where do BOTH of you fucking retards live?! TELL ME NOW
Oh so they're all fake then.
Have sex
They aren’t, I know the people and grew up with them.
I used to live in Pennsylvania, most of the women i knew had bodies similar to the girls in MK11.
I mean i remember a few titcows but generally speaking they were thin and modestly proportioned. Because thats generally how people are when they're not genetically abnormal titcows or fat fucks.
I don't mind skimpy outfits or exaggerated fanservice at all but looking at that dude's work... it's like he's stuck in the early 2000s artstation.com
>I wanted someone tall and elegant looking
>I looked at a lot of Victoria's Secret models
seriously, how do people like this still work in the industry? who the fuck thinks victoria's secret or their models are "elegant"
it's not even about misogyny or whatever, dudes like this guy will make your game look bad to anyone with a bit of self-respect. Again, it's not a skimpy outfit issue, he's just tacky
MK2 Kitana is best Kitana
Andh what is that supposed to prove? That everyone has to be to be A/B cup?
Shockingly enough, prime athletes rarely have much bodyfat, which breasts are primarily composed of.
>Just because they’re normal tits to you, it doesn’t mean that’s a global thing.
I was rebutting your fucking retard point, based retard faggot.
I said that the MK11 girls have normal tit sizes, you went in like a pouty child going "NUH UH NUH UH DAS JUS YOO DAS NOT HOW DA WORLD IS!"
Except it is.
Global average is a size B.
Same for me in Florida, unless you're talking women over 40+ who've had multiple kids. The whole fat ridiculous tit thing seems to be big in Latin America.
Fine, enjoy your average girls.
Is this supposed to be an insult or something. Whats wrong with that.
>Asians are only chinamen
he wasnt kidding when he said he looks at victoria secret models for reference
>Global average is a size B.
Sonya Blade is American, where the average is not B, but apparently it’s fine to be outside the line when it means smaller breasts.
You know that the average tit size being abnormally high in America is because of how fucking fat America is right?
Sonya is athletic. Breasts are made of fat, that thing you burn off when you're an athlete.
Or perhaps recognize that, even with a B average, she's a prime athlete, likely with a very low bodyfat %, and so should have smaller breasts than the average for her genetics.
>Sonya Blade is American, where the average is not B
I dont remember Sonya being on my 600 pound life.
I'm just saying, it seems petty to write off the ENTIRE GAME over this one thing. But, hey, you do you.
Are we really gonna have another MKX episode where we only talk about lewd shit and how NRS is SJW until the game comes out?
Okay, tranny, you’re right, athletic women can’t have anything bigger than B-cup.
Cuckifornia isn't America
Breasts are made of fat, user. Athletes have very little body fat typically. Most female bodybuilders have fake tits if they have any at all.
Are you retarded?
Good gameplay is essential for fighting games. Good character design should be expected, but even shitty looking characters can be fun.
It's like you disregarded everything those anons said just to complain about trannies
90% of mortal kombat characters are asian.
You forgot reddit. Probably because you came from there
It was like this before MKX's release?
Yes, newfag.
Go back to screaming Muh Realism! over having a black or female MC in a game.
Then google yourself some pictures of female Olympic athletes and see that the overwhelmingly vast majority do indeed have smaller breasts, unless they're in a less cardio oriented sport, like javelin, shot put, etc. And fighting is certainly a cardio oriented sport.
All of this is because of one comment Ed Boon made back in 2014 about Mortal Kombat X toning down the stripper costumes because he said "we might have went a little foo far in MK9".
All these years of abolute spergouts over this shit? Its because of that one comment.
Complete idiot and a bigot. I'm sure those two things are unrelated, and it's just coincidental.
Based retard doesnt understand basic human biology.
Everyone point and laugh.
its "latinos" or "latinas" if 99.5% of them are women
>homo sapiens
>mk "lore"
time to hang ys fagboi
I want to see how being a cyborg affects her gameplay.
>Good gameplay is essential for fighting games
Yes. So are the good character designs. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Character designs are insanely important. See how everybody likes DBFZ despite the game being trash? Fan favorites build fighting franchises.
Don't pull this stupid "characters are just functions" shit here. You saw what happened to Marvel Infinite. Despite being the most balanced entry in the franchise it fucking died outright because of the poor roster.
So odd, Yea Forums is certainly known for not sperging out over the tiniest things whatsoever. They absolutely never do so over unfounded rumors, single screenshots, and completely inconsequential details.
It’s already been mentioned by the lead artist of this game that they’re deliberately toning down sexiness.
Mileena alone got so much bitching about her tits being a bit more covered. The only thing that helped with MKX was that everyone was enjoying comic/story time during the lead up to release.
Half the posters in this thread have to dilate daily
No they arent.
>original game
Subzero is Asian
Scorpion is Japanese.
Sonya is white
Johnny is white.
Raiden is white (not sure why but he's always been portrayed as caucasian)
And Kano who originally was Asian and white. But thanks to the movie actor being so awesome, he was canonically changed to be Australian.
Shit, completely forgot about Liu Kang.
Why are murricans so fucking gay?
The ones that don't know that female breasts are made of fat and not silicone?
>Tfw Sonyas MK3 outfit is now seen as sjw
Which part, the urban wasteland that is teeming with crackheads retards and puerto ricans or the farming wasteland that has 5-8 other houses near you and the amish fucks that live there too
>prime athletes
>no muscle mass whatsoever
try harder mister shill
How would that be possible if this movie never existed
social justice is a creeping poison which insidiously seeps in between open gaps and builds up to high extremes that results in the repression of its perceived other, due to its nearly religious over-glorification of the subaltern concept through modernized crusades of social, psychological, and economic pressure
If you can't seen the difference between what she has in mk 11 on the far right and that image, you're blind
All Edenians are middle eastern because in the lore those that managed to escape the Outworld annexation took refuge on Earthrealm, spread stories about their expulsion from paradise, and became the first Jews.
The long lived biblical patriarchs owed their lifespans to Edenian blood.
Not nearly as bad. Most of the hatred was about mileena having lips. MIX had a decent balance but MK11 goes too far in the other direction [dpoiler] And is sexist against men
I've never played any fighting game but i like to throw shit at things
What's the difference?
>inb4 the tits bro
Not nearly as bad. Most of the hatred was about mileena having lips. MIX had a decent balance but MK11 goes too far in the other direction And is sexist against men
>internet has become a home of dumb mobs
>it's an extremely loud but still a minority yet dumb nigger devs cater to them
...You clearly know its the tits you curmudgeonly little trollshit
in her videos, you can see a nutsack swinging where her vag should be
it's why she wears more clothes than any of the men
why would someone go through the effort of making a list of fake porn names, when the real ones are so much better.
Who the fuck is Kollector?
That just looks off
What the fuck why did they make the lower legs so short compared to the upper??
That outfit is a classic in my mind - cute, fit woman with nice pair of tits that can kick ass.
I hate how super neutral every female character is in MK11 and how shit overall roster is. Especially newcomers
That's not even all the characters in the original game,
Johnny Cage - White
Kano - Japanese
Liu Kang - Chinese
Raiden - Non Human
Scorpion - Japanese
Sonya - White
Sub-Zero - Chinese
Goro - Non Human
Shang Tsung - Chinese
Reptile - unspecified
Half of the characters in the original game are Asian. That's not even counting the new characters they've created.
It’s more realistic, this is what the average woman looks like
>lower legs
>upper legs
>he doesn’t know
The farming wasteland.
Pretty sure i got a dose of radiation from the leftover shit from Three Mile Island to boot.
you can hate it all you want, but you have to admit how much those two pics look simmilar
They better not hurt my waifu.
>The outfit is sjw because her tits aren't the same size
>preople will actually defend getting butt ugly trash characters instead of gorgeous beautiful designs like this because of "muh sexualization"
i fucking hate humans
Too bad she didn't look that sext and looked like a tranny. She even had a bulge in MKvsDC
They made her fucking flat, stop trying to trannypost.
Looks like a skank
the whole point exists because fat ugly bitches from twitter don't want you to enjoy beautiful women, even imaginable.
As simple as that. And people are buying into their demands and "reasons".
Fucking ameritrash hysterical low IQ monkeys, I swear
Can someone explain to me why a game made for people who like hot girls and violent fighting, is now being changed for not hot girls? My english isn't very good, so hopefully I get my point across, but why is this change even happening, because wont people not like it as much? What was wrong with the cute girls?
I wish they were gonna give her a kast.
Yea Forums‘s gonna absolutely shit when it sees what they’ve done to her.
Nobody knows.
But the easiest answer is - they are fucking retarded.
>super fit
>large breasts
>thinks this is the same as MK11 Sonya
Found the zoomer.
Yer waifu’s a robot, m8. Missile tits n’ everything.
They made her realistic. You complained that a black MC in battlefield was unrealistic, and thus the game was trash. They listened.
well you're right in that no matter how good the design is in concept, NRS will fuck it up; so it doesn't really matter in this case
not sure If baiting or just retarded but anyway
shut the fuck up you dumb bitch
While athletic women with large breasts are rarely seen. That doesn't mean they don't exist.
The reason you don't see large breasted women in many athletics, is that their breasts hamper their ability to perform. So they either have to reduce their tits, in order to compete on higher levels. Or live with their tits and drop out.
While it's true that cutting fat typically reduces tits. There still exists the exceptions to the rule, where no matter how much fat they cut, their tits are the LAST thing to go. As we all kind of figured out by now. Where you lose fat is different for everyone. Fat distribution is a genetic lottery. And some girls have hit the jackpot. Pick related for example. Her abs are starting to show through, and her tits are still massive. even if she continued to lose fat, her tits would remain much larger than average. It's lizzy p btw, you can check, they're all natural.
I feel like we should stop focusing on what "average" people's bodies are like. Because average is boring. Video game characters should be exceptional. These figures fighting in this crazy other worldly deathmatch, should have exceptional physiques. And one way of of displaying exceptionalism, among many others, is to have a girl with a flat stomach and huge tits.
All of Japan is Chinese-inspired.
>retards once again dont know a thing about basic human biology
Jesus christ.
Thanks for those thread, I'm not going to buy this pile of trash and will just wait for a crack.
I said nothing about trannies what so ever you mook and that doesn't make the fucking outfit sjw it's like calling mk9s outfit sjw because her tits in MKDA were bigger
You lie
user those tits are comical, not titilating.
They're absurdly large and sag to her fucking stomach, come on dude.
Your drawing is stupid and retarded.
And if her tits were bigger now, I wouldn't say shit. They made her flat on purpose. She's Sonya Blade, her tits are her trademark.
This poster has to be a girl.
>While athletic women with large breasts are rarely seen. That doesn't mean they don't exist.
That's why user said avarage but I do agree with everything you said. I just don't think that if you don't care either way you should be called a tranny
Tits the size of basketballs that sag to the navel have past the point of being sexy and entered the point of being ludicrous user. What are you doin.
If you don't care, then why interject at all? You would enjoy the product despite the character's breast size right? So it's kind of rude to muck up the conversation by introducing your apathy one way or the other.
>lebbit spacing
cmon nigger at least try
You dont know basic human anatomy.
Just because some people are mildly different proportionally doesnt make you less retarded.
They may sag but they have nice shape/proportions and are firm which is astonishing.
Her Kiss of Death is her tradmark faggot the Tits are Mileenas.
They're not sagging. It's just when your tits are large, they take up more space. Also, they are not down to her bellybutton.
Only gay men and women complain about large breasts.
what a stupid fucking nitpick
She's princess of fantasy magic NOT CHINA.
Hey NRShill
>If you don't care, then why interject at all?
Because I like the game and don't think it deserves all the hate it gets because of breast sizes and nothing else. You're telling me I can't like the game unless Im a tranny is also pretty rude don't you think?
>Can't use the right names for things
>I'm retarded
fat people have larger breasts what a suprise
Only closeted homosexuals think that size=quality because they dont actually know.
>pic related
Yeah but they're sagging below the bottom of her fucking ribcage.
Fuck the assholes who complain about the sexiness of fictional characters ruining it for people who enjoy these games.
Fuck you for condemning us, shillfag.
that's why you don't ever buy shit games from shit developers.
>we've hit such a low that Yea Forums is bitching about petite asian bitches in skin-tight catsuits
What bizarro shit is this.
>Anita $arkee$ian
God she's a cancer of the gaming industry that needs to be chopped off and feed it to the hounds.
And trannies too. They get jealous that big female breasts are hotter than their floppy man-boobs they call breasts.
Makes it easier for them to reach my mouth when she's on top.
I wasn't the user calling you a tranny. And I wouldn't reduce the conversation to that level. I just wanted to make a point that arguing about averages is fucking retarded.
When exceptionalism is so much more interesting.
However, I'm still curious about the position you've taken. Even if you don't care about breast size, why can't you see that other people care a lot? Aren't their voices valid? I mean, if something about the game *you* liked was changed for what you perceive to be the worse, then wouldn't you want your voice to be heard?
I feel that by expressing your apathy, you only seek to quiet the loudest voice. Without regards to how they feel.
True newfags
MK IX still best outfits.
Don't forget to dilate.
Nigga come on, you're not even trying anymore
Sorry user but this simply isn't how human legs work.
Nigga you're complaining about large breasts. It's pathetic really.
No I see people care alot but I personally don't think it deserves to ve called a shit game because the breasts are too small. Same goes for when sjws hate games like DOA for having its that are too big. That doesn't effect the game and shouldn't be a reason someone hates a game. People can like a game for those reasons sure but hating it and telling others they're not allowed to like it unless they're nazis or trannies is dumb as fuck.
Who gives a fuck about a bunch of loud assholes? Not me.
Its about the full package my man.
Its gotta be just right.
user, if you draw a line from the bottom of her tits, all the way across her midsection, then you can see they clearly aren't down to her navel. You shouldn't even need a line to show you this.
Also, you drew the ribcage too high. As you can see when she's turned to the side, her ribcage is much lower. Also, your drawing literally shows that her tits don't sag. As there is no expanse of space from where her breast meets her shoulder muscle.
Like I said, when a girl has big tits, they simply cover more surface area. Because they're... say it with me... "big". Big tits take up more space. It's not sag.
asian > mexican generally
I swear you niggers are retarded
Why do you keep posting 6 foot tall models who are specifically chosen because of their specific, uncommon proportions and height?
Are you stupid or something?
Glad they made the change since she looks WAY FUCKING BETTER than she ever did. I actually might play her now because her design finally looks cool instead of just a stripper outfit on Chyna.
>all dumb posts have lebbit spacing
At her navel, half an inch above her navel, who gives a shit you get my point. And yes they do sag. Tits dont sit that low.
you know people with short shins and long thighs exist IRL right?
This shit is so so boring because no amount of alt right bitching is going to change any of this. They aren't going to delay the game half a year to change the females to make the game DOA with gore.
dumb virgin not every woman has your mom's "spaniel ears"
You can vaguely make out her abs and if you go up where the abs are on a human being thats where her ribcage should be, yes.
And there is clearly space between her shoulder muscles and tits, what you think is that connecting shit is her shirt, you fucking idiot.
Did you respond to the wrong post or some shit. Thats exactly what im trying to say.
No. No idea what the fuck they're talking about. People discussed the game, same with IJ2. There may have been a small amount of shitposters but it didn't conquer the threads. I really don't remember any "MUH SJW" shitposting for MK X. It's likely retards trying to gaslight you that "NOTHING CHANGED!"
MK X came out in 2015. Altright crying wasn't at maximum volume yet.
they remain untouched because they literally do not need to be retouched as they are iconic to the series. Other characters I like that too (Kano, Baraka, Kabal, Sindel to name some). The female ninjas with the exception of Mileena who is quite distinctive as she is a literal monster, may as well keep changing every game because they have nevert been very interesting characters.
That being said, MK9 Jade would have been great if the model wasn't complete and utter garbage. She has the best outfit out of all the ninjas, even Mileena.
>No I see people care alot but I personally don't think it deserves to ve called a shit game because the breasts are too small.
I think it's a valid criticism, because Mortal Kombat is largely about the aesthetic and attitude of the characters and world. That's what people buy in to. The fighting mechanics are ok too. But would the most mechanically satisfying game in the world be palatable, if the aesthetic components are lacking?
Also, it's not like they're criticizing NRS without cause. They've captured quotes, and candid discussions about the art direction, that shows the devs care about this matters. If the devs put so much care into what they're crafting, even if it's something like breast size, then what is wrong about the consumer caring about their decisions? The devs *want* you to care. They want their thoughts and ideas validated.
are you kidding me nigger, she looks like chink in tasteless retarded outfit
Those outfits are god awful.
You're wrong faggot, what the fuck is that drawing, do you even know what high-cut means?
I know your mom doesn't wear those but google is your friend you dumb motherfucker.
>retarded straps and clamshells vs. a cool superhero looking ninja outfit
>not having yellow fever
A lot of stuff in MKX was pretty bad.
We don't want chinks in skintight outfits. We want tranny latinas wearing strings
>>You're wrong faggot, what the fuck is that drawing, do you even know what high-cut means?
Are you retarded?
Click the red underlined numbers and read the conversation we were having you fucking moron holy shit. We are literally arguing the same thing right now but you're too fucking cum-brained to understand that.
>lebbit spacing between meme arrows
Cool. Then we agree that the new Kitana is a massive upgrade.
You guys should stick to crying about Skarlet, since he face kinda sucks (looks worse now that you got her hair changed). Kitana is probably the best looking female on the roster by far in every way. I would absolutely smash MK 11 Kitana. MK X and 9 Kitana are a yikes hard pass.
Can you speak without using memes?
arguing about what? That girl has an amazing tits
and yeah, her tits will sag with time just like any other tits on Earth, but they aren't saggy now.
They ARE saggy now.
They rest fucking half an inch above her belly button dude.
what I'm trying to say to you is - nobody gives a shit about your opinion.
It's one
Two is - you have to get the fuck out of here.
I hope you got it this time.
You stole this joke from ultradavid so youre even more pathetic for posting it multiple times as well
Why are you syntaxing your post like this.
>I think it's a valid criticism, because Mortal Kombat is largely about the aesthetic and attitude of the characters and world.
That is true but I don't think it's true criticism sjws hate games for these very reasons. Hating or Loving these games only for these reasons just don't seem lile it's coming from true fans some of these people are and I would even say ypu clearly loved these games but the tits were a bonus and not the entire game to you. That's how they should be imo
Poor man's Sajam
Will the ps4 version be the go to when it comes to online?
I’m guessing pc is dead on arrival
dumb fucking faggot
Is this supposed to prove something?
She's wearing a bra thats pushing them up, with it off they sag down to her belly button.
>6 foot tall models
Dude lmao what? Those are Koreans. The tallest one in that picture is the 3rd one from the left and she is only 5'5" kek.
And we're talking about alien ubermensch Kryptonians here. Why wouldn't she look nice instead of a deformed dwarf that is in desperate need of those manlet leg extension surgeries? People would definitely complain if Superman suddenly wasn't a tall manly man but instead a stocky manlet.
I mean, sure. People with three arms and six fingers also exist IRL. Midgets also exist. Two headed twins as well. Doesn't mean that we should look at these people as the "ideal" when we're making fantasy characters with godlike abilities and perfect, appealing bodies though. Especially in comic books where the standard was always filled with chiseled Greek god figures for men and hourglass long legged model type bodies for women.
I really don't want your skinnyfat realism anywhere near my idealized fiction.
Are you fucking twelve?
>directly correlated with obesity rates
find a chart from 3 decades ago please
>series about ninjas, tits and gore
>more than half of the roster are literally who but not ninjas
>no tits or cute bitches in sight
>triple up the gore part
yeah I wonder why the fuck people are complaining
Mortal Kombat has never been ABOUT tits, you fucking child.
>At her navel, half an inch above her navel, who gives a shit you get my point.
I get that you've attempted to round down to the navel to try and make it so her breasts reach the arbitrary line of un-sexy you've set in your mind.
>Tits dont sit that low.
Here, I drew an easy to understand example fo you. The blue circles represent small breasts, the purple circles represent large breasts. Note that they are both "set" at the same height. Yet, the large breasts covers lower areas, simply for the fact that they're large.
This is basic geometry guys. Come on.
>You can vaguely make out her abs and if you go up where the abs are on a human
You drew the center of her ribcage higher than the size of her ribcage. It doesn't work like that. Go google a human skeleton.
>what you think is that connecting shit is her shirt
That's the connective muscle going into her shoulder. Which is what I meant. Even girls with small breasts still show connective muscle there. Because tits start BELOW the shoulders. Not at the shoulders.
thats right, without bra they are going to bounce up the floor. Just shut the fuck up you dumb leddit nigger
>>>series about ninjas, tits and gore
Since fucking when?
Mortal Kombat has been about over the top violence in a Big Trouble in Little China inspired setting, it was never exclusively about ninjas or tits. It HAD ninjas and tits, but it was never ABOUT ninjas and tits. Thats like saying Mortal Kombat is ABOUT robots, or ABOUT native americans, or ABOUT australians, because they've had those.
MK hasn't been about he gore also you're not the user I was arguing with becuase he sounds smart
confirmed retarded not even gonna bother with a (you)
>never been about tits
>except it always had titty babes
kys you fucking imbecile
No it didnt.
How dare a game were you can literally rip a man's spine out try and sexualize women! The nerve.
>top violence
literally gore you dumb fuck
> Big Trouble in Little China
yeah definitely not seeing ninjas female or male
Just off yourself
>even the movies
>the movies
>citing the fucking movies
holy shit we have a real retard here
Ah so Street fighter,Tekken and Soul Calibur is and will always be about the tits
Well if tits don't matter, then why not direct your apathy toward the developers? If you think that big tits do not exclude real fans, then there is no reason for NRS to change in the first place.
Why didnt you post this to begin with instead of a fisheye lensed distorted video focusing on her abdoment you fucking retard.
You have a severe learning disability if you're having this hard a time comprehending language.
MK was not about tits. This is probably my biggest issue to be against you fags. You seem to want to rewrite history to make MK like it was DOA for the west but with gore.
It was never that. Tits were never a major feature of MK.
fully stupid
Die mad about it, NRS trannoid.
>make a character look objectively better
>Incels cry because she isn't dressed like Slave Leia
Do you think these faggots would sperg out if you pointed out that the MK females only started getting notably skimpy in like 2004, and prior to that they all wore full body outfits, gym outfits, or athletic leotards?
I was not the original poster and I'm seeing the webm and had to google those fucking pictures for the first time.
Webm was enough for me since I saw more than 1 woman in my life and I'm not a retarded monkey.
Sadly for you, you're not me.
>mfw the game sells 12 mil copies
You're posting supermodels who are specifically chosen because of their uncommon appearances and now you're posting fucking anime statues.
I think you're retarded.
>Every other fighting game: Sexy female exists
>NRS: Nuh uh sweety, its 2019, women are problematic.
They'll just tell you that full body outfits, gym outfits and leotards were considered "peak sexy" back then and that is what was considered scantly clad in 1992, because this board is zoomer incarnate that thinks the 90's were the 40's.
>athletic leotards
Ahhh yes, if I put "athletic" before a leotard that'll make a leotard suddenly not sexy and as bad as a burka-tier cover up outfits in MK11.
I do think it's dumb to remove it for the reasons why they did but I still like the game. Just like how I dislike the small vanillia CAC options in SC6 but the game is still fun. I won't sit here and belittle them or the anons that like big tits
>How dare people like women in skimpy outfits, why can't they just be eunuchs like me.
>Big tits
This is wrong.
Are you kidding? those games have been increasing titty fanservice with every new release. Aren't you paying attention?
A topless man and woman are not equivilant things.
Leotards weren't sexy wear in 1992.
you're literally wrong and should kill yourself.
Do you comprehend my language now?
Tell me what is MK then?
It's corny shit on top of corny shit. Now Boon decided to remove half of corny shit and make other part even more corny than ever. And it looks dumb
Literally what is wrong with Sonya, Kitana, Jade, or Skarlet in this image?
If you like objectively worse designs solely because of extra skin shown, you are a waste of life no dev should listen to.
>Tell me what is MK then?
Gore and the story. That is the driving point of the series. The primary and main aspect. Your "IT WAS ABOUT TITS" makes no fucking sense. MK 1 had one woman and she wasn't dressed like a slut.
You picked the wrong game to jack it to, user.
>>Tell me what is MK then?
I fucking told you, faggot.
Its hyper violent Big Trouble in Little China, mix that with some Blood Sport and 1970s wire action kung fu movies and thats Mortal Kombat.
So because *you* aren't passionate about the matter, then others shouldn't be passionate about it either? Is that it?
>You're posting supermodels who are specifically chosen because of their uncommon appearances
>uncommon appearances
>literally every fucking female
Lol, shut your dumbass up
I think all females has the same "14 y.o. boy with horrible gyno" body type with exceptions (?).
Not sure about heads, I think the form differs
When your passion annoys others, they have a right to complain.
>Looking like "literally every fucking female"
>Body builder bodies =/= women NOW with the bodys of teenage tomboys
well no fucking shit.
>Cool ninja
>Cool big titty ninja
>Vampire ninja
Whats the issue here besides masseffectshit?
But you're complaining about *what* they're passionate about. Rather than complaining about them being annoying about their passion.
Are you deliberately acting like a retard or are you so severely genuinely autistic you cant comprehend anything other than literal statements?
He mean that a topless man and topless women are not equivalents in term of sexual titilation.
Why can the guys be topless but not the women?
They're ugly by design because of feminism.
>Full body suits are no longer sexy
Based so Juri is sjw now
>Gore and the story
this user gets it and I would go as far as to include MK2 and MK3 as well.
Why does it matter?
I mean if you want i guess a design standpoint answer, because men typically fight shirtless and women dont.
But Kitana looks really good? Did you actually find MK 9 Man face Kitana good just because she was almost naked?
>>Cool big titty ninja
>AAA cups are big now
>Vampire ninja
lol go eat a dick you faggot
That Supergirl figurine is officially licensed by DC by the way.
Well yeah. Why wouldn't I be posting ideal body figures when talking about fictional super girls? Can't you read you demented ape? That was the point of my entire post. I don't need fantasy heroes depicted as realistic skinnyfat manlets or stocky deformed women just because the majority of people are short, fat and ugly. I want them depicted as the beautiful 1%.
Fix your ESL-tier reading comprehension and fuck off with your retarded tumblrette arguments.
That sounds like you don't know what are you talking about, just as I expected. Now be quiet bitch.
Never said it was only about tits.
You don't need for them to wear slut outfits to look sexy or interesting. But they all look painfully bland and weak now.
MK females are not "babes" anymore, they are some kind of grey mass. It's all about bare-chested men now.
um bros, kitana does cams
Retards think it's a gotcha because they think society considers topless men and women equal, even though a topless man is totally fine in the west and a topless woman would be arrested and charged with a sex offense.
But they're all more attractive than they've ever been (except for Sonya, Kerri Hoskins is GOAT).
Nah she actually has curves, big ass and big tits.
Also they gave her bikini DLC. Muslim Kombat devs said bikinis are too "immature" for them.
Their awful proportions
You have to be some kind of hentai addict to think Jade has fucking A cups.
None of them have A-cups.
But they look way more interesting now than ever before, especially Kitana.
No, the only retard here is you if you think a man having the option to have more revealing clothes option is more okay than the female having none in a world where chivalry is dead and women has equal rights as men.
>>That sounds like you don't know what are you talking about, just as I expected. Now be quiet bitch.
There can be ones passionate about it sure but does that mean we shouldn't get mad at sjws for that very reason also you can voice your opinion but don't insult those who don't care about the tits by calling them sjw trannies
>big ass and big tits.
And feet and hands.
Jades tits are at least a C cup. A C Cup is not considered small by most people. Just because you think Hitomi Tanaka is normal.
>Nah she actually has curves, big ass and big tits.
So then the outfits aren't what's sjw about it?
You mean realistic proportions?
Do you go outside ever?
Every woman is ugly as fucking sin, jesus
>But MK was never about BOOBS!
Sure thing mindless prudes.
I'd take almost any of Kitana's older outfits over the trash we're getting in MK11.
>A series that redesigns it's characters in every fucking game has once again redesigned it's characters
Why the fuck do you faggots pretend to play Mortal Kombat?
>SJWs call everyone nazi's if they don't agree, or racists
>everyone hates them for it
>alt-SJWs call everyone Trannies if they disagree
>somehow expect that to end differently for them
You're putting words in other peoples mouths so you have an excuse to be angry. That sounds exhausting.
>realistic proportions
>>uncommon appearances
>exclusive to Supermodels
you are still a dumbass
All you showed me is the ultra slutty outfit didn't start until MK 9 and it's really the only instance of it.
MK 2 is pretty clearly not slut ware. You didn't post any example for MK 1.
Her MK11 human attire is one of the best she's ever had.
Also, once again no, Mortal Kombat was never about tits. I dont think you understand english very well.
Irrelevant shit by virgin retards who jack off all day.
Mk was never about boobs you cuck by your dumbass logic Soul Calibur has always been about Tits and Ass
Wow holy shit look at that extremely original blue with black cuts costume, damn so COOL
BTFO dumb cuckshills
Yeah, it looks cool.
I dont see the issue, really i dont get it. Are you complaining about the color scheme Kitana has had for 25 years or something?
Yes, much cooler than any of the garbage outfits posted in My issue with Kitana and why I never play her is that she has always looked awful in design. Just bland as fuck. This one actually feels like a ninja girl. I much much prefer it to slave Leia MK 9
>jesus christ stop watching anime
>Character designs are essential for fighting games.
>Good gameplay is essential for fighting games.
As well, they are all part of the package.
try again
>He thinks the copy paste Leotards are more original and cool
But you're factually wrong. Jade doesnt have A-cups. None of the females in this game have a-cup breasts.
>this doesn't look cool
>Mad that a princess looks elegant
It works when Mileena/Jade wear slutty outfits because they're seductress assassins
Kintaro/Sheeva/Goro are monsters who don't wear clothes
It's fucking retarded for Sonya or Kitana to dress like sluts, not every character has to look the fucking same
Now go pre-order the fucking game like we know you faggots will anyway
look up pic collage. Also I used cool because some nigger in those threads kept using it as an argument, which itself is fucking hilarious and here you are
It's rotten to the core. There's no saving it. We need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down! And from the ashes a new America will be born, evolved but untamed!
>Was a sexy latina
Both their manletized bodies and their sudden burkas are what's "SJW" about them.
Since they're not allowing more revealing outfits (but only for women) anymore.
>“Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."
>“I’m sure that will disappoint some fans. We don’t have bathing suit fighters, and I think that’s fine. If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.”
Again, funny how you ran away from the fact that Juri has bikini alternatives.
So does Skarlet, but I’m not really into extreme anal and prolapse
Imagine believing a shitty leotard or bikini is better lmfao
>Yes, much cooler than any of the garbage outfits posted in
>You're putting words in other peoples mouths
>"A topless man and woman are not equivilant things."
>There can be ones passionate about it sure but does that mean we shouldn't get mad at sjws for that very reason
I assume that's a question? Well, the matter isn't exactly the same. While it almost appears like they're the same, the nuances here are important. Like how SJWs aren't actually fans of the games they criticize. So they will belittle fans of the games, since they are not a part of the group. Meanwhile, I assume you're genuinely a fan of Mortal Kombat. And I assume this guy calling everyone trannies is a fan.(I mean, he could just be a good shitposter, but he displays enough working knowledge to assume he's a fan) So he has an invested interest in the matter. His insults come from a place of *real* passion, and not just wanting to police media.
>you can voice your opinion but don't insult those who don't care about the tits by calling them sjw trannies
Why do you take its money, then?
It's always better than nothing. And current design is what I said - nothing. It's bland and only delusional faggots that have no taste can like it.
>manletized bodies
Right, who can forget the pinnacle of feminity of Netherrealm game females amd how we lost that with their last few games.
Rest in peace MK9 and Injustice sexy women, you truly were girls and totally not men.
Trannoids absolutely seething about this post. Based.
>Look up pic collage
I getting the feeling you're futafic user but I did and this just shows that you do infact think the leotard is more original and it seems to be only because it makes you horny. They're all good designs even the Mk11 one.
That post doesn't say that, user. It said that they are not equivilant. This is an objective fact enforced by law enforcement.
Imagine thinking a leotard or bikini is less bland lmao
Give it a rest NRShill.
First off, you're stupid and thats not what i did. Second, even if i did, the image you posted had the name "hypocrtiical", so try learning words good betterer.
>Both their manletized bodies and their sudden burkas are what's "SJW" about them
What Burkas? Kitana is litterally in a boob window outfit and by this logic SF is sjw because of they're family friendly speech
>A game that used real people is making realistic character models
>But you're factually wrong.
factually false
They're ALL variations of sluttiness.
Also MK9 was 8 years ago.
Oh no no, don't get me wrong. That's bad too. But an extreme overcorrection where they just turn them into deformed bobbleheaded dwarves while leaving the men buffed and stripped down is also bad. Possibly even worse since it's now jarring when you compare men and women in the same game
>They're ALL variations of sluttiness.
No. A leotard was not slutty in 1992.
I get what you're saying and thankfully someone here can have a decent conversation.
In what world are these tits A-cups?
Now post an image of her from the side
>they're family friendly speech
Yikes, NRShill really is a ESL troglodyte.
Anyway their speech is irrelevant when they keep shoveling out bikinis and skimpy outfits for women.
NRS not only did the whole "immature" high horse speech archive.is
Why do you even care? Why does it matter?
Its clearly not some kind of crushing SJW agenda policy, that elder god they just showed is about as skimpy as Poison Ivy or Sindel were in prior games, its just the current art design. I think they look perfectly fine, most of the characters in MK11 are the best they've ever looked.
>They're ALL variations of sluttiness.
Yea just look at these Olympic sluts from 1988 they're just screamin fuck me
Absolutely based and redpilled
They were definitely sexy (and still are) no matter how hard you repeat your mantra.
MK devs weren't always your favorite tranny pandering retards you deluded moron. Just look at
Uh... Okay?
Again, those are at least C cups breasts. They're not A-sized.
>Anyway their speech is irrelevant when they keep shoveling out bikinis and skimpy outfits for women.
So the actual shit they took away in-game and the ule about picking R.Mika on Competitive television should be disregarded. Guess MKX wasn't sjw since they have the """"sexy""" leotard Kitana wore in MK2
>ask for side view
>gets pic of her in a fighting stance
How are we STILL having these threads when Cetrion got shown off with her titties on full display?
Her tits are pretty big, just completely covered up.
This was what was considered sexy 10 years before that game ever released and it was in a PG film. A leotard is not sexy.
You can keep linking to your post but again, all those outfits suck, silly nazi.
Fucking what difference does it make retard, you can see how big they are unless you have no comprehension of 3D space.
I cant find a side view right now, i dont have the fucking model on my hard drive to turn around for you.
A lot of her outfits in prior games cover her tits up.
She's ugly.
>No. A leotard was not slutty in 1992.
Delusional. Leotards are slutty. Perfectly contours the body, makes the hips look higher, which gives the illusion of longer legs. Covering only the bare minimum around the crotch. This video came out in 2004. But it drives the point home very well. youtube.com
Are we going to pretend MK9's women arent butt fucking ugly?
>Her tits are pretty big, just completely covered up.
No, her titties are less big than in previous installment because NRS devs are still stuck in their Injustice phase of "realistic" women.
>A Leotard is sexy
It's basically standard outfit for gymnastics. You are beyond delusional if you think that was a slutty outfit in 92. Not even going to bother replying to you anymore as you are blatantly trolling at this point.
Yeah, clearly a series that started with real digitized people was never trying to have realistic characters.
Yeah that is pretty scummy and sad after reading what the design team leader said. I don't see how anybody could defend these sudden design changes and devs doing it out of spite, instead of just saying they wanted to try something different.
>NRS devs are still stuck in their Injustice phase of "realistic" women.
Are.... Are you serious?
Because you provide no evidence to the contrary.
Yes they are smaller than her triple Dcups in MK9. But those tits still aren't small by any stretch of the imagination.
Stop being thick. You know what we mean. Despite the leotard being the optimal wear for athletics, they are still highly sexualized pieces of clothing, as is proven by the perception of viewers.
Yes, even in 92, men found Leotards sexually arousing. It's not like men from the 90s were like "herpaderp, it's the 90s, nothing sexual about this thin strip of material that perfectly contours to her body, making her appear sleek and lithe. Nope. I'm just a 90s man with no perception in regards to leotards. doo-pee-doop"
>they are still highly sexualized pieces of clothing
No they arent, you sex-starved pervert.
Its athletic wear.
>Leotards are slutty
Yeaaaaa look at these fucking whores they're just begging for cock
Its makes a whole lot of difference when it comes to measuring breast size.
we dont, they take more money than the give.
>Yes they are smaller than her triple Dcups in MK9
and in 3d era
and in classic era
>Despite the leotard being the optimal wear for athletics, they are still highly sexualized pieces of clothing,
Just looking at these leotards make me so fucking hard. Just imagine if they showed a bit of elbow bro
>No they arent, you sex-starved pervert.
Yeah, I'm sure that's why they cut a slit down the center, and laced the halves together. That'll help her physical performance.
Dude, even olympic men are lusted after by women.
>It's just swimwear, bro. Turn off your libido.
all the women wear more clothes than any of the men
this is so sexist and demeaning to women
i can't believe that NRS is saying that women cannot physically fight on the same level as men
they are such fucking BIGOTS and should be boycotted by every self-respecting person out there!
>and in classic era
No Jades are clearly bigger than the classic era. Kitana and Skarlet are about the same as the classic era.
You're clearly lying.
Let me re-clarify for the slow:
NRS devs are still stuck in their Injustice phase of modern western ideas of "realistic" women.
>the actual shit they took away in-game and the ule about picking R.Mika on Competitive television should be disregarded
No, that's definitely shitty too. Don't know why you're doing this whataboutism.
>Guess MKX wasn't sjw since they have the """"sexy""" leotard Kitana wore in MK2
Well no, just like I stated here her disgusting manletized dwarf body also cannot be excused. All women in MKX were putrid looking. Especially Cassie with her T-Rex arms.
>>Yeah, I'm sure that's why they cut a slit down the center, and laced the halves together. That'll help her physical performance.
Yes that's sexy. Bare long legs are sexy. And I dare you to show their backsides.
Also in MK they had cleavages on those leotards so it's not the same.
Alright. I get it. You're trolling. Either you're trolling, or gay, or a woman. Sexualizing performers at the olympics is the reason half the people are watching.
>reinstall MKXL to prep for 11
>can't play the Story mode
>none of the DLC characters are available
>none of the DLC costumes are available
>restore all my licenses
>still doesn't work
Fuck me then I guess.
You're aware multiple female characters in Injustice 2 had revealing clothing and big tits right?
Harley? Wonder Woman? Poison Ivy? Starfire?
Got me a good laugh
Pirate it you goof.
Dude, go back and look.
>Dude, even olympic men are lusted after by women
For thier bodys on display or the leotards?
fucking zoomers are cancer
leotards were sexually appealing in the 90s
and there is still both modern and retro porn of people doing softcore and hardcore all over porn sites of leotards and swimsuits and gymnastics. it's a sign of sexuality and the numbers on the videos definitely show that there's still an interest
Holy shit look at her fat fucking square head.
Exactly 3 games where she wore a leotard with laces in the middle vs. 4 with an intact leotard, one with a bikin, and two with full body suits.
click the link. The men are covered even more than the women.
What are you talking about? Dismissing leotards and past female MK designs as "bathing suits" and "un-mature and respectful" and calling past female ninja MK fighters "bikini fighters" is very passive aggressive behavior towards past design entries. He alo said he is okay with upsetting people who like the previous designs. How much in denial do you have to be to defend this?
I'm 32, m8. Only zoomer here is yourself.
as the years go on, kitana is gaining more clothes
Adding laces only proves what the intent of the leotard was in the previous games. To titillate. If it was about sexualization, then why would they need to up the ante?
>The truth is passive aggressive
And yes, most of the past design entries sucked for women characters. Sorry the truth hurts, sweetie. Again, how is this evidence they did not make the design because they want to, but instead to troll you? You saying "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING" Isn't a convincing argument.
MKX plays nothing like MK11.
Prepping for MK11 with MKX would be a mistake.
It really complements her manface
And that is the problem. Why suddenly fucking remove fan service when it comes to MK11 when DC comics is more respectful of women than the whole MK series combined?
That is a fucking retarded line of reasoning, holy shit.
Thats like saying the male ninjas having squareas instead of solid color was to make them look like they had armor or some shit. Its just a design faggot. You're projecting onto it.
>No, that's definitely shitty too. Don't know why you're doing this whataboutism
THAT'S what this entire conversation is about also go bqck and watch gameplay of Mk9 the girls had zero ass I hate yo do this to you but watch the rate the supers of MK9. And look at scarlets ass when he does a round house kick
sure you are, you fucking cancer
you're a goddamn retard, that's what you are
open up xhamster, xvideos, red tube, whatever. look up both softcore and hardcore leotards. enter in gymnastics, stretching, swimsuits. the asians have a nice amount of videos themselves. there are still videos being made in current year.
kill yourself
What are you talking about. What do you mean "Sudden"?
It already went away in MKX. That was 4 years ago.
My reason is retarded? You're entire argument is based on the preposterous notion that men in the 90's didn't find the standard leotard arousing. You're either trolling or in-fucking-sane.
>Bro they're sexy! You can see their LEGS!
>that women's clothes
That doesnt even make sense. What kind of fighter would use things like that?
>>The truth is passive aggressive
There is no way you can be this daft. I feel like I am being trolled.
leotards are NOT se-
Why are women allowed to post on Yea Forums?
Nobody in current year think that leotards are sex-
Guys we have to talk about this monstrosity. Look at her toes
I thought that too, but then again I hadn't seen her since MK2 and the 90s MK movies. Apparently her face was modeled at Talisa Soto, an American with Puerto Rican ancestry.
already leaked.
What did I miss? Is the NRS trannoid seriously now implying leotards aren't sexy?
Anyone who disagrees with me is a virgin and should have sex
Lucio in the house!
>It already went away in MKX
No it did not. There are still revealing clothes for females in MKX
What in the God damn dick were they thinking
You can make anything titillating with a few tweaks. Men will get aroused by all kinds of shit.
>what kind of fighter would use things like that?
D'Vorah is actually wearing less than last game
And theres still revealing shit here too idiot. Look at Cetrion you fucking moron.
It sucks but at least jade looks cool. The game looks fun in general, the only woman I'm actively annoyed with is dvorah because she actually sucks in every way.
>hurrr why does this person with a non-sexy body frame not look hot in a skin tight outfit?