Slavkino is BACK

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Other urls found in this thread:

trash collection sim

>rushing to make a direct competitor to an upcoming game much better established
Based simply because the graphics look good and Stalker never managed that despite it's best feature being immersion

this seems like crap

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>nooooooooo a similar game to stalker!! THIS IS SHIT! STALKER GOOD!
why cant you like both?

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looked decent until I see the ayy lmaos then lost all interest

Lol only one of those posts mentioned stalker and it still called this game good
Shill harder nigger

Looks like over the top americanized shit.

I love how idiot zoomers took over this board.

Go back to Fortnite you fucking niggers.

>kickstarter game

Attached: kek.gif (340x340, 137K)

>it still called this game good

the devs are polish

>the devs are polish
So yeah, over the top amerianized shit it is then.

>from The Farm
>the hacks that made WW3

yeah no thanks

Might be cool, is there any other info about it or just a cinematic trailer

I mean, they've got time. Stalker 2 won't be till at least 2021, and that's assuming it doesn't get pushed back.

this, the cinematic bullshit is garbage

The art direction is absolute garbage. Is this made by westerners?

>Unreal Engine
Oh nevermind.

no zoomers here, only clowns.

Attached: meme well honked.jpg (1001x858, 211K)

Darkwood was the best game of the last few years.

>from the creators of such hits as Necrovision and World War 3

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Based as fuck. /pol/ is so fucking stupid it hurts to think about. "It's just a meme!" Not when actual white supremacists do it, you dumb fuck.

>the okay gesture

Am I missing something?

I wouldn't call it that, it was a decent game, but how does one decent game in a sea of mediocre westernized shit exactly prove that this is going to be good? Did you see the trailer, it literally looks like some american produced shit. And given the devs track record, all they've made before is americanized shit.

Never heard of these fags, what's the deal with WW3?
The absolute fucking state of weebs.

>Kickstarter bad

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why the fuck are all games from eastern europe this depressing ass drab and gloomy looking realism shit? holy fuck its like an entire race of people with no imagination at all


Attached: ok gesture is racist.png (1334x750, 967K)

>game made by slavs
>"Muh West"
That said its fucking nothing, call me when there's actual gameplay shown. Till then I'll just play stalker mods and darkwood.

>The absolute fucking state of weebs.
The fuck are you on about, faggot?

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Here is something better

And never forget that, shitdev


>anything other US pet monkeys
You know nothing about us slavs.

more drab colored ultra gorey shit

you slavs cant do shit else

The game looks like a ripoff of Metro set in Chernobyl. Explain how it ‘looks’ Americanized. The voice acting maybe, but that’s understandable.

>no console version

dropped, otherwise I would back some higher tier

why the fuck are all games from western europe this libshit leftypol social justice warrior feminazi anti-white lgtpbq rainbow flag that celebrates degeneracy and the erosion of society and values? holy fuck its like an entire race of people with a mentall illness

Attached: 4theAIDSfaggots.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

>can’t use the okay hand symbol because racists use it

I’m not sure this makes any sense.

Subscribe to pewdiepie

Metro is americanized trash though.

>first seconds
>sky glowing white
>overcontrasted color graded foliage
>everything is plastic
>look it up
>Unreal Engine

Of course.

Attached: those are not good graphics.jpg (960x600, 178K)

>how is this cinematic experience americanized

Make an actual argument.


>Subscribe to pewdiepie
soon once he has moved to the new platform.

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Stalker is LITERALLY about Aliens.
they visited earth for a picnic, left their highly-advanced garbage behind, and left.

Stalker is literally about collecting alien garbage.

It'll never see the light of day, it'll be shit, or borderline unplayable due to bugs.

>Stalker with aliens and zombies
>no fires with people playing guitar around
no thanks

Stalker the game was never about that.

Have you ever watched a typical Hollywood movie? You know some blockbuster or something like that. An action movie or the like.
And have you watched an old Soviet movie? Be it about war or espionage?

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>muslim western cucks
>immerse themselves in gay anime video games about little girls or other low t high estrogen gayshit

>games about constant strife and battle for survival in a desolate wasteland

Objectively speaking only one half of europe has a future in this millenium

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at least western games can be fun, slav games aren't even games, just depression simulators

S.T.A.L.K.E.R had zombies already.

And roadside picnic was about the aftermath of an alien visitation to earth. So it could be done well, but idk. I like the idea of being a sad old man looking for your wife.

Roadside picnic was about that, the anomalies and zone in S.T.A.L.K.E.R were man made due to science bullshit.

whats with the ruskies and charnobyl or a post apocalyptic radioactive wasteland. fucking shit. its been done to death, figure something else out. how about something about gulags.

It's incredible that 15 years later and still not one decent STALKER clone. A fucking top down survival horror, Darkwood, came closer than any FPS could hope for, and that game too was bogged down with mind numbing crafting stuff.

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>depression simulators
Amen. No one wants those. Games should be colorful and fun.

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atomic heart looks better

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You fucking niggers need to leave your rooms sometimes, the sky isn't always perfectly blue.

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>A-at least western games can be fun!


Attached: the playstation experience.webm (320x180, 2.81M)

Yes. Both. Including the one your image is from. I had some reply formulated but that was a pretty good argument actually. I guess you’re right.

I’ll probably still keep an eye on it because I did enjoy metro.

It also isn't a wall of glowing white, it only sometimes looks like that on overexposed photos, never to your eyes. You'd know that if you went outside on a regular basis.

they're demon possessed, user
Read Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow (many others)
Learn before it's too late

whiter the country, whiter is the sky

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Unfortunately that game has some controversy around it. Namely that it may not exist.

isn't this the same comic as the one about trump and ketchup steaks?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>WW3 devs
Is that game even finished? It was fucking trash anyways why is anybody hyped for this

>The Virgin Exodus vs The Chad S.T.A.L.K.E.R

looks good, but need a gameplay trailer

Yeah? That's how men fight. Not your slav shit like Geralt twirling all around with his gay ass sword.

All you need to know is that people are coming up with ways to make leftists seem completely paranoid.

>all slav games just try to be stalker

fortunately the controversy is manufactured and russians etc with an agenda close to the people that started the rumours attack the game and the project leads with slander

looks fun to me

Attached: heh-trump-likes-his-steaks-well-done-with-ketchup.png (500x356, 355K)

i hate "people" like you

Literal kickstarter scam

I had heard that was the case, but since I don’t speak Russian unfortunately so I wasn’t able to dig it out myself. It looked good, at the least, and since preordering is for idiots I don’t have anything to worry about.

> that "slav" accent
It sounds sooo awful. Maybe it's just me, cause I'm slav myself.
Why not just speak normally?
And why did they put that child song from a random unrelated movie at the end?

Why, because people like me point out that all eastern europeans make are stalker clones and depressing simulators?

heinz sucks to. maggi or even del monte is better ketchup

Looks good

cuz the west has monopoly on happy fun gay simulators, gotta balance it out bro

What's up with Amerilards and their belief of undercooked meat being good

because you are manchild with shit taste
never reply to me

Nigger there are mutants walking around and your complaints are about a white sky.

I like how burgers pretend undercooking meat to various degrees makes their "cuisine" sophisticated.

Rare stake isn’t undercooked, only blue rare is and only people stuck up their own ass order that.

Into the trash. Poles are fucking western faggots and can't do slavcore right.

rare steak is better because you can taste the blood and absorb the soul of the animal that way

Jesus fuck, just go die in a fire, or acquire some semblance of taste.
I am from Europe by the way, but I appreciate good food, unlike most of my europoor brethren.

Steak is one of the very few thing Americans know how to cook because how available and cheap it is in the country.

the soul of a freaking cow?

I like medium. Just enough pink to be juicy like a good pussy

>american comic
>food jokes
Every fucking time.

did anyone try vaping through their nose haha

>implying brits dont literally eat raw burgers with raw eggs on top

which country?

>Farm 51
The same faggots that made "World War 3"? No thanks.

You can absorb the vitae of a living creature through its blood, even after it is killed.

I'm getting so fucking tired of Chernobyl. It's like all the slavs have to offer when it comes to setting in a video game.

That and WW2.

Get a fucking grip.

Attached: fat chimney.jpg (595x510, 70K)

Do you not eat food where you're from? What culture does not like food I'm very curious. British?

in short
someone, aka developers or artists left or were fired from the project yadayada which doesnt mean anything
someone made a blog, just a blog lol...
and said they dont know what they're doing on the game, they've never made a game before etc.
great controversy and big deal
also that some of the gameplay shown was a vertical slice they made some time ago and this "proved that the game isn't moving forward fast enough" etc

also some of the scenes shown in announcement trailer like the fat woman in water etc. or the field with the rotating screen effect were made by whoever was working or worked on the game previously as an old 3d project something and just because they put it in the trailer it's supposed to generate an outrage and prove that the game is a scam
but you can already see that in the gameplay even at the start they use the imagery and have soldiers encased in a water bubble
that's it


That is what europeans eat, remind them anytime they bring up us americans and our rare steaks

zbazowany i ruspigułkowany

>I’ll probably still keep an eye on it because I did enjoy metro.
Hey, you do you, user. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm just personally not into that whole Hollywood type of vibe thing.

Can I get a tl;dr on the situation around Atomic Heart?

I just hate the brown-tinted, lacquered, blown out Unreal Engine signature look.

nope, STALKER is not Roadside Picnic, aliens didn't have a picnic at Chernobyl brainlet

Was there Chernobyl in Witcher?

Okay fair enough.

Witcher was a movie though.

dont worry they are making a game about the future in america

They don't get pretentious about the percentage of their meal being raw.

The engine is capable of looking good I feel, but it seems like everyone tends to go along a similar route and it hurts my eyes.

The first Witcher was more slav than any other game barring maybe STALKER.
And what the fuck would you know in the first place?

Looks like shite.

whoops, meant for

Oh, nevermind read this Seems like a bunch of nothing.

It's not simply slav. It touches a postsoviet themes those poles know nothing about. Trailer alone already screams westernized trash, just like the Metro games that were also specifically made for western audience.

Attached: slavistan.jpg (480x360, 38K)

>Stalker never managed that
Nigga what?

we don't use the word fun

>have the technical know how and the resources to develop some great looking games with solid gameplay
>keep trying to make the next STALKER/Metro
Why must the cykas be like this? Asides from Pathologic 2 nothing made in the recent years in eastern europe seems to get any traction among vidya communities.

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>postsoviet themes those poles know nothing about.

Kurwasz no trzymaj mnie ktos bo mu jebne

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This comic would make sense if the media weren't writing articles about how clowns are symbols of racism now.

99% of ww2 games are not slav, what the fuck are you even talking about.

The "Hollywood cinematic" shit is a bit off-putting but it could still be good

the way he talk is funny, and different from how I talk lol

Stalkers graphics are dated as fuck in every game. Don't even try to pretend otherwise.

>le sad chiki briki soviet man
Why are slavs so depressed, they have hot women like water in a lake, stop complaining.

so how much of the trailer is fake

Are you an idiot?

Nigger is still looks good today, it was one of the first games to have a modern graphic rendering style

>view this guy's channel

Ok this is an american making fun of slavs? Slavs aren't actually like this right?

>Wojtek, what made STALKER fun?
>Idk, Jerzy, maybe the fact that everything was unscripted and unpredictable?
>Thanks, lets make our game exactly like this but also a total opposite!

What a fucking bunch of jebani debile.

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Have you even played it? Stalker looks absolutely amazing to this day, due to it's godlike lighting. Only texture resolution and model quality give it out.

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It looks fine.

He's Estonian. Maybe part Russian or something.

>That startled SUKA at 3:53 when he gets jumped
Okay this looks kind of interesting I'll admit

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Look and the trailer and ask yourself, retard. It looks like a typical western spoopy zombie horror trash. It has zero appeal that stalker games have

don't those people realize that they are literally giving power to memeing faggots who do not give a single fuck about actual politics?
How do they not realize that a racist using something does not make that something into a racist symbol, unless the non-racists actually accept that as a symbol of racism?

Pro tip: just because you like a game doesn't mean you have to blindly defend every single flaw it has. The lighting is decent underground (my favorite part of SoC was the underground segment with the bloodsucker/controller) but otherwise it's unremarkable and does nothing to mask the atrocious texture resolution or low poly character/weapon models.

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you're retarded and it is westernized trash

>but otherwise it's unremarkable
Except you are wrong.
>atrocious texture resolution
Wrong again. NPC models and textures are bad, but the terrain and building textures are pretty great to this day.

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Didn't even know it was up for preorder before your mentioned it.
I just looked up their website and it does have some kickstarter-like tiers but for a lot less money.
Lol I almost want to buy the 89 dollar tier and put myself in the game in the scientist employee photo wall...

I'm guessing that's why the rumours were started.. by a former employee as a fuck you since they probably need more money for funding and paychecks. They don't have a publisher it looks like

>people like thing
Don't you have an inside out penis to expand?

What 2005 source engine game is this?

No, hold on. We aren’t talking about the game anymore you retard. That’s not why I called you an idiot. I’ll even agree the game looks like a westernized version of Stalker before hand.

What the fuck did you mean by “It touches on postsoviet themes the poles know nothing about.” Because that statement is retarded and needs to be explained.

>leftist ever understanding context
To be fair, the guys with all the guns and state power decide who's ridiculous and who's not

They’re owned by an independently wealthy businessman, so they probably always intended to self publish.

This comic reeks of butthurt. Very nice.

they still haven't invented skymaps and time of day for call of duty and battlefield games

Why would they invent those. Call of Duty and Battlefield aren't open world games. You don't spend long time on a single level.

Is that some obscure postirony or do those retards really think that throwing a strawman will make them look smart?

The trailer makes it absolutely clear that this is scripted crap like Metro and not freeplay like Stalker

>Get a bunch of white supremacists to like something.
>Normalfags clear out.
Guys, I think I found a strategy here.

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>making a dynamic day/night system for a game where every match or level begins and ends within 20 minutes
What would that accomplish? Do you even fucking think before posting?

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>anything remotely similar to the STALKER games in setting or atmosphere
My one weakness.

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I think you need to look up what source engine looked like in 2005.
STALKER was the best looking game when it came out. And more importantly it was (is) one of the few that get the realistic look right. This still looks better than the shit we were served in the trailer we're discussing.

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>wow it's so hard to make a map time as a server setting
Not even him. Do you ever use you brain or what?

Damn... The Dreamcast has never looked so good...

/pol/ is going to keep making completely random stuff into hate symbols so that no one on earth can avoid tripping over them as they go about their daily lives, with the idea that the left is going to keep attacking and ostracizing anyone who happens to step into a meme-mine.

the cool thing about it? it's working 100%

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>This still looks better than
let's not push it that far

>we've reached a point on Yea Forums where people unironically dislike stalker
I don't recognize this place anymore.

Attached: [GET OUT OF HERE STALKER intensifies].jpg (479x680, 82K)

>STALKER was the best looking game when it came out.

You know that Crysis came out the same year, so no, it's not the best looking game at the time.

Attached: Crysis 1.jpg (1920x1080, 1.58M)

The left keeps saying these memes are tied to white supremacist but can you name one?
Like a single white supremacist using the OK sign?

Imagine being so entitled you become legitimately upset when someone doesn't like what you like. If you prefer echo chambers then Reddit might be more your speed.

Kill yourself underageb&

>march 2007 vs nov 2007
>when it came out

Attached: christchuch shooter shows ok gesture.jpg (320x240, 19K)

>this rock
LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem

ITT: slavshit defense force slingshotting their way into a thread about a game inspired by the same material as per game they like was inspired by, while /pol/ takes the defensive

Compare to even OP's screen.
Yeah the characters have more polygons and higher res textures, but as a recreation of reality it fucking sucks.
The STALKER screen could be taken for a photo at a distance if you don't look at the trees too closely.

I mean he also said Fortnite and Spyro the Dragon made him shoot up the mosque so he might not be the best example

That's not a good example to rely on, you can find single instances of a lot of things. The Christchurch Aussie used the okay sign at his hearing, the crux of the counterargument should be that someone bad doing something doesn't suddenly turn the previously neutral thing bad.

The widely understood and used hand signal for everything being 'okay' is actually useful and I don't want to get in trouble for flashing it at a construction site I work on because some cunt walked by and thought I was expressing to my usually Mexican coworkers over yonder my love for the white race.

Maybe you wouldn't encounter so much friction if you and the other election tourists went back to r*ddit

>same guy who said Spyro and Fortnite radicalized him
I'm suprised those games aren't banned yet.

>The STALKER screen could be taken for a photo at a distance if you don't look at the trees too closely.
Okay, this is too much even for self delusion. Gotta admit, you had me going for a while.

/pol/ was always here, stalker was always here. You need to go back to your chapo discord tranny

There's a difference between not liking STALKER and pretending it's still the best looking game of the century

>claims to be a nationalist
>shoots up mosque in neighboring country
nice try

The left is extremely afraid of "guilt by association" because thats how they try to ruin everyone's life around them
/pol/ takes advantage of that by associating white supremacy with the most unrelated things. its not that complex. personally I think its fucking funny. I wonder whats gonna be the next white supremacist symbol next month

uh no, mister

nationalism = white supremacy
when nazys pushed their nationalism beyond their borders they were pushing white supremacy on everyone in a globalist sense

Hitler was nationalism. Germany held on to a lot of colonies in Africa well before he came to power. He had every right to claim the former lands of the Romans as his own

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show me where the milk stuff caused something funny

AW shit

here we go again

Shut up commie go back to reeee'ing at how liberals killed your precious rosa or something

I would kill for a single player game with EFT's gameplay.

Could you make it any more obvious that you're not old enough to be browsing Yea Forums? The game looked insanely good when it came out. Certain shading details, like the way the grass was lit up during thunderstorms blew me away. And, sure, Crysis came out not too long after, but pretty much nobody could run that shit properly on medium-tier harware while STALKER was actually playable by someone whose PC wasn't worth more than most people's car.

>Dupuis’ book describes how the white beverage was symbolically linked in the early 20th century to white-skinned people, who were better able to digest it due to a genetic mutation known as lactase persistence. “By declaring milk perfect,” she wrote, “white northern Europeans announced their own perfection.”

liberal media actually admits that milk is white man's juice.

because it's the trailer you literal retard. kys pls.

>milk is white man's juice
Then come drink up lad.

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i dont browse /pol/, the milk thing did not really blew up as far as i remember. but hillary declared a war against a frog meme and now this ok sign is more than enough for me. also they tried to associate new balance with nazism, that one was funny too

>liking your country = hating everyone that doesn't look like you

Attached: fe8.jpg (448x298, 10K)

>Pretty obvious indie game shill thread turns into discussing white supremacist symbols
Wouldn't have it any differently

>allowing blacks into your society
really are cucked


It will never see the light.

>posts only snoy "games"
Typical retarded weeb.

Too bad they lost the war.

Attached: Victory Chainsaw.webm (720x404, 2.84M)

will it get funded?

How new are you? Stalker has been universally hated since the first delays and production quality cuts. People have been waiting for a completely different game through numerous delay and got this piece of shit instead. It's still kinda good, because the original idea was great, but it's totally not what everyone expected.

Can I get a quick rundown on what happened with WW3?

Are you retarded?


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So is this the slav version of fallout 4?
Why every survival game has a crafting system now?

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Okay newfag.

lol nigger
Stalker was considered jaw-dropping when it came out

You didn't even arrive to Garbage, didn't you user?

Did you play stalker last year or something?

I've been waiting for stalker before you were even born.

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Ate slavs incapable of making games not about Chernobyl

cheeki breeki

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what the fuck is with New Balance anyway?
during the terror wave in Europe i noticed that half the plain clothes cops wore New Balance

Launched as a buggy pile of shit with broken online connection. Game ded, developer quickly shuffling under the rug and moving on to next project

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then stop talking like an underage retard

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>boohoo it doesn't have BTR-80 and Lada Niva
every person i know loved the game when it came out

Why do slavs love their irradiated shithole so much?

Tarkov is the best slav stalker game out there right now.

Attached: Tarkov.jpg (2060x1158, 390K)

The fate of most middling multiplayer FPS games.

>Stalker has been universally hated
You couldn't have at least put some effort into your bait? The only people I've ever seen shit on stalker are literal zoomers.

Because they've never heard of it before. It's like bannerlord is finally released but it's actually a dark souls clone on a source engine. Also tons of bugs and crashes.

oh wow
i'm not really qualified to decide if a BF clone is good since i never played any of them, but i honestly thought the footage looked good

Except the problem is it's a shitty multiplayer game and the AI is functionally retarded. But oh God, is the shooting sex.

>but i honestly thought the footage looked good
Whatever company that's making these shitty russian indies is good at trailers but sucks at actually making games

go play Lost Alpha if you want the original concept so bad
i too followed the game from the moment it was announced, and i loved it

Looks like a shitty on the rails shooter ala metro clone
I want a stalker game FFS
Open world, dynamic factions that you can join and conquer, minimal scripted events just chaos

>stalker: zoomer edition

Looks great except for the one thing everyone else already said:

He has a point. We were led to expect this finely crafted AAA-tier adventure with high production values, set in a dynamic, reactive and dangerous world, with a lot of mind blowing cinematic sequences (back before those were a bad thing) .
What we got was a janky shooter where you could kinda wander around and had to avoid stepping on obviously marked traps.
My expectations based on this trailer were something completely different from what the game turned out to be.

Lol. You know nothing, retard. Stalker was slammed on release even by russian game journalists. Do you know how russians call stalker? Zdalker = waiter. Because you wait for eternity first for the game itself, then for the patches after patches to even start playing it. Sure some fans still like the game, because even in it's state it was still an unrefined gem among shitty AAA games, but it was hated a lot for all the shit that incompetent devs were doing, and you are an underage zoomer if you don't remember this.


all fists work the same?
all bows work the same?

fucking mind blown dude wow lmao

Mad consoleshitter is mad. Go press to x and watch you movies, pleb.

>only just a minute between this post and

looks good enough


they should focus more on this part of their advertisement

Better version

Attached: 2actuallyfunny.png (918x668, 1015K)

>My expectations

Whose fault is that? It may have been delayed and it promised a lot but the game that eventually released was good, albeit buggy. And anyone who expected more out of the Cossocks developers was an idiot.

Underage zoomer is out of arguments as expected.

So you're not even gonna deny you weren't there when the game released or address any of the points?
Also swing and a miss, I'm not

the trailer for this game doesn't even look very good, they obviously have very little gameplay nailed down
the WW3 gameplay trailer made it look like it was a polished, near complete game with a decent amount of content

It was a different time, game trailers didn't straight up lie to you (not that you'd know).
3/4 of the stuff you see in the video didn't make it into the game.

>blockchain technology

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>Lefties are so obsessed with Trump they'll spend weeks talking about the way he enjoys his steak
>Then when people laugh at them for being losers with no life outside following Trump on Twitter they write a comic about why it's totally normal to dedicate your life to obsessing over someone you hate, what's not normal is thinking that's weird
Fucking liberalism is a helluva drug

Unfulfilled promises, constant changes in direction + multiple delays = hate from fans. How hard is it to understand? Stalker has always been a controversial game in that sense, that's the point.

Looks the same and just as shit as the full release, only with janky cars.

is... this loss?

>(not that you'd know).

Crawl out of your own ass retard and stop assuming anyone who doesn't agree with your shit is some kid. The only thing from that trailer that didn't make it into the game were some enhanced effects, cars, and mutant swarms, things they couldn't implement for tech reasons. Everyone who expected the game to come out and blow away their expectations were idiots who never bothered to boot up Cossacks because that game was indicative of the skill and quality of the developers.

And it grew into it's popularity over time as people were able to see it for what it was instead of being autistic about a bunch of mediocre developers whose only other success was an RTS title not being able to implement everything they wanted. People who were upset then were retarded, people who are upset now are autistic.

>lame asshurt stonetoss parody became its own genre
i love this guy so much

Attached: p3DGJZj8_400x400[1].jpg (307x307, 16K)

>Leftists are so braindead they think everyone they parody speaks like their weird twitter gag catchphrases
Unironically, literally need to go outside

Vehicles? Gone.
Mutant stampedes? Gone.
Scripted missions that at least look like they had some effort put into them and are part of a plot? Gone.

>Scripted missions
RDR2 might appeal to you faggot.

I wouldn't care if the trailer just showed the player being dropped into the map with 3 lines of exposition and told to do whatever.
You still don't understand, this game was marketed as the Half-Life 2 killer.

I can't tell if this shitty comic site is ironic, or meta ironic

Attached: the-postmodern-prometheus-1-8dc.jpg (1600x1600, 498K)

wrong wrong wrong faggot!

that's roadside picnic you mong

>Unironically, literally
Too many buzzwords in once sentence, tone it down

>leftist mad at buzzwords
post hog chud stop having a normal one