Darkest dungeon thread

Just lost my first Legend Reynauld
He was my main man, been keeping him alive for about half a year now, giving perfect quirks and trinkets for maximum sustainablity.
feels like complete shit.

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occultist > vestal
safemode is for pussies

Get the rez event mod. Accept being a bitch.


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Nah. he died bravely and saved the rest of my party from a boss, I'm saddened, but i won't take a noble death away from him.

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what's the best modded class and why is it the Seraph

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i love her comic

>that smirk at the end

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>safemode aint actually for pussies

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The hollow for anime tiddies

Obligatory thread video


>moded classes.

Really want to do another DD run, what modded classes do you guys recommend?

Oh hi mark

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Voluntary thread video that knows you'll fucking click it anyway, dispelling the illusion of free will in this hellscape.


Cataphract, Seraph and thrall are my favourites because they feel like they fit right into the game thematically andand their sprites are as polished asthe main classes. feels like free DLC.

>dragon fucker.

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Any other mod you guys recommend?

how do you feel about getting some weebshit classes? there's plenty of mods for that

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do bounty hunter next


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Where is the chin


>No classess cut
>Buff shitty classess
>Hire Marvin Seo for new classess (or put some of his mods)
>Marathon dungeons that allow you to have a bigger bag.
>Better town building.
>even more RNG shenanigans to filter out game reviewers.
>remove "easy" mode or make it a joke mode like picnic in EO.

Cautious Optimism. Game being about enduring a journey would fit the gameplay loop better than fixing the hamlet, especially since you barely fix anything at all.

The Thrall. Until he gets afflicted and fucks my entire team up.

I'm always down for new locations, enemies and heroes but I'm wondering how (if) they'll switch up the formula. They have a great thing going dor them but I'm worried they might add (or remove) things that changes the game in disappointing ways. At the same time the game is a bit too samey after a while and so I think something in the formula definitely needs mixing up, I'm just not sure what myself. Anyone hear anything about this yet or Is there no definitive info yet?

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Yeah getting attached to your heros inthis game is one of the worst things you can do.
I pray every night that I get my bounty hunter back :(

I liked all of the ones associated with the Thrall and Seraph. If I recall, it was the Lamia and the Falconer.

Lamia is an interesting heal-substitute, but she's vaguely overpowered because she can cleanse horrify easily. Falconer is likely straight-overpowered with incredible damage, marking, and she has a stress heal that beats out Jester and Houndmaster.

I'm down for difficulty but I usually play radiant becua the grinding sucks. If they were to remove easier difficulty I would want them to seriously rethink the grind and how to implement charcter leveling mostly but also the cost of some town upgrades especially blueprint types. I've never built the red hook because I cannot be ass'd to farm 2500 fucking crests, that's just boring.

Ghoul just casts howl for the fourth time in a row

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I forgot that, Grinding kills this game in later stages of a run.

I would honestly take out all the resource and make all upgrades be gold based, and one quest requirement to upgrade something to the last level.

>tfw my Reynauld died week 5
at least I didn't get too attached

I mean a lot of the problem cpulb be fixed by having a larger inventory/larger stack limits at least with regards to estate upgrades. Hero grinding is just bad tho imo.

I played this like 2 years ago. stress system killed it for me at champion and veteran. did this game really need so many stress increasing enemy types? there's like 5 of them, and did they all have to be so goddamn fast? it felt like every encounter was 1 tank + 2 stress debuffers, forcing me to bring a stress healer every medium and long run felt like it limited my options alot, and dying to a heart attack when you have almost full health is just fucking depressing.

Yo what's the best lineup for the Miller?
That color changing segment fucks me up big time.

What’s the easiest way to cruise through Stygian?

>15:40 there was up to 3 hours of grinding leading to that moment, and there was nothing I could do about it
1) Enemies were surprised, which means all of his heroes got to act before them, at which point they of course get their turns consecutively. He should know that the same hero could be hit twice in this scenario.

2) The fat ass has point blank shot which can only target the hero in the first row. There is nothing really "random" about this selection. Fatty has like three skills, and only PBS can chunk you for that much damage. You could say the next attack was randomly selected, but enemies have AI which adds weight to low hp/high stress targets.

All he had to do was move the Crusader forward to tank the hit, and would now be impossible for Hellion to die. That or use any of the fucking stun abilities all of his heroes have instead of blowing his load taking out the gunner for some reason.

Librarian fixes the game being a grind.

Play Bloodmoon and never go into the Court.
Otherwise there's nothing to it really, just try to get a lot of good heroes. Houndmaster, MAA, and Shieldbreaker are broken. Vestal is necessary for reliable healing, and Jester is ok but not as mandatory.

Do high torch runs. Grab a bank if you can. Cartographer's Camp and Training Hall (wow notice all the busted heroes are here) are the best districts.
Caregiver's Convention is the best event, invest in the sanitarium to exploit it.

>we wanted to keep what works
>namely the combat
Unhype, DD was a solid first attempt, if they do not evolve this shit and make the combat more complex and interesting, then what's the point?

Are there enough re-skin mods to make the game entirely weeb?

It's possible to be weeb at all?

The closest weeb skin I've seen is The Wraith for the bounty hunter.

Do you guys get attached to your heroes?
it really fucking sucks when you lose soneone who managed to stick with your roster for a long time despite deaths being so frequent

if humanity's power to delude themselves is strong enough to effectively create a god in-universe, that might actually explain why, in theory, you can beat the Darkest Heart into remission (however brief) with common guns and swords.

Also why mentally breaking it's foes is so important for eldritch horrors. If human will and belief was strong enough, The Cosmic horrors might be beaten into more than just remission.

Buying it day one.

>Lost nearly all my level 5's to wolves at the door
>Lost two more level 4's to the shrieker
It's so obnoxious, I knew it would happen one day soon but now I've run out of energy and motivation to grind for this skinner box of a game. It's all so tiresome, how do I get myself back into it?

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Yes I would like something linear, maybe traversing a really risky route to a village to transport someone important? Maybe have you stop on villages now and then and resupply, but you will have to think 3-4 dungeons ahead because you will not rest until then.

Pleb filter working as intended, marvelous.

outstanding use of that pic 10/10

Him REEing at random moments is the best part of his mod.
>Tfw accidentally chained the beast at camp

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>A pleb filter

Yeah, because people who adore tedious grind are definitely plebs.

Go fuck yourself, man.

this could be interesting. Maybe some 'dungeons' are run down towns to clear out so more supplies can come to the party?

>Lost nearly all my level 5's to wolves at the door
Same thing happened to me bro but part of it was my fault because I accidentally hit the bombs instead of buffing my Leper with Doc

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I like Darkest Dungeon

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Just beat this for the first time a couple weeks ago on Darkest, breezed through the Darkest Dungeon because I did everything else first, except Garden Guardian. Decided to try it on Stygian, and I'm thinking my best bet is just to start with building my DD teams and get them up to snuff as quickly as possible. Is that about right?

Such poor taste, this guy has no fucking idea why people like the art in darkest dungeon

unironically want to option to create a main character that cant permanently die and choose from the list of classes in the game

I like weebshit and I gotta agree, the artstyle is kind of delicate and that girl looks more like a Skullgirl's character.

Now these two might make some fitting heroes.

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Hellboy even has tiny legs to fit the style. I might try out a Hellboy mod.

I didn't even make it to vvulf, I went on one of the siderooms first because it doesn't seem that far away?
>Immediately fucked over by a legendary madman and giant brigand whippersnapper
Can this town event happen again? I read that if you skipped the town event 3 building upgrades would be gone, but it doesn't make sense because I lost the mission so how isn't the town completely overrun by brigands now?

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Jesus Christ what a faggot. The loli tanned omen seeker is ten times better anything he ever created.

They should evolve, or die.


Basically it works like this:
>ignore the mission, he wrecks building upgrades
>fail the mission, he kills your heroes and comes back
>win the mission, it's over
there used to be an exploit where you would just send in a team of lvl 0's and run, sacrificing one to stall. I think they patched it.