Discuss Borderlands 3
Steam bronies are in school
shit thread
Wait are the buzz axes psychos use powered? That’s cool, or dare I say, badass
Shit thread, shit series
>reeeeeee le epic botnet bought borderlands so we all have to hate it and everything that came before it
Fuck you, it was good before the shilling
ok call me a newfag but what does this even mean?
Anyone else started replaying borderlands 1, 2 or the prequel since this announcement? Just started on 2 with a commando and forgot how fun the game is (even if the writing and dialogue is annoying as fuck)
it's the truth
what are the contents of said truth? i dont speak rice
i played the remastered bl1 a bit and it's way more fun now that they fixed a lot of the issues
jokes on you, it's a snow day today
also bl2 was shit. how the fuck is anyone hopeful for 3
Report spam threads.
bl2 was ruined by gearbox getting their dicks hard over them realizing how much dlc they can make and sell with no effort required. Vanilla bl2 is pretty good for what ts worth
i forget, is it reddit to like this game, or is it reddit to hate this game?
i need to know whether or not to tell you to have sex or call you a tranny
the games are filled with reddit tier memes. take a guess
playing through pre sequel cause i never did holodome or claptastic voyage. my bl1 remaster is in the mail still.
Fuck off Randy, we'll eventually discuss the game if you SHOW FUCKING CONTENT!
>playing borderlands for the dialog
Did randy mention something about bronies and steam or something?
kys faggot
borderlands was never good, dickhead
you can't talk about these things in chink land so posting stuff like this is a troll attempt to get epic related stuff deleted or something since bl3 is epic pc 6 month exclusive
i never understood why this series is so popular
The gunplay is complete ass
The guns themselves trigger my inner /k/ommando
And don’t even get me started on the sad excuse of humor it has
>inb4 it’s fun with friends
Ok but no, buddy. Anything can be fun if you do it with friends
but its comfy, user
I like it because it's fun
>Anything can be fun if you do it with friends
including jacking eachother off, right faggot?
>reeeee stop liking games i dont like!
why come into these threads in the first place?
I came to ask why you guys like the games, because I played all of them myself and I just don’t get why they’re popular
>pre-emptive inb4 posting
>using words like "buddy" against imaginary opponent thats in your head.
not saying youre wrong but fuck man tone it down
Why did you play all of them if you don't like them? I played all of them specifically because I liked them.
they appeal to autists like myself who like min/maxing and running a boss a million times to find the absolute perfect roll on an item so that my power goes up a fraction of a percent
>soul vs soulless
Me and my friend were looking for a coop game to play
Fair enough I guess. But that’s more related to the genre of looter-shooters as a whole than just BL no?
cause it's fun, even if a lot of the guns are stupid and feel like shit, it's a nice change of pace from the same old copypasted fps games where every gun feels the same as every other game
And so you played every single one after not liking the previous one? Are you brain damaged?
This literally sounds like a voiceline you would hear in a gearbox game
No, I just wanted to make my friend happy since he liked them, but he also has a R*ddit tier sense of humor and notorious shit taste so
yeah it is related. i like diablo as well. 2, not 3. PoE is gay tho
are there other fps games like BL with the same diablo looting mechanics?
>Fell in love with the games for the couch co-op with my brother and playing with friends for some dumb fun
>Only dropped the games after the scaling got retarded in UVHM+OP levels for 2
>Took a long needed break from them, trying out the community patch + mods
>Having a blast again
Too bad Randy is still a piece of shit, I can wait for 3
Lets watch the EPIC(TM) premiere!
Oh wow. Another one of these threads with bait title coming from one autismo kid using vpn?
what does the community patch do. and what mods are there?
i refuse to believe anyone is looking forward to this game.
kill yourself
you read this in scooter's voice
I've been playing my Psycho character since Thursday. Love him.
Not buying BL3 on release though. Fuck Epic.
Fixes a lot of the jank/ polishes the game and changes quest rewards/overhauls some weapons and overall a lot of good changes, you're better off looking up patch notes if you're curious, it's a lot
I've been trying out some guy's mod of playing as Lillith in BL2, functions pretty well too
I'm looking forward to it. Honestly one of the games I'm most interested in in 2019.
>Playing Gaige and just reached level 20
>Decide to try respec for anarchy and close enough because i's highly recommended
This seems too easy now, like I feel it will get boring like this.
>want to play with my friend in BL2
>T2 didn't release the update for Mac so now his version is incompatible with mine.
What do?
It's got English too you fucking dunce
>everyone who likes a thing I don't is a brony
Because they're fun. I can look past the cringy Anthony Burch writing as long as the games are fun. Since Anthony Burch is gone now, hopefully BL3 will be actually well written like Tales was.
Why are all these Steam Bronies mad, OP? You said they were in school.
Idk what's the point of guns made by RNG when 90% of them are gonna be vendor trash, this gets especially annoying when you have a limited inventory and bandits drop so many guns I cant pick up to sell.
Fucking RIP.
I have zero concern about steam or epic. I just think Borderlands as a game never needed amy sequels. The gameplay loop is the exact same and it's not that fun once the novelty wears off. The Division seems like a more fun loot shooter
>Steams been around for 16 years
>users are in "school"
>"discuss borderlands 3"
>immediately starts thread by sucking chink cock
good job OP
It was never good.
Borderlands was boring as fuck, everything after is a forced memefest, only liked by 12 years olds and autists.
So you never actually played them and spend your time making up people to start arguments on the internet? Good to know, thanks for sharing.
i liked the first one. the second is dogshit. won't be touching the series again.
I was saying no to the brain damage part you mongoloid. I did play the games and my question was not to start shit
I'm currently finishing Pre-Sequel, and replaying Borderlands 1, Borderlands 1 Enhanced, and Borderlands 2 with friends who haven't played them before. Having a great time. Can't wait for 3.
This. at 4k60 with a controller its damn nice PC plus 100 golden keys.
Doppelganger was a great straight-man in TPS, here's hoping Tim's not dead in 3
Replaying as Siren and going to try Mechromancer, pretty rad so far, don't always have my friend available to hop on though.
What did he mean by this?
Started a run as Brick in 1, started up a mechromancer run in 2, got the Swarm and just stopped playing when I got to Liarsberg.
I hadn't ever finished Pre Sequel, so, doing that now.
Replaying through 1 with Mordecai.
Where do people get that the scaling got fucked?
I was handing out wedgies for 20 lvls with a blue Vladof sniper.
>/k/ fag is unable to have fun with anything that isnt a realistic israel defending simulator
Which of your favorite guns do you want to see make a return in BL3?
I'm personally hoping that the Anarchist Pistol is in. Hopefully I can outfit it with a Taser.
2 has the retarded scaling, 1's is more grounded and less bullshit overall.
But it's the other way around?
Steam neets are sitting at their basement playing video games and epkids are on school flossing and playing fortnite on their tablets
I replayed TPS and gotten back into BL2.
Are there any mods that make Deathtrap scale better on OP 8?
Conference Call
The guns do look retarded, and the gunplay is atrocious. You don’t have to be a /k/fag to notice it
>Series is considered a Reddit tier meme
>Shits on Steam so suddenly it's good
Post your main in every game.
Its ponyfag u fucking retard
>Moxxi's Heartbreaker
Haven't finished TPS yet, but I feel like Jack's the most enjoyable to play so far.
UVHM and the OP levels in BL2 are what have the bullshit scaling. BL1 and TPS scaling is fine because they don't have Slag.
>Gaige/Maya (roughly same playtime)
Hopefully Amara has a good melee kit, Athena was underwhelming after Krieg.
Mordacai for sure. Revolvers are just too much fun.
Not sure really. I played 2 years ago and that was as Axton who seemed okay and this time I'm playing Gaige, she's fun but I'm not sure how I feel about her really. Using Anarchy and Close Enough feel pretty brain dead so far, might try another build.
Going for Fl4k as of now, but can change depending on skill trees.
EGS shills are the cringiest of all the game stores.
Anyone who prefers the first line hates fun. This is like saying Shakespeare should just write: I love you Juliet, instead of the poetry used in the story.
there's some middle ground here, butt stallion.
>t. Anthony Burch
>The gunplay is complete ass
Its really not. Each gun has many parameters, and each weapon feels and plays completely different.
I play the first game through annually and it's always satisfying. I've tried BL2 and TPS multiple times with all of the characters, but I've only managed to play through BL2 couple of times (after reached UVHM never managed to play it through) and only once on TPS. I've tried all of the characters too.
>in school
Get a job.
Yes, and Steam shills are alpha as fuck and not cringy and pathetic at all.
>I have basic observation skills, so here's a completely overblown caricature of actual ingame text for your meme purposes
I dont really know why you copy paste this image as if it actually says something
Is Maya's slag orb worth a shit at all? I'd rather save the points for other trees if I can just use a slag weapon.
Athena is a fucking monster. Throwing aspis that bounces to 4 other targets while creating elemental explosions. Plus the other skill modifyers she has such as airborne ele dmg or the 40% increased dmg in ffyl
you're just mad because you know it's spot on
bordermemes aside this is fucking radical box art
i may even say badass
I tried to with the enhanced version of 1 coming out but boy oh boy that game is still as empty, boring and clunky as ever. Everything about it screams "test run".
I couldn't take it and just went ahead to 2 and TPS again.
not feeling the roses but yeah, the middle is great. Too bad physical copies are dead.
It was always a snoozefest regardless of epic
More like Memelands 3. More like Memememe Meme.
Nah I'm disappointed that user buys into a simple observational caricature so much that he copy pastes it across all BL threads he can find as if it does anything.
>for an FPS
maybe you're dsiappointed that your favorite game is such low hanging fruit to begin with.
LMAO XD claptrap is so badass.
>your favorite game
That's the second time you're wrong.
I play all paradox and total war games with controller, as well as diablo 3 and path of exile on pc
Claptrap just got worse and worse with every game. He was funny in BL1, then turned into a condescending asshole calling you minion all the time and acting like he's amazing, I absolute hate him in BL2.
Took the words right out of my mouth
>He was funny in BL1
thank you for making it so easy to disregard your opinion.
also, the line user says isnt even from "that" claptrap but a random NPC unit that needs to be interacted with over and over to spawn it. just fyi
Borderlands is literally Rebbit
It’ll probably continue the downward trend of BL2
I wasn't claiming to respond to that particular quote but Claptrap in general but whatever...
>The writing just got worse and worse with every game. It had some humor in BL1 then turned into a clusterfuck
fixed that for you
Burger, it was dinner time when you made the thread.
I want to _____
I'm not triggered by slapstick humor or lesbian characters like you snowflakes so the writing never really bothered me at all.
I see siren, i play siren (if possible)
see an actual female Siren in BL3 not a tranny
I mean, more alpha than EGS. EGS is built on giving devs power over consumers, only a cuck would desire something like that.
Lick her abs
Will this game have a lot of SJW shit?
Because they deluded themselves into thinking a boring slog is fun by dragging their friends into it
yes, look at battleborn.
>hates claptrap for him being written annoyingly
>the writing never really bother me at all
>implying both those posts are me
Quick! Post your favorite boss from Borderlands franchise.
>hard mode : not Handsome Jack
Well then he is just retarded
None of them are very good.
Good is a broad term.
handsome jack is a stupid annoying character with no redeeming value and some of the worst dialogue ever in any medium.
most are pretty damn bland and don't really do anything that catches you off guard or challenges you. All of them have retard AI so its pretty easy to trick them.
what's better, BL2 Reborn, or Borderlands 2 Unofficial Community Patch?
None of them are memorable, none of them are worth talking about. They're mediocre at best.
Doesn't BL2 Reborn ship with the UCP anyway?
>play br1
>is good enough, nice gameplay, story that's on-the-side enough that you can just disregard it
>play br2
>same nice gampleay but there's a dude fucking talking in the most inane way ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Legit never fucking shuts up for a second.
i'll see how much talking there is in the third one before i buy it
anal fissures
even the one who kills himself by the beginning of fight?
i forgot about that. i still don't know what you're talking about but it sounds vaguely familiar.
Professor Nakayama
BL1 - General Knoxx
BL2 - Badassasaurus Rex
TPS - Felicity
nope. nothing. not ringing a bell at all.
Was Torgue always this much of a faggot or is he just like this in TPS?
>robot identify as "them/they"
>epic store exclusive for 6 months
Every day they give me a new one reason to pirate this shit and don't support them lmao
seething reddit cope that chinks in the board read and laugh
He said similar shit in BL2 dlc.
in 2 he liked subverting the ultra manly man persona by shouting things like
as a punchline to some quests. But the only other instance I can think of in that vein was when he was playing Tiny Tinas game and someone called ingame Moxxi a bitch and he commanded you to punch him so hard he explodes as punishment
pirating is wrong
Shut the hell up retard.
>pirating is wrong
yeah, right.
lmao fuckoff fag
Lazily going through BL1R now. Really am amazed how the game is spoiling me with valuables compared to my first PS3 run where it took me till level 30 to get a worthwhile Orange. Fuck, the Shift bonus itself was far better than those nerf guns you got for preordering the first.
So we've come full circle...
Sage for Viral
Not only that but they last you longer, i had a Volcano that was 11 levels under the enemy average in playthrough 2 and it could still immolate every enemy in 1 or 2 shots
>epic shills
>all these dudes picking chicks
>manlet tears
every time
>Anything can be fun if you do it with friends
this tbqh
She's Salvador levels of strong.
Who here hates Epic?!
Really thought that guy was gone for good until he started shilling his VR chat trolling here.
Sauce? I'm asking for a friend.
>(Whenever I actually try to finish that PoS) Wilhelm/Jack
this but unironically
OPs personal archive
I don't even care that it's EGS exclusive because I'm not a poorfag and can just buy it on PS4.
sup chang, are you posting from the iphone you just made?
i still don't remember that being in the game even after seeing it.
Maya is cute, CUTE!
so game left that little of impact?
yeah i guess. is it in one of the dlcs? i don't think i played them all since i got really bored with the game after the main story.
for me, it's Gaige
DLC for BL2
Sledge had some cool build up but none of the bosses really stood out for me beside him. The fact Rakk Hive was a one time boss still pisses me off.
yeah i probably didn't play it. i did some of them but not all of them.
Nuclear element confirmed
why do you need more than 1?
Is that Cestro?
How does this one screen confirm nuclear element? This was posted in the last thread.
The icon next to player 1's weapon.
did you expect him to become common tier enemy?
Guys I subscribed to that VIP thinggy. What do I get? I'm too retarded to understand. Did they give something yet? or just in the future?
Given you can actually see a few planted down in hibernation, yes. At the very least they could have become optional bosses since they were in very specific locations.
You can enter promo codes they released to get more Golden Keys and some skins but that's about it. Maybe more to come in 3 but who knows?
Right now you can use points to get those shitty Shift keys in BL2 and 1
>outing yourself as a chink
I wish you could turn off the writing of 2. Then the game would be way better.
yeah im a chink
don't you have some pastas to spam, you obsessed mutt?
can't you mute voices, or does that not apply across the whole game?
The Leviathan. Because I was finally done with Scarlet's DLC.
>that one chick whos obv a diversity hire
I was just talking with a friend about him yesterday.
Gave me a sensible chuckle.
I feel old now. I've been here since 2011. It's almost been ten years now.
Why would bother with an insect. Better a canine than an invertebrate
I have seen reports of the new Golden Keys in BL1 conflicting with the 75 keys you get at the start though, so maybe hold off for now.
People have apparently activated the code in that game and their Golden Keys have gone from 75 to 5.
Oops, didn't mean to quote , meant to quote .
Please ignore.
*kills a dog*
*skins it*
*roasts it*
*eats it*
got any problem, wh*te boy?
Might as well save the points for something to unlock in 3 instead of wasting them on the old games for some reason
borderlands was always overrated garbage
*gets eaten by escalator*
*escalator gets eaten by sinkhole*
Fail, chinks eat mutts for breakfast.
Is this mod easy to install? I really want to get back into Borderlands but no way I'm replaying it alone and my only friend who has it is a tech-illiterate, will it be easy for him to install it? You can play online with other people as long as they have it installed right?
i started replaying them when steam had that sale to get all 3 with every dlc for about $20
*gets robbed and shot by niggers*
*soulless 911 lazily tells you he's got an ambulance coming to pick you up*
*get handed a bill as soon as you enter hospital*
*can't pay bill*
*get mortgaged*
*cops storm your house and shoot you for not evicting*
shooting up a lawless planet with completely unrealistic weapons is fun
cant you shoot a real gun if you want realism?
shit thread
Good shooting
Such horrible writing and voice acting and shitty story that it makes me despise playing it despite being fine gameplay wise.
*posts winnie the pooh*
*gets abducted by unknown bugmen and is never heard from again*
in your dreams, muttnik.
go on, spam a bunch of winnies, it's fun watching you "people" obsess over us this hard. it feels great being on top.
Exactly, or save them for the rumored new content in BL2 in case it's worth it.
Based Chinanon BTFO'ing pathetic Steamcel
OHNONONONO the absolute chinkoid cope! I'm not even American but keep coping. Try not to run over any small children on the way to your sweatshop, Xao.
>he's having a meltdown all the captchas and bans he went through spamming pastas aren't doing shit and chinks are laughing at him while he gets cucked out of games by epic store
you are so pitiful but i don't feel sad for you.
Thankfully we will get to play it soon
BL2, still fun to play
>i was reluctant about buying bl3 at launch because of gearbox dlc history
>epic exclusivity is revealed
guess i will pirate it
Sorry I'm not enough of a hero to take a ban just to purge the chinks but I do respect all of the pasta spamming chink removers on Yea Forums. Also I wouldn't exactly call it getting cucked since I can always pirate but I'm not even gonna waste my time pirating Memelands, sorry Cheng.
Posting my loadout:
>Siren, always
If the game plays like Borderlands 1:
>1-- Maliwan SMG with fire + ice combo
>2-- Cov infinity ammo full-auto shock pistol
>3-- Torgue sticky explosive shotgun
>4-- Hyperion caustic assault rifle with shield ability
If the game plays like Borderlands 2:
>1-- Cov infinity ammo full-auto shock pistol
>2-- Hyperion non-elemental SMG
>3-- Vladof caustic full-auto sniper rifle with additional gun barrels
>4-- Cov infinity ammo explosive multi-shot rocket launcher
Awful meme franchise that should stay dead desu
>chink removers
stay delusional mutt
Why is the writing always bad in these games? The gameplay is fun but the dialogue almost ruins it.
You shoot the things and get the loot so you can shoot stronger things
Why do they make the Sirens so fucking hot without a third person mode? Should be illegal
What’s wrong with the writing?
Explain it without buzzwords or other’s opinions you are just latching unto
Is cringe inducing considered to be buzzwords?
>Your favorite Borderlands gun is now sentient and your new wife
What kind of wife is she, Yea Forums?
Not really, but what exactly about it is cringe inducing? Claptrap who everyone hate? Or the absurd insane people of Pandora?
The writing might annoy you but that doesn’t make it bad writing
>implying it matters in a casual FPS like Borderlands
>Muh writing
I swear, if Duke Nukem 3D was released today, you all would be crying about the quality of the writing.
Relax and have some casual dumb fun once in awhile. It's what video games are for.
>Duke is on the same level of epic badass queerbox writing
Whatever you say Randy
How do I get over my social anxiety and play this game with random people?
Do you really think that this youtube.com
There's nothing wrong with the writing in Duke 3D.
Hey I don't mean to interrupt whatever you're talking about, but I'm a lesbian.
Because it’s an absurd universe where everyone has gone insane? Also Torque is funny as fuck, recently played the Dragonkeep DLC for BL2 and he is hilarious. Should probably play his DLC again
Did you blow up the ocean, user?
Anybody got the this is fine claptrap?
That screencap about how dialogs are written in Borderlands 2 illustrates the problem quite well
Most characters just can't shut the fuck up, it's a constant blabbering of "ironic" and 'humourous" statements, it's really hit or miss, I'll be lying if I don't find some moment amusing but it's really unbearable after the 5 playthrough (knowing that you have to do 3 playthrough on average per characters if you want to try them all to their full abilities) the writing really don't shine.
It's also a matter of setting, Borderlands 1 wasn't a masterpiece of writing but it's atmosphere and dark humour feels much more adequate than the constant memes and references in Burch writing
Lmao just got through that part and feel bad for the big guy being in stocks now. Fuck Lillith that bitch
Fuck off Randy
could be a police robot
gaige said that were designed was ripped off
so you dont have to respec your points every time you wanna play a different build
You need to lighten up because BL2 is way more fun in its writing and humor. You will realize that when you eventually have sex and get that stick out your butt.
shes perfect
have sex
LOL I LOVE EPIC MEMES! omg a minecraft reference so epic and badass!!!
bonerfart!!!!!!! xD
i guess Hank Reiss
i like the macaroni hat
Heavy slavic accented woman ending every direct statement with 'Dalink'. Wants to make love child for the glory of the state.
Is there really a minecraft reference in borderlands 2?
and two of the best guns are dropped by the badass creeper
No way does it have a tiny reference to one of the most successul games ever made? Le holy shieeeet woah
Think Slag is gonna come back?
i hope so
Except Borderlands was actually 100% shilled on Yea Forums by paid marketers when the first came out. It's why these retards spam the words "shill"so much.
I just hope it isn't drowning in pay to win garbage.
I'm playing the first one again and it makes me realize why Call of Duty is so popular.
Goddamn the game feels like clunky dog shit seriously.
>borderlands came out in 2009
Yea Forums wasnt even a board at the time
fuck off newfag
Borderlands has always had shallow gameplay and glaring problems. Every borderlands game is boring past 10 hourams max to anyone who isnt a reddit completionist grindtard.
Damn you’re right
she's very angry and very reliable
I have never played Minecraft and didn't know that. I wonder what other shit I've missed.
What? The first 10 hours are usually the most boring until you get some actual skill upgrades
>it's a constant blabbering of "ironic" and "humorous" statements
So it's basically this board, but in video game form?