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what's the point of this thread

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what's the point of this thread

don't talk about neks masterpiece like that

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It's kino.

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Just how huge update will 1.3.6 be, hasn't it been like 2 years on the way?

its so fucking kino
we've been waiting YEARS. YEAAAARS FOR TERRARIA.
and it's really good

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Is it a new series or old and I'll be able to have hundreds of episodes worth of background noise as I play Risk of Rain 2?

Btw, when is he going to PLAY RoR2?

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Did you buy Dan's book yet Yea Forums?

not vidya

i hate dan so fucking much.

Same. I don't know why people like him so much. He's just an obnoxious normie.

How did NL get a good and loving asian wife while ENB got shafted on that account?

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i just want autist and rob to fuck off

Sit yourself

>disgusting asian boy who is incapable of having children

Because NL is a very emotionally intelligent person while also being goofy as shit. He likes to spout dumb twitch memes while also being an incredibly responsible, mature person.
That and his decent looks make him basically a Gigachad when it comes to women who share these values - so especially nerdy asians.

you people are too serious and whiny about everything. i cannot figure out what someone could dislike about dan other than "he's not smart enough for someone as uber-intelligent as i am lionDAE"
like imagine being so self absorbed and bitter

rob is great fuck you. he's the most american person in the show and as a europoor I find him very funny.

austin on the other hand is just a salty progamer and could be replaced easily.

>incapable of having children

i don't think you know what "emotionally intelligent" means.
he's mature, yes. i don't know if i'd call him emotionally "intelligent."

Two onions wojaks, a businesspilled /biz/ looking niggy and a feminist or otherwise really ugly.. woman? Interesting combo I don't hate it when people combine memes.

I don't dislike him cause he's bad at games or even stupid, I dislike his humour. It's very loud and obnoxious. I mean it makes sense cause he's an American entertainer, but that's exactly what I hate.

Kate said 2021 for child. She wants to be in her late 20s.

>rob is great fuck you. he's the most american person in the show and as a europoor I find him very funny.
you're retarded. he's the most obnoxious tryhard poser i've ever seen in my life. you won't find a bigger hipster. everything he does and says is to look cool and hardcore. and that fucking fake laughter makes me want to kill him

rob has his ups and downs
i think austin thrives around 3 people who are as likeable but unproductive as dan, nl, and malf. they need someone to actually make sure shit gets done.

It's gonna have a bunch of shit, mostly QoL. Cenx estimated it would be released in 5-8 months.

>Emotional intelligence [...] is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).
I don't see how that doesn't apply to him.

Yeah, she's too busy right now and hasn't time for kids.
Gotta make money to support her and NL.

Egg and Gheesling are unironically the best duo for video games ever made

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he's fucking annoying when he says twitch emotes out loud as a way to react to something, or when he tells chat to spam someone stupid emote when shit happens
and he's pretty obnoxious as a whole

>he doesn't use the noscript captcha

sounds like an incel but okay

>not just watching re-runs of pbat terraria 1.0

Doesn't work with the captcha auto solver.

>disliking Dan means you are frustrated and bitter because women won't have sex with you
Dan is that you? That's not how you use that term.

i don't know, you really just sound like you want to be above the whole thing
sorry, you're not smarter than anyone for deciding not to use twitch emotes
learn to lean into it, bitter teenager. it's okay to have fun. lmao

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Kkonzies in chat POGGERS

He literally did last week.

BASED. Agree completely. He's so fucking obnoxious and LOUD.

nah i just like him from big brother and twitch so it's hard for me to get why someone would dislike him unless they're a complete fucking square
i'm a huge dork, i hate loud people and dealing with dumbasses, and even i love dan's charisma and humor. disliking it is like being one of those people on /ck/ who says pepperoni pizza is for children because they want to seem cultured. you're just being a pill.

maybe one day you'll grow up and realise that saying a twitch emote out loud isn't and never will be a form of comedy.

dangDEB8 dangDEB8 dangDEB8 dangDEB8 dangDEB8

>liking big brother
Well there's your first problem. I could never in my life enjoy that shows, it's normie stuff that I absolutely cannot enjoy.
Maybe it's cause I'm a literal autist. I absolutely can't deal with people who are loud and super extroverted, which he is.

I'm not a bitter fuck just cause I can't enjoy the things you enjoy, I just can't stand people like him because I find them and their humour extremely exhausting.

i have a feeling they'll either drop terraria quite early or austin will have to farm shit off stream to give them powerful items to survive with

i don't think it's comedy. maybe you'll grow up and realize it's not obnoxious either. it's fine, you don't have to be one of these morons who are so special and unique because all their opinions are contrarian and cultured.
there are obviously many other things which he does which are very funny, including the social engineering stuff, the way he pushes things that he can tell he's not meant to, and the banter he brings. i have the capacity to appreciate that without getting my fucking knickers twisted up my ass over him saying "KKona" once in a while.
lord, people like you are insufferable.

All it takes is a college degree and being able to ramble about anything to make Yea Forums think that person is a genius.

Im loving this no Nick-the-cuck era we're on

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>guys I'm le autistic and cynical *holds up le spork of d00m*
give it a rest lad

I don't know why Austin put them on Expert. They're not him.

>Literal autist
>Not a bitter fuck

i thought i'd hate BB too, but it's extremely strategic and very interesting. like watching 16 player chess sometimes. other times it's trash, but the suspense makes it fun.
but yes, dan embodies the appeal of BB, so if you don't like that sort of thing at all I suppose you wouldn't like him. i understand what you mean by exhausting humor. but it's just bothersome when people come into these threads and go "DAN SUKS LUL HES THE WORST" instead of "i find dan's humor exhausting." really makes you look like a little kid.

I kind of feel sorry for him and his irl troubles but at the same time good riddance. Dude was autistic as fuck and could never read the atmophere. Also, like Rob, he has such fucking thin skin about everything.

I mean if the dude has legit, diagnosed autism then it kind of make sense. It's like having a massive empathetic blind spot, or several even. So yeah depending on the diagnosis maybe you literally do not have the emotional acuity to deal with certain personality types, or even the self awareness required to deal with them like a healthy person.

Are you retarded m8?
>*holds up le spork of d00m*
That's exactly what Dan does. Le random quirky loud humour POGGERS!!1 xd

who's the genius? NL is a very very dumb man.
eh, i can't even watch wednesday and thursday streams anymore. the show needs one of josh, malf, or nick on at any given time or there just isn't any glue.

>not enjoying the saga of him going back to school to slowly get a degree in something that's over saturated but yet he thinks it will be a fallback if his online career fails

>hate one person
>it means that i must be a contrarian

Yeah, but we got Rob as a (nearly) full time replacement. Not sure that's much of a victory. Nick was an obnoxious cunt most of the time but at least he had days where his autism wasn't in full weaponized mode and he was actually kind of fun. Rob is literally never good on the show, dude has 0 chemistry with the group and is way too immature.

keep crying to mommy, hun. we'll all continue enjoying dan's presence in the community.

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It literally is

you're on Yea Forums, so my assumption is that you're contrarian about everything.

Austin is such a fucking faggot this series.
>hurr I promise I won't be an elitist when we play Terraria
>proceeds to criticize the other three for doing sub-optimally and not letting them explore naturally like they did in Minecraft

>seeing rob's face cam as he looks like a fucking slob while VAPING and seeing his gross brit slag gf

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unironically what you people sound like

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I remember watching a playthrough of terraria from Total Biscuit & Jesse Cox. Good times.

To be fair if Austin wasn't around to railraod them a bit they would either 'never' make progress or just drop the game after 1-2 sessions. It's a necessary sacrifice, but I do wish he'd be a bit less faggy about it.

He's always insufferable but at least they're all trying to make an effort this time sticking together. Minecraft was terrible because everyone just went off on their own eventually and they mind as well have not even been playing together at a certain point.

10/10 argument buddy, really convinced me there

You okay there?

I'll give you that. Fair point.

i fucking hate you, never respond to my posts again. embarrassing display of knowledge on your parts. wait, i bet it's the same person seething at me constantly.

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are you literally 15 years old

no, i'm emulating what it sounds like to argue with one of you morons who constantly shits on dan. have some self-awareness.

why is this off-topic shitty thread still up?

He is a genius compared to 90% of twitch streamers. Being good at Baba is You doesn't make you smart, being a responsible adult human being who knows how to live a happy live is.

>back when the corruption had an orange sky
jesus christ that takes me back, im assuming that's how everyone else first learned about terraria.
what the fuck does pbat even do nowadays? stream league?

But for real watching him play Baba is tough. Dude gets tripped up just pushing text around. I love that egg, but holy fuck that series is hard not to laugh at.

Keep crying cuck

Why are you so mad cause two fags on the internet don't like a streamer that you like? Why do you even care what they think about a person you don't even know personally?

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This thread is resin and I don't like it

no idea. i first heard of terraria via a friend telling me to play it with him when the leak was leaked


>on NLSS

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>but holy fuck that series is hard not to laugh at.
The point is to be entertained by his gameplay so there's nothing wrong with that.

Baby pigman was an s-tier bit


Egg is an attractive man.

a bit that can never be replicated. I really think it's genuine too, with the music really getting to him at the right time

>Watching four nu-males play video games
Fucking. Cringe.

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I like eating hard boiled eggs, so yeah

When the fuck is NL gonna play Hitman again

>Daniel "Chad" Gheesling
Why did you even enter a thread if you so evidently have no fucking idea what the fuck you're talking about, brainlet?

He, just like NL, preps the bull to fuck his woman

What's a furry?

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NL settled for bottom of the barrel, she's Korean without plastic surgery that should tell you something. ENB punched above his pay grade, she's too good looking on top of being Japanese to stay with him for anything other than green card.

Women only marry foreigners if they're low inhibition alphas, otherwise they're doing it to for money.


NL's content is great, and he has some good insights. I just wish he wasn't a soi elemental.

Yup, he willingly shaved himself bald. What a fucking retard.

>being bald makes you an estrogent
lmao you'd rather people keep their hair when their hairline is receding?

The baldness is the least soi thing about him. He wasn't even remotely close to a soi boy before moving into hongcouver.

>"what does it mean when they say oh double yo oh?"
>hyena laughs

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What? Are you retarded? Being entirely bald looks a million times better than having pathetic patches of hair on your head, as a fucking 25 year old on top of that.
Bet you're a hairlet who thinks that male pattern baldness is "manly".

He may as well start transitioning into a tranny. A true lion would never shave off their mane. He is even lower than a female.

>Made me want to play again with mods
>Already did Thorium, Spirit and another one I forgot the name of plus some smaller mods
>Refuse to play Calamity because despite the endless praise for it I keep hearing it's unbalanced shit and honestly it even looks like it's unbalanced shit
Fuck it, maybe I'll just play with the shit I had the last time again.

if you're balding and DONT shave your hair off then you are a retard

Reminder that he makes these threads himself to get unfiltered feedback

>I’m going back, Baby Pigman! I’m going back and I’m gonna make every day count!

/tg/ general has a tmodloader server running with a few mods on, every few days it restarts

Please go back to resetera if you are unironically shilling the numale agenda.

>unironically thinking that THIS THING'S """haircut"""" looks better than a smooth shaven head
Niggas what the FUCK are you thinking??

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>he unironically thinks THIS looks better than bald

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Is Dan balding? He never takes the cap off, and he's obviously heavily receding even as far back as here

he mentions he does come to these sometimes cause dan was asking about the website
i appreciate that he does that, because otherwise he would just sit in a fucking twitter reddit echo chamber

What do you fucking mean, why would you want to keep your shitty looking hair if you are balding?
This is how a nu-male looks, trying to hide the hairline like a faggot instead of biting the fucking bullet.

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Reminder that he said that Yea Forums is just reddit but angrier. And is 100% correct with that.

That "thing" is more of a man than Northern""LION"". As I said, a real lion wouldn't shave off their mane.

>As I said, a real lion wouldn't shave off their mane.

oh okay now it makes sense, you're an autist

Pfffffffftt hahahahaha
t. seething hairlet

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Go prep the bull, and while he is fucking your woman you can play on your Switch.

look user I found a picture of you
don't worry, the only reason why you're not pulling any pussy is cause women are incredibly evil

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>ENB punched above his pay grade, she's too good looking on top of being Japanese

Here's a pic of >her.

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this is pretty fucking good bait, god damn

>very hairy man has clean shaven head because of extremely early onsetting balding so he doesn't look fucking ugly
>also happens to wear glasses

God fucking dammit I fucking hate the fact that I have to share this board with sub-60 IQ monkeys.

You haven't grown a beard yet, Ryan. You're only 50% soi.

Except that long beards are more soi than short ones. He clearly can grow a good beard. He's a hairy fuck, except for the top of his head.

>says YAS QUEEN SLAY unironically
>goes on rants about incels
Yeah, it's only because he's bald that he's soi. Living in a large extremely left leaning city has nothing to do with it.

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imagine typing that out and calling other people low iq in the same post


I really don't think you know what the word means. He says literally all those 100% ironically and you're a literal autist if you don't realize that.

>goes on rants about incels
Incels are worthless waste of space that society needs to dispose of. Prove me wrong.

>muh left vs right
>if you're left you're 100% soi and let black guys fuck your wife
/pol/'s this way, user

He said in an Isaac video that he does not enjoy RoR2 so I wouldn't expect him to play solo or outside of the NLSS

Lol Terraria itself is unbalanced shit and any mod I every played also was

How long do you guys think it'll take for NL to beat Sekiro? He's def not on pace since he's still on Genichiro.

You'd expect a man with 3500 binding of isaac videos on his channel to enjoy a game like RoR2

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Oh double you oh

he's a popular streamer so he is, not surprisingly, left wing. He doesn't feel the need to inject his politics into everything like Rob/Nick/Justin (esp) and Austin do. Sure, he brings up political things on occasion (walking by/driving by a wealthy neighborhood and seeing their signs protesting a property tax increase anecdote), but by no means tries to alienate people due to that stuff like the others might, nor does he constantly bitch about right wing people. Who knows.