Sony is losing all japanese exclusives to Nintendo

Sony is losing all japanese exclusives to Nintendo
based California

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women are disgusting

>meanwhile nintendo just lost an exclusive to pc

I still can't play MHW, REmake2, Sekiro, and DMC5 on my Switch.


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have sex

already did. your mother loved it

>game is going on inferior hardware
>implying you are losing anything
Not that Nincels are getting Japanese Sony games anyway.

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U mad?


guys make better girls


>Both of the GOTY's aren't available on Switch
Get. Fucked.

Reminder pic are the women who laugh at you
They think they are superior because they suck chad cock in clubs. They think they are superior because their blonde hair and cheap whore dress

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Absolutely based.

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based and faggotpilled

that's why 3dpd sluts should burn in hell, besides my mom


>Reminder pic are the women who laugh at you
Don't project your high school experience

and you're implying they're not superior, but not mentioning why?

Cringe and incelpilled.

Jokes on her. I enjoy fucking them in loungewear and making them walk around the house naked the rest of the day. Fuck high heels and slut dresses

This. Men on Yea Forums (out of shape, complaining, hopelessly bitter, unrealistic expectations, etc) are the truly good and kind people of the world—the salt and zest of the earth. They would never bowl over their mother to get a 7/10. They are also very self aware.


Left is hotter

But I am not out of shape, user. Women are simply disgusting and boys are superior in every possible way.

lol at this angry vagina

No more or less than men are. Most people of either sex are revolting.

Based and redpilled. All the resetera salt coming your way is your reward for taking the right pill, user. Enjoy.

This but unironically. Unwelcome normalfags not accounted for.

This is what I meant by complaining, hopelessly bitter, unrealistic expectations, etc. You check the boxes, no offense.

Women are overrated but that doesnt mean you start fucking guys you degenerates

based, a little nihilistic, but still true


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Based unhelpful ostracizer creating more mass shooters

Your reply makes no sense whatsoever. How exactly did I reveal any "unrealistic expectations" with my post? And please don't just repeat yourself again.

>that arm in the back

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hang from a tree my dude

I work in HR with all women and they are very nice to me. I'm the only man in the department. Its like having lots of moms. I'm in my 20s. They are all in their late 30s to mid 40s. They always buy me sweets and chocolate randomly and for my birthday they got a cake for me and got me to blow out candles and they sang happy birthday to me and they give me a homemade card with a nice drawing they all did. Was pretty nice desu.

he did not do any of those things, Ms. Roastie

Er... Chocobo Dungeon is on the Switch, user.
You are right about Resident Evil 2 remake.

I don't think women even notice me, let alone fin me funny.

Oi! wot you luckin' at you cant! Am 'ere enjoying me grub, sum fish 'n chips.

True romantic relationships only happen between men and little boys.


they are disgusting to the core yes

No wonder why the rest of Yea Forums thinks that Yea Forums is the gayest board.

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based and redpilled

You imply men are better than women in every way, but that's not true—its a crazy bias held you and a small minority of fagcels and toonophiles that lust after the female form and temperament transplanted into cartoons and traps. Your internalized bitterness couldn't help but reply to my post and effectively complain.
Anything else tranny/fag/toonophile?

back to /pol/, kid

Whatever it takes to make the normalfags go away.

S E E T H I N G hole.

absolutely based

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You forgot the other tranny thread

This one?

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Yep. Shit is funny

>imagine dating this shit
This is the future jews want for us

So you're just here to throw out vague assumptions and miss the obvious irony in your own statements? Got it.

women are disgusting
fags are also disgusting because these days they're more likely to act like women and just have the same slut mentality
just get friends and an onahole

Yeah, you can play all those on the PC instead in sweet 60fps with higher resolutions and mods

now that's some spicy beef there sister. Yowza!

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which one?

Theres a nice German girl at work but I'm not sure how to indicate I like her. Shes introverted and religious. Doesnt like drinking and partying and doesnt believe in sex before and marriage

Don't deal with women, don't put your cock in a man's ass.

The fleshlight is the patrician choice.

Amish women are decent. They cook, pray and take care of children. They don't have big egos or scream
The best thing is they also don't think about having casual sex with chads

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have kids

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Yep but you know the difference between Nintendofags and sonyfags?
Nintendofags want people to play their games. It's why we used to have great Nintendo hacking and emulation threads, then they became shitpost fuel.

Looks like they're having a good time
Imagine being so bitter that you'd hate on people for having fun

I'm going on information in your replies, user. There's nothing vague about what I've said; it's all quite clear.
Anything else fag/tranny/toonophile?

She sounds based. Finding a non-whore is like finding diamonds.

Don't be autistic and get to know her over a few weeks, then ask her out respectfully.

This was the case with me.
However as soon as I turned 30 it all changed.
They started playing games and complaining about everything I did.
They'll want you out and replaced with young meat

Literally none of those women are fuckable.

me in the middle

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