He got married. What's your excuse?

He got married. What's your excuse?

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I'm awkward, anxious, not particularly attractive, and any girl my age is probably going to want a baby in her stat.

So this is the pig's endgame. He's probably never "coming back" from his vacation - Despite how cucky they are there's no way he going to be able to justify this to his paypigs after saying he has no plans to marry the horse any time soon only days ago. He's either going to fall off the face of the earth now or he's going to play the victim and use the harassment that will inevitably result from this as an excuse to go away. it was all a ruse to move back home, where he may have even arranged to have a new job waiting and everything. As dumb as Dark is, this was one hell of a brazen heist that he can't just come back after and downplay in a one hour pre-stream. I was wondering why if this was all just a ruse would be make a facebook post about it, but I realize now that announcing it to
people was just one big last middle finger to the DATRAKTORS ACK ACK ACK!

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im poor and still live with parents... saving up to move out in next year or so though

I don't scam friends and family by saying I'm about to lose my house to taxes for free money

>d00d muh taxes give me your money dummy (2018)
>moves girlfriend across the country
>d00d muh taxes give me your money dummy (2019)
>flies to parents and marries his girlfriend
Tevin needs to be put on a seventy-two hour suicide watch. In fact put all the detractors on one, the next few days are gonna be rough for those guys.

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It isn't actually that difficult to get married. The real problem is having one that doesn't end in divorce and ruins your life.

wow detractors sure are funny

that'll be the next saga.

>e-celeb got married


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You guys are honestly way worse than DSP himself.

I'm getting married in a couple of months though

I'm not 37,i don't scam people for a living and didn't find a soulmate yet

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norwood 4 hairline

>there's no way he going to be able to justify this to his paypigs after saying he has no plans to marry the horse any time soon only days ago

You sure? This is the average paypig

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I'm a girl

Even fucking DSP got married

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he literally said he's not getting married any time soon days ago paypig.

And made you pay for it.

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Im not getting cucked. I wont be him when his wife delivers a chocolate baby, and Im fine with that


its just because Yea Forums doesnt play games any more. they would rather talk about people playing them and watch others

Your dakimakura doesn't count

He didn't spend 18k to marry for sure

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I am married though. Met when we were sweet teenage cherubs and grew up together. She plays vidya games too but has kinda shit taste(Sony games mostly) but not too bad.

Just take care of yourself and don't be an asshole and you'll probably do fine with girls. Not that hard.

RL girls are gross.

I don't care or give a fuck. I don't keep up with everything he does just to talk shit about it.

Go outside. Your DSP circlejerk insult has no weight here.

So it's obvious that DSP's paypigs have mental issues, but it seems that his anti-fans like this guy have it worse off. I can't believe someone knows this much about something they hate.

Sidella is clearly mentally ill. Regardless even if people are willing to look past it it'll be interesting to see how he plays it if he comes back.

Imagine marrying DSP
Imagine him sticking his disgusting prick inside you and impregnating you
Imagine giving birth to his hell spawn

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Too much emotional baggage and mental health issues.

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Try to date normal girls not sheboons

I don't want to.

nice gaslighting faggot. it's clear as day that the "detractors" actually have brains to see through his bullshit ironically since he is using the same methods as you, by saying we are worse off than an actual functional retard.

have sex lmao

>Spending your wedding day/night on Twitter


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My excuse is the back-and-forth I had with my oneitis drove me off the deep end. She was a """free spirit""" and that was like living in a hellscape that drove me to alcoholism.

What happened joes gf?

Why do you know this much about a person you hate? Have you been diagnosed yet? You're somehow above a-log levels.

I'm getting married next summer (2020)
I ordered the engagement ring online because I thought it would be cheaper, but only after the fact did I realize that the seller was a chink scammer selling fake rings. We found out when her "diamond" completely fell out of the ring almost instantly. She was mad, I was mad, and I had to get her a real engagement ring from a reputable jewelry store with like a 2000% markup. Fuck marriage, it's a huge scam.

She plays Dark Souls though so she's cool.

If DSP got a real job his new employer would get sent a lot of stuff containing DSP being racist and making rape jokes.

Not interested lol

Can he fucking stop mentioning 'detractors' everywhere already? Shit's annoying as hell

because he spills everything out on almost a daily bases. not my fault i try to watch him for a laugh and i have to hear about taxes and his personal life

Why do "muh wife" fags come out of the woodwork to talk about their life story every single time?

Nobody cares.

well it cant be as bad as that goomba guys wedding right? That was a cringe shitshow.

Why would you marry, or even be with, someone who cares about a ring to that extent?

there are people right here who admit to giving money to e-beggars. They should know these people are low lives.

so he wasn't losing his house?

Engagement rings are a MASSIVE scam yeah. I ended up going the estate route and not giving a single fuck about it.

Who will he bring for the Black Bull for his wife?

But you clearly don't watch him just for fun, you even get upset at the stories you're spinning about him in your own head. Stop hitting yourself.

She doesn't, she was just mad that the seller was a scammer

That's what you get for buying diamonds you fucking stupid fuck. A literally worthless stone that is not at all rare or valuable in anyway and are only "sought after" because of a marketing campaign started by diamond companies who horde diamonds to artificially inflate their price. You got what you deserved, you dummy.

At no point during my entire life have I found marriage appealing.

The people following everything and shit talking are worse than everyone involved. Way worse.

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he's in just as much danger of losing it as ever

>gaijingoomba had a cringe wedding
I’m curious but also worried I can’t handle it. Was it that bad?

Still, I had no idea zoomers still were buying stupid bling at insane markup. Most people I know don't even get married, why intentionally jew yourself?

lmao you buying his bullshit about debts?

yeah you wouldn't be upset being lumped with actual crazy people who go on about wanting to punch phil in the face?
i dont even hate the guy, hes trying to make a living. its more of his fans at this point that end up being sadder than phil and detractors alike

what then why not wait until after taxes to marry kat?

At least his wife was cute.

You know I could get a gf if I tried. But firstly I need to go outside. I'm not even that ugly

His fans are enjoying being a fan of something. He's producing content.

You guys are sitting swinging at the air on Yea Forums.


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These are the excuses he will use when he comes back:

1)I didn't use the money that you guys gave me to pay for the wedding
2)I kept the wedding a secret because of Kiwifarms/detractors and totally not because asking people to pay for your wedding is pathetic
2)I still have taxes to pay so please donate

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You have people who pay to watch others eat literal shit online, Phil's paypigs aren't even at the middle of the degenerate autist ladder.

>Da detractors are worse XD

Can you actually explain how without a-logging yourself?

yes. It was an epic gamer wedding with people dressed up as mario characters.

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It sorta evens out because I'm mooching off of her

Looks are irrelevant if you're over 20. What you need is a steady job, a car and live on your own, then it's easy to get and hold a gf.

My excuse was that I put my life into a woman for over 10 years and last summer she decided to leave me because things were too comfortable and I didn't "put effort" into anything anymore. You work your ass off to build a future with someone and it was never enough.

I don't miss her, but I'd be lying if I said I don't miss the idea of her. Weekends get lonely when not distracted with work and I'll be watching something wishing someone was there to just experience it with me.

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I don't know what the fuck a-logging is because I don't spend all day following people I dislike.

I'm not going to sit and have a conversation with you. You're mentally disabled to some degree and it's kind of sad.

The detractors (Sons of Kojima etc) are literal a-loggers going as far as to attempt to harm him with swatting even. I find this astronomically more autistic than thinking his retarded mannerisms are funny and donating.

To someone who's just as damaged of a person as he is. Not exactly an accomplishment. They're going to be miserable.

The fingers of a man that is hard at work every day

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Being in a hatebase is really no different than being in a fanbase. You enjoy his bullshit, then you take some swings
The SoK died years ago, dude

>Being in a hatebase is really no different than being in a fanbase

I'm out lmao

Good luck in life, unironically. Hoping for the best.


Yeah they were fags. But his stupid life is just interesting to me and I don't actually hate him. The only people that do are butthurt ex paypigs or people who are butthurt that he used to make racist jokes. He's like a fucking cartoon character who keeps fucking himself over and he doesn't get how it's all his fault. His life is a comedy of errors, and that's why it's fun to follow.