My fiancé’s birthday is tomorrow and I got our engagement photos commissioned!
My fiancé’s birthday is tomorrow and I got our engagement photos commissioned!
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that's a wiggidy whack yiggidy yikes from me doggo woggo
I hope they break up.
id rather marry skarmory
>13 months
lmao retard people
The weavile makes me physically cringe. My cunt turned to sand paper.
This level of autism makes me homicidally mad.
I havent wanted to stab someone so badly since I saw the fucking Dora movie trailer.
>vulpix AND ninetails
whats the fucking point
shit team
leave her
That Flygon would be fucked
Holy SHIT I'm excited for the upcoming race war and the new Holocaust (which supposedly never happened btw) for all the libtards and trannies!
>Weavile doing a *sniff*
I can't be the only one here that thinks it's cute right?
If the two of them love Pokemon it'll be special to her
shut up incel
This is super cute if SHE is super into pokemon and that's her team that she loves so much or they're her favorites. Otherwise, it's really awkward and cringe.
Alolan Vulpix is cute af though.
I wonder what these two look like irl
I came in expecting that weird dude that always crudely shops himself with a pokemon.
Im not sure this is better or worse
Why is the date off?
Marriage is a scam.
50% of them end in divorce.
90% of divorces are initiated by women.
Have fun bro.
no offense but ur the worst type of person
this shit must be from reddit right
god that website is awful
a show i discuss on Yea Forums during the summer doesnt get threads during the spring season, so i'm forced to go to reddit to keep up with discussion
people there are all so fucking obnoxious and up their own ass. literally every post is "me me me my my my i i i". just godawful.
How much you wanna bet that one/both of them is/are fat and look nothing like that
I think EU and America does it differently. I honestly don't know which way its supposed to go officially, but Im also a fucking retard. So sometimes I put month first or sometimes I put day first depending on what the professor or co-worker puts
Be sure to let us know when the divorce arc happens.
>Getting Married
>in 2019
>Get divorced
>Wife gets half your team
>Releases them all/lets them rot away in the PC out of spite
Canada here, I work with a lot of international shipping invoices and the ONLY country that regularly does M/D/Y is USA. Everybody else does gods given D/M/Y.
Think of it like a pyramid, it should go small, middle, large.
at least the art is half-decent
I'll give you an updoot for that, good sir!
Haha heckin' big doggo booplesnoot yikes we did it reddit!
>get married
>have kids
>get divorced
>lose half of your stuff
>she gets full custody
>you have to pay child support AND alimony
>you get access to your kids when she decides
>she raised the kids painting you as a horrible person
>This happens to over 30% of marriages
Fuck niggers AND fuck women.
don't reply to me again
>which supposedly never happened btw
what do you mean "supposedly"
>A day is longer than a month
Do you think before you type or?
Is there actually any benefit of getting married?
Cause like if you divorce somebody is gonna lose half their stuff right? Why get married when it's downside is so heavy?
My mother is currently experiencing the opposite, but didn't lose her things and only pays child support and I bailed her out on child support.
Reminder half of marriages end in divorce.
IMAGINE coin flipping your half your income and property lmao.
i would love to be marriaged but by any mean im not an alfa, not even solid a beta, so my marriage would probably end up quickly in divorce and i would lost everything and the bitch would get everything and additional social program for kids, she would spend on her make up and shoes
>having a Ground/Dragon-type outside of its ball in the freezing cold and snow
Christ, you monsters, take better care of your Pokemon.
>red and blue fidget spinners
What a weird pokemon
Cows say boe though